Cheeky Run Club

How to run in winter

May 27, 2024 Phoebe Pincus & Anna Coldham Season 2 Episode 7
How to run in winter
Cheeky Run Club
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Cheeky Run Club
How to run in winter
May 27, 2024 Season 2 Episode 7
Phoebe Pincus & Anna Coldham

Oh helloooo cheeky chums!

Today we are chatting about running in the coldest season (topical!!). We go through ten of our best tips and tricks to keep you motivated and moving in the cold/dark/gloomy weather.

In the Rundown we discuss a divide that's opened up in the running world, and we finish with a new segment - the Hot Seat - where we put each other on the spot with a running-related dilemma/question.

If you want to support the show, please follow us wherever you listen to your podcasts or on social media: Instagram, Tiktok, Cheeky Run Club Strava community, plus Phoebe's Strava and Anna's Strava.

Music produced by Hugh Raper

Logo design by Michael Cotellessa 

Thank you for listening!

Show Notes Transcript

Oh helloooo cheeky chums!

Today we are chatting about running in the coldest season (topical!!). We go through ten of our best tips and tricks to keep you motivated and moving in the cold/dark/gloomy weather.

In the Rundown we discuss a divide that's opened up in the running world, and we finish with a new segment - the Hot Seat - where we put each other on the spot with a running-related dilemma/question.

If you want to support the show, please follow us wherever you listen to your podcasts or on social media: Instagram, Tiktok, Cheeky Run Club Strava community, plus Phoebe's Strava and Anna's Strava.

Music produced by Hugh Raper

Logo design by Michael Cotellessa 

Thank you for listening!

Track3-Mic 3:

Cheeky Run Club recognises that every day we live, work and run on Aboriginal

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Track3-Mic 3:

to episode 17 of Cheeky Run Club, the social running podcast and community for your everyday amateur runner. Hello, Phoebe. Hello,

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Anna And hello

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And hello, listeners.

Track2-Mic 2:

Today we are chatting about how to continue to enjoy running during the colder months We're then going to chat about a new rundown topic Kind of seems like a long run Wait, what am I saying?

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don't know, I haven't read this. You added some commentary in for me. Anna has told me to say, it seems like something is happening, something is happening every week in the running world to Excalation Marks. I don't Any

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to be transparent, we don't actually script the episodes at all. But apart from for some reason, we always like script the tiny little intro bits. Anyway, I've told Phoebe in brackets,

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bit. Anyway, I've done it in brightness.

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embraced. Open bracket, close bracket.

Track2-Mic 2:

We are then introducing a new segment, which we've titled In the Hot Seat, where we are going to put each other in the hot seat to answer a surprise running related question. Bit of fun.

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fun. A bit of fun. Springs of fun. I'm a

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but first, let's kick off with our notable runs of the week. Anna, I want to hear about your worst

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want to hear about as you know, I was unwell last week and then Monday, I feel like I was still coming out of it. I feel like the Monday runs always get a bad rap. I don't know if it's because of the start of the week we're jogging, you might be a bit tired from the weekend and it's The first of the early mornings, and you know, you've got four remaining after the Monday run. but I just, it felt, it felt really hard. I think, yeah, just because I was a bit under the weather. And we were looping around. I mean, love my friends, but, I didn't enjoy the run. Someone should do

Track2-Mic 2:

Yeah, someone should do a statistical analysis on our best and worst runs, because Monday's got to be, it really has to top

Track3-Mic 3:

Do you want to do it? No. Surely, alright. So,

Track2-Mic 2:

My list, you know, I went to message you when this happened and then I specifically didn't because I was like, I'm going to

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going to save it.

Track2-Mic 2:

She's actually the first time that I think I've done that, but I'm going to do it more cause now I'm quite excited.

Track3-Mic 3:

Um, sorry.

Track2-Mic 2:

Wednesday night raced a 5k, which I'm, spoiler, gonna talk about in my best run of the week because it was great. and then we went for a run the next morning, and I think I probably should have considered the fact that I was racing the night before and maybe planned to do a shorter run. Yeah. Ended up doing it a little bit

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little bit longer. Yeah, I had a headache. I had a headache at work that day.

Track2-Mic 2:

Yeah. I had a big, I had heaps to do at work that day and I was like, we were meeting a friend in the city for a run and it was much easier to like ride to work, run from there. But it did mean that it ended up being quite a long run, all things considered. So the run was great, but I was feeling pretty, like honestly, pretty sore. When we. Finished, we got coffee, and I decided rather than running the like 5Ks back to work, I'd get a scooter. As you know,

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the last we saw of each other was me waving farewell as I went to get my scooter. The first mistake that I made was scooting. I had no jumper. I was wet. I was sweaty and wet. And within like 30 seconds, I can't tell you how cold I was. I was like shaking. My hands were numb. Anyway, all through the city, it kept like randomly going to, um slow turtle. Have you been on many scooters in Melbourne?

Track3-Mic 3:

Melbourne? No, I don't, no, no. Okay.

Track2-Mic 2:

thing like slow turtle. I don't actually know if it's called slow turtle, but they give you a picture of a turtle on, and it goes really slowly. And I think it's in like high density areas. So it kept doing that. And then I got to the river and I was like, finally, I can just. I'm sorry I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You're in a no go zone, that's what I was thinking. I was like, I'm sorry. The only way to get around it, Is, I kept going in. You can't leave the scooter there. The scooter doesn't go. So I then had to walk the scooter. Was so cold. So, you know, the bridge between, um, Anderson street and church street, there's like a train bridge.

Track3-Mic 3:

Yes, yep.

Track2-Mic 2:

It's maybe 500 meters to that, but it's in the right direction. So I like manually scooted it all the way to there, but the scooters weigh like 40 kilos. I couldn't get it up. I then tried like five minutes. I was like, I can't get it up. I couldn't get up the,

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up. I can't

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the, um, There's a ramp, it's so steep, and I couldn't get it up. And so then I just had to walk it all the way to Church Street. It no joke took me like 40, I was so grumpy, like,

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like hauling this scooter along.

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you would have

Track2-Mic 2:

Yeah, and I was so cold

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so cold I'm just trying to think, I would have been Like,

Track2-Mic 2:

Yeah. The only thing that was warming me was like, at least it can be my worst

Track3-Mic 3:

be my worst one today. Yeah, what's the silver lining in this? Oh, shame no

Track2-Mic 2:

good. what about your best run?

Track3-Mic 3:

My best run was this morning, so Friday morning. Went for a run around Albert Park Lake. So if anyone lives in Melbourne and quite often does sessions by themselves, and just wants to feel like they've got a bit of Running Camaraderie, Friday morning at Albert Park Lake. I normally do a session there, like a threshold tempo session on a Thursday morning, um, but did it today instead. It is pretty. Like it is so busy. There are all these like cars along the bottom of, the lake that are parked. And then like people have their drink bottles out and there are people going around and everyone is so encouraging. Like you don't really know anyone, but you get that feeling of everyone's in it together. It's almost like

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like a

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a bit of a run club that's I know there's a run club called unofficial run club, but it's almost actually a little bit of an unofficial run club. It was really cool. And, I ran with a couple of friends. And I've decided that Jaco, one of our good friends, he is the best, training partner,

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sorry to everyone else who I've said is probably the best training partner, sorry, Noz,

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Noz is still number one, um, he is so encouraging and the whole time, It's like he almost knows when things are starting to get hard in your mind. And then he's like, just try and relax on this one. Yeah. Like focus on your breathing. So yes, that was my best run. Thank you, Jaco. I don't know how I could ever repay you because I will never be able to face

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to repay you

Track3-Mic 3:

Um, what was your best run? Oh, race recap. I'm here

Track2-Mic 2:

My best run was, yeah, you definitely heard me do some race recapping. Um, best run was Wednesday night, 5k. Yes, so we signed up for this. cause we, I did a 5k a maybe like two months ago now. and I was happy with that, but I thought I could probably go a bit faster. And so I was like, this might be a chance. And I messaged, our friend Carly, who. had done that one with me as well and we'd both left being like, Oh, we really want to break 18 minutes. Like, let's try and like find an opportunity to

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to do it. I think

Track2-Mic 2:

I think I was six seconds

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Yeah, I was really close. And I was like, I think if I pace that better, I could have got there. And so we both decided to do it, which is really, it's really fun signing up for a race with someone being like, we're going to try and do this together. Yeah. And we set out this whole game plan of like, she was going to take two laps and I was going to take two laps. Like we had it all mapped out. and two of our other friends, Kat and Eliza Also, we're doing the race and also wanted to get a 10 minutes. So then we just had this like

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really short meeting,

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which genuinely felt like, okay, this is on all of us. Like we're going to work together, encourage each other. It was so good. It was actually so good. And even. Well, we actually ended up having a pacer for 18 minutes, so we didn't even need to have someone in front leading. We all just sat on the back of him, but there was just a lot of encouraging chat, Like, keep going, we got this, looking good, feeling smooth, like everyone was just like hyping each other up a little bit. Which is such good energy in a race.

Track3-Mic 3:

I feel like there's something comforting about knowing like we run with those girls a lot and thinking, you know what, I can keep up with them in training. There's no reason why you all can't keep up with each other on a race. Like

Track2-Mic 2:

Yeah. Yeah, and it was like this idea that we were helping

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other get

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was definitely a few laps where it felt really hard, or I just thought Oh, am I finding this too hard? Am I going, I was kind of just questioning, am I going to be able to keep up that pace? And I just tried to ignore that voice really. And just be like, just like looking at the head of the person in front of me and just like sitting in and forget everything

Track3-Mic 3:

Concentrating on that for a little while,

Track2-Mic 2:

Yeah, yeah. And then with a K to go, I was like, Oh, this is fine. Like, let's try and get it. and then, yeah, so the last, like 800 meters to go, we picked up the pace a little bit. And then with 400 meters to go, I was like, I'm just going to do as fast as I can on this last lap. I already knew that we were going to get sub 18. So I was like, I may as well try and get as fast as I can.

Track3-Mic 3:

good. Yeah, I was watching with your brother and cause you fully sprinted it. You looked like what's a Disney character that runs really fast. Like the legs go around really

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Like Roadrunner. Yeah. Joe and I were like, Oh my gosh, look at it go.

Track2-Mic 2:

no! And the kids

Track3-Mic 3:

You literally just like,

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meow. It was actually so fun just to be like, Alright, just give it everything. And then yeah, just seeing everyone, like everyone break 18 minutes. Everyone was like so pumped afterwards. great event.

Track3-Mic 3:

Yeah, nice! Love it.

Track2-Mic 2:

Our main topic this week is running in winter. We have had so many messages, inundated recently, asking for both just like gear recommendations for winter. Um, but also generally people saying like their motivation's dropping, it's darker, it's colder, they maybe feel less safe, the weather's just not as good.

Track3-Mic 3:

Yeah. And we love running in winter now. I remember we turned to each other and we're like, Oh, is this really a thing? But then we reflected and we're like, Oh, I don't think we've always loved it. It's taken a lot of trial and error and adjustments to the way that we run to actually fall in love with winter running. So we've put our heads together to come up with our top 10 tips to help you enjoy running, even when the weather is getting a little cold and dreary.

Track2-Mic 2:

So tip number one, this may sound like an obvious one, but it's so important, which is getting the right gear. We're going to talk through what clothing items we think are best for winter running and we'll talk about the different fabric considerations and then we'll actually just give you like we're obviously not experts but we can tell you what we wear and what some of our kind of favorite winter running items are.

Track3-Mic 3:

Yeah, so, uh, long sleeves, obviously. anything with a thumb hole. I love thumb holes and like your hands and fingers being

Track2-Mic 2:

So I only learnt about thumbholes so recently. Like, I think when I moved to Melbourne. And I actually had tops that had thumbholes in them. I just didn't know that that's like what they were or

Track3-Mic 3:

that's what they were. I

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Track3-Mic 3:

I noticed the

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just don't think I noticed the, the thumbhole. But yeah, so for those who, the uninitiated.

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means you can pull

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Shockingly, it's a hole for your thumb, but it means that you can pull it up over your hand, like a mitten sort of, and your thumb can poke out. Why do you want your thumb to poke out now that I think about it? Why couldn't you just pull the sleeve over your hand? Um,

Track3-Mic 3:

Um, well, I guess otherwise it would, you'd be like getting dressed into this long sleeve that's also a glove.

Track2-Mic 2:

glove. Yeah, but I mean, if it's a long sleeve shirt, I guess that holds it in place

Track3-Mic 3:

it holds it. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. That's what you mean. I'm like, uh, pretty obvious, but yeah, it holds in place. Otherwise it would just say, even if you have a long,

Track2-Mic 2:

That's true. You have to like hold it and that's, that's quite

Track3-Mic 3:

Yeah, exactly. Um, and also consider the fabric. So sweat management is really important and moisture is one of the easiest ways to lose a lot of heat.

Track2-Mic 2:

That's right, you'll hear, like fabrics framed as, like, breathable. But basically what that means is they'll, they should hopefully, well, you want fabrics that help pull sweat away from your skin, but they're also kind of quick drying, so some of the ones that we're reading about, like merino wool, polyester, nylon, slash lycra, seem to work pretty

Track3-Mic 3:

Yeah, what are your go to winter running

Track2-Mic 2:

Mhm. So, um, I don't like long tights. I always wear shorts and my, I honestly just, my legs don't get that bothered by the cold. Like, they're not my core.

Track3-Mic 3:

that bothered by the cold. Like,

Track2-Mic 2:

really easy going legs. Yeah, like I just, I find that I don't need them to be covered up to stay warm. so my running pants, pants situation remains the same as in summer. And then I just, I generally just wear, I love a long sleeve tee with a normal tee over the top. yeah, I, cause I think it looks cool. But no, I actually think it helps keep a little bit more warmth in your core.

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warmth in your

Track2-Mic 2:

The way I'm afraid this question to you before, which I love is like, if all your clothes are freshly washed, what like top are you reaching for in winter? if you're like, I would say it depends a little bit on how cold it is, but I have two favorite tops. One, if it's like really cold is like a Lululemon. I think you have the same one. It's Lululemon, long sleeve, fitted and it has a thumb hole and it's just a bit thicker. In terms of like quick drying, it never seems to get like wet. I absolutely love it. And I've had it for, I must have had like seven, eight years and every winter I wear it so much. And it's honestly lasted me really well. The other ones that I love are, there's a Melbourne running brand called Ernie Old that we both have some tops from them. they're like reasonably expensive, but I just love them. I've definitely got my cost per wear from them because they're made of this like really light material that just never seems to get sweaty or, and it's enough for me, it's enough to take the edge off her. Cooler morning, but I never overheated them.

Track3-Mic 3:

Yeah, I'm a bit similar for me. It's all about what's on top because my legs are also

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I way prefer to run in shorts all year, especially for sessions. Yeah. I think the biggest gripe I have with long tights, like I am happy to put them on for an easy run, but I hate it when the crotch falls down,

Track2-Mic 2:

hate it when

Track3-Mic 3:

the waistband up. So, my favorite tights are actually my old housemate's Nike, uh hand me downs. I have no idea what, shout out to Georgie, I have no idea, like, I think they're probably discontinued. I also think they're made for yoga or something, tops wise, I'm a bit the same, I like the Lululemon, I think it's called the Swiftly Tech long sleeve. Yeah. Thumb holes, so therefore I'm sold. Also the Tracksmith Women, which is a bit more expensive, my friend gave me this top it was a hand me down as well, but it's a long sleeve quarter zip and it has a high cut. collar. So I feel like you can pull it up over your chin a little bit. it's called the women's session quarter zip. But I reckon my OG, favorite long sleeve is this old Nike one. I reckon I would have had it for five or six years. It has a hood and there's something your, head being covered when it's like super, super cold. I feel like I'd get a few weird looks, cause I look a bit like a ninja. Well, actually, I probably look like a Teletubby, but in my head I look like a ninja. Um, yeah,

Track2-Mic 2:

People are not looking

Track3-Mic 3:

whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo. Um, but yeah, I really want to try a headband as well. Simmer, cause I feel like your ears and stuff would keep warm. But yeah, they're on my wish list. Bye!

Track2-Mic 2:

well, our next tip is on running accessories and getting the right running accessories. But we put a question to the Cheeky Brains Trust, e. g. our Strava group. So, this is your weekly reminder to join our Strava group if you're not already on it. But we asked about people's favorite running accessories and lots of people said the headband to keep the ears

Track3-Mic 3:

headband, which is one. Yeah, that's uh, I think that's, you know what? I think that's where

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idea from.

Track3-Mic 3:

idea from,

Track2-Mic 2:

reflection. With the headband. Do you have to have your hair tied up? You can't wear your hair out

Track3-Mic 3:

think you could, especially when your hair's our

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length. Like underneath, like that?

Track3-Mic 3:

Yeah, I think you could. I see a lot of cool girls wear their headbands now with their hair out. Not for running, but just for life in general.

Track2-Mic 2:

they? Okay,

Track3-Mic 3:

Next week, you'll, you'll both come in with headbands. I'll be like, is this how

Track2-Mic 2:

You've got your running gear right now, running accessories. my favorite winter running accessory is a hat.

Track3-Mic 3:


Track2-Mic 2:

I think hats are really underrated for keeping your head warm. Um, there's a stat that I have quoted since I was a small child, and I have no idea if this is a true statistic, which is 20 percent of your body heat you lose through your head. Yeah. Don't know

Track3-Mic 3:

but it

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it sounds like it could be, right? What do we reckon? Yeah. How just in even it's like, you feel silly cause it's dark. There's not gonna be any sun, but putting a hat on can actually just make it feel so much warmer.

Track3-Mic 3:

Yeah, I agree. And also we had a, we've had a listener question about how do I stop my eyes from watering when I run in the cold, and I genuinely think a hat. is a really good way to prevent that because it is covering your head it, I feel like it's like protecting your eyes. It almost breaks the wind a little bit. So then it like, it like works as protection. Also like the, the reason why your eyes water is because the like cold air is actually quite cold. dry. If you put some lubricating eye drops in before you run, then I've done that before and that works a treat.

Track2-Mic 2:

We got a lot of comments about mittens. People were saying.

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and actually

Track2-Mic 2:

Mittens because, and actually I can attest to this because that hike I did in the U. S. last year, where it was ridiculously cold. Gloves actually made things worse because keeping your fingers separate, they'd each just become these like frozen little like sausage. Whereas if you keep them together, they actually heat each other up. Um, we got some specific tips, a few people were recommending a Tracksmith gloves apparently have a soft part on the finger so you can wipe your nose. But then a few other people said, On got quoted heaps on running gloves apparently have a, optional mitten. And two times you, heaps of recommendations for you there.

Track3-Mic 3:

Tip number three is build your own running gear rules. We tried to come up with a catchy phrase for this, but we landed on winter weather,

Track2-Mic 2:

Widelines? I beg your pardon?

Track3-Mic 3:

like guidelines,

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Track3-Mic 3:

starts with a W cause we wanted the alliteration, wide

Track2-Mic 2:

Guidelines. Widelines. Um, yeah, because it's really good to build out almost your own little framework for check the temperature the night before and plan, okay, it's this temperature, Therefore, I will wear this outfit. What, what are your rules? When do you check on a long sleeve tee? When do you go gloves?

Track3-Mic 3:

you wear gloves? I chuck on the long sleeve tee if it is, below 15 degrees. but depending on, like, what I'm doing and how cold it is, I might wear a little single underneath or something as well. So then I just have the option to take it off.

Track2-Mic 2:

So if you're doing a session or

Track3-Mic 3:

Yeah, cause I really don't like, I don't know. feeling too hot, like I think I'd actually rather it be on the colder side. Cause I know that once I get going, then I'll be okay.

Track2-Mic 2:

One of the, things I found online is that there's a plus 20 degree rule. Now that's in Fahrenheit. So, the equivalent of that in Celsius is about 11 degrees. So that, that rule is, that's about how much the body warms you up when you're running. So let's say it's 10 degrees, plus the 11 degrees. Yeah. What would you wear if it was 21 degrees and you weren't exercising? And then that's like the general kind of rule of thumb.

Track3-Mic 3:

Our fourth point was get flexible and creative with your running schedule. So obviously, it's light for less hours of the day, getting flexible, with where and when you run. So for instance, like if your work allows you run in your lunch break, it's such a good way to get your run in, but then you're also doing it in the light. And quite often it's a bit warmer then as well, if you do prefer the warmer temperatures.

Track2-Mic 2:

but then even if not, even if that's not an option, like, running to or from work when it is a little bit, again, a little bit lighter and busier. Or even like finish, if you can like finish work at say five, go for a run from work rather than like having to go home and then by that time it's dark.

Track3-Mic 3:

that's what I often do. I run in the afternoons on a Wednesday, and it obviously ends up being dark. So I'll run from work, but like my car's at work and then drive home after that. So then you're just maximizing the amount of time in the light or I'll run home. Make it as easy on yourself as possible. So whatever that looks like for you, do that. a few years ago, I would have never thought, Oh, I'm going to, time I running with my commute home and like, yeah, it takes a little bit of organization to make sure, that you have like things in place to allow you to do that, but it's so time efficient. and

Track2-Mic 2:

and light efficient. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. a little think, a bit creative with whatever works. Probably your, your motivation levels might take a little bit of a hit. You just don't have that same glorious weather that you might be experiencing at other times of the year. So have a think before we even get to that stage, what you can do to keep your motivation levels high. An example of this might be to maybe set a, winter running goal. It could be to find a winter running buddy. That has good benefits from a safety perspective as well. As much as possible, it's preferable to be able to run with someone when you're running in the dark.

Track3-Mic 3:

And we spoke about it in our first ep, which was temptation bundling. So it's a clever method of when you like put simply use rewards. So the things that you enjoy doing and those like guilty pleasures which offer that instant gratification to invoke the will power to also get all the things you don't necessarily want to do, but things that often come with long term benefits out of the way. So, uh, for example, like I quite often I'll run, in the morning and if I do get up to go for a run. I'll buy myself a hot coffee, which now that I'm voicing this seems so stupid,

Track2-Mic 2:


Track3-Mic 3:

but I swear it works.

Track2-Mic 2:

swear it works! Buy myself a coffee! Do you withhold yourself a coffee if you don't? Do you like, give yourself a punishment if you don't get up for a run?

Track3-Mic 3:

Not necessarily, but I'll think about it a lot more. Whereas like, I'm excited to buy a coffee if I've gone for a run and me and, one of our girlfriends, Mel, especially as it's getting colder we'll get a mug because it's like way more comforting. Cause you can kind of cuddle the

Track2-Mic 2:

of cuddle the

Track3-Mic 3:

like having a glass or something. So, yeah, I literally get up and I'm like, think of the mug of coffee at

Track2-Mic 2:

mug of I think on this one as well, if it's, if you know it's a barrier for you, just like getting outside, Like, I'm specifically talking about Sean, my partner, cause he just hates being cold so much, so he always, even if it's like 15 degrees, just no matter what, he wants to start, he wears layers, like he just wants to be really warm when he starts, and he doesn't care if he has to take the layer off

Track3-Mic 3:

take the

Track2-Mic 2:

like, or he just doesn't really care if he's a bit hot, he's like, he'd rather be hot,

Track3-Mic 3:

like, starting and getting

Track2-Mic 2:

It doesn't faze him. It doesn't faze him. No, yeah, know what you need and don't be ashamed. Do

Track3-Mic 3:

Um, tip

Track2-Mic 2:

confidence. Yeah. Um, tip number six is, Double down on your warm up and try and get warm before you even start running. So again, just to stop you from like starting the run and being like, this is so cold it's awful, I don't want to keep doing this. Even before you leave the house, try and just do a few like more aggressive activations, um, squats, push ups, whatever this looks like, some planks, so you actually feel warm before you even head out the door.

Track3-Mic 3:

out the door? Yeah, I've also been, like, I don't normally do it, but I've been making myself a coffee before I go for a run in the mornings, purely just so I feel a bit warmer. There's something, quite comforting and nice about, feeling warm from the inside. So tip number seven, this is in relation to quite a lot of questions that we've had recently about how to run properly on colder mornings. Quite often people seem to find it hard to breathe.

Track2-Mic 2:

Have you had this before? The like, burning, kind of? Yeah, I have. Really

Track3-Mic 3:

Yeah. Yep. and it's such a real feeling and it's like quite often quite scary. So I did a little bit of research and most doctors agree that the burning sensation you feel when breathing the cold air is due to the combination of the heat and water exchange that occurs when you breathe in the cold, dry air. so the reason this happens is to make sure by the time the air reaches your lungs, it's actually been humidified and warmed to your body temperature. So there are a couple things that you can do to reduce this. Fat sensation and alleviate the discomfort. bundle yourself up with like, uh, as I mentioned, maybe this is sort of like subconsciously, because I don't like this breathing feeling, but with the hood, which I

Track2-Mic 2:

which I said I was mentioning,

Track3-Mic 3:

or the long sleeve with the high collar, because I often like tuck it up, zip it up over my mouth, and then that just, it's like a, I don't know, because obviously you're breathing in and out like that air, so then that moisture,

Track2-Mic 2:

more moist, yeah.

Track3-Mic 3:

another like, be mindful of your pace, especially at the start. Just try to go out super easy and like be mindful of that. deep breaths when you do run so the like, regular controlled breathing will help minimize the stress on your respiratory system.

Track2-Mic 2:

Yeah, another one on this that we read about, which I had never heard of before, is like breathing in through your nose. So apparently if the air is cold, breathing through your nose, warms and moisturizes cold air much more than breathing in through your mouth. Particularly at the start of the run, or when you're running really slowly, for your warm up, or even if you're just walking for a bit to start with, just try and take, like, I don't know

Track3-Mic 3:

through your nose, and that's the way up this.

Track2-Mic 2:

I'm coordinated

Track3-Mic 3:

of breath, or just because you'd be

Track2-Mic 2:

breathe through my mouth

Track3-Mic 3:

I'm trying to do it.

Track2-Mic 2:

Some people have better, like, nasal airways

Track3-Mic 3:

I honestly don't, yeah, I just don't

Track2-Mic 2:

You don't think you could? Okay, well not for everyone. You stick with your balaclava. Um, Tip number eight, This is a critical one. Pack warm clothes for after your run, if you're sticking around, or even if you're just driving home or whatever it is. The coldest you will be is after your run, you cool down, your sports bra is sweaty and wet, your clothes might be. That's when you get like properly and you stiffen up. If you can, as soon as the race, run's done, whip off your sweaty clothes.

Track3-Mic 3:

number nine, drink more. Then you think a lot of water leaves your body in the very cold temperatures, and making sure that you're keeping up with your normal healthy water intake. As I say, this Phoebe's taking a sip of her water bottle, it will assist with your body's hydration of the dry winter air that you're breathing in, which will in turn like back to Tip number seven, it will ensure that mucus is less thick, meaning your lungs will be better protected when you are breathing in that cold, dry air. Number 10, what do you got?

Track2-Mic 2:

Number 10, our final tip is to reframe your winter woes. We wanted to talk a little bit about like actually focusing on the bright side or what's really special about running in winter. Cause as Anna said at the start, like we've both really come to absolutely love running in winter. and we had a bit of a think about. Why, not just, you know, you shouldn't be afraid of running in winter, but why it can actually be one of the best seasons to go for a run.

Track3-Mic 3:

That is

Track2-Mic 2:

that there is something about, um, I still cool winter morning and you start with your friends, it's pitch black and slowly you see the whole sunrise. And it's quiet, like there aren't many people running. There's something really, It's just something really special about that, like, perfect, crisp, still winter morning that I find enjoyable in a way that I don't find, like, a hot summer morning where there's heaps of people out and about, which is good for a different reason.

Track3-Mic 3:

different reason. There's something quite when you get that feeling of you're up doing something and not many other people are like you, I feel like you, you feel quite proud of yourself in a sense that you might not get in summer when everyone's up and about. It's like you, like you did that.

Track2-Mic 2:

Yeah, I agree with that. Yeah.

Track3-Mic 3:

I also liked the idea of like getting out and about. Running where you wouldn't necessarily run. So that might mean driving somewhere, which like in summer, it might be too hot by the time you get up and drive an hour away, and I think as well, like socially, do a lot less in winter. So I feel like it opens up that time to drive somewhere and go

Track2-Mic 2:

a good point,

Track3-Mic 3:

I feel like in summer, getting the run done because I've got A, B and C to do later that day. Whereas winter

Track2-Mic 2:

It's like a core social activity in winter

Track3-Mic 3:

exactly. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. I love that. Yeah.

Track2-Mic 2:

I think the other interesting thing here from like a performance aspect is that you just you do faster times in winter. so there's this massive study that analyzed all these finish times over a bunch of six major marathons over 10 years. And it basically found that, The fastest temperature for women specifically, I don't know what it is for men, sorry, but I'm sure it's not too different, is 6 degrees Celsius. So, keep that in mind, you're going to be running faster, you're going to be hitting better times.

Track3-Mic 3:

so that is it for our top 10 tips of winter running and we hope you enjoyed them

Track2-Mic 2:

So we've got a pretty interesting discussion for this week's, the rundown segment, and it's about, a bit of a phenomenon, I'd say, that's happening in the running world at the moment, um, real or perceived, unsure, but it's definitely being spoken about, which is this divide between people who consider themselves maybe like original runners or people who have, you know, run for a long time, and And, people who have just fallen in love with running more recently. and there's just been some, there's been some interesting, dialogue, on social media, between, both between these two groups. And then also just about the rift between these two groups that I don't necessarily agree with, Yeah, we just wanted to kind of unpack that a little bit. Um, so I guess I guess to start from the top, like what's actually happening, what's the commentary there?

Track3-Mic 3:

Yeah, so I feel like it's on social media, um, and

Track2-Mic 2:

more than in real life

Track3-Mic 3:

Yeah, I've also heard

Track2-Mic 2:

heard people chat

Track3-Mic 3:

in real life chat about it, who like would consider themselves like running veterans, I guess. and then like also on podcasts as well. And I think it's, yeah, between. Those sorts of people that I guess in a sense, maybe feel a bit like protective over the running space And then the. Newbies, I guess, or they're like influx of people who have taken up running recently, are getting amongst all of the like social run clubs, getting amongst the social media that goes with it as well. We're having a record participation rates in fun runs, running in general is getting like so much more attention. Races are selling out. and I think it's, it seems like they're sort of, what they call themselves, the OG running community are a little disgruntled about it. And I think that. It's a little too harsh.

Track2-Mic 2:

I just feel like it manifests itself as general anger.

Track3-Mic 3:

Um it doesn't actually matter if your friend who has never run is now posting on Instagram about a run club that they're going to be going to on the weekend. Like this whole thing is net positive, like running's getting more attention. So even though it's a bit annoying, maybe now that like some races are selling out, it'll just mean there's more races. And fun runs to participate in, in the future, it'll mean that like the professional athletes will get more of a platform, which they deserve. and it's about people like making healthy life decisions and falling in love with something that the. OG veteran runners have, known about for ages, which I think should be embraced, because it's like, we speak about all the time, we want everyone to feel the way we do about running.

Track2-Mic 2:

It, it, to me, it shows just like a stunning lack of like self awareness. This is just a phenomenon that happens in every culture anywhere like any like subculture when it becomes mainstream There's this like lash back about like, oh, you don't get it. You know, you

Track3-Mic 3:

you don't.

Track2-Mic 2:

and like They're like resisting the new wave and it's like embrace it don't resist it. I think some of the specific, comments that I hear around, like, um, Oh, there's a new running group that's, doing dating run clubs, and people consider that, offensive to their, like, their idea of what running is and not embracing, the fact that new people have a new idea of what running can be and same with, like, there's some run clubs that have copped hate for, People get up at the start and give a motivational speech, and I get it, it's not everyone's scene, some people find it a bit cringy, but at the same time, I'm like can we not, people shouting those things down is not helping the sport, it's not helping people feel welcome in the sport, it's putting people down and making them

Track3-Mic 3:

feel uncomfortable.

Track2-Mic 2:

can we just accept that, like, it's fine if someone wants to get up and give a

Track3-Mic 3:

they're not hurting anyone. Yeah. Or like I've seen, people comment on judging people for wearing those running vests because they don't think they're running far enough. to justify or warrant

Track2-Mic 2:

hurt. Like, is that

Track3-Mic 3:

it does

Track2-Mic 2:


Track3-Mic 3:

sorry is that hurting you like why does it

Track2-Mic 2:

wearing whatever you're

Track3-Mic 3:

on your own

Track2-Mic 2:


Track3-Mic 3:

whatever you're doing yeah i think With everything in life, there are so many different ways to engage with things, and there's so many different ways to engage with the sport of running. And just because the person next to you chooses to engage with it in a different way, doesn't like inherently mean that that's the wrong way. And I think it just should all be welcomed. It's

Track2-Mic 2:

way. That's not to say that one is right or wrong. And I think it just should all be welcomed. This really accessible thing that so many people can find and fall in love with and feel a part of and feel like they belong. And. I think the majority of people are probably doing that pretty well, but then there are just some voices, as just happens with like media, who are like, you know, making, being a bit more territorial about it. And it's like, no, we, we can, we can make running something that everyone wants to do. And like, that's what we should, and everyone feels included and feels like they belong. And that so many people will then stick with running and more likely to start it if we're I

Track3-Mic 3:

to. Yeah. Yeah. And I just think like, there are so many negative,

Track2-Mic 2:


Track3-Mic 3:

awful things happening in the world. This is such a pro, like a positive thing that people are interested in being active, connecting with other people. Like tomatoes, literally. No bad things about it. Like I, it is insane. Like it is awesome. Even like my brother and sister in law, I mean, probably more so because they're trying to support me with cheeky, but they're more interested in running now. And that is so cool. I love it. Just because more people are doing it, it doesn't mean that it like cuts down on how much you should love it or how much like you should feel like you're a part of it. There's just

Track2-Mic 2:

just more to share.

Track3-Mic 3:

There's no limit on that.

Track2-Mic 2:

Running is a space for

Track3-Mic 3:

space for everyone. Exactly. Cool. All right. So new segments, we are going to be putting each other in the hot seat. We're going to ask a question something running life related that we don't actually know about one another, but we're a little bit intrigued. Do you want to go first? I think

Track2-Mic 2:

I've got a, would you rather, so this is a lighthearted one to kick us off. Would you, it says two scenarios in this as, as would you rather as this is how they work,

Track3-Mic 3:

Um, like running. You did not make this up. Um,


so scenario one, you can run as much as you like, but only ever on a treadmill



Track2-Mic 2:

scenario two, you're only allowed to run once a week, but it's allowed to be outside. have friends? Can

Track3-Mic 3:

on the treadmill with friends?

Track2-Mic 2:

on a treadmill with them?

Track3-Mic 3:

Oh gosh, this is so hard. Um, I think I would run outside once a week.

Track2-Mic 2:

don't know. What

Track3-Mic 3:

I don't know. I don't know.

Track2-Mic 2:


Track3-Mic 3:

What would you do?

Track2-Mic 2:

not, you're in the hood

Track3-Mic 3:

You know, I would run, I would run outside because I think as much as running the like actual action of running brings me so much joy. I think the main thing is being outside in the fresh air. And although you, I know that you said that I could run with friends on the treadmill, but it's not the same. Like I've run beside a friend on a treadmill before and it's, yeah. Yeah.

Track2-Mic 2:

We didn't even think about running on a treadmill as a winter tip.

Track3-Mic 3:

a treadmill as a Um, okay. I have a bit of a, oh no, this isn't a would you rather, but it is a, uh, what would you prefer?

Track2-Mic 2:

Out of two scenarios.

Track3-Mic 3:

Pump up song or a slow melody pre run?

Track2-Mic 2:

Pre run? I usually listen to podcasts pre run. that's not an option. I'm gonna say pump up song then. Yeah, especially like before a race, love a pump up song, like it actually, I feel like it

Track3-Mic 3:

helps me adjust it. Um, well,

Track2-Mic 2:

or like even on the way to the 5k race on

Track3-Mic 3:


Track2-Mic 2:

I was pumping music. Um, I actually have to sing to this song, it's called A New Era by Mordorak. Do you know

Track3-Mic 3:

Oh, nice. It

Track2-Mic 2:

for like, six minutes. And I was just like, getting so bummed

Track3-Mic 3:


Track2-Mic 2:

Yeah, in my tiny little car. And then I got into the car park and I

Track3-Mic 3:


Track2-Mic 2:

And I was like

Track3-Mic 3:

into the car park and I had to like, Like I haven't realized how

Track2-Mic 2:

haven't realised how

Track3-Mic 3:

the music's on in my car until I've parked somewhere and everyone's looked at me so they can obviously

Track2-Mic 2:

obviously hear me. Yeah, yeah. Whoops.

Track3-Mic 3:

all right. That is it for episode 17. thank you so, so much for listening and we can't wait to be back in your ears next Monday. Keep an eye out for our Strava group. We want to have a little bit of a conversation about our hot rundown topic.

Track2-Mic 2:

topic. Oh, yeah, cool. Why not? Yeah, and I know last week we said we had a special announcement. I'm just going to give a hint, which is to everyone who is messaging us, asking us, when are the t shirts coming back? Shirts aren't coming back, for the Disabled Future.

Track3-Mic 3:

Yeah. But

Track2-Mic 2:

But something else might be.

Track3-Mic 3:

Dun dun dun. Nice.

Track2-Mic 2:


Track3-Mic 3:

For a second I'm like, what is

Track2-Mic 2:

Yeah, what's the announcement? You're like, I'm so excited

Track3-Mic 3:

excited. Oh wait, I know this. Okay bye!