Shifting Dimensions

13. The Higher Self, Shamanic Rituals, and Reiki Healing Ft. Jassy Jackson

with Jummie Moses Season 1 Episode 13

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In this episode we explore: 

Spiritual Awakening and Healing
The Higher Self and Spirituality
Shadow Work and Shamanism
Spiritual Perspectives
Heaven and Hell and The Purpose of Life
Reiki Healing and Energy Work

About Jassy: 

Jassy isn't just another voice in the world of spirituality; she's a beacon of light guiding souls toward their higher selves. As the seasoned host of the "Sacred Arts" podcast, she delves deep into the realms of consciousness, healing, and spiritual awakening. With a world drowning in anxiety and pain, Jassy envisions a brighter, more peaceful future where individuals live in the present, free from guilt or worry. Her dream? To equip everyone with transformative tools that lead to a life brimming with joy and fulfillment.

Holding a Masters of Science in Psychology, coupled with 15 years of leadership, Jassy's academic prowess meets her hands-on experience in spiritual guidance. She isn't just sharing theories; she's imparting wisdom gleaned from both research and real-world application. As a Master Reiki practitioner and trained Shaman, her expertise extends into the profound terrains of energy healing and divination. Every session with her is a step closer to tapping into one's innate power and navigating the intricate journey of spiritual awakening.

Jassy doesn't merely offer insights; she provides a compass for those seeking to illuminate their path. So, if you're a podcast host looking to empower your listeners with genuine, transformative knowledge, Jassy is the voice they need to hear.

Where to find Jassy:


TikTok - @shiftingdimensions444
Instagram - @shiftingdimensions_pod

The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the guest’s own and do not represent the views, thoughts, and opinions of Shifting Dimensions. The material and information presented here is for general information and entertainment purposes only.

Speaker 1:

your higher self is just pouring that unconditional love and you can feel the shift in your body. You can feel the frequency raise in your body and the more and more you do that, the more and more you're able to recognize and embody your higher self.

Speaker 2:

You're listening to Shifting Dimensions. I'm your host, jumi Moses. On the show today is Jassy Jackson. Jassy is a shamanic and master Reiki practitioner and has extensive experience in helping people through their spiritual awakening. With a master's of science in psychology and over 15 years as a leader, she has honed in on her purpose to empower others to shine a light on their existing path. On the show, we discuss topics related to the higher self, jassy's spiritual journey and the power in shamanic and Reiki healing practices. Let's get into it, jazzy. Welcome to Shifting Dimensions. Thank you so much for being here today.

Speaker 1:

I'm really excited to speak with you. Thank you for having me. I'm really excited for our conversation as well.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and part of the reason why I really wanted to speak with you is because I was fascinated or intrigued by the fact that you have years of experience in psychology. You were trained in psychology and then also like your Reiki healer, your shaman, among other things that you do. So I wanted to learn more about that and how you kind of co-mingle all of those worlds. But I wanted to start off by asking you have you always been a spiritual person?

Speaker 1:

No, I actually have not always been a spiritual person, because I did grow up in the Catholic church.

Speaker 1:

I went to a private Catholic school. In fact, I was one of the first women altar servers, so I was really ingrained and ingrained and indoctrinated into the religion. And then my grandfather died when I was like 15, 16 years old and I was really mad at God and so I rejected all things religious, spiritual and throughout my upbringing also, it was very confusing because while we were very Catholic my mom and my grandmother and my aunts and uncles they were all very much into like tarot and astrology, and they were, they had this spiritual side to them and so I kind of grew up with it. But after my grandfather had passed I was just like no, like I don't want any connection with source or anything like that. And it was like a decade, probably around 25, 26, when I kind of started to come back into having an interest in astrology and tarot. And it wasn't until my mid thirties, early to mid thirties, that I got introduced to Reiki and that's really what put me on this path.

Speaker 2:

It's interesting that you said that you grew up Catholic and but your family was also into like astrology and tower reading. I never hear that. I usually hear you know if you you're raised Catholic or you're raised super religious, the other things related to astrology or tower reading they're considered evil or taboo or potentially playing with spirits or entities that you're not supposed to play with. So it's interesting how you kind of had a mix of that like religion, religious aspect and also that spiritual aspect, which I think is cool. What triggered your you like finding your way back into spirituality? Was there like a pivotal moment in your life where you just kind of fell into it by accident?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's a great question because, you know, I lived my life according to what I thought was right, according to what other people expected. So, meaning, I went to college, I got my master's, I climbed up the corporate ladder, I had the biggest office in the building At some point. I was managing teams, I was, I did, I did the thing I like, I got married and I was doing everything everybody or society expected me to do. And, uh, for some reason, every time I hit a milestone, instead of being super happy about it, I had this overwhelming feeling of now what? Okay, like I'm supposed to feel something, I'm supposed to feel something different and instead I went deep into sadness because I was leaving my house and commuting. It was my, my job was only 20 minutes away at the time, and yet during those short 20 minutes of commuting, I would just sob and I didn't know why and I knew something was wrong and I didn't feel good in my body.

Speaker 1:

And one day, a co-worker came back from being out for a really long time and he said he had gone to rehab and he really wanted to share an experience with me. And at the time I wasn't really woo, I really I was into tarot and stuff like that. But I really wasn't into the woo side of of how I am today. And he's describing Reiki to me and saying how that was one of the treatments that he had at the facility and I was like, okay, like I don't, I don't understand why you're telling me this. But then two weeks later it all kind of made sense because I had my first mental breakdown. I had to have my husband come pick me up and on the ride from it was like a an hour ride from where he had to pick me up I was like, okay, I've been in therapy for 20 years. I have done all the other things that people have asked me to do. Like I will try anything at this point.

Speaker 1:

So I think I was so desperate to get out of this funk, to really figure out what was happening with me, that I was just willing to do anything. And so my friend that had. I reached out to my friend that had told me about Reiki and it just so happens that his Reiki person was just three minutes from my house, and so it can't just it can't get any simpler than that. And I ended up going to her and I was totally open. I'm usually somebody that's very skeptical, somebody that really wants to know how things work.

Speaker 1:

And at this point I was just so in the funk that and I was having the spiritual awakening that I was just like, look, I'm open, I'm here, and we talked for like two hours and then she did the Reiki and I saw lights behind my eyes and I saw this vision and I just felt like everything melted away and from that point forward I was like, okay, there's, there's more than this and I really need to be a lot more open to trying alternative modalities. And I paired it with, like my, my therapy. I still go to a therapist and I still do all the things, but now having all of these other extra support has really supported me through my spirituality in opening that up.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for sharing that. You know it's interesting and I've come a lot, come across a lot of similar stories and one thing I always recognize is that whenever people hit a certain wall when it comes to some sort of like internal pain or anxiety or depression or discomfort and they've tried talk therapy, they've tried all these different modalities, typical, like accepted modalities right it's like it starts to become the door into more spiritual awakening, or testing the waters that way, or trying to understand the more deeper, esoteric meanings of life. Right, because, like you said, you did the thing. You got your degree, you were in corporate and that wasn't good enough, even though you kept, you know, going up and up in ranking, et cetera. And I think part of your why in the work that you do now I think what that pain and that anxiety that keeps a lot of people like drowning metaphorically. So why do you think so many people suffer with anxiety and pain? And I'm sure, like that's such a loaded question, you might not have the answers to all of that.

Speaker 2:

But as a psychologist and with the work that you do as a you know Reiki practitioner, why do you think so many people struggle with anxiety and so much internal pain?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think there's a lot of different levels to that, I think. First, we're so out of our bodies, we're so much living in the future, thinking about what does so-and-so think about me? What am I going to wear today Because you know, I might not wear this today because so-and-so is going to criticize me what's on my calendar for tomorrow, for next week, for next month? Always living in the future. I had a therapist that actually said anxiety is when you live in the future, depression is when you're living in the past. And I think the other level to that is none of us are regulated in terms of our nervous system. We are.

Speaker 1:

A lot of us are still living in the survival brain, where we're constantly in a freeze or flight mode, and we don't realize that because we've conditioned ourselves to move forward, to suppress our emotions, to not feel anything or look into our body and just go ahead with our to-do list and what needs to be accomplished and what needs to be done. And I think that the last part of that is really getting to know ourselves and what it is that we want and explore new things, because so far, everything we've experienced is either things we've come across and we've said yes to, or things that we were kind of forced to do as children. You know, go to school. We didn't get to pick our elementary schools Our parents did. Right. We may have been exposed to certain things through friendships and things like that, but unless we make a conscious decision to go out and experiment and try different things, look at different cultures, look at different um examples and incorporate that to, to try it and feel it and see how it feels in our body and see how it um for us, then we'll never know.

Speaker 1:

So I think that there's like multiple layers to that and I think the first step is to want to no longer be in that frequency of anxiety. And very recently I learned I heard a quote that said something like anxiety and excitement are at the same frequency and anxiety is just excitement without the breath. And so if we learn to breathe and be in our bodies and regulate our nervous system, then we're able to decipher what. You know what it is that we're feeling. Is it excitement, is it anxiety? And if it's anxiety, learning these modalities to be able to come back and regulate.

Speaker 2:

And I want to talk about those modalities a little bit further down the line in that conversation.

Speaker 2:

But just in response to what you're saying, I know that for me and my hypothesis is that a lot of people struggle with giving themselves permission to be themselves.

Speaker 2:

Right To your point about, like you know, people feel like they have to do certain things, but they actually are called to experiment and try out different things, but they don't have the courage to be like this is what I want to do.

Speaker 2:

They're afraid to listen to their intuition, they're afraid of what people will think of them, and living a life being afraid of what people are going to think of you makes you live an inauthentic life and when you're inauthentic you're carrying all of that baggage with you and it is so painful, it is so stressful and the further you are away from your center and being able to kind of connect with yourself and connect with the things that you truly want for yourself. So I really liked that you called that piece out and it kind of makes me want to ask you, because I know something else that you talk about often is the concept of the higher self right and I feel like, in some ways, being authentic is being able to connect with your higher self. The stronger you have that connection, the stronger that connection is with your higher self, the more authentic you're able to be. So I want to talk about that piece a little bit. What is the higher self? Because so many people use it in so many different ways.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. No, I'm getting excited because you're speaking my language. Yeah, so to me, the way that I describe the higher self, your higher self, is the version of you before you had any human experiences. It is the purest part of who you really are. Before all of that, and if you're able to connect with that, you're able to connect with your authenticity and you're able to remember who you are and remember, have bits and pieces of coming back to center, coming back to being accountable and being in wholeness.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for sharing that. And before I even ask, how can we connect more deeply with our higher self? How is the higher self different from spirit guides or angels, because that's another thing I hear people talk about Like no, I'm not talking to my spirit guides right now, I'm talking to my higher self. Are they different or are they kind of one in the same?

Speaker 1:

I think it's different. I think spirit guides are other beings that you made a contract with to help guide you in this life where you have no remembrance of past life or or of the very center of you, because we're a little bit distorted with our brains. Our brains are here to help us survive. So in comes the ego, incomes, you know, which helps us stay alive incomes, all these human experiences, and so it's really hard to remember our higher self and who we are on the inside. Um, I think spirit guides and even angels are two completely different things.

Speaker 1:

I think angels have a different frequency and a different purpose for us and I think spirit guides are beings that we made a contract with that are here solely to help us and guide us and allow us to still have our human experience and make our choices, because we have free will, but at any given time we're able to ask questions and ask them for help, and so on and so forth.

Speaker 1:

It's really interesting because I always think of spirit guides as our protectors as well, because there have been times where, like, let's say, I'm falling asleep at the wheel and all of a sudden, my wheel like shifts because I almost hit a car, and you can have this realization of like oh shit, what was that? What was that? Like I know it wasn't me, right. And I think in those moments they're able to intervene because you're about to do something that was not on your path and it's not meant for you. But other than that, I think that if you make choices that are not for your path, they're not allowed to like really intervene until you ask and I always encourage people to create a relationship, establish a relationship with your spirit team or your angels, and then there's a separate relationship with your higher self, because your higher self is you, it's just you, with complete and utter clarity, with complete and utter unconditional love for you. It's the version of you that can pour that unconditional love into your being.

Speaker 2:

Is it synonymous with what people consider to be the soul?

Speaker 1:

That's a great question and I want to say no, but I don't have the vernacular. I'm still kind of exploring that because, just like the aura has like different bodies, has like the 10 bodies and there's so many layers to us, I think that the higher self and the soul, I don't know, I don't know. I think that my inner knowing says no, but I don't actually have language around it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, that makes sense, because I've heard people say that it's not exactly the soul Like. People understand why it could be interpreted that way, potentially, but it's not a hundred percent the soul. You know how like they're those eggs. Or you know those containers that look like eggs and then you open it and then there's something inside of the egg.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the Russian dolls yeah exactly.

Speaker 2:

So I feel like the soul is a part of the higher self. Maybe it's the energy force of the higher self, maybe that's what it is, who knows? That's just a that's the first thing that just came to my mind, so I guess I still have to, like, explore that a little bit more. Yeah, but I love what you said about the higher self. It's the version of us that has complete clarity and isn't worn down by being in this three-dimensional reality and isn't worn down by being a human being and having to do all of the human being things. So I really like that. So how can people get more in touch with their higher self? How can they know that I'm connecting with my higher self now versus, you know, connecting with a spirit guide or my angel team, et cetera?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there are really powerful meditations out there where you can accomplish that. I think that that's the best way is to go into meditation and meet your higher self, also through intention right, I think, through intentionality and having that intention you're able to tap into that. But first I think we need to practice being in our bodies, coming down from our minds because we live in our heads coming down into our solar plexus, right beneath our rib cage, and feeling into that area, feeling into our chakras and understanding it's uncomfortable to do it for the first time or the first few times to really feel ourselves in our body. And once we're able to practice that, then we can set that intention of like I want to. I want to be in contact with the purest version of myself, with my higher self, and see what that feels like.

Speaker 1:

And there's a lot of meditation where guides will you know the person guiding you in the in the meditation will set the scene and you'll be able to actually meet your higher self and then merge with your higher self.

Speaker 1:

And there's some meditations that I've heard where it's pouring your higher self is just pouring that unconditional love and you can feel the shift in your body, you can feel the frequency raise in your body and the more and more you do that, the more and more you're able to recognize and embody your higher self. And I think it's a beautiful thing because I've always felt my whole life like I'm such an independent person. I've always felt my whole life like I'm such an independent person. I'm nobody's victim, because I grew up in a very victim-like mentality household and I was so dead set that I wasn't going to be a victim. And once I was studying psychology I was like, holy moly, I'm a victim. I totally talk about myself in a very victim-like way and as soon as I started doing some of these higher self meditations it really allowed me to get out of the victim loop and be more in like that accountable loop, and that alone raises your frequency.

Speaker 2:

That's a good point. I've heard so many people talk about the notion of being a victim and how if we're not careful or we're not aware of the victim mindset, it could lower our vibration. Not that we're not, you know good enough, because I had someone comment on one of the videos saying that this whole notion of like being a victim, equating to lower frequency kind of might invalidate people who are legitimate victims in this world. Right, because we do have people who are victims. We are all at some point victimized, but I think it's staying in. Getting imprisoned in the mental world of this is what happens to me. You might continue to attract that frequency, potentially, but I that was a point that was made that I was like, oh, I need to think about this some more, but I hear what you're saying, so are you?

Speaker 1:

going to yeah, absolutely, when something happens to us that was out of our control and we are true victims, I think the best thing to do is to feel it, to process it and and to do all of the all of the things that we need to do to take care of ourselves. Um, but it's another thing when we're constantly having this um conversation with ourselves where oh, what was me? Everything bad always happens to me, So-and-so did this to me Like things that aren't really like victimhood, right, but it's a victim mentality and there's a lot of people that have that loop, right, I can observe it in some family members, I used to observe it in my own, and sometimes you're just like I think media is set up in that way as well. I think I see some television shows these days and I'm like, wow, they really promote that victim mentality thing these days, and I'm like, wow, they really promote that victim mentality thing. It's so interesting when you step out of that frequency and you're able to be in that accountability loop.

Speaker 1:

Now, like you said, there are times where bad things do happen to us, and I think that there is a different approach to that, Because I also think that you know just everything being love and positivity can be very toxic. I think we need to like ebb and flow and not really expect to always be at the highest frequency, but also accept when you're coming down the spiral, to like observe, like oh yeah, I'm really in my anger right now and I'm spiraling down into guilt and shame and and sadness and really processing those things, instead of like stuffing them down, which is what I think we're all taught at some point in our life. To just like nope, I have to move on. I have to like charge on, I got things to do. I can't process this right now, and I think it's just really important to again. It all comes back to self-awareness and mindfulness in our body and seeing where we're at and then making our way back up that that spiral.

Speaker 2:

I agree, and it's interesting that you mentioned the whole being constantly positive and just trying to be in the light, which there's nothing wrong with that. But on my spiritual journey and you know, getting closer to God and just really trying to get more in tune with my intuition, more in tune with myself, I used to think that the more I was vibrating, higher quote unquote it meant that I could only be positive, right, and any sort of recognition of anything negative or any sort of attraction of anything negative meant that it's important to look at the dark stuff quote unquote. And not everything that might be dark is evil or dark or nefarious, right, and we can go down a rabbit hole on that whole spectrum, but there is purpose to the dark.

Speaker 2:

I was watching a movie on Netflix, I think it was called Orion and the Dark, I think that's what it was called, and long story short, without boring you, but they there was this emphasis on the role that darkness plays right. So, like we know that the sun sets right and it gets dark, we can see the stars, lights kind of shine kind of differently, and there was a point in the movie where darkness went away and it was just, you know, the sun was out 24, seven for like months and people couldn't sleep. People were so tired, people were under a lot of stress and a lot of times a lot of creativity and a lot of times a lot of creativity and a lot of beautiful things are illuminated in the dark, so that that was like so like there was, that was so abstract. But I really like that you kind of pointed that out and I wanted to speak to that a little bit yeah, no, I love that, because there is no light without darkness.

Speaker 1:

And I think that the whole purpose of like shadow work, what they call shadow work, which stemmed from Carl Jung's work, is that you have to look at your, at the parts of yourself that you don't like about yourself, that you kind of keep hidden, and also accept those parts as being part of you and love those parts as well.

Speaker 1:

And I think that I used to also think that the same way, like, oh, I'm at a higher frequency, I have a better connection, and the minute something negative would appear, I would absolutely reject it and want to kind of separate myself or detach myself from that.

Speaker 1:

But what I've learned over time is that that's not the point, because that creates disconnection. My whole purpose is to create connection and be able to influence others, to live a pain-free life and be free of anxiety. And how can I do that if I'm completely disconnected and kind of divorcing myself from that? And so what I've learned is that the whole point is how to maintain my frequency so big and so full that it does not affect me and that I'm able to accept people for where they're at in their developmental stage, because everybody has the right to have a dark life. Everybody has a right to have a negative life, a victim life, whatever it is that they choose to have, and it's not for me to change that, but it's for me to be able to accept that and be able to continue to vibrate at whatever frequency I'm at, and not let that affect me.

Speaker 2:

You said that so well. I think what you're trying to get at is being able to observe the darker side of things, like you said, without letting it affect you, but acknowledging their relevance and why they're there. And I think since I've started on that journey, or I've gained that new insight, that level of understanding, I'm able to kind of sit with people and their emotions more. I used to be super empathetic. I am still very empathetic, but I would make someone else's discomfort my discomfort and I could not sit with it and I would go into problem solving mode and I'm still that way from a good place. I would hope you know, to try to give people ideas on how to feel better, but I just couldn't hold it.

Speaker 2:

I would or I would hold it too much and it was overwhelming and I was trying to like course correct for them, which is that's another story for a different day, but even with me understanding that I'm able to kind of sit with people that I love while they're going through very hard things and hold space for them, and also hold space for myself and be like, oh, I don't feel great right now or I still have these things within me that aren't like super nice and super perfect, and that's OK they. They serve a purpose there and I can observe that you know.

Speaker 1:

That's beautiful, that's that's growth in boundaries, because I think when we think about boundaries, we think about like, oh, physical boundaries and or like relationship boundaries, but also there's a such a thing as energetic boundaries, and when we have mushy boundaries with relationships and in you know, in the 3d world guess what Our energetic boundaries are also mushy. And so it sounds like what you've learned is how to be in your own energy and distinguish what's okay and what's not okay for you, and be able to somehow manage that and move that out of your system and out of your body, which is such an amazing thing. It's an amazing skill to acquire.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and I'm still learning. But it's been so illuminating, right? Because when you're on this path and I'm sure you can probably relate to this it feels like when you get to a new level, you're like, oh, there's nothing else here to learn, Like I just reached a new level, I'm enlightened, I know everything, I got this. And then you're like, oh, wow, I just learned something else. I guess, the more, the more you know, the less you know.

Speaker 1:

So it's so true. It's so true, true, because I've been there and it's like wait a second, I just yeah, I don't think I know everything.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly well, now I want to switch gears a little bit and dive deeper into your work as a shaman. So I'm I'm intrigued by shamanism. I've heard about it so many times, usually in correlation or in relation to ayahuasca, because you're like oh, you know, ayahuasca ceremonies, you need a shaman to be there. So what is shamanism and and what drew you to it?

Speaker 1:

yeah, um, so shamanism I'm a shamanic practitioner, um, the ones that are true shamans are usually from Siberia, um, but there are medicine people out there, right, and I studied with a shamanic practitioner and what I've learned is so shamanism is somebody that works with all of the elements, um, earth, uh, uh, wind, and it has a connection to mother earth and has a connection to animals and, uh, there's so many different levels to that. Um, there are some shamans that are healers. There are other shamans that are, you know, plant, uh medicine people like the ayahuasca. Um, and I personally work a lot with the fire and with mother earth and I'm so attracted to this path and I'm I'm so grateful for this path because I truly believe that everyone one of us here on earth has some sort of connection in that way, whether you're from Europe, ireland, whatever, um, our ancestors at some point all sat around a fire, at some point sang songs, at some point revered mother earth and the sun, and you know, those beliefs are passed down from generation to generation.

Speaker 1:

And at some point, you know, man-made religion came in and a lot of these ancient practices went away because of religion and the industrial revolution, but it still lives somewhere within us. I think we all have this ability to connect with mother earth, to connect with source, on our own, without needing to go to a priest to intervene for us, and go up to God and ask for, for what we need, and have that relationship and um. So that's why I'm attracted to it and and I think that that's why I want to learn more, because it's a path that is just so beautiful and so distinct from what I grew up with, you know, being in the Catholic church and just having, like my own, relationship with God.

Speaker 2:

So when you say you work with earth, wind, fire and water, what does that mean? Are you using those elements to heal people or are you using them to create a deeper connection with God? Because I mean, I've heard that shamans are kind of like they can act as a bridge between the spiritual world and the natural world. So just wanted to get more insight on how you work with those different elements.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so all of the above um, in particular with fire. Fire is present at every single Reiki that I do, every single um energy work that I do, and it's you know I have so much reverence for it. I have such a deep relationship with it. Not only does it keep us warm, not only does it cook our food and and nourish us, it also lights our path. It gives light into the darkness.

Speaker 1:

You know, fire can also be used to go up into theta, which is called the shamanic state. It has so many different ways that we can use it. Same thing with wind. Wind can be very healing as well, and you can work with the wind in different ways. Right, I can actually talk about this forever. But to a long story short, all of these elements are used in different ways by practitioners to deepen our relationship to source, to mother earth, to the elements that actually support us and heals us and guides us. And having this relationship with this deep relationship with the elements allows us to go deeper into that work and allows us to also help others.

Speaker 2:

Very interesting and also timely, because I just binge watched the avatar.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if you're familiar with that animated series I, I watched the first one, yeah I just, like binge, watched the first one and the second one and they're very big into the elements and connecting with the spirit world. It's very interesting how a lot of these cartoons or I guess anime is the better word to use but a lot of things that we see in movies or like series or whatever, they really tie in that spiritual element connecting with mother nature, just being in reverence or acknowledging the spirit side of our reality. But in saying that, what would you say to people who think shamanism is evil or Reiki healing, energy healing is evil Because really and truly they want to know what energies are you tapping into. How do you know this is good energy? How do you know that you're interacting with good spirits? What would you say to people who feel like this type of practices are quote unquote evil?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, I simply just say I trust God and I trust myself. I trained with a very knowledgeable people and I know what. I know what that energy feels like and it's also not for me to explain it and try to change people's mind. It's for me to accept them for where they're at, in their developmental stage, because some people aren't ready for this. And so I don't go around talking about shamanism, I don't go around talking about Reiki, but if somebody asks me, I will. I can talk your ear off about all of it. You know, and the more and more questions you have, the more and more information I will give. But if you're, I'm not out there trying to convert people, I'm not out there putting myself out there like that, because, you're right, a lot of people will call this something that it's not and it's not for me to change their minds, because they're not there yet at a soul level, they're not there yet in their experiences. But if they come looking for it, then I'm like an open book.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, that makes sense. Like you said, some versus white in a figurative sense is not clear cut. It's not a hard line down the middle. So many things are blended and a lot of times we're all saying the same thing or practicing or praying to the same God, but in different ways. We have different ways of connecting with that source. And you mentioned God, and we started off this conversation talking about how you grew up Catholic. So does religion play a role at all in your life at this point? Or how do you, I guess, factor, do you factor God at all into your work?

Speaker 1:

It's not. It's. It's not like a black and white type of thing, because I think that there's so much good information in religion. I think that religion can be very supportive for people and it creates a community for people that are all on the same page and are all on the same journey. And you know, just like everything, it's not all good or bad right. Like if you eat spinach every day, all day, and that's the only thing you eat, like that's not good Right, but overall spinach is supposed to be good Right. So I think everything is in moderation and I haven't thrown religion completely out. Either is in moderation and I haven't thrown religion completely out either.

Speaker 1:

Like I still have a relationship with God. It's just not might not be the same God that you know, father so-and-so talked about, or in the way I take a lot of the stories with a grain of salt. I think that a lot of the stories that are in the Bible or in the homilies or whatever in church, I think they're great as a as a learning tool, but also as human beings. We have to use discernment in everything, in everything that we're taught, in everything that we come across. Use discernment, try to find more answers, try to see if that that feels true in your body, right? Um, and so I do still talk to God.

Speaker 1:

I I actually think of God more as a creator and I don't really think it's a male energy either. They talk about God being a he. I don't think it's a, because when you think about who are the creators on earth, who brings life into earth, you need both. But who's the portal for it? It's the women, it's the feminine energy, and so I think God has both the masculine and the feminine, and so I see it more as an energy and more of a creation kind of frequency, more of a creation kind of frequency. And I you know, my grandmother was so big on certain saints and certain aspects of the Catholic church and because I have such a reverence for my grandmother and I I have, I'm getting emotional for some reason. I have this deep relationship with her. Even though she passed just recently, I do still have like some of the saints and some of the things that she believed in in my life, because it it it has a personal meaning to me. It's not so much because the Catholic church taught me this, if that makes sense.

Speaker 2:

That makes a lot of sense. Thank you for sharing your perspective on that, and you know this, this is going to be a loaded question. So buckle in um you being a Reiki healer, shaman, um, and a bunch of other things that you do how do you see this world? What is your perception of this world? Right? So, perception of this world right. So, for example, some people say we're in a matrix. Some people say that we're just on earth having this life and then we die and we might go to heaven or hell. You know, how do you see this reality? Or have you given thought to the purpose of what this reality could be?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was just thinking about that yesterday. Actually, I think about it often. I don't know yet, but this is my inkling, because when my grandmother was passing away, I went down this rabbit hole. I wanted, I needed comfort, I needed something that said that she was going to live on and my faith in God was not doing it at the time. And so I went down this rabbit hole and I found this community of near-death experiencers and I interviewed a bunch of them and I saw hundreds and hundreds of videos and they all kind of said different experiences but similar journeys in the afterlife, and it really gave me a lot of comfort.

Speaker 1:

I do believe that we all came here to accomplish something, to learn something, to grow. I do believe that we were given free will and so we're here to do whatever choices it is that we make and you know, some people just go far off into one, one end of the spectrum versus the other and I do think that there is an afterlife. I don't necessarily believe in heaven or hell in the way that it in the biblical sense. I think that there is also a choice on the other side. Just from what I've heard from near death experiencers and from what rings true in my own body and in my own remembrance. I think that if you believe in hell, you're going to go somewhere that looks like whatever it is that you imagine, and until you accept love and accept you know source, God, whatever it is that you believe in, then you can be pulled out of that and and to really go back home, if you will.

Speaker 1:

Cause I've heard so many people, I I especially like this one woman. She's a Christian, I think she was a Catholic woman actually, and she passed away in a hospital and she described like what the afterlife was like and it sounded like hell, and then she started praying and she got pulled out of that and then she got to meet God and Jesus and her, her spirit guides, essentially and then she talked about you know how, how she changed her life after that near death experience. But I've heard many other stories with very similar outcomes, where they went somewhere where they they thought they deserved to be there Because, remember, we all create our own reality and I think we do that even in the afterlife and once they were, they repented or they prayed or they believed in something different, that they deserve something different. They were taken back home, which is, you know, meeting your guides and coming up and meeting creator, and a lot of them talked about going through memories and things like that, Although there are a lot of things out there that I'm just like, hmm, I don't think I'm ready for that, so I'm just going to leave that on the table.

Speaker 1:

I'm not saying that it doesn't exist, but I'm not ready to make that as part of my reality. So, you know, I always tell people take what resonates and leave the rest, and at some point you might come back and pick it up and be ready for it that's a good point.

Speaker 2:

I love listening to near-death experiences. I don't like that they had to go through that experience, just you know to make that clear. But I've been listening to near-death experiences now since I swear probably 2017, 2018. Because I just think, if nothing else, they show us that there's so much life beyond just this life. There's a different reality.

Speaker 2:

Do I think somebody had made the comment one time that when it comes to near-death experiences or even past lives, for example, or certain visions, sometimes we're being presented those visions because that is supposed to help our highest growth, right? That's for our great, I guess, greater good, right? So if someone feels unworthy, maybe seeing a vision of hell or experiencing hell in a near-death experience is supposed to wake them up to feeling worthy so they don't feel like that's where they deserve to go, hypothetically, for example. So I do really enjoy listening to near-death experiences because they affirm what I feel and believe intuitively that there's so much more to this world than what we can see with the naked eye. So very fascinating. So I'm assuming, like they brought you some sort of comfort in relation to your grandmother passing Sorry about that by the way.

Speaker 1:

Oh, thank you, I appreciate that. It absolutely brought me comfort that she was going to get to go and meet Creator and be with her family and the people that love. You know, after seeing all of those, um near-death experiences and I even got to interview a couple of them um, it would. It makes it okay. Like I'm just like you know what, like I'm, I'm not really afraid of death anymore, like not that I want to die, like I'm so grateful for my life and I want to continue to live, but I think it makes it easier to accept death.

Speaker 1:

And there's a book called Journey of Souls that is just like. It talks about all of this, right, and it's like, yeah, this, this actually makes sense, this, this, this is what I think this the circle of life actually is, and it it just brings so much comfort that you just cease to exist after you, after you die yeah, that is very scary like imagine if that's what quote-unquote death really was, because really there's no such thing as death, some people will say, because energy can either be, uh, created or destroyed.

Speaker 2:

It just is. So. We are energy beings to some extent. So, um, when we pass from this physical body, it makes sense that our essence or our consciousness or our soul is somewhere else. We're just not in a physical body. So some people might argue that there clearly isn't any death. But in this world, when we talk about death, it would be crazy to feel like we just die.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like okay, there's a purpose.

Speaker 2:

I know that would be very scary Like then are we robots, are we AI? But some people even say AI is conscious, and that's a different story for a different day.

Speaker 2:

Okay that's another rabbit hole that I have to get someone on the podcast to talk about that. Okay, so one last question. So let's say I'm coming to you and I'm like you know what. I have so much anxiety, I've been struggling with a lot of like mental health issues and I want to try Reiki healing or some sort of energy healing, but I'm, truthfully, I'm a skeptic and I'm also worried that what if you hurt me, right? So, in the sense of some people might feel like if they're, if someone's placing their hand on their body, what if they get a spiritual or psychic attack or something? So what would you say to someone who was skeptical and was worried about spiritual protection?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I would. I would have a lot more questions for you in terms of that. First, I'd have to understand your cosmology. What do you believe in and kind of talk through that work in terms of like white filters between you and I? I make sure that I'm not picking anything up from you and you're not picking anything up from me, and I also explain you know the concept of the aura and how the aura protects us and how I'm going to fortify the aura through visualization. I usually throw in some anecdotes in there on things that have happened to me in terms of like visualization and aura work and things like that to bring in some comfort.

Speaker 1:

I also would not advise to schedule the Reiki right away. I would do a free consultation first and talk about my process, talk about why, how I do the protection stuff ahead of time, and then I encourage to either speak to a therapist or some sort of professional that you're working with to kind of gauge your readiness for this and or meditate on it. Um, most people that come to me are ready. Um, there have been some that you know were gifted a gift certificate or something like that and are very skeptical, and I do my best to try to explain and give some concrete examples and or journal entries like experiments that have been proven on Reiki, and I try to give as much resources and information to allow for the person to be comfortable, because you do have to be open to it and not have resistance in order to get the most out of your experience.

Speaker 2:

Are there any red flags that people should look out for when seeking out Reiki practitioners or any sort of healer?

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. Yeah, you really want to talk about their background, right? What did they do before they became a Reiki healer? How long have they been a Reiki healer or a practitioner? You want to talk about the process.

Speaker 1:

If they just say, oh, you're just going to come to my house and we're going to get right into it, I would be very skeptical about that. You want to have a conversation ahead of time. You want to have that connection, to have a conversation ahead of time. You want to have that connection. You want to be able to feel comfortable with that person, because if you're not, your body, your soul, your higher self is not going to be comfortable, is not going to receive. Whatever that person is is um outputting, um. You know.

Speaker 1:

And the thing about like Reiki that concerned me when I first had it, when I first got my, my my first and second level, was that there wasn't a whole lot of talk about how to hold space. There wasn't a whole lot of you know what do you do when, if somebody's breaking down, like a lot of these Reiki practitioners don't have that background, and so you really want to understand holistically this. You know whoever you're letting into your energy, what they're about and what their cosmology is as well. You want it to be a pretty, even or pretty. You want to be able to relate to them. You know what I mean, like yeah, that makes sense.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it makes sense. And when you're when someone's doing Reiki healing, I've never had Reiki done on me, even though I'm fascinated by it. But I always wonder how does that work? Like, are you transferring energy to me? How is? How does it heal? Is it cause? Sometimes I'm like, is this a placebo effect or is this actually?

Speaker 1:

And even if it is, does it? Does it matter if it's helping you? That's what I, that's what I always tell people. Even if it's a placebo, does it matter if it's helping you? Right? But I don't think it's a placebo, because I've experienced it on a whole different level, Right?

Speaker 1:

So what happens effectively is just like in any other path we empty our vessel out and we let go of our ego and we let go of we're actually not healing. We call ourselves Reiki healers. We're not doing any of that, we are just the conduit and we are just here to hold space. Because your brain and your body knows exactly what to do to heal itself and because we're, we're both in the same energy field, whether you're virtual or in person. Because we're in the same energy field, your body now knows like okay, there, there is a transmission that's happening, which is the Reiki energy is coming in through my vessel and effectively coming out of my hands, but it's actually coming out of my chakras as well, and I'm directly pouring this Reiki energy. And Reiki energy, by the way, is life force energy, which is what we all have naturally within our bodies, and so what it's effectively doing is it's waking up your life force energy and then your life force energy is streaming through your chakras and balancing them out and effectively carrying out your intentions. So if your intention is to have more clarity and to being your own energy and to remove energy that's not yours, your life force energy already knows that's what it wants to do, and so the life force energy that I'm bringing through and moving your life force energy through is actually working together to do that and some people's gifts open up, Like I saw lights behind my eyes.

Speaker 1:

That was my clairvoyance waking up. I could feel sensations on my eyes. That was my clairvoyance waking up. I could feel sensations on my body. I could see visions behind my eyelids, like, almost like I was having a dream. It was just so peaceful and you know I have clients that have had different experiences during these Reiki sessions and it's because it's waking your life force energy within you. It's because it's waking your life force energy within you. That's already there. It's just hasn't.

Speaker 2:

it's been dormant. Thank you for sharing that. I've never really asked that question. I've talked so much about Reiki, I've talked so much about the seven chakras, but I've never really asked someone how exactly it works. So thank you for that.

Speaker 1:

You're welcome.

Speaker 2:

Last question and I think I had I said I was going to wait to ask at the very end which is what are some modalities people can use to help release any sort of anxiety or mental distress that they might be going through? I know we briefly talked about meditation, but are there additional modalities that people can do by themselves?

Speaker 1:

A hundred percent. So there are so many things that you can YouTube and try today, like. One of my favorite ones is emotional freedom tapping, also called EFT, which focuses on certain acupuncture points within your body where you're able to actually reset your nervous system, like in like two minutes, maybe less than two minutes. Um, there are videos that are literally three minutes long where you can learn this technique and and try it out for yourselves today. Um, you know, meditation obviously is the go-to for everyone. It's the easiest thing to try out, without it being the easiest thing to do. I highly recommend to do guided meditations first, because that way you're listening to a voice that's kind of telling you a story and you're putting yourself in that story and you're able to follow that, versus trying to push thoughts away, which is what they tell you to do, but that's nearly impossible when all you've done your whole life is living your head.

Speaker 1:

The other one that I really love for people to try out but not a lot of people like is breath work. We are also used to breathing shallow and it's not great for our bodies and it's not great for our nervous system, and the best way to reset your nervous system and come out of anxiety is to breathe, breathe deeply. And when I first heard of breath work I was like, wait a second, I already know how to breathe, I don't need somebody teaching me how to breathe. But then I learned and was like, oh, it's just, there's different rhythms and different counts that you do. That allows you to be in a different frequency and allows you to kind of reset that nervous system.

Speaker 1:

You know, you hear of yoga. Yoga was not for me. It just isn't. It hurts, I don't feel good, like I tried it for 10 years and I just I didn't. It's just not for me. But breath work, eft, working on their traumas, where things that are triggering are the things that are heightening your anxiety. Because a lot of what we touched on today is just like your normal work anxiety, like your, your thoughts and things like that. But if you're really working on deep trauma and things like that, absolutely therapy and even hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy allows you to look at those core beliefs and at those core memories and allows you to release and work towards that. And a lot of the hypnotherapists these days also do parts work, which is like really, really incredible stuff, and some therapists too, where you're able to go into parts of your body and release some of that trauma through that technique.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for sharing all of those. This has been such a great conversation speaking with you and just we went all over the place with this, but it was so fun. Thank you for going along the journey with me and before I let you go, I want to ask you if you shifted in perspective on anything lately. It could be as deep as you want it to be or as lighthearted as you want it to be.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so it's really.

Speaker 1:

It's a really interesting question for you to ask me in this moment in time, because for a really long time I felt like I wanted to change my relationship with money and my relationship with, like, being able to hold a certain frequency for more than just, you know, five hours or a day or whatever, because sometimes we're working our way up the ladder in terms of holding frequency and and holding a new version of ourselves, we then slip back automatically because that that's what feels really comfortable. And I feel like lately I've really had a huge breakthrough by practicing Kundalini, and I'm doing a 40 day practice right now where it has shifted my perspective in the way that I hold myself and the way that I see certain practices like Kundalini, because they said it was going to be Kundalini yoga and I was like, oh, I don't do well with yoga and I was totally resistant to the process, but then I was open to it and it really has fortified my aura and it has fortified my electromagnetic field and it's just totally shifted a lot within me.

Speaker 2:

I've heard so much about Kundalini and, like people talk about the Kundalini rising or awakening. I need to do deeper research into that, but I'm happy that you're having such a profound experience with it so far. Where can people find you if they want to listen to your podcast or just connect with you or find out more about the work that you do?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so the best way to stay in contact with me is Instagram. My Instagram is Krista Luna Vortex. Way to stay in contact with me is Instagram. My Instagram is Krista Luna Vortex and my website is wwwkrista-lunacom, and you can find my podcast, the Sacred Arts, on YouTube and Spotify.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much for stopping by Shifting Dimensions, Jassie.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for having me.

Speaker 2:

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