The Generals Truth with Lambo Jack

Woman Empowerment Edition #2 with Miss Jordan - Albuquerque

June 20, 2024 K9 Multimedia
Woman Empowerment Edition #2 with Miss Jordan - Albuquerque
The Generals Truth with Lambo Jack
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The Generals Truth with Lambo Jack
Woman Empowerment Edition #2 with Miss Jordan - Albuquerque
Jun 20, 2024
K9 Multimedia
What if your journey from insecurity to strength could inspire countless others? In our latest episode, we're honored to feature Jordan, famously known as Miss Jordan on Instagram. From earning the titles of Miss Bikini New Mexico 2011 and Miss Bikini America 2015 to becoming a powerful advocate for women's empowerment, Jordan shares her compelling story. We dive into her transition from focusing solely on physical fitness to embracing a holistic approach that integrates mind, body, and spirit. Hear her candid reflections on overcoming personal challenges and the inevitable changes in relationships that come with success.

We then explore the transformative power of fitness and the critical role of discipline and mindset. Personal anecdotes highlight how fitness journeys extend beyond aesthetics to foster long-term health and resilience. We discuss the importance of sustainable fitness practices over quick fixes and how our experiences with bullying shaped a commitment to both physical and mental well-being. Our stories underscore the importance of becoming healthy role models for future generations, emphasizing the holistic benefits of a disciplined fitness regimen.

Finally, we delve into deep and practical wisdom on parenting, emotional discipline, and mastering one's mindset. From fostering independence and self-belief in children to navigating the complexities of healthy versus toxic relationships, this episode offers valuable insights. Jordan shares her journey of pivoting from external validation to nurturing inner growth, illustrating the profound impact of self-love and spirituality. We wrap up with powerful reflections on the necessity of empowerment, self-conviction, and fostering a life of freedom, filled with genuine connections and unwavering faith. You won't want to miss this enriching conversation packed with motivation and actionable advice.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers
What if your journey from insecurity to strength could inspire countless others? In our latest episode, we're honored to feature Jordan, famously known as Miss Jordan on Instagram. From earning the titles of Miss Bikini New Mexico 2011 and Miss Bikini America 2015 to becoming a powerful advocate for women's empowerment, Jordan shares her compelling story. We dive into her transition from focusing solely on physical fitness to embracing a holistic approach that integrates mind, body, and spirit. Hear her candid reflections on overcoming personal challenges and the inevitable changes in relationships that come with success.

We then explore the transformative power of fitness and the critical role of discipline and mindset. Personal anecdotes highlight how fitness journeys extend beyond aesthetics to foster long-term health and resilience. We discuss the importance of sustainable fitness practices over quick fixes and how our experiences with bullying shaped a commitment to both physical and mental well-being. Our stories underscore the importance of becoming healthy role models for future generations, emphasizing the holistic benefits of a disciplined fitness regimen.

Finally, we delve into deep and practical wisdom on parenting, emotional discipline, and mastering one's mindset. From fostering independence and self-belief in children to navigating the complexities of healthy versus toxic relationships, this episode offers valuable insights. Jordan shares her journey of pivoting from external validation to nurturing inner growth, illustrating the profound impact of self-love and spirituality. We wrap up with powerful reflections on the necessity of empowerment, self-conviction, and fostering a life of freedom, filled with genuine connections and unwavering faith. You won't want to miss this enriching conversation packed with motivation and actionable advice.

Speaker 2:

Welcome guys to the truth podcast is a very special edition. This is the woman Entrepreneur Action Pack. We have a very special guest, a very good friend of mine, Jordan. We call her Miss Jordan on Instagram. Introduce yourself, Jordan. How are you doing today?

Speaker 3:

I'm doing good. It's nice to see you. I am Miss Jordan. My mission is to elevate humanity to an elevated way of being through connection, understanding and inner truth. I'm about supporting local. I'm born and bred in New Mexico. I've lived and traveled all over the world and created impact for millions of women around the planet. Always, though, I bring it home. I think it's important to elevate the consciousness in not just women, but people from our state and what's possible for them, the success that's possible for them, the impact that's possible for them. And that's it in a nutshell.

Speaker 2:

One of the things that I've just always loved about you, jordan, is that you just have a very tenacity and, as you guys all know, I pay a lot of homage to my mother. My mom was just a very phenomenal entrepreneur in what she did in her times and I think the big thing for me has always been that you've always had great tenacity. We share a lot of a lot of people know this. Well, they do, I know this. Actually, we have very similar backgrounds and it comes down to, like, the fitness world. You know that's where we cared about that and as we evolve, we use the mind and you really got into the body's part of it and I really like about that. Last conversation we had was a few years ago, maybe more a few years ago. But, talking about Jordan, what do you think in your life really did fitness play in your life? Would you say, where does it play back then or where does it play right now?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's a great question because I'm actually thinking about competing again, and I was Miss Bikini New Mexico 2011,. Miss Bikini America 2011,. Model America, bikini America 2015. Back then, it stemmed from this need to feel good about myself, this need to feel, you know, to be honest, it stemmed from like insecurity and I noticed that in the fitness world there are some people who they care about their health and their fitness, but there's more, or there was more, who were trying to feel a void, and so I'd say the fitness journey started out my process, but I've always been, and we've talked about it.

Speaker 3:

I've always been spiritual, from a really young age. Um, I went into women's empowerment and spirituality through my own healing, my own becoming. And now what I would hope to do if I ever competed again, or even if I don't speak out to like the fitness community, like really bridge the gap, because it's not just your body, it's your mind, body, spirit and you can be all the things right. And I think that there's this common misconception that if you're in fitness or you care about your body, that either you're egotistical or there's no substance. You know that's not true. I know that's not true. I think the general public doesn't know that that's not true. And on the opposite, if you, you know, are a hippie, you must be fat and ugly, you can be all the things.

Speaker 2:

I think it comes with the territory, and I think not only that. I think when you're very successful, right, you've been very much successful. People have preconceived notions of that too. So I always feel that people feel very intimidated by when people are doing great things. You know, one of my podcasts I talked about the last time was about as you level up, you're going to lose a lot of people. And I think, jordan, you're in position, as you know, leveling up.

Speaker 2:

I like what you said and people ask me how I got into fitness and the reason I got into fitness. When I was a very young boy, I used to get picked on a lot, right. So then I started weight training and I told myself I'm going to be the biggest, baddest dude, so no one can ever pick on me, right, and that was literally the life changing. But what I learned from fitness for myself was the discipline, discipline and the mindset.

Speaker 2:

What I like about fitness is that there is no bullshitting Right Either the results are there right, there is no like oh, you know what I'm trying to say. So the accountability in fitness is very high versus the other pillars. Right, when we go like mind, body, spirit, you can tell when people are working on their mind because they're at a very high vibration or education wise, or they want a PhD and so on. But I think in fitness for the average human we can see it. We can really say look, jordan's been working out, the general's been working out. You know, what I'm trying to tell you and I think that's what I like about fitness is it's very instant. Not instant gratification, but you can see the result if you put the work into it.

Speaker 3:

Well, and I think, jack, what's important to note and what I was getting at is, I agree with everything you're saying, and for me and my platform and who I want to be in the community versus maybe who I was, is now that I'm in a deeper type of work, understanding that the physical aspect is also deep and what is the reason behind, right, and so we share that in common. We got picked on, we got bullied, we became something in that arena. And also, though, it's about the discipline, it's about taking care of my body, my vessel, because this is my. I'm a warrior for spirit, yeah, and I think about it like zombie apocalypse, right. It's like I can be here mentally, I can be here spiritually. I have to be here physically, right.

Speaker 2:

Being your best physical self Exactly right, being your best physical self and I think, a lot of and kind of talking. I had another guest, one of good friends of mine, in colohe. One thing that I see a lot in the fitness world is, uh, which is very fucking fucked up right is is the instant gratification on using the supplements right? And they don't really know the long-term effects. Like you're really in there, you're 20 years old, you're walking around 237 pounds. Your body was never meant to do that, but what is a long-term effect?

Speaker 3:

and I think that there's very difference between being at the highest level of self and fitness and then not cutting the corners, right, because it's not maintainable well, yeah, that's exactly what I'm talking about, because I mean and you know me from my days like I had one trainer that put me on test thought to my thyroid. I got, I gained weight, you saw it right. And so the intention behind it? What's the intention behind it? Because if I ever went back to the competing world, but even just in general fitness, now it's I want to feel good in my body, I want to know I'm in my best physical condition. It's not cutting corners for just the physical aspect, because it's all encompassing.

Speaker 2:

Right, because you look at the long-term effects of what you had to deal with to get yourself back to it. It wasn't worth it for that moment. Right, we can look I call it the sexy effect. Right, we can look super sexy in that one moment. And then how do we feel inside? How's our internal system? And I think that's one thing that I, what I, what I was, I got away from that level of fitness is because I'm like you know what I need to be able to push myself to what I can. Naturally right, because the long-term effects is you want to be around here for your children, right, you don't want to go down like that right and I mean and you know because we have so many deep conversations like it goes back to the survival of the fittest thing.

Speaker 3:

So it's not just for the aesthetic effect initially, it's for long-term durability, long-term endurance capacity, like I want to be healthy for my kids, but also their kids and also an example for their kids, et cetera.

Speaker 2:

So, jordan, tell us a little bit about your childhood and what made you get into fitness. Give us a little bit of insight on that.

Speaker 3:

So, a lot like you, I was bullied. I was bullied pretty severely throughout school, Like the point where we had like there were like police involved because there were gang members involved and all the things kick, spit on, hit all the things. And my mom, you know she grew up, I'd say, harder than me and so she had us and we've talked about this watching Lassie and shit, watching Little House on the Prairie and I just held like the biggest heart, but I was an easy target, Right, and so I think the only thing about my childhood that plays into when I started the fitness thing was that needing to be the like what you said biggest, baddest motherfucker. But I think fitness played more into my like. My initial fitness journey started from stemmed from insecurity and wanting to feel beautiful or feel good about myself, and now, because I've, you know it's been this whole process it's it's I want to like.

Speaker 2:

Now it's about making my body good let me ask this let's back up a little bit on that. So what made what was? Can you share with us? What made you feel that insecurity? That said, well, I want to get to this and say it's not the bullying piece, but that second step to what you did.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, insecurity. It's interesting because I grew up in a home where my mother was beautiful, but she never, she never claimed that Right. And so, like in the work that I do now, it's a lot about like this confidence building within the people, cause when I say beautiful, I mean like inside and out, but uh, we're in society, like we're socially conditioned to be insecure. That's why there's makeup, there's, that's why there's plastic surgery, that's why you got to do this, you got to do this, so a man's going to want you Right.

Speaker 3:

And I think that the insecurity piece stemmed from my first husband. He was wonderful, he was beautiful, he was really kind, kindest husband that I had. But I never felt enough, and not because he made me feel that way, but it was embedded in me from my upbringing and society. And so that's why a lot of the work that I do now has transferred into no, we actually you're fucking good, like you're enough exactly how you are. It's about owning how you are, giving grace for your imperfections and like being like you're enough exactly how you are. It's about owning how you are, giving grace for your imperfections and like being like you can be a beautiful woman without this, that and the other.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, yes.

Speaker 4:

I was going to just touch on that real quick, so like as like a young girl, to like develop into that mindset, self-confidence, like eating up, like where's the actionable, like steps, or like steps or like just like mental, like how can they get from that point?

Speaker 3:

yeah, that's a great question. So for me it didn't happen like that. And often you see, like people, and even people that are, you know, monetarily successful, they have to hit rock bottom first, right, and so, like, I aim to teach that you don't have to hit rock bottom first, but for me it was. And my second marriage was super abusive. I was conditioned in. He was older, he was wealthy. I was alienated. I became so small that it was like breakout or bust, and that's where I went on my own journey to like find myself again.

Speaker 3:

But I think for young girls who are in this space of insecurity, environment is key. Who are you surrounding yourself with? What are they telling you? Are you? What are you making plans?

Speaker 3:

Like, if you look at and I've always wanted to have an event for, like girls in high school, because imagine, imagine if I had that shit for myself right, like you're enough, like focus on your brain, focus on your body. If you're in the right, right vibration, the aligned man will come to you, right, but but we weren't taught that and and media and society, like they, didn't teach us that as kids. It's like you have to be this to be wanted, and then we're chasing and that's why we have heartbreaks. We're chasing men and we've talked about it, you know, and so like to. To sum it up for a young girl right now, I would speak to her and I would just say, sister, you're wonderful, like you're fucking wonderful. We all have our unique imprints, our unique gifts. Yeah, and highlight that for them and hold up a mirror to like, reflect back to them that they need nothing outside of themselves to feel happy and free.

Speaker 4:

Can you say, like step one to that, what do?

Speaker 3:

you mean by that? Environment is key. I think it's difficult, right? Because, like, self-talk is so key. But if you grew up with a mom that says I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, you can be a 90-pound 12-year-old and think you're fat in the mirror. So environment is key. But if you're super young, like it's honing in on how do I feel?

Speaker 3:

So there's a book by Neil Dillon Walsh. It's one of my favorite books. I teach from it. It's called conversations with God. In book one he says if you want to know the truth of the thing, look to how you feel about it. And so it's my favorite quote from that book and I think environments keep it also tuning into, like my emotional body, not just what society is telling me, what's telling me, but like how am I feeling? Because if I feel like I'm an athlete and I don't have boobs yet, or if I feel like, okay, this guy dumped me in college but I'm on the way to my phd, if I feel like I'm secure, trusting that feeling, trusting that I'm okay, regardless of what anyone's saying outside of me, right what do you think?

Speaker 2:

you know. You know, when you say that, like, you know, I've had a very. You know, we've had these long conversations and I always have that. You know, when the general wakes up in the morning, he doesn't go fuck when anybody thinks about him. It's a real fact, right. And I think my mom building me up as a child and telling me I was a champion since I was a very young man, I think built that layer of confidence for me, right. I think the other thing is those accolades, right, being an engineer, I mean. The list goes on.

Speaker 2:

But when you have those things, when someone's trying to chip away at your character, you just go back. I call it to my Batman belt, right. And I'm like well, where are you at? And then one of my famous lines is when I look across the table, would I trade my life for yours, correct, right. And that's when someone's criticizing you, right. You're like what I want to be, you, right? My famous sign is Warren Buffett sitting across from me. He's saying dude, you need to do this financially. Well, I'm going to trade financial places with them, right. Yeah, if Arnold Schwarzenegger's sitting across from me, I'm going to change fitness level with them, and so I think that that's okay, that you, the really low vibrational humans.

Speaker 2:

So last night I was crazy. I was watching the Tom Brady roast right, it was on Netflix, just came out of nowhere. We're all watching it. And one of the things that Ben Affleck said is he looked at Tom Brady's social media and there was this one individual who's a nobody and he had all these opinions about him and the guy and so he went on to roast that guy and he's like you know, slim boy 72 that say you don't got nobody in this shit, you ain't shit. So who gives a shit? Right? But I think sometimes, when we're in a low place and we're not there mentally in our soul or whatever, we can actually put too much stake in someone that actually sucks and really take their opinion in. Right, and I think that's one of the biggest things ever right Is that it's so.

Speaker 2:

I've always cut all negative humans out of my life. They don't last long with me, right? I've been like a loner my whole life, because I feel that when you have negative people always bringing you down, it's like if you don't know how to swim and all of a sudden they start applying more weight on you. Well, eventually you're going to sink and then can you get that weight off you and not drown. That's the scary part, and I've seen a lot of young women. I love what you just said and this is what I tell my nieces all the time. I'm like you guys are naturally beautiful, you got this, but that's not what you want to hold on.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

That's just one gift God gave you right to get you to the table, and I think that that's one of the biggest things now, that I think it's even different now from our generation believe it or not.

Speaker 3:

We started it and now it's exemplified. Well, it's interesting because so, two things, so one of the things that goes back to the environment like and for me, and again it's kind of like on that curve of like finding myself again. But who, who do I take advice from? And you know, like we've had lunches, like I value your opinion because I see the results of how you live your life Right, but your mom raising you as a champion, it's so key and you know, I grew up from like in a middle class mindset where it's like you gotta.

Speaker 3:

I mean, my parents were so proud when I worked in a cubicle as a court reporter and made 35,000 a year and had my 401k, and now they're like not as proud and I'm making mass impact on women's lives, and so what I teach my I have twin babies and what I teach my children and it's something it goes against the status quo.

Speaker 3:

And so this goes back to like caring what you feel. And it reminds me of your mom, jack, because I tell people, my children, they do whatever the fuck they want, as long as it doesn't hurt themselves or another. So if they want another apple or they want another Dorito or they want to go outside. That's just always yes, because I think for humans in general and women and this is where the insecurity stems from the voice has been suppressed so much. So if my daughter says and this is something that I've had to get in like tiffs about it because my daughter, if she doesn't want to be kissed, right, so if she doesn't, she's so cute, she's so beautiful, and so, whether it's a grandpa or an uncle, and it's like, oh, I want to kiss you, I want to kiss you, I'll just kiss me. And they like no. If she says no at three years old, if she says, give my body space, you will honor that.

Speaker 4:

And I do it too Sometimes. I'll say do you want to have a hug?

Speaker 3:

I don't want to hug, then I don't hug her Right and so this is where right and so your mom, your mom always built you up as a champion and I think in different words, like I'm doing the same thing Like you have sovereignty over your body, because we don't raise children, we raise cattle. So I, I steward my children my, my job is to guide them and in that you have your sovereignty over your body, over your personal space, over what you want to put in your mouth, over how you want to play Right, and I think that plays into it.

Speaker 2:

You know, based on what you said, you know we're really kind of ringing my bell. So we have a little different style menu right. I apply more of the military structure because I feel a lot of the children today is angle both ways, right. So I look at myself growing up and I had an extreme structure Like my mom had me up at.

Speaker 2:

I can remember this moment six oh five, by by six, 10, you were eating breakfast. Like she had it all prepared. If you were there at six 12, it was going to be a fucking disaster, right. People before would come to my house and be like, oh my God, where's your wife? And I'd be like I don't have a wife because my cleaning ability was just next level, right. And so I think that that structure when I got into the real world really made everything so easy, because I'm already used to structure when I was in the military, walk in the park, right, when I was a kickboxer walk in the park, when I was a kickboxer walk in the park. It's those things of my childhood. But I'll tell you one thing it took me to 30 years old to kind of like really appreciate that about my mom.

Speaker 3:

But you also knew that your mom believed in you yes and and here's the thing is like, my kids still have structure, but what I'm talking about is like. But they also know I believe in you, I have your fucking back, like. This is something you and I've said to each other multiple times I have your back and I think that that mindset, like, is key and I think it's building your child.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so you're teaching. So are they two twin girls? Or a twin boy and a boy and a girl? That's freaking awesome. Okay, are they. Are they very similar?

Speaker 3:

so my son's autistic and he's he's one minute younger and my daughter, she just feisty as shit, like she has this back. She's feisty, but I think a lot of it comes from, you know, and when they go to my mom's or whatever and it's not that it's bad, their grandparents, they love them, but it's very much like and that's where it stems from. And then I got into the marriages and all the things. There was never this like this, championing you, right. And so like even my my autistic son, he's nonverbal, he doesn't speak right now, but I'm like you're so strong, you're so smart, you're so, and I still you know, and this is what your mom did.

Speaker 2:

Yes, you know, I think one of my big things was and you know I cause, you know I hired a top clinical psychologist to see if I was fucked up, because I don't feel the same emotions that most people feel. So I hired like number three in the world, right, he served on like a big, like murder cases and one of the things he told me was like I was exposed to a lot of things at a young age. So one of my biggest moments in my life I want to say that I was like about I want to say seven years old, whatever you're in first grade, I can't remember. And I remember coming home and I'm like fucking all sad and like I have no friends and my mom was running a business and my mom was very short, fused right, set like very Eastern European style.

Speaker 2:

So I remember saying you know that she just gets off all fast and she lays down a $1 bill, a $5 bill, a $10 bill, a $20 bill, a $30 bill, and I'm about and lays it all in front of me and she says I'm going to tell you something right now. It does not matter in this society who likes you and who doesn't, it's what you can perform. So your only goal is to perform at such a high level that you achieve a lot of these and you'll never feel low. So I was like well right. So it got stuck in my mind and so I've always had this sense of just domination.

Speaker 3:

So I want to speak to it and I don't know if you're going to like it, but I want to speak to it.

Speaker 2:

Let me finish so you can figure that out Okay, but it's sending me into a trajectory that wasn't ultimately that healthy for me, because it took me to 30 years old to realize that I was going. She put me in the right direction, but what it was is it was a filler. I was filling my life with success and power as a filler, but it wasn't really filling me as a human, so to say. Right Now, I'm not going to trade my wealth for my success. That'd be fucking stupid.

Speaker 3:

So that's what I wanted to reflect on. You and people see you and they have and here's something about meta perception Like every single person, every single person in this room, every single person. They all view you different.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

And different than you view yourself, and they all view you different. But my observation of you is like you're tough as shit, you're successful, all the things, but we've had conversations wherein you don't even have to tell me about your upbringing, and even the military and the discipline, all those things they evaded in your success. But your heart, yours, it's unreal. It's one of the most kind, genuine, generous, loving, impactful hearts that I've ever seen. That's why we fuck around like, it's why we talk, it's why we have lunch, because, the same way that you're like I don't block out negative people. You know, like there's everyone has these perceptions of us. But like, as strict as you are, and it's discipline and all of these things and they've aided in you, like your heart leads you know it.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yeah, for sure and everyone in here is like yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, right. And so that goes back to your, to your upbringing too, because even all the ways that that she instilled discipline, like even how you said, like she always told me I was a champion, like there there's empathy in that, there's a piece in that of like I love my little boy and like I want to build him up right and it's, it's worked it's worked.

Speaker 2:

It's what I think one of the big things for me is uh, you know, we grew up very successful in my community. Well, my mom raised foster brothers and sisters because she didn't want me to grow up as a spoiled little fucker. And so I, literally, by having foster brothers and sisters in my life I think we had like total of 24 it really taught me empathy. It taught me like I used to like to teach, right, I'm very good at mathematics, so I used to love tutoring the kids. And sometimes I remember this girl named christy I think I told you this. You remind me of her, right? She was four years older than me. She came into our home. She had some issues. She was really beautiful, yeah, but she could fight holy shit, right. And so christy was like this girl that I remember.

Speaker 2:

This girl in high school started trolling with her. I was in sixth grade and she just knocked the shit out of her like fast, right, and what I remember I was like she'd be like you're my little brother, no one's going to mess with you and no one would mess with me, because this girl was just tough, right, like for reals. They'd be like holy shit. But what I learned from that whole situation was is you don't know where people are sitting in their lives and if you can apply that value. But ultimately, that's why I say being kind and love over surpasses everything, right, if you're kind and you love people, you're going to be able to help them get to the next level.

Speaker 2:

So, absolutely, jordan, I think I knew since I was a very child that I had a huge heart, yeah, but I learned along the way that I was getting stepped on a lot, so I had to build a certain sense of character right, so that the weak people couldn't come in because it was not gonna be worth it for you. You know what I'm trying to say and I I think I've always approached myself as very I'm very quiet, right, very silent. I really observe things. People can't make me go up and down the motion. I just stay there and I observe. You know, our team got to see me in real live action. We're not gonna get into detail, but he got to see me in live action where I don't react. There's like a zero reaction to me.

Speaker 3:

But I'll come back and then lay the hammer on you, depending on what I decide to do, right there's reaction not reaction in the moment because of the discipline factor but it doesn't mean that you're not feeling it, though true, true, true.

Speaker 2:

yeah, I've learned how to. I think for me now I've learned how to subdue things and then think about them right, because you know, what I learned from Dr Perrette was is that you only got five core emotions. The rest are all man-made. So if you learn to control those five emotions, then you're going to be like, okay, I got this right. But I think a lot of people really focus on I want to be happy and being happy as I drink coffee, like why not focus on being content or or just being grateful instead of happy?

Speaker 3:

You know what I mean, what is happy, because it's all perception based anyways.

Speaker 2:

But I think it's the individual. What's like this, right? Oh, I love to eat hamburgers, right, and one day I told so. I said I told somebody I lift weights cause I want to eat all the burgers I want in my life, right, that's why I lift so hard. But when you're eating that burger, I'm actually happy.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, right, yeah, you're selling it.

Speaker 2:

So like I'm not going to bullshit, no more, I'm not going to eat that fucking burger. It's my favorite thing. So I think that. But if we're always looking, we put too much trust in somebody and that's our burger. And then they end up fucking us over because we gave more of ourselves than they're going to give to us or even put into the pot. And that's why one of my favorite books of all time is the Little Red Hen right Child book. And the Little Red Hen. It says who's going to help me plant the seeds? Who's going to help me plant the seeds? Who's going to help me sow the wheat? Who's going to help me bake the bread? But everybody wanted to eat the bread. Greatest book ever and I taught people. If you want to know everything about me, just read two books the Little Red Hen and Jack Wells' 21 Leadership Skills, because that's how my mind works. That's how I gauge people right.

Speaker 2:

One thing I've told this team is when we decided to come out and create, you know, the Harmonix Media K-9 team, I said what we're going to do is, I said, the perception of what people have of me right now. It's like always winning a championship. So if we're going to do this, we're going to do it right and when we do it, it's going to be based off of discipline. It's not going to be a bullshit story. So the number one thing for me is like I have a zero substance deal, right. I'm like if you guys like to smoke weed on your pastime, don't give two shits. But when we step in this arena, I want you clear-minded right, because what I learned when I was in Asia was our mind is the sharpest tool we got. So when I tell people, when you put a lot of supplements into your mind, it's like taking a very sharp sword and just going across the payment and the day you need that sword, it's dull.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and I agree with you.

Speaker 1:

I just want to throw a question out there what advice would you give to women out there or moms out there that feel stuck or feel like they really don't have time to get into fitness? What do you think are the first steps they can take to meet that time or get the motivation to give themselves that time You're asking me, yeah.

Speaker 3:

So and this is where you guys are going to see, probably, why Jack likes me so much because we are similar in this mindset it's a decision, like it's a fucking decision, and it doesn't mean the decision is going to be easy. But we can get, we can become a product of our circumstance so easily and at some point in time, part of the accountability to yourself and your spirit and your body is I'm just going to decide, right, and so you just decide. Whether it's fitness, whether it's your, your, your spirituality or your religion, whether it's your money, it's, I'm making this decision because I'm worth it, and a lot of people don't agree with this, but I love the fake it till you make it concept. No, I do. No, I'm going to tell you I do.

Speaker 2:

Here's why.

Speaker 4:

Here's why?

Speaker 3:

Because your brain doesn't know the difference. So if you're like, let's say, it's fitness or money or whatever, if you're still feeling unworthy, but you make the decision I'm going to go to the gym every fucking day, or I'm going to save my money, or I'm going to invest, or I'm going to I'm going to pray every single day.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Even if you're not feeling worthy of it yet your brain doesn't know. So if you create it as a habitual process in your field and I'm I'm fucking working out and I'm praying and I'm stacking my money, at some point your brain will shift and then you're that you are that because you're practicing it regularly. So it's not a fake it till you make it like, pretend it's. I need to convince myself, so I don't feel worth it right now. But I also know it's not just me, right? So I'll say for me it's not just me.

Speaker 3:

I've got a daughter and I've lost enough in this life to know that life's not promised. So that means my only shot at her having whether it's a successful life, a happy life, a healthy life's not promised, so that means my only shot at her having whether it's a successful life, a happy life, a healthy life is setting the example. So even if I don't feel confident or I don't feel like enough, or I feel fat in the gym or I feel like I'm broke, it doesn't matter. If I'm saving $15 a week. I'm setting the example and eventually it will take on and then you'll become it.

Speaker 2:

What like about this? And this is why I want to put my touch to it. So, like the majority of the people listening out there, like I think, fake it till you make it what you guys are going to think. What I was thinking pre-concerned was like pretending like I got this but I don't. That's a lie, right. And what jordan's talking about is mindset. Right. If you step, if you step out like one thing I liked about athletics, right is in the peak of my life. I used to freak out the gym and you know I used to bench 455 pounds, eight reps with no, no, no one else to spot I spotted him yeah, but the mindset I had was like I'm gonna be the baddest dude ever and I started with the broomstick.

Speaker 2:

With the broomstick, I had to learn form, and so I was very fortunate that I got to learn after some monsters, right, but I was the broomstick and it's not because the form, I just couldn't do it like I couldn't do squats, I was all. I was all off and so I started the broomstick. But from the broomstick to the massive weight right, you think about that, and Jordan is 100% right Is that? I personally told myself when I'm walking in there, I'm the Hulk. I wasn't telling anybody I was the Hulk, because that's faking it.

Speaker 3:

Then you're going to look like an idiot. No, it's faking it until you make it in your own mind. You've got to convince yourself right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if you're out there telling you're the fucking Hulk and you're behind a 45 pound bar, well then you're making a fool of yourself. This is where I feel that you move in silence to you've achieved it. You're talking to yourself and there's something out there, you see, is you don't tell anybody, because they're going to make you feel bad. I anybody, because they're going to make you feel bad. I'm going to piss some people off here and I'm going to tell you the same thing that Jordan says.

Speaker 2:

So when I was 16 years old, you know, I saw him going to fitness hardcore and at the time I remember telling my girlfriend and her, her mom. I got in there and I'm like you know what guys? I saw a Smith's and it was a body for life and I said I'm going to do this thing. And I remember them looking at me and they just literally dismissed me. They didn't say like go fuck yourself or anything, but it was like it was just dismissed. Which is even worse, right, when you literally sit there and you just don't acknowledge anything.

Speaker 2:

And this is what people do to children a lot Like the little boy wants to play t-ball and he's like you know this or whatever it is, and you dismiss them, then that's where it creates the character flaw right. It starts to affect you and I feel like when all that happened, then I remember winning the body for life challenge and I just destroying it and Max Russell came out and one of the greatest things that I was able to get from that whole thing I went back and said I did it Like throw it in their face, right, I did it, that was my thing, like a fuck you attitude. I think for me that's where the perception of like I call it the Floyd Mayweather attitude started coming from. Right, because I was always such a happy-go-lucky in my soul and everybody was always peeing in my Kool-Aid Right. So then it became made me instead of like. So Dr Perez said he said, instead of it making you, because I'm in the weird 2% where negative reinforcement makes us just want to just blow up.

Speaker 3:

No, I'm not. Well, he knows that, yeah, but and also I think you're still happy On who gets to experience it, right?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean it's the same thing. For me it's negative reinforcement like puts you into overdrive.

Speaker 4:

So like you don't have to hate it, like that's responsible for a lot of success.

Speaker 2:

You don't have to hate it. But I think that the thing is in society now. I think with our kids that doesn't work, like when Jordan won the Miss Bikini America and all that, and it's like telling her you know, your thighs ain't big enough or whatever. That's so fucking dumb because you just blew out over a thousand people, right. I think when your child comes home and he wins the second place ribbon, you're like good job, did you give it your all? And that gives, yeah, I give it up my all, dad. Okay. Well then you know what that's great, well. Well, I want you to go even harder, okay.

Speaker 2:

How does that make you feel, instead of being? It's just those key words, but I think a lot of people aren't that. I call it educated in the mind doesn't mean a college degree. They're just not educated to the human species, right, and so they act very animalistic and it's just, it's very hurtful.

Speaker 2:

And I think that even when I you see, with you guys and your daughter when she comes to student karate, that's why my mom's like great job and she knows she's going to show me the kick, right, but those words from there, believe it or not, she might be thinking shit, I walk by this guy's posters. He's telling me good job, you see what I'm trying to say. So she's hearing it. She's hearing that enforcement, instead of me saying I'm not going to acknowledge this child, right. But every time I see her I'm like where's your kicks? When are you going to show them to me? Right? But it doesn't matter Because you see her walking around looking at the posters. I've caught her like two or three times and I guarantee she's coming and saying Mom. Or like when we were in the thing and I kicked really super fast, she took your advice to be into the kick too.

Speaker 4:

She took it. She's taking your.

Speaker 2:

But what I'm saying is that you don't know when you're hurting people's feelings. You know, there's that old saying that says if you don't have anything positive to say, don't open your mouth. Right, and I don't say anything.

Speaker 3:

Well, and we're in a different generation now too. So now we're in the generation of like participation ribbons. So in our generation the negative enforcement for us may have worked because there was only one winner, but now there's participation ribbons. And so if you're going to be the biggest and the baddest, like Jack would say a positive reinforcement or an opportunity to say hey, you're great at your kick, or you're this or you're that, it's going to empower them to desire to win when, when, or to elevate themselves in a space where everybody wins which I don't agree on.

Speaker 2:

So no, I don't either. I think the whole fucking disaster there is we have our generation style, right, yeah. And then we have this we have to have something better, right, the evolution, right. So I think this whole ribbon story is a fucking nonsense, because when you get into business, there's only one winner Right, right.

Speaker 3:

But that's why the negative reinforcement is not working anymore, because this is like the genre of like this participation. So if you're negative and everyone's going to win anyways, then what's the effort behind it? Right, but what you're saying is like acknowledging a kid or empowering them. Now there's an underlying motivation to excel above the participation.

Speaker 2:

But I still think it's still happening because at the end of the day, there's a big fucking difference when I pull up in the parking lot in a $1.1 million Lamborghini versus a guy that thing. So even though we were winning together as a participation ribbon, it doesn't matter 100%, and that's why we have to empower them versus the negative reinforcement.

Speaker 3:

We have to empower them to. You can be the 1%, right? Not, oh, you can't do it, because if there's this whole participation bullshit, if I can't do it then I'm going to fall somewhere in the line of the ribbons, right? Because when we were, it was this or that. When we were growing up, it was this or that, so you want it to be that. But now, since you can just succeed-ish, so many, I think so many kids and so many young people are falling, and even with business, are falling into this. Well, I'm good enough, but the positive reinforcement puts them into.

Speaker 2:

But are they really succeeding Exactly, or are they living a fairy tale life?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Because you know, at the end of the day, see, we talk about this a lot of time, right? I think when I met Slick here, one of the things I liked he's from Canada. One of the things I liked about him, even though it was a 10-year difference, is that growing up where he did, it was very similar to our generation, like there was no bullshit stories. I really liked the stories of saying how your mom was like trying to save the napkins and certain things, and I was like, wow, but your personality is like. When you said, when I came out to Albuquerque, there's a lot of what I call bullshitters, Right, and so then you're sitting there and you're like processing that, and it's like, well, what are you bullshitting about? Yeah, right, you're holding a Coca-Cola, can? Well, you and the bump can hold a Coca-Cola, can? I don't see what you're doing. Yeah, you know what I'm trying to tell you time, yeah, and so I think that that's that's the one thing that really separates us.

Speaker 2:

I think with you, jordan, is one thing I've always I've always been impressed about you is you'll say something, and even though I may think it's the craziest shit ever, I might be like you're fucking crazy, but you do it. Like you went out, you did the woman in power. I'm watching you and I'm like give me everything she says she's gonna do do. I mean, I think she's crazier than she is right, but she's going to do it and that's what I've always admired about you.

Speaker 2:

When my mom told everyone she was going to open a flower shop, was going to drive to Santa Fe, had to get this degree and do it, they're like you're crazy. And she did it. So I think for me, I've always been like I taught people. I'm just like a natural feminist, right, I'm always behind women because I watched my mom just succeed. My dad was phenomenal I don't talk about my dad, because my dad's just really super smart, right, went to the laboratories, things just come easy to him and I really focused on my mom because she was like fighting uphill you know what I'm trying to tell you? Just fighting uphill, and I think that she had a no bullshit attitude.

Speaker 3:

Well, it goes back to the question that she asked me. It's a decision and I think it's a character thing too. I think why we're so connected it's a character thing. So it's not just about I say something and I'm going to do it, like, oh, wow, that's crazy, but it's like. But, I said I was going to do it, right.

Speaker 3:

So there's a trust element involved in putting money where your mouth is. And if you claim something like, you follow through. And I think that's a common denominator between us. We don't just say shit for shits and giggles. We don't have cocaine. It's like if I say I'm going to do this, I'm going to do this, and I remember, like what you were talking about with the broomstick. I felt the same way when I remember when I was training for my first show and the night before the show, you know so my we had a gym, my father, my first father-in-law, and he said if I won the show he'd give me a treadmill in my house. And when you're doing cardio, like twice a day, you're like, oh, that's so amazing, right, we're like in grants, new Mexico and anyway, but they nobody thought I was going to win. But I remember looking in the mirror and I'm like doing and this, and I was doing like the spirit and the mindset stuff, long before I even was aware of it, cause I remember looking and I was like, fucking did it Like?

Speaker 3:

even if you don't win like you came all the way and the native reinforcement piece, like the reason I started competing. You didn't bring this up, but I was looking at Tara Arellano and I'm like looking at her on the internet or whatever, looking at her videos and I remember it was still like box computers, by the way at that time and my sister walks by, we're at my parents' house and she's like you think you're going to look like those girls and I was like, oh, I won bikini in. New.

Speaker 1:

Mexico and America that year. And it was and it's the same like.

Speaker 3:

I'm like, I'm like, listen, like, but. And it was, and it's the same like ignite that you have, I'm like, I'm like, listen, like but, but I don't say I'm going to do something and not follow through ever. Like there's. You can ask anybody. There's never one thing I say I'm doing this and it doesn't happen. And so I think part of it is coming into like a a really centered commitment with yourself and to young women or women who are like married or they have kids and they're just not happy and they're stuck. It's like you have to have such a conviction and a commitment and a love for yourself and grow such a love for yourself that it's, if I commit to this, if I say I'm going to do this, there's nothing that can stop me. And for men too, you know, it's not just women.

Speaker 2:

It's true, jordan, but I think I you know I'm not, you know not to do this, but I think when women really have it because inherently it's not that same testosterone drive I call it so I think when women do it for me, it's even more exceptional. For me personally, I think it's more exceptional and that's why I like to showcase more when I see that, because inherently I'm like we're all born and bred as warriors at some time in our lives. It's kind of like the story of, you know, from a wolf to the Shih Tzu. Right, my wolf was my, shih Tzu was bred from a wolf. A one time period. The Shih Tzu can't go back to a wolf. And in society is what worries me the most is that men now become so feminine, right, it's a very feminine kind of like real weak sauce. They can't change a tire. They can't, I can change a tire.

Speaker 2:

I know you can, but you know what I'm trying to tell you and I think that that's really the case and it's just really sad. I've seen this evolution of just failures. Jordan, let me ask you this so when I think the question that you just said about the fitness Destiny, like when you hear Jordan, how does it make you feel? Like when you have that question? How do you think? Like she's a mom, right, right. I think before, when she wasn't a mom, you'd be like well, look at her, she's, you know, is it.

Speaker 1:

Does it hit home different that she said she's a mom and that she made that decision not only for herself but for her kids. It's like amazing, because a lot of moms they tend to like forget about themselves and focus on their kids but I didn't compete when I was a mom.

Speaker 3:

I didn't compete when I was a mom. No, you're't compete when I was a mom. No, I mean I work out here's the thing Like my whole, my whole vision, my whole focus on my health. Like I said it's, it's less like aesthetics and more like zombie apocalypse survivor Like you won't kill me.

Speaker 3:

You won't fucking kill me it's, it's, it's, it's an, it's a mindset, and so, like to answer your question, like if I was a mom at that time, or I can't resonate with that. So if I were speaking to moms who wanted to do like what I did and it's so interesting, jack, because I didn't know we were going to talk about fitness I haven't talked about fitness on the podcast, you guys in like 10 years, yeah, yeah, but, but it and it's all organic and it's it's cause it's all organic, it's because it's what people need to hear and everyone who needs to hear this, like if they're on aligning with our frequency, like it's going to hit them. So if speaking to moms right now is and one of the reasons I might go back to doing like maybe just one show, maybe just Winning Fitness America, you know that's it is because I want to bridge the gap. So, yes, discipline, yes, focus on yourself. Yes, have a great body. Yes, feel beautiful and do it for, like, your overall wellness, do it for your spirit, do it for your mental clarity, do it for the fact that I am the biggest baggiest motherfucker because I can and make, just make the decision to do it and then do it and listen and I still yes, you're right, I still work out and I have kids and but I've I've orchestrated.

Speaker 3:

So, talking about environment, I've orchestrated my entire life to make that possible. So I live in El Dorado, it's 20 miles past Santa Fe. I live in this little community. My kids preschool is right next door to the gym. I drop them off, I go to the gym, I get home, I go to work and I think a lot of moms that feel stuck.

Speaker 3:

They just think, well, well, this is my life and you know, I've lived in Costa Rica, I've lived in Mexico, I lived on the fucking beach. Now I create my life. So the decision is what is important to me? Is it fitness, is it finances, is it spirituality? And then I create my environment around what I need to experience, first for myself, first, because I have to put on my air mask first, and then second what I the example I want to set for my children. Second, right, and God always holds and God can be, you know, you can say the universe, god, spirit, whatever you want, interchange the terms, but whatever is important to you and like the higher power, like it has to take precedence in your field. And I know Jack important to jack and he'll agree super important.

Speaker 2:

You guys know that I'll always say god first, jack second, everyone else is a close second. I think that that's what I think jordan has gotten us in life, in our lowest times or when we felt is is really, is really that spirituality, is really that faith in god that got us right. Like you know, one of the first things I told you when I met you, I said I'm a soldier of God. You remember that and that's what I live by. Right, and I think that, at the end of the day, is that without that and when we talk about this all the time, you always ask me this question and then the people say well, jack, what makes that? I said I'm just a vessel, I'm just divinely guided. I just know how to strike an opportunity like a tiger, like I'm very instinctual, like boom, it's, like the moment presents itself, I'll strike Absolutely.

Speaker 2:

And I think that most people this guy, one of the things I told I went to that car show real quick in the morning, and those two dudes so negative, and the guy's like oh, it must be luck. And I said well, I said luck is when timing and preparation meet, if you always train to be a fucking champion and they call you one day to fight the championship fight and you're ready and you win. Well, you're there Versus well, I can't be ready for 18 weeks, right. But if you're always ready, right. My coach would always say, jack, we're always going to be five pounds from fight weight at all times. Yeah, right, you're always ready. You know how you feel, you're not the cuts and all that, and I think that that's really the big factor is so, you know, I was going to ask myself my own question, right, and I'm thinking in my mind this is what drives me and it's freedom, right?

Speaker 3:

Core value.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Number one core value.

Speaker 2:

Financial freedom, mental freedom, physical freedom yeah, and I think about a lot of girls that I've spoken to in my life where there have been abusive relationships. You don't have physical freedom, you're locked down somewhere. Shit's going on, right. Mental freedom that's huge. You can be entrapped in your thoughts, negativity, past traumas that people can't get through right, and they're stuck on that. And then financial freedom right, I can live in Costa Rica, I can live here, I can live there, and I think that having that type of freedom is really what I've strived for my whole life. It's just freedom, that's it Core thing. So I'm going to do whatever it takes to keep me free, right From anybody.

Speaker 3:

So what's interesting about it is I teach this in my practice, so it's called your core value system, and freedom has always been my number one core value, and so everything that you're saying is accurate and also part of why you're so successful. Jack is in opposition to that. If anything threatens your freedom, right. Opposition to that. If anything threatens your freedom, right. If there's. If I'm feeling tied down, if I'm feeling like I can't move, if I'm feeling like I'm not free in any capacity, I'm just going to blow right through it, right, and that's part of what. What?

Speaker 2:

drives your success too, yeah.

Speaker 3:

It's like. It's like you can't. You can't come at odds with my core value and everybody has one, whether it's love, but I think we share lots of things. We've talked about spirituality so much, and when you have a core value, system of freedom, it's setting yourself up to be free and aiming for that, but it's also being able to go to war with anything that compromises your freedom.

Speaker 2:

Joy early on in the conversation. One thing I liked and I've asked this question a couple of times, actually that's been years and you said this and I love this is I always call it like what you said. I think the word you use was like metaphysical what people metaphysical you feel like Did you feel like from the first time we met my metaphysical matched who I, after talking to me spending time, was it aligned or was it way off?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, from your perspective, you want me to tell you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I love the facts.

Speaker 3:

So well, what I was talking about was meta-perception. Meta-perception which is what I think you think of me, right? So, like I don't know what you think of me, you might think I'm super hot. You might think this chick needs to stop talking. Like I tie it into like a metaphysical consensus and like what I'm guessing you're saying, and so a firm for me, if I'm right, is like does your energy match your presentation? Yeah, so my answer is no. My answer is no. My answer is initially, at the onset, your presentation. It there. There, there's a, there's a guarded and, for all the reasons for people trying to take fucking advantage of you, for being bullied, for all the things, there's a guarded presentation. I think, jack, that you run so much deeper than is the general presentation and it comes to that discerning point. I think that there's a very special let's call it circle of people that get to know the depth of you and I can see with your team right now, once they do, they love you, I love you.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

But there's still like this guarded protection mechanism and it's appropriate because people take advantage like fuck right.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

But once someone gets in, you can really see. And then, yes, your energy match like once we, once you're vulnerable and open to me. Right, initially, no, but I do also think that it's not just, it's not because of how you present, it's because of, like, societal observation and how we place judgment on people and what we think about people. Right, like so someone's going to see you rolling up in your Lambo with all your diamonds and your glasses and this little mooch attitude from New Mexico, and they're going gonna be like, oh, they're not gonna think, hey, that's a heart-centered, hard-working, driven fucking man no initially.

Speaker 3:

But that's because society right. But once people break past their own fucking ego and say, hey, I'm gonna live a life that's soul-led, now we're looking for different things. So even though I don't think the general presentation of you was that initially, I saw it but I'm me right.

Speaker 3:

And so when people are soul led, they have a different x-ray vision where it's like good heart, good heart, good heart, good heart. Everyone in this room has it right, and you know me well enough to know. If someone in this room didn't have it, I'd be like let's talk about it, Right, and so I hope that answered your question.

Speaker 2:

It does, because jordan leads me into this and that's why I wanted to be organic. Okay, and when we talk about this, none of this shit's scripted right. There is no script is, you know, like the last guy who said was a script? And I said, put the camera, there's no script, there's no, there's no. We're not reading off a projector or shit.

Speaker 2:

But one of the things, the reason I asked that question is because some questions that you guys have asked me in the past you know one that silas asked me and I think because of your age group, especially like destiny and silas is that you guys asked. So the reason I wanted jordan to to answer from her real I call it spiritual perspective is because I don't believe everyone should be able to have access to you. You asked me that question, destiny, one time, and I said I don't give two fucking cents, I don't want people to have access to me, so I don't want you to see behind the kingdom. Great kingdoms have big walls, right, my wall's not going to be clean. I'm going to clean my wall clean. But I think a lot of females in general give too much access of themselves to losers and Emails in general give too much access of themselves to losers and then when a successful, good-hearted person comes into their lives, it's like holy shit. It's like you talk to the girls and it's like abuse this, that the other, and it's like holy fuck, right.

Speaker 2:

But I think that as humans, I learned very early on. When my first experience, when I tried to, I took all my popsicles out and I wanted my friends to love me and then they were like go, fuck yourself. Right. And then I was like fuck you, I'm not giving my popsicles anymore. You know, I thought about that. Or building my sandbox, it's okay for not for people not to have access to you, because there's an old thing I used to always say, and I've said all the time right, I want to be exclusive, not inclusive.

Speaker 2:

Right, the reason I like the Lamborghini brand is a very small circle in the world. Right, not everyone get in there. But when you meet most of the people there, they're pretty freaking awesome. They're pretty laid back, chill, all that high vibrational humans. But I feel like what happens is you've had to earn the right to get there. Right, you've had to earn the right monetarily to get there in fitness, whatever it is. But I feel that I think having that exclusivity and then keeping that, that small core of humans around you make a lot, make more sense than anything. What's your take on that?

Speaker 3:

Well, I want to share, so it's. I love that you're sharing this because I think from the outside perspective, a lot of people could think it's like egotistical, but it's really not, because here's something that I know is like if you have discernment with who's in your field, right, so not everybody has access to. I think even your team freaked out, like whenever I got here or I told her tell Jack, I'm going to be late. People don't do that, Right. So because I have discernment, because not everybody has access to me or to you, when somebody's in, they're full in.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

And to the point where it's not just tell them I'm going to be late, but if I dated a loser and got beat the shit out of and was on the side of the road, I would call you. You would come get me in a Lambo.

Speaker 3:

I would Right and not for everybody. But I think that the part of the exclusivity piece that is important is, if you have, you're all the way in and there's no, there's no taking back on that unless there's like some big betrayal or something. There's no taking back on that. And like in my work right now I mean I work with hundreds, hundreds of women and all the girls say I want to be my friend, but they can all be my friend and it's not because they're not wonderful people or because I don't love them, but it's because my energy is inventory. Right. I have to be really to do my work in the most integral process. I have to be super discerning with my energy Meaning. If I have a client and we generate a friendship that grows organically over time and she passes that barrier now, I'd pick her up on the side of the road, but I can't say, just because you paid me this much or you're this much, you can't be my friend. It doesn't mean I'm not caring, right, and this is similar for you. It doesn't.

Speaker 2:

And we'll surface it right now You've never made any money off me.

Speaker 1:

I've never made any money off me.

Speaker 3:

I've never made any money off, you Zero the energy exchange. It's an energetic exchange.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

It's when we meet for lunch or when we have a conversation. There's an equal exchange of energy. That's why I'm in a circle, that's why you're in a circle, that's why you could call me an emergencygotistical. It's because I know that my energy is held at such a high value, because I fucking help people. I impact their lives, I change them, I change them. He changes them. They're different. He donates. It's financial, he helps kids. I'm like working with women's souls. They're different, but they're both impactful investments. And in order to do that, to be in integrity it's not that I don't like you or you're not cool, it's just that I have to protect my field because God called me to this work right, yes, yes, yes, yes, I love that.

Speaker 2:

I think um. I mean what hearing this like, like this, does that spin your wheels at all, like in this conversation or across anything yes, things like people, as I said, like, as you said, it's really important to use your energy at all people.

Speaker 4:

You know what I mean. So if you have a large amount of people coming up to you, like we do at the studio, we can't help everyone. So we have to like, discern, like who's, in a way, not to be logistical, but who's worthy of that help, because the energy and the effects that we have on people actually change people and set them up in better situations.

Speaker 3:

So I'm not going to waste it on like there's somebody that's just gonna like piss it away well, and it's not that people can't like, like, grow and earn their right to the space, but it, but it's Well. And it's not that people can't like, like, grow and earn their right to the space, but it, but it's, you know, and it's not just for like the company, but also like as an individual, like I guarantee there's people that have been wanting to get into that man cave for years. Okay, I'm like, I show up for an interview. He's like, let's go get you one, we go up. There's an equal energy exchange, right, there's an equal exchange.

Speaker 3:

So if a woman comes into my field as a client and then she eventually becomes a friend, it's because I'm not just therapy-ing her, like, I can also call her and tell her that I'm having an issue, right. And so when you have people lining up the studio or whatever and it doesn't mean people can't eventually show, if someone shows up like, let's just say, jordan, if I came to the studio or whatever, you can, and it doesn't mean people can't eventually show. If someone shows up like it just let's just say, jordan, if I came to the studio one podcast, two podcasts, 10, whatever and I was here every day, every day, every day, every day he would, he would acknowledge my investment and showing up, being there, showing up, but somebody doesn't just get to come and be like, oh well cause.

Speaker 1:

I make this much money and while I met Jack at lunch one time, no, because, what do you?

Speaker 3:

provide him. I'm providing him by standing in this line every fucking Friday for whatever, I'm providing him the understanding that I'm invested not just in, like, getting something from you, but I'm invested in your brand. I believe what you do. So they're showing yeah and it's. It's a safeguard and it's necessary because, at the end of the day, if you looked at his business, if everything was taken away, all the money okay, it would not change his heart of service. He would still help. He would take the shirt off his fucking back and give it to a homeless kid. I know it.

Speaker 3:

I've seen it. So you have to make sure that, in integrity, to be able to make the most impact meaning I'm going to make the most money, I'm going to give to the most people I have to protect my field because it's not just about me, it's about the kids that get in his car, it's about the people that he helps, right?

Speaker 2:

You know it's one of the craziest things, like people will tell me Jack, how do you deal with, like, all the children you take in and then you lose them? You know I've been like a make a wish foundation and it's pretty brutal, right. You know I've been like a make-a-wish foundation and you know I mean it's pretty brutal, right. And but I'm gonna tell you something that's really crazy. So the last little girl, the individuals in my men's group, and so they called me up and she said she just thinks you're the coolest guy on and this, and she's seeing you on social media and so I take her in this deal. And this was the creepiest thing I think I told you guys last time.

Speaker 2:

So my mom's favorite song in life was dolly parin code of many colors. So I get in the car with her and I'm she's a young kid, right and I'm thinking, okay, she likes hip-hop, what do you want? And we're going through my playlist and I'm like, tell me what you want to listen to. But before we get there, right, there's always police officers. I mean, they're gonna get a balloon and all this. And so she hadn't met me yet and it's dark as shit and she was feeling. She was feeling good that day and she says who do you want to go with? And she's like I want to go with him, yeah. So then I said, well, the parents. Okay, you know, we're gonna go from her house up the heights all the way to the balloon, but in that moment, right, I'm in there. And so, like jordan says, like I'm a tough exterior when it comes to like adults and shit, give us a shit. But when it comes to like adults and shit, I give us a shit. But when it comes to children and dogs, it's like we're a different animal, right, as my ex used to call me the Terminator, she'd always say he's good with kids and animals. And so we get in the car and we're flipping through the station and she's like oh, that's my favorite song and this little girl is going. You know, she's going to the next life. And I and I always felt like holy crap, that's like the way of talking to them. So we're going through this. I'm holding it like deep down there's like a tear on my left eye. I put the shades on. I'm like don't break, dude, don't break, because you know you don't want to see them break. And so the grandfather calls me and says we got a breakthrough, can you help us? Or whatever we got to do, we'll get right. That right there, like it took the wind out of me, like I could lose it. I don't think.

Speaker 2:

Another little boy that called where I had to, like he was so sick, he had a port and he was in severe pain and he always wanted to be in a Lamborghini and so they're trying to figure it out. And you guys know I got like gorilla strength and I said would you just trust me? So there was a caretaker and I said just trust me. I said I lift a shitload of weight Just if it hurts I'll put him back down. So I like scoop them up, like that. And I pick him up right and I put him in the car and he's in major pain.

Speaker 2:

We get in the car and we're going and fucking hell starts to hit Hellstorm On my hailstorm on my Lamborghini, do the biggest house storm. And I'm under a bridge and when we're sitting under that bridge we get to talk and I said how do you feel? Anxiety? And he's telling me, says I'm not scared. And here I am, holding back my tears, right, I'm like yeah, I got my shoes back on. I'm like the tear on the left eye. I'm like, don't break down, dude, don't break down.

Speaker 2:

And so Bree's in the office and she's like what's going on? So? And so I said, hold on real quick. I said I got to grab something real quick and I left the car on and I go into the bathroom and I'm just fucking crying my eyes out and she's all what's wrong with you. I said, shit, this is intense. So I'm crying in the bathroom.

Speaker 2:

Real quick, I said I got to get my composure right. I got, but the crazy part for me is the strength that these two kids showed right, the strength. And so for me I'm like sitting there and it makes you really reevaluate your life. If it was your last days, do you feel like you've accomplished what you wanted to accomplish in your life with helping people, whatever it is? And you know this may sound like a cliche, but the greatest feelings I've ever had not buying a jet, not buying Lamborghinis, like that is when I've actually helped somebody Like you. Don't get that. You don't get that feeling right. It's a whole different animal.

Speaker 2:

And I remember watching a denzel washington podcast and he said the same thing and I was like, wow, it's true. Right, and that's why I've been so invested with kids. Right, because I just love kids and because I think kids, you can really make that huge impact. Right, I'm like semi-okay with adults right, just a little bit, but with kids I'm good. But I have affinity for females, like yeah, I always believe I always told myself I'm like a lion. That's my success has been because of females in the industry, the chances they gave me. I've always felt females are more loyal. So I always told myself I'm like a lion that has female alliances behind me. And when you were saying that, jordan, that was the picture I got in my head because I'm like you're right, when Jordan was dating all these weirdos, she would have called me.

Speaker 3:

How is that dating all these weirdos? That's extreme. I dated like one weirdo.

Speaker 2:

She would have called me and said dude, I'm fucking getting my. You know, I would have fucking come to the rescue Right Because certain people touch you with certain way in your soul and I really believe that and that's pretty deep.

Speaker 4:

I think it's good to like have a purpose that resides in helping people. I feel the same way. I like guys that did teams and stuff like that. I feel like that was the most misguided part of my life. So if I could jump in there and help them like that really provide me with the most satisfaction.

Speaker 3:

Well you are I mean, even during these like podcasts and stuff, like we didn't have the shit. No, we didn't have it. And it's like now like imagine if we even heard some of these concepts and some of these kinds of conversations as teenagers.

Speaker 4:

I told him when I met him. I told him when we first started, the most important part of doing this was so I could help those people. Just because they don't get to hear chat from reals and students.

Speaker 4:

But there'll be no way in his entire life he would be exposed to this type of content. But because he's exposed to us and we're bridging that gap, all these kids come up to us and we're bridging that gap. All these kids like, come on, just check this and I just know like they might be infatuated with the watches, cars and stuff like it's like wide-eyed really. We're like pushing that message in their brain little by little. They've seen that just guys from albuquerque. Now they're seeing success in Albuquerque. Prior to that they hadn't seen, you hadn't seen success in Albuquerque. I had to show her step by step so she could understand that the city was good, because she hated it.

Speaker 1:

I thought I'm from here. Yeah, I grew up here and I just accepted a negative place to be. But then when I met Slick, he started bringing me around. All the people were actually doing positive things and being positive. So it really changed my mind Like, wow, I guess you are who you hang out with. So it's like people were complaining like where?

Speaker 3:

are you at?

Speaker 3:

yeah you know what's interesting, sweetheart is, like I and this is just my opinion like success can take many different forms, but like there's like he can, he has money, he can live whatever the fuck he wants, good, right. And and we always think about like okay, okay, we're in this, like poverty stricken state, it's a certain mindset and all these things. And we always think about like okay, okay, we're in this, like poverty stricken state, it's a certain mindset and all these things. And we always think about people like getting out and I got. Like I lived all over Italy, all the places, but I came home, I got out too and I came right back.

Speaker 3:

And so I think like that. I think the real, like turning point is having the ability to get out but then realizing no, I want to make an impact on my community or I want to come home, right.

Speaker 4:

There's a lot of people out here who have realized they don't get that. That's not a mentality exclusive to out there. No, it's not. In Toronto being, it has everything opposite from there, the mentality amongst like the 50% bottom culture is the exact same. People hate it. You did a survey. Would you raise your kids?

Speaker 2:

in Toronto. I mean, I've seen it, everybody. I saw that survey, you've seen it. Yeah, it came out of nowhere. No, you didn't send it to me. I thought you were the one that sent it to me, but no, it was actually my friend, jim from El Pinto, and I was like they fucking hated it, right. And they was like because he's real, he's like this shows me all the liberal shit. And they were talking about that's where I shared that story about you with the concierge or the mayor or whatever you want to call them, where he was like leave your keys in the car, don't take any action let them just take the car and everything that.

Speaker 4:

And so when I started, I started reading all that. I'm like, oh my god, that's all. I just feel way different than that, right, you know exactly. And then people hear from toronto and I grew up alive, my cousins live there, so I was there the summers. Same mentality in new york, it's just like right, I think you just need to leave your city to have an appreciation?

Speaker 3:

I think totally, and that's know. So can I talk about my event? Yeah, so, so Become your Truth is my event that I have in Albuquerque every year. I've always had it at Tamaya. I had it one year in Scottsdale, but this is going to be the sixth year and it's so interesting because I had gone to you know all over.

Speaker 3:

But I like wanted to create something for, like, our people, like I'm like if people in this community stuck housewives, whatever, like just new, like you can actually do what you want. You can be a fucking artist, you can make your own money, you can leave this piece of shit, you can do whatever you want to do. Like there's no bound on you. Yeah, so I started Become your Truth at Tamaya and was created for the community, and still I have about 50% New Mexicans, 50% fly in from out of state or country.

Speaker 3:

It's just a women's empowerment event, just that. But it's really impactful. We have about 100 women every year and I channel the entire event in real time. So I love how he always talks about like just being a vessel for God. Like I don't plan anything, I plan the location, I plan the food Outside of that, like I just open channel and it's so impactful and so many people have done so many things coming from it, like they've, you know, changed their lives, changed their careers, changed their husbands, whatever they need to do to make themselves happy.

Speaker 3:

He wants to talk about all my husbands.

Speaker 2:

Let's talk about it. You know I said. You know what I said Jordan's right there with Kobe, just as much rings as she's at. I love it. You know what's funny about that Jordan? I said I love seeing. Tell us about this. You know, I've seen you more like from. Like you said how we got into the fitness, like the, the, the fitness, jordan, to now miss Jordan. Talk a little bit about that, about that journey, like how you went from, like how did you go from here to here?

Speaker 3:

so miss jordan was. So when I was doing fitness and I was miss became america, I actually co-owned uh abq life with josh and lillian and so we had all these like events, the bars and things, and all the bouncers just called me miss jordan and then it just like took and, like everyone, started calling me miss jordan, and at the time, too, I was on billboards and town and all the things from the fitness.

Speaker 3:

What really happened, though, is I understood at some point that I had a platform, and I knew the platform was basically fixated on whether it was women who wanted to be like me or it was just like men who wanted to look at my tits and ass, but, regardless, I had reach to people, and then I took that reach and I shifted it into something that would create some type of impact. You know, when it came from getting out of my second marriage, which was super abusive, on the last round of shows, and being like, okay, I don't want to feel like this and also like I have at the time, this is before algorithms, right. So I had like 50,000 followers on, like my Facebook fan page 50,000. I'm like 30,000 of them were in New Mexico, and I'm like, okay, I get that, they're like looking at my test and us, but also like, if I post something at the time before algorithms, they're going to see it. So I learned that I had a platform and I had a voice, and I'm like I'm going to make this voice count because before I ever did fitness and all the things, I've always been like super spiritual, very kind hearted, and I just knew that I had an opportunity.

Speaker 3:

And then, when you go through a body transformation and of any kind, it does change you mentally and spiritually, you have a different focus and discipline and you're you realize that, like, if I can transform my body, I can definitely transform my mindset, I can definitely transform my spirituality, like I can definitely transform my entire life, right Including monetarily. And so, uh, how I went from, you know that misjordan to this misjordan was just I rode the fucking wave because I already had the people and I lost followers. I went down from like 50,000 to maybe 20,000 because all the men that just wanted to look at my tits and ass they left. But you know what? The women stayed and the women were like, okay, wow, we followed her because she was this, but look at how she talks and look at how she thinks and look at where she lives, and it was just inviting them into this understanding of you can do whatever the hell you want with your life, see how beautiful it is, and you're going to touch on that on your own.

Speaker 2:

But imagine when you're losing that. Like what did make you go back and be like, well, I need to be sexy Jordan here and then. And to get that like what was the? I can see in Destiny's Eyes right, I can see she's watching her. Like what made you not be like, oh shit.

Speaker 3:

So it's interesting, it's really that's a great question, jack, because like right now I'm hot, right, I'm like, I'm super cute, I'm lean, but when I first went like like moved to like women's empowerment and spirituality, it wasn't like I stayed in a fitness body. I mean, I got fat. Remember, I got fat and I lost all these people and it would have been easy to like go back to this. But when I was doing fitness the first time, how I felt in my mind, body and spirit was empty. I felt like I needed validation from men. I felt like I couldn't really, I didn't really know who I was. I felt like all of my value and all of my worth was placed on my body. And so, even though I got into this like out of shape body for a while and it wasn't just from laziness, it was from I had major thyroid issues because people had put me on like testosterone and stuff- and I didn't know the difference right so I had like this whole like body, like I was like heavy, I mean really heavy.

Speaker 3:

I got really heavy.

Speaker 2:

I don't even think I saw you and I was like we did yeah, we did at my peak, no, because I your peak I said all my jokes, I said we're still gonna love you a lot more love, but you know what? And so I but, but.

Speaker 3:

But something that was different was like I wasn't a slave to anybody else's like opinion of me, and so, even though I was heavy, I knew that it wasn't from anything I was doing. I knew that I had had like major chemical imbalances in my body, but I started praying more, I started studying more, I started doing these things and how I felt internally was whole, and so, even though I lost however many followers, it was like, but the ones that are here count, because they're not just looking at my body, they give a fuck about what I have to say in my mind. And so then it shifted out and you know, every time I because our food is poison. We're not going to get into all of that but every time I lived out of the country I would lose a lot of weight just from environment. Just from environment, eating clean food, like, not like, oh, I want to eat clean.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I would drive my little golf cart in Mexico, I'd have a margarita every single day, but I'd have pasta all the time. But it was like grown there and whole, and the people were nice and everybody loved me and I had a sunlight and I had the ocean, and my body would just take shape because I loved myself, and so I think if I ever went back to fitness, like I've said many times in this podcast, it'd be to bridge that gap, like you don't have to be in this insecure place like place just trying to like be affirmed for your body. You can have a full, whole, healthy body, that that is also aesthetically beautiful, but also be in this like very rich, very nurturing mindset and soul.

Speaker 2:

You know, you know, really spun in my brain when I was a little kid. I said the same thing. I said why do I have to choose to have rings and rums, Right? And so I said you know what? I'm going to be a super nerd and I'm going to be monster in fitness, Right? So it's really where your mind goes, your body follows you. I mean, that's, that's really the big thing. Yeah, You're talking about that. Before controlling your thoughts.

Speaker 4:

Step one I was going to touch on something that you were saying before, before we entered this topic. Like you guys were talking about God. So how important is that? Into, like developing into a person, you are strong-minded, successful stuff like that. Yeah, what's the relationship on?

Speaker 3:

your point is okay yeah, so we have time. I think we're like way over time. He has to lunch with somebody very important. But I'll tell a story real quick. When I was two years old and I have three-year-olds now three-year-old twins, so I understand like what a big deal. This is where I didn't before.

Speaker 3:

But my mom would take us to church or whatever, and she said it was so interesting, like if I try to hand my child to a stranger, they're like like I don't want a stranger, right? She said at two years old, by myself I would walk all the way to the front of the church and I would sit by a little man or a little lady and I would hold their hand. And she said it never failed. And this happened like five or six times during the service. The pastor would announce that that person had lost their spouse and she was like I would just let you cause you would scream if we tried to pull you back. So you wanted to go sit with them and hold their hand. But it was always like when somebody had passed over.

Speaker 3:

At two years old, and and and I'd seen things and I'd been like super clairvoyant and like so many things all the way up till about high school time when I started getting bullied and then I shut it down probably all all through college and I still like believed in God and stuff, but I didn't have, like I didn't feel like the same thread of connection. And then it was through my second marriage, which was super abusive, when I and that's around the time I think Jack and I started hanging out when I came all the way through and started doing this work that I it turned online again. And so to answer your question like faith to me, I don't. I don't see God the same way that that many different religions see God. I see God as like, if this is a son and this is God, and Jack's wearing black glasses, you're wearing purple, yellow, blue, and he's Catholic and you're Christian and she's Buddhist and I'm Mormon, it's the same divine source, energy. It's the same God. We're just all seeing it through a different lens, right? And I think that there is truth to every single religion and I also think that there's things omitted from every single religion, but I think there is a God and I think that God is source, higher power, and I also think God is all encompassing, all around us and in us and through us and within us. And so, that being said, it's everything. It's everything in my practice, it's everything in how I live my actual life, like I I I call it soul led, but you can say God led, like I don't. I trust intuition.

Speaker 3:

When you get the bad vibes or you get the good vibes, some people say no, I do it. I mean I've moved, you guys, countries I've, I've left people, like when I have what I call a Godhead or I have like a knowing. I lead my life from that space and, as a result, I have lived in some of the most beautiful places, I've had wealth, I've had love, I've had all of these different things. But I think it's because I trust the God sense, it's because I live faith-based and it takes priority to what would happen logically, and I think everybody has this, just not everybody chooses it, and the reason it's so easy for me to choose it right now, or maybe someone like Jack is because I've seen the proof in the pudding, I've answered the call and I've seen what comes on the other side, and so it's hard when you're, if you're, like you were saying, like a stuck mom or feeling like a stuck wife, it's hard to take that leap of faith because you don't know what's going to happen.

Speaker 3:

But if you can do it just once, you'll be affirmed. And then the next time it's easier and easier. And then when he has a big deal on the table and it's like he's going to make all this money and it's all this stuff, and then he just says you know what I don't really like the way you look or you talk, and he walks out on it, and then this fucking comes crashing down on someone else, right? Or vice versa, I'm going to take a chance on this little man because I just feel it and it ends up being his biggest deal, right? That's moving from faith space, moving from God's space, and so it's everything.

Speaker 2:

So I'll tell you guys a great real story, because I got a little bit tired of what I wrote. But I'm going to tell you what she just said is an actual real story. So I was actually at a big. I had a big monster deal on the table and we're gonna meet. And then Jordan and I said let's meet for lunch. And I sat across the table and I'm negotiating a large monster deal and I look at the deal and I look at what's going on and a lot of people are gonna get fucked over. And I walked and I said I was. I said you know what. I said you know what? I'm not interested in the guys. They're like, basically stupid. And it was crazy because he got to physically see me walk. And then I go move to the table and then me and Jordan have lunch and I remember you asking me, like I wasn't present, and you were asking. I said you know what? I said I have to walk away from something major. I didn't get into big detail, but it because this is who we are years later and I specifically did that.

Speaker 2:

I call it the Holy Spirit, right? You know, we're both in. Whatever, like Jordan says, we can see it in multiple ways. You know, for me, I was born and raised Catholic and I used that and I've studied with the Buddhist monks and I use the Buddhist monks because of my lifestyle. But what I believe is when the Holy Spirit talks to you internally, that's the bad juju.

Speaker 2:

And sometimes we choose not to listen, right, and we say no, like so. Like you know, anytime I don't like something, you guys will know immediately. Right, I'm like it's not. It has nothing to do with the benefit, because once you become fulfilled in your life, you come with a fulfilled attitude so you can take it or leave it. Right, in a bad relationship, the chick could be like I'm the hottest shit ever, but I'm like, well, your baggage is too much for me, I won't care, I'm going to walk away, no big deal. Well, a hundred dudes wouldn't do it. What does it matter to me? Same thing with the deal with the bank, those decisions, and I think once you practice on becoming full through faith, then everything will just fall. That's the only way I can explain it from my perspective.

Speaker 4:

Something interesting I noticed, like touching on that, is that we've had recently and because of talking to you, you showed us, pat, but we've had deals that are like bookings and stuff come and you know.

Speaker 3:

For instance, we had one and we were chugging the whole price and it just wasn't aligning with us for our values and I noticed that when I reject those things, literally the next day we're done with our bookings because here's the thing if you have something that's not in alignment with the frequency that you're carrying and you guys are in the space of learning growth if you allow something to be here and it's not aligned, it's we only have molecular like and now we're gonna get into science like, molecularly really, there's only so much energy like, there's only so much space. So, if something, a person, a job or whatever is holding space and it's not an alignment, it is a, it's a physical energetic block for the things that are supposed to come in. And this is why, if you can say you know what, okay, I'm down to my last 17 cents and I got to buy diapers, right and you're like can't take, you Can't do it, it doesn't feel right, you're going to have where the things will come in because you're you're, you're eliminating that blockade energetically and this is it's, it's it's law of quantum physics and it's and it's spirituality. But, like you know, it's being soul led, being God led, it's key and and you've seen it like, you're seeing it right here with the both of us Like people say okay, well, that's cool, well, I pray every day.

Speaker 3:

And then I have clients who are like I pray every day and I don't make the kind of money you make. And I'm like listen, how do you pray? And I've had a client that told me I pray in my bed. You know, in my head I said, you know what happens when I pray I hit my, I've hit my knees to the point where they bled and I've cried and I've screamed out and I've literally said angels, come down and I'm I'm fully invested in my faith and the fact that I pray and and, as a result, I feel like I've been awarded with different anointings. But you can't go into it. It's like trying to go into, like trying to go into fitness and being like, okay, well, I'm gonna go ahead and just lift some dumbbells for a couple hours. Never do cardio and eat burgers every single day. It won't work like that. So faith is the same and when I say I'm faithful, I don't just say it, I feel it in my body.

Speaker 2:

I feel it Conviction.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

You have to have conviction.

Speaker 3:

You have to know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't think you have to live up to God's standards as well.

Speaker 3:

like you can't just say, oh I pray, but I'm gonna go out and keep sitting here with you again, or something like it's just not gonna work you have to put it after well, part of my spirituality is learning, like learning all types of different religions, learning all types, and I don't think there's, like I said, I don't think that there's. I think there's truth to all of them. But really, like making yourself educated and jack and I have talked about this a lot like in all arenas, like educate yourself, like when you come to a table and I told you guys on the thing we could talk about whatever you want, because him and I have had conversations about everything across the board and I'm coming educated. I'm not coming like well, I don't really know what to say to that because it's part of your development, it's your mental fitness right, and it's part of that spirit warrior or zombie, apocalypse survivor, because you know what to do, because you've studied across the board.

Speaker 2:

So last question for me, jordan, so you've mentioned the apocalypse a lot. I want you to really bring that to fruition for us here. What, what, what? When you said that, are you literally preparing for that? Is that all your body, or is it a metaphorically, or I just want to know?

Speaker 3:

So I think I mean I mean I don't have like like cans of food stash or anything. I think it's more meta, like metaphorically, and our world's fucking crazy, you know, and I have toddlers and I feel like, whether it's on the surface level of the world or the fact that I think we're really like just as a as a planet in spiritual warfare in general. Like, when I think of of being prepared, I think like I've got to be mentally, physically, spiritually prepared and and I already am right, I'm, I'm a warrior on the lines of spirit, like I preach, I have these events for women, like I'm actively, like a vessel for spirit, but also like mentally and physically, I feel like I literally would need to be there because if something goes down it on our planet or in the ethers, like I want to be able to strap one baby on my back, put one on my hip and go, yes, and survive and know and also know like this is why I think you know, when you look at warfare and we're gonna get into, but we could do this, we could do like a seven-hour podcast, you guys, jack and I, but when we get into like anything like like war related, and you think mentally, spiritually, physically. You've got to know, like you've got to be able to talk to people and you know.

Speaker 3:

One of the things that I've talked to Jack a little bit about is like women and men, they have primal instincts. So men are to protect, provide and pursue Okay, women are to support, nurture and seduct, and everyone thinks that seduction is like just sexual. It's not nurture and seduct, and everyone thinks that seduction is like just sexual. It's not. It's. If I and I'm telling you right now, if I wanted to have a conversation with you one-on-one when everyone left this room, I would convince you to stop supporting whatever team hat you're wearing, because I could do it. I could do it. I'm telling you I could do it. No, okay, so, but I'm just as an example but but it's it's.

Speaker 3:

It's not just a sexual, it's not just a sexual, it's an innate power that we have. So when we talk about apocalypse-ish anything, conspiracy theory or otherwise, it's just being in my best physical, mental, spiritual form, so that if I need to talk him into giving my baby food, if I need to run, if I need to fight like I'm prepared across the board.

Speaker 2:

I love that, jordan. The reason I ask that question is people always ask me and say, jack, why do you roll a bulletproof vest? Right? Well, I was. You know, I served in the military. I have a lot of training I'm not going to talk about.

Speaker 2:

But the thing with me is it's one thing I learned when I was in the military is I trained in an elite unit and they used to say we pray for peace but train for war, right, like why I kick box all the time, or what I do Like. So I think that the end of the day, it's like being prepared at your highest level for no matter what comes at you, right, we go into that parking lot out there and someone's going to take us. I'm going to protect us. That's just my nature. I always, I always talk about right, but we all have to come together as a team and I think that's great. So I I think that I think the world's fucked up jordan. But I mean, if we went back to 1798 and the vikings invaded england, they would think the same thing, right? Oh yeah, I mean, we've all had weird times.

Speaker 3:

it's all hypothetical yeah, it's just like, if I like and it came from like, you know, doing this work, this work, and women being like, oh, you're like such like a, like a, like a warrior for spirit and you're such like a messenger for God, and all these things, and I think that those are accurate, but I also wanted to embody them in my human form.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I can be that here. I can. I can get on to however many people on Instagram and do a live and like, speak to their hearts, but I wanted to be able to actually.

Speaker 2:

I want to be able to actually like, be an example, for my daughter in the moment, in human form, you know. Yeah, well, in this segue, guys, I'm gonna tell you this it looks like jordan's gonna be back because we got a lot of things to talk about, so it's gonna be part one of a lot. But, jordan, we want to thank you for coming and you know it means a lot to me personally, the first time I've been able to really hit this on camera.

Speaker 3:

But I think this impact is going to touch a lot of people, you know I hope so and I, you know, I I have faith that it is and we were kind of all over the place, but that's I'm gonna say that's how we was all over the place.

Speaker 2:

No, I was a work let me just tell you, guys, I am. I'm that same ship in the ocean, going at one speed, no trajectory, just there, and I just look over and I say you want to come on board, I bring you on board. But the boat keeps on the same way.

Speaker 3:

He's got like 17 rowers. Don't let him. I mean, there was like a lot of conversation about different things and I think it'd be cool to get together and like section it off, but I love being here. I love you. It's so good to have a conversation on camera. I think it's great yeah.

Speaker 2:

Anything else, destiny. You got one. Last one, I do, you got one last one.

Speaker 4:

All right, here we go. I want this real Silas. Well, maybe you can ask her this for the real. I wanted you to like touch on, like to younger females who are like trying to find a man right so, now that you have like experience in like finding a man and a husband, like what do you think they could look for as, like red flags, avoid this guy like so they can avoid mistakes that's a great conversation, so.

Speaker 3:

So one thing I'll share is I have had multiple husbands. My first husband was amazing. He was wonderful, he was kind. I was the toxic, okay, and then I had two horrible ones. My advice to younger women who are desperately seeking that love is, if you can find that love within yourself and this isn't some cliche Hallmark card bullshit, I mean really like start taking care of yourself, taking care of your body. What are you putting into it? What are you listening to? How are you spending your time? Who are you spending your time with? If you can start to nurture yourself and love yourself, an aligned love, you'll find right. But if we're trying to become something for somebody or seek something, or if we're searching from our space of insecurity, you won't even have to have a red flag. You're just going to jump into a sunken ship.

Speaker 3:

And I think red flags like to identify a red flag. As a young woman, trust your body. And it goes back to what I shared with you guys earlier in the podcast. If you want to know the truth of a thing, look to how you feel about it. That means it doesn't matter how much money he makes, how handsome he is. If you think he know the truth of a thing, look to how you feel about it. That means it doesn't matter how much money he makes, how handsome he is.

Speaker 3:

If you think he's the love of your life, if you don't feel peace in yourself when you're with him, if you don't feel safe to be yourself, to use your voice, right, it's not right. It's not right Because if somebody is right for you, you're going to feel at home with them. You're going to feel that you can be absolutely vulnerable, you can be imperfect. They're going to love you Like not the cliche, but the real, like unconditional love, like come what may, and you can correct them, you can call them up without them being offended or frustrated, because they're going to want to grow with you.

Speaker 4:

So that would be my advice.

Speaker 3:

To your intuition. And you guys, intuition is a muscle Okay, it's like Jack lifting all the heavy things. It's a muscle. You have to train it. So if I say right now, okay, if we go to a restaurant and we go, I just did it. I'm not going to name the restaurant cause I don't want to cause them bad business, but it wasn't, it wasn't good and I knew, like, like I knew I was like something feels off and I was hungry, you guys. And it's like a fancy restaurant and I'm like, oh, I didn't eat. My partner did. Guess who was on the toilet all night? Not me. Yeah, right, so it's.

Speaker 3:

It's a muscle that you train where, if you have an intuitive hit, even if it's like you know what I don't want coffee this morning. You know what? I should get up and run, I should run, I should run. Oh, I'm lazy. But when you have a hit, if you follow the intuitive flow, if you follow your intuition, if you listen, okay, well, I've been waiting for my sister's grad party all year and I'm so excited I'm going to see all my family, and that day comes and it's like don't go. And you listen to it. Not only will you be affirmed by finding out later the reason that you had the hit, like I wasn't on the toilet. But also it builds the muscle.

Speaker 4:

So, now.

Speaker 3:

So when it comes to things like men, oh my, and yes, granted, I've had, you know, a couple of partners, but my radar is way stronger, because if my body says, don't eat sushi at this place for lunch, I listen and it strengthens the muscle. And so I I've got, like you guys want to see, style muscles, I've got power when it comes to oh no, don't answer that message, right, but it's a, it's a muscle you have to build and to segue on that you can ask me.

Speaker 2:

The question and I think for a male's perspective is if you don't feel peace and everything that jordan said is the same, exact same thing if you feel like your life is literally a smorgasbord and you do one wrong thing and that person's triggered, and whatever you're in the wrong relationship. Relationships should be very easy, just very free-flowing. You're not trying anything, it just works. It doesn't really matter. I've been in situations where I'm like what the fuck? I bring it to the table Mentally, physically, everything. You know what I'm trying to say, but at the end of the day, if that person doesn't value it a whole and they're focused on one thing, it doesn't matter what you do.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, so that's when you have to chin down.

Speaker 3:

It doesn't mean that you're never going to fight. It doesn't mean you're never going to have any disagreement, I think you can, but also their ability to be like, for example and I'm like, hey, you need to stop doing this Because this is hurting this person or it's making you look like you're not, or whatever the ability for them to accept that you have their best interest and you care about them and so the ability to self-correct, and that's on both sides.

Speaker 3:

I think it's key, because I think when people are like, well, I just know who I am, well, then there's no opportunity for growth in a relationship.

Speaker 2:

Would you feel like, statistically, if you put in 65 days a year and you're fighting 65% of the time, wouldn't you say that's kind of a fail?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't think that you should fight a 65% of the time. But I think that you know if twice a year you're like okay, if we were going out to a party and you wanted to do something and I was like, but it's not me picking at you, right, it would be me. It's really holding the best interest of the other person. Like, listen, I don't want you to look be 65%, but think about that Some are mathematical right.

Speaker 2:

That's like 8% or 2% of that. I feel that sometimes, when people are not as attuned as us are, you go back to the basics of mathematics. Right, If you are with somebody for a week and you put on a fucking calendar and you're fighting five days a week, well, that would fail in anything else. Right, In returns in the bank, in basic mathematics in high school, I don't care what it is, and I think that's where people make them sick.

Speaker 3:

But my intuition or my imitation, I guess would be, and this is coming from having failed them.

Speaker 3:

Successful relationships is not just and this is where many, many are different because you're thinking of just the logistical process. We're fighting. This is a mathematical equation. As a woman, what is the underlying reason behind the fight? And so it's not just how many times we're fighting, it's what's the underlying reason. Is it because I'm being elusive or because he is? Is it because we can't see eye to eye on this? Is this something where we can sit down and have a conversation, vulnerable and connected, about one thing that eliminates the next 10 fights?

Speaker 2:

So I think. So, going back to mathematics, that's called understanding your variables, right? So if you know what the concept variable is like, it's like you want Jack Buffy to see me out because he's done eating this cup all the time. But it's not just a cup, it's my clothes and all that. So then it goes down and it's not a cup, it's a. So this shows itself as a cup in this moment, but if we really solve the variable, it's a messy. That sort of thing and I think that's what I was trying to bring out is most people can't realize that it's not the cup situation, it's that they're fucking messy all the time or they're verbally abusive or something like that. And so that's kind of what I was touching on.

Speaker 2:

When you don't have the type of insight or knowledge or stuff because I see a lot of young women put up with so much such weird shit, right, because I'm always a set of years for a lot of people, right, and it's like, okay, it wasn't that fight that night at the party, and that's the guy's a jealous dude, right, and he's insecure with himself. So, no matter what you do, now he's it made it. Now he's literally taking you from your family. You know he's taking you from your friends and he's isolated. And now, now he's going to. You know he's taking you from your friends and he's isolating you. And now, now he's on the top, now he's abusing you.

Speaker 3:

Well, I think and I think you know if we're talking about. I don't know if it's a healthy relationship or a toxic relationship. They're different.

Speaker 4:

But like in, a healthy relationship.

Speaker 3:

I think something that's important is thing like okay, it's just this unit and I love the concept of having a unit, but like I wanted to be.

Speaker 4:

I'm a sovereign being you're a sovereign being.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely, we choose each other. I think a lot of people that have issues. They may be a healthy relationship but then it turns toxic because there's a sense of dependency and I think that, like so, right now, my relationship probably our biggest like what you would call an issue is he doesn't really like this. I, you know, I like to go out. I thought I personally like he's more of a homebody right and so in a past timeline that would have been something that would cause these fights. But because it's a healthy dynamic, I'm focused on my happiness and my desire, meaning if he wants to come, great. If he doesn't want to come, I'm still gonna go have lunch. Want to come? I'm still going to go, we'll have lunch, have fun, whatever, and I'm not dependent on him for my happiness.

Speaker 3:

He's my own person. He's his only person and we just choose each other. But I think in the toxic dynamic where there's abuse and things, there's codependency and I've been in it and you know those are all pre distinct conditions and so now it's not even the same playground as like, oh yeah, he's jealous or there's abuse because it's not. There's both sovereign people are making an effort towards the unity, right, it's one person thinking not to love the other and the other one taking them for advantage, taking advantage of them, right, okay.

Speaker 4:

That's all, folks, that's all Stop. That's all, that's all we got. Stop it, stop it here.

Speaker 3:

Take a picture I'm going to have to go, Okay.

Elevating Humanity Through Truth and Fitness
Navigating Fitness and Self-Confidence
Parenting With Empathy and Structure
Mastering Emotions and Taking Control
Building Confidence Through Practice and Mindset
Motivation and Empowerment for Success
Living a Life of Freedom
Creating Exclusive Energy Exchanges
Inspiring Stories of Impact and Community
Empowering Women Through Transformation
Living a Faith-Based Life
Faith, Fitness, and Preparedness
Finding Love Within Yourself
Healthy vs Toxic Relationships