Fiftysomething Love | Everything Dating, Sex, Love, Men, Health & Marriage for Women Over 50
A fun romp through dating in the golden years with tips & tricks for dating, discussions about female sexuality after age 50, relationship goals, living with loss of the love of your life, health tips, guest experts, and me, Diane Brandon Moody.
Fiftysomething Love | Everything Dating, Sex, Love, Men, Health & Marriage for Women Over 50
Ep 28 Fifty places year-long challenge; are you up for it?!
Are you up for this challenge?!
www.dianebrandonmoody.com/50-places and get my whole list of places to meet people.
50 places = 52 weeks in a year
Pick one place a week and have an open mind. Look for evidence and data.
Not your obligation to worry about whether he/she is married or not. Ask for advice, reach for a top shelf, what do you like with your steak? BFD, no issues.
Use a journal, write about your experience. What went right and what didn't?
Pick something else the next week.
I love dancing.
Take a girlfriend, but separate at the door.
Home Depot, but don't worry about it if it doesn't work.
Kicking off on October 1.