Shifting Dimensions

7. Manifestation Archetypes and Soul Originations Ft. Patty Oliver

March 05, 2024 with Jummie Moses Season 1 Episode 7
7. Manifestation Archetypes and Soul Originations Ft. Patty Oliver
Shifting Dimensions
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Shifting Dimensions
7. Manifestation Archetypes and Soul Originations Ft. Patty Oliver
Mar 05, 2024 Season 1 Episode 7
with Jummie Moses

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Patty Oliver is an energy healer, author, and spiritual adviser. She teaches people how to change their entire life by learning to clear unconscious blocks and take back their power.

Patty experienced a death of a spouse at a young age and later was diagnosed with breast cancer. Feeling like the world was against her, Patty realized that she was the only person who could help her to embark on the journey to re-empower herself.  

This journey led to a career in energy healing. For the past 12 years, Patty has been helping hundreds of people around the world to change their lives for the better.

In this episode we touch on soul origination and the powerful manifestation archetypes that shape our destiny and desires. By revealing how each of us is a unique blend of archetypes—whether we are nurturing Teachers, pioneering Visionaries, expressive Creators, or intuitive Feelers—Patty illuminates the path to manifesting a life that resonates with our soul's essence. We also discuss the nuance dance between our karma and the Law of Attraction, as well as how embracing our authentic selves can unlock doors to abundance and fulfillment.

Where to find Patty:

Manifestation Quiz:


TikTok - @shiftingdimensions444
Instagram - @shiftingdimensions_pod

The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the guest’s own and do not represent the views, thoughts, and opinions of Shifting Dimensions. The material and information presented here is for general information and entertainment purposes only.

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Patty Oliver is an energy healer, author, and spiritual adviser. She teaches people how to change their entire life by learning to clear unconscious blocks and take back their power.

Patty experienced a death of a spouse at a young age and later was diagnosed with breast cancer. Feeling like the world was against her, Patty realized that she was the only person who could help her to embark on the journey to re-empower herself.  

This journey led to a career in energy healing. For the past 12 years, Patty has been helping hundreds of people around the world to change their lives for the better.

In this episode we touch on soul origination and the powerful manifestation archetypes that shape our destiny and desires. By revealing how each of us is a unique blend of archetypes—whether we are nurturing Teachers, pioneering Visionaries, expressive Creators, or intuitive Feelers—Patty illuminates the path to manifesting a life that resonates with our soul's essence. We also discuss the nuance dance between our karma and the Law of Attraction, as well as how embracing our authentic selves can unlock doors to abundance and fulfillment.

Where to find Patty:

Manifestation Quiz:


TikTok - @shiftingdimensions444
Instagram - @shiftingdimensions_pod

The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the guest’s own and do not represent the views, thoughts, and opinions of Shifting Dimensions. The material and information presented here is for general information and entertainment purposes only.

Speaker 1:

So it's really hard to look at someone and see what they quote manifested and then compare it to yourself and go, oh, I must be doing it wrong. It doesn't, it's never going to happen for me. No, they're a completely different soul, they're in a completely different soul journey, a completely different trajectory. You cannot compare the two.

Speaker 2:

Patty, welcome to Shifting Dimensions. It's so good to have you here. Thank you for joining us today. Thank you for having me. It's lovely to speak with you.

Speaker 2:

For those of you tuning in, patty is an energy healer, author and spiritual advisor. And, patty, part of the reason I'm super excited to speak with you today is because a lot of the work that you do around energy healing and advising people spiritually centers around the Akashic records. And if I could explain the Akashic records in layman terms, I kind of think of them as, like the soul, the soul's library. So every individual's, I guess, different lives or things that they've experienced on the soul level, or how far their soul has traveled or how many times they've reincarnated. That's kind of where we go with the Akashic records to kind of figure all of that out. So I really want to talk to you today about soul originations and soul blueprints and soul gifts and all of that stuff, because a lot of your work really enters those, touches on those categories, right, but first I want to learn more about you. How did you get into the work of energy healing and being a spiritual advisor?

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh, that's a whole conversation in itself. You know, I tell people that I really never set out to be an energy healer. I mean, I always thought it was cool and fun and you know, when I was young I'd see psychics and mediums and but I never, ever thought that it could be a legitimate career. And I never. You know, I didn't grow up in an environment where that sort of thing was encouraged. It's like, well, you know, you go to college, you get a good desk job, push a lot of papers around, you stay at one place for a while and you retire, that's it. And so it was just never in the sphere of any kind of conversation.

Speaker 1:

So it really all started back in 2007 when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Okay, and it was a very pivotal moment, and I think anyone that probably gets a diagnosis like that will can probably relate to the fact that it's a pivotal moment. Right, it's a wake up call, and so I like to say that up until then, I really was not living my authentic self. I was very much a people pleaser, I was very nervous. I just want everyone to like me. So I kind of would just be who I thought everyone wanted me to be. A lot of like my clients who come to see me today. I was misaligned right and that takes a lot of energy actually to stay misaligned. It's exhausting and we can talk about that. But at some point, you know, when you're misaligned and you don't use your energy for its highest good, it will ultimately reflect in the physical body blueprint which we'll talk about, because everything gets reflected there and you open yourself up to disease and chronic conditions and ailments later in life, the more misaligned you are. It's not an automatic, but it is definitely a strong potential for that when you misuse your energy and not use it for your highest good. So mine, for me, it manifested as breast cancer and in many ways I was not surprised by that diagnosis. But again, it kind of didn't, it didn't scare me, it was like a wake up call. I like this is my chance. This is my chance to change my life for the better. I've been talking about it. Now I have to take some action. And how am I going to do that?

Speaker 1:

And so, and I had two young kids at the time. I had a one year old and a three year old. I, you know, I wanted to have a career. So to me it was like I need to have something that's mine. That was what my soul was calling for. And I'm like but I have this career I had before, but it's not really what I want to do.

Speaker 1:

So I had to do some soul searching is like well, what, what is it? What's going to turn me on, what's going to align with me and make me feel really aligned? And the one thing that I really tuned into was aesthetics and skincare. So I actually zeroed in on becoming a skincare entrepreneur and so I went back to school, I opened my own business and within a month of opening I was introduced to energy healing in a really bizarre way. And you know, that's how the universe works. When you least expect it, something kind of comes in out of a field, and so I always tell my clients you know you got to follow that because you know the universe can interfere with your free will. I can't say, patty, go be an energy healer, but it can put you in a position of meeting one and let you make that decision for yourself.

Speaker 1:

And so I decided to go to this last minute networking meeting and I really didn't want to go. But I have to go and I met an energy healer and it completely changed my life, because I didn't know what energy healing was. I'd never heard of it. It happened to be in the form of Reiki, which I didn't know what that was, but it just blew me away. I was so changed by that one session I had with this energy healer and I just knew it's like this, knowing I have to add this to what I do, I've already got someone in this beautiful, peaceful place. Why would I not want to do energy healing?

Speaker 1:

So I sought out training in Reiki and I started offering it and really it just grew from there and over time I had people that started to come to me more for energy work than the skincare and I really had to make a decision and so, after a lot of consideration, I decided to sell off the skincare portion and focus strictly on energy work, and that's where it just took another level. It's like, okay, I got into it. Then it just my book started filling up and I just ran with this intuition that I didn't know I had. I had information just coming to me. There's a lot of trust when you have your intuition, especially when you're working with people. I'm telling them stuff, but I kept getting confirmation that I was on the right track. So that built my confidence and stuff over time.

Speaker 1:

And then at some point and I'm condensing a lot of years here, but at some point when I had a client on the table, I recognized that the issues that they were dealing with today actually started in a past life and that was the first I'll never forget.

Speaker 1:

I know the person and the time and the moment and everything. But I thought this is new, so I have to study this and I did a lot of reading and a lot of research. And that's when I came upon the term Akashic Records, which is the record of the soul, and I said that's what I got to do. I just knew it. And so I went that direction and sought out mentors and did some training and the rest is history and that's what I've decided to focus my career on. For the last, I think eight to 14, 15 years I've been doing this, so I was very much directed into it and I think it aligns really well with how I teach abundance and how you put yourself on a path energetically to your abundance, by aligning to your gifts and letting it flow and not fighting the outcomes, but just allowing what comes in, because the universe knows what you need and in what order in order to be successful. And I just allowed it and it has taken me places I never would have imagined myself.

Speaker 2:

What an incredible story, patty. So it's interesting because you get this insight and you, like you said you had this huge interest in skincare, yeah, and that led you down a path of energy healing and an event tap into the Akashic records. It's very fascinating how we're living life a certain way and then something so dramatic and devastating happens to us. Yeah, to kind, of course, correct, because obviously there is a purpose in the work that you're doing. This is what you're meant to do, this aligns with your soul gifts and I'm sure you're so blueprints which we're going to get into. So it's very fascinating how that all happened for you and you learning to trust and listen to your intuition and go to that networking meeting and meeting that person that introduced you to energy healing is just the little whispers and the redirection and sometimes, again, tragic things happen to us because if we're not listening to the guidance that we're supposed to be, listening to you or listening to our higher self, I think sometimes it's kind of like that speed bump to make you stop.

Speaker 1:

Yes, oh yeah, pay attention when, when you're supposed to be doing something else and you're not heating that, the universe will come in and just smack you upside the head out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I like to say it through either a trauma, a crisis Losing that job, having that person break your heart I mean it's you're meant to go in another direction, and if you don't do it on your own, or when it's time, karmically speaking, for something to take place, you're gonna go there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it was funny because it was just kind of a knowing what. Once I decided to take my power back by saying, look, I, I love being a mom and but, but I need something else. And I stopped Apologizing for that and started just following my heart and, like you know, with the the person I was with at the time, you know, I just said, hey, I need this and and I'm okay if you're not on board with this, which was huge for me. I mean, I never did anything like that and I you do get Rewarded from the universe by taking that courage and taking that brave next step, because you know, you don't know what's gonna happen. I had no idea If I was gonna be happy, successful, if my you know what was gonna happen, but I just knew when I was Was not gonna take me where I wanted to go. Yeah, what did I have to lose?

Speaker 2:

Yes, what do you have to lose? Life really is an adventure. Coming from someone who can really identify with the needing to please over calls it the disease to please and Just always making decisions where you're yourself last, hoping anybody likes you. That's not a sustainable way to live life and you know, I've worked with you now A couple of times and we've we've had many conversations prior to this. I'm really grateful that you were able to step into your purpose because you know I'm benefiting from it and a lot of your other. You know Clients and people that you work with are really benefit from this and I'm sure you're benefiting from it in your life. Oh yes, oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

There's always something in it for me to pick up. You know, I think a lot of my clients are where I was. I just think that's my sweet spot is helping people where where I was a few steps behind. And it's funny how, even when I have weeks where things are happening, I'll have clients come in that week that you know and they booked a while ago, but whatever it's like oh my god, this is like so meant for me. I think you know I got the message for her, but you know I'm taking something from it as well. So it's it's. The universe is always working on our behalf, even if we think things are falling apart, even if we think, you know, life is happening to us which it doesn't we do divinely choose it, but it's always happening for our highest good.

Speaker 2:

Yes, absolutely yeah. And with that I want to kind of segue in now into this concept of soul Origination, because part of who we are, I Think, at our core, is really our soul. Our soul is kind of one of the highest guiding forces for what we're supposed to be learning in this life, what we're supposed to be tapping into, how we're supposed to be using our gifts. And something that I've come across recently and I think I heard it from you first is this concept of soul Originations, and that blew my mind. I'm like soul originating Is that even mean? Don't we all come from the same place? We have different origins. So could you please Describe the concept of soul originations and are there different categories of souls?

Speaker 1:

well, yeah, so so the soul and again, this is just from from my teachings and from my perspectives the soul was created by source to experience itself and in different realms. And so Immediately, we are to answer your earlier comment I, we all come from the same place, where all are created by source, because source wants to experience itself, and so we are immediately need to recognize that we all are of source. Whether you call that God or Allah or whatever you want to call it, there is one overall entity that has created each of us. So we are of the reflection of source. Source is within us. So that's one really important thing to note. And then, after source creates the soul, the soul then has free will to choose, and so it will immediately choose a soul group to Align to, and it will usually, you know, be one that it feels most vibrationally in alignment, and it will start to take on the attributes and characteristics of that soul group and bring those into its incarnations, and that starts to become what we refer to as its soul gives. But a lot of these soul Sources of origination, after the soul is created, it could be, you know, other planets, other star systems, other dimensions. There are souls everywhere, and so that's really what I refer to as the soul groups of origination. But I've kind of drilled down even further to that because you know that gets into the Galactic aspect of things and star seeds and a lot of these terms, and to me, being the ever practical one, it's like, well, it's really cool to think I'm a star seed, or I am from Arcturus, or I'm from Orion or the Pleiades or wherever. You know a lot of these are so well, what do I do with that? You know what? Okay, it's cool to know. So you know, what I've created is something that I call the manifesting archetypes, and Over the years of me doing this work I found that there's these four broad categories or archetypal Aspects that people tend to fall into, and of course they're very broad and they're meant to be broad, and so I really focus on the attributes of that particular archetype and I have this quiz on my website.

Speaker 1:

You know you can go take it to pattyolivercom. Go take the quiz and you'll find which broad category you tend to fall into. And with all the years of doing readings, I have yet to see it not corollate with their soul gifts when I enter their Akashic record, the only time that has happened to a certain degree is when people are utterly misaligned and just not allowing themselves to be their true nature, or sometimes they're aligned in one area of their life but not in the others. Like they're really authentic when they're at work, but when they get home they're like, okay, they put themselves away and then they start the people pleasing and everything else and then they're inauthentic. So there's this incongruence. I've seen both of those and when we work through those from a karmic perspective, people start to see it's like wow, I really have been my authentic self. But that's how I approach the concept of solar origination.

Speaker 2:

Very interesting and I actually have a question related to the manifestation, archetypes and I guess we can get into the different categories. But on the solar origination piece, with what you were talking about, people talk about being star seeds, being from different planets or from different constellations. I hope that's the right word. It's interesting how you described it and I've also heard it described like this before. Where it's again we all come from source, but then we all kind of tag ourselves into different solar groups. We're technically all originated from source but we align ourselves with specific groups and I've heard people break down the groups into three things Earth-based souls, interplanetary souls I guess that's the star seeds in different constellations and then angelic souls. It makes me think is that done because each different category of solar originations? Are we supposed to have different qualities that allow us to use specific gifts towards some level of growth? I don't know if that makes sense.

Speaker 1:

I do believe, because you know, we, when we, when we come into the physical world and we put on this thing called a body so that the soul can transverse the earth and have its experience, we all are meant to contribute something to the collective. This is, you know, I've in my work on karmic and universal law, there's a karmic law of significance and inspiration, which means, basically, states we are all here for a purpose. There is nothing random about you being here and we all have something to contribute. And we, we find that, which is our purpose, because a lot of times I get asked what's my purpose? Your purpose is to express yourself through your gifts, right? What brings you joy, what comes naturally to you, that is easy, that flows to you again, and different soul groups, or manifesting archetypes as I refer to them, have different strengths. Now, it doesn't mean that you can't do other things, but there's certain attributes that you are just going to be so aligned to and come so easy and naturally to you that when you choose to use those, that's where you're going to find your easiest form of abundance.

Speaker 1:

Now, and I say that because you know there's, there's many ways to find abundance here on earth. One way is through sheer will. You can force something if you want, but that's exhaustive and oftentimes we have to use negative aspect and I'm not, it's not judgmental, it's just non-gifts right, it's misalignment, but we have to do it in a way which is very depleting and a lot of hard work, or you could do it through soul alignment, right Through that, that authentic self-expression that comes easily and naturally to you. And that's my goal when I try to work with people on their abundance. It's like let's identify what your gifts are first and are you using them? Because that's your purpose, okay, and so you have to be strong in something, and so different soul groups have different natural strengths that they bring to the table that you want to use and it's been given to you purposefully for you to use any way you want to create your abundance.

Speaker 2:

I'm curious because I want to know. If I was listening to this, I'd be curious to know, and if you can answer this question, what are some telltale signs that someone is an intrepid and terry soul or an angelic soul or an earth-based soul? Are there specific characteristics, that kind of scream okay, yeah, this is kind of where I'm from.

Speaker 1:

There are some general characteristics. It's not like there's no crossover, see, that's where sometimes they can get a little confusing. It's like, well, but I identify with this, but I also identify with that, right. It's like there's usually it's just like the manifesting archetypes I tell people well, you definitely, we're probably all four at different times in our life, but there's one dominant feature that you want to lead with most of the time and that's what we talk about here.

Speaker 1:

So you know, souls from the angelic realm, they tend to possess those very well angelic-like qualities. They're always looking at the best in people. They really don't understand the nature of war and harming one another and they really embrace ideas of togetherness and divine love and reverence and all of these beautiful angelic qualities that we might align. It doesn't mean that the other soul groups don't have that, but the angelic realm, I mean that's like their core essence, right, they just can't be any other way.

Speaker 1:

Whereas souls from you know, maybe Mars, right, if your soul group originated from Mars, you know Mars is a very war-like civilization when it was in existence.

Speaker 1:

These are the soldier-like people, that very aggressive, very ambitious-type souls you will often find that identify with, like Mars, pleiadians is a star system, right, and these Pleiadians are very, very highly spiritual people and they have a lot of gifts of expression and bringing communities together and they're very high conscious, highly evolved, conscious souls that can pull people together in groups of people in ways that maybe the other types of soul groups aren't as strong, as it doesn't mean they can't, but they aren't as strong at it as someone like the Pleiadian soul. And they also have character. They're very verbal, they're very expressive in nature. So it's funny you know again over time of doing the work when you, if you study this, you start to know pretty much pretty quickly. It's like, oh, I think I can probably, without them taking the quiz or me going into their Akashic record, I can probably identify. It's like any other career, right, you start to identify that pretty quickly. So yes, to answer your question, there's a pattern.

Speaker 2:

Do you are there characteristics for earth based souls, Cause I've heard about those ones as well?

Speaker 1:

Earth or souls as I would call them. Yeah, you know, um, earth or souls tend to be very in touch with their physical aspect of life. Um, they tend to love, um, you know all the physical things like they love. You know good food and they love to sleep and they love their physical surroundings to just be comfy and cozy and, um, and they tend to be very, um, uh, anything that's that's related to the physical realm. Such as you know, these people are like the shop, the chefs or the builders or the dancers or anything that requires a lot of physicality in their day to day aspect tend to usually have their basis as an uh their origination as an earth or soul.

Speaker 2:

That makes a lot of sense. So I think it's cool that you kind of took the concept of solar originations and made it more practical by kind of creating or infusing in manifestation archetypes. Yeah, because I had, I just thought manifestation was manifestation. I just thought it kind of works the same way for everyone.

Speaker 2:

So when you mentioned manifestation archetypes. I'm like what are those? So could we just, first of all, how did you know to do that? What made you decide to kind of take what you were doing with the Akashic records looking into people's different solar originations to being like? Actually there's a pattern here of how people in these different groups or people with these specific soul characteristics or blueprints can actually manifest in a specific way.

Speaker 1:

It just came to me. You know, I, uh, I again, I think, like, I think, when I first talked about it, I'm like ever, ever practical Patty, I just really wanted to bring it well, down to earth, right, it's like what? What are the practical attributes that I tend to see that are very consistent, that would be actually very helpful and applicable for people to use immediately, rather than well, I'm, I'm, you know, from the star system or whatever. It's like I, I just I like usable, practical information and that actually fits my manifesting archetype. I'm the teacher advisor and, um, I'm like that, I am that way and it's funny because sometimes you get a little bit of archetypal envy. You know, I'm like, I'm the teacher archetype.

Speaker 1:

I really wanted to be something else, but you know, I have been told for years that I'm a teacher and like, really I'm a teacher archetype.

Speaker 1:

No, I don't want to, but you know it's, it's what I always end up doing, whether it's an individual, one-on-one, um, it ends up always being a teaching moment. And again, it's not that the arc, other archetypes don't do that, it's just, it's just what comes naturally to me and once I allowed myself to put myself in a position where I could do that. It didn't really shine for me. I wasn't, I just wasn't putting myself in a position and and then I always was wondering like well, what, where do I fit in and what is my strength? And I know what I like, but is it really is? I mean, I was always very confused once the universe put me there on the trajectory of the energy healing, and then I move through that. I just can't not be who I am at soul level, which is the teacher advisor archetype To me. I don't know, I mean, it's just something that emanated naturally from my work and just wanting to refine the information I provide people.

Speaker 2:

So what are the different archetypes? You just talked about the teacher archetype. You said that there were four archetypes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that I you know, and again this is kind of my creation. So there's the teacher advisor, the visionary leader, the expressionist creator and the sensitive feeler.

Speaker 2:

When you talk about the manifestation archetype. So you being the teacher you had to kind of you. Do you manifest quicker when you're in positions to be a teacher or to offer guidance? Do you manifest those things faster? The thing about manifesting.

Speaker 1:

Manifesting is really all about alignment and frequency and vibration. Okay, and so when you choose to allow yourself to align to your soul gifts I think this is answering your question yeah, you start to make more aligned choices, you start clearing your karma which is working against you, and you align more and more to who you are at soul level. You raise your vibration and then, as you raise in your vibration, that's how new people, situations and circumstances can flow into your space. You attract them into your space by being your divine self. So, yes, to answer your question, I just think there's a little bit more to it. I mean, it may be as this because I think about it all day, every day, but yes, when you align to your soul gifts you know, I was listening to Tony Robbins, right?

Speaker 1:

I love Tony Robbins. Great energy, great person. You know who he is, right? Yeah, I know who he is. Yeah, and I just happened to click on one of his talks one day.

Speaker 1:

Of course, nothing is, you know, a coincidence, but he was talking very similar. He said when you want to manifest abundance I think that's the terms he used he says you want to align to your nature. And I'm like yes, yes, that's what I'm getting to, he says, because when you align to your nature, that's when the ease comes in and the flow, he says. You know, you can't force something that doesn't come naturally to you and you can, it's just a lot harder way and it takes a lot more energy and it's very depleting. So it's like, you know, if you're the teacher advisor, the dang it be the teacher advisor, don't be the expressionist creator. You know? I mean, it's not that you can't, but it's just gonna be way easy. This is the gift you've been given, this is how you're meant to express your essence. And when you do that, oh, it's just alignment and ease. And so then, with manifesting, I hope I'm kind of going off here. I hope you're okay with that. Yeah, you're good, you're good, okay.

Speaker 1:

You know, manifesting is about clearing your karma first, and I teach this in my other course on karmic and universal law. It's like the thing about manifesting the law of attraction that I think is seriously missing in those teachings is karma, because karma is simply the energy of choices that you've made in past lives that didn't align to you, that didn't serve your soul growth and wasn't balanced out in the lifetime in which it was created. And the thing about sometimes a lot of our old karmic patterns is we were forced into them. You know that was then. This is now. You know, especially females or especially people in lower class at the time or whatever we were forced into a lot of negative choices because, my goodness, you could lose your life if you didn't right. Well, we don't live like that now, but it still represents a choice that you're still doing that needs to be balanced out in this lifetime. So you're just gonna get your karma in modern times.

Speaker 1:

So you will always be attracting your karma first in an effort to clear it before you can truly attract and maintain the thing that you're striving for, your ultimate manifestation. And that's why a lot of people will think I'm not doing it right. Look what's showing up. I must be doing it wrong. And then they stop and it's like oh, no, no, no, no, no, it's just your karma, right. So you have to clear that first.

Speaker 1:

So say, you're trying to move up in your career, right? Well, maybe you have some financial issues that you need to overcome first, and then you're giving your power away in your relationship. You're like the ultimate doormat. Well, that's not gonna get you higher levels, right, you've got to balance that out. And these are all these really hard choices that we never wanna make because they're hard, but if you don't, it's gonna be really hard, if not impossible, to get the ultimate manifestation that you desire.

Speaker 1:

So we talk about you use your archetype, your gifts, to put yourself on the road to abundance and you start making more aligned choices, fixing those financial karmic patterns, saying goodbye to those relationships that don't support your empowerment, stopping the people pleasing right, and just giving that risk of being your authentic self, even though you might lose somebody. They need to go. We just don't wanna do it. And then, as you do that, it's like the universe just keeps giving you more and more and more and you're like, wow, it's almost like. So you shift right from wondering it's like how do I tackle this? To I wonder what's gonna show up? Right, you shift from knowing that you can handle what's coming to well, I can't wait to see what shows up as a result. It's a really fun place to get to.

Speaker 2:

You said a lot, patty, just to make sure I fully understand. So it sounds a lot like the manifestation archetypes at their core kind of touch on a person's true nature, which kind of ties in with soul originations, which really again ties into someone's true nature or essence, which is very cool, because I never thought of manifestation like that and I think to some degree the law of attraction, manifestation. There are general things that we can all apply within ourselves, but it seems like these manifestation archetypes are more to kind of point people in the direction of their authenticity because you manifest. I mean we want to manifest a life. That is true to us because we're constantly manifesting all the time. But we don't wanna manifest in the wrong direction. We wanna manifest in alignment with our soul blueprint and soul gifts, correct?

Speaker 1:

Yes, well, and I don't think you can manifest in the wrong direction. See, and that's where Interesting, it's just a different perspective. And see, that's what I'm saying. Is that, like, say, you want to manifest a new romantic partner? Okay, okay, and you know, however, law of attraction? Coaches like to teach it. You know your vision boards and your affirmation and all that's important. I'm not dissing that, but it's important.

Speaker 1:

But it's certainly not everything, because, let's say that you have this perfect, perfect, perfect person in mind, yet you have these horrible, limiting beliefs about yourself and terrible self-worth.

Speaker 1:

Well, those are karmic patterns that you need to overcome first, because that doesn't align to this higher frequency, aligned love that you're looking for. You just can't, you won't get there, or if you do get there, you can't keep it, because you haven't matched the frequency of that which you ultimately desire. And so the universe, either you're going, and that's why it's like you have to be willing to start with where you're at, and everyone's at a different journey and you can't tell by looking at somebody where they're at in their karmic journey. So it's really hard to look at someone and see what they quote manifested, and then compare it to yourself and go, oh, I must be doing it wrong. It doesn't. It's never gonna happen for me. No, they're a completely different soul. They're on a completely different soul journey, a completely different trajectory. You cannot compare the two, and so I think you're going to manifest what's appropriate vibrationally for you, and the sky's the limit. But you have to go through your karma first in order to maintain that thing that you say you desire.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's okay, I heard what you're saying, but it's a little scary though, because then I think if I manifest something that brings negative experience to my reality, that means obviously there's still some potential blocks and karma that I need to work through. But I don't like experiencing those things. And then it makes me think do I have to be perfect? But it's not. I don't think you're saying we have to be perfect and completely clear out everything. Again, I think the keyword here is authenticity. We know when something's misaligned, we know when we are trying to people please, or we know when we're doing things because we feel like it's going to look good in the eyes of other people versus what we actually want to do in our soul and in our hearts, or what we want to accomplish in our soul or in our hearts. So I agree with you.

Speaker 1:

And it's like, if you can maintain see, this is one of the things I teach in my course, because I teach people how to access your own Akashic record to do this, it's all about mindset and it's all a band. And there's a lot of talk around mindset right, but it's but it's very, very true, because if you can develop a mindset of Well, I'll just get that out of my way and move on to the next thing. I mean it's like if you do attach too much to what's happening as a personal failure, or here we go again. I mean I can tell you right now that you know it's, there's no end to the universe wanting you to up level, right, it's you yourself who's gonna stop yourself from up leveling. So when you can just say, look, I just got to and I think this is one of the great things about doing the spiritual work and Seeing what's possible it's like I just got to get that out of my way. It's just well, you know the one little blip and I'm gonna get on with it, and then something else is gonna come in that's more aligned, that's higher vibration, and and the faster you can do that and the more you can disconnect from the emotional aspect of it and just move through it and know that it's something you've got to get through to get to your higher vibration. It's just, it's all mindset, absolutely right, yeah, yeah, and we all have karma. We can't get away from the karma, but what? What makes us all different is how you know, how diligent are you, how Self-empowered you allow yourself to be, how good are you at making aligned decisions and Not letting anything or anyone hold you back. That's where we all differ and when you can align to your gifts.

Speaker 1:

Kind of going back to your other comment about why I don't want to manifest the wrong thing, it's like well, it's like, if I'm this teacher archetype, but I always had a dream of being an artist, but I don't really have that gift.

Speaker 1:

It's not that I can't be an artist and it's not that I can enjoy doing artwork, but it might be a lot more of an uphill challenge for me to get there Then if I embraced my true gift, which was this, and so when I work with someone on Manifesting something, I make sure that what they're wanting to manifest actually aligns to them. You know, is this even possible, according to your kashic record, for you to get where you want to go. Most of the time, the answer is yes, but I I have encountered a few times or say no, no, not in this, not, at least not in this 12 month period. We have to get over this and this and this, and then this is more of an alignment with this person, and again, we know that you touched on that. It's like, I think, we know intuitively when we're misaligned or when there's karma, that we just really don't want to deal with it, so we avoid it, and then we wonder why we aren't growing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and just so for the fruit. I think most people listening to this might have a good sense of what karma is. But Karma is not necessarily if I kick you, then someone's gonna end up kicking me because I kicked you. But karma is a lot deeper than that and has to do with lessons and, yes, our history, our souls, history, etc. And just different karma comes from different lifetimes as well, so it's not just in a particular Lifetime that we're living in.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, there's a whole lot on that whole subject, but, but ultimately, yes, karma is not punitive in nature.

Speaker 1:

It's not happening to you, it's happening for you because you come in, because, again, source wants to experience itself and all that there is, and source wants to be you, to feel empowered.

Speaker 1:

And so, as you gain your in your empowerment which means you might have chosen lessons for yourself in this lifetime that are we might all look at it as a little bit rough, but we don't know, you know, until we get into the karmic history of it, it's like well, this is why you chose it, this is why you're experiencing it and this is how you overcome it, so that you clear this karma once and for all. It's there to teach you that your results in your life are a direct Related, directly related to the choices you make, positive or negative, and you have Absolute power at any moment to change the trajectory of your choices. You're not stuck with anything, and that also wasn't always true in our history, right? So we live in a time now where we have more freedoms than we ever have for for most of us in the world, and especially as women, and we can make new, empowered choices. We just have to actually do it.

Speaker 2:

Yes, you're absolutely spot-on. I have an interesting question. I am of the belief that when we're trying to manifest something, sometimes we manifest things that are very close to what we're looking for, or they have an element of something that we need, but we're not necessarily Asking for in our manifestation, and sometimes the universe will bring certain things into our frame of consciousness so that we know to add this as part of what we're trying to manifest in, or to kind of show us that what we're trying to manifest is possible. Yeah, you agree with that, or am I making that up?

Speaker 1:

No, I well, manifesting is is not a solo act. That's the other thing I mean. It's individual. But we cannot manifest without working in conjunction with the universe, right, and so we're always in co-creation.

Speaker 1:

So say you put out an intention, right, I want to earn a hundred thousand dollars in the next 12 months Doing podcasting. You know, whatever your intention is right, and you want to be clear, right? If you're not clear, then you're gonna get really unclear results. So then the universe says, ah okay, jimmy's put out an intention, what can we do to make this happen? And you know it is, they're just waiting. You know your guides are just waiting, and so first there might be some karma that you've got a clear, so they're gonna send that your way and Then they might dangle an opportunity out here.

Speaker 1:

So, so, because you want to make X amount of dollars doing what you're doing, you have to have someone who's willing to step in and pay you that, right, whether it's a bunch of people or what or what, whatever the opportunity looks like.

Speaker 1:

So the universe has to go find you a match, in terms of either Customers or affiliates or how, whatever is involved in what you do, to line you up, to give you your desired Manifestation, and that might come in bits and pieces as you raise in your vibration.

Speaker 1:

That might come in a form of one big payoff here at the end that you've got to wait for because it depends. You know, the universe is okay. Well, we got to go find match, and that can take a while, right, the third dimension is very slow, and so that's why it'll send you your karma first. Then it'll send you a little bit of some kind of something you look for to make sure that's what you want, and then here's the big payout. Right, I mean, I'm kind of oversimplifying it, but yeah, that that's how it works and you always have free will. You know, just because the universe delivers something doesn't mean that's the end or that's the final. I mean, the decision's always yours, but the universe is always sending you a match for where you're at right now, for what you asked for.

Speaker 2:

And what are your thoughts on positive thinking? Because people always they keep your mind positive when you're trying to manifest something. But the truth of the matter is some of the things that we try to manifest Seem damn near impossible. So of course, I feel it as a doubt come into play, negative thoughts come into play. Is it really necessary to stay in a Mindset of positivity all the time while trying to manifest?

Speaker 1:

I do. Well, and it depends on how you define Positive mindset and I do talk about this in my course as well, because we can't be positive all the time. Right, it's not with the flow of life. There's going to be letdowns, there's going to be disappointments, there's going to be Frustrations, there's just going to be days where you're just not feeling it right. But it's how quickly Can you switch that mindset to one that's actually going to serve you, right? That's what I think is more important.

Speaker 1:

So, if you have chronic negative thoughts about kind of going back to my other example, about you want this great love, yet you have terrible self-worth Problems, and it usually starts in the mind, right, it's all a mind game. You have to build up your self-worth. You have to build up a framework of mantras and affirmations to train your brain to start looking for higher vibrational outcomes, right? And you do that by Reminding yourself of your empowerment and your worth, and then you start treating yourself the way you want to be treated and then, over time, you train your energy body To align to people, situations and circumstances that Improve your concept of your own self-worth, which ultimately needs to come from you anyway, if you look for everybody else and you'll never raise. So it's that ability to Turn a negative into a positive or turn a negative. It's not like you want to ignore the negative, like if something negative happened you want to acknowledge it. We don't want toxic positivity. Toxic positivity is oh, it's flowers and rainbows all day, you know no.

Speaker 1:

It's like, okay, this happened, this is how I'm going to turn it into an actionable positive and this is how I'm going to be okay with the result. I mean, it's how your ability to be able to do that, I think, will dictate how successful and how quickly you can be successful at what it is that you want to manifest.

Speaker 2:

I agree. I think of course negative thoughts come into play and sometimes there might be doubt, but I think what you're saying, what I'm understanding, it's really about your vibration or energy matching what you're trying to call in the role of romantic relationships. If you have zero self-worths, how are you going to attract? Or even if you do attract, someone who values you, you might not be able to hold onto it because you're not a vibrational match. Positive thoughts or thoughts related to self-worths will help you reach that vibration or be able to up-level in order to call in what you're looking for. So they kind of go hand in hand.

Speaker 1:

They definitely go hand in hand releasing emotional triggers that we have and then taking action on it. It's one thing to think of positive thought, but then you've got to take action on it because again, we're in the physical realm, so nothing really counts Vibrationally until you actually do it. So, getting to the point where you you know staying on this example of self-worth, once you get to a point where you start really aligning to this idea of yes, I am worthy, then you start to take action that aligns to that. So that means that you have better boundaries, that you start saying no to people who aren't supporting your boundaries, that you start putting yourself first. That's where the congruence comes in. So it's one thing to think it, you must do it in order to make it real, because the universe only goes to what's real. That's the law of correspondence is one of these things. It's like well, what's? It's just going to send you a match for what's real.

Speaker 2:

You're right. I think taking action is also embodying that version of yourself that attracts the thing that you're looking for. So if, if, I want, I guess, more money. I'm not going to start spending recklessly to prove to the universe that I have more money, but maybe I might get better with money management, because the more money you have, the more you have to manage how to manage your money and your funds. So I agree with that. I kind of want to go back to soul originations a little bit. Just, I have a question on that. Really quick, I think we kind of covered it a little bit, but I want to talk about the idea of blue prints and soul gifts because, as I'm thinking about it now the manifestation archetypes I'm kind of seeing a correlation between that and someone's soul blueprint. Yes, so.

Speaker 1:

So there is a blueprint at every level of our existence and we exist in at least 10 dimensions all at once. They're all happening at the same time and that that's also another form of alignment. It's aligning to your soul blueprints. So you know, the first and second dimension don't affect us a whole lot here, that's more the plants and mineral realm and stuff. But we're third dimensional in nature because we have a physical body and we live here in the physical. So there's a physical blueprint and you affect that blueprint through the actions you ultimately take, right and how aligned or misaligned. And then you rise up into your fourth dimensional aspect, which is your thoughts and emotions are kind of in between those two, and the fourth dimension can be one of the most difficult ones for us to get through. We kind of talked about that, the whole mindset thing. It's like how do I rise up past my ego in the chatter to my higher dimensional blueprint, which starts at our fifth dimensional blueprint, which is starts kind of the spiritual aspect of us that's what the Akashic record buys is at your fifth dimension. And then you get a bunch of higher and higher consciousness the sixth, the seventh, the eighth, ninth and the tenth dimensions. So there's, these blueprints are all stacked on top of one another and we're always receiving energy vital force energy from source while we're in a physical body and the soul is always receiving that, and it has to come from source through all of our blueprints all the way down to us at the physical body level. And then what we do with our energy is up to us and our free will. Right, we can make aligned choices or misaligned. So we increase our vital force energy when we make aligned or positive choices. We decrease our vital force energy when we make misaligned or negative choices.

Speaker 1:

And so my work with the Akashic records is all about aligning you with your free will thoughts at the fourth dimension and your free will actions at the third dimension, with your fifth dimensional blueprint, because that's how you're going to maximize vital force energy. And a lot of those blueprints include information on how you're designed to respond to the world, and that's really what we're doing here on earth is we were, we're responding to everyone and everything all the time. Do we have an aligned response or do we have a misaligned response? And so, once you're aware because a lot of the times when we make negative or misaligned choices.

Speaker 1:

It's just subconscious, we just do it, we don't even think about it and we're like. Then we wonder why we're miserable, right? So we talk about well, this is the misaligned choices you're making. This is where your blueprint is off and this is why you're low on energy, right? So when we bring in more vital force, energy, and you align to your gifts and you line up your free will, thoughts and actions with your fifth dimensional and higher level consciousness blueprints, that's how you access more and more of your divine self, your divinity, your soul, energy, however you want to describe it, and that's how you enhance manifestation.

Speaker 2:

Is vital force energy, the energy we use to create when we're in alignment with our life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, we're always receiving energy. That's how we're alive, and it comes in through our crown chakra and then we'll talk about chakras, but you know, and that gets delivered to all the parts of the body that allow us to function and breathe and move. But it's up to us as individuals how we want to use our energy, and some of us are not using it for our highest good. Other people are just killing it right. They're just major forces to be contended with. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, and it's interesting I just had a mini epiphany In talking about soul blueprints. It kind of sounds very similar to a lot of these spiritual sciences that people use to understand themselves better, like astrology, human design, I think those kind of map out our soul blueprint, personality blueprints.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of complimentary work with those things you just mentioned. Yes, I think there's a lot of parallels. I don't think one is any better than the other, but you might resonate with more with one than the other. My tool just happens to be the Akashic Records. I know some amazing people that I follow on social media that do astrology and human design. Just, I think it's so cool.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's also cool.

Speaker 1:

It really is, and I think it's. I think we're all talking the same thing, it's just which channel are you listening to?

Speaker 2:

Which one resonates the most. Absolutely, the more I have these conversations, the more I'm like oh okay, we're all pretty much saying the same thing. I mean, I've looked into human design. I haven't gone too deep into astrology, I just kind of know the basics my sun sign, moon sign and rising. But just from the little I touched astrology and looking at human design and talking about soul, blueprints, I and even numerology, a lot of it I am seeing so many patterns. They're kind of telling me the same thing, but maybe in different languages. So it's all very interesting how everything is connected, but they all play a role. So, yeah, this, this was a great conversation, patty. I mean, honestly, we can go down a million rabbit hole.

Speaker 1:

We could, we could.

Speaker 2:

We literally could. But I will say one last thing, though. What's so interesting about our conversation and with a lot of the conversations I've been having recently, this idea of authenticity keeps coming up. I know people have talked about authenticity before in the past. That's something that everyone says be authentic, but I find it interesting that a lot of who we are at our core, at a soul level, at a higher dimensional levels, really ties back to authenticity. So I think there's a there's a larger but simple story there, and I just find it fascinating that it just keeps coming back in a lot of these conversations that I'm I'm having. But this was a great conversation, patty. Thank you so much for stopping by the Shifting Dimensions podcast. I love to end the episodes with something fun, so I like to ask what have you recently shifted in perspective? So it could be as simple as I used to love mint chocolate ice cream Now I don't love it. Or it could be as deep as you want it to be.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my gosh. You know it's a hard question because I think I've shifted so much since I've had a personal epiphany about three years ago I've really shifted, I think, overall. I used to think that I needed somebody in my life to make me feel complete, and I think that was ancestral related. I think that was part of my karma to overcome. And I went through a relationship shift, a very long term relationship relationship shift three years ago and I have proven to myself that I don't. I don't need anybody. I'm complete and whole as I am and it's taken me almost 60 years on earth to figure that out. See, even you know I do this for a living. I still got struggle with those things, but I have recently come to that epiphany that I'm like damn, I'm okay on my own, I don't need somebody.

Speaker 1:

I would love to have a compliment you know partner, but I don't need, like I used to, and that is such a paradigm shift for me.

Speaker 2:

That's an amazing shift and a shift. I think more people need to have no shade to them or anything, but I think that's a profound, profound paradigm shift that you've arrived at. Where can people find you if they want to learn more about you or check out your work, or take the manifestation archetype quiz?

Speaker 1:

Sure, it's on my website. It's pattyolivercom, it's P-A-T-T-Y. Olivercom, and you'll see it under there. I have a section called free resources and you can find a direct link to the quiz there. It's also in the bottom part of the website, but there's all kinds of information there. I've got my blog, I've got my course descriptions, my private coaching, which I've just it has filled up, so I've closed it down temporarily, but I do offer that, yeah, and my Oracle Card Deck that I have.

Speaker 2:

Awesome. Thank you, patty, for stopping by Shifting Dimensions. Thank you for having me, it's been wonderful. Yeah, that was so fun.

Exploring Soul Originations and Akashic Records
Journey to Self-Discovery and Purpose
Soul Origination & Manifesting Archetypes
Understanding Manifestation Archetypes and Soul Alignment
Manifesting With Law of Attraction Coaches
Manifesting, Karma, and Positive Thinking
Exploring Soul Blueprints and Authenticity
Discovering Self-Completion at Sixty