City After Dark: Rediscovering Sex and the City

City After Dark: Season 1 Epsiode 11 The Drought

April 23, 2024 francene & coryne Season 1 Episode 11
City After Dark: Season 1 Epsiode 11 The Drought
City After Dark: Rediscovering Sex and the City
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City After Dark: Rediscovering Sex and the City
City After Dark: Season 1 Epsiode 11 The Drought
Apr 23, 2024 Season 1 Episode 11
francene & coryne

After weeks sharing a bed, Carrie feels comfortable actually sleeping with M. Big, yet mortified when she farts in bed, but really worried when he stops to want sex every night. It really hits her when he prefers to watch a boxing match to kissing, so she paints her apartment. Miranda tells Carrie to be herself and feels she's worse off not having had anyone for three months, but how often is normal? Samantha is horny for her hunky yoga instructor Siddharta, who claims to practice Bhramacharya, Tantric celibacy, since three years, yet still gets hard-ons. Charlotte tells Carrie to be happy her boyfriend Kevin didn't even kiss in three weeks, takes it as an aphrodisiac that he's Carrie's ex from three years ago and a sex maniac, but then learns he has given up sex to cure his former bad temper by Prozac, indeed even a hand-job has no result. Carrie's neighbors, who frequently have amazingly long, naked sex in front of the open window, are a spectacle for the envious quartet- and inspire Mr. Big...

Join Coryne & Francene as they break down the last two episodes of season 1! 

@cityafterdark instagram 

Show Notes Transcript

After weeks sharing a bed, Carrie feels comfortable actually sleeping with M. Big, yet mortified when she farts in bed, but really worried when he stops to want sex every night. It really hits her when he prefers to watch a boxing match to kissing, so she paints her apartment. Miranda tells Carrie to be herself and feels she's worse off not having had anyone for three months, but how often is normal? Samantha is horny for her hunky yoga instructor Siddharta, who claims to practice Bhramacharya, Tantric celibacy, since three years, yet still gets hard-ons. Charlotte tells Carrie to be happy her boyfriend Kevin didn't even kiss in three weeks, takes it as an aphrodisiac that he's Carrie's ex from three years ago and a sex maniac, but then learns he has given up sex to cure his former bad temper by Prozac, indeed even a hand-job has no result. Carrie's neighbors, who frequently have amazingly long, naked sex in front of the open window, are a spectacle for the envious quartet- and inspire Mr. Big...

Join Coryne & Francene as they break down the last two episodes of season 1! 

@cityafterdark instagram 

AudioPro X5 Microphone:

City after dark, we discovering sex and the city dive into the glittering world of city after dark, a podcast that takes you on a glamorous journey through the iconic series sex and the city. Join us as we discover the laughter tears and timeless moments of Carrie Samantha Miranda and Charlotte, each episode is a delightful stroll down memory lane, featuring Woody banter, candid discussions, and a touch of nostalgia. Whether you're a long time to voting or a first time viewer come along for the ride. As we explore the city that never sleeps and the friendships that defined an era. And as we compare our viewpoints from our twenties, when we first watched the show to now you'll witness how our perspectives have evolved with time adding a unique layer to our reflections on this beloved series.


Okay, so episode one. Oh!


Episode one. We're down the road.


So, season one, episode eleven, The Drought. And we are back again, in person, with our bubbles. So, cheers! Hear that little ching ching? And I added like a quote at the beginning which oh my god this episode cracks me up so much because He's just perfect, perfect, perfect. I, I'm the girl that farts. We're going to get into him, like who says that? But oh my God, this episode is so good. So it starts off Carrie and Mr. Big are in bed in the morning. She's having a yogurt. They're so comfortable. They're showcasing like how they're, they're sleeping positions, like everything's easy. And then it cuts to their relaxing another morning. She goes in to lean and kiss him.


Like they've just woken up. Oh,


everything's just so romantic. They're just in that moment. Yeah. So great.


And. She says, she says right before this that they, after weeks of sleeping together, we finally got to where we could really sleep together. Fully


sleep together. Yeah,


that's like a, definitely a level of comfort in a new relationship. Amazing. So she rolls over and like, he's like, good morning. How'd you sleep? You know, she's like, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then. I can't even do it. She fully lets one go on accident. Obviously, like she wasn't trying to. And


then she goes under the car and he's like, you may not, it may be worse. And his laugh is so genuine. I love his laugh. And I love how,


how funny he thought it was. He was genuinely like, Cracking up. Like that was so funny. Carrie, like mortified. She says, she's like, I have never in my life gotten dressed that fast. She's like out the door. She's like, God. And like, yeah. As she's like at the door, he's like, don't you want a coffee? And she's like, I'm going to get my back. Like, she's just like gone, like out the door. So embarrassed. Oh my gosh. And then they show her like. She's like, I just went home and I tried to immerse myself in work and like ever, I just couldn't focus. And every time, and then they make the same sound again, like she's like hearing it in her head.


Oh my gosh. So tell me,


do you




I mean, I'm a human. We all do. Let me rephrase. Okay. So this is actually, so I not in front of Jason ever, but I did with Michael. I did all the time. Like, it was just so funny. Like, all the time. Like, I mean, it was just like a, I don't know, I mean, not on purpose, but like if I needed to, like, I never, like, never held it, no, ever. And with Jason, we've been together two and a half years, never, not one time, like I couldn't even imagine. And the other crazy thing is I feel like men never, ever consider this. They just totally do it. They don't give a fuck. A single fuck. It annoys me so much. No, in two and a half years, I've never heard Jason do it. No way. Never. Not one time. Brynn, you're so lucky. You're so lucky. I feel like it's also like, third marriage vibes. Where you're like, You're like, let's not do anything. Listen, that's where romance goes to die. You're like, let's


hold it. Well, I've been with Aaron for 13 years. And it happened once when I was pregnant. And I was pregnant, and it came out, and I could not hold myself, and Aaron brings it up all the time, and then he talks about this other time, that it wasn't me, it was like the bed squeaking, and that's the only time.


And yet


he is like,


the opposite. It has


accidentally happened


to me once with Jason, in the heat of the moment. Which is even better. Like, that's just, yes, I, of course, I'm like, like the tiniest little girl too, ever. You know, well, at least it was the guy, at least, at least. But like, it, it happened one time, but I've never, ever in our whole, and neither has she purposely did it. No. Or just like, yeah. Like you needed to, yeah. Like never, I think, think that's not,


so I feel like I'm old fashioned in that. I'm like, I don't know. Yeah, I'm kind of


cool with it. Like, I like it. I feel like it's a more, I don't know, like, it's like the making the effort to keep the romance alive kind of thing, you know? I think, you know, like, my relationship with Michael was definitely like the, like, we were together for a long time, and I think that, like, we, like, I definitely had enough time to kind of test the, like, how comfortable you get with someone, you know what I mean? Like, you genuinely are, like, Best friends and roommates and parents and all the things that like, you know, come with that and it was one of the things I felt like kind of on both ends, like if you can, if you can not, you know, like I've heard couples talk about in shows, not in real life, but I've heard him talk about like having like a, or I heard it on podcast once where it was like they had a An agreement like if you were in the bathroom, it was free game Like if you were in there and i'm in there and I need to like it's happening But it was the wife. Oh, I


see what you mean. Yeah, the


wife was the one who was like, you know, that's just it's just not it's kind of a romance killer for me. So let's make a compromise. Yeah, like if we're in the bathroom Free reign, but if we're not like you don't do that in front of me for the husband and I was like, that's cool That's a good compromise. Yeah, you know, like no


I agree I literally run the tap still and I will literally go to like the opposite end of the house I'm not even joking. You're keeping it alive. I love it. Aaron feels very different He's


very comfortable. He doesn't care. Other than Jason, I've never known a man who did like literally friends, like men that I'm friends with who just like, they don't get this. They don't care.


So I probably would react the exact same way as Carrie. Like I can so relate to this like dying inside of me, mortified.


I would have been mortified and I wouldn't have left.


I wouldn't have loved it either, but especially mainly because of how big reacts. And I feel like this also just showcases, like, he really is like such a mature man that he just laughed. Yeah. And it is, it is funny and


like, yes, it was obviously not on purpose. Like, yeah. And I, yeah, he handled it super well. I would have ended up just laughing with him and like, staying in bed. I would have never, yeah, it would have been fine. I


wouldn't have laughed. Yeah. And then what's even funnier with how big deals with this is the next day she was over. And they were having dinner and cooking. No doubt. He was making veal. And then she was obviously like in denial with like, okay, well, whatever's happening. And she leans over and he puts some down. Yeah. And she farts. Oh, obviously not her, but the whoopee cushion.


And the whoopee cushion I love because it's like loud and proud. You know, it's like a whole, and then they both die laughing. And I was like, That's why I was like, okay, you guys are over it. Like, that's funny. And not only that, but like way, like way to handle it big. Like what, obviously you picked up on the fact that A, she was mortified. I know, I love that he did that. I know, like that is, that is real green flag energy right there. Yeah, I agree. I agree. I loved the way he handled that for sure. No, she's still obviously like Not over it. No,


not, not at all. And this is where, this is a great episode. Another one of Carrie, Bully being in her head. So they get into bed together. You can tell he's like tired and we all know he has like a high powered job and you know, God knows what day of the week it is.


Well, and the other thing too, is like, that's also one of the points of like, when you get more comfortable in a relationship or like in the point of like, they really got into a place where they actually sleep, sleep together. Like, that's also a thing is like, you get to the point where a Sometimes, you know, we don't do it every single day. Yeah.


But I think you can see how What a foreign concept is for her, but also then you're like, well, how long were your relationships previously, right? Cause you're right. Like you do get to a point where naturally in a relationship, you're like, I just need to go to sleep. And he says it. He's like, I'm just really tired. Like I think he says, I'm really exhausted. He just wants to call it a night and go to sleep. And of course he's thinking nothing of it. No. Meanwhile, she's like, Oh my God. And then she goes and tells Miranda, she's like, But we were in bed and we didn't sleep together. And


Miranda's like, it's normal. And then she tells her that, that she farted in front of him. And, and Miranda is like, you're human. Like, it's totally normal. Everything's normal. It's fine. Cause I can


see Miranda not caring.


No, Miranda, I think would not care. And she's, but Carrie's obviously like still so in her head about it. Like just cannot, it's all she's thinking about quite obviously.


Yeah, because I think she says to Miranda it's now been three times in a row.


So there, yeah, that was right. There was three nights in a row. They don't show it. But by the time she gets her nails done with Miranda, it's been three nights in a row. Which, I will say this, like, I definitely know that, like, it's so funny because I just finished reading this book called Attached that's about, about attachment styles and relationships. Oh. Really good read. And I watching Carrie go through this, I was like, oh, Carrie has an anxious attachment style.


And I was like Oh, it tells you different, like, styles? Oh, yeah.


There's three styles, secure, anxious, or an avoidance. And, like, they're, it's so funny. Super interesting. But she has a super anxious attachment style. And so like she sees one thing and then it's like activating her attachment system and she's freaking out. So I will say as somebody who also tends to have an anxious attachment style that I get it that like, if you've been in a relationship, cause at this point, what have they been dating two months?


No big and carry.


It's been several weeks. She says.


Okay. So I mean,


if, if we're 12 or we're 11 episodes in,


oh, I guess, I mean, I, I feel like it's,


I guess maybe, yeah, yeah, like eight or nine weeks would be my guess that they've been dating. So, and you've had sex every single time you've ever gone to bed together and then one time, sure. Two times in three nights in a row. Yeah, I get it. I would that would make me be like Yeah, what's going on a little bit like a little bit it would now I mean carrie takes it to full crazy Yeah, but yeah, I I could see how that would make your like your spidey senses tingling


Well, and I guess it also depends on what reasons he's Giving and also I


mean like you should be able to soothe yourself somewhat with like, but you're still having nice Like he wants you to come over for dinner Still being sweet and snuggly with you in bed. Like, you know, but she obviously has not read this book and is using self soothing techniques


Well, and then miranda say no they must have been together longer because miranda says it's been three months since she last had sex And she was with skipper and stuff


That's right, right? See, so they've been together like three or four months now.


Yeah, they must have been. Yeah,


yeah. So


then Miranda declares, well, it's been three months, which is then connecting back to the drought. She's in a drought. Drought.




Miranda and Carrie. Yeah. Carrie's on Like three whole days. Yeah.


And that's where Miranda's like, you bitch, like, it's been three months for me? What are you talking about three days? Calm down, you know? But then


this is when Carrie's like, but we're in a relationship.


And that is true. It's a very different thing. It's a very different thing when you're,


it's been


three months and you're not seeing anyone versus it's been three months and you're seeing someone.


But then Miranda is having a relationship with Blockbuster. Yeah. I appreciate


it. Yeah. And she says she's giving herself carpal tunnel because she's,


Like, she's a


little lighter than she is.


So then she says Miranda's like, what, like, what are you worried about? She's like, you farted. And Miranda's like, and what? Right. You're human. Like,


yeah. And she, and that's when she says your line, doesn't she? That he's like, perfect. Perfect. And I'm like, Oh yeah.


And she's like, Hey, why are you, you know, this is interesting too, because as we go on to the next episode. We don't really necessarily see that relationship dynamic with Carrie and Vig, right? Because every time you see them together, I see it as they're very comfortable, they're playful you know, they have a good relationship, but hearing Carrie be like, I have to be this type of person, I have to be perfect, he's so perfect, that you're like, Is that an insecurity from her or is he Portraying something because I know he has a good apartment. Yeah job We've met some of his friends being like, oh blah blah. You still have my passport. Yeah That I wonder if just seeing some of that


gotta be some of like the age difference and therefore the place in life that big is at versus carrie because like She's still in her 30s, you know, she's living in What an apartment all of us would have died to live in in our 20s, 30s, and maybe even now. Yeah. Yeah, but like they're portraying it as this like tiny little apartment and it's a mess and like all that kind of stuff where and he's got the like fancy big spacious apartment and the sheets and like and i get you know he's got money and she that's a theme through the whole series that she has the money so like there's that so i mean i could see that there's like a you know like a stark contrast between yeah


yeah and then i what i also appreciate about like This conversation, although it's maybe not the best two people because Carrie is obviously freaking out and then Miranda hasn't had sex in three months, but she says, like, well, how often is normal? And I think it wasn't until, like, for me, Becoming older, I was supposed to say becoming an adult, but I realized that I'm like, I became an adult like years ago but I found that you have a perception about relationships, whereas in reality, it's very different and people are different, relationships are different, and you should never compare. But I feel like it wasn't until I started having like real conversations with like my friends. Yeah. That you're like, oh, okay.


It's not completely abnormal. You know what I


mean? So I appreciate that, but they're, I mean, that was the worst dynamic for her to be like, what's normal? And Miranda's like, I don't know. I'm single and I've not had sex. Well, and I


also think it's not super fair to ask what's normal when you're in, like, that dating scene. Cause you're not, you can't really establish normal until you're in like a long term committed relationship where it's like, you get to a baseline because like, it's unrealistic to expect the way that you have sex in the honeymoon phase. Yeah. To continue when you're paying bills together forever. Yeah. And like, and online grocery shopping and raising kids and shit. Like, that's, that's not the grocery


shopping. There's nothing unex either. hb. I'm like, ugh, nothing turns me that


that's so yeah, that's, that is a very interesting con conversation of like what's normal. But I definitely feel like, calm down, Carrie. I know the whole episode. I'm like, calm down, girl. I


know. You're like, God, first world problems. So then


Charlotte, is this Charlotte come into the picture yet in this episode?


So then she says so carries on chatting. Oh, so now she goes to yoga with Samantha. Immediately after that, yeah. Immediately after. So then they're at yoga and then she started telling her, and then she tells Carrie. And Samantha immediately says, That is a huge mistake. Yeah, yeah, yeah. She never farts. So that definitely didn't help Carrie's head. Me neither. And I can see Samantha saying that. Oh, for sure. Because she's all about, like, the sex. Sexual


appeal, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


Being You know, kind of wanted from the guy and also the experience of it. Not even, I think, from an insecurity standpoint, but being in the moment of like, hey, this is going to be hot and sexy. And that's


the only reason we're here. Like, I'm not here for anything else. Samantha's never gotten to the point in a relationship where, like, you get comfortable or like, you know, bodily functions happen. No, I can't imagine. She'd


immediately dump the person. They fought. I actually think she'd be the person. That if the guy farted she'd be like, yeah. All


right. That was fun. Thanks. Yeah


Get out right now in the middle Did she


say that in this episode where she's or maybe it's the next one where she's like I only say two things It's like Get in me or get out. Get over here or something like that. Like, that's all I, that's the only conversations we have. I don't know.


Well, and what's interesting too, like, about this dialogue is you had Carrie saying to Miranda, I need to be perfect, perfect, perfect. And then Samantha literally relays that you should be perfect. Yeah,


she re she like reinforces that whole scenario. But then she does, as she's talking to Samantha and like she tells her like what happened and like, you know, she's like, it's going to be fine. Like, it's going to be fine. She does like reassure her a little bit. A little bit late though. Yeah. Yeah. That's good. Carrie's like,




Yeah. After she's like, never ever do that. She's like, well, I didn't do it on purpose. She's like, oh, oh, okay. It's gonna be fine. It's gonna be fine. And


then what I love is literally as Samantha and they're having that kind of conversation, she then looks up at the yoga guy and she's like, do you want to have coffee?




And he's like, sure.


To be fair, he's like, do this, what is it, like happy baby or some position where you're laying on your back and your legs are spread and he's like pushing her


thigh. I've never been to a yoga class like that. Okay. I just want to say, no, I've never pushed my thighs like that.


I love to go to yoga classes. I've never had a instructor lay a single hand on me, period. I've


had it where, and it's being a female and they like, Push my back and realize I'm not flexible, and then they give up. That's all I got. And then they never come back to me. They're like, I'm pretty sure she can leave far, and then they're like, oh no. No, she




So no, I've never, I've never experienced the hotness. That


scene though, I've seen that version of that happen in so many movies. Yeah, yeah. Where's


the reality?


That's never happened to me.


Maybe we'll go to yoga.




So then, Also,


please don't touch me.


In that moment,


not no, don't touch me.


So then Samantha and the yoga guy, who I never caught his name, they go and have coffee together. And He then tells her he's celibate.


Cause she's doing the full Samantha, like, She's like, do you want to come back to mine? Like, she's like, putting off all the energy. She's like, whatever, we're drinking. She's like, after yoga, I just really feel so


adventurous. And he's like, yeah, same. But I hold it in.


I keep that




I'm celibate. And she's like,


Yeah, she was, yeah, very taken


back. What? He basically tells her he's practicing some, like, tantric, tantric. thing where like he, and he explains it to her, which I, he did a good job of explaining it. Yeah, he does a good job of explaining it of like, you know, like the foreplay and what if it was just like constant foreplay and you never had the, like, release of it. He's like, I've been doing that for three years and she's very turned on by it.


Very turned on. Yeah. She's like, oh, you're talking dirty to me.




And I, I love that, again, the way they do the storylines about the drought with Miranda not having sex, Carrie having like three days of no sex. And then Samantha being like, okay, well, could I do this?




Like, I love that.


Yeah. And she's got, the other thing that's going on is Carrie's neighbors, like she can see across the alley, are like really hot. And


they're on it.


They're doing it all the time, fully nude. Yeah.


Yeah, fully


do with like their curtains open, which is such a funny thing to think about in New York City, like knowing






I can see


in your window, no matter where you live,


but also knowing like How athletic they must be to do it for such a prolonged period. Not like not on a bed. I'm like, yeah, that's what I'm saying. They're not just standing in there, like bending over something. They're like, he's holding her most of


the time. Yeah. Very interesting. So Carrie's also getting to witness that as she's in her quote unquote drought. Yeah. Which is such a, it's a great, like storyline to like thread into, like, what's going on? Yes!


It is so clever. Yes. So then Charlotte and Carrie go for dinner and of course she can't tell her.


No. She didn't tell her. But Charlotte tells her she's dating someone.


I know, which I love. And she's like, Oh my God, I really want to introduce you to Kevin. And then of course, Kevin comes in and Carrie's like, Oh, I


know that guy.


Which I love. And I love the way. Charlotte, I, I love their relationship because again, we spoke about like the baby names like last episode, but I love the dynamic of like, she wasn't pissed off. It was like the minute he went to the bathroom. She's like, tell me everything. Yeah. Yeah. Tell


me everything. Right. And I was like, oh, Carrie tried to be funny. Coy. And Charlotte's like, we have, don't have time for that. Come on, Carrie.


And then she's like, he's a sex maniac.


Yeah. And Charlotte's like, oh my


God, he waited for me. Yeah.


I'd love, oh my God. Charlotte's infinite optimism and like, she's like, oh my God, this is love.


To be fair, I think I would think that too. I'd be like, Oh my God, he's holding out for me. He's


like letting me make him not.


Anyone else would be like, Oh, he's


like fucking other people. Yeah, right. Yeah, he's dating other people for sure. She's like, Oh my God, this is it.


And you see her thinking off into the distance being like, Oh.


I also loved it too, where she's like, How long ago? And Carrie's like, Three years. And she's like, I can work with that. I can deal with that. I can


deal with that. But I love that. That's how the dynamic should be. With your girlfriend. You know what I mean? Especially with like an ex. I mean like an ex that didn't clearly mean anything. Right. Yeah. You know, like Jackson. Tying the episode together.


I don't know though. I always would feel like with my best girl. So with my best girlfriends I don't you can date somebody I dated two minutes ago. I don't give a shit I love you more than all those motherfuckers Do you girl but like I don't know like if it was somebody that you had a bad experience with it's like you have some Need to like not let that happen to your friend. Oh,


that's true. You know, I don't think I've ever been in a situation though We're oh, well, I've I've I've had people, I mean more in high school, where like we've liked the same person. Yeah. But typically I wasn't the one that got the guy, so. I met


one of my very, very best friends because we dated the same guy. But we became friends after we were both done with him.


No way. Oh, this is the best story. Oh, it is such a movie. That




such a movie.


It's Laura, Laura, the Houston Laura. Yes. Yeah, she and I became friends over a guy that we had both dated. And we did not know each other, like, she dated him first, and then I dated him, and I broke up with him, and then I found her to be like, bitch, we gotta talk about this motherfucker. No way. Yes, because he was a fucking psychopath, and I, he had told me about his relationship with her, and he used to check, this'll date this story. No way. So terribly. He used to check her MySpace page.




In front of me. What? Like he had to get hooked to, like, his computer hooked to his huge TV. Oh, wow. I would like. Oh, yeah. He was techie back in the day. He was very techie and like, I, so I knew what she looked like and I would see her name and then like one time he and I were out to dinner and she, she happened to be there. So I saw her face once. Anyway, long, sordid story later, I broke up with him and I knew how much he had hurt her. Like, cause I could see, like, he would show me that she's such a psycho. Look at this thing she posted. And it would be like,


Her please tell me it was like lyrics like back in the day. It kind of was. It


was, it wasn't lyrics because Laura's a really, she's a really incredible writer. It was actually like her feelings of like, she was going through something and you know, back in the day we used to post every fucking thought. Oh, I


still see my Facebook memories and I die inside. Why did I, why did I write that? Oh my


God. Yeah. So, so this was even for you to Facebook. And so I would, I would, I read some of the, and I was like, that chick, like he really like, really hurt her. And so that was my, I was like, I'm going to find her and I'm gonna make her feel better about this because fuck that dude.


We've been best


friends for like 20 years over that shit. Is that crazy? So that I have that with her, but we were both so done with him. I can't imagine like, and now you're dating him. That would be very different. Cause it was like, girl, no, like,


yeah, that's terrible.


Like don't do that to yourself.


That is so funny. That's like reminding me, we need to have a happy hour. Yes. I was messaging her. Oh yes, we should.


Yeah, we need a girl to get together. I know. That would be fun. Yeah.


I'm like down in the city.


Of course it is. Or at your brand new McMansion. Like we could all spend the night. I'll have a bedroom. Yes. In the closet. Yeah. I'll sleep in the closet. It's fine. It's fine.


So then, okay, so then Charlotte is with. Her guy, Kevin, and then in the middle of the act, which So awkward, the way he's like, they were doing it and they look very passionate about what they're doing. And then he just gets off and he's like, Oh, I just don't think this is going to work. And I appreciate the extreme of what they're trying to convey with him having no feelings towards like sex and not caring, but they did it to such an extreme that you see him just jump off of her, put his head behind his head and just be like, Oh yeah. Yeah. And this is just not going to work.


Yeah. Well, and when you said this isn't going to work in my Charlotte brain, the first thing I thought of was like, Oh, he's done with her? Like the relationship isn't going to work? That's not what he meant. He meant literally the act of sex wasn't going to work. And they were so passionate, like kissing in the car and the way, and she's like, there's only going to be one step. I know. So Charlotte. I love Charlotte.


Charlotte. So Charlotte. And you would think at that point he would be like,


oh, by the way, yeah, I don't really care. But I mean, maybe he was gonna give it a gallian effort. Well,


and clearly he did. Yeah. But just, and her immediately, such a girl being like, I know it's me. Oh, it's me. Yeah, I know it's me. Yeah. And he's like, no, it's not. And then he stays very openly, which I appreciate also at the time. Right. Being like, I'm a Prozac and I'm super happy and. I was doing this because I was so up and down. Yeah. Because I think she says, oh, she said, Carrie said, you sex me. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And he's like, that was the old me now I don't care.


Yeah. Like, I literally don't care. And like, he's like nothing. He's like, and what does she say? She says something like, I don't know. And he's like, honestly, nothing gets me down anymore. Like Yeah. It's very flippant.


He's very flippant. Yeah. But I'm like, yeah, that's an extreme. Does Prozac do that?


Oh, I have no idea.


I don't know.


I wonder too, in that moment, I feel like if it was me, I would have been like, I appreciate your honesty, have a nice life. Like, this isn't gonna work for me. I


know. You know? She continues.




But yeah, I know.


I mean, listen, if Charlotte is one thing, she's not a quitter. No, she's not. So she's like, I'm gonna figure this out. But I


also, yes, but you can see her in her head being like, Oh, okay. Well, maybe, I mean, how, let's be honest, how many girls in that situation be like, Oh no, I can fix this. Yeah, I can.


Yeah. And I think that's


where her hag goes. Is this


pre Viagra? Because like, like, wouldn't that be the first place your brain would go? Like, Oh, you just need another pill and you'll be good to go. It's like, I don't know, for me, like, It


must have been hard if they were,


No, he couldn't get hard. He was like trying and it wouldn't happen.


Oh, right, right, right. Yeah.


It wouldn't, it wasn't happening. Yeah. And then like in the later scene where she tries again, he's like, Oh yeah. He's like, Oh, I'm chafing. I'm chafing. Like it's never going to happen. Yeah. I mean, for me, like sex is a big deal in a relationship. Like I've always been like, that's, you know, I affection is definitely one of my strongest love languages. Like I've always really been a fan of it. So like, for me, that's a big deal. And if like, Yeah, I, I, I can't, I couldn't do that. Like, I couldn't be, cause it's such an expression of your feelings for each other. And it's like such a connection for me. I, not everybody, like other people feel love in different ways. Yeah. Like they don't necessarily have to have that, but. Definitely for me, that's a deal breaker.


Yeah, you need to have the connection. I also need to be told. Mine is words of affirmation. I need to be told how great I


am. Oh, fabulously. I like that too. I'm a words of affirmation. Affectionate words of affirmation. Well, you're a devil. Well, we all have more than one. Like you all there's like really? Oh, yeah. Yeah. I mean I respond to all five Like you can buy me pretty things too, it's fine But like the ones I know like I cannot if I don't have those it will not work are affectionate words of affirmation Like that's so funny.


Yeah, you know, I remember so anyone listening our loyal viewers listeners, We're talking about love language. So if you're not already clued up on this, go have a look. And if you're in a relationship or even if you're not, it's good to know what your love language is. Clearly, I didn't know there's more than one, but secondly, know what your partner's love language is. And like, sometimes it's not necessarily the same, right. And that is just worth a conversation. But I remember doing that test and thinking, Oh yeah, words of affirmation. That makes sense. And I remember telling my manager at the time, who was male, who was male, and I was relating it back to work being like, I need to be told


I'm doing good. I'm


doing good. Yeah. Like, even if you just need to like pat me on the head and be like, you were doing a good job and I just need to hear it. Yeah. So I remember trying to explain it to my male manager. I told him about my love language and I was like, it's appropriate because it's words of affirmation versus if it was like, I remember him and he's from like Argentina just looking at me being like, what? And I was like, I just need you to tell me I'm good.


Please tell me I'm doing a great job. I was like, wow, that


was a very awkward


conversation. Love Languages, excellent book and also the book I read. Those in tandem, I feel like, you should read that. Attached. It's called Attached. Yeah. And it's about attachment theory. It's fantastic. It's a newer, a newer thought process in the whole world of relationships. Cause, you know, as humans and psychologists, we're never gonna figure this shit out. But, you know. We


can try.


We can try. Keep trying. No, I definitely, it's, it's an eye opening one that I've enjoyed for sure. So, you know.


I'm gonna listen to it. Yeah. So then Okay, so then it cuts to like Samantha and the yoga guy, still don't have his name, and are doing meditation.


Yoga guy, so, you know what I think his name was? I think it, no, I think his name was Jason. Was it? I think it was. It was, it was something, I think it was, anyway, I can never remember the guy's name, so whatever. I'm really


trying to make a conscious effort for this one. I was like, yoga guy, and she's like, Oh my god, you're hard and he's like, I know and she's like, no, you're super hard And he's like, I know it'll go down as he's trying to like meditate and she's so fixated She's just like, oh my god, and you can tell oh, yeah, that's it Cuz then she's like she just wants to go down on him. Yeah She's like, let me just help you. And he's like, no, it's okay. And you can tell, like, just how frustrated she is. Never being in that situation that the guy's like, no, no,




no, we're good. We'll build the energy. And then Carrie goes around to Mr. Biggs and this scene just makes me die inside. So this


is, so she sees the neighbors doing it. And she's like my, she's like watching them very sexy again. Like, I love that we again have another episode where there's like now live porn happening. And so she's like, my desire outweighed my being mortified eventually. And she just called him and she's like, Hey, Can I come over? And he's like, yeah. She's like, okay, bye. Like, and she's just like over and sexy dress looking a million. And he opens the door and he's like, come on in. I'm watching the fight. And she's like, okay. So I love it. Like a, again, these are green flags. He


was thinking nothing of it. He obviously just thought she wants to hang out. He immediately was like, I'm watching a fight. He looked very casual for big,


not wearing


a suit.


Yeah. And I love that. He's just like, yeah. She calls out of nowhere, he's like, come on over again, green flag energy. Like, and they get there and like, this is where she's missing all the cues.


She is honestly this scene. And I know we've all been in that situation where you're just striving for that, like attention. And for whatever reason you're like blurred vision, you can't see like the other person just. Like read the room. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And how annoying is she? Oh, like how annoying like when you're watching something on TV and like, I do this to Aaron when he's like concentrating and I'll be like, Oh, what's happening here? And sometimes I can't help it. Yeah. And he's just like, Frenzy,


you're driving me crazy. Yeah.


Stop. Like we're watching the same movie. I have no fucking idea what's happening now. Oh my


God, Aaron. I had some, I, if there's something So Michael used to me all the time. And it became a joke between us. But I'd be like, we are watching the same thing. Like it's happening for me in the same


time. Sometimes I just want to debrief as we're watching it, especially knowing we're not in the movie. You know


what else does this now that Michael and I are together crossing. And I'm like,




my God.




Michael, Jr. What's, I like


I pray Luna does the same because I'm like, I would then engage with it. I like, yeah, let's talk about it. One


of my best friends is Brazilian, and I love her so much, but she was the war. We have lived in different cities for a very long time now, but we used to live in Houston together and we would go to movies fairly often. The worst needed to talk through the whole Is that the Inba? No, no, it's Melina. I dunno if you remember Lina. She she, we used to, she used to. She like couldn't help it and she just needed to be like, did you just see what he just did? What do you think is gonna happen? And do you think that that girl? Oh my God. Oh my God. Like in the movie. Oh yeah. Oh no, I


have movie etiquette. Okay. And like, I cannot tell you the number of


times we've had the manager come over and be like, ma'am. Stop.


Do you know what's so crazy? I'm just having flashbacks, like I went to one of my friends, Alejandra, we went to see Bombshell. I remember the, the movie about Megan I loved that, Kelly. So, yes, so good. So good. And I really wanted to see it and like, it's probably the first time I'd gone to the cinema just with me and her. Fuck me. She spoke throughout similar, but she was so loud and I'll talk if she's not here. Yeah. Okay. Maybe she's from Columbia. Okay. Okay. That's why when you said that and I'm like, if we're at home watching TV, I'm like, Oh, great. Yeah. In the cinema. No talking. No, you can look and be like, Oh, A whisper. Yeah. If you need like a lead over. She was legit having conversations with me and I was like, I am here to molina's. Same. I totally understand.




I was like, no, no, no. We can talk after. Write


it down. Yeah. No, and I'm the person who like puts the subtitles on because I need to know every fucking word. Like I don't want I don't want to have missed, because you know, sometimes in movies like you just can't understand what they said. Right. Like it's just, and I'm like, you're like, wait, what'd they say? I wanna read it so I know what they should Like that's


That is. We'd love to know other people's movie etiquette. Yes,


for sure.


Okay. So then she's over and she's just in his way. Oh God, it's a lot. Like she sits on him. She's obviously super


horny. And like just like pouncing and he's not interested


at all because he's hot you can tell him he's


like And the truth is again read the room if she just had been able to like Chill and like get the affection like he was cut. He was letting her like they were cuddly. They probably would have Done it. Yeah firework that night again She could have taken a note from yoga guy and like let it build a little bit, you know, like just be fun playful and like let, like foreplay it during the fight. Yeah. As soon as that fight's over, it's on, girl. But she cannot, like, she cannot quit. Like, it's like full anxious attachment behavior.


But especially with sports. I mean, it's not like It was a pay per view, so he can't, you know, yeah. But that's what I mean. It's like, I don't really care about watching sports or like Superbowl, I'm only there for like the halftime show, but like, I understand if it's like a big deal, it's live, you paid for it, but yeah, I mean, that whole scene made me feel very awkward and then I feel bad for him because he's like, why are you acting so nuts? Like put some ice on it. And then she's like, fine, I'm just going to go. And she's like, obviously I'm not as important as your perfect. She does the whole perfect thing to him. Perfect. Like perfect. This perfect pay per view like, yeah. And she goes, and then he leaves and then she leaves and then she waits outside and he doesn't come because he's like, I just want to,


to his credit. I get it, babe. Like, I get it. Like again, As much as I have loved Carrie most of my adult life, like, it's so crazy to watch this back as a grown up now. It's like, you know, like, been through relationships and like, done the work to like, be a better human. Yeah. And it's like, I know, it's like you're looking back now and you're like, Girl, I'm gonna get it. I see his point. I see his point. I


know, but we've all been in that situation. For sure. But I feel not that age. Cause she's my age. She's like, oh, okay.


Yeah, yeah, that's a little older to be. Like, can we get, can we get it when they were in their 20s? Which you know, Candice Bushnell wrote that book. Who? The author who wrote Sex and the City. Well yeah, because you


know she's doing a tour right now. Is she? With what? I thought she was coming to Houston. She's doing like a one woman show. Oh! She's been in Broadway, she went to London. Interesting. I know.


Well she wrote, there is, there is the book of the prequel to Sex and the City.


Oh really? In the 20s?


In their 20s. And I am gonna forget what it's called right now. But I think, it centers around Carrie, but I think they're all in it.


Oh, I'll need to look at it. I need to Google that. My phone's over there. Cause it'd be interesting, like just knowing, I mean Carrie's Crazy situation. I'm like, if you're acting like that, what


were you like in your twenties? Cause my twenties was where it all went. I was,


I was pretty, like, I, I have to admit, like there are times that I look back now and obviously previous relationships, but you know, when you're like, I overreacted to such stupid things. I mean, things like My ex boyfriend would literally turn his head to look at someone and you're like, how ridiculous, whereas now I'd be the one like commenting and be like, Oh my God, look at her boobs or, you know, look at that.


Oh, she's hot. Yeah.


But at the time I was just so insecure that.


My first marriage, I look back a lot and I did the most outlandish things when we disagreed, like used to throw things at him. I, I've, I've. What


kind of childish ass outburst? Thankfully, I still slam doors though. I have to admit, 35, I still slam doors. And I'm like, you know, this is our house. And I'm like, I know. And I get so fucking mad. And I'm just like, rah!


And it comes out with the doors.


I know. And instantly, honestly, I did this when I was a kid. You know, when you slam a door and it hits harder than you intended. And then you're just like, I'm sorry. My


bad. Still in bed. Our doors at our house, for some, the way that we have a two story house, for some reason, the way the AC works in our house, If the AC is on, you can not even, you don't even have to touch the door. It's going to slam itself on a couple of our doors. Yeah. So there's been more than one occasion where like things were terse and I just walked in a room and I had to be like, I


didn't slam that. I used to say that as a kid. Like, if I truly, like, didn't mean it or if it just, like, just fell behind me, I'm like, that wasn't me! It wasn't me!


I'm not that mad, okay? Just so we're clear. Thanks, see you at dinner. I need to go


to the new house and start Slamming doors. You'll see how good it is.


See what the door slam situation's like.


So then she goes home and she talks about no call. No one called her.


Yeah, he fucking, again, Big is, like, so emotionally mature.


He is. No, I mean, he really is. Yeah. Because, I have to admit, had I acted in that manner, which I would like to think I wouldn't, but say I did, I would have expected A call.


So again,


but he doesn't because I appreciate he's probably like, she just needs some crazy bitch. And


again, he knows he did nothing wrong


and he didn't, he


didn't. And he's like, I'm not going to respond to that behavior. And again, thinking back to the book, I just read what she's doing is called protest behavior. And with the expectation that that's going to yield her attention from him, that's what she's doing is she did all that shit to try to get him to, To give her the affection that she wanted. And it made no




And he, obviously, is emotionally mature and he's like, That's not how adults act. Yeah. I'm not gonna respond to that because I've done nothing wrong here.




And like, when you calm down, come back to me and we'll talk about this. Like, that's, that's mature shit. That's grown up shit. Corinne's


gonna keep us up to date. Like, we need to keep up to date. Frank this, was it an audio book?






well, I, I love audiobook, so I love audiobook. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's how I devour content. Yeah. If I have to actually physically read, it'll take me months. I listen to this thing in like 10 days because it's really good. Yeah. But like that, this is brand new information for me. Y'all this is information I need to implement in my own life. I'm gonna


cut that bit.'cause then we can just go to you for like, yeah. I'll be like, oh my God, what does it attach? Then so then Miranda. Which I love is going to Blockbuster. Oh my God, so good. I wrote this down. I was like, oh, I, I, well, I wrote it down, but I forgot to write the name of it. Her five hour documentary, and I literally wrote, sounds so fucking boring.


What was it about? I didn't,


oh, I can't remember. But it just sounded like she's running outta things


to rent


that. And can't we just talk about, sorry.


Blockbuster obviously paid for some marketing in this. They must have, but they were also in the scene with Charlotte and the guy. The scene after this, which we'll talk about in just a second, there was Blockbuster placement,






I mean, Blockbuster was so good.


Take it back, man, way to take it back. I used to go there


every Friday night and read. You did?


Yeah. And like, look, and he was like, for the weekend, like what you were, yeah. Yes. And it was like a two day, three day rental, I remember that. It was two day. Wait, I remember all that. I feel like I did that in high school, and then I don't really remember doing it much in college. I didn't either, but high school, me and my girlfriend,


we would do it every Friday night.


We used to go it was like a thing to like go to the Hastings in Huntsville, which was like a books, movies. Magazines, audio, big store, big deal. And we used to, mom used to take us like Fridays and Matt can run it. My brother can run a movie and I can run a movie. And then like, it was like, where's the explicit lyrics?


Oh my God. We used to do this. Yeah. We


used to rent like four or five movies and it was for like the whole weekend. You know? Yeah.


Oh my god, same. And I remember realizing, like, really quickly, like, me and my girlfriend would go rent, and for whatever reason, we loved horror movies, like, scary horror movies, but I didn't realize that when you go to the top shelf, it is, like, fucked up horror movies. I mean, like, Just not, you


don't want to watch. Yeah.


Not the best for me versus like, Ooh, that's scary. And like, that's good. But it was


like, yeah, it was like, yeah, it was like


crazy. So I remember learning that like after a couple of months, I was like, I'm just at the top shelf. They often, yeah, they often talk about so then the guy. Sorry, so then they have some builders outside and the guy's like, Hey, I know what you want. I have what you want. First


of all, this, this quintessential New York scene of like the construction worker, like cat calling you. Yeah, and he does it more than once. Yeah, he does. This is the second time he's done it. Second time.


Yeah. Have you ever been cat called like that? I don't think so. I'm sure my friends have. And I'm just like, hey, what about me? I'm like, she's hot. I'm like, stop.


No, but like, yeah, thinking about Never me. The previous episode where Miranda was pissed that her girlfriends didn't want to have a threesome with her. It's like, hey, you're


getting fucking ogled by the construction guys. I know. Literally. That was probably talked about in therapy. I,


this has happened to me a lot in my life. And I, not in that exact scenario, but my favorite one ever, like to this day, I will never ever forget this. And I will tell this story forever because it is precious. But when I was in my twenties, I was at the Kroger, the, the ghetto Kroger in the Heights, which if you live in the Heights, you know, the ghetto Kroger. This is before it sold alcohol. Okay. Let's take it back. It's when the heights is dry. Anyway, and I was in there on a Saturday and I was getting balloons for something. I don't remember what it was. I was taking balloons. So I was like standing in the floral section and I was wearing like, you know, shorts and a t shirt and like tennis shoes. I think like, I was not dressed up by any stretch of the imagination. And I had, I was like, I need a dozen of these balloons later. Okay. So then he had to blow them all up. So I'm just seeing there. And this 97 year old man Who I catch in my peripheral vision, who has a cane. I think it was a cane and not a walker. I'm pretty sure it was a cane. He like, he like catches my periphery because he's like slowly moving towards me. It takes him every bit of three minutes to get over to me. And like, as he's getting closer, I was like, Oh no, he's coming to me. He's coming to me. And I'm trying to like, not like, you know, like what does, what does he need? Like, he wants me to help him get something off the top shelf. Like what he makes it all the way over to me. He's like, he's like, ma'am. I just had to come over and tell you, you've got the nicest pair of stems I've ever seen.


The cutest thing


ever. Like I was like, and of course I laughed and I was like, thank you so much. He's like, You are just beautiful. And I was like, thank you sir. And thankfully the lady with the balloons was like right there and I was like, yay, yay. It just doesn't have to get awkward. Thank you. I like birthday and the cutest thing ever. I love that. I love a good cat call. I know that. You know the Me Too movement, we're not supposed to like that, but Ah,


yeah. I never got cat calls, but I remember once when I was like, I don't know, like 18 being So in the UK you would go out for, you know, a night out and then you would go get food. Yeah,


we can say, yeah.


And then we'd all be kind of sitting around and I remember this guy turned to me and he said so explicit. He was like, did we fuck? And I was like, excuse me? You know when you're so taken aback? And I was like, Charlotte, I was looking behind being like, excuse me? I am not that person. I was like, how dare you? And I was like, no, we did not. And he was like, Oh, great line. Great


line. Yeah. All right, 2 a. m. See what's left over. Oh, yeah.


As I'm sitting eating my kebab with, like, chips. I was like, okay. Thanks for the


compliment, Homie. So Miranda handles this amazingly.


I mean she does, but she's like, oh, you got what I want? Yeah, you got what I need. You know what I want? I wanna get late.


Yeah. And he's like, oh shit, I'm married. Oh, I'm married. Like He backs up so quick and the only thing missing from that scene is I wish that his boys had clowned him. Yeah. Yes. I wish they'd been like, ah, you pussy. Like you're talking shit like


that. Just kind of thingy back.


Yeah. She shuts him straight the fuck down and honestly, I think she's a little disappointed. At that point in her drought, she was like, damn it, get




another documentary


gummies. So then we cut to like Harry being in her apartment and she's painting. Funny.


Frantically painting. She's


frantically painting her kitchen that she doesn't use for anything other than clothes.


In an apartment she doesn't own. Yeah, I


know. I also think that's very odd. Like, why would you decorate an apartment that you don't own?


To be fair, I have painted every home I've ever lived in, literally. You've been




Every single one since I was 18 years old, I've put some kind of paint on the walls.


What do you do at the end? Do you just move out? Oh,


I was that


renter. You're welcome. You're like, look, I made this better. I'm sure you like had good style. I'm sure they were like, thank you.


I don't know. I, there was a wall in an apartment we lived in once that I did. This was a, Oh, what was that show that was on trading? No, not trading places. Oh, there was some home makeover show back in like the beginning of this being a thing and they used to do these amazing rooms and I saw them do Like




Yes, and I saw that they would do one room in your house. Oh, yes. It was amazing.


Ours was called Changing Rooms in the UK.


Trading Places might have been it. Okay, yeah. Yeah, and it was, so they did like they took like painter's tape and they made like a grid on the wall and then they painted it and they pulled up painter's tape off and it was like this square grid. Gorgeous. Yeah. Right? I did that in an apartment once and Bright canary, yellow. Ooh.


In the living.


I loved it. But I'm sure when they came in after they were like, what in the actual fuck sticks is this bitch doing? Like I got charged every time. Like,


ah, that's, that's what happened. Painted.


I painted our bedroom in a little rental house. We lived in, off in, in the oak forest the, the, I painted the walls black. It was gorgeous. It was fucking great. It wasn't black, it was like slate gray. Well, like this room, kind of. Yeah. Yeah.


Which is a cinema room, by the


way. Yeah, and it's like a nice, yeah, I painted it, and then we just moved out.


Yeah, I mean, it's not easy. Like, did you do the ceiling?


No, we didn't. Oh, I just noticed y'all did. That's amazing. I did all the ceilings in our current house, but I did not do ceilings back in


I mean, yeah, your current house is like gold. I love it. I've been wanting to do that ever since I've seen your house. Well, yeah, you have. No, you haven't. I was done. I was done. That's the goal, buying the house that you want. Okay, so then she's painting and it's eggshell. I'm done.


Which, blah. Of


course, of course it's actual. And then Miranda So Miranda then goes to Carrie's apartment and then Carrie's like, Oh my god, I shouldn't have farted Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And Miranda's like, Oh my god. It's


not, I'm so sick of hearing about this. It's not the fart. Yeah,


And she's like, I know it's not the fart. Yeah. And then she says she loves him. And she's like, I'm scared that I love him. Which is the first time she's said it. And then she says, I'm just not myself. I find it exhausting. She's trying to impress him and then, which I love as they're having that conversation, Miranda immediately gets sidetracked being like, do you know, there's like a couple, like in that window and she's like, Oh yeah, and then all the girls come over and they're having gummies and I love this picture. Like just watching them all. It is like the best.


Yeah. Oh.


Is that, is that Taylor Swift? Yeah,


that's Taylor Swift. I love Taylor Swift. That's Crossin calling me.


Oh my god, is that her personalized? No, no,


that's just my ringtone.


And now they're cute. Yeah, do you need to get it? Let


me just tell her. Is she at Michael's? No, no, no. She's at home with you. Oh. Okay. So, yes, so the girls are, have all gathered at Carrie's apartment and they are fully watching the live porn that's going on across the alley from Carrie's house.


And I love their, their hats. Yeah, and


I love, Samantha is like, cause Samantha's in like a drought, like she's never experienced cause it's like a tantric one where she's also really turned on by this guy. She is barely inside of her own skin. Yeah. Like. She's about to come unglued, like,


having a heart attack. He said I shouldn't just, like, jump over and join in. She's like, I will show you off.


Yeah, that's a good point that she didn't just like, I'll, I'll be back. I'll be over there. It's fine. She's having a hard time for sure.


So they're all watching it and it is like the best scene. And then Samantha then goes to yoga and to channel her frustration. And the guy comes, the yoga guy comes over and he touches her and she's like, Don't fucking she's like,


unless you're going to put those hands somewhere else. That's it. Your hands off me.


And then what I love the most, she looks over to her, right? She catches the eye of a guy and she's like, do you want to, and he's like, no, no, it's a joke. Yeah. She's fine. Like, she looks over to her left and she's like, and the guy's like, what? And she's like, do you want to fuck? Fuck. And he's like, okay, sure.


She's like, all right, just like out of there with, with yoga guy, who she's, I guess, been like seeing standing right there. And she's like, this is not for me, bitch. I've done with this fast.


He's like sweat dripping down his face. Cause you know, he's like, damn it. Yeah. That was probably the longest, like four days of her life. The longest route. sure. So then she goes, goes off with him, and then we cut back to Charlotte. Oh my god. Oh poor baby. He was undetermined with that hand job. And he's like, oh I think you're like chafing.


She's like hovering over him with all the determination of like a, she's in it. Like she's serious and he's just like hands behind his head. I know, just


no care.


Just in such a, he's so blissful though. I know. Like he's so fine with and happy and just like, meh. Yeah. Yeah. Like it's just not going to happen. Like I'm chafing. We got to stop this. And then Charlotte's like, obviously disappointed. And she's like, I mean, would you ever, and then she stops herself and she's like, what? And she's like, I should be like, stop taking. He's like, Nope, not going to do it. And that's the moment I feel like where she's like, this isn't going to work.


Yeah. Well, cause he says, what would you prefer? Yeah. Prefer that. Or would you prefer being with someone that's happy level blah, blah, blah. And she's like. Yeah, I




I went for sex. Thanks. Yeah, but I also feel like, yeah, I know, I couldn't, imagine being with someone like that.


I mean, I feel like there's a point in your relationship or life where I could, like, if we've been together for 30, 40 years, and like, you know, we're old, Yeah, I can see like you get to a point, but I don't know, knowing that it's completely off the table forever, like I feel like that's the trick. That's what I


mean. It's always got to be an




Yeah, and I always feel there's like peaks and troughs and like situations or work or whatever is going on, but to know that never. It's


never, no.


That's crazy, like I want to know what this guy's doing now. Yeah, like if you don't on it again,


can we get that update from this guy? He probably has a A new blend of prozac that's different from what 20 years ago. That's like a better He's on like I don't know all the drugs for that but like But I don't know. I don't know I don't I haven't had a lot of experience with anybody who was had to be on like a mood regulator of some sort




Yeah, so I don't know. I'm I I do know that that is something that can happen Like i've heard that from friends and stuff, but like I don't I just don't


know you would be that like


Laissez faire about


it. Yeah, yeah, like I just especially as a


man like yeah, that's what I


mean Like it's very interesting that clearly he's been on it for like a long time and he's good with it and he's like Yeah, I know how I feel. I'm




But just to such an extreme. Yeah. And


good for Charlotte for like finally like getting to the point where she's like, yeah, no, that's not for me.


And her hand was hurting.








So then she breaks off and then we go To Mr. Big turning up at Carrie's apartment, and I didn't realize, but the first time I'd seen it, and being up.


Yeah, I was like, Oh! I know. Cause I get his picture up there, several times.


So then you're like, well, maybe then it does make sense about her being like, well you're perfect, blah, blah, blah. Cause if you're always then in his




Is he then truly accepting her in her


space? And that, like, immediately as he comes to the door, that's what's happening, is he's like, so this is where you live. I know, I love


him walking around. I


do too. I love that. And she's instantly doing the anxious girl thing of like, excusing it and apologizing for her space and hovering. And he's like, no, like, I love it. I love this. You're painting. Is that eggshell? Like, he No, he


knew it was


eggshell. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It would crack me up. Which is, that is a little red herring of a future episode that we'll come back to, like, down the road. But that would be Yeah, he's totally like, loving that he's getting to see it and he's like, you know, the whole thing. And then he immediately notices the neighbor's fucking too.


Yeah. But before he does, he says, she goes, why did you call me? And as he's walking around, she's like, he says, Why didn't you call me? Yeah, and she's like, oh fuck and she's a fan thing Yeah, and that's what I love the most. I'm going back to his maturity, right? Like hey, you could have also read you freaked


out. Yeah, and now I'm here. I showed up. Yeah, you could have called me, too And I already explained your freak. Yeah, like absolute we're grown ups again. We're grown ups. Let's not play games Yeah, yeah, and then


he's like, yeah, I wondered what was happening the other night and then she's like That was me having a meltdown.


And I do appreciate her just being authentic in the fact that like, that's me. Yeah. Like I'm going to freak the fuck out sometimes, you know, I appreciate that. And I appreciate, and I think that he also in that moment was like, okay, I think he knows.


Yeah, I know. I remember it last time.


You're kind of, you do this. I know.


So I think that, but also like he, like, this is where I honestly think it shows like, They have such a, well, like, to me, they have a good relationship because he is so different. I think, yeah, I think he balances her. Yeah. If there's that open dialogue.


Yeah, agreed.


So then he sees the couple next door and he's like, well, hell, we could do better than that.


Which I love that. So cute. And then they kiss. Yeah, and then obviously, you know.


And then it's the end. They're gonna put it on. And then the drought was over.


Yes. That's how the drought ends. And


then, literally, the four days of drought. Oh. Is nothing. Poor baby.


I think it went like, didn't she say it went like a week or something that they didn't speak? I don't remember.


It's probably because she didn't speak to him. No, no, absolutely. It was like eight days.


Yeah, she didn't call. Yeah. No wonder their


relationship's so long.


They go for a whole week without even talking to one another because Carrie's freaking out about the next thing. Carrie, read attached.


I know.


Read attached.


So next we have episode one. So next we have season one episode 12 and this is the last episode of season one. Oh my




And it's oh come all ye faithful. Oh come all ye faithful.


I can't believe we're at the last episode. I know. Season one. That's wild. That went fast. See


y'all soon.


Do do


do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do


do do do do do do do do do.