The Healed Hearts Podcast

Forgiveness is the Currency of Heaven

February 02, 2024 Bethany and Codie
Forgiveness is the Currency of Heaven
The Healed Hearts Podcast
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The Healed Hearts Podcast
Forgiveness is the Currency of Heaven
Feb 02, 2024
Bethany and Codie

Forgiveness is the key to walking in freedom. Not only can we receive forgiveness for sin, but we are REQUIRED, according to the Word, to give it. 

Tune in to hear what the Word of God says about forgiveness and how important it is in the life of believers. 

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Forgiveness is the key to walking in freedom. Not only can we receive forgiveness for sin, but we are REQUIRED, according to the Word, to give it. 

Tune in to hear what the Word of God says about forgiveness and how important it is in the life of believers. 

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 Hey guys, it's Codie and Bethany back again, Friday morning, grab a cup of coffee, pull up a chair, and join us because today we're going to follow up last week's podcast where we talked about healing and the power of the touch of Jesus in our lives. And we're going to follow that up with forgiveness.

Yes. Come on. And how forgiveness plays into us maintaining Our healing, I love what you we were talking about this earlier before we started and you said forgiveness.  The currency of heaven. Yes. So good. Think about that. Jesus paid for our sins. He paid for our healing. He paid for it all with forgiveness.

Forgiveness is the currency of heaven. Wow. Like I've never heard that before. And That's just so true.  Absolutely. Both what we received and what we in exchange give. Yeah. There's so many scriptures on forgiveness and I'm just going to start it off.

I love the word, I'm a word girl. . So I'm going to share a couple of things.  that I found on forgiveness. And then I want to share a little bit more in Matthew as well. So Matthew 15 says, for if you forgive others, their trespasses, your heavenly father will also forgive you.

But if you do not forgive others, their trespasses, neither will your father forgive your trespasses. I believe it's  Colossians 3, 13 says, bear with each other and forgive one another. If any of you has a grievance against someone, forgive as the Lord forgave you.  And then another part in Matthew that I love is the parable of the wicked servant, and it's so powerful.

I'm gonna, I'm actually gonna read it. I know it's a little bit long, but if you'll just bear with me, I think you'll see  what the Lord is speaking. Let's see, Matthew 18 verses 21. Through 35 it says, then Peter came to Jesus and asked, Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me?

Up to seven times, Jesus answered, I tell you, not seven times, but 77 times. Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. As he began the settlement, a man who owed him 10,000 bags of gold was brought to him since he was not able to pay the master order, that he and his wife and his children and all that he had be sold to repay the debt at this.

The servant fell on his knees before him. Be patient with me, he begged, and I will pay back everything. The servant's master took pity on him, canceled the debt, and let him go. But when the servant went out, he found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred  silver coins.

He grabbed him and began to choke him. Pay back what you owe me, he demanded. His fellow servant fell to his knees and begged him, be patient with me and I will pay it back. But he refused. Instead, he went off and had the man thrown into prison until he could pay the debt.  When the other servants saw what had happened, they were outraged and went and told their master everything that had happened.

Then the master called the servant in, You wicked servant, he said, I canceled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. Shouldn't you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had mercy on you? In his anger, The master handed him over to the jailers to be tortured until he should pay back all that he owed. 

In verse 35, this is how my heavenly father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart. I want you to think about that right now. This is the words of Jesus. This is the book of Matthew. This is the New Testament. This is not Old Testament. This is right now. This is the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

If we cannot forgive, neither can our Father in Heaven forgive us. It is so important. That we release those grievances, we release that forgiveness, just as Jesus has forgiven us and released forgiveness to us. He just says, come, all of you come and I'll forgive you, right? On the cross, when he was dying,  he said, forgive them, Father, they know not what they do.

He's, in his last breath he's offering forgiveness to the ones who are crucifying  him. How much more? Are we to forgive those who  come against us now who say things about us, who come against us, who talk about us, who steal from us, who treat us poorly we're in this cancel culture right now.

We're in this culture where we're about drawing boundaries and setting limits and not allowing people to steal our peace and to, all these things. And I'm not saying that there are not biblical boundaries. Hear me when I say that I am not discounting a biblical boundary where God. Yeah, is creating separation for certain things.

What I'm saying is  we have to be willing to forgive  those.  Who hurt us who persecute us who are out to destroy us. We have to forgive the person and see the spirit for what it is and be willing not to let those grievances and those offenses and those bitterness is take root in our hearts because ultimately it's just like you said on the very first podcast. 

God is coming back for a spotless bride, and that spotlessness is in our hearts, it's not going to stop them from coming at us from attacking us, from speaking against us, from, devising schemes and plans to hurt us, but it holds us. So the Bible's giving us a sense in regard with Jesus that, we're not holding those offenses against them.

We're able to release that and walk in freedom and walk in peace and really allow the Lord to justify us that we don't justify  our sins that allow him to bring judgment and bring justice for us. Yeah, I love that. And the words of Jesus, this is how my heavenly father.

I  will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister. From your heart. Yes, I love that. He says from. Your heart. I feel like there's so many times. Oh yeah. We forgive them.  Yeah. Yeah. But I'm not gonna call them or talk to them or. And again yeah, have boundaries don't continue to be around somebody who is  Abusive,  but  forgive them from your heart.

 It's hard to forgive sometimes  it's hard.  The Lord actually allowed  me to go through a season where I was attacked a season where I was stoned. And a season where  I just had to battle that, but he allowed that because he wanted to establish that foundation of love in my heart.

And it was a fight. I remember being so hurt crying.  In such pain because I had shared my heart. I had poured it all out. , my heart posture was to help and to, to partner and, and I just got. Beat up , and that was hard for me. I remember laying in the bed, I had no one no one answered the phone. I think my husband was outta town.  It was,  the hardest time of my life. . But in that moment, I encountered.  The comfort of the Holy Spirit. I actually was like laying in my bed, fetal position, so hurt.   The power of God came over me because I said, I will not carry unforgiveness.

 Lord. I will press through, I will pray for this person. I will bless them. I actually began to every day, bless that person, cover them in prayer. And then I extended to their family and just everything their hand touched. Lord, I bless it.

Like I began to  bless this person, not just the person, but  their household, their ministry, their everything that they touched, Lord bless it. Let me be the one that, that  blesses when I'm cursed or blesses when I'm like, I had such a,  I was like this bullheaded, like devil. 

You aren't taking the kingdom of God from me. And I refuse to walk in unforgiveness.  And I remember that being the hardest, but it taught me to love.

Yeah, it does. It taught me to love those who persecute me. And there were so many times that I said, Lord, forgive them for they know not what they do. And they're not coming against you. They're coming against the kingdom of God. And the Lord says, they have not rejected you. They have rejected me.

And I knew all of those things and I even had all the scripture but it still was so hard. Like the, probably one of the hardest things I've ever done. But the encounter with Jesus  and the forgiveness  I encountered the heart of God  I would do it again.

Yeah, come on. I would do it again over and over and over again. And we do have to do that a lot of times and it's still 70 times. It's still hard. Yeah. But it doesn't make it any easier. But I knew.  That no one,  no devil, no one was going to take the kingdom of God from me. And that scripture says. 

You don't forgive. You will not be forgiven. You will not. Yeah. Walk into the kingdom of God. Like you can't even read letters. I don't care how many sinner prayers you prayed. . I don't care how many times you went to church, that will keep you out. I don't care.  He don't care. It is so plain and bold.

Jesus came to forgive us of our sins. If we can't forgive, we will not inherit the kingdom of God. That's right. That's right. So many people are like I can't forget. You need to find out how. Yeah. Yeah, I love that you said that. I want to go here next because I can't tell you how many times that I've talked and I've ministered with people who have said I don't know how to forgive, , how do you forgive someone that's hurt you and hurt you to a level that, deep now, I'll tell you, I shared a little bit about mine.

I didn't get in deep on my story, but, there was a lot of abuse. There was a lot of hurt, a lot of hurt, and I have ministered to women in, in Birmingham when I was partnering with the city of lights and some of the other celebrate recoveries and other ministries. That deal a lot with addiction and abuse and they pull women off the streets and to hear some of their stories about what they've gone through.

And,  the beauty of that is some of those women are  so eager to forgive because who's been forgiven much forgives more and talking to them and hearing their stories.  The things that they had to walk through and their willingness to still walk in forgiveness. And that's 1 of the 1st things that the Lord  dealt with me on, healing can be in layers.

We talked about healing, especially emotional healing and heart healing can really be in layers. And  I remember when the Lord sat me down to really start going through forgiveness in my previous marriage once I was out of it.  It was really hard. Even, it was hard  I changed my phone number.

I moved to a different city. , I completely, it was like that didn't exist anymore. And I just completely left everything. The Lord took me through that season and  I had to face that and my forgiveness. I know a lot of people talk about the exercise where they sit the person in the chair and they talk to the person and they tell them what all they did to them and everything.

I couldn't even imagine this space in my mind. Like I was traumatized that even the sight of him triggered my whole body to run like fight or flight was real for me. Paralyzing  fear sometimes even. And I remember when the Lord started walking me through it was I had to forgive many times. It was not just one time.

It was, I had to forgive and then say, okay, I'm letting this go.  And I almost did it in layers of forgiveness in that I forgive, I forgave him for this thing, this part of it. Then I forgave him for doing this. Then I forgave him for that. And then I forgave him for this. And I had to walk through because each one of these aspects of the abuse. 

Ignited something different in me and triggered something different in me. So I had to walk that out. And there were days where it was like.  Why am I doing this again? Why am I having to go through this again? I've already forgiven him.  You'll know that you've forgiven him when you can embrace him.

That's so good. And that right there, I was like, Oh no, that will never happen. I will not, that ain't happening. And not physically embrace, but in my heart, Yeah. I could embrace.  Him as a person and not see him for the torment that he caused me. And I walked that out every day. It was like not in a tormenting way.

I don't want you, I don't want it to come across like the Lord was tormenting me with these memories because he was not, but it was like, he would bring it up and he would say, Bethany, I want to look at this I want you to go through this with me and I want  to talk to you about this.

 He would trigger those emotions in me. And I would feel those emotions and then I would see the Lord holding my hand with me walking me through it. And not only would I see Him in the moment that it happened, but I would see where He was in that moment and I would see myself with the Lord  and I would take the hand of the Lord 

I would forgive Him and I would walk out the door.  And the Lord would lead me out of that place, but I was able to forgive. And once I walked through several of that, now that was, there was a lot. But once I did that, I could see him and I could say truly in my heart, I forgive you. And I could imagine myself embracing him like in a hug, like in my mind, I could hug him and say, I love you.

I pray the best for you. And I release you. I release you from any wrongdoing. I release you from any from any judgment, I release any bit of hold that I have on you over what you did to me. I released you completely. I was able to lay him on the altar and let him go. I was able to truly be free of that.

And  to come back to that later on gosh, it's been, , I  got divorced in like 2019, I think, so I saw a video not too long ago that  his daughter had actually posted, and it was him in the video driving, and he's laughing, and for the first time ever, I was not triggered at all, I did not feel any emotion, I was like, good for him, like really good for him that he's happy, that he's healthy, that he's living his life, that he's taking care of his child That he's walking in whatever he's walking in now, I don't know any of the details, I don't know if he's walking with the Lord.

I'm not saying that, but what I'm saying is my heart  did not  feel any kind of way other than joy and happiness for him. And so I knew.  Okay, God, I know that I'm healed because I can see that when before I would have been like now I can't promise you that if you walked in a room that I would not be like, , okay, I might need to walk in the other direction. . But  truly like healing is a process. And sometimes for me and what I tell people. You know that you're forgiving someone if in your heart and in your mind, you can imagine yourself embracing them and loving them and not feeling anger, resentment, bitterness not feeling any emotion other than love.

Even feeling the , if you flinch at all, if you're not dead, like your flesh is not dead to it. And it. presents itself to you, you get in the room with the person or whatever, and you don't just feel the love of Jesus for that person. Go back. There's times where we're like, , I can't love this person, but you can, and I need you to , love them through me.

I need you to show me your love. For them. And there's so many times where I've been humbled where I thought something, and I said, Lord, show me what you think about 'em. , oh yeah, absolutely. I believe he'll humble you in a heartbeat. Oh yeah, you will. . Because  when you see who they are in the eyes of Christ, that is so key, you can't help but love them.

. And when you know what they're called to, you just know and you're like.  I don't care. And that, that's what Jesus did. Yeah. He was like, man, these are children of my father. . These are my brothers and sisters. He loves them just as much as he loves me.

Absolutely. He sent his son to die for them. Yeah. And even in their sin, he died for them, even in their sin, not in their righteousness. No. Can we get ahold of that? Yeah. He forgave them in their sin. Yeah.  He forgave us in our sin. I love what you said is your heart felt free. When we don't forgive others, we  bind ourselves  we are bound.

Yes. Most people are like, Oh, I'm not going to forgive them. Like you hold the power like. You ain't got that much. You ain't got that much. No, you're binding yourself to them. You're actually hurting yourself. And don't get to the point where you won't forgive. And one day you watch them walk into the kingdom of God and you don't.

Oh. Oh, God. Can you imagine that? Can you imagine getting up there and him saying, Depart from me. I never knew you. I like cast out demons. I ministered. I had all the things, but  you didn't forgive and you watch the person that you held unforgiveness with walk into the kingdom of God. And the Lord says, depart from me.

I never knew you . Don't hold unforgiveness. I want to share just a small little testimony.  My uncle got diagnosed with cancer. He's very young, , and we didn't have the greatest relationship. We did as a kid, but, when you get families and you just grow up and but right before he died, he had cancer and the Lord  impressed on my heart. You got to go talk to him for me and I'm thinking, Lord, I don't even know. What do we, are we ministering? I don't know what we're doing. And I remember the day I asked my brother to come with me because he's a minister as well.,  I just kept hearing unforgiveness.  I didn't know he was holding unforgiveness, and the Lord said it's going to cost him life or death. In other words, I knew that either he was going to walk into the kingdom of God or he was going to walk into the pits of hell.

Oh dear Lord. And the Lord said, I need you to go talk to him for me.  And I said, okay, Lord. And so I went to him that day  and I remember holding his hands.  And I said, uncle,  I feel like there's something you need to release. I feel like maybe there's some unforgiveness is there any body that maybe you haven't forgiven that, you need to forgive?

 And he looked at me and these tears just started coming down his eyes and he was at the stage of cancer where he was. On the verge of not being able to talk.

 I didn't know the enemy was going to try to steal his voice. To be able to repent.  Or confess that. Yeah, confess it. The timing of when the Lord was like, Go now. It was, everything was so ordained and I was like, That's why obedience is so key. And I remember him saying, This one person I've forgiven over and over again in my life. 

And this last time  I just said to myself, he didn't even say this like out loud. He just made up his mind. I just can't forgive her again. I've done it too many times.  I just can't forgive her again. And when he told me that I looked at him and I said.  You have to forgive her.  I said, because you cannot walk into the kingdom of God.

You don't. Yeah, come on. And I saw the tears come down his eyes and I said, I want you to repeat after me.  And we said a prayer of forgiveness.  And he repented and do you know, the very next day  he lost his voice,  he couldn't speak again after that.  And he actually ended up passing away about, I think it was about a week later,  but I knew. 

That at the last moment,  I saw the Lord snatch him. Yeah. From the grips of hell. Come on. And I know that he, I know that he walked into the kingdom of God.  That unforgiveness almost took his life for eternity. Yeah.  And he believed in the Lord. He knew the Lord. Yeah. He, he loved the Lord. 

But it was like, and I'll tell you this about I do want to share this because this is so important. When you forgive,  be prepared  for the comeback.  Because the enemy is going to try to retake that place of offense. It starts with offense. Yeah. He's going to try to come back and say that was my territory before I had it for so long.

Now they've repented and I've lost my territory, but I'm going to try to come back again, usually from the same kind of  thing, but  be prepared and open your eyes to the counterattacks, the ones that. Yeah.  Don't be offended. Like offense is the smallest form of pride. Yes. I remember that don't and pride is the devil.

So That's why I say like I don't care what it takes dead men. Don't flinch.  Yeah,  I don't care what it takes  Forgive yeah, let it go. Even if for the first week you've forgiven your flesh just keep doing it Yeah, just keep doing it. Just keep speaking it just keep prophesying it over yourself.

Yeah, I forgive them  it might take a while for your heart to come into alignment, but just keep Speaking it. Just keep prophesying it.  And I'll say this. Even if  you're saying it, but you don't feel it. And even though you're speaking it, and you're like, I just,  I'm gonna forgive him.

I forgive you. I forgive you. I forgive you. And your heart's not in it.  Pray and ask God to give you the strength to forgive them. God, give me the grace to let this go. Give me the strength and the power to let this go. Because I promise you, God will give you the strength you need to let it go. And not only will he give you the strength to let it go, but he will give you eyes to see the truth.

Because Oftentimes, what you're holding on to is not the person. It's not the person. It's the lie that the enemy has you believing about what happened. Oftentimes, it's miscommunication about intentions. Often, it's our own selfishness that we feel like we deserve to be treated a certain way or we deserve to receive a certain thing or something was owed to us or, it's a selfish thought. 

Or we're owed an apology, like any of those things, it doesn't matter, but if you cannot find it in your heart to forgive, pray and ask God to give you the strength and the power to forgive, because He will, and then ask Him to show you what you cannot see, because He says , if my children will ask me, if you ask for wisdom, He will give it to you abundantly, He said,  when my children ask bread, I will not give them a stone, like He wants to give you these things.

He wants to show you. He wants to bring the spirit of truth and revelation in your life. And, but are we going to ask for it? Are we, think about it. He wants to help you. He told me so many times, Bethany, you have not because you ask not. Yeah. Ask me, there were times I would , I was so deceived in this, but , I'd be like, Lord,  I don't want to ask you for anything.

I just want to be in your presence, which I did want to be in his presence. Okay. And I did not always want to be a gimme. Okay. I think there. times where you just need to sit down and be quiet before the Lord and allow the Lord to speak, but I had gotten so, I don't know if it was a false humility.

It might've been a false humility. It might've just been A beggar's mentality or the mentality I don't want to ask for anything. It's too much for me to ask. I just want to be with the Lord. Like this lowliness ,  not the Lord. Okay. It's 1 thing to bring yourself low before the Lord.

It's another thing to grovel and to feel like you're nothing. That's not the Lord either. And. I can't tell you how many times he said, Bethany, ask me for what you want. What do you want? What do you want from me?  Ask me. Come and ask of me. Yeah. And I'd be like, Lord, I just want to love you. I just want to be in your presence.

I just, and he's you're wasting my time, girl. Ask me for something. Let me do something for you. Yeah, come on. You've done all these things to come before me. You've laid all these things down, you've given all these things up, you've come after me, you've spent all this time in my word. Why are you not taking hold of the promises that I've given you?

Yeah, come on.  We posture ourselves in this  pathetic, like It's lost humility, really. But it's not the Lord. It's like you are a son and a daughter of God. Do I go to my dad and say, Dad, I just, I don't want to ask you for anything.

I'm just, No, I'm like, Daddy, I need your car keys because I ain't got gas in my car. Can I drive your car? Daddy, you got 20 bucks because I just spent my last one. Daddy, can can I, can you hurry up and finish the garage for my studio? Because I would really like to start recording in my garage and not upstairs in my son's bedroom.

I'm just saying. Yeah I'm gonna ask my dad for everything because the worst thing he can say to me is no.  He  doesn't say no, he just says not right now.  Or I got something better. Yeah, exactly. Usually it's something better, and I love where you're like, I don't want to ask you for this and that, and one of the things that I can't stand is like this beating around the bush.

Yeah, just say it already. Don't.  Don't make comments out in the air Just like your kids Mom, do you think maybe if kinda, Just say it. What do you want, child? Just say it. What do you want? Don't, and I feel like the father sometimes is like that with us. He's like, Why?

Just ask me, child. I'm your father I will give you the world. I think about the prodigal son, and the son's you never gave me that, And you never had a party for me, And he's You own it all. Why? You have it. Take it. Throw a party for yourself anytime you want to. Go for it. Who cares, and I love that.  Y'all. Just ask the Lord for help. Yes. So many times we just wait for the Lord to do it or we do it in our own strength. Like we are not that powerful. No. Period. Like we're not. We're vessels of power. We're not the power source. Without the Holy Spirit, we can do nothing.

Nothing. Like nothing. Seriously. We have to just say, he just wants us to say, hey, can you help me? Yeah. Help a sister out, please. And he wants to help. He wants to help. He's not this God up there going I'm just gonna sit here and wait till you figure it out. Yeah. And wait till you do this and you do that and all that. 

Guess what cuz he don't say that because he's like you can't do it anyway. Yeah, he's ask me to help you do it Yeah, surrender. Don't hurt yourself. Yeah, and then I'll help you. Yeah, I'll give you the strength you need He ain't up there with this big mighty God just a grilling club waiting to beat you waiting to lighten and bolt you to Come on.

Come on. He's there with his arms wide open, and he's saying I looked up the other day, how many times the Lord said, come follow me come, all you who are weary for, I will give you rest, come with  fill in the blank, whatever it is you need. Like just. Do it but then believe it.

Yeah, I'll leave that. He'll actually give it to you now some of us, you know Want it faster than others and he gets that but maybe there's a process. Maybe he's teaching me something Like see the glory in it, I mean we went through this we had to learn to forgive But man, the love and the compassion  for people that it is established within us.

We can't even have compassion without the Lord giving us compassion. We have some things planned for this year. And the Lord told me the other day, he said, you're going to go through some things because I need you to have the compassion for the people for the assignment. Yeah, come on.

I need you to have the compassion. For where I'm taking you later you're going to go through these things to gain the compassion for my people it doesn't just fall on us. Yeah, there's many times where I'm like, Lord, I don't really like people, and I'm like, but you do.  And so I'm going to need you to be me, because I'm not strong enough to do it.

And isn't it funny how he like positioned your ministry and he positioned me in the marketplace doing, physical therapy where I literally am treating people all day long. Now I love people, but people can be difficult sometimes. It's hard. It's hard to deal with the general public, especially when you're in public service.

Yeah. So my job literally is to serve the public and to serve all walks of life and all personality types. And some are wonderful and some are not so wonderful. And  it's every day when I go to work,  I pray this prayer over every one of my patients. I pray for my patients every day before I get there.

And I pray, Lord Jesus, let every person that I touch both with my speech and with my hands, because I'm a manual therapist. I work with my hands, but every person that I touch. Encounter your presence today, Lord, whether it be a word that they need spoken into their life, whether it be joy, whether it be peace, whether it be comfort, whether it be a compassionate ear to hear, whether it be just a listening ear whatever that person needs for the day, Lord, let them encounter it through me, allow me to be that vessel for that person and give me the wisdom to know what they need and how to supply it  if I can, Lord, let me do that.

And. If I were to walk in a fence,  if I were to be offended by some of the things that are said, some of the reactions that people get there are times sometimes where, because. Again, I work with my hands. Sometimes it doesn't feel so great when someone's pushing on tender places in your body.

And I have to ask you to do things that are painful or Cody still to this day will not let me touch her calves ever again.  But sorry, when I do that, there are some times where people see me coming to bring them back into the clinic and they're like, Oh God, am I with you today? And I'm like, yeah, you ready?

If I were offended by people's reaction sometimes to me and take everything personally I would be so ineffective in their lives, but I don't, I just, I'm like, listen,  yeah, I love you. I'm here to help you. I'm here to serve you. I literally, can we just get.  Can we get the eyes to be and the heart to be a servant?

Can we serve like looking, look at your relationships in your workplace, look at your relationships in your family, look at your relationships at home. And I want you to think about the most difficult person that you encounter on a daily basis. It's probably a coworker. It's probably a family member. It might be one of your kids.

If you have teenagers,   that's how we love them. But think about the most difficult person in your life and look at them and say, God sent me here to serve. How can I serve you? And when you humble yourself, just like Jesus, where he came and he washed their feet the night before he gave his life, he washed their feet.

He washed Judas's feet. 

I think about how can I serve  and  be a vessel of encounter for you?  I can't do that walking in unforgiveness. I cannot do that walking in offense. I cannot do that walking in bitterness. Nope. I will be a tool of dishonor, I will be a vessel of dishonor if I do that, and I make myself ineffective, unproductive, and stagnant.

Yeah, come on. So I don't want anyone to walk in that and so let's let's pray. Let's pray for our listeners today that they would have the heart and the strength and the ability and the power to forgive and to walk in compassion. Yeah. Lord, we just thank you. We thank you for your forgiveness.  We thank you, Lord, that even though man fell,  that you still just poured your heart out.

You sent your son, Jesus, who paid the price and forgave us all of our sins. Lord, we can barely  carry the weight of our own sins, much less Jesus who carried the weight of the world..

The Father said  it gives me joy to see him suffering because he knew that the one vessel of freedom would bring his whole family back into the kingdom of God. He knew that the one. Would bring a multitude of his sons and daughters home.  So father, we just thank you for forgiveness.

Father, we ask for the strength and the grace, Holy spirit. We cannot forgive without  knowing that we are forgiven. Sometimes we have such a problem forgiving others because we don't even believe that we're forgiven. Come on. Yes, Jesus. So Father, I just ask for each person to,  I just feel the Lord saying forgive yourself first. 

Forgive yourself  and then I will pour in the strength and the grace for you to forgive others Like there's something about knowing that we are forgiven. Yes so that we can walk in forgiveness. Amen. So lord, I just I thank you holy spirit  I just see him pouring This  oil but It's , some of those oils that have like the flowers in it and like the little flowers are inside of the oil.

I see like this perfumed flower oil and the Lord is just, he's just pouring that over the hearts of his people. And that is the joy that allows you to forgive.  I just thank you, Lord for that oil that you're pouring right now in the name of Jesus. I thank you for the healing that'll take place through the forgiveness.

. I just love you Lord, and I thank you. I thank you for what you're doing. 

 I thank you for the heart of Christ that you're establishing in each person. I thank you for the mind of Christ that you're establishing in each person, even the eyes. Yes. In the mouth, in the ears, I just see such a like transformation of  being  Christ.

Amen. Christ amen.  So good. Amen. I thank you, Lord. I thank you for each and every one, Lord. I thank you for the heart healing and the transformation that each one is going to go through over this next week, Lord. I thank you for exposing those things, those relationships, those people, those old. Old things.

I see even the Lord bringing back things to remembrance that are old decades, old things that you have not thought about in a long time. And I thank you Lord that you are exposing that and you're bringing that back to remembrance so that each one can let go, can walk in that forgiveness. God, that every room that's been closed off in their heart be open because you said the heart is not selective that the door, there's one door to the heart and it's.

That door is closed to that person. It's close to you. So I thank you, God, that you're opening those doors again, that you're knocking on those doors again, and that you're asking them to let you in, to release that forgiveness, to release that mercy, that you can inhabit those places. I thank you that there will be life that comes from those places.

There will be healing. There will be joy, unspeakable joy and peace.  in those places, Lord. I thank you now that even as they listen, God, that they are just overwhelmed by your presence right now, that they're overwhelmed by your peace and your love.  I thank you, Jesus. 

So good. Thank you guys for tuning in with us today. We have certainly enjoyed coming and meeting with you every week and sharing our hearts with you and sharing what God has laid on our hearts for each and every one of you. 

I hope that you take away from this We're just sitting around talking about Jesus. I had someone message me I guess a week ago, maybe a little over a week ago. And she said, man, I just feel like I'm just sitting around talking with my friends about Jesus. And that's really what we want. We just want to talk about the Lord.

We want to glorify the Lord. We want to share the Lord. And. We love you guys. So if you want to share your heart for the Lord with us, please do as always you can reach us on our email. It's the healed hearts at gmail. com. Like share, subscribe hit us up on YouTube. We're on there now. The healed hearts podcast. 

I will share that on our Facebook.  We're on. Apple, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Google Play, like  15 different platforms, we're on everywhere. Yeah, I've been working on some things, so you can literally find us anywhere.  So yeah, check us out follow the  show so that you can get notified when the episodes are up. 

Again, go subscribe to our YouTube. Hopefully within the next little while we'll be able to do some video. We're hoping to like, actually, maybe you see our faces,  maybe do some live streams or something. We're really working to expand a little bit, but Yeah. Yeah. We love you guys.

We love you guys so much. Bye. Thanks for being with us. Bye.