The Healed Hearts Podcast

Signed, Sealed, Healed and Delivered, I'm Yours, Lord!

January 26, 2024 Bethany and Codie
Signed, Sealed, Healed and Delivered, I'm Yours, Lord!
The Healed Hearts Podcast
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The Healed Hearts Podcast
Signed, Sealed, Healed and Delivered, I'm Yours, Lord!
Jan 26, 2024
Bethany and Codie

In this episode, we dig into the Scriptures to see what the Word of God says about healing, deliverance, and walking in the fullness of your identity in Christ.

Healing is your portion as a blood-bought child of God. It's time to lay off the old, take hold of the new, and walk in the fullness of our divine nature as sons and daughters!

Matt 10:8
Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.

Matt 10:1
And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean. spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.

Ps 103:2-3
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;

James 5:15
and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

Exodus 15:26
He said, “If you listen carefully to the LORD your God and do what is right in his eyes if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the LORD, who heals you.”

Luke 9:1-2
Then he called his twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases. And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick.

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In this episode, we dig into the Scriptures to see what the Word of God says about healing, deliverance, and walking in the fullness of your identity in Christ.

Healing is your portion as a blood-bought child of God. It's time to lay off the old, take hold of the new, and walk in the fullness of our divine nature as sons and daughters!

Matt 10:8
Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.

Matt 10:1
And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean. spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.

Ps 103:2-3
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;

James 5:15
and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

Exodus 15:26
He said, “If you listen carefully to the LORD your God and do what is right in his eyes if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the LORD, who heals you.”

Luke 9:1-2
Then he called his twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases. And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick.

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 Hey guys, we're back  Cody and Bethany here. Grab a cup of coffee, pull up a chair and join us because you know what time it is. It's time to sit down and have a little chat. So today we're going to talk about healing.  We're going to talk about all the different ways that we walk through healing. We're going to talk about how the Lord heals us in different ways, whether that's physical healing, mental healing, emotional healing, supernatural healing,  and what that really looks like, not only in our experience, but in the Word of God. 

We just ask the Spirit of Wisdom to be here with us today, Lord, and to help you understand And how healing is, let's just expand it a little bit. We see the laying on of the hands, people getting healed, but there's just so much more to healing that I feel like the word really taps into that we need to tap into so we can get a better understanding.

So we're just going to read some scriptures here because this is what the Lord laid on our heart for you guys. Some of you are going to get healed today. Some of you are going to. Just go through a process of healing with the Lord. And so, yeah, let's just read some of these scriptures. Yeah, they are amazing.

They are powerful Okay, so we're gonna start in the book of Matthew and my goal here is to really show you guys What the Lord says about healing and what is tied in with your healing a lot of times we look at healing You know, it's a one and done God's It says by his stripes. We are healed. Yes, we are healed, but we have to read the other part of the scripture.

We have to look at the scriptures in context in what God is saying. We have to take it as a whole and. Look at really the patterns that God is forming in the word. So bear with me here. I'm going to read a few of these. Matthew 10, eight says, heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons you receive without paying, give without pay.

Matthew 10 one. And he called to him his 12 disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal every disease and affliction. I want you to look at that. He said, He called to him his 12 disciples. He gave them authority to what  over unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal every disease and every affliction.

Therefore, sometimes these  diseases and afflictions.  Are the result of what unclean spirits. Psalms 1033 says, who forgives all your iniquity and heals all your diseases. What does he do first? He forgives your iniquity, then he heals your diseases. Acts 1038, how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth.  I can't even say that word.

Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil for God was with him. He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil. Think about that. He healed those who were oppressed by the devil.  He's talking about oppressions that he's talking about demons and yes, and he's talking about those who the oppression was causing.

The infirmity or the sickness or the disease james 5 15 and I know everybody knows the scripture or James 5 14 everybody knows it says call for the elders of the church to lay hands on the sick He will recover james 5 15 says and the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick and the lord will raise him up And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven Look at how many times in the word he attaches oppression of the devil unclean spirits and sin To your healing. 

It's everywhere. Exodus 15 26 says if you will diligently listen to the voice of the Lord your God and do that which is right in his eyes, give ear to his commandments and keep all his statutes. I will put none of the diseases on you that I put on the Egyptians for I am the Lord your healer.  Luke 9 1 through 2 and he called the 12 together and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and you.

To heal. Guys, I want you to let this sink in today and get ahold of this because our healing is attached to both our sin and oppression of the devil.  If we can't take a look at the experiences that we're going through in our lives right now, the suffering in our body, the suffering in our mind, the suffering in our emotions, the suffering in our families, if we cannot stop and look at that and say, Lord. 

Where is my sin? Where is this pattern of thought that I am walking in that the enemy has license over me that he has a place where he can attack me where I have given him a foothold in my life that this is happening. Now, I'm not saying everybody walking around is that has, you know, affliction is walking in willful sound.

Not saying that at all. What I'm saying is, can we Look at the word of God. Evaluate what he's saying and say, okay, Lord, I need healing. Show me where my part in my  infirmity is so that I can have my sins forgiven. I can repent for that. I can turn away and I can receive the healing no matter where that is.

We constantly see things happen to us and we want to take that victim mentality of, oh, they're attacking me. They're doing this. I'm going through this because of them. I'm talking more focused on the oppression part, but we have to be able to say. Is there anything  that I can change? Is there any thing that I can do different?

Is there a thought process or something that, that I just  have such this  pointing of a finger when really there's three fingers pointing back at you and the Lord, a lot of times He's not looking at the other person. No,  he's not. I was gonna tell you, he's holding out a mirror and he's going,  here, let's look at what you got going on.

Let's look at what I'm trying to refine in you. What character traits I'm trying to renew. He says he's the one. Who restores us we have to go through that restoration process and we have to be responsible for our own sin Absolutely, and and I know a lot of times we look at people and we can  maybe a homosexual or Transgender all these people want to see all this external sin But they don't realize that if you look inside it's worse than the external.

We condemn other people because we can see their sin. That's a lot of my testimony. I didn't do a lot of the external things that people would have looked at me and been like, Oh man, she's a sinner. But there were In my heart, there was pride.  A lot of people, sometimes you can see pride, sometimes you can't.

Yeah. Sometimes it's very hidden. Sometimes there's things in your heart, judgment. For me, I was really quiet. I actually had a lot of sin in my heart where I judged other people and I was I was walking in pride and I wanted to put myself first. This is just the simplest example, but I used to do this and the Lord really convicted me and he showed me this in my heart.

And this is just a very small portion of what all he took me through, but. I used to fix plates for my family  and I would always make sure that my plate had the best piece of chicken.  This is how awful I was on the inside, but nobody knew. You know what I'm saying? I, my husband, like when I told my husband, I used to do that.

He was like, did you really  think about it? That was sin. Because I was like, I want the best. Yeah, come on. I want the best plate. Come on. I don't, and I was so selfish. Okay. You're giving me conviction over not letting my kids steal my food. All right.  But yeah, so for me, it was like, those were the areas and all of our friends that hear this, they'll probably be shocked because I was such the server.

I was such the, I'm, I do for everybody else, all of that, I really did, I had that external servanthood and just love and all the things, but when the Lord started saying, Hey, I got you a gift, it's a mirror. Yeah.  Look at it. Look at it. Yeah. So I had to, but when I started looking at what was my real heart posture,  what was the real heart posture of why I was doing that?

Why was I trying to get the best plate for dinner? Because I had pride. Yeah. Because it was all about me. It was self serving. Selfishness. Come on. You know what I mean? And but I put on a really good act externally and this yes, he'll heal you. I've been healed from my gestational diabetes and things like that when I was pregnant and I've seen so many things fall off of my life.

Just because I chose to allow the Lord to sit with me and evaluate my heart and say  Yeah, but you're the intentions of your heart really weren't right. And you know what? I love that you say that because the Bible says that the heart is deceitful above all else. So even when we look at our, or we evaluate ourselves and we don't allow the Lord to really expose those things and bring those things up, I can sit here and say, no, I  Don't feel that way.

I don't think that way. I do want this. I do want that. I do want to serve. I do want to love. I do want to be a servant of the Lord, but I can also deceive myself and I can also sit there and put on a false humility and say, no, I'm not like that. And I don't want to do that. But the reality is that only God  knows the intentions in the hearts of men.

We cannot discern the hearts of men, only He can do that. So, we can't, we absolutely can't. So, we have to sit with the Lord, we have to be willing to say, Lord, okay,  expose in me those things. That are not pleasing to you, God, that hold, not just that, but that hold me back from what you have for me, show me how what I'm doing is hazardous to my health, is crippling my walk with you, is bearing bad fruit, maybe not where I can see it, but bad fruit in that I'm walking in dysfunction.

I've got issues in my heart, in my mind, in my life, in my health. I feel this really strong about health. I don't know what it is that I just feel the Lord really highlighting this about health. We walk around in these fleshly bodies and we walk around in pain and I work in physical therapy. I deal with pain every day, all day.

And I can tell you that 90 percent of what I do is teaching people how to think. I teach people how to think about what their bodies can do, what they need to do, what is right, what is healthy, what is beneficial, and to change their language about what they speak over themselves. They'll walk around saying, I have this diagnosis and I have this problem and I have this issue and I have this dysfunction.

I have this anxiety and they not only name it. But they claim it. It's the opposite of the name it, claim it thing, right? Where everybody knows that the negative of that, but we do that with our bodies. We do that with our health and we have to stop partnering with what our, we are experiencing as this is normal and this is acceptable.

And this is my lot in life. And we have to say, Lord, where am I walking in dysfunction in my heart? That is manifesting in my body. Show me my unhealthy patterns, not just in my eating and my exercise and my water intake. But show me in my heart because the things of your heart, I promise you, they manifest in your body.

When I ask a patient, talk to me about your daily routine, talk to me about what you're going through and they'll say, I have this fear or I have this problem or I have this issue in my relationship. And they begin to expose some of the heart things. And nine out of 10 times it's carrying over into a physical manifestation in their body.

Physical pain, heart pain can equal physical pain. Yeah. It's pain science. So, Really stopping to say, okay, Lord, is there really something there besides just my body decides it doesn't want to work anymore, or I've reached a certain age that everything just stops working. I don't believe that's true. I don't.

I believe that we accept it as truth. We accept it because it's so widely accepted in our culture. But what does God say? What does the word of God say about healing?  What does it say? What is the price of our, of our healing?  There's a story I read the other day talking about the pool of Bethesda. And there was a man who was 38 years lame laying by the pool of Bethesda.

And he says the angels would come and stir the water. And when Jesus came to him, he bypassed every man in that courtyard. And he walked up to that man and he said, will thou be made whole? And the man said, yes, but, yes, but Lord, there's no one to put me in the water. He said, do you want to be well? Do you want to be well?

Or do you want to be lame? What do you want? What are you willing to come after? The woman with issues of blood for 12 years.  She clawed her way through every single person in that crowd and she said, if I can just touch the hem of his garment. And it makes me so emotional because I think about How many times I've been that woman, if I can just touch the hem of his garment, if he's made whole, like there is healing in his presence.

There's healing when we're willing to stop and lay down our own desires, our own ones, our own sins, our own junk, and just say, God, what do you want? What can I do? What can I give you? What is the sacrifice that you want from my life? That I can walk in the promises that you've given me.  Wow.  What are we willing  to lay it down? 

Or do we just love it so much  we just need to surrender?  Yeah, come on. We need to surrender whatever the price.  The lady with the blood, she was determined.  Nothing was stopping her. Nothing. Nothing. And you know the beauty of that story?  Is the moment she touched him, he knew it immediately. He said, who touched me?

It wasn't who touched me. It was who laid hold of the promise. Who took hold of me and said, I know that my healing is in you. My healing is in you. Is in the hem of your garment. My healing is in your presence. It's in your touch. Can we get to his presence? Can we get to him? Can we touch him? Can we touch him?

I just feel that  the Lord just wants  you,  but we so put man in his place.  And we need to just not look to man, even doctors. I'm not saying doctors are bad because they're great and they, the Lord uses positions all day, all day, every day. Yes. Don't make them a priority.  Yeah, they don't have your healing.

Get a word and think about the encounter.  Think about her life forever changed. Yeah. She was never the same again. Yeah. Never. Amen. Because  she so desired to touch. The presence of God, the,  and like you said, he said, who touched me? He's, it says that he felt the power go from him, release from his body on to her.

She had to reach out. Yeah. She went after him. She had to go crawling, probably getting her hands stepped on. Like how many people would just say, Hey, it's just not my day. Yeah. God's just decided he's going to wait. Think about this too. I love this woman's story and I keep going back to this  just for her to be in the presence of those people because she had the issue of blood.

She was completely ostracized. She was. Determined unclean. She was not allowed to be in the presence of other Jews. Like she was put out of the ceremonial unclean and she was just unclean. She had to bathe in the river. She was not allowed to even be around those people. She risked her life. She risked everything that she had to go after him.

You want to talk about a sacrifice, the sacrifice that she faced.  I'm sure her greatest fear of if this doesn't work, I might be stoned to death. She laid her life down and risked it.  Because she knew she was willing to take a chance  to meet him and to touch him. And I just think about that. What is the one thing that we can lay down today?

What is the one thing that I even believe so strongly that those that are listening to this podcast right now. That the Lord has already begun to highlight in your heart, what's something that is standing between you and your relationship with him, that he's already stirring you and saying that right there.

That thing right there. I've been asking you about that thing. I've been talking to you about that thing. I've been knocking on the door of your heart about that one thing, because that thing right there is stopping you from getting into my presence. That thing right there, whatever that thing is right now, I want you to lay it down.

I want you to say, Lord, Lord, Lord,  I am placing this thing on the altar before you. Not only am I going to get on this altar as a living sacrifice Lord, but I'm going to lay down the thing that is crippling me in my walk today. That thing that is stealing time, that is stealing your affection,  that is stealing the opportunity for me to truly come boldly into your presence and into your throne because it's competing with you. 

Yeah.  Got to lay it down. We got to lay it down.  And I, like you said,  you already know, Yeah, he's already highlighted it. He's brought it to your memory. If you even had a thought that was God, that wasn't just some fuzzy feeling. Some people were like, oh, I just had this gut feeling. No, your gut feeling is the Holy Spirit. 

No, listen to the gut feeling. Listen to the thought that says, as soon as you said,  there's a thing, boom, there it was. Yeah, whatever that was.  Yeah. And he's so madly  in love with us. Yes, he so is. But sometimes there's just things that we put in the way that, that he's, he wants us to get rid of. And so we just really need to take that next step  in our relationship with the Lord, go to the next level.

Um,  a lot of people don't like the phrase pay the price because they think Jesus paid the price for it all. And he did. He did. He prayed the price for your freedom. Yes, but he said, take up your cross and follow me. And his price that he paid was a picture of the price that he would call us to pay because he said, just in my sufferings, you, we will suffer.

Count it all joy, the present sufferings, to have suffered with Christ. That was the model that we were to follow. We will have to pay a price. We will have to lay things down. We will have to take up our cross and follow him.  But think of what we gained.  Think of what you gain. Will thou be made whole? It is.

Wholeness is for you. It is for you. It's not halfness. It's not a half. It's not a part. We can experience the fullness of joy and peace and love in this life right now. Yeah. If we are willing. If we are willing. Yeah, what this doctrine that we are waiting to die to go to heaven to get to get the healing and get stop.

No, stop that. That's the glorified body. But healing is for today. We will step into the fullness. Yeah, but you can have health now. You can have healing now. You can have deliverance now. Deliverance is healing. Yes, you can have freedom now. Now, it's not something that we're waiting to die. No!  Today! You die to live.

Die now, in your flesh. So that you can live. And live. Yes. He says, can these dry bones live? Yes. Yes. Every dry bone, I command it to rise right now in the name of Jesus. Flesh come upon the bones, the breath of God, Holy Spirit. I ask that you would breathe into your people right now in the name of Jesus  and that they would live,  live in Jesus name.

Life,  no more walking in death. No more walking in these ridiculous. Unclean spirits, stop giving the enemy license over your health, over your life. I just got this fire in me now. I was just sitting here so calmly and now step out of the tomb, step out of the tomb. Jesus, it says that you partnered with Jesus in his death. 

Now partner with him and resurrect and  walk out of the tomb. Yes. Amen. Walk out of the tomb, this doom and gloom, this oh, poor pitiful. Stop. Stop it.  Amen. Amen. Just. Yes. Our pastor said yesterday, look up. Yeah. Look, stop looking down and look up at Jesus. I love it. I just keep getting scriptures in my head.

Every time you talk, it's look up and see the salvation of your Lord. Like  healing is for today. Deliverance is for today. It's all for today. If we have the faith enough to believe it. And so many of these scriptures, as I read in the beginning, talk about your faith has made you whole, your faith has made you well.

Do you have faith that God not only wants to heal you, but that he's willing to heal you? What is the scripture where he says the blind man comes to Jesus and he says, are you willing? And Jesus says, I am willing. I am willing. I am willing. If you're willing,  but healing comes.  But he had to walk up to Jesus.

As a by product, as a by product of these other things. Forgiveness. Forgiveness of sin. Repentance. The oppression that comes with it, like laying off of the old man and the new man. I was actually looking for that scripture a second ago about How he says, putting off of the old man and putting on of the new man.

I think it's in Matthew. No, it's in Ephesians. It's in Ephesians. The one you showed me, Ephesians 4, 23. He talks about in that whole passage of Ephesians, he says, we are to lay off the old man. It's all about the old works of the flesh. We are to put on the new man. When we walk in the new man, we walk in healing.

We walk in freedom. We walk in life. We're not bound by those things.  And two, let's expand old man. Mm hmm. Not just your flesh, your old heart. Get rid of it. Your old thoughts. Your old emotions. Yeah. Your old emotions. Your old reactions. Your old Hold on. Get rid of the old man. I think we so want to be like, oh, let's just die to the flesh and not do the flesh leave it.

No.  Get rid of the old heart, get rid of the old  eyes, get rid of your old ears, your old mouth, your mouth that talked dirty, that cursed you, cursed other people, like, yeah, come on, get rid of that stuff, get the, the whole old man, like. All of it. If your hands text gossip, put the old man to death, cut your hands off, get rid of them.

Yes. What did Paul say? Paul said, I put my flesh to death daily, daily. I crucify my flesh daily. Here's the thing that I want to tell you guys that,  that helped me so much in my walk.  I remember the Lord once told me, he said  every day, You make a choice.  You make a choice to die or you make a choice to live.

Okay. Sometimes they're the same.  Sometimes you make a choice to die to your old man and live in the new man. Some days you choose to live in the old man  and never step in to the new man. But every day you have a choice. He says, my mercies are new every morning. Do you know why your mercies are new every morning?

Because every morning you have to make a choice to put that flesh on the altar. And that flesh has to be crucified. That flesh suit. Is waiting for you every day. It's on that hook. It's waiting. Are you going to pick it up? Are you going to pick it up? Are you going to leave it there and you're going to put on your robe of righteousness and walk in the fullness  Of what god has called you to be you are the righteousness of christ The word of god said we are the righteousness of christ.

Are you going to walk in it? Are you going to put on that robe of righteousness and walk in your authority? As a son and a daughter in an heir of the most high  leave your flesh On that hook and you walk away from that flesh every day, his mercy and his grace will be there for you. Waiting for you.

Surely mercy and goodness will follow me every day of the rest of my life. It sure will. Because every day you're going to make that choice. So what choice are you making today? Following flesh though.  Lord, I feel it on you today.  I just, yeah, I feel such a fear of the Lord. Do it. Let's do it. Yeah, just do it.

Just like do guys.  Your healing is available.  You just have to reach out and grab it. Mm hmm,  but sometimes  You gotta fight for it.  You gotta fight devils for it. Yeah,  and it's usually the ones in your mind  Yes, if he can get you in your mind With unbelief or doubt unbelief and doubt is sin. Mm hmm That's what Paul said.

Anything apart from faith is sin. That's what Paul says. Your sin could be that simple. Mm hmm. Unbelief. Mm hmm.  We want to believe  on Jesus,  but we don't want to believe in Jesus. We believe the cross,  but I think so many times  We stopped there hold up the power within the cross is the resurrected Christ.

It's Christ crucified, but the power of the resurrection. Yeah. Okay. We definitely going to talk about that on a podcast for sure. We're trying not to make these too long because we want you guys to be able to listen to them and. We want you to encounter Jesus. That's all really. So let's pray and Lord  touch your people. 

Holy spirit. Thank you.  Thank you that you've already given them the thing that's standing in the way.  And I just pray that each one of you, I just see each one of you just  reaching down and grabbing that stumbling block, that stumbling stone  and it's dark. It's black. Some are gray. I see different colors.

Some are khaki.  Some are not quite white. Flesh. Woo! It's not that you need to turn completely from your sin, you just need to make two degrees back the right way. Come on. And I just see Just Right now. I want you to just envision yourself picking up that stone  and over to your right. I see the sea of forget forgetfulness Yeah, forgetfulness.

Yes where the Lord says I have thrown it into the sea  Never to be remembered ever to be remembered again. Come on Lord says but I need you to pick it up. Come on Yes, I already I'm standing right here. I'm with you. I've never left you, but I need you to reach down, pick that stone up,  and I want you to just  Throw it as far as you can, if it, if you're like me and you take a big chunk and it falls right in front of you, then walk over there and pick that thing up again and give it another shot and throw it into that sea.

And the Lord says, I will never remember it again. Oh my Jesus. Don't let the enemy remind you of it because I have forgotten it. Yes. Pick it up and throw it away. Get rid of it. Come on, Jesus. Yes. Thank you. Holy spirit. I just thank you for freedom. Amen. I thank you for healing. Amen. I just see that picture of David.

What is the one where the fingers are touching?  He's touching the painting. I just see that like, just touch him. Yeah. Just one little touch. Yes. Amen. Thank you Lord for that. I do want to say that I, I did. See last night as I was praying for this podcast, I saw that there was somebody that was really battling arthritis. 

Actually saw that this was an oppression of the devil on your life and it's an oppression upon you But it's an oppression upon the calling on your life the gifting that that the lord has given you And so I just saw that there was somebody that had It was almost like arthritis in their hands, but it was starting to flow up to their elbows and it was a crippling type arthritis.

And I just saw the Lord just as soon as you just touched his hands and held his hands, it completely left. So arthritis just go now in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus be healed.  And I just saw that the Lord said that these hands will heal. Amen. These hands will heal. So just.  Set your hands out before you right now, if that's you, and just receive that from the Lord.

You've, you've always had this gift. I feel like maybe you used it before, um, but the enemy is trying to  subdue it, I guess you could say. Um, but the Lord says no. He says, you're called to heal, to touch my people, to be the touch of Christ, to be the hands of Jesus, that when you touch people, it's not your hands touching them, it's my hands touching them, says the Lord.

And so I just thank you, Lord, for this healing, for the restoration of this gift. I just for the restoration of this gift. So I just encourage you the Lord is going to give you an opportunity this week to lay hands on someone and heal them And so just step into that but also too I want to say this and the Lord told me this  Don't say I have arthritis, don't claim that upon yourself.

Holy Spirit, I just ask that right now, every time that sentence or that declaration comes out of their mouth, that you will convict them of that and retrain that process in their tongue to not speak that, to not speak death over even themselves. Self. And so I just ask Holy Spirit that you would guide them and lead them into being able to renew their tongue in that area. 

Thank you, Lord. Anything you got. Yeah. I just want to, I want to speak to the strongholds. A lot of times the strongholds need healing. So I just want to speak to every stronghold. Every thought process that is hindering the healing of God coming forth in each and every one, I just commend it be broken now in Jesus name.

I call forth the mind of Christ upon everyone that is listening. That you begin to hear, to speak, and to think like the Lord. That the word of God would come alive in you. The deposits that God has already placed within you would come alive and come forth out of you. That the word of God would bubble up inside of you and you would begin to speak forth the mysteries of the kingdom of God.

That you would begin to prophesy  the scriptures of God, that you would begin to speak life over your circumstances, over your children, over your workplace, over your environments, everywhere that you go, that you would begin to speak life over you. That the life of Christ in you would become active, an active voice that would begin to bear fruit in the barren places.

I call for that fruit that has been dormant in you to come out and come alive and to bear in this season. I know it's cold outside, but in the cold, when those roots are driving deep into the ground, this is where nourishment comes. This is where God is beginning to prepare you for the fruit that will spring forth in the spring season.

So I just call that fruit to come out. I call that pruning to come. I call those strongholds to be broken. I call those emotions to be looked at, to be evaluated, all those places that God has been saying, Hey, I want you to look here. Hey, I want you to see this. Hey, I want to deal with that. I just call for each and every one to have the boldness.

To have the, yeah, the courage to look and to say, okay, God, I'm willing to look at it. As long as you'll walk me through this, Lord, I need your help. And I just call each one to that place. And I thank you, Holy spirit. I thank you God that you are going to bear the most beautiful and bountiful fruit.  In this season and not just speak that blessing over each and every one that you will know That the voice of your savior you will know The word of god that word of god will come forth out of you and you will bear witness  to jesus And his life in you in jesus name.

Amen. Amen all hidden things  Be revealed in jesus in jesus name. Holy spirit. Thank you for the revealing  of the things  That each person  needs to throw their rock and see if we  just thank you guys. We love y'all so much. The Lord is man. He's amazing. I can't thank him enough  for what he's doing.  It is a joy and an honor to partner with every one of you.

And I know we hear. We hear stories all the time. I get phone calls and emails and text messages of how this, these messages are touching you guys and really just sharing our hearts with you. We're not out here trying to beat you over the head with it. We're really just sharing our heart and really testifying of the goodness of God has been in our lives and we want to share that.

We want to share Him with the world.  If you are enjoying this, if this is ministering to your heart, if you want to partner with us, there is, we will share the website. We have an email. The email is thehealedhearts at gmail. com. Send us a message, send us an email, send us your testimony, reach out to us.

You can find us on almost every streaming platform. We're on YouTube now, where I encourage you to like, to share, to subscribe. Drop us a comment. Let us know. Hey, guys, like I'm enjoying this. Just reach out and connect with us because we want to connect with you. We want to pray for you. We want to partner with you in prayer.

We love you. And we're here for you. We're going to be here every Friday. If you have questions, if you have requests, if you have topics that you want us to talk about, if you have situations or circumstances you're going through that you just want some help with or, or, yeah, we'd Anything we are here.

We're here for you. We love you. And yeah, we can't wait to be with you again. Share your testimonies of your healing. I just man, I know so many people got healed just through this message because when the Holy Spirit gives a message on healing. He heals. Yes. Amen. That's what he does. And he's so good at that.

So send us your testimony. We want to know. Testify. Testify of his goodness. We want to glorify the Lord. Yes. And you do that through your testimony. Amen. We want to give him all the glory that we can. We want to thank him. So just.  Share. Yeah. We, we wanna hear from you guys. Yeah. And thank you for the ones who have shared, who have reached out.

Mm-Hmm. , thank you for all the support. Yes. It has really been amazing to just have all of people behind us, people that didn't even know supported us. Yes. We're like, wow. Yes. Great. So that's really encouraging. Thank you guys for the ones who have already standing with us. Yes. So we love you guys. We will see you next week.

Yes. Okay. Bye. Bye.