The Better It Gets Podcast

The Beauty of Rock Bottoms, Recovering from Addiction, Law of Attraction & Finding your Spiritual Community

April 11, 2024 Zoe Dane
The Beauty of Rock Bottoms, Recovering from Addiction, Law of Attraction & Finding your Spiritual Community
The Better It Gets Podcast
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The Better It Gets Podcast
The Beauty of Rock Bottoms, Recovering from Addiction, Law of Attraction & Finding your Spiritual Community
Apr 11, 2024
Zoe Dane

From living in Boston, growing up in an abusive home and turning to drugs and alcohol for solace; Jenna shares about her real as f*ck journey of ending up in jail when she was 23 and how this experience led her to learning about & implementing the Law of Attraction in her life. Her story is a living testimony of “the better it gets.” Jenna is one of the most powerful manifestors I know- and in this episode, she shares about her own personal journey with manifestation and how to transform your pain into purpose. 

What we discuss: 

  1.  The importance of hitting a rock bottom and the gift of this fertile space. 
  2.  Synchronicities, magic, manifestation, awakening to the miracle frequency. 
  3.  How your level of self-worth is a direct reflection of what you are able to manifest. 
  4.  The importance of clarity and the power of sobriety to access your most authentic self and live your best + most coherent life. 
  5.  How to dream BIGGER than you thought possible. 
  6.  Becoming the active and intentional co-creatrix of your reality. 
  7.  The incomparable power of gratitude as the precursor to working with the law of attraction.
  8.  How to find your f*ck yes community through embodying your deep values. 
  9.  The power of vulnerability. 
  10.  What stops people’s manifestations from materializing. 
  11.  God’s Will vs Self Will 
  12.  The inevitable isolation/loneliness phase that comes with your decision to shift into a more healed identity/higher timeline. 
  13.  The power of building RESILIENCE
  14.  The mechanics of magnetism 

Where you can find Jenna:

Check out her book: Love Like There is No Tomorrow:

Show Notes

From living in Boston, growing up in an abusive home and turning to drugs and alcohol for solace; Jenna shares about her real as f*ck journey of ending up in jail when she was 23 and how this experience led her to learning about & implementing the Law of Attraction in her life. Her story is a living testimony of “the better it gets.” Jenna is one of the most powerful manifestors I know- and in this episode, she shares about her own personal journey with manifestation and how to transform your pain into purpose. 

What we discuss: 

  1.  The importance of hitting a rock bottom and the gift of this fertile space. 
  2.  Synchronicities, magic, manifestation, awakening to the miracle frequency. 
  3.  How your level of self-worth is a direct reflection of what you are able to manifest. 
  4.  The importance of clarity and the power of sobriety to access your most authentic self and live your best + most coherent life. 
  5.  How to dream BIGGER than you thought possible. 
  6.  Becoming the active and intentional co-creatrix of your reality. 
  7.  The incomparable power of gratitude as the precursor to working with the law of attraction.
  8.  How to find your f*ck yes community through embodying your deep values. 
  9.  The power of vulnerability. 
  10.  What stops people’s manifestations from materializing. 
  11.  God’s Will vs Self Will 
  12.  The inevitable isolation/loneliness phase that comes with your decision to shift into a more healed identity/higher timeline. 
  13.  The power of building RESILIENCE
  14.  The mechanics of magnetism 

Where you can find Jenna:

Check out her book: Love Like There is No Tomorrow: