Cheeky Run Club

Running shoes FAQ’s

February 05, 2024 Phoebe Pincus and Anna Coldham Season 1 Episode 3
Running shoes FAQ’s
Cheeky Run Club
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Cheeky Run Club
Running shoes FAQ’s
Feb 05, 2024 Season 1 Episode 3
Phoebe Pincus and Anna Coldham

Hello cheeky friends!  Today, we’re talking about RUNNING SHOES. Hopefully after listening to this episode you will be better positioned to find your perfect pair.  And don't worry, we've brought in someone who knows a lot more about this topic than us to answer some of your frequently asked questions!

Phoebe's Strava:
Anna's Strava: 

Music produced by Hugh Raper
Logo design by Michael Cotellessa 

Show Notes Transcript

Hello cheeky friends!  Today, we’re talking about RUNNING SHOES. Hopefully after listening to this episode you will be better positioned to find your perfect pair.  And don't worry, we've brought in someone who knows a lot more about this topic than us to answer some of your frequently asked questions!

Phoebe's Strava:
Anna's Strava: 

Music produced by Hugh Raper
Logo design by Michael Cotellessa 






work and run on Aboriginal land.




social running podcast and community for your everyday amateur runner. Hello, Phoebe


Hello, Anna.


and hello listeners.


Today, we are talking about running shoes. We are going to hear from someone who knows a lot more about running shoes than Anna and I, and they are going to answer some of your listener questions.


then going to dive right into our favourite crowdsource running recommendations and finish off, as always, with our weekly weapon. But before that, Phoebe, Can you go through your notable runs of the week? give me your, give me your best run of the week first.


week first. Best run, okay. so my best run was my long run on Saturday. Was such a good run. we were down Saying about Martha, we had done an ocean swim the day before, a big group of friends. And on the Saturday morning we decided to, rather than just running along the bay, along the front because it was really windy, we decided to try and like find somewhere else, kind of fun and interesting to run.




And we found a place called, Devil Bend Lake.


you heard


Have you heard of that?


I actually, yeah, I know how I was going to say it. I've spent a lot of time at Mount Martha, but I haven't heard of it. I did see it on Strava and I thought,




Why have I not


Yeah, it was so nice. It's, it's been like 15 minutes in Lent. And it's just in, it's just like bush and a big lake and all these trails around it. And it's reasonably flat. I was running with three friends, and we did, it's a kind of loop. And we did two laps of that. And, The first lap, we're all kind of just, like, getting into it, know, just when you start a run, you know it's a long run, and you kind of, like, it takes you a while to, like, warm up. And so we got to the end of the first lap, and, Sean, my boyfriend, and our friend Jaco were both like, oh, I don't know if we're up for a second lap, like, maybe we'll just come do another K or two and then turn back around. And then, the second lap, we just You know when you just forget you're running? We just, it


So nice. We


We were having this really deep, intense conversation, like the four of us. And before we know it, we'd like done the lap


know. Yeah. What were you talking about?


lap. It was pretty deep. We were actually talking about, um,




We're talking about women's careers. and how it's changed, so much over the generations, our, expectations are so different compared to maybe like our parents generation You know, we really want these, big careers have, like, all these career ambitions and then we were talking about how, we, we all mothers who these things as well, but, it wasn't, They didn't really feel like they Have the right to, like, demand it in the same way that probably our generation


Yeah, or if they did, they were sort of the anomaly.


Yeah. Yeah. And, and, that's exactly right. So it was more like they had to fight for it whereas now it's more of, I feel like it's more of a, just an expectation yeah, it was one of those, really everyone's like opening up it was, yeah, it was a, it was a great run. um what was your best run of the


best run of the week was definitely, I've been away for work in America, for just under a week and coming back and going for a run with the girls, in Melbourne, it was safe, it was light, it was such a nice morning. it made me really appreciate being home and also how lucky we I that I like coming home. so yeah, it was just, yeah, it was so, so, so nice.


I just assumed that your best run was going to be like in San Fran or Atlanta, like you've just been in these different cities. because you went for some runs over


Yeah, yeah, I went for some runs, my colleague that was with Trish, she likes running as well. We were sort of advised after going for a run in Atlanta that maybe it wasn't so safe. So we jumped on


it wasn't so safe to jump on the edge. Um,


You'll have to find out. You'll have to wait and see.


have to wait and see.


San Fran, I mean, it's probably a bit rough that the Golden Gate Park didn't get the best run of the week because that was actually really nice. But, yeah, I don't know. There was just something so, like, comforting and wholesome about coming home and just Going for a run. So simple, going for a run with friends. It was so nice. Yep. Um, what was your worst run of the week?


run of the week was Friday, last week, when we were, we were down, um, as I said, down the peninsula, staying at Mount Martha with a group of friends, we'd done this ocean swim in the morning and then, uh, our friend Izzy and I decided to do just like a half hour jog in the afternoon and for one, just afternoon runs, I cannot get into them, I, I, I want to like them so much because it will allow me to be so much more flexible with my running, I feel, on a weekend, especially, but, you


ourselves up


Anyway, we like, amped ourselves up to go for it and it was like the windiest run I've ever done in my life. It was, you know when you're running into the wind and you feel like you're being like physically pulled back.


did you run along the coast down there? Yeah, it is when it's windy down there.


Yeah, it was windy enough that people had surfboards and were trying to surf


Yeah, okay, in the bay.


In the bay, yes. Which is usually


Yes, but I have to tell you,


but I had the ch, have I told you about my big like mindset shift towards wind that I've had in the last like year?


the last like year? Um,


I, I, sorry, as most runners, I used to just hate wind. I'm now a reformed wind hater, I would say. I just don't find it pleasant. But, I, yeah, I used to just hate running in the wind, especially moving to Melbourne. Melbourne is so windy. You often have to kind of plan your routes around, like, how windy is it? Everyone knows if it's really windy, don't run at Albert Park Lake, or like, don't run along the bay.




and then I came across a Dutch term called, I'm going to butcher the pronunciation, but uitvaaien. Yeah. Um, which means, I think it translates to, out blowing. And in the Netherlands, they have this, apparently there's this culture around, exercising in the wind because they believe that exercising in the wind is really like restorative and regenerative. And it kind of refers to outflying is, it means like you know, that feeling when you've been out in the wind and then you come back inside and you feel really calm and peaceful. Yeah. So that whole thing is like out in the wind is like really good for you psychologically and then it makes you feel really like tranquil and peaceful


When you come back in.


So I was out there like running being like. I'm out,


please kick in. I'll


on out, bye! But it still kind of


Yeah, I was gonna say still your worst run of the week, but I'm glad that sounds like something to aspire to.


it is. Um, what was your worst


Uh, worst run of the week was Atlanta in Atlanta. So we arrived. In Atlanta, Thursday night, in the Uber on the way to the hotel. We were asking our Uber driver who, she was so, so lovely. we were asking her like where she would advise going for a run. and. should have put two and two together before, actually taking her advice, but the previous conversation was how much she just loves paranormal activity.


activity. Oh, no, actually. How did you get up to that topic?


she brought it up, like, very early on in the trip. Yeah.


the trip. Should


Anyway, so, she was asking, whether or not there's, much paranormal activity in Australia. Because if there is, she would love to


You were like, absolutely.


Uh, well I just said, I can't say I'm an expert on, paranormal activity, but I guess some rogue stuff happens, yeah, yeah, but I, I don't know, we're kind of shooting, I'm like, I think like weird stuff kind of happens in the Outback? Oh yeah. I


outback. Oh yeah, okay.


Yeah, that's literally.


about that? Yeah, yeah.


yeah, yeah. She was like, oh, I'd love, like, I'll put it on the, I can't do the


need to


even going to try. I need to stop.


Apologies to any American listeners if you heard that. Paranormal kangaroos.


yeah, yeah. Then the conversation shifted because we asked, we wanted to go for a run the next morning and we were like, where would you recommend going? And she was saying we should go to this park, it will be super lovely, it'll be light at 6am. People will be out walking their dogs, definitely go for it. So we're like, cool, all right, anyway, as we were running there, Tjush and I both looked at each other and we're like, it's pretty dark.


We're like, yeah, pretty


like, yeah, pretty dark. Oh, like it must get light really


really quickly. Yeah,


No. Yeah, we we, yeah. Full trust in the Uber driver


pretty dark.


Must get light pretty, pretty quickly here. got to the park, still very dark. Some would say maybe pitch black. And there was a lot of, mist in the par. It was super creepy, not very well lit at all, in, America they have a lot of lanterns rather than


of streetlights.


So just like, lanterns everywhere rather than streetlights. People were like, this is creepy. As fuck. Oh,


Oh. Beep!




So lame.


And we literally didn't see anyone. And we were like,


say any paranormal activity?


No, but we both said to each other, this, is genuinely the perfect place for us to get kidnapped or murdered and then they'd like find our phones and there would just be like photos of this weird


Oh, true, yeah. I have to say, I did see your photos on


it was


you were in, like, a horror


Yeah, yeah.


something, like


so we did a lap of the park, went back to the hotel, and then we actually looked up the park, and it's known for its witch hunting. So people gather there to go witch hunting.


No. That's so interesting.


so that was, I mean, worst run but kind of best run because it was like, it was kind of


is very cool. Have to say, that's a pretty exciting that's our first international


run. Yeah, huge. Welcome


huge. Welcome to the show. Okay, so, our main segment this is running shoes. Now something you'll hear runners say all the time is that one of the great things about running is that all you need is to lace up your shoes and head out the door. but the question is, what shoes are you lacing up?


wanted to do this as a topic because trying to set out to buy a new pair of running shoes can be so overwhelming and it's really easy to get bogged down in the black hole of running terminology. I know that ourselves, for instance, there's just so many like definitions flying around and when you're being introduced to running, it's so hard to actually know even where to start looking.


Does this happen to you? I feel like when I'm looking for a new pair of running shoes, and I maybe Google a type of running shoe that I'm interested in, and then within like 15 minutes I've got 50 tabs open. As you know, we're about to go through what a lot of this running terminology means, which I don't know, I've just been learning about over the past few days, but it's so easy to get so sucked in. And inevitably I don't end up buying one because I'm so, I'm paralyzed by the amount of information


easy to get so stuck in and inevitably I don't end up buying one because I'm so, I'm not paralysed by the amount of information.


for you. That's yeah, because the other interesting element to this is that running shoe technology. and culture has changed so much over the last 10 years. And I feel like even just, not paying attention to it for six months, all of a sudden there's new shoes or new types of features of shoes that are coming out and it's really hard to stay on top of.


Features of I feel like for


fashionable. Yeah, yeah, I I remember, uh, I feel like for so many years, when I was like maybe a teenager, or even in my early 20s running, I just used Asics Gel Kayanos every run, that's what all my friends ran in, and I would wear the same pair for them. How many years and then maybe one day I'd, you know, it'd completely fall apart and I'd buy a new pair and it wasn't till I kind of later in my 20s sort of got back into running with a coach and so on and I was like looking around, I was like, no one's going Well, some people still wearing Keanu's. No, no shots on Keanu's, great shoes, but everyone had like all these different brands. Yeah,


through them. Yeah,


Yeah, so quickly. And so for me, it took me a while to like, A, branch out of my like safe space of Keanu's. But then figure out like what are the different brands, what are the different types of running shoes. So hopefully we'll be able to share a lot of those learnings


Yeah, I, had a similar experience to you, like I'd


Did you wear Keanu? Um,


I didn't, I did, uh, I was a Nimbus 2000 girl.


Oh, wait, Nimbus 2000.




Is that the


my god, oh




my god, fuck, we need to


Did you even regret Firebolt or?


What were they called?


Chel Nimbus or something. I mean, it's so funny. Oh my god.


GT2000 Not


of the best broomsticks on the market. Wow, you were in the right park. You were the witch in the park.


Oh my god. Okay. Okay. Sorry. I wasn't


Big disclaimer.


Can't talk broomsticks though. Oh. Okay. Oh my gosh. Um, yeah, no, I was a GT2000 girl.


girl. What are


So, R6, R6, similar to the Kayanos, but yeah, I literally would just run in them until my big toe, would poke through the netting at the front. But yeah, I feel like I was a bit reluctant to get on board with all the different shoes because I was like, surely this is just all marketing. I don't really need any of this. Um.


still struggle with that sometimes.


me too,


to know how much of it's marketing so, yeah, as we're saying, we're definitely not experts by any means. We have done a bit of research over the last few days and we're learning on the go. but we'll stick to the basics. we'll give some of our opinions, but we'll stray away from giving any advice, and we'll leave that to the experts.


experts. Yes, the other disclaimer that make, um, is that there's no one perfect shoe for every person or every run. Um, have the same running gait, foot type, running history or preferences. And yeah, we just wanted to put it out there that just because a pair of running shoes may work for some, may not work for others.


Spot on. So we're going to cover three core topics when giving you a bit of a lay of the land of running shoes. And then we are going to call a real life running shoe expert who will answer some of the most popular listener questions that came through. We're going to talk about different types of shoes. So what purpose? do you use different shoes for? We'll talk about support, and we'll talk about cushioning level.


um, and


with different types of shoes. different


different types of shoes that we're going to cover today are your daily trainers, your super shoes, and then also your trail shoes.


That's it. Daily Trainers.


Daily trainers, a pretty broad category. I mean, most of your runs are going to be done in these. they Differ from the shoes that are specifically made for the racing and trails as I guess they lack special features. But what they lack in their special features, they make up for in stability, and structure. Yeah. First of


First of all, super shoes is what, who came up with that word, super shoe. That is the best marketing ploy of all time. I immediately read that. I'm like, you want a pair of




these are basically race shoes, although often people use them for faster running sessions as well. Generally, they're kind of lighter, faster shoes. And so this means that often they've got some sort of plate, and they have really light, squishy foam. So they're often really comfortable to run in, and feel really, bouncy and everything. But, Generally, they're good for races and, and some sessions, but you shouldn't necessarily be running for them all the time,


But like, yeah, a little


think. Oh, yeah, way less durable.


Now the other type of shoes is the trail shoes, specifically designed for, technical terrain. these shoes also quite often feature the plates that Phoebe was just mentioning in the super shoes. but,


yeah. But


yeah, but unlike, but unlike the plates in the trail shoes, they're actually more for, safety and stability rather than performance. Yeah, yeah.


Nice one. So the daily trainers, super shoes and trail shoes. the next thing we're going to talk about is within each of these types of shoes, you can have different levels of support. And the best way to think about support is that some shoes allow for a very natural stride and other shoes try and alter the way your foot moves. So that might be to kind of protect you or help you maybe manage an injury. So. the different types of support levels is you can have a neutral shoe, or a stable shoe,


the neutral shoes, go easy on the arch support and other types of structure. So you can move through your stride more naturally.


the next level up from neutral is what we'd call stability shoes and these, these have features that help to stabilize your foot when you land Cheaper than the Asics The amount and the squishiness of the foam underneath your foot. So when you hear people talk about cushioning level, they often talk about stack heights, which means the distance from the ground to your foot,


So the, the minimalist level is the sort of like barefoot running, notion where they're lightweight, they're flexible and they have pretty much zero stack height.


bit of like cushioning. Along with my friend, Leash, we went through a phase a few years ago of adding in some barefoot running, and there was this, there's this oval, oval called Tramways Oval, it's near Moor Park in Sydney, and it has the softest, nicest grass you've


nice. I think


And every now and then in our runs, we'd just go there, take off our shoes and just do a couple of Ks. And you, it makes an insane difference to the way that you




You run like, on your toes, and you take very small, little steps. Like my cadence would increase by like, ten steps a minute every single time. and not consciously. You just run in a way more protective way. so they're the minimalist shoes. And then we have moderate shoes. It's just a standard level of cushioning, somewhere between minimalist and maximalist.


So on the opposite end of the spectrum to the minimalist, these maximalist shoes padded with plenty of foam in the middle of the shoe, creating like a soft and bouncy feel under foot.


Maximalist is having a moment,


Yeah, Maximus is having a moment and I can definitely get around it.


around it.


now that you've heard our inexperienced, Descriptions of shoes, we thought we'd get a real expert on, to go through a few of the listener questions So Molly works at Nike, her job title is an Ekin. So she actually, she's pretty much a shoe nerd.


She knows


every single thing about,


paid to be a


yeah, and she also educates all of the staff that work in the Nike stores, about the like specification and like science behind the


specification and the shoes. Yeah, yeah. So,


know about like the Molly. How are you going?


Good, How


Good. Thank you. How are you? Good. Thank you so much for coming on the show. we just had a couple of questions for you and we were wondering if you could give us some guidance on how to choose a running shoe Oh, absolutely. One of my


topics, I


you were going to introduce me as the crazy sports bra lady.


me as the


Also known as the crazy sports bra lady, but that'll be for another so first question, do you need a designated running shoe? or can you use the same shoe for walking and running This is a good question. So running shoes actually have a lot of key features that also make them ideal for walking and I think this is because the movements are really quite similar. So you definitely can walk in your running shoes. But what I would stay away from is walking in like carbon plated or racing shoes. they're just going to change the way that you walk and also not be as comfortable for walking. Um, but I think for most listeners, a running shoe is going to be perfectly fine


love that. And now we got a lot of questions about rotating shoes and is it okay to just have one pair of shoes or should you be moving through different types of shoes throughout the week?


If you have the means to be able to have more than one pair of shoes, then my answer to this is 100 percent yes. It also depends on how much you're running as well. But rotating shoes can be incredibly beneficial for a number of reasons. if you're changing up your shoes depending on different runs you're going to actually get a better experience because footwear design is really specific so they make shoes not only just for running but for different kinds of runs as well to help you run faster or to be more comfortable or whatever it might be so that's one reason and then another reason from like an integrity of the body point of view is that footwear can actually change where the forces go when you kind of hit the ground and if you wear different types of shoes or rotate through different models it can also vary where that force is sent to in your foot or in your lower limbs and we know that when you're running often runners get injured because it's like an overuse injury whereas if you start to vary those forces the force might go to different ligaments different muscles and that can be the difference between running healthily and really strengthening a wide variety of muscles as well there's many, many great reasons to have more than one pair, but it also depends on, you know, how much you're willing to invest in them as How long can you run in a pair of shoes for and how often, should you be changing them? This is the million dollar question And I, I really don't know whether my answer is going to be that satisfying for all your listeners. But the, the true answer to this is it really varies for every individual and it also is really dependent on the actual shoe that the runner is wearing. Some of them are designed to handle, you know, more loads than others, like a training shoe as compared to a race day shoe. I think the other thing to consider is like what surface you're running on and the way that that runner interacts with the shoe and their biomechanics. I would say, just be cautious if you ever have someone tell you that this shoe will last this amount of kilometers because there's just really no science to back that. I would be careful though, as a general rule, about going too much higher than like 800k's in a shoe. So it's a really tricky one, it's such an individual kind of equation, but there's a few things to look out for and consider as well. Can shoes cause an injury? or is it more just like they could potentially contribute to getting injured?


Yeah, that's a really good


Yeah, I get another really good question and I think it depends that they can, but what I would say is that 95 percent of the time or possibly even more injuries are a result of incorrect training or rest and recovery or nutrition like so much. Overwhelmingly, these are so many more times the reasons why someone gets injured back to what we saw. spoke about before footwear can change where forces go in the body. So you can really use shoes to your advantage to try and offset parts of your body that might not be able to handle load at any given time. but more often than not, it is a result of a training error, but footwear is really quick to be blamed for a lot of injuries, but they equally are a really important tool to consider to make sure they're the right ones for you as well.


the this one, Mol? Do race day shoes matter? Do we really need super shoes for race day? I'm always going to earn


Well, if you're asking a shoe lover like me, um, I'm always going to err on the side of I think this really depends on where you're at with your running journey and what that race means to you and your reason for running, right? Like, race issues definitely help runners run more efficiently, which in turn can equal, you know, faster times or breaking those PRs or whatever it might be. And they feel fast and you're looking million dollars and all those things definitely matter if you want them to. If you just want to get through the race and you don't really care about that fast, flashy shoe, and you know, you're more out there to enjoy it, or you don't feel like it's that important for you to have that extra edge, then, you know, it doesn't have to matter. yeah, it matters as much as you want it all right. So, uh, last question. what is your. favorite shoe for, all types of runs.


And we know that they're all going to be Nike shoes, but that's fine, still very interested to hear what you think.


and comfortable underfoot. My favorite Tempo shoe is the Nike Tempo Next%. Actually, really sadly, that one's about to, uh, just have a little bit of a rest for a while in the product line, but there are some exciting options that are going to replace it in the coming months. Can you tell us? Well, I don't know if I can tell you, uh, exactly, my favourite race shoe is the Alpha Fly. It's really the king for me. I love it so much. Yeah, and why do you love that one so much? I just love how, like, springy it feels, but also while feeling springy, it's also really soft as well. Like, it has a little bit more softness and comfort underfoot for me Yep. Um, awesome. All right. Well, thank you so much for your time every time you speak about shoes, it's so inspiring, just to listen to and like how passionate you are about it. So we very much value your time. So thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you for putting up with my rambles about shoes. And um, thank you for having me on to speak to the listeners. If


Aw, thanks Molly.


much. Thank you. Bye.


Bye. Bye.


gosh, that was so good to hear from a real life expert on shoes. I feel like it kind of takes away from our descriptions earlier on in the podcast. She's just so knowledgeable and so passionate about shoes. I love it. Inspirational.


we're going to finish with a few listener questions. So, Anna, what are your top running shoe recommendations?


similarly to the phone in sock in bra. I genuinely think this shoe is a bit of a game changer. so it's the Asics super blast, which is a Maximus shoe. So yeah, it's a big. It's a Max Max. yeah, so I like stiff shoes with like a big stack high that are responsive. you could maybe say a lazy girl shoe.


I don't know.


so I, yeah, I reckon I found the best shoe. I reckon I've clocked it. it has a massive stack height, lightweight and really stable. There's no carbon plate, so it's like quite durable. but yeah, it's still like, even with all of that, it's super lightweight and responsive. So I feel like it's a great shoe for going a bit faster. Great for long runs, great for tempos, great to feel good on a slow jog. Superblast, the best.


Well, let me make my case, Hawker Mac 5, shout out to Ricky Kahn, who, despite not being sponsored by Hawker, has gotten so many people onto these shoes. They are a lower stack height for a Hawker, I would say they're more like moderate stack height, they're not very stiff, they're not, I'd say they're neutral, neutral shoe. Something about the design. They, I've never run in a shoe where I have felt like I roll, you just roll so not, they just like roll you forward. They don't propel you forward, but I feel like you, I can't explain it. It's honestly, it's so, such a nice experience to run in them. They're not like bouncing you up, they're not pushing you forward, but it feels like really like within my natural stride. been loving


loving them. I've never tried them. Worth the hype.


Worth the hype? We actually got a lot of questions about


of questions about this. I mean, Mach


Um, do I think they're worth the hype? I mean, Mac5, absolutely worth the hype, but I don't feel like anyone's talking about Mac5s. Um, Cliftons,




I think are an up. I think they're fine. I think they're great. Sorry, great


on, I was like, I


No, the problem is when I first put them on, I was like, amazing. These are like, what a great shoe, just like a good everyday runner. But I find the foam just dies really quickly. And then after, after maybe, I don't know, a month or two of running in them, they just felt really flat. And now I still wear them all the time. I wear them to work. I like walking them. They're still very comfortable. Like, standing desk, great to wear hockers on. But I don't love, I don't love running in the Clifton's. To finish off this segment, one of the things we wanted to say is like, if you've listened to this and you're like, cool, I feel like I know a little bit more, still have no idea what shoe to get, our best tip would be, go to a running store, and generally, the people, the staff at running stores are incredibly knowledgeable and very passionate about. helping you find a shoe that works for you. So at least now you'll know what they're talking about when they are throwing around different terminology. So Weekly Weapon this week is my boss. name's Michael Batco and he's the Weekly Weapon because he started this running community called Startup Striders. And so we work, we work in the startup community and Batco he's always liked running, but maybe does it a bit inconsistently and he's big on accountability. And so what he decided to do was create a running group solely for the purpose of holding him accountable to going to park runs. So park runs, shout out to park runs. If you haven't been to one, then have you done a park run before? Now that


I love them. And I also didn't realize they're international. Like,


everywhere. I've done international park


It's so


They are so cool. So if you haven't been to a park run, They're 5k fun runs on Saturday mornings and they're run by volunteers. They're really well organized community events. You can go any pace. There's always some people like trying PB at the front. There's always people walking at the back and They're completely free. You can sign up beforehand and you get a little barcode and then each week you get like your time yeah, it's, it's an amazing initiative. Anyway, so Backo started Startup Striders, basically organizing a group of people from the startup community to hold each other accountable to coming for runs on Saturday mornings. He just started a WhatsApp group and within about three weeks. There were 700 people in that


Oh my


I think it's in about eight cities now, actually more. It's in, it's in two different countries and every Saturday. In each of these cities, there's like a group of people who don't know each other beforehand, come and like meet together, they do the fun run, and then they go get coffee afterwards. And I think it's a really great example of how different ways that you can use running communities. You know, it could be for social connection. It could be for networking, which this is to an extent, but it can also just be for solely accountability. Yeah.


I love how, yeah, in contrast to Tara, who we had on last week from Crossant Run Club, Their whole ethos is connecting with people, meeting new people, and then to have a cross on after, whereas this is purely like accountability. I also love that the one common thing or two common things between the two is a run and a coffee.


Coffee afterwards. Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly.


Um, nice. That sounds awesome. Wait, so how can you get involved?


I'm pretty sure it's an open WhatsApp group. Like, anyone can just join.


So cool, I love that.


Okay, running recommendations. So, last week, you all had to sit there and listen to Anna give her running re


The best


running recommendation


ever was. Uh,


decided, you know what? Listeners don't want to hear our running recommendations. Some do! Some do. You got some positive feedback. You also got some negative feedback.


Shout out to the listeners who liked my running rec.


The, the few of you,


The one. Mum. Yeah, we decided why


but yeah, we decided why don't we crowdsource some running recommendations because we kind of want to learn from you guys as well. So we want to hear your tips. We've each picked our favorite. I don't actually know which one you picked.


mine again is for the girlies.


the girlies.


Um, for the long haired girlies though. So unfortunately, I can't grow my hair. So this is not for me, but I often see friends really struggle, with like humid or wet conditions with their ponytail kind of resembling birds nest after they go for


yeah, yeah, yeah.


Put your hair in a pony and pop four to five. hair ties sort of spaced throughout the pony, and then you never have to spend hours ripping out the matting and it's sort of a really quick turnaround to get to work. it would also look so cool. So yes, shout out to listener Carly for that recommendation.


Carly. We'll, we'll take a, we'll get Carly to send through a photo of how she does her hair. Oh


hair, so we


we can show, cause it, it does look very,


Yeah, so Carly, if you can send through a photo of, um, your hair done like this, that would be great. We can pop it on our feed!


can pop This tip is from Dom, which is Vaseline is cheaper and more effective than BodyGlide. Kind regards, the anti chafing team. And I really struggle, to be fair, I've never used body glide, so maybe I need to just get around that first. But I get, I get really bad running chafe under my sports bra, like where the band is.


of, like where the top of your rib


Yeah, yeah, I get like, just random, I can't predict, I don't know, I've tried so many different sports bras. It's so painful. I can't explain it. Yeah, it'll be like raw skin under there, and


that would hurt so much in the shower.


Oh, showers. I can't it's so bad in the showers. And so, I don't know if this is a situation where I should just try and put some Vaseline, and maybe that would help it rub more? Or


Yeah, well, I guess, like, less friction. So it would just sort of be, like,


like, Slip


slipping and sliding.


and slide it, but do I want like, do you want that on a sports bra?


I mean, it will probably make you the sports bra material, maybe a little bit oily. I used to do quite a lot of swimming races and you'd put Vaseline on your wetsuits to stop the chafe and it works so, so well, but yeah, you get that like oil mark,


I wonder


your wetsuit, but worth it, I say.


wonder if you want your um sports bra to be staying in one place and not slipping and sliding.


I shouldn't actually say slipping and


slipping and sliding.


saying that. I don't mean it. I you don't don't feel it move around at all, but there's just, it obviously doesn't like stick right to your skin. So the, yeah, it's just that like barrier. but yeah, I love that from Dom.


Yeah, thank you Dom. I will be giving that a go and reporting back. That is it for episode three. so much


Thank you so much


listening. as always, we would absolutely love it if you could give Spotify, Apple Podcasts, whatever you're listening on, send a review. we'd be incredibly grateful. Yeah,


We just to say so much to everyone that sort of supported the show. Three episodes down now, are loving every minute of it any listening questions you have,


Insta. Add us on Instagram. Cheeky Run Club.


Cheeky Run Club. The cheekiest run club of them all. Alright, see you next week!




Oh my god, I'm


laughing so much


Oh my god, that is fucked.


That is fire. That is so funny.


I was like, for this reason, no single pair of shoes is going to be the right fit for everyone.


Perfect. Right. Got it? Got it.


for laughter. Pause for laughter.


should we do like tinned laughter in the background? Yeah,




I imagine we added that in. That'd be

