Food Lives: Food History Tour of Tower Hamlets

Part Two of our Food History Tour: Wilton’s Music Hall, Wellclose Square and Swedenborg Gardens and Orchard.

Elaine Swan, Sajna Miah and Shazna Hussain

In our final episode we start at the beautiful Wilton’s Music Hall where Elaine explains more about its original food-related purpose. Shazna and Sajna then take us back to the time of the former dairies and sugar factories that dominated the area. We take in Wellclose Square and learn about the historical importance of Swedenborg Gardens and finish the tour at an urban orchard in the heart of the St George’s Estate where we learn how it serves the community today. 

Part Two of our food history tour of Shadwell and its environs, this episode is for those wishing to know more about  the food systems and food histories of Tower Hamlets. 

Helen New interviews Elaine Swan, Sajna Miah and Shazna Hussain 

Podcast artwork by Nasima Sultana 

We would like to thank Sanjida Alam from the Tower Hamlets Local History Library and Archive for her help with our research into Tower Hamlets food histories. 

About the Food Lives Project 

Food Lives is part of a 5 year research programme funded by UKRI and led by University of Reading, FoodSEqual. Food Lives Tower Hamlets is run by Wen and University of Sussex and is taking place on the St George’s Estate, Shadwell. The project looks at the role food plays in our lives and the importance of history, culture and heritage to our food habits.    


Related Links
Servings: Feminist Food Studies

Food Lives Tower Hamlets

The Women’s Environmental Network (Wen)

Tower Hamlets Local History Library and Archive

Article: ‘Mapping Pockets of Survival: Café Society in Post-war Cable Street’‘Mapping Pockets of Survival: Café Society in Post-war Cable Street’

Contact Info

If you would like to find out more about our project or to let us know where we’ve missed something or where we’ve got something wrong (some of the history is difficult to ‘prove’) please get in touch.

Elaine: or via the contact page on the Servings website.