City After Dark: Rediscovering Sex and the City

City After Dark: Season 1 Epsiode 12 Oh Come, All Ye Faithful

April 23, 2024 francene & coryne Season 1 Episode 12
City After Dark: Season 1 Epsiode 12 Oh Come, All Ye Faithful
City After Dark: Rediscovering Sex and the City
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City After Dark: Rediscovering Sex and the City
City After Dark: Season 1 Epsiode 12 Oh Come, All Ye Faithful
Apr 23, 2024 Season 1 Episode 12
francene & coryne

LAST EPISODE OF SEASON 1!!! It's a wrap! Cannot wait to come back for season 2!

until then, he is the break down of Episode 12

Miranda dates rising playwright Thomas John Andersen, whose only flaw is he needs to shower immediately after sex, which he blames on nun teachers; her uttering sex is not sinful gets her thrown out forever. Carrie observes churches draw classy dressers- as her Mr. Big, an atheist who takes his Presbyterian mother every Sunday and won't invite Carrie along. Samantha startles telling she's in love with jazz-loving lawyer James, without having had sex; when they finally do, she can't even feel his tiny cock, she's shattered and hates herself for it. Charlotte consults psychic card-layer Noanie Stein who sees no marriage for her, so she tries Santeria, where she's told that's curable for $300. When Carrie spies on them with Miranda, Big is not amused, she desperate that he introduces her as just a friend. Stanford invites everyone, even Skipper, to the gay disco club presentation of the new fragrance Fallen Angel and his boyfriend Allanne, the bottle designer. Carrie expresses her doubts when Big comes pick her up for a holiday trip- couple canceled.

Show Notes Transcript

LAST EPISODE OF SEASON 1!!! It's a wrap! Cannot wait to come back for season 2!

until then, he is the break down of Episode 12

Miranda dates rising playwright Thomas John Andersen, whose only flaw is he needs to shower immediately after sex, which he blames on nun teachers; her uttering sex is not sinful gets her thrown out forever. Carrie observes churches draw classy dressers- as her Mr. Big, an atheist who takes his Presbyterian mother every Sunday and won't invite Carrie along. Samantha startles telling she's in love with jazz-loving lawyer James, without having had sex; when they finally do, she can't even feel his tiny cock, she's shattered and hates herself for it. Charlotte consults psychic card-layer Noanie Stein who sees no marriage for her, so she tries Santeria, where she's told that's curable for $300. When Carrie spies on them with Miranda, Big is not amused, she desperate that he introduces her as just a friend. Stanford invites everyone, even Skipper, to the gay disco club presentation of the new fragrance Fallen Angel and his boyfriend Allanne, the bottle designer. Carrie expresses her doubts when Big comes pick her up for a holiday trip- couple canceled.

AudioPro X5 Microphone:

City after dark, we discovering sex and the city dive into the glittering world of city after dark, a podcast that takes you on a glamorous journey through the iconic series sex and the city. Join us as we discover the laughter tears and timeless moments of Carrie Samantha Miranda and Charlotte, each episode is a delightful stroll down memory lane, featuring Woody banter, candid discussions, and a touch of nostalgia. Whether you're a long time to voting or a first time viewer come along for the ride. As we explore the city that never sleeps and the friendships that defined an era. And as we compare our viewpoints from our twenties, when we first watched the show to now you'll witness how our perspectives have evolved with time adding a unique layer to our reflections on this beloved series.


Which sucks, I guess.


I hate people that like she's clearly just not making the effort being late or


That's what Derek says. I don't love just expect her to start an hour and a half two hours late I


know but it's not sucking especially when we have like time not like me personally But like toyota sounded like surely they have like time. Yeah, and i'm like I can't even remember how much I paid.


Show up late. If you have a ticket, if you're not, if you have like a seat.


Yeah, we're gonna go for dinner before and then I think she has like a DJ. I'm like, I don't want to go see a DJ. DJ, I


know. So we're


aiming for like 9. I


love about Lady Gaga is I swear to you, she starts to the minute on time.

MacBook Air Microphone:

Beep, Hey, it's Francine here and I'm cutting in because I wanted to keep this little chit-chat between me and current in, cause it was cracking me up. But we're talking about the Madonna concert, when she was here in Houston a couple of weeks ago.


Her opening acts start before that. Yeah. Yeah, like to the minute she starts on time. Every time I've ever seen her.


That's what I like is like, pop star etiquette. I don't care if it's like 10 minutes.


15 minutes late. Like, let people who are running late get there. I don't care about that. But two hours,


like, oh, that's too


much. You


know, I always appreciate, you know, Kanye? He was on time. Bang on time. I mean,




on time. I have


no respect for him at


all. You know what's crazy? It's like, I saw him. Before he was crazy? No, no, seriously, the day before he went, because it was Austin that he, I don't know how to break down, I saw him the night before. Oh, wow. And he was so good. Yeah. He was one of the best performers I've ever seen. Really? And ever since then.


He's been batshit.


Yes. He's off his meds. That's the thing. It's such a shame. That's what


untreated mental illness looks like. It's so sad. Oh my god. I hate that for him. Don't


even get me started on like his poor wife that clearly there's some type of Crazy control going on there. No, I hate that so much


for her. I'm sorry, like. Her family's gotta be beside themselves, like. I


mean, she's a great body, but, like, I don't know. It just makes me feel so sad. It makes me


so sad for her, is that, like, she's obviously a very, very smart woman. She was the literal architect of Yumi. Architect, yeah. Yeah, like she put all that together and so she's accomplished, obviously super brilliant and like whatever that freaking crazy town attachment between the two of them that has created that like I feel so bad for her because it's


I know. Well, Amber Heard said the same. I remember listening to her podcast and so did Julia Fox.


Well, Julia Fox,


yeah. Well, they never even


They weren't even it was like a three week relationship.


But they didn't even do it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Which I also think is weird.


Yeah. There's so much about him. It, it, it, like, Like, I'm not a huge Kim Kardashian fan, and I also really empathize with what she must have gone through.


I know.




Yeah, with all of this coming out, could you imagine controlling this? She's a poor


fucking kid. I know. Like, that's the thing, is like, once you have children together, divorce together, you are tied to that person for life. Like, not until they're 18, for life. I know. Like, you're gonna have grandkids together, like, that is, I hate that for her.


Anyway, so season one. Yep. Yes. Oh my God. Cheers. This is the last episode of season one and it's called I know it's gone so fast.


This has been so much fun. I know. I fucking love it. I know. I can't wait to do season two through six. Like it was very good, but thank you guys for staying with us. I know one and for loving it and giving us your feedback and stay tuned for more to come. I


know so this is called oh come ye faithful and then This starts off with carrie Typing her column and she talks about she immediately goes into miranda's guy who after sex He needs to then have a shower and that's how she immediately




immediately because initially I was like Oh, I don't I like why is that big deal? But then they obviously showed the consistency of like immediately after he comes. Yeah, he needs to get up like


within three seconds Jumps up and gets in the show I feel


like I probably like initially I was like, I don't think it's that big a deal but I can understand if like Every time. Yeah. They're like, Hey, I draw off the plague


I know. Like I'm clean. Okay. No, it's, yeah, it definitely has to give off the impression of like, there's something wrong maybe that you think I'm dirty, like immediately.


You can't even just lay with me. Yeah. Or just for like a hot minute. Yeah. It's like, that was a great moment. And you like, well need to go get a shower. Yeah. You're like, oh, okay. Yeah. And then what they show is like Miranda confronts him about it, and I love how she does it. She's like in bed, he comes back through, you know, after having the shower and she's like. What is with the showers? And she says it so, like, casually, but I love it. I love it. And he's like, oh, it's just a habit. And then he talks about, like, oh, well, sex is kind of like a sin, and Cause he doesn't have it.


Yeah. And then I love how she immediately goes to, like, if I had known he was Catholic. If I had known he was religious and I a little bit empathize with Miranda in this because like I like I was raised in like I was raised Southern Baptist. So I got a lot of that like super religious shit at a very early age. And of course, especially in the South and as a woman, you're taught sex is bad and dirty and you're not supposed to do it.


Don't do


it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And so don't enjoy it, but definitely don't enjoy it. Like if you do it, all your creation, yeah. Don't have fun with it. And somehow I completely shunned all that from, you know, like never, I was always like, Oh, where's my, I'm going to, there's my bullshit flag. Yeah. Like that's my inner Samantha for sure. But I always, I do have, and I I've gotten better about it, but I do have a little bit of judgment of people who have hangups about it or like view it. As anything other than like the greatest thing ever Because of their religion like it it does like strike a little bit of a chord with me




like and I don't know if it's like my Need to rebel against my like super Christian roots or I don't know. Oh,


you mean like with Miranda being like, Oh, Bob going out with that person. No, no. I


love that Miranda said that. I empathize with her. I would be, I have a tendency to be the same way. Oh,


I see what you mean. Okay. Okay. Like,


Oh, it's a religious thing. Okay. You're fucked up. Like, you know, you should talk to Jesus. Yeah.


That's where I've gotten to. So now what I, yes, I hear you. So then that's when Carrie and Miranda go for a walk and they're talking about it. And that's where she's kind of saying that to Carrie, like, Hey, if I'd known this would not be my thing.


And Carrie's got full inspiration for a new column. Of


course. And then she's like, okay, The column relationships from a 90s perspective. Is it all like religious? Right? Oh, no Doesn't she say relationships in the 90s is the new religion


or is dating the new religion of the 90s? That's it. Yeah,


and and then of course true Carrie fashion in a very casual Outfit she goes and hangs out outside a beautiful church and when she starts walking watching people.


And then For her column. She just, like, witnessed them in their atmosphere. Yeah. Which


is very odd. Yeah. Whatever. I mean, whatever. It's part of the process. Yeah. It's


the process. And then of


course, suddenly she sees Mr. Big.


And he's coming out of a church with a impeccably dressed older woman. Yeah. Whom he kisses on the cheek and puts into a car. Yeah. And then, you know, in quintessential New York fashion, he looks across and he sees Carrie. Yeah. And she kind of, I love, I do love the casualness of her head tilt. Like, hey, you know, like it's, That's not crazy. Like it's like a total like chance. Yeah, like oh,


I'm just hanging out. Yeah


And so again in complete green flag energy, mr Big walks over to her and he's just like hey, what are you doing? And she's like call him like explains it totally makes sense. And she's he's like, she's like, what are you doing? Who's what does she say? Who's the lady in the hat?


Yeah, I think tony is like well, that was my mother I take her to church every sunday and And then she says, I don't think she says it out loud, but like, in her head, she's like, She


monologues it? Yeah,


she's like, I felt like, at that point, I knew nothing about him.


Yeah, and doesn't she say too, oh no, no, no, it's later in the episode. But yeah, she's like, completely shocked, A, that he's going to church, and B, that he has a mother.


But I think he says at that moment, right, that, Doesn't he say, but you're, you do your column on a Sunday.


Yeah, he does say that. He's like, you write your column every Sunday. Cause I think she says, why have you never told that to me? And he's like, well, you write, yeah, you're right. You write on Sundays and I take mom to church. Like, you know, it makes sense. Again, Adult ass behavior right there. I know what you


got like unless you're Fooley I mean, I don't know like every time Aaron like even just gets up from a seat. I'm like, where are you going? What's happening? I know Aiden you wait until we get to like I'm him




like what's going on? What's happening? But I can, I'm


super nosy and yeah,


but I can imagine together


forever. And like, this is still early stages of a relationship. I


can't imagine unless you're like, what are you specifically doing tomorrow? That if you're like, Hey, I'm doing a column. I can understand him not being like, I'm taking my mom. I mean, I don't know. But


let's be fair. I feel like if you've been dating, we have estimated they're at like a three or four months by this point. I can't imagine it hasn't come up if you're together all the time, just from like a. You know, it's Saturday night, you spend the night, like, you wake up Sunday morning, I'm gonna go write my column,




putting on a suit, like, oh, I'm gonna go to church with my mom, like, it wouldn't come up.


I know, I do agree. Yeah, yeah. I know.


It would make sense you're waking up on Sunday mornings together, right? Cause Saturday nights, like.


But at the same time, I can understand if it is still early for him. Sure. Him keeping that in deep. See, Part mentalizing it. Yeah, well, I'm just being in a way that thing. Yeah,


because I could see how I could side with him too in like a You know religion and church can be a whole other thing. Yeah, maybe there's not there yet And I


think he says he's it's not him.


It's he doesn't want his mom. It's like a which I love I do too Like that's also green flag. I'm


like, oh


and there's also part of me that thinks he's like gatekeeping his mom, which I think we see Later. Yeah


Yes. So then so then she then drinks with Carrie Miranda and Charlotte and they're talking about it, of course. And I write a comment to myself. Oh, I hate the red and blue outfit Carrie's wearing. Red and blue. Oh, Oh, and it's so bright. Red and blue's


tough. It's a hard thing to blend. It's gotta be like, And it's so bold. Yeah. Ugh. It's gotta be like, mostly one color and a little bit of the other. It's the worst.


Yeah. It's like the worst outfit for me. Bad stuff. I literally highlight that. And then Charlotte immediately is like, Oh my God. What church does he go to? Yeah. It's like, Oh yeah. It's a great one. One of the best


ones on the East Side. Yes. Very prestigious.


And then Carrie going into a little bit of crazy Carrie. She's like, but I want to meet his mom. So, yes. I want to meet the mother. She's touching


on the cray cray a little bit. Yeah. Also, I, I get it. You know what I mean? Because I feel like, again, Carrie is, she's seeking intimacy and attachment from him. Yeah. And like, that would be the next level. You know what I'm saying? I don't know. Maybe I've just


had bad experiences of like,


Bring hair into the parents. With a mother in


law that I'm like, I honestly think that's maybe where it's got me problems. Yeah, I don't worry about it, yeah. No, distance yourself. Don't do it. Don't do it. Honestly, maybe that's why I'm thinking that way. Because, yes, you're right. Maybe naturally you'd be like, why wouldn't you want me to meet your family? Family,




But in my head, I'm like, Carrie,


back off. Back off. No, I think it's a natural progression in a relationship that you want. It's just more of like, you want them to bring you into their fold. Yeah, you don't want to ask for it. There is definitely something about like, if they introduce you to your family, you've reached a level of importance. That's true. Of like, this is important enough that I'm, you know, like, it's not superficial if I'm introducing this. I can understand that. It might be a hair early. Maybe.


I know that's kind of I'm a


hair a little early


I mean, I don't know


but Carrie obviously we've learned from like the last episode. She is in love with him


Yeah, and they have you're right. I think that's why yeah,


they haven't said that She wants the she wants that intimacy and I think there's lots of ways she could get it But this is the one she's currently focused on


actually, I think you're right because you look at the last episode You look at this one. She's now found out about what he does with his mom that he she didn't know about And it's Opening up this like, insecurity. Right. And then Samantha comes to the drinks. Oh, late. Oh God. Oh God. Oh my God. Oh my God. And then Samantha is like a whole different person. She's


weepy and wistful and she's like, and Charlotte as I mean, loves. Oh,


Samantha, what?




know. What are you talking about right now? She's so different. It's interesting how she acts like Charlotte full cleaner. Yes, that's exactly right. It's like Foley, Charlotte, fully C. And everyone is so taken aback


and I love how they're also taken aback and they are also. Supportive. Of course. Yeah, they're so like, Oh, good for you. And like loving of it and like shocked and there for her and she even says, she's like, and it's totally because of you Charlotte. She's like, it's all like, Oh, she's like, what? She's like, it's all this bullshit you spout about like not having sex on the first date.


Yeah, I mean, and then we go into the backstory of like, how she met James, and I love it, so she's just sitting in this jazz bar, enjoying her own company, James comes over, and I wrote, he looks like James Bond, and he does, like, I feel like he's,








dapper, and like, he's dapper. He's, he's a beautiful man and immediately just whatever he's saying, it's like she's fully lapping it up. Yeah. And you can tell from her expression. Yeah.


And she's, she's like, even when he comes up to her, she's already like in a different space. Yeah. And you know, the thing I noticed that she was


interesting. Yeah.


The thing I noticed that she did really quickly was she's like, are you a musician? And he's like, yeah. Yes, but a musician trapped in a lawyer's body. Yes. And she's like, well, we won't tell anyone. Yeah. Which is that total like, Yes, like the we. So yes, move of like making us a we. Yes. Yeah. Which


they spoke about in like episode two. Yeah. Yeah. Right?


The we's. Yeah. Yeah. But that's a, that's a psychological thing too, where it's like, men do this a lot to women, but it was interesting to see Samantha, Immediately do it. Immediately do it. Yeah.


And then she's like, I've fallen. Then. We haven't had sex yet, but then she talks about marrying him as well, which I'm like, I could really


marry him, I'm in love with him, we talk, he's ama Like, she cannot say enough about this guy, right? Like, she's obsessed, and they're And she divulges that they have not had sex yet, which is the point at which all the girls are like


They're like, what? Hold


the fuck up. This


must be love. Yeah!


And little Charlotte's butterflies are just like, I love, love, love, love that immediately they cut to Charlotte begins to minorly freak out about the idea that Samantha could get married before her. She's


like, I need to do something about it. So she goes to a tarot card reader. Drastic


measures. Which I


understand. I understand. Have you ever


done that? I have. Yeah, me too.


Yes, and I really want to do it again. Yeah, because I did it so long ago. And I remember they were very specific. We did it in New Orleans. When I say we, it was me and my girlfriend. Yeah, and I purposely took off my wedding ring. And you know, I mean, I'm very neutral. Yes. I tried to not have any personality. I was just like, Hi. Versus like, Hey, oh my god. Hi, everything. I would love to go again.


Were they accurate?


They said I would have a girl. They said about like other things that I would do like outside of work, which ties in, they spoke with my dad, like other stuff. But I want to go back for like a,


a redo. I've done it a whole, like a bunch of times. I used to go, there was this lady who was a psychic, but she also would do like meditation practice with you. Oh, really? And she's actually, she's like 1960 somewhere, like 249, 1960. I don't know if she's still there. It's been years ago, but I used to go to her like once a month for the meditation, which I loved, but she, like we did readings all the time. And at the time, this is before Michael, she told me that I was going to marry a man that I. Had previously noted that he would have three children. Shut up. Is that crazy? No way. Yeah, and it had been so long since I had seen her When I met Michael it took me. Oh, yeah, two years to realize that she had said that


Well, that's the thing because I feel like you have to write everything down and like you


don't yeah, you don't realize Yeah, because


I wrote it and then I at the


time when I saw her I was dating a guy who had three kids You Oh. Previous, and so I was, and I wanted of course it to be him even though he's a complete fucking asshole and thank you Jesus that that did not work out, but nonetheless I was fully like seeing into him. Yeah, of course. So then fast forward years, years later and I've married Michael and I didn't see it at all. Is that crazy? Yeah, it's crazy. I know.


Yeah. No, I have them here. I do it to myself. Like the tarot cards. Oh, yeah.


We'll do that in the next podcast. I


know, let's do that in the next podcast. The tarot card pod.




we should add that in like every month. Okay. So then Charlotte goes and then the woman's like, you are a strong, independent woman. You're going to be successful. I don't see marriage and Charlotte you can tell just how like confused hurt she is and I get it like I feel I'm that person like if someone was to tell me something I would fully believe it.


I think if you're seeking out a psychic because you want some insight into yeah, and they tell you the polar opposite of what yeah, yeah, I would be disappointed.


Like, I really would. Like, even sometimes, I say I have cards. Sometimes when I pull them from my account, You're


like, nope.






again. I will put it back in and be like, clearly I did that wrong. Let me rub that, hold on. I haven't washed my


hands. That is not,


or I try and, like Aaron always says this about cause I'm a Scorpio, I read my horoscope a lot. Yeah. And it always is connected to how I'm feeling. Right. I swear to God, it's not even just me trying to connect it, but a lot of times he's like, It's because you're connecting it. I'm like, yeah,


have you downloaded it? Do you know who Chaney Nichols is? No, i'm gonna send you her app later She is she's an astrologist and she's amazing. She she's like published She's really an intelligent person, but she's an app where like you can do your birth chart Have you done this though? because like I'm an Aquarius But then if you do your birth chart based on like the date and time in which you were born You're totally not the sign you think you are You


Yes. So my Isn't that wild? Yes. So my friend's stepdad, he's into all of this. Yes. So he did my profile. Okay. And I cannot express how much it was everything I was reading it being like, fuck, that's me. What is,


do you remember your sign of from your birth chart?


No, but I think I, it's, it's like, so it, I,


my, I'm a Libra rising in my birth chart, but I'm an Aquarius. I was born, you know, February 15th, but my birth chart tells me I'm a Libra rising. So it's always like a. There's like, I don't, there's like a whole thing of like you're a different sign and so then it's like you read your horoscope of like the sign that you have always thought you were and the sign of your birth chart says you are and it's like that, that combo pack is like why are people writing about me? This is weird.


I didn't even think about I'm gonna have a look but you know what he did do? He was like I can do your Compatibility test. He did it. He did not hear it. My friend's dad. And my friend stepped out, and I was like, Okay, well, I asked Aaron, like, when he was born. He said, and he estimated it. And Compatibility is like, not the best, but there are elements where I can see like how we are with one another. So, you know, like strands or whatever. But what was so funny was he didn't want to give me it. He was so paranoid that he sent me the actual information, but not the percentages. I wrote back to him and I was like, Hey, Bill, I was like, Oh, Don't worry. It will be okay. I was like, I will divorce him. It'll be fine. Send over. I'm gonna move on. I need proof. I need proof. But he was so paranoid because he was doing it. I don't want to tell you your marriage is a failure. No, I know. He's like, oh. But your marriage is a failure. He's like, this is not good. That's so


funny. But


it's, yes. And I think you have to take stuff with like a pinch of salt.


Yeah, for sure. For sure. I'm gonna, I'm gonna send you to Chaney app. I love that one. You can do your own birth chart in there. For free, like it's a, yeah, and it'll tell you your sign based on that. She's great. You should listen to her. She does a podcast too. Wait, what's her name? Channing Nichols. C H A N I C K L S.




I'm gonna I'll add it if any of


the listeners want to know.


Chani's awesome. I actually heard her on the, I was introduced to her on the Glennon Doyle podcast, We Can Do Hard Things. She was on there. That's a great listen. Okay. That particular, I mean all of those are, but that particular episode was great. And that was what got me to download her app and I love it.


Okay, I'm gonna look into it then. I'll post it. Anyway,


so Charlotte, tarot


cards. She's like, oh, that fucking sucks. This bitch. And then we She's like, that's bullshit. Yeah, yeah. We'll find someone else. And then it cuts to Carrie and Mr. Big having dinner. I said, no doubt veal. And then, oh, Carrie I did notice


them having Chinese the other night with the whoopee cushion. Yeah! It was Chinese. Yeah, it was Chinese. Yeah, you're right.


So then she's like, well, I really want to go to church. And what I wrote is like, I feel like she's, she's pushing it for him to, instead of just being like naturally, like we spoke about for him to say, I want you to be part of this, knowing that she's not religious. And I'm sure they must have had that conversation or sins. But she's like, but I want to come. I want to meet your mom. And I can see how much he's tried. He's trying to tactfully deal with it.




And I think this is probably why he throws out. Why don't we go on vacation? Why don't we go to Caribbean? Yeah. Why don't we go away? A


different distraction. Yeah. Yeah. I think so. Yeah. And I will say like, I think it's okay to say out loud the things that you want. And I think you also have to give some grace on the response or the timeline. You know what I mean? Yeah. It's okay to say, I'm in a place where I'm ready to meet your mom. Yeah. I want to. But I also think this is Carrie, Trying to get a level of intimacy that she's ready for without saying, I love you.


Yes. You know, yes, you're right. I agree


in a mature, you know, secure, like mentally well, not mentally well, but like a, just a more like aware sense. Cause I feel like a lot of her taxes, tactics in this relationship are, you know, based in some ancient behavior. Yeah. In a mature way, you would, you would just say like, Hey, like Like it wouldn't matter what they say back. It would just say like, I just want you to know that I have come to the realization that I love you. And like, while that is really vulnerable to say without knowing that they're going to say it back, that's also honest.




And like grown up. Yeah. To be able to just say it out loud, you know? Yeah,


agreed. Yeah. Yeah, I do agree. And it's, yeah, I agree. And you can see from like just how she's acting. That she wants to say it, but you're right, she's trying to find other ways to make him say it, so now she's pushing situations on him. To


be fair to Carrie, in my whole life, like, I've never said it first. Like, it's like ingrained in me as a girl, woman, female, that like, that's the cardinal sin of like, you don't say it first, right?


I don't know. I'm trying to, I think, I think I said it first to iron. Did I? Oh, I know. I need to May let, verify that. Lemme go ask him after this. I think I probably said it first to everyone. I definitely goes back to the non-Cat calling. Look, I need to, to myself out there. Okay. People. So, look, it worked out sister.


It worked out. Like that's worked out. I'm, I definitely, I've never said it first. No. I don't think ever, I


think it was me, however you say. Like it's good to put it out there and I feel like now I would also feel comfortable putting out there at the time if it was me that said it first I definitely expected a back right back and I think either I said it first and he said it right back


or he said it and I said it straight back. With Jason I definitely said everything but before he said it like That we would, you know, they were like, Oh my


God, I love spending time with you. Or


like, and he had said it in not so many words to me too. Like there would be moments like in bed and like, like you just know, like I'm so in love with you. Like we had said that to each other before, like actual words. Yeah. Yeah. And I did say, it's real close. Right. I said that I had, I said that to him. It first, I said that, but there was other anyway, but he was the one, the first time who like, I love, did you immediately immediately I, well, it took me a minute. Cause he was, it was so cute. The way he actually, we were,


this is why our guys don't listen to podcasts.


I do not tell people that shit. We were actually, he like got sick one night. I mean, you should have been urgent care. You're like, let's make her like episode within like the first few months of us dating. And he. Doctors and needles and the whole thing. It was, it was 2021. So it was still like a very like hyper COVID moment. So you could, I couldn't go in. Yeah. Yeah. And so he totally lies. And so we're married and they come get me out of the parking lot. And they're like, he needs you. Like, he's not like, you got to come in. Like,


I know he needs me.


He can't live without me. Okay. And so like, they let me come in with him, which is like not a thing. Like when he had told these people, like either she comes in or I'm fucking leaving. Like I can't do anyway. So we're in there together and he's got like an IV in him and like, yeah. And we're like, there's, and he like, we masks on like the whole thing. Right. And we'd been in there for a little bit. And he he like pulled his mouth. Never forget this. Like he pulled his mask down and he pulled mine down and he was like, I love you. And like, he immediately started kissing me. So I couldn't even say it back. Because like, you know, you just like, yeah. It was like that was like a, that's out of a fucking movie like that. I know. This is movie. I know. Yeah, it was. That was a, yeah, that was a, you've


like so many movie moments.


My life is like real cool.




It really is though. Like I have all the crazy, dramatic bottom shit too. Okay. Don't let me Instagram this to you.


Like, there's there's money of terrible shit too. I'll tell you all about, but like, that's. That was a good one. That was a good one for sure. So then he says, let's go to the Caribbean. And then I think she's like, okay.


Okay. So let, can we just, so travel is one of my love languages. And if that dude had been like, if I had been like, I want to meet your mom and he'd been like, let's go to the Caribbean, I'd be like, Hey, I'd be like, I don't ever need to meet your mom. Oh yeah. That's


right. Cause I think she says something about Camden. He's like, don't worry.


I got it. Buy me margarita when we get there. I


know. Fuck yes, babe. I love that. Fuck yes, Fuck. I know. I love that. Should I pack? We're out of this bitch. Like that's, I know. It makes me think like so much and I appreciate it's a TV show, so it's hard not to get like fully involved, but I was like, okay, I understand why he's throwing that out there. Mm-Hmm. understand. So then it cuts to Miranda with her guy. And then they've had sex again, and I think they've maybe done it a couple times at this point. Yeah. He goes to have a shower and she says, Hey, there's nothing sinful about sex. And he's like, and I love the way he reacts. You


make me fucking freak out. He's


just like, Oh, thank you. Thank you for telling me this. You're like a zombie. No. You're a zombie in my stomach. Which I love how he reacts, but also like, I appreciate where Miranda's coming from. It's such a normal thing to be like, hey, it's all okay. Yeah. And


I appreciate, I do think that Miranda was 100 percent in the right. I agree. Of like, she's just trying to like, help you realize that like, We're grownups now. Yeah,


it's okay.


It's okay. I'm not gonna wrap your knuckles. Like it's fine. Like this, like this is what we tell. Thank you. Don't Miranda. Stop it. Stop it.


She's like, let me go through the department. I


have a, I have


a BHS.


But yeah, that like, she was fully just trying to absolve and he fucking freaked out. And I will say this, like, this is Catholics are a different breed. Okay. Like


I've never dated one.


I have so my soul sister best friend in the world was raised Catholic and like When we lived together our freshman year in college, I got a real up close and I hate it for them because like I feel like every Catholic I've known has a real fucked up view of like God and Jesus and religion and all that shit. And they all carry this amount of guilt. And most of the ones I've been close to have decided they're agnostic because like,


yeah, we're, we know, yeah,


it's like, they






it's like, if they're like this, I just can't, that's an extreme. It


is. It can be. And to be fair, it's so crazy because like Catholicism is like the largest Christian denomination in the world.


So we're sorry, you were raised Catholic. No,


no, no. I was raised Southern Baptist, which is. Almost as bad.


I was raised. Christian Protestant


Protestant. Yeah, I was gonna say that. No. So Christianity is all the same, right? Like we all genuinely God, right? All one God. We all believe in Jesus. And you know, that he died on a cross and absolved us of our sins. Coming up to blah, blah, blah. Yeah. Easter this weekend. But Christianity has denominations, which is like Protestant, Baptist, Methodist, Catholic Lutheran.




all those and each




I am really honestly


why I do this. Like I'm at a fucking nothing, but I feel like I'm sitting here being like, Oh,


no, I was raised in the South in religion. And like, you know, this shit, right? So church of Christ, another one. I had a really good friend of church Christ when I was in high school. Anyway, those are all denominations of Christianity. And so each one of those denominations carries these. Transcribed Certain specific belief systems within their denomination. So like Catholics drink, they have no problem with drinking or dancing and they believe in random confession, but that's a pillar. I always


wanted to do. I always


wanted to confess. Anytime you want you to go to any








in that booth and just tell your sins. I've always


wanted to be like, forgive me, father, for I have sinned. I've always wanted


to do that. Especially Southern Baptists do not drink, do not dance, do not fornicate. Do not know how to have fun. That's a personal one for me. Church of Christ. Believes they're the only ones actually going to heaven.




so cute of them. I want to


be part of that group.


You don't, they're not a lot of fun. They, their music in their church, all acoustic. They don't believe in instruments. Like they're very, very, very specific beliefs. So everyone has its own like little specific beliefs. This is why I think religion is a crock of shit, but whatever.


That's so crazy. I, I don't, I thought my, like, I say mine,


the one you were raised in. Yeah.


I don't know. It's just the bible, right?


Lutheran's up. So my grandmother is Lutheran and which is funny that we were Southern Baptists since she was Lutheran, whatever. I always think that Lutherans and cause Charlotte's Lutheran. Yeah. They're like the They're like the, like the Oh, what's the word I'm looking for? They're kind of like the the wasps of religion. Does that make sense? Like, they're, they're like, you know, it's fine. Everything's fine and we're pretty and it's fine. We have straggling outfits, it's fine. We're going to heaven and it's fine. Fun. Like they're like that, and there, there's nothing super in your face about their denomination. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, I do. Yeah. Yeah. Yes,


I do. Lutherans


are definitely that Methodist kind of like right underneath that. Yeah. So Michael, my ex-husband's grandfather who, he was raised by Methodist preacher, so Michael also grew up hardcore in the, in the church. Yeah. Yeah. I don't believe in religion. I believe in God.


I believe in God.


And don't believe in religion.


Yeah, I'm, I'm with you there. Religion's a crock of shit. Yeah, I'm with you there. Yeah,


it's a way to control society. It works really well. Yes. Works great. But yeah,


it does. But yes, I do agree. Yeah. Definitely. So all that. I'm like, look after me, God, give me my Chanel bag, please. I pay to him every night.


I love that people, it always cracks me up too. It's like sports or like anything you see on TV or like, I give it all to God. Do you, do you really think Jesus gave a shit if he made that touchdown?


Oh no, they're saying God.


Yeah, you're right. See how ingrained it is in me. I'm kidding. I can't Jim Crutcher did not






did not care about that touchstone, okay. So then it cuts after Miranda, obviously they've broken up at this point, it then cuts to Samantha and James and oh my god, this is when they say they love each other. Yes, she said it out loud. It's been like weeks and they've not. Oh God.


And she's had sex with him still. This episode for me with Samantha, as much as I love everything Samantha stands for, it was so hard to watch because like, she's so out of character. I know. I could, I do not understand why the writers didn't listen to her. Like, I do understand at the end of it, but like, It's so different. Yes. It's so weird to see her like this.


And especially, like, he seems like a great guy. Like I said, like, initially, like, he's saying all the right things. Like, he comes across as James Bond. He does


seem like a great guy. But,


I don't know. So, anyway, now she's like,


Let's do this.


Now I want to fuck. I don't even think she says that. I think she would say make love. No, it's because you're sweet. Yeah. She's like, I


want to make love. She's like, honey, I can't wait any longer. Like, get over here. Just do it.


Let's do it. And then she unzips and she's like, get over here. And he puts it in and she's like, oh my God, tell me when it's in. She's like,


I'm ready. Put it in. And he's like, it's in. Oh


no. Oh




Like of all people for this to happen to,


oh, I will say this too, and this may be a big misconception that I have developed in my life, but like there are ways to tell Samantha, like, and of all people, people I know, did you not grab. No, not in that, but like, I have always said that you can tell the size of a man's dick by his hands. What do you mean you so like, like how big they are because Yes, in, in a gen, like you could get a general scope of like as a eye up, everyone's hands


moving. What do you mean? Like thickness?


So it's like the size of their hand in general.'cause I feel like extremities on a man's body, I don't know, it doesn't equate to women, but I feel like extremities on a man's fight. This is the whole joke they've made about Trump forever. That he has small hands. Like this is the reason they've made that joke. Because like, it's not just me who thinks this?


Does he have small feet?


Right, so


there's the other one.


I don't know that to be, I don't know that to be true. But I know they made fun of his small hands. So I feel like an extremity on a man, like his hand fits around it. So like you can get an idea of like what it is based on what fits around it. And then I had this really good friend for a very, very, we're still friends, but we were very, very, very, very close through high school and college. And she was my sister for a long, long time. Love her to death. Hey, Vicky. She would always say it was their fingers. And like you could tell like the shape of their dick from their fingers to be fair. That's pushing it. But like, she's not completely wrong. Like, there are cues. There are cues here, Samantha. Like,


if it's


gonna be so small, you don't know if he's in there or not. There are cues.


I mean, yeah, that's a lot. I, I, I, so you're saying all this so inappropriate. I remember working with someone in my previous company, his hands, his fingers were so thick.


He had a huge thing for sure. No,


they were so thick. Like, it was off putting. Yeah. Like, you know what I mean? You would shake someone's hand and like.


It's like a paw. Yeah, like a bear paw. Just like.


Yeah. Yeah,


for sure. Like that, I don't know. I feel like there's cues. Nonetheless, poor Samantha. But


also, really, like, you weren't like kissing or fondling. Like, you never once put your hand. Like, wait for,


or even on your leg, or like, I don't know. I mean, she obviously was like super out of character for this.


I just, I felt disappointed for her.


For sure, especially because like, even though it was so out of character, you always hate for someone to be having all those lovely, you know, serotonin released feelings, chemical attraction with someone, and then like, it just like, Let it just be like a terrible fucking thing. And do they cut from them having sex to the bar where they're all out together? Cause there's a moment?


Then they cut to Sunday morning, Carrie and Miranda go to church.


Oh, God. This is so excruciating. I mean,


the fact that, like, Miranda's such a good friend. And honestly, I would probably do the same. But have they all met big at this point?


Yeah. No. No. Well, they saw him in the restaurant and he was out with the other woman's that's, but I don't think officially they have.


Okay, so then, I don't know. Can


we talk about their outfit choices for a minute? I, no. If you are trying to be self a conspicuous, why are you wearing a bright orange? I know. And a bright pink hat This three times the size of your I know. Not body. Not honestly. All of this




me feel uncomfortable. Wow. You wear black, Carrie uncomfortable. You wear black people your hair back. You wear a veil bitch like this.


But it's just like, why would you, I don't know. Like it's too much. He specifically said, this is something I do with my mom. And I think he also said, I'm not ready. I'm not ready. He did the fact that she shows up with Moran and to be fair, they go up to the top, but then of course she drops a book. And if that was me, I would have fucking you dog and I would have hit the ground and I would not have. Made eye contact. He doesn't care about Miranda. Who cares? He doesn't know her, yeah. The fact that she was like, whoops, whoops, whoops. And she's like, hey. And he looks up and even Like green flag will take your flag system. He doesn't even look fucked off. No. And if that was any other guy, they would be like, what are you doing?


It's me. And it's some dude I would be fucking pissed. Yeah, but it's


just awkward. But then he was probably like, okay, that's crazy. I know why she's here. I'm not going to see her, but it's the fact that she


waits. And she's like, Oh no, I need to, cause they saw me. No bitch, you need to get the fuck out of there and pretend it never happened. Don't force yourself on his mom.


I feel like that to me was like, as we see this episode transpire in their relationship, to me, if I was big, that would have been a massive red flag.




Cause if you have a boundary, you've made that boundary clear. And she just didn't give a fuck.




And then I appreciate. him being like, Oh, this is my friend, Carrie. What was he going to say at that point? And I, and I love older. What was he going to say? Yeah. Girlfriend.


And what I love is she monologues. Like I looked for any sense of recognition in his mother's face. Like she's like,


Like, Carrie, Carrie, like, you know, Carrie, like me, like the one, me, I know love of his life, right? No,


yeah, that was awkward as hell. And like, again, like you shouldn't have gone. If he noticed you there, you shouldn't have stayed after. And yeah, I would just


be like, Oh, it's my article. Then I didn't think, and I, never would have stayed. Or


just admit like, I'm sorry, my bad, like I overstepped. But you don't force the meeting of the mother.


And I also don't think I would have been upset with him saying, this is my friend. Cause how old's Big at this point? 40?


45? Gotta


be, right. He must have been 45. He was like 10 years older. Older than her, yeah. But I even find like, with my dad, only cause he's older, I say his partner. Like who he's dating, I would say like girlfriend.


No, even at my age, like I, it's something that I talk about with Jason all the time. Like, I'd make fun of it because I'm like, it sounds so silly for me to say I have a boyfriend. Yeah. Like I'm like, what are you guys saying? Oh, it's my boyfriend. It's not my friend. So like, I hate it when I'm in a professional setting and I have to introduce him because and he and I've had this conversation where I feel like as a woman, for me to say that it takes me down a notch.


What by saying boyfriend? Yeah.


Like it is. I am seen as like less serious or respectable because I have a boyfriend and for him, I think it doesn't fucking matter. Like I think for a man in his 40s to have a girlfriend, they're like, ah, good on you old chap. You know? And so I have the back. Yeah. Yeah. I find myself calling him my partner. Okay. Which then it makes people think I'm a gay I'm gay, which what I'm totally cool with that. Like, please think I'm a lesbian. That's fine. It's fine. But like, I say that and then like, yeah, or I'll just like introduce him and not say what he is to me.


Yeah. But then it's yeah, I know. I don't know. Cause I always think that about my dad. I'm like, I don't know how else to say it. I don't want to say girlfriend.


I know. It is his girlfriend. But then you're like,


it is girlfriend. It is partner. Yeah.


I know. And then it's like, do I get like this is my domestic partner, Is that where I go with that? I don't know. I've, I've told Jason that many times and I'm like, honestly, like just saying like, this is my fiance. That's fine. Yeah. It's like that, like just that little Yeah,


it's so true. Yeah. It,


and it's, and I feel like it's more on women than men for sure. Yeah, it's true. Yeah, you're right. Yeah.


So I totally understand why Big is like, this is my friend. I get it. I don't think I would have questioned that. Nor would I have thought anything.


I see you still would have had a little bit of like, eh. You know, like it would have dug a little bit at you. Well,


I would have liked to think I wouldn't put myself in that situation. You wouldn't. You wouldn't. But if I did. Yeah. I would understand why he would potentially react in that manner. And I appreciate how she's like, it's so nice to meet you. I'm going to go take myself out of this situation to be fair to again, like she


probably didn't, you dropped the book off a balcony. Mama didn't know he knew you. I know. Big saw you. I know. You didn't have to put that on his mom. At all. You could have bounced and y'all could have laughed about it three days later. I know. Like that was where it was, you were definitely overstepping.


Yeah, I agree. I completely agree. And then I feel for Big because then, unfortunately, she then Confronts him about it, and he says the worst thing you could ever say. He's like, she doesn't need to meet another girlfriend and I feel for him in that moment.




because clearly his head is like I'm not there yet Yeah, I like where this is going. Yeah, he's a different maturity level Whereas for her that is the worst thing you could do and I understand that if I also heard that I would have been like Oh fuck this. Yeah, why are we together? Right? But I understand why he said that. I get


how he was already frustrated. He already said about Audrey. She'd already crossed him. He handled


it way better than most guys.


That was his moment of like, he was, he was pissed. Like, yeah. And then he immediately apologizes for it. I know, I know. I didn't mean that, you know, he tries to backstab it, but like the words are all out. Rihanna


will carry, it's all out. And then he says, he will introduce her when he knows. Which I appreciate him adding that in. Yeah. And then he says, you need to have faith. Which ties into the, I don't have faith. I don't have faith. So then she's like Well, right now she's in a mood, but it's true. You can tell she's like, whatever. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Fine.


Fine, yeah.


And then Miranda comes back in, Carrie's sitting down in the church, and she says, I can't get inside his heart. And it feels like, to me, it's very like, Last episode with the drought and now this one. It's very like rushed. It's like she's, it was all great honeymoon season and then all of a sudden she's like questioning everything.


It's such a red herring too that I can't get inside his heart because I feel like. It's so funny to re watch this first season, because I empathize so much with Big, and I see so much of Carrie's mistakes in it, which I previously did not. And, but like, the, I can't get inside his heart is such a theme of their relationship through the whole series. Until we get to movie time. Yeah, it's great. Oh my gosh, yeah. Yeah, the very, very end of the series, and then it, you know, takes over into the movies, but like, that is that's something she struggles with a lot. Yeah.


Yeah, and it's interesting because I feel like if she just takes herself out of the situation, just has a normal conversation with him, I feel like he's pretty open about it. Like, with his ex wife, like, he's like, hey, this is what happened. My mom, I don't want you to meet her. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, he's


never And obviously big is carrying some baggage of a failed marriage and a string of women of not finding the person who was right for him. Yeah. And like, he's protective of that with his family. And that makes sense because he's older and because he's had a failed marriage. And like, the thing is too, is like looking back at it now, it's like, if Carrie had been, and it may just be a maturity thing, but like, if Carrie had just like done the work on herself.


I know. They could have been perfect from the beginning. I know. I think so too. I honestly think so


too. Really boring series. Oh, yeah.


This is gonna be like the one you're like, and he lives happily ever after. So then we cut to Stanford and he invites everyone to a party and it's the perfume fallen angel. He's in a church. Is it a real? Oh, I don't know. I didn't look that up. Oh, I don't know. I bet it is.


But I love that it was in a church and it's a full gay club scene with like mostly naked men in cages dancing. it. Like, it's like, it's totally where I would have been in my 20s and early 30s. I




it. I do too. And he's got a new boyfriend, which I love. Yes. Come on. Yes. I see. I remember the gay boy's name. I know.


I never wrote it down. I just said he's introducing his boyfriend and then he's like, Carrie, tell me about your vacation. What's going on with you both? And then she obviously goes into details, like what happened.




And then what I love the most about this episode is Miranda then bumps into Skipper. Oh my God. I was like,


the moment he showed up, I was like, Francine is dying. I was like, Oh,


Skipper's back.


Thank God. I love that they brought him back full circle in the final episode of the first season. I know. I


love that.


And I love that he comes up to her and he's like, Hey, You know what's up. And she's very, you know,'cause she's still in her drought.


She's in her, oh, you know, she's fucking immediately, she's like, thank fuck is been four months. Yes.




we is. Skip her. We're going home. What's up? What's up? He's not gonna say no.


He's like, you look great. And she's like, she loves her so much. He does what wants. Saturate, like, thank you. You do too. And he's like, but I love the part where like, they're like, they show it like intermittently with the club scene and at the end of it, and she's like, do you want to stay the night tonight? And he's like, the whole night, I


know. And she's like, oh, come on skipper, let's go. And


he's like, I knew we would get back together. I lit a candle every night and thought, and she's like, you're weird. Let's go. Let's.


But he isn't. Do you know what's crazy about their relationship is like, he's such the girl. Like, in my head, I'm like, Oh, I like Hondo every night. Like, I get it. But he stays out loud and Miranda is such the male in that relationship. Oh, I know.


She's so detached and like, so, and it's, she's, the funny thing is I don't remember him being in season two. So, she's fully about to use him and drop him again.


I know. I think so. Oh, they should bring him back for like, in Just Like That.


Or we just, Spencer, come on the pod.


Yeah. Right? Yeah. Yeah. Still, he has not even read my message, which is very sad. Get it together. I know, I know. Is that his real name?


No, no, that's what we're going to call him.


Okay, so then, oh, and Samantha's in the ladies room. She's doing her lipstick, and I love that she does it, and it's all like little. She rolls her lipstick out, and it's like a little two inch skinny thing, and she gives it this like. Look, air lipstick, that is my favorite part of the whole episode. Like, that is Oh my god if they all come in and they're like, oh my god what's wrong and she just can't hold it together. She runs back into the bathroom, like the toilet. She is legit crying. And then she's like, James has a small dick. And then they're like, what do you mean? Blah blah blah blah blah. And she's like, three inches hard. Hard. And no, it's so funny because


Charlotte, the ultimate optimist, is like, No, but like, it's, like, it's okay. And Carrie's trying to like, also be like, it's okay, it's fine. And she's like three inches hard and they're all like, all together like,


oh. I know.


Like, no, that's, that's, and then Charlotte's like, how is he with his mouth?


I know, I love that she says that. She's trying, she's really trying. But just knowing Samantha, she's like, I just love a big dick. She's like, I love it in me, I love to put my mouth on it. I look, I love everything


about it. Like, she's like, she's, it's such a If that was Charlotte, she'd marry that guy. Oh,


for sure. Yeah, for sure. Poor


Samantha. There'd


be no issues. Yeah. Charlotte would be like, his dick's perfect. It's fine. It's no big deal. Like that's. With his tongue. Yeah. So then Charlotte then goes off to another tarot reading. But I think she goes. somewhere. Doesn't she go like somewhere random in like New York?


That was the thing that made a big deal of it. So like she went to like a really like sketchy neighborhood. Very sketchy. And I love that scene where there's like a chicken behind her and like there's a translator because the woman only speaks Spanish and it's obviously Was it Spanish? It was Spanish. Yeah. Oh, okay. Only because my, my, my subtitle said Spanish. Oh,


my God. Cause I was like, I, I don't know. I thought she was maybe just making it up.


No, I love subtitles. Okay. But she, so she's like in a real sketchy area and this, this very, out there psychic who's like, you know, cracking eggs and has chickens in the background. No


yolk. No yolk though.


Yeah. And she tells you the same thing. You're never going to get married. And the, the, the, the frown lines on her forehead when she, did you see how much Botox she needed? Oh, I know.


I notice that all the time about people. She


frowned so much. Now I have










a lot.


No, it's, that was like pre Botox though.


I know.




But then it's like you get to a certain point where you're like, Oh, it's filler. Is it, is it gonna hap Is that gonna happen? No, cause we're preventative.


That's what I'm saying. I've been doing this since I was 13. No, we're




Okay, we're never gonna happen to you, filler. You just said no, we're good. We're good. We're fine. Don't stop going. I was talking the other day about filler, but our lady was saying threads here instead of filler. We'll fill that back in. Like this, you see what I'm talking about, like this is why it comes from smiling. Why,


why versus fillers.


I just worry about fillers like looking puffy. Oh,


I see. Yes. No one wants a pillow face. Yeah


Yeah, well, I've seen it on a handful of people that I'm like, it's just very obvious It's too it's like that in the lips like that's I would love to just get that little bit of bump on my top lip Yeah, it cannot look like you did anything. That's why you




to get




flicks That's what I'm saying. Lip flip. Yeah. Yeah. But like I've seen lips, like if I can look at you from your profile and see it. Mm-Hmm. No, I know, I know. Yeah. I hate that. I hate that. But she said threads instead of filler would like bump that back up a little bit.


And Justin, if you do it, I wanna see it. I love threads. Yeah.


I love'em on my neck, so I'm like, why not? Like, try some more. Yeah. Fuck it.


Do it.


Do it.


And then


Charlotte get some Botox.


Do it. It is crazy though, how you do notice it now. I know.


Yeah. Well, and they all do, like as the, as this progresses, they've all had lots done. But like in that first episode to, and


just like that,


I know it, I can


honestly from, I know we're like seasons away, but. really think we need to sit together when you watch that first episode. Like I want to, I want to have a microphone. Give a live reaction. No, I seriously do. Like, I think we


can even like blend it into the pod. No, we really need to. I've never seen it. I feel like


it's just going to be really extreme for you. And I'm really here for it. Okay. So then, Oh yeah. So then they open the yolk. No, sorry. They open the egg, there's no yolk, and the guy's like, You're never gonna be married. But there's a curse. Let me remove the curse. Extra hundred bucks. And I love that Charlotte is like,


He'd be like, this is bullshit. If


it was me, I'd be like,


oh, okay. No, I know.


I love that knowing Charlotte, She's like, this is ridiculous. Yeah, she


was immediately over it, which is good for her.


Yeah, and then immediately she bumps into a beautiful man outside and she's like, and then my faith back. Faith


in marriage was restored. She just


needed to bump into a great guy. Who was


like, who gave her like a, an eye. Yes, that's all


she needed.




So then back at the party at 3 a. m. Oh, this is where Miranda's like, okay, Skipper, stay over. And then We cut to Samantha who's fucking James and she's crying and he's like, why are you crying? She's like, I'm just so happy.


Oh Poor baby. It makes me so sad for her like, oh It's almost there Samantha. You're better off without girl. You have a great life. We've seen it. It's amazing


I know what's interesting is like, I guess they remain together Until season two. Because he's not in season two. Because I just realized this.


Yeah, it's like the end of season two. He's not in season two though. He is. What? I think they must be.


They are. I know they are. I just let it flash forward.


Oh, I can't wait to see that. They are.




She's still with the tiny penis guy? That's it. She really goes some, why don't she Charlotte it out on that one? I know. Wow.


Very interesting. Never again. Never again does Samantha do that. It cures


her of the need for love like that. Sorry, Smith. Never.


So now it cuts to Carrie, she's ready for a vacation. Mr. Big comes to pick her up. I love




And then she's like First of all, her outfit. Gorgeous. Yeah. I love it. Especially with the, the, the box for like the hats. Yes. I love that. Her bag. I know. And


off the shoulder. I loved this outfit on her. I love her


luggage. You can tell she doesn't go on vacation a lot because of that. Like, you know what I mean? Like, it's like, you can tell this is like a one minute




Anyone else would be in like joggers lagging. She's like, they


travel very little in this series. And tell the movies, you know, like they don't go there's an LA thing. Yeah, obviously it's that is


it though Yeah,


it costs more money to film elsewhere. Yeah,


it's just la in the hamptons.


Yeah and new york ever again No, they don't travel a lot. So she's not a professional like us No, but yeah, she looks amazing. He gets there in the car She's coming down to meet him And


then you can tell she's hovering. She's like, let's go. We're going to miss the flight. I really just want you to say I love you. She's like, I need a sign. Yeah, she needs a sign. They're running late. Good for him for being patient. And she says,


just tell me I'm the one. Oh, it just hurts so much to watch her do this. And like, cause I love him and her so much. And to see his reaction in his face and he just can't do it.


But it's just, Again, she wanted to hear that he loves her, but instead of going to that, it's like she needs to know that she's the one. And I feel like that's a big expectation, but again, I'm trying to put myself in that perspective, but we would be the same age. So if this was me 10, 15 years ago, I can understand her seeking that. Validation. Extreme validation of like, I want to be the one, even though knowing your whole life is like, very different. Right. But being at this stage, I'm like, that is a lot to ask of someone. That early on. Especially when you've been married before. Like, you've been


married before. Yeah, and I mean, that early on, and it's like giving no consideration for his own, like, You know, relationship issues or what he's left over with from a divorce. And like, again, it's, it's,


we're four or five months into this. I know, like how long has he been divorced? Yeah.


And I mean, to be fair, like I've never been in a serious relationship where they didn't tell me they loved me in the first three months. Like that's, you know,


I mean, Same. So I, I get it a little bit, but relate to the seeking of that validation. But


I'm going to say this, I'm never going to do that right before we go on vacation. Like I'm not trying to fuck up a vacation. Like when we get back, we can talk about that. Like, and


it's like, I just, Like I, I see this and I, I understand like they're closing the season. She's like, I can't do this, but I wish, and I, and this is also Mr. Biggs maturity being like, I don't think he has time for this shit. So immediately he's like, okay, he gets back in the car, he's in a fight for her, and I think that goes back to however his previous relationships were, and I just don't think he has time for it and the boundaries, but I wish she had just gone with him. And I think things would have been so different.


Yeah, me too. I think that at this point for him, like, she's crossed a boundary with his mom. Yeah. He's still doing this trip with her. Yeah. He has, he's like,


well, I don't know what else he hasn't gotten


angry about any of that. He's been very cool. At all. He's dealt with her crazy multiple times to this point. Like Carrie should have just like calmed the fuck down and gone on a vacation with her boyfriend and had a fabulous damn time and kind of just let things happen naturally, you know? I think they needed it. Quit forcing it.


I know it's such a shame and then she says I love you, but I can't and he says so that's it. Yeah, and that's it


I know and that when she says it out loud like I love you But I can't like that just stabs in my heart because I do feel so much for her of where she is But like I it's so funny to watch in reverse because I remember watching this episode the first time I hate them


you fucking asshole. I know absolutely. I hate big fat Foresee them. Me too. Like I really did. I see it


so different. Like when Amy comes along, I'm like, yes, yes. And like I hate big for interfering back. Yeah, same. No. And now watching it back, I'm like, I get you big. I see you. I know, I see you. I understand, man. That's, yeah. Carrie's a little crazy,


but I do wish he would've fought for her. Yeah. Even just like a little bit.


I know. Or just like some reassurance try of like, listen baby, like let me get there.


Which he does well, I mean. I think he does say that, right? He's like, let's just go on vacation. He does say he's like, just see how it goes.


Just get in the car.




But that's not the same thing. That's not the same thing.


But also you're like, big, you could have just been like, sure.


You gotta lie big. Just lie. Like there's no, there's so many lawyers. I know, but like, there's so many ways he could have reassured her. Like,


I think it's heading the rightwell, honestly, I feel the way Carrie was, nothing would have been a response outside of,


I love you. You're the


one, I love you,


yeah. So


I think regardless, she wouldn't have accepted that.


Her crazy would not have allowed it. It's a tough cliffhanger end to the first season. And like, especially because we all, especially the first time we saw it, like, we all had such, you know, we were so invested in their relationship. So, like, that is, it's tough for sure. And I remember seeing it the first time and just being like, my heart hurt.


Yeah, same. Yeah. Whereas now I'm like, Harry. Get your shit together. What the fuck? I know. And now I'm like, did big go? I don't know. I know, yeah, he totally did. Because what a waste of money. He totally did he would have called that girl with this How did he get his password back? Remember the girl at the party? No, he had her


passport. Well, hopefully he took her passport. He's like, hey girl, I'm at the airport. No, I feel like Big went and he had a fabulous time because he's totally comfortable being alone. I think so too. He probably met some chicks, like, he drank and he laid by the pool and he got a tan. Big went. Big went to St. Bartholomew and had a great time. Yeah, I think so too. And, because we start, I don't remember exactly how season two started, but I know they're not together. No. So, yeah, he totally went. They're at the ballgame. Listen. Good for you, Big. I know.


the first season. I remember that. I think so, yeah. I love that episode with the fur coat again.




the best.


So, I


guess we're ending the episode. Oh my god. We're ending the season. Season one is a wrap. And what we're feeling is Horror myths are big.


It's so un feminist of us. I wonder if you liked the slap thing they do on movies, where it's like, that's a wrap.


Yeah! I mean, we have it. Oh! Wait, hold on. We're gonna get it. We're in the media room. We have it. Ready?


Season 1, that's a wrap.


That's perfect! Oh my gosh.


Do do


do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do


do do do do do do do do do.