Cheeky Run Club

How to fall in love with running

January 29, 2024 Phoebe & Anna Season 1 Episode 2
How to fall in love with running
Cheeky Run Club
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Cheeky Run Club
How to fall in love with running
Jan 29, 2024 Season 1 Episode 2
Phoebe & Anna

Look out, you're about to fall in love with running. 

We've put our heads together to come up with our top ten tips for how to get started, keep going, or just enjoy your runs even more than you already do. Some of these tips will be useful, some of them will not... you be the judge.

Show Notes Transcript

Look out, you're about to fall in love with running. 

We've put our heads together to come up with our top ten tips for how to get started, keep going, or just enjoy your runs even more than you already do. Some of these tips will be useful, some of them will not... you be the judge.


Cheeky Run Club recognises that every day we live, work and run on Aboriginal land. Welcome to episode two of Cheeky Run Club, the social running podcast and community for your everyday amateur runner. Anna, how are you? Hello, Phoebe, how are you going today? I'm so good. Let's kick off with our first segment where we talk through our best run and our worst run of the week. Do you want to kick off with your worst run? guess. And worst run of the week was definitely, uh, I was lucky enough, I don't, I was lucky enough to go to the tennis on Sunday night. Um, I've never been, like, I've been to a, well, I've had a ground pass before, but never been to Lord Laver. Anyway, so, But yeah, it went pretty late and I'd organized a run with friends on Monday morning. And I feel like as I instigated it, I felt like I couldn't fail. Um, so it was pretty wired after the dance. I couldn't really sleep and had about four hours sleep. So the whole run I kind of felt a little bit like a zombie. Um, but, yes. I don't know if you've been, have you been to the dance this year? Just to Grounds, Grounds Pass, yeah. I'm not a big, I mean I like it, I watch it. Yeah. Oh, really? Under your breath? You got really invested. Yeah. I was like, so stressed. I mean, like, I can't even pronounce his name correctly. Oh, week. What about you? Oh. I mean, nothing can compare with that, let's be real. That was probably The best sporting experience of my life. Yeah, the best experience of all time. Yeah, yeah. your worst run of the week? So, I had I had a shocker. so this is Saturday long run. I should say, the run itself was, Good, great even, great run, but had a few bad things that happened on the run. okay, so we're running along the river from, from Richmond kind of towards Burnley. Someone in our group, noticed that all the shrubbery between the path and the river, there was a bit of shrubbery that was destroyed and he kind of looked down and saw this like path of destruction and there was a car floating upside down in the river. A A car, yeah. we were like, immediately we assumed it must have been there for a little while and that the authorities had known about it because it was just Destroyed bush car parts everywhere. It had clearly come off the road. People were rowing past it. But There was no one there, like, looking at it. And so, One of the guys was like, we should probably just call the police and let them know. So we called the local police station. They sent a car around in literally, two minutes. And they were like, yeah, we had no idea. Like, it must have just happened, that morning. And We don't know. Yeah, because they were like, not like move along, but they're like, you don't need to wait around. I think they need to get like a boat and everything down. So it's pretty scary. Then we kept going We were running through, kind of Yarra Flats, which for those who haven't run there is, an area just a few k's out of the city in Melbourne. Absolutely beautiful. You're kind of running by the river, we're on a trail at this stage. And as we're running, I feel something like hot and wet, land on my face. And down the side of my body and I looked down at my shoulder and it's just bird poop like heaps of like So much and I stopped obviously cuz I was like I need to get this off my face like gross It's in my hair I was standing there like took my shirt off was trying to wipe it off I noticed, like, Sean, I think, was saying, like, saying something to me and I was like, what? And he's like, look up. And I looked up and it wasn't birds, it was bats. Oh my gosh, around two years old, I experienced them. I mean, I didn't get pooped on. thought you were about to say you did too. There were so many. It was thousands of sleeping bats. Like, I can't tell you how many. And I looked up and I was just like, oh my god, I've been, I've had a bat poo on me. I've seen photos and videos. Of the bats It was insane and it smelled so bad and then I was like, am I gonna get a disease? Like I've got bat poo on me It yeah We will not be cutting that out. They were like rabies or, I don't know, there's lots of things that you get. But Rory, who's our friend who's a doctor, was there and he was like, You've got, I'm pretty sure you've got nothing to worry about. But yeah, that was a bit of a disaster, honestly. anyway, we need to change your tone. Let's talk about some good runs. Did you have any good runs this week? Yeah. Mm hmm. Um, so I ended up actually just running by myself on Saturday. about last week, the old Temptation bundling, I saved my favourite podcast, or my second favourite podcast, to listen to on my run by myself on Saturday morning. What's your second favourite podcast? Yeah, of course. number one fan So listen to that, which was really nice. And then just like, took my headphones out, and just ran. Lovely. Yeah. Through the, through the bats, through the, through the bat. Yeah. Say it was quite meditative aside the bats. it was just, it was so nice and I, yeah, I don't really run by myself that often. Oh, when you're feeling good, running by yourself, so nice. favorite run last week was on Thursday morning, which It was just my favorite. Yeah, you were there. It was my favorite kind of run. Basically, a group of us met at our, favorite cafe in Richmond and you and two of the guys were doing a session. So we all ran down to the river together. You guys started doing a session. I ran with our other friend Claudia. We just ran kind of into the city, like meandered, no real direction or agenda. Just having those, you know, those like running chats where you just talk about nothing and everything and you're just sort of wandering around. And then we wandered back and we ran into you again and then We ran into Mel, another one of our running friends, who was doing some efforts, and we just like joined in with her for a bit, then we all ran back, it was lovely. Round of the week. Yeah, so, we're very excited about this one. the main topic is How to fall in love with running. Absolutely huge. we wanted to do this topic quite early in on the pod because there's so many common mistakes that, we see people make, we used to make, we still do make, slash have learnt along the way. and so over the last couple of days, we have put our heads together, thought long and hard about what we think are 10. really impactful things that you or anyone could do that will make you love running. Now not all these things will be relevant to you. You won't do every single one of them, but even just one might make a massive difference to getting started or staying consistent or falling even more in running than you already are. we wanted to do five, but there are just so many, we got overexcited. I reckon each one of these could be a whole episode on their own. So we'll probably dive deeper into these in future, but I'm going to start off with just top 10 tips to fall in love with running. Let's do it. All right. So number one, get social, run with friends, join a running community. As I mentioned before, my worst run of the week, you are a lot less likely to let your friends down there than you are yourself. and yeah, it's fun. when you incorporate social life, it means, I also think running affords a very different kind of social connection because you're not, you don't have your phones. you're not really doing anything. You're literally just chatting. And you're not making eye contact. Like, yeah, the lack of eye contact. Way more vulnerable. Yeah, people get deep on runs. And it's just, it's often like, significant amount of uninterrupted time. Almost allows you to open up a little bit. Yes. Shared trauma. And I feel like, yeah, few years ago though, where if you'd told me, maybe run with friends, I would have been like, What? Mm. Like how, I don't know. Who would I run with? It's too hard to talk while running. Yeah. but now I just, like, once you, once you find people to run with and make it like part of the routine Yeah. Then it just completely changes the running experience. Like running becomes about something else. Yeah. It becomes about connecting with people and building relationships and. Yeah, and almost like a side effect of the social outlet, you go for a run. You talk less about the run and more Love that. tip number two is forget about your pace and run slowly. And what this means practically is that you, we all should be running most of our runs with our heart rate, ideally below like 140, 150. or if you're not tracking your heart rate, conversational pace. So at a pace where you can talk while you run, even if that means that you Jog for a minute. Walking out, walking. Absolutely. for sure. or it'll just, it'll be a pace that you, you are like, this feels ridiculously slow. Like, I remember when I, When I first started doing it, I was just like, this is embarrassingly slow. But, you have to let go of that. and the reason why this is important, is for one, low heart rate running does get you fit. It's know, I actually don't physical impact and strength through your legs. Yeah. but without actually working so and also it reduces risk of injury. you're someone who does what I used to do, which is just go out and, and hammer yourself every run, then after like three, four runs, you'll be like, Oh, my knee sore, my foot sore, So running much. Um, and then also just makes it more enjoyable and makes you more likely to do it because you, when getting up or getting started for a runway, you know, you're about to work incredibly hard. It's, that's such a bigger like mental leap than being like, Oh, I'm just going to cruise around for a little bit. So, yeah, on your next run, either run with a friend and chat, change your watch screen so you're looking at your heart rate, I reckon you should be able to pretty much breathe with your mouth closed, like reasonably comfortably, like maybe every now and then, yeah, I think that's about, it's similar to talking, like, you're not needing to use your mouth to get too much. Yeah. Yeah, I really like that one. the third tip is to set a realistic, but also exciting goal. I think if you have something to aim for, we're beings. We like to have a goal, we like to achieve it. Um, but yeah, it's a good way to sort of gain that structure. Get a training plan or coach and get into a running routine. I was thinking about this one and I reckon it's not an understatement to say that getting a running coach changed my life. I genuinely think it changed how I'm able to run and how I relate to running. like before a coach, this is what would happen. I would. I always like ran bits and pieces here and there, but I would, let's say I'd get really motivated one day for whatever reason, I'd be like, okay, I'm going to really get into running again, I'd do what I was talking about before, where I'd like go out, run really hard, and then I'd inevitably get injured, and then I would just lose my motivation, and, or I'd be like running hard and I just wasn't improving, so I'd lose motivation, and then having a coach, and program that I was following that I knew would help me improve, that fit in with my life, that I knew someone would hold me accountable to. all of a sudden, like I, I mean, I felt my running improving so much, which was so nice. It gave me a way to run much more in a much more sustainable way. I love the structure. In a sense, having someone tell you what to do, then you don't have to think about it. I don't know, not that it's a lazy option at all, it's just like you have to remind yourself. Yeah. Having to think about that I guess getting rid of like another barrier. Absolutely. Yeah, I used to wake up and I'd be like, Oh, what should I do today? Maybe I'll do this, maybe I'll do this, and then you can kind of like talk yourself out of it. Yeah, whereas I just don't think about it anymore. It's like every Tuesday that rolls around I know that there'll be a track session, rain, hail, or shine, and I do, I just think having that structure in your life is such a good thing as well. Like it creates so much stability and routine. And in terms of, like, how to go about doing this, like, you don't, definitely don't need to get a coach to start off with. I use training plans for ages. There are so many good training plans online. Maybe we'll, we'll try and crowdsource some good online training plans and we'll share them on, on socials. I know a a program. all right, next I love is find clothes and shoes. So I can look good, feel good, talk good. feeling comfortable when you're running. particularly when you're starting running. I feel like when you're excited to, put clothes on, put shoes on, that you actually really love, and feel, like, comfortable and good in, and just makes a world of difference. if you're the same, I feel like I have a few things that I really enjoy running in, and when they're, um, I've cycled through all of those for the week, and they're all like Yeah, in the wash, yeah. Yeah, back to these old Back to these old things. Yeah. but yeah, yeah, I reckon This is, this is your sign. Yeah, permission. Permission to have a little shop. Yeah. Um, if it's something you haven't got. We, I reckon running gear will be something we talk about heaps. Yeah, definitely. Um, but As it is, what are you loving right now? I know one of those items that you alluded to. The excitement in the all over these. They're so good. they're like sort of like bike shorts. and they're so comfy, they're like high rise, so they're kind of like hold you in. And the material is so smooth. It's so soft. And like seamless. Yeah. I wish sponsored. Not sponsored. So yeah, those. I've got two. No, no. I should save them for like, the directing. You know, I'm more of like a Like, if they're there, I use them. Yeah, 100%. And then, yeah. I, I have seen, um Absolutely. Yeah, I also feel like you're not a very sweaty runner. You're a remarkably dry runner. I'm often impressed. Yeah, as a, as a, as a like self proclaimed sweaty runner, I see you and I'm like, wow, you are. Yeah, damn, she looks good. yeah, that's why I'm loving it about you. Oh, my, um, high support sports bra that Molly got me on. Our friend Molly We'll get her on to talk about sports bras because she genuinely knows everything about the like construction of a sports bra and she, Had like an intervention basically with me last year. she was like, you have to wear high support running bras. Like everyone should be wearing high support bras when they run. And I was like, okay, I'll give it a go. And so I've tried a few different, like high support running bras. And they honestly, they make such a difference. Yeah. I feel like anyone that, um, who met Molly, who's probably any girl or woman, who's probably had a of spoke to me and, like, made me realize Had a quiet word. Had a quiet word to the guys. Yeah, pulled you to the side. I know, we've all been talking about this. Yeah, yeah, yeah, just sort of, like, told me the importance of, like, supporting your breasts. Support them. No Did you hear the, like, stat? I'm going to really butcher this. This stat she has about, like, the time it adds on to a marathon, not having a high support bra. Because it, because it, like, slightly changes your plan of motion. Yeah. Just a little bit. And over a marathon, it's something like, What, as in it makes you run? You run, like, Not 1k further, you run like something ridiculous further. I can't remember what it is. It's Yeah, It's something outrageous. Something that I was like, Oh, I'm getting on high support. Um, Tip number six is get into the data, and what I mean by this is track your progress using something like, Garmin or Strava. I feel like for me, this really got me interested in running in a whole new way. And if you're someone who finds that kind of, information interesting, then this could be, another way for you to engage with running. so initially I was, I was quite resistant to tracking things, whether with like a watch or strap or anything, because I felt like. running was this almost like safe spiritual place and that would be like corrupted a bit like sacrilegious like start tracking it and I was like yeah I was like I know it'll just make me like push myself more and so on and in a way like it maybe did but in another way I just feel like I got to kind of engage with my performance in and like visualize it in a way that I hadn't before which I have found like a really interesting element of running. Um, this is a huge one for me because normally, um, I way prefer to go for a run in the morning. Um, but if I do so, I like to get a coffee after. You've got to be organized. I need to be organized. so things like putting your clothes out the night before, before so you can get up, chuck your running gear it's a lot easier to get up and, like, turn that alarm off. Yeah. When you're like, okay, I literally just need to roll out of bed. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Pop my shoes on. I putting your running clothes out the night before and getting ready like that seems like such a small, obvious thing, but it's like a micro commitment to yourself that like, I'm doing this I have another tip. This is something I used to do when I was like struggling to motivate myself to run. But you know when you wake up and you're just like, absolutely not, it's not happening. Like I, you know, and you always have this narrative in your head, or I used to always be like, I didn't sleep that well and I'm going to be tired to have a run or like there's some reason it's raining. There's always, yeah. And I started, I can't remember who gave me this tip, but it was so good. I started telling myself, okay, okay, don't go for a run. Go for a walk and I'd be like, I'd like trick myself and I'd be like, okay, I'm just going to go for a walk and you get dressed, you put your clothes on and you get out there and then I tell myself, okay, just run for, run for 10 minutes and if you still feel really bad, if you're still so tired, you can just walk home and then once you run for 10 minutes, 99 times out of 100, you're, you're like, oh, fine, I'll, I'll do my run. think just literally getting out the door, whatever. Once you're out there, get out there. Cause it's like a guarantee or whatever. Also, with the commute to work, it is such a game changer if you can incorporate running especially if there are plenty of people out there with, like, not a lot of time. it's a real luxury that we're able to just, like, take an hour out of the morning and run around. Whereas like, the commute to work can be, and commute home, can be an elite way to just, to just get like half an hour of a run in and you cut your commute and you're exercising. It's like such a win win. Yeah. Um, normally on the Wednesday afternoon, I sort of like commute home from work by going for a run. Oh, I love it because I've sort of been inside all day, it makes you get outside. you have that like transition period, in between working and going home, that you can kind of like reflect on the day, have you heard of, the concept of third space? A third space? It's this idea, that you should be considered about that third space between home and work because. Otherwise you'll bring your work stressors home or your home stressors to work. And there's no like decompression time. And so your third space is like, think intentionally about your commute, because if it's a stressful commute, then you're not going to have time to just decompress, and so there's research to show that if you're able to like have a third space that gives you that time and space to decompress, then you're less likely to carry those stresses forward. Um, and that's why like part of my COVID and everyone working from home like messed with people's mental health so much because you didn't even have a second space. It was just one space. so yeah, running is like the dream third space, I feel. How good. Tip number eight is find some local running routes that feel safe and ideally get you out in nature. it honestly makes running so much more enjoyable. Like that feeling of getting outside, it's now yeah, it becomes a big reason, or a big motivator to run is Oh, I'm just gonna like go get some headspace, get outside, yeah. And knowing your route as well, sort of like having that pre planned. Yes, yeah. like demotivating, where you sort of, are just running aimlessly and not quite sure where Like I love planning my running route. I often, the night before, if I'm like, okay, I've got to run for 50 minutes or whatever it is, I'll get out, uh, Strava and Strava has a route planning, um, part of the app where you can basically literally draw out your route and it will tell you how long it is, how much elevation, on, and, It's so, it's quite fun to be like, Oh, what's my little route gonna be? Where am I gonna go? is your mindset. and I think that of like covers a few bases. It's like be kind be proud of what you're doing or what you have done. not comparing yourself to others. Cause I feel like everyone's journey in life and running journey is different. I feel like the only real person that you should ever be, Competitive and Yeah. And even then, only to a degree. Only to a degree, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Because like that's such a, again, to come back to mindset, it's like sometimes you'll run and you'll be running way slower and it'll feel way harder than the day before for no reason. And if your mindset is like. Critical, comparative, you're frustrated. You're like, why is it so much harder? Which we all fall into feeling like that sometimes. Like I, I still do that still happens all the time as opposed to a mindset of like, compassion and kind of coming just like proud of myself for getting out there, forgiving yourself. Exactly. It, it makes such a difference to, I can just sticking with running. It's like, you need to be able to be kind to yourself. Yeah. It's also a good skill that you learn from running. It's how to be a bit, like, forgiving of yourself, and, yeah. Every single run up is gonna be sort of like disappointing. Maybe it's because they just didn't feel good in their job, so then they walked home. Um, or in a race, like, that disappointment's gonna come. So I think it's like, really important to like, hone in on your compassion and being kind to yourself. Yeah, it's a, it's like a practice of self love. It's like, yeah. Yeah. run aside. Yeah, even just sort of, yeah, I think it's like something to shy away from. Give her legs a pat and she'll be like, thanks legs. Like, I'm really grateful for you. Like, thanks for like, taking me for a run. And I think it's such a good, like, to bring you back to being like, I just went for a run. Like, how lucky are we to just be able to be healthy enough to get out and just go for a run? And like, yeah, your legs can be sore and they work so hard for you when you're running. And so it was nice to just be like, thanks legs. Yeah. You did good. Yeah, exactly. Okay, 10th and final one. This is, this is a huge, absolutely huge one. Um, Anna and I both feel like this is arguably like the most important and maybe even most overlooked, element to running for people who are trying to build a good relationship with running. And this is tip number 10, have a good running why? basically that means you need to think hard about why you want to run, like what your motivation is, what is your purpose, because, like despite all the tips we kind of went through above, running is really hard, hot take, running is hard, it like, it will never feel easy no matter how much you run. And so you just, you need a really powerful purpose to go alongside that. And I reckon that purpose will change throughout your life, which is normal and okay. but if you want to run for a reason that is maybe a bit more superficial or ego driven, that might be fine to get you started, but it won't keep you going. And, absolutely, yeah. exactly, and I reckon your running why influences how you engage with running, and your mindset and your perception of yourself. if you're running, why is something that's more superficial, then that might impact how critical you are, how you push yourself, how forgiving you are of yourself or how not forgiving you are of yourself. Um. Yeah, exactly. whether you try and run with friends, whether you try and run in a sustainable way, and vice versa, if you have a reason to want to run that feels really powerful, that will keep you motivated to run. take a moment to think about why is this important to me? Why do I want this to become a part of my life? Because it is like a lifestyle choice, really. this, because I feel like I've never really thought in depth of it. Um, and how it may have changed over the last sort like on a sort of more micro level. My why sometimes changes day to I feel like my list of whys is never ending. but, yeah, our friend Molly, she was like, I think being diverse in the reasons why you run is the key to actually doing it forever. Which, like, really resonated with me. think the, like, emotional and mental clarity that I get from that just, like, can't really ever seem to get from I believe that the, like, positive social, mental, and, like, physical impacts that running has on us is sort of second to none. I think running makes me better. a better person in pretty much every part of my life. I think I'm happier. I'm much happier. I am so much less stressed. I think I'm way better at my job because of running. there is almost nothing that is stressful enough that after a run, I would still be bothered by it. Like running just puts everything into perspective. It makes you feel so strong and confident and You're like independent. I reckon, I mean, I don't know if there's any science behind this, but I genuinely think your ability to concentrate for a longer period of time after a run, As opposed to the days that, I don't go for a run and I go to work, I kind of almost feel We love it. We love it. And you'll love it too if you follow these tips. If you follow our top 10 tips. Follow our top 10 tips and follow, keep following the pod because I don't, I honestly don't know how you could listen to this and not be a little bit like, Oh, fine, fine. I'll give it a go. One of our friends actually just before, this is number 11. Oh yeah. This Yeah, off script. Off script, sorry. he said, which I actually completely agree, Like, give it five runs. I mean, we've, like, acknowledged this, running is hard. Especially when you're first getting started. But, give it five goes. In those five, incorporate one of our other tips in it. Pick one. Pick one that resonates. Yeah, pick an outfit that you love. Yeah. and, back to us if you, like, still aren't yourself after five. We will. Pay you. We will. Anna will. I formally apologize to you. Public, um, to do a public apology. Yeah. Yeah, a personal. Written apology. Written and verbal. Yeah. We are very excited to talk about this week's weekly weapon. each week, we're going to put a spotlight on an amateur runner. Who's doing some inspiring stuff, sharing the stories of the amateur running community. Yeah. So this week, we, want to give a bit of spotlight to some running groups that are shifting focus away from fitness goals and towards. Facilitating friendships it's so cool what they're doing, which is basically like. A run club that's not about running, it's about croissants, and it's about obviously socialising and going for a jog. Yeah, making connections. Yeah, so Croissant Run Club, Unofficial Run Club, Pastry Yourself Run Club, my personal favourite name. Name. yeah, they are, they're changing things. We have been put in contact with one of the founders of Croissant Run Club, Tara, and we've got her on the phone. Welcome, Tara. Tara, how are you? I'm good, guys. How are you? Yeah, good. For the uninitiated, Tara, what is Croissant Run Club? we run every week, pretty much to run and socialise, that's what I founded it in London, actually, like a year And then we started to share it online, cause we would, like, do it kinda every week. We were obsessed with it. Like, we only ran maybe three kilometers to start. I wasn't a runner to preface. Like, I wouldn't I've called myself a world footrunner. Nora was my friend. We kind of did it because we were like, you know what, it'll be fun. And we grew from there. Wow, some of my best friends here. Like, I'm not here very long, I only moved over here lovely to see, like, that's what it really is all about, is community and connection. Yeah, ah, that's so good. So, what, so we can find you on, is it Crossant Run Club? Yeah, so the official Instagram for the whole culture, and then you'll pretty much find everyone else after. So if you go thank you so much for your time. absolutely love what you're doing, for the running community. And yeah, we'll hopefully meet you in real life for a copy and maybe a cross on soon. Yeah, so absolutely love that. so much guys, I got you to do it because you're a spreader of good word. Thanks Dara. so much Dara. Bye. we've added in a new segment. Yeah, which will basically be So a tip, in its own right, a tip each week that either Anna or I, or we're going to crowdsource running recommendations. So listeners get ready, submit your best running recommendations. It can be like a piece of gear that you're loving. can be like a strategy training, something Yeah, something we've done beforehand. Oh yeah. Such as? Say it. A lot of this. I just want to set the record straight. I accidentally said tar tar tars last week. I know. I am pretty silly, but not really silly. I said tar tar tars when I obviously meant it. Um, yeah, on the record, we've cleared that up. Um, we're going to do running tip of the week, running recommendation. I think it's your turn to say. Alright, well, this is one for me. Okay. All you girls out there. All you girls out there. I've already made like a bang up playlist. Are you going to say listen to Cheeky Run Club? No. I know. Number one. Yeah. Sorry, this one is, you'll not really know where to put your, phone when you're running, and I don't know if you have, but I remember, like, always trying to run with, shorts so you can put your phone in, but it's, like, never that comfortable. Yeah. It, like, bounces around, or the cut of the shorts just aren't that good. Yeah. then I, tried to put it in my, like, sports bra. Yeah. But then it'd, slip and slide all over the place. So if If you get a sock, take, take the phone out out of its case, so then it's just a bit smaller. put it in a sock, and then put the sock into your sports it reduces, it has been found to reduce slippage by 150%. but yes, that is my Reck of the Week. If you haven't done this before. Try it, let us know how you go, because I genuinely think it's an absolute game changer. I would never go for a run now, by myself, without a Thrown in sock. and bra. Wow. These are the kind of high technical tips. So funny. I'm like, yeah, only very experienced runners know this. Uh, that's literally, that is so funny. I was like, and I was like, Oh, I've got a really good recommendation. I'll give her, I was like, great. It's going to be some, yeah. I genuinely think though, this will like your you, know, my go to this is, this is even worse than yours. Not the other side. In terms of not like a technical. I wear like, you would have seen me where I sometimes, I have these pair of bike shorts that are the tiniest bike shorts that you've ever seen in your life. They, I would never wear them on their own, but they've got a big, phone pocket at the back that like holds up my phone there and I'll wear them underneath my shorts. They're like wearing, they're like wearing, Like, underwear with a phone pocket in them. And it, it holds my, because there's then shorts over the top, the shorts like really hold it in place. And I've become a really big fan of it. But yeah, these are the, these are hack, life hacks. Life running hacks. Yeah. Yeah. so yes, that is my running rep of the week. submit your running recommendations, submit your running hacks, your hot tips. We're going to crowdsource next week, hopefully we'll have one submitted from a listener. Otherwise you're going to deal with another one from Anna and I about misusing clothing items. we just wanted to say thanks so much for everyone that has reached out to us followed us on social media, or is listening podcast we're super, super grateful and we're so excited to be on this journey together. And, our, contact channels are always open. Hearts and minds. Hearts, minds, and DMs. Yeah, that's, that's been, like, almost the best part so far is how many people, even people we don't know, it's not just our friends listening, apparently, people reaching out and being like, yes, we, we want this. Like, we And having their own little stories. Yeah. It's so inspiring. That is it for episode two of Cheeky Run Club. hope that you have found some tips and strategies that help you fall, fall in love with running or fall more in love with running. And we'll see you next week. See you next week. And congratulations on being our weekly warrior. We should start like, you've won weekly warrior, your weekly warrior of the week. And then they're like, what?