City After Dark: Rediscovering Sex and the City

City After Dark: Season 1 Episode 2 Models & Mortals

January 30, 2024 Francene & Coryne Season 1 Episode 2
City After Dark: Season 1 Episode 2 Models & Mortals
City After Dark: Rediscovering Sex and the City
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City After Dark: Rediscovering Sex and the City
City After Dark: Season 1 Episode 2 Models & Mortals
Jan 30, 2024 Season 1 Episode 2
Francene & Coryne

Join Coryne & Francene as they dive into Episode 2 of Season 1 

Follow us on @cityafterdark 

Show Notes Transcript

Join Coryne & Francene as they dive into Episode 2 of Season 1 

Follow us on @cityafterdark 

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City after dark, we discovering sex and the city dive into the glittering world of city after dark, a podcast that takes you on a glamorous journey through the iconic series sex and the city. Join us as we discover the laughter tears and timeless moments of Carrie Samantha Miranda and Charlotte, each episode is a delightful stroll down memory lane, featuring Woody banter, candid discussions, and a touch of nostalgia. Whether you're a long time to voting or a first time viewer come along for the ride. As we explore the city that never sleeps and the friendships that defined an era. And as we compare our viewpoints from our twenties, when we first watched the show to now you'll witness how our perspectives have evolved with time adding a unique layer to our reflections on this beloved series.


Cheers! You have to take a drink or it's bad luck. We're back. Episode 2. If you loved episode 1, wait until you hear about this. This is one we've been looking forward to. Woo! No, this was one for sure that like, as I was watching it, I was like, wait, what? Like, that


happened? Like, throughout all


of it, I know. Yeah. Yeah. So this one was, what was the title again? What'd you call it? So


it was called Models and Mortals.


And my favorite word that I came out of it was Modernizer, which I was like, oh, because again, modelizing not super relatable. Yeah. Especially in my twenties, even now. Like, I don't know a man who's a model'cause we're, you know, I don't live in that


world. Well also, we live in like. Yeah. Well, and like I grew up in Scotland, like you grew up here, I'm like, we didn't grow up in New York. I feel like that's a very New


York thing. And to be fair, Carrie touches on that in the episode where she's like, you know, that's not normal. But like we live in New York City where models roam free in the wild, like they're just


like walking around. I love how they're constantly referencing them to like animals. Yes, yeah. Animals are things. Yeah. For sure. Like they're not part of like,


yeah, it's immortal. Yeah. This was the, this episode too. I really loved, this was one where Miranda got, I think a little bit more screen time. And the guy she's dating, who's a a sports agent. and they go to the dinner party and it's going swimmingly and like everyone is like having so much fun and like all of that. And then the girls like pull her aside and basically say like, you know, we're so glad. Oh my God, you're amazing. Yeah. And she's like, wait, what? And like,


that's like the worst thing you can say to, could you imagine? I was thinking that I was like, if I was Miranda, like how would you deal with someone being like, Oh, thank God. Cause you're The words they chose was, you're obviously not a model.


And what they meant, I am sure, is that you're so intelligent and charismatic and fun to have a conversation. And yay, we can talk to you. Yeah, but it came across as, you're not very pretty. But then when they show the back to back to back dinner parties with him and these models and they're all saying the same things they just said with Miranda and the models. Oh my God. So my favorite one is they're like, and what about you? Whatever that model's name was. And she just like whispers in his ear and then gets up from the table. Oh my


God. You would think they would shake it up. Like I know these are for comparison, but if it was me, I would say random


people. Yeah, like I'm not gonna give you the same answer every time. No, I'd be


adventurous. I'd throw out things just to see if someone would notice. And did you


also, I was also like, I'm kind of proud of this group of friends that they get together that frequently for a dinner party.


I know, I'm constantly allowed for some


random person to come. Yeah, which, yeah, I mean, I don't That is, it's cute, it's, I don't know if it's realistic, but it's cute, it's


cute. So I understand like both of them, and I think they were like the partners of like probably Nick's friends, being like, you need to bring someone normal. Absolutely. Like, this is crazy. But, yes, I found Wait,


so, without naming names Yeah, do you and Aaron have any friends who have cringeworthy partners that you're liking?


Let me tell you No, let me tell you and this person is no longer current. So I feel like a cool you can tell me But one of our friends are very good friends who is now married with a baby. We're so proud of him He used to date this girl who, just being around her, she was just not the best person. Anyway, I remember she said she was so hungry she could eat shit. So it was maybe the opposite of a model, but I was like, damn. And I remember speaking to him and being like, hey, you need to like, find better people.


Wow, that's crazy. I can't think, I'm trying to think of somebody that I've been couple friends with at some point in my life where I like, hated. There's significant other I've definitely been around but not like close to like I've been like in around people like like people that like my ex husband worked with or something like that and he really enjoyed the husband and it's like you have to like make nice with the wife. Yeah. Yeah. And, and not that they were terrible people. It's just like you just some people you just don't mesh with, you know,


that's true. Yeah, I feel. I feel like with us, we've, you know, when you go out for the first time and my poor husband, I drag him to like so much stuff, he'll come once and then, and then I'm forever then making the excuse. Oh, well, at least he goes once. I don't know. He's doing this, this and this. And don't get me wrong for anyone listening. Like sometimes it is legit. It's not true. Other times it's, it's because of that. It's because of the. Click and is so it's rare though to find another couple that you both genuinely and you're like, this is, which


by the way, sorry, I fucked that up for us with Michael, my bad. I know we all four loved each


other to bring it back. He can hang out.


We're still friends. Come around. Yeah. Well, that's what I was going to say. I love that Aaron at least goes once because Jason, nah, he's not teaching,


they can just go fishing.


Yeah, no, for sure. And they absolutely, he would do that. Jason is. So antisocial. And I, like, I, it's, it's so different for me because like Michael was so social and like he it's funny because like I've, I've come to appreciate it about him. It's very Samantha of him, I would say. Because, like, he doesn't give a fuck. Like, he's not, he doesn't care about your feelings. He doesn't care if it hurts. He's like, I don't wanna go. I'm not going. Like, I'm not gonna do it. Bye. Like, I love you. Mwah. See you later. He's just not gonna do it. So, he would never make it at that dinner party with Miranda. He would have never put up with that shit. Oh yeah, no, could you imagine that though? I know, well at least those women. It changes the


dynamics too though. Like just seeing how, I mean obviously with like the Miranda situation, like they were all a lot more like perky and fun and laughing. All the other ones, they looked so different. And that's how they're spending their


time. Yeah. And I was going to say, they did a great job of like showing that because that is genuinely how that would be. And like, it's so funny that they kept doing it. Like you said, like allowing this like random, but maybe they were, they were obviously were hopeful. And other thing that I thought was so funny about that character in particular, Who was like, you know completely scripted as this modelizer and like that. He was so unattractive. I know. And like, why again, and just again, this is part of society as a whole. But like, why in the world is a man like that? Dating beautiful, model worthy women. Like, what in the world?


I, do you know, I completely agree. There was nothing even, I mean, we saw like snippets of his personality, but he didn't even seem like charismatic. He didn't even seem like he actually had like a good personality. Yeah. But I think Carrie says later on in this episode, is it something about like, beautiful people being then, I don't know, attracted to like, not? Not to beautiful people? I was like, Oh God, is that always the case?


I don't think it's always the case by any means. I will say skipping to the very end of the episode, but when Carrie is with Stanford's client, no, he has a real name too. What was it when they're like having like a very intimate conversation and he's very, he's being very, very vulnerable. And he basically says like, He hates his nose. I'm like, he doesn't think he's attractive in mind. You're like, really? Yeah, but in my experience I will say I find that to be very true of Very attractive people that like they tend to be some of the most self conscious people and I harder on


themselves well, and I also think it's


because like The world has put so much focus on their looks and looks are fleeting. Yeah. Like there's no way around that. Like looks are fleeting. And like, you know, some of us are graced to hold on to like just to age really well, but like that's not always the case. And I think that like it gives them a fear of like that being their only value. Yeah, that's, that's true. Yeah. So I think that that that's, they, they didn't really, they didn't get that deep because they had 26 minutes to talk about it. Fortunately, we're here. We're here. We're going to go deep y'all. We're here to take it all the way into the, we're going to, we're going to get some some therapy sessions going on for these models. Bring it in ladies.


Well, and even when they go around the room sorry, when like, Samantha, Charlotte, Carrie and


Miranda are sitting there


and I love first like how they took a magazine. Yes. I was like, to me, that was where I got We all did. All my inspiration. Like everything is so like virtual now or like the internet, but I loved how they all went around the room being like, I hate my thighs. Like Carrie was like, I hate my nose. I'm like, I hate my nose too. And then Miranda did the same about her chin and then Samantha just sits there and so Silence, being like, I happen to love the way I look, and I was like, I love


that. Here's the craziest thing for me, and again, like, taking it back to say, that is a hundred percent me.


This is why I'm Charlotte.


No, for sure, like, when she did that, I was like, same sies, like, I don't see a single thing wrong with all of this, y'all, okay? That's so, that person, that's so me, and like I have said this a thousand times, like, it's so true, that it, it's just, I was just bored like that, like, that is just God given, like, I did not, there's no, thank you for, for however that was created in me, cause it's super fun to live in that, but like, there's a, and then I was like, so see, I am a Samantha, like, that's a hundred percent me, but it's so funny too, to look at those four women, especially like Carrie and Charlotte, but Because like Carrie's stunning and like her nose is unique, but it's also her look and same for you. Like that your nose is great because it's so your look like that is and Charlotte, like shut up with your thighs. Like, Oh my God, you tiny little thing. But yeah, that's, that was a very interesting conversation. And also I think really good for them to like touch on because that was something that was, I feel like. really happening back then. And I feel like we have such a, so much more body positive stuff that has come up, you know, in, in 25 years of like, I hope that's not something that is as prevalent. And just think about like the women in magazines now versus then.


Oh, for sure. Like even just on like runways and like, I was kind of reflecting on this, just kind of watching that scene thinking, I do remember when I was younger constantly Like picking on the things that I didn't like about myself, and here are my girlfriends, and like, we're all very self conscious, whereas to your point now, and maybe it's who you kind of surround yourself with, but I feel like the conversations are so different, and it's more so on like, hey, I don't like X, I'm gonna do something about it, and don't get me wrong, it's not like, okay, I'm gonna go get a nose job, but it's like, I don't like this element. Therefore, I'm going to go like better myself or do something or I'm actually going to accept


Yes, how I am what I love that that is a conversation now, especially raising daughters We're both doing But like I love that that is something that we talk about because I feel like when we were that age Teenagers into our 20s like if you didn't like something about that yourself you changed it Or you tried to change it. And now I feel like it's there's so much more verbiage and just just people are just talking about just loving who you are the way you are as you are. And it's not something that I've relate to personally. Because Jones coming out truly like, and I feel, I know, I know how lucky I am, but I know how blessed I am to just literally not have that gene. Like I don't, which is so great, but I have a daughter who is. Me made over, but like I watched that in her because I want her to have that. I want her to have that same thing and not to doubt herself or to, because she's, she's nine. So she's right at that age where like it's about to take that turn where they start to get self conscious and don't get me wrong like there, yes, there are things about, there are moments in life where I am self conscious. But it's not something about my physical appearance, you know, that has done that to me. And I've had, yes, I've had moments where I'm like, I need to lose five pounds, or like, I have lost thirty pounds, and now I'm like, I need to get my chin like, lift. That's why we know all the right people. But like, day to day, it's, I'm not, I just am not, I'm so lucky. It's just, it just wasn't, I didn't get that, Jean. I skipped that line. That's so, it's so good. It is. It's, it's just, it's I don't even, I wish, I say all the time, I wish I could give it to other people. I wish I could just be like,


here, here you go. Yeah, I feel like that is I'm sure for like anyone else listening or again like certainly when I was younger And I feel I'm like 35 now, and it's only now that I feel I'm accepting Yeah, me yeah, and this is what I can control, but I'm the same with like my Dora Luna Yeah, don't speak about like wait. Yeah, we speak about things very like positively because I just never want Her to kind of hear certain words and you, you see in this episode and I think it continues where they're like, Oh, I don't know, like, I think Charlotte mentions it like again and other episodes where she's like, I hate my thighs. I feel fat or whatever it is. And you're like, gosh, and then when you reflect back, you're like, Man, you ladies look amazing.


They do. Well, and that's a joke that I have had with my girlfriends for years. It's like, you look back at a photo from like when you were 20, and you're like, I just want to be that fat again. Like, I thought I was fat then, and look how skinny I was. And like, I just want to be back to that. Like, that's, that's very true of all of us for sure.


Let me tell you, one of my girlfriends said the funniest thing, and I think I was sitting at work, and she texted it over to me, and I said, Spat out whatever I was drinking, she said to me similar, but she was like, I wish I'd sent more like nudes because she was like, fuck me, I was great. And she's like, no. And it just made me laugh so much because it's true. Like you look back and you're just like, why did I ever feel self conscious?


You know, the funniest thing too, that has made me realize it's like, it's like, it doesn't really matter. What you weigh right now, or like, where you're, does the, can you still take a good picture? Cause in 10 years, that's all you're gonna remember. That is so true. You're gonna look back in 10 years and be like, I looked good.


But also, I do remember, and I must have maybe been in like, truly my early 20s, and probably another conversation with my girlfriends, but I do remember one of my friends saying to me, and this stuck with me forever, being like, Guys don't care. They don't like they don't care. You're gonna be self conscious. You're gonna be like, oh my god. Yeah Take my


pants off. They're like, she's naked. I'm good. Yeah.


Yeah, my girlfriend told me that and I always stuck


Yeah with me. No, it's okay. It's one of my cat Williams who's one of my favorite comic comics. He has that in one of his See, that's where he's talking about, he's talking about, you think we care if your nails and your toes match, like, oh, that's plum and red. I can't even do this. I'm out of here. No, they do not care. He's like, you think we care? You have stretch marks. Like I'm going to growl at you like a tiger. Rawr. Like they, they don't care. Like that. If they're into you, they're into you. And none of that shit matters. Like none of that shit matters at all. For sure. Yeah.


Look at us


promoting body positivity. I mean, listen, we've come a long way, ladies. We've come a long way.

One of the other things that we have been dying to talk about, about this episode is Carrie's friend Barkley and the craziness and how this would be so unacceptable now is the fact that he is recording the supermodels Wow. He's sleeping with them without their consent in most cases, which he's fully did. Oh, it like, doesn't he's like, yeah, no, they don't know. It's fine. And the other, the other thing about that scene that's so crazy is how just like nonchalant Carrie is about the fact that he like flips on. 30 screens of homemade porn, it's like, no, she's like, Oh, we're doing this. We're doing this now. Can I have a light? And he's like, sure. And they just sit like moving their head. Just being like, Oh, okay. This is normal. The artist. She was like, I'm just going to, you know, consume this form of art that he's now sharing with me. But yes, no way. I can't even believe like looking back at that. Like they wouldn't even put that on a show now because there's so much wrong with what's going on there for sure. But yeah, he's very he's very avant garde and Maddie didn't really think there was anything wrong with that for sure. Well, and yeah, and again, because Carrie's like all okay with it. Of course, he's probably never been told like, hey, this is truly unacceptable, but good for him for making his own like porn. That's before OnlyFans, he was OnlyFans before there was OnlyFans. Well, and the other thing is this is a cameo from the future Harvey Specter. Wait, what? That, that is him! Oh my god! I totally didn't, and I'm obsessed with suits, and I totally didn't even put that together. That is totally Harvey. I knew I recognized his smile. That's hilarious! And you know what? He looks great then, but my goodness, he has aged impeccably. Yes. I find suit a suit. It's the suit that doesn't for him for sure. That's definitely his look for sure. But yeah, then I love when later in the show he, he shows up at the fashion show and is sitting behind them. And of course, Samantha is like instantly like honing in. And what was it? She said to Carrie. Oh, is he Straight straight up martini or with a twist. That's what it was. Yeah. Yeah. And so she's like, straight up. Yeah, first of all, I love, I love that they pulled that the fashion show into it. And that like their front row seats and I love that they make like the reference to the fact that like Samantha's at every single fashion show there ever is. I love that whole thing they've got going on and stand. And I love that this is just like, again, what we were talking about in our last episode about how like, you know, for you and me, like, this was such a peek into like a world that neither one of us was living anything like that at that time. It's, that was one of those things where it's like, they're at a fashion show. I know, front row. Yeah, front row. And then they go to the after party, which that is, that is such a great thing they did for that episode, since it's all about like the modelizers, you know, that they're, they're then at a fashion show where, you know, these creatures are. Oh, yeah. They'd be at the zoo. It's like, this is their normal house. I know, I didn't think about, yeah, you're right. Yeah. And, and then Samantha's trying to hook up with Barkley and then Carrie's like pulling her aside with like the warning of like, Hey, like he's recording models without their consent. Does she even mention that they're without their consent? No, but she says, Oh, like records. And the way Samantha is just like challenge accepted. She's like only models. We'll see. Oh, oh, we'll see about that. Watch this, watch this. Like she's fully, you know, like this is my new goal for the evening to be with this guy, which is hilarious. And then I love when they end up back at his place and they're like doing it and she's, she's like, so where is it? Yeah, She's like, wait, I'm ready. I'm ready. And he's, yeah, camera ready. It's only models. She's like, just make an exception. He's like, okay, I will like that, but I love it. Like it's it's so again, like the same thing with like where she hooks up with that compote Duncan person. I did get similar. I got the same kind of feeling where I was like, Oh, it comes off like a little. Thirsty as the kids say, like, like a little, but I do think that like, that is, you know, that is Samantha. And I mean, I think that they do a good job of taking it from where it is and the, and I don't know, I feel like maybe I'm going to have a different opinion as we watch through this. Cause I definitely don't think I felt that way the first time I saw it, but No, I remember just being like, I don't know if she's so confident and out there, but I think it's so interesting how they, and maybe they're doing it for the first couple of episodes, but they just make it, it's like they give her some vulnerability a little bit. Kind of masculine character, very confident, but you see these moments of her being like, well, can you make an exception? Like, well, like, like I'm not good enough to be a model, right? Like she's so confident yet. She's she, even she is comparing herself against these models. And maybe that was kind of what they were trying to do with it was like, even this woman who's. You know, out here, you know, sees nothing wrong with her body, like, can have sex with whoever she wants, whenever she wants, is totally doing all that, still is like holding herself to this standard. I do think, I think that they, they did definitely, I do, I did, I see what you're saying, like, they gave her some vulnerability in these first couple episodes, and I do feel like they transitioned the character where she's way less vulnerable, because I can like, Think of like some pivotal moments coming up that really stand out as a moment to the vulnerability for her as she, you know, ages in her character, but I don't I can't think of like, definitely not in every episode. Well, and it's interesting to just like the screen time because you think. How much we've kind of gone into, like, Carrie, Samantha, we've had pieces of Miranda, but from Charlotte's perspective, she only appeared in one scene, and that was in, like, Carrie's apartment. So even that's kind of interesting as they're trying to evolve these characters. Well, and it's, they're still at a point in the, in the show right now where they have so many like auxiliary characters that they're, you know, we've still got skipper and now this Barkley person, like, I don't think he shows up in another episode, but like, they're, they're not, it's almost like, they're like, who are we going to hone in on here? Like, is it just about these four girls or like, What's, what else are we doing? You know, like what's, how's that going to look? So yeah, I think so. Definitely interesting for sure. And, you know, I mean, another great episode. I love the that we're kind of getting to, to see all these different facets happen and a lot, they're still talking to the camera and there's still, you know, they still have all these male characters outside of like the main three that we're going to show that stick out as far as male characters, but. It's interesting for sure. Well, and this like, towards the end, or is it the end, when she sees Mr. Big again? Yes. Right? Well, this is the one where he comes into the coffee shop. Is that the end of this one or did that already happen? I think, I think so, right? And then, Yeah, which I thought was like such a sweet moment. And like, I, I love that. Like, that's, you know, like if a guy should like, If I randomly mentioned that I've worked at this coffee shop and the dude shows up and finds me there just to tell me that he'd been thinking about my article and this was his thought that he wanted to share, oh my goodness. I'd be like, we're getting married, this is it. I wear a stick, just so you know, it's a size 6. Like, yeah, but she handles it so well and she's obviously flattered but not like in a Stars in her eyes kind of way, which I think is cool that like, that's kind of the beginning of their relationship is like that, you know, it's, it's building in more of a getting to know each other friendship way. And it doesn't seem overly romantic, well, and the other amazing line from Mr. Big was when he says the thing is after a while you just want to be with the one that makes you laugh, you know what I mean? And then that's when he leaves, right? And then she has the kind of voiceover and she's like, Beauty is fleeting, but a rent controlled apartment overlooking the park is forever. Forever. Yes. That love story with New York. I guess the last observation I do have is this is when her fur jacket makes her first appearance. Ugh, the fur jacket. Classic fur. I know, I know. With that, I'm still not quite over the way her apartment looked in the first one, and so I know. Thank God it's back. It's, oh my gosh, I feel like it's nice to see them, like, start to pull in some of the stuff that's like, you, you know, it, because that fur jacket's like, goes for seasons of her outfit. Yeah, the whole way. Yeah, so that thing's special. It's like her necklace and that jacket. There's, there's some of those outfits that are just forever. The classic. All right. Well, I think we have done a good job going through episode two. And next time we're going to go and discuss episode three of season one, which is Bay of Married Pigs. I love that title. What a title. That was going to be good for sure. See you next time. All right.