Shifting Dimensions

9. Spiritual Therapy: Exploring Soul Retrieval, Healing, and Breaking Through Karmic Cycles Ft. Malorine Mathurin

March 19, 2024 with Jummie Moses Season 1 Episode 9
9. Spiritual Therapy: Exploring Soul Retrieval, Healing, and Breaking Through Karmic Cycles Ft. Malorine Mathurin
Shifting Dimensions
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Shifting Dimensions
9. Spiritual Therapy: Exploring Soul Retrieval, Healing, and Breaking Through Karmic Cycles Ft. Malorine Mathurin
Mar 19, 2024 Season 1 Episode 9
with Jummie Moses

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Have you ever felt an inexplicable pull towards the spiritual world, or wondered about the deeper meanings behind your life's patterns? 

On the show today is Malorine Mathurin. Malorine is a Spiritual Counselor and Mystic with over 30 years of experience using various Divination tools, such as: Intuitive/Past-Life Astrology, Mediumship, Tarot, Numerology, and the Akashic Records, with her primary objective being to discharge the karmic issues that are blocking her clients mental, emotional, spiritual, and psychological gifts.

Malorine brings clarity to the often blurred lines between faith and mysticism, offering a fresh perspective on the synergy of religious traditions and psychic phenomena. This dialogue sheds light on the misconceptions that shroud spiritual practices, with special attention to the cultural nuances that shape our approach to the unseen.

Prepare to be captivated as we delve into the transformative processes of soul retrieval and spiritual healing. Malorine blends Reiki, Spiritual Response Therapy, and sound frequencies to forge pathways to liberation from karmic cycles. We also ponder the cosmic dance of our souls, discussing the possibility of renegotiating our life's blueprint and the fascinating journey beyond our earthly plane. This episode is an invitation to reflect on your spiritual path, challenge your perspectives, and consider the infinite expanse of growth that awaits within and beyond the stars.

Where to find Malorine:


TikTok - @shiftingdimensions444
Instagram - @shiftingdimensions_pod

The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the guest’s own and do not represent the views, thoughts, and opinions of Shifting Dimensions. The material and information presented here is for general information and entertainment purposes only.

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Have you ever felt an inexplicable pull towards the spiritual world, or wondered about the deeper meanings behind your life's patterns? 

On the show today is Malorine Mathurin. Malorine is a Spiritual Counselor and Mystic with over 30 years of experience using various Divination tools, such as: Intuitive/Past-Life Astrology, Mediumship, Tarot, Numerology, and the Akashic Records, with her primary objective being to discharge the karmic issues that are blocking her clients mental, emotional, spiritual, and psychological gifts.

Malorine brings clarity to the often blurred lines between faith and mysticism, offering a fresh perspective on the synergy of religious traditions and psychic phenomena. This dialogue sheds light on the misconceptions that shroud spiritual practices, with special attention to the cultural nuances that shape our approach to the unseen.

Prepare to be captivated as we delve into the transformative processes of soul retrieval and spiritual healing. Malorine blends Reiki, Spiritual Response Therapy, and sound frequencies to forge pathways to liberation from karmic cycles. We also ponder the cosmic dance of our souls, discussing the possibility of renegotiating our life's blueprint and the fascinating journey beyond our earthly plane. This episode is an invitation to reflect on your spiritual path, challenge your perspectives, and consider the infinite expanse of growth that awaits within and beyond the stars.

Where to find Malorine:


TikTok - @shiftingdimensions444
Instagram - @shiftingdimensions_pod

The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the guest’s own and do not represent the views, thoughts, and opinions of Shifting Dimensions. The material and information presented here is for general information and entertainment purposes only.

Speaker 1:

This is the pattern that you are releasing from this. That can actually with money or lack can be connected to a vow that maybe she took when she was a priest in 1500s that stated that she wasn't allowed to have money. So she took that vow with her through all these lifetimes. But now it's causing a problem because now she actually wants to make money. So there might be some guilt connected with that.

Speaker 2:

You're listening to Shifting Dimensions. I'm your host, Jimmy Moses. On the show today is Malarine Maturin. Malarine is a spiritual counselor and mystic with over 30 years of experience using various divination tools, such as intuitive past life, astrology, mediumship, tarot, numerology and the Akashic records, with her primary objective being to discharge the karmic issues that are blocking her clients' mental, emotional, spiritual and psychological gifts. So in our conversation today, Malarine and I discuss soul retrievals, which have to do with understanding and releasing karmic patterns, integrating all parts of ourselves and healing and much more. Let's get into it. ["shifting Dimensions"]. Malarine, welcome to Shifting Dimensions. I'm really excited to speak with you. You have so much knowledge and you do quite a few different things. You're a spiritual counselor and mystic and you're also into intuitive astrology, tarot numerology, the Akashic records just so many different spiritual tools that you're well versed in. So I wanna start off by asking you a little bit more about your journey. What was your journey into spirituality and what led you into spiritual counseling and calling yourself a mystic?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, thank you. Thank you, Jimmy. Thank you for having me here and it's just great to talk with you. So let's see, Okay, start from the beginning.

Speaker 1:

So there are different pathways that led to where I am right now, the first being that probably around four or five, I knew I was like medium I didn't know what to call it but we lived in an old kind of a colonial house in Pappush and, yeah, I used to like care people at night, I would have trouble sleeping, and I live with my family, my mom, my grandparents and my great-grandmother, so it's a very large household and everybody just thought I was playing around and she doesn't wanna sleep, blah, blah. And then my great-grandmother, who at the time I didn't realize, but she's a spiritualist and she was part of a Baptist church in Trinidad but they also worshiped the Orisha Shango, so she was already in that world and I didn't know. But she was just like, oh, okay, she's like I'll talk to her and I'll figure out what's going on. And then she knew that what was happening, like I was seeing spirits and hearing them, so she would help me, kind of like get them out of my room at night to sleep. So she would tell me to like I have to tell them off and I have to curse at them. And I was like I can't curse at them. And I was just I can't see that word. And she said you gotta say it. And I was like get the F out of here. Oh, you know, I was like you gotta say it, Say it with intention, because it's like I mean I went in Condon doing that right now, but it was just more about like standing up for yourself and really kind of making it clear they can't just visit you at any time of the day and night. So that did help.

Speaker 1:

But then from then on, yeah, I was always interested in spirituality and religion. So I would go with her to all of the services on Sundays, like Catholic church we should take Catholic church and she also went to Baptist church. I went to both with her. I was, I pretty much knew the Bible. I know the Bible, maybe not right now, but at the time I knew it inside and out, Like I would read the Bible on my own, I would go with her and if she didn't want to go I would go on my own, take the bus there and like eight years old, I mean it was different time in New York.

Speaker 1:

I could take the bus, you know, kids were a lot more, I guess I'll say, mature, but they had us out there doing all sorts of stuff. So I would just see a good close to the church myself. And then I started reading up more on what, what I was kind of reading in the Bible, but then also seeing outside, like experiencing with her and her friends and what they would talk about. I'm like, oh, what is mediumship? What is tarot? What does that mean? And she would also go to botanicas. I don't know if you know what they are, but like I think of botanicas as gardens with flowers.

Speaker 2:

Is that wrong? Or is that so simplified?

Speaker 1:

No, no, a botanica is a shop, so it's in. It's like super wrong. No, no, it's okay, it's all right. I mean, yeah, and it's in the, hence in the name. You would think it's like a botanical thing. But yeah, I totally understand that it's so. It's kind of like you know, we have a coffee carries nowadays, like it's very like pristine new age, pretty crystal shops.

Speaker 1:

Botanica is especially in New York or like kind of urban, like city areas. There were places where Latin, caribbean, african people, people of descent, would go and get their spiritual tools and, like crafts, get readings, and it was kind of like you know, sometimes a hole in the wall shop that were just. There's still a few in Brooklyn that you can just kind of go to and get your old school candles, you know, get a reading in the back from somebody's abuela, you know, you kind of get your herbs there. So it was the old school version of a pop of carries and the people weren't as like love and light back then. They were kind of a little bit ornery and not very friendly.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, she used to go get her reading once a month at a place in the Bronx. So I used to go with her and, yeah, even going there with the other kids, there were always like a bunch of kids, cause all the mothers and grandmothers were getting their readings on, you know, their spouses and their jobs. You know I didn't know anything at the time, but I was. We just hang out. All the kids were hanging out and I got my first tarama deck there and started learning the images on the cars and then the numbers, and then that went into numerology and then into astrology and just kind of spiraled from there. So I would just like absorb information as much as I could.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for sharing that.

Speaker 2:

I thought that was amazing to hear, actually, because I have so many questions.

Speaker 2:

First of all, I think it's amazing that you had someone in your life that was older who could tell you about your gifts and tell you how to master them or, you know, control them in a sense, because I feel like kids are a lot more sensitive to psychic abilities because they don't have a lot of the programming adults typically have and shut down certain parts of their sensitivities.

Speaker 2:

So I'm happy that you had someone in your life to kind of guide you. But what's interesting about that as well is that your great grandmother was also very much in the church and you were in the church, because usually when you hear about people who were in the church and they have these gifts, they're usually told to be ashamed of them or they're interacting with the devil. So could you just talk a little bit more about what personal philosophies did your great grandmother have in terms of religion and also the spiritual side of things like going into like mediumship? I don't know what her psychic abilities were, but how was she able to encourage you going to the church and also exploring tarot, numerology and mediumship?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's a good question. So I'm gonna do a little bit history lesson here, gonna go all the way back so definitely in the Caribbean for sure just dealing with the transatlantic slave trade. You know, ifa, which is part of the Yoruba Religion, and Yoruba Peoples came over from West Africa and it kind of like dissipated and broke up into many different forms of religions. We have Santeria, lakumi, boudou, and they all kind of like you know, they took pieces of those traditions. So a lot of times with those traditions, what happened? Because they weren't able slaves weren't able to practice their traditions outright, they would have to do it under the cover of Catholicism. So a lot of times they would merge the energy of saints and the Orishas and like kind of worship them simultaneously or working having an altar for Jesus but then having also having an altar for Yemeya or Yolshun or something like that. So it would kind of like there would be a merging of that. So a lot of the called the ATRs, which are African traditional religions, are kind of steep in that mixture of this very unique mixture of Christianity, christianity, catholicism and African traditional religions. They're kind of like merged in within each other. So that's kind of like where it started and, kind of like you said, this kind of interesting hidden aspect behind it.

Speaker 1:

Because, yes, I mean definitely, when I was in church, I went to a very traditional Catholic Church. We never really had chance to speak about it because our services were very, yeah, very traditional. We came in, we had our seats, we had our pews, didn't really talk to a lot, I mean, we knew our people were there, but it wasn't as like a you know, as they have a service, you talk below Ben and you go, so it wasn't very interactive. The Baptist Church, which is a little bit more, I feel like, looser in their rules, these were church that normally would go on for like three or four hours. This was like the old, like the old fashion, kind of like black churches, but Caribbean style. So they would go on for about three or four hours and it was a long service, but they would a lot of times they would merge these like this, this, this synchronicity of like these, these rituals and traditions that they would merge in. But they were seen as we're still worshiping God because in essence all of those religions are connected to a source, so they were able to kind of like merge them together.

Speaker 1:

So I feel like for my grandmother, who was also a medium, also a psychic, which are two very yeah, the whole thing is they're all different. You know, every medium is a psychic but not every psychic is a medium, right, so it's very a different energy. But she was able to hold many hats, so to speak. And even for myself, I think sometimes I talk about it and people will assume probably looking at me and probably thinking my practice that yeah, what I do is like, well, do not be demonic. And I've never thought of it that way because I know who I work with and I know that I work with light beings and ascended beings that don't are not as critical as, like, say, humans can be of each other. So I just knew from quite a young age that that was what I saw and that really helped color how I view my own, my own spiritual craft. So I hope I answered that. I was like a little bit you did.

Speaker 2:

You did a great job. You've been answering these questions so well, so I do like that you're giving an explanation. I like the history lessons, I like the stories. I think they add more meat to the answers. So I really appreciate that and I guess so just want to give you your props there. I'm really happy that you mentioned the whole evil thing right, because I think a lot of people would consider what you do in tapping into the other side right being a medium which is connecting with the other side, and I know psychics. Psychics deal more with potentially predicting the future, because the future is obviously moving target. But all because someone's a psychic doesn't mean that they can connect with someone on the other side. I just want to make sure that I understand that correctly.

Speaker 1:

Yes, okay.

Speaker 2:

Okay, cool. So I'm happy that you brought up the evil part of it, because I think there's a lot of discourse right now going on that I've been noticing a lot more where you have people who were considered new age and I put that in quotes because that could mean so many different things right? But I guess people who are into astrology talk about Akashic records, numerology. I've been seeing a lot of people like go on platforms and saying like they've dropped everything and they've given their life to Christ and they've gone back to the church and they didn't realize it. But they were dealing with spirits and evil entities. So it's interesting to hear you talk and say that well, I'm actually dealing with light beings. So I'm curious to know have you been hearing this discourse and what do you say to people? Or, I guess, what are your thoughts on that shift happening and what are your not just your thoughts but why do you think that people are who go from practicing astrology and tapping into their psychic abilities, are now running back to the church and repenting?

Speaker 1:

Hmm, good question. There's a few reasons I feel. I feel probably a lot of them are scared. I mean, if you're going and I feel like there's a thing, I mean being a psychic or an intuitive or an empath we all have that ability and I believe wholeheartedly that, especially in terms of African religions and connecting is pretty much connecting to yourself. When we're connecting to spirits and things and entities outside of ourselves, in essence, they are part of us as well and they're just helping us to learn more about who we are. And that's how I frame it.

Speaker 1:

When I'm working with clients, I'm not, you know, I'm not the story in this, but I feel like a lot of I. Always I'm lucky. I tend to attract clients who get me and get where I'm coming from, and then I'm not like you know some people. I treat it like a sideshow or kind of thing and it's like, oh, read my future and do this. I'm not doing that. I'm serious about this. And that's where the counseling comes in. What I help people do is to see if I'm looking at a past life. I'm not looking for it just to see that you were part of a coven or you were a medieval princess or whatever. That's not the point for me. For me, it's like I want to see what your patterns are that are limiting you in this life, and why do you keep repeating them. So when I ask the records or I ask your guides or my guides, that's what I'm my intention right. So when they show me a past life or they show me something that I need to see, it's for a reason, and that's what I love working with with this energy, because it's very much like the lack of judgment that exists in the astral realm is astounding. Like even like every time I'm there, I just wish I can like stay there. So I'm just like. You know, earth is so hard. But, yeah, I feel like a lot. I feel like I would not be surprised if some people maybe tap into it and tap into themselves and they get scared.

Speaker 1:

A lot of what I feel has been demonized and particularly for African based religions, there's been a demonization of what we practice, like voodoo is seen as this evil, like we're, you know, bringing back zombies to life and that was born on through Hollywood. But going all the way back, it does stem from anti blackness. You know you don't see this dealing with Asian religion. You know Buddhist Buddhism or you know the each chain or anything like that. It's not seen as evil, but they do have. They work with demons as well, right, they work with light and darkness Because you have to hold both. You can't see one without the other.

Speaker 1:

So there is always this balance of being in Yang, of black and white, of you know, there's not really good and bad, but there's always this dichotomy. So I always found it very interesting and I'm also, if I told you, but I'm also an anthropologist, so that's like where my this is, where I'm getting a lot of my history from. But it irks me to no degree that it seems like the religions that are connections to spirituality that are considered evil, are ones that are steeped in blackness, or are most likely people of color, latin people, people who are obviously not within the white patriarchy. So I just feel like this idea of evil, I feel like, if people will, would look past what you know, what there have been, and we've all been influenced, right, you know, even me, who have been grown up in this frame, this world.

Speaker 1:

I still sometimes I would say I doubt, but I question things because I'm hearing people say outwards oh, this is what's happening and I'm like no, I feel like I know what's going on, even though it might make me a little bit like a little, a little waiver. But I always come back to my foundation, but I can only imagine someone who doesn't have that foundation. They can easily be, I would say, set astray. I don't think, you know, being part of religions that say a bad thing. I feel like that's probably their journey. But I do feel like there is a global, I would say, sense of certain aspects of spirituality being seen as evil and I would say that they are really an anti-blackness.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I also, as you were talking, I was also thinking about you know, potentially that. You know, I think, that when it comes to spiritual practices and I think before we even got into recording, we were talking about the idea of curiosity, knowing that there's something else out there, and even your story is very impactful because you were hearing spirits and you were tapping into your medium gifts at such a young age. It's not something you had to turn on or learn, it just came to you right. So I also think that a lot of people get really curious about how the other side and potentially could be doing practices or opening themselves up to different types of entities because, like you said, there are good entities out there and there are bad entities out there.

Speaker 2:

I do think that there is a demonization of practices that people cannot comprehend because they deem it as your string away from God.

Speaker 2:

Right, and to me, part of the reason, part of the reason why I like to have these conversations, is because everyone is so much on the extreme end of like these conversations sometimes and I try to kind of bring balance and that's why I asked you about your childhood background, being in the church but also having the freedom to kind of explore your gifts and hone in on them and hone in on your craft, which I think is amazing, right?

Speaker 2:

So, again, I appreciate you for explaining that and your thoughts on that. It also makes me want to ask you, in terms of the work that you do, do you actually interact to come across negative entities, and how do you protect yourself from that? Or do you not have a problem interacting with them? Because, again to the point I was making into, part of why I asked the question is I do think that people are curious about these practices, but they might not have the understanding to really realize what they're grappling with, right, like your grandmother was able to tell you hey, if these spirits are bothering you, this is what you do. Some people don't have that and they freak out and say, oh, these are demons, but they're not actually demons. So I'll stop there and let you answer the question.

Speaker 1:

No, no, this is great. I love this, yeah, for sure. That's why I feel like that's something, that's their journey, because I feel like it's not up to me to tell them that they're wrong if they want to go back to the church either, because when I was very much, I was one of those kids who would willingly go to Sunday school. I love learning about the Bible and hearing. I always saw these beautiful stories and I was able to visualize and put myself in the stories and see it, and that's probably part of the psychic ability being able to connect to what I'm hearing and making this whole beautiful story. So, yeah, I do feel like, yeah, I mean that's definitely an issue, people rushing in going way too hard, way too fast. I mean, my practice has been developed, you know, to an age myself, but yeah, I mean over 35 years, right, so I could definitely. I mean and I always tell clients too, to not to say it's not a partition, but if I'm sensing something, definitely don't put it as like you have to see what I'm seeing, because I've been working on this for so long that it's going to be very different from what someone else is experiencing, and I mean it could be a mixture of things definitely people being excited and curious and just going all the way and then not really following up, you know, because I mean that's the whole thing you think about a practice. Right, it's a practice, it's a craft, so it takes time to hone those things. And I do feel I think I was talking to a friend of mine, you know looking at like which talk or spiritual talk on the tick tock, you know, and a lot of like you know, say, baby witches or people who are new to spirituality. It's like, yeah, it does require a certain level of patience and curiosity, but to actually follow up and follow through with what you're doing and asking questions to like, yeah, if you don't know what's happening, like probably go out and find mentors there are a lot of people out there, especially now, who you know, find somebody that you vibe with and just. But I feel like that is something that I'm hoping we see a larger trend of, because I feel like, over the pandemic, there was a lot of doing, a lot of people doing self teaching, which is great, but not a lot of follow up after that, not a lot of ability to integrate what they just learned, and then, plus, we're going through a pandemic, so that's also a trauma, a lot of PTSD happening there. So I feel like it's just like a formula for a lot to happen there. That it's just. It's like probably multi layered for a lot of people, where they probably went all in and there was scary, I don't know. I'm hearing stuff now. I don't like this. Let me go back and pray and it's like, yeah, it's great. You know, be honest, I'm like I'm all for it because I wouldn't call myself a Christian or a Catholic now, but I definitely am a spiritualist, like I.

Speaker 1:

If I, you said I have a counter, any like say evil spirits or say I know, to be honest, I don't know if I would call them evil. I'm going to be honest. What I have seen are a lot of lost spirits and a lot of, especially when there are beings who used to be human, who've been here for some time. They tend to sometimes forget they can forget, I would say, social graces, I would say and they kind of yeah, I think they just kind of they lose the plot a little bit. So what I have seen people, you know, energies that can come across as very intimidating or aggressive, but when you get down to the heart of it, it's like, oh, they want to be heard, or they want you to understand what they feel, or, yeah, this is they feel this is their house and if we have a conversation, yeah, we can live here. I'm like, why not? Right, you know I'm. I look, the house I live in is I'm taking care of the family house right now. So I'm in the house that I originally had those scary dreams from. And it's so interesting because now I'm coming back more mature, as an adult and, yeah, a lot of same energy is still there, but I'm more experienced now and pretty much I was like, yeah, we're not doing this midnight 3am waking me up thing. So if you got something to say, you got to say during the day, when I'm awake and unconscious and I'm giving you time limits as office hours, you know, or you know we're going to work together. I won't put sage in this room, but you can see popping out and just doing whatever you want at either. So we have a, we have an agreement, but I feel like I'm saying like there are never any kind of like evil energies, but I just from my experience, if I'm doing any kind of mediumship.

Speaker 1:

It tends to be reasons why they might come across like some of the humans. Right, I'm not saying like there are no evil human beings, but if you have someone who's like in a bad mood, like a neighbor or something, and I have this bad person and they're just like, but then you're like I don't know, it might go deeper and again, no excuse. But maybe you might find out that they had a challenging childhood or their spouse just left them or they lost it, you know. So it's like oh okay, no excuse that they're acting like that. But I see now why they're not as friendly in the morning when I see them outside. Okay, I get that, you know, it's just for context. Really is not to say like they're not a challenging person, is just that. Oh, okay, I understand, like I get it. So I use the same, the same formula when I'm working with spirits.

Speaker 2:

I try to give them benefit that that's a good way of looking at it. I mean, it kind of goes back to the age old saying of hurt people, hurt people. So I guess hurt spirits potentially could hurt people or come off pretty negative. And I think this is the perfect segue to talk about soul retrieval, because that's something that you do as well. I've heard about this term so many times. To be quite honest, I'm not sure what it is, so could you explain what soul retrieval is?

Speaker 1:

Sure, well, this is the way I do it. I want to make my bed clear and everybody has their own own style. So what I use are a series of different energy healing modalities. So I use Reiki, which is like energy healing. You can do it through touch. We also can do it through distance and I use that. Just it's a very light. It helps achieve the energy for flow easier.

Speaker 1:

So I always keep that in the space whenever I'm using it. I also use the acoustic records. So I have, I open it, open it up with a prayer and I set the intention to work with higher ascended beings, so archangels, angels, ancestors and I would be a cost of records open. I set that intention. So I have those two things already set. Then, for the soul retrieval, I also do a third technique, which is called SRT, which is spiritual response therapy. It goes really. It goes a little deep, but pretty much what I'm using is a pendulum to clear and douse certain aspects of a person's like body or chemistry, and I'm what I'm reading our charts. So I have charts that I make or charts that were like I find, and I put them all together and these charts will have like numbers on them or they will refer back to a certain theme like, so to speak, like maybe a past life. So I have a series of options. So I use my pendulum to tell me if it's this or that, and I use that as also a dousing tool, so just a clearing tool. So I know it's a lot right now I'm saying, but I use those three things and in the session, and then when I do have a session with someone, they are, I would say, under, I'll have a chat with them like this at first, and then I set the kind of a music, so some sort of a hurts frequency that is connected to their theme. So say, if it's like something heart related or love related, most likely something 400 or 500 will show up. If it's like general clearing, like you know, negative energy or toxins within it, maybe a 741 will show up, something like that. So I first set the tone with the, with the frequency music.

Speaker 1:

I have that playing in the background and then I set the intention for them to just receive what I'm doing they can have their own experience, you know just to kind of receive that energy for an hour, hour and a half. I don't give it, I don't give any other prompts other than that I want them to experience what they're experiencing. Normally I have them like lay down or on their bed or the couch. I take off the cameras. I do the work Kind of in the background here while they're, while they're laying down, and a lot of the times we come in we'll come back about an hour and a half later and then we'll see if they will experience something.

Speaker 1:

It might not be the same. For some people it might be a visual thing, that maybe they're clairvoyant. So they was like oh, I saw colors and I saw this and I saw this person and I saw an elephant or whatever. Well, other people might hear something. Them like you know, I felt like the music was muted or it got really quiet or got really loud or something like that. So if we talk about that first, then I keep track of what I saw, what I picked up, and it'll be very specific, like I said before, of their pattern.

Speaker 1:

So, say, we talked about the beginning. That person has an issue with lack or they have a hard time keeping a job, so that's what I would go in there. Okay, can you? We asked our guys, we asked my guys. Can we please go in and see what is the pattern that is preventing Rebecca from keeping a job. And they say, okay, it's almost like you go to the librarian. You kind of go up to the desk, you get them the card and they go back and they get the reference material that you need. So they come back with like a stack of books and say the books are, you know, past life number one, past life number two and a present life connection with a mother number three. So we go through all those three things, we analyze it. If I might get some more details, like what specific year the past life happened. A lot of times you could be different gender, different race, different location. It could be. It's very interesting, it could be anywhere. Then we talk about it. We say, okay, this is what came up, this is the pattern that you are releasing from this.

Speaker 1:

That can connection with money or lack, can be connected to a vow that maybe she took when she was a priest in 1500s, that that stated that she wasn't allowed to have money Right. So she took that vow with her through all these lifetimes. But now it's causing a problem because now she actually wants to make money Right. So there might be some guilt connected with that, there might be some shame or might be some sort of self punishment. So we have to clear that energy first before we can even deal with the energy of making money. So sorry, I know I said a lot just now, but it's a very detailed process.

Speaker 2:

I appreciate the details actually, just to make sure I understand. So, essentially, soul retrieval is really working with the person and tapping into, I guess, their soul blueprint to how many lives they've reincarnated and how those lives are potentially affecting them in their current life, so which I've heard is also tied to karma. So soul retrieval and karmic cycles are intertwined, if I'm understanding correctly.

Speaker 1:

I'm always a little bit sketchy in terms of karmic cycles, because karma, sometimes just a modern definition, can sometimes allude to people having to like being, like paying back for something they did wrong, and I don't feel as the case a lot of the time. So I'm not sure. I'm not trying to like play, be specific, but I don't know if it's like a karmic cycle necessarily. It could just be. I have to say like, yeah, I do use those patterns or patterns that they're repeating, and I also like to quite a few know the old poltergeist, the very first one, like from the 70s or 80s, the Carol Anne.

Speaker 1:

So in the original poltergeist the little girl is trapped in the TV from the. That's where the realm is. So her mother has and the TV is just shining light all the time. So the girl's in there but they can't get her out. She can't walk out because there are beings in there that won't let her. So her mother literally has to like tie this rope around herself and go physically, go in there and get her daughter out safely.

Speaker 1:

So that's when I spend with clients. That's the fastest way I tell them I'm like what I'm doing is tying the rope around my waist, me, some of your guys, some of my guys. We go in there like Ghostbusters, go into the TV and we collect those parts of your soul that we need to help you with those patterns, and then we bring that back out and then we show it to you. We show it to you, we talk about it and we clear it as well. So it's like it's just whole. There's a sense of putting it into your consciousness. That's important. It's a part of it, like the person has to be conscious of what is happening so that they can be conscious to not to kind of be like mindful of work and show up again.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah, so to even make sure I fully understand this because I think I do so based on the example that you gave about working with a client and then they're struggling with something and you tap into the Akashic records and you see that, oh okay, in these two past lives these are the patterns that happened and in this current life this is how it's playing out with this person. So essentially, the soul retrieval aspect of it is essentially taking where they're stuck, where they haven't making progress, and bringing it into their frame of consciousness in this present life and clearing that contract. For example, like you said, if she took a vow, if you know the person that you use as an example, if they took a vow to be a priest or to not make money, they're stuck in that lifetime. They're stuck to that vow, they're stuck to that contract. So soul retrieval is basically breaking that contract, releasing it from those past lives and also releasing it from playing out in this, their current life, correct? I hope I didn't overcomplicate that.

Speaker 1:

No, no, that's, that's right. I'm just gonna say one thing I wouldn't, I wouldn't necessarily break the contract. So I always ask, I always ask and a lot of people like to do that. They're like they throw it at.

Speaker 1:

You know, I go on breaking contracts or I'm like they do court cutting and I was people I'm like, yeah, I mean, but if that court is meant to be there, that court is going to be there, right, we can. You know, it's like trying to cut I don't know, like a boat for the rope, for an anchor, it's like almost like metal and twine. Imagine going up there with like a pair of like children's scissors. You're like I'm going to cut this court. And they're like I'm not cutting this court. If this court is going to be cut, you're not going to cut it. Right.

Speaker 1:

What we can do is make the person aware that this court exists. This is probably something that they need to play out in their life. So I never promise I never promise that I'm cutting any contracts or anything like that. That's going to be solved automatically, because that's never the case, but we are bringing it to their consciousness, we help, we're helping them to make it easier. So like using that boat example.

Speaker 1:

Maybe that rope is like this thick and we we dwindle it down, we make it manageable. So that is not. Maybe that money issue is something that Rebecca has to learn throughout this life. So I'm just helping her, I'm just giving her like a leg up to be able for her to figure it out as she goes along and then, if she needs like feedback, that's something that you know, I can just keep like helping along the way. But that's that's kind of how I see contracts and courts. It's very much like like yeah, we don't have to say in how things are. I mean, yeah, I mean it could be the illusion that is broken, but it's really not. If it's, if it's meant to be there, it's meant to be there for some people.

Speaker 2:

Yeah well, and you know what. That does make sense, because I think at the end of the day, we are all in control and in charge of our own lives and we all have our own lessons that we're supposed to learn. So cutting the court or ending the contract might not actually be in service to that person's higher good, and they actually still have to do certain actions in this life to break those contracts themselves really. So I guess what I'm a little confused by is so what does clearing do then? Because I used to think clearing and and cutting contracts were the same thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's good and you make a great. Your analysis is amazing, like you. Just you summed it up perfectly. So, yeah, I mean there are clearing. I feel is kind of like depends on what it is. But I see, either we're minimizing the effect of it's almost like we can be like negotiators, like say, okay, look at an example. I'm very much into analogies. So say that person, say, that contract is like a Verizon contract, right. And Verizon has you down for paying for this phone to 18 months. And you're like I can't afford it, I don't want the phone anymore. And Verizon's like, well, you're stuck for. That's right, even if you use it or not.

Speaker 1:

So let's say I would go and say I was, I'm negotiator. I'll say, okay, all right, verizon, yeah, we get it. They purchased a phone they didn't know. So why don't we say, why don't we make it nine months? And they still keep the phone? You don't lose anything because you know you're going to get your money back. How does nine months sound? And they're like, okay, no, 12. No, no, we're going to stick to nine. Let's, let's try and negotiate nine, maybe 10, right, so kind of a negotiation depending on and I'd say, verizon being like God or spirit, or their guys or their, their spirit team. So who I'm negotiating with in essence are the same beings that are here to look at, look over them, and yeah, I mean they are very much. They're here to help us, but they are very much intent on us learning those lessons as well. So this is why sometimes they might not negotiate that the contract will be completely released, right.

Speaker 1:

I'm sure you've like seen probably have people like credit cards, right, it's like, okay, I can't pay the whole thing, but I'll pay a little bit, I'll pay some of it. And they're like, okay, good, that sounds good, that's good enough. Right, it's kind of that could be fine. So some people, it's easy. Some people it's like, okay, boom, you pay that off, that clearing is done, you don't have to honestly not worry about it. But that faction might be finished and we'll kind of like clear it up, but it does.

Speaker 1:

Then we give Rebecca the autonomy and I like to always get people their will back. I never to say like I'm just helping you, I'm not doing. You know you still have free will. So, rebecca, when that has free will now that, if it has been fully cleared, to then make better choices with her money right To then maybe really maybe was a self esteem thing too. Maybe again, there could be other things wrapped up there. So maybe her not going for a job that can pay her more to live better, live well, now she has the confidence to do that, you know, or that resistance that she was feeling, maybe now she can open herself up, open self more to to get that raise to work hard. You know, I don't know. So it could show up in many ways, but I was like I say I like to give the power back to the, to the client, so that they then are able to like, yeah, take the baton and kind of run with it Like in a relay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you're absolutely right, and that makes a lot of sense because I kind of see again, if I was to put it in my own words, if I was going to a practitioner like you, I would essentially be looking for the cheat code.

Speaker 2:

Maybe using an example that a lot of people can relate to, is this notion of dating the same person with different faces and somebody might be wondering why do I keep coming across the same type of person and reliving the same thing over and over again, why am I drawn to that, etc.

Speaker 2:

So I think going to a practitioner, a spiritual practitioner like you, I would be able to get additional insight, or the person would be able to get additional insight as to why they keep making the same mistakes, how that particular, those particular interactions have played across different lifetimes and feel more empowered to change their life. And you change your life by making different decisions or, you know, taking different action, and I think a lot of people intuitively know this as well, I mean with whether they choose to seek out a spiritual counselor or not. I think getting a cheat code makes things go faster, rather than taking five years to repeat cycles. It might take one year, but I do think that we're all, it's all kind of like inbuilt within all of us intuitively, and we know and we realize when we're repeating certain cycles etc. So I hope I, I hope I like explain that correctly. I hope that's with what you're trying to say.

Speaker 1:

Amazing job. Okay, I feel like I give like rambly kind of explanations and then you narrow down in a very concise, like beautiful way, and I'm like God that's great. I've never said that. You've heard it.

Speaker 2:

You got it Like okay, no yeah, yeah, no, but you expanding makes me fully understand it, because then I don't have to continue to pry for additional details. So I actually think I'm able to follow you. I'm not confused Because I'm able to follow you. That's why I'm able to sum it up, because I want to make sure that I fully understood everything that you were saying.

Speaker 1:

I appreciate you. Just, you know, being curious and like understanding that and, yeah, like you said, just being open-minded as well. Like you know, I one of those things where I tend to. I tell clients this and I was thinking like having some videos about this as well. I think people don't talk about these topics but I always I don't know, we like the, you know burst people's bubbles. I always tell people that you know, like I'm, I'm kind of here, Like I am, like like a light worker, like I'm working right, I'm not here to like please anybody, like I am, but at the same time, like who I'm here to please is, like you know, everyone's high is good, the universe, you know the connection to all. So, yeah, I tell people like very, like I'm going to be like hard hitting, we're going to go deep. If you're going to work with me, we're going to do the work.

Speaker 1:

I guess I've been very fortunate that I have attracted clients that are ready to, and I, I know some of those things were I never advertised. I stopped advertising because it just became I'm not very good at sales, but I don't know, I just I'm, I've always I think I just operate like those Botanica um umbrellas, where the thing was like you go on a Sunday and either she was there, she wasn't there, right, you just there were. No, there was. I mean, yes, I have scheduling is not I'm not that bad, but it was like very much like um, yeah, like she worked when she was ready and when she had the energy and um, I'm very fortunate that I have people, I'm attracting clients who are ready to do the work, because, um, a lot of my sessions are like un-consecutive, you know, they're like three or four. Sometimes you have some people for years and we work on, and it's not just one thing you work on, because there's always more Um.

Speaker 1:

I've told like I, um, when I started doing work on myself, I, I think I spent the first two years just clearing myself, possibly not every day, but maybe every other day, just doing deep clearing for myself, my own soul retrieval, and it was. It was heavy because I kind of got frustrated. I was like, wait, there's more, and then there's more and there's more. It was like there's almost feeling this never ending Um, but that's how I feel sometimes and um, I'm just, you know, definitely was frustrating. It still is sometimes, but I'm grateful that I feel like, um, it feels like I almost like you're constantly cleaning up this like quarter house or something, where it feels like it's it's never going to end, and then one day you look around and you can actually sit in the living room and you're like, oh, it's not as bad as I thought it was.

Speaker 1:

You know, or I have, I have done some work. Okay, great, there's like 10 garbage bags out there. Okay, I have done something. Um, so, yeah, I feel like when people see that sometimes the results are really helpful, like I feel like our guides know that too. They know that we need to see, like we need to see results to keep going, and they do give us that. They give us like okay, you need something, we'll give you this. Okay, but keep going, you know, keep keep practicing.

Speaker 2:

Um yeah, I, I, I agree with you and I think this whole situation what we've been talking about, I think, is very interesting to me, because I kind of think it's like soul therapy right, we have talk therapy, we have somatic therapy, we have different types of therapies, but I think, for the people who are ready to kind of take that not to be no pun intended like dimensional shift, who are trying to, you know, get to that next level and really hone in on the spiritual part of their human being, I think those are the people that I'm sure you want to attract and those are the people who end up finding you because they're ready to go a step deeper.

Speaker 2:

Right, Because talk therapy can only go so far, Somatic therapy, body based therapy can only go so far, and all of these different modalities, they all play a significant role, they're all part of the puzzle.

Speaker 2:

So it's not like one is way better than the other, but I think that you know, as you unlock new levels of being, you need maybe more intense therapies, and I think what you described in terms of soul retrieval and tapping into Akashic records speak to that like spiritual therapy, if I was to put it in my own words. But then it also makes me kind of want to ask you because I'm curious what is your? Why do you think we keep coming back over and over again? I know the simple question. I mean sorry, I know the simple answer is well, we're supposed to learn stuff and you know clear out cycles. But I was listening to Dolores Cannon, who she's a past life regressionist, and in a lot of her findings she said that people might unintentionally be stuck in karmic loops in the sense of like they continue to repeat cycles and they keep coming back.

Speaker 2:

But when I hear that, to me it sounds really daunting, right, because how come? We have freedom of choice, but when it comes to coming back or not, it seems like that's where that stops. And you might not have the answer to this. But I'm just curious, like you've been doing this work for so many years now, just what are your thoughts on constantly coming back and learning lessons, and is there a point where we could literally just decide to be different, like I just want to be a different person period and just completely change the whole course without having to do a soul retrieval etc. That was a lot there, but I hope you understand what I'm going to ask.

Speaker 1:

I love that, I love this. So, yeah, I very much, really really like Dolores Cannon. It was interesting. Actually I just talked with some friends about this. When I was younger I was very much like, oh, I should read these mediumship books. I should read about like Notre Dame as in Dolores Cannon, and my guys were always like hesitant for me to read these books. I don't know why. And it's interesting, I know parts of like stuff with the Dolores Cannon and Notre Dame, but from from other people telling me. So I know bits and pieces from that and I feel like I know I've kind of figured out, I'm seeing why.

Speaker 1:

Because I feel like again, not to say that anything is right or wrong, I feel like we're all given different information from you. Know, I feel like remember, I can't remember who her guides were, who she was talking to, but yeah, I mean I don't know if I would like you know we, I don't know, I wouldn't say like everybody, maybe some people are in that karmic loop, but I like to. But it feels very twilight zoning, I don't know. It feels like almost like a, like a nightmare. You could say that it's just like I, but I, I don't know, I mean, I've worked with these, you know ascended beings and guides, and they're so like, very loving and caring. Some of them are very matter of fact, like they don't play around and I don't know. I just don't feel like they would, like we would be in that kind of cycle without willingly. Maybe in some, maybe our subconscious is not completely awarefully, and that can be, maybe they're not completely aware all the all the way that they're in this cycle. But I know I've seen this is going to be a little bit stretch, but we were and sometimes we're not always human as well.

Speaker 1:

So we spend time on different planets. We spend time on as angel beings, we spend time as beings of light with no form. You know we spend time in different dimensions, right, and parallel lifetimes. It's it kind of it can go so far and what I've seen just from my experience with, like, when I encounter these lifetimes or these like other entities, it's like they decided to do it. So it's like, oh, I want it to be, like, I need a rest or I need a break or I want to learn something else in this dimension for some time.

Speaker 1:

So there are some times when we have gaps, like gaps in our resume, when I used to ask, I was like, what are these gaps Like where? Why can't I find anything for this person between this and this time? Like, oh, because they weren't on Earth, they were somewhere else. And I was like, oh, okay, so they were learning something. So that's where we get the whole idea of, you know, star seeds and being from other, and people can be multiple star seeds.

Speaker 1:

You know, they can come from many different dimensions and galaxies, but Earth is one of the most, it's like the fastest way to. We have a limited amount of life here. It's the fastest way to learn. It's coming at you hard.

Speaker 1:

Earth is connecting with other different humans of similar, like I'll say similar, but yeah, very different ways, of different lessons, and Earth is the only really place that has all of these mixed in in one, you know. So it's, yeah, it tends to be the place where people want to go to, but there are people who take, you know, beings, take breaks for sure. It's actually really beautiful to see that sometimes, because it kind of takes away from this hustle mentality, this like go, go, go. We have to, like you know, do the lessons, do the work, do the things, and I definitely I know I was talking about having it be a practice and, you know, putting the work in, but I also are conscious of, you know, the fact that we do have, you know, many times to explore these topics, which feels surreal sometimes because I feel like, yeah, I'm like, am I leaving this for next lifetime? I don't know. No, I'll try. I think I'll do it now. You know, I'll also do it now while I'm here, so I know that helps.

Speaker 2:

No, that helps, I think, for me too. I think the notion of constantly coming back and oh my God, I didn't learn this lesson, I have to come back, I didn't learn that lesson because at the end day we're the human experience is very much focused on duality, and I think that I mean this is just my opinion thus far I think that, no matter how much you reach a certain level of spiritual enlightenment, we're just still going to experience certain things that bring up anger. We're going to experience grief and loss, maybe to varying degrees, in a way that we won't be stuck in those feelings per se. But I do think while we're in a human body, there's so many opportunities to be imperfect and make mistakes that, of course, it seems easy for us to be stuck in this loop of constantly coming back. So, hearing that potentially we do have freedom of choice to not have to come back, I wish we did not forget the contracts that we made. I wish we didn't forget the lives that we had. But you know, that goes into time and people say that. A lot of people say that our lives are happening all at the same time, and time is really not like a construct the way we think that it is. So that's a whole other rabbit hole that if we start trying to go down, we probably won't stop talking for the next five hours. But it's good to know that and that feels that makes me feel more calm. Again, I don't know how to necessarily prove that, but it also makes sense that we would come back and learn different cycles, and it's interesting that you even said that people incarnate in different races, which would also make sense. And I wonder if people knew that you could come back as anyone, what would that do for relationships and how we see other people who are different from us? Exactly Another question I want to ask you.

Speaker 2:

I know that we're at the top of the hour. I can just keep going and going and going, but I will hold myself back. The last question I want to ask you because I'm curious you talk a lot about connecting with Spirit, spirit guides, angels, ascended masters, and you also talked about being in the church, which they talk heavily about God. So what is your perception of God and the idea of talking to Spirit guides, etc. Because, to your point again, with a lot of African spiritual practices, they believed in multiple gods, right, but now in present day, it's very much monotheistic I think that's the word where you believe in just one God. So I just want to hear your thoughts on the idea of multiple gods or praying to entities outside of the one true God that people prefer to talk about.

Speaker 1:

That's a good question, okay. So I'm not sure if I have an answer for me in terms of how I see it, because I'm going to be honest, when I see deities or other beings, I feel like they are manifestations of God and God consciousness Christ consciousness, I would say and they just show up as different, in different forms, in different ways, and they're kind of what they. How they show up, is related to how they can reconnect with the human psyche. So they represent our flaws, they represent our virtues and our vices, and our virtues and our vices and the things we're afraid of and the things that we love. So that has kind of I'm so like working out like how it shows up for me.

Speaker 1:

I think, because I grew up in the church very much and I have my own relationship with God, yeah, I do feel like when I, the more, the deeper I go into that connection and align myself to be open and just seeing whatever comes in, I mean, to be honest, what I'm seeing with God is actually it's in everything that's on the earth.

Speaker 1:

So it's connecting to plants, connecting to nature, connecting to the seasons. Humans are on this planet. So just whatever what's here on this planet is also a manifestation of God's energy and God's light. And yeah, I feel like they're all just like forms, or like forms or like other other appreciations of I don't know, like symbols or remnants of I don't know what the right word is, but I don't know. I feel like if I'm answering question correctly. But yeah, I feel like you know, definitely have this idea, I think, just from my own Christian upbringing, that there is this God and then everything else is kind of underneath that. So I'm still working through how that, what that looks like for me. But, like I said, just going back, I do feel like the entities and connections that I see are are manifestations or connections to that Christ consciousness, that God's spirit.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if I answered it. You answered it perfectly. I mean, it's such a large question to answer, it's more at this point, it would just kind of be more your opinion based on your experiences. There's really no right or wrong answer, but I just wanted to ask you, since you, you know, are into all of these different practices and you have so much knowledge, just want to hear your thoughts on where you have arrived at that question. So thank you for sharing.

Speaker 2:

This was a great conversation and I'm trying to hold myself back from asking 20 more questions. Thank you for making time. I know that your schedule has been pretty busy and you just got back from a trip, but you still made time for the podcast, so I really appreciate you for that. I have to ask you one final question which I always ask all my guests, which is have you shifted in perspective on anything lately? And it could be as lighthearted as you want it to be, like maybe you started eating a new ice cream or dish that you never thought you would like, or it could be as deep as you want it to be.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay, let's see. Recently, okay, so I went to visit some of you friends and we're all kind of like different spiritual inclinations and we have, like you know, conversations like how we're having and we talk about our ideas and theories and every time I'm up there I like to connect to birds of prey. I like a lot of birds are on my spirit team. I feed the birds outside my window here and I have a whole collection of different types of birds and I love working with birds. There's my go up there. I always tend to either like constantly see hawks or vultures, or even like eagles and like my friend's house, like when I'm there looking the hawk would be circling around and as soon as, like I'm like, oh, look at that. And she comes in and it's like it disappears and I'm like I just literally saw it, I knew it was there. It's kind of like playing around. So what I probably realized was that, um, yeah, like I mean I knew we all had like different spirit guys and things like that, but um, like just knowing, like I always had the intention like whoever shows up for me, like whatever messages I have on this trip, please let me know. I just make it very clear. And, um, yeah, the hawk was just reminding me to um that bigger picture, thinking this is a theme for me in this life to pull out and we move, go away from the details and kind of see the see the whole thing. And even as we're talking, that was just another, you know, another reminder to just, yeah, can continuously, always pull out, always pull out from the um, zoom out and see, okay, what am I actually looking at, just for perspective sake. And that's really again, it's just a reminder of that and having this conversation with you and just again just reminding me of that too, just um, yeah, we were talking about the people who like leave, you know, um, you know witchcraft or tarot or whatever astrology, and go back to the church. I'm like, yeah, okay, good, great, you know, maybe that's what they need, maybe for them, maybe maybe this is their religious life. I don't know, I've had mine right, so maybe it's, maybe it's their turn, you know, and sometimes like that I mean it's helped me to not take things personally, especially with the work that I do.

Speaker 1:

Um, you know, I don't like declare it, you know, completely out to people, I don't know. I mean people have you look me up and see it anyway, but, um, I'm getting more comfortable with it as I get older. I mean, maybe it's this age. You get to a certain age and you're just like, well, this is who I am. You gotta take it or leave it.

Speaker 1:

You know, this is, this is what it is, um, and yeah, and also having that compassion for people who don't see it that way too, and the more, the older I get, I guess, the more I deeper I get into this practice, the more compassion and, um, not sympathy and I feel sorry for them, it's not that. But I just feel like, okay, that's, that's what they're doing. Okay, cool, right, but then I would hope, you know, I would hope, but I feel like I'm also setting, you know, maybe energetic boundaries to also get that respect back from others. You know, I think that's the thing I I don't see a lot of, you know, people declaring that they're going and they're dropping this and then demonizing the things that they just like it's. It's not up to them to do that, but that's, that's something, either here or there. I can't control what they do, but, yeah, pretty much perspective.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much for sharing that. I resonate with that so much because I think you just kind of almost described what I'm trying to do with the podcast and have these different conversations with different people with different thoughts and opinions, because I feel like it's important for everybody to zero out of their own perspective and even look at perspectives they've never even considered and just kind of say like, oh, what's that play, like everybody's kind of saying this thing and at the end of the day, I think you know to your point about villainizing one thing over the other. What I'm learning is that everything boils down to intention. People can use anything for good. People can use anything for evil, right? So I think ultimately that's what it boils down to. But thank you so much. Where can people find you if they want to learn more about you or even work with you?

Speaker 1:

Okay, yeah, I'm still working on my main site, but I do have a. It's the MoonladySchoolcom and so it's kind of like there's like a, an access to my connection, to my YouTube channel where I do free readings there While I kind of sort out how I want the school to look. But I do I do a personal one to one readings one week a month and I just kind of like see people in that one go and then creating courses for, like psychic development mediumship. I've been teaching astrology and acacic records, so kind of making larger classes around that. So I'm hoping for the spring, which is around right on the corner, the equinox, which is kind of like to me the beginning of the year. But yeah, that's that's when I'm doing some MoonladySchoolcom and that's also on.

Speaker 1:

I think I changed it, yeah, changed it on Instagram, I changed it on. I'm on TikTok. I'm a lot more active on TikTok than I am on inside, kind of falling out of love with Instagram a little bit. We're on a break. We're on a break. Yeah, yeah, and yeah, youtube is probably the best place to find me to.

Speaker 2:

Okay, awesome. I'm going to link all of that in the show notes. And I falling out of love with Instagram as well. A lot of people have, so you're not alone, yeah. But thank you so much, mallory, for stopping by the show. It was great having you and hopefully we can talk again in the future.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for having me. Thank you so much. It was a lot of fun.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, guys, so much for tuning in. Please be sure to check out the show notes for links to Mallory's social media and ways to connect with her. Guys, just a friendly reminder that if you are enjoying the show, please make sure you subscribe, make sure you rate, leave or review. Engage with us Honestly. Your engagement, your subscriptions, you sharing helps to bring visibility to the show and if you're enjoying it, please show the show some love. And if you want to continue to rock with us, you can follow us on TikTok at Shifting Dimensions 444, or you can follow our YouTube page or subscribe, I should say, to our YouTube page at Shifting Dimensions. You can find us there. Thank you again for tuning in. See you next time.

Exploring Spirituality With Malarine Maturin
The Intersection of Spirituality and Religion
Misconceptions and Realities of Spirituality
Exploring Soul Retrieval and Healing
Negotiating Spiritual Growth and Healing
Exploring Spiritual Connections and Beliefs
Perspectives and Intention