Fiftysomething Love | Everything Dating, Sex, Love, Men, Health & Marriage for Women Over 50
A fun romp through dating in the golden years with tips & tricks for dating, discussions about female sexuality after age 50, relationship goals, living with loss of the love of your life, health tips, guest experts, and me, Diane Brandon Moody.
Fiftysomething Love | Everything Dating, Sex, Love, Men, Health & Marriage for Women Over 50
Ep. 25 Diane Brandon Moody - what is a love audit and a clear runway?!
Diane Brandon Moody
Season 1
Episode 25
No fancy music this week, just slapping it up there!
Talking to the single ladies over 50 today.
Please sign up for my group www.dianebrandonmoody.com/50-places to get my "50 Places to Meet People Over 50".
Book a Love Audit with me - 30 minute, no obligation call. www.dianebrandonmoody.com/love-audit