City After Dark: Rediscovering Sex and the City

City After Dark Season 2 Epsiode 1: Take me out to the ballgame

July 02, 2024 francene and coryne Season 2 Episode 1
City After Dark Season 2 Epsiode 1: Take me out to the ballgame
City After Dark: Rediscovering Sex and the City
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City After Dark: Rediscovering Sex and the City
City After Dark Season 2 Epsiode 1: Take me out to the ballgame
Jul 02, 2024 Season 2 Episode 1
francene and coryne

Welcome back to City After Dark! Coryne & Francene are BACK with new Season 2 rewatch of Sex and the City! 

After Carrie's break-up with Mr. Big, despite Charlotte's rule it takes half the duration of a relationship to get over it, she lets true fan Miranda take her and Sam to the Yankees stadium, where she accidentally catches a ball and thus meets and invites, to everyone's surprise with success, charming baseball star Joe Starr to a party but bumps into Big there. Samantha is still miserable and tries to physically coach her James in bed, to no avail. Charlotte finds a lover with only one drawback, instinctive reaching for his balls, and buys him boxer shorts - which he finds too possessive.

Show Notes Transcript

Welcome back to City After Dark! Coryne & Francene are BACK with new Season 2 rewatch of Sex and the City! 

After Carrie's break-up with Mr. Big, despite Charlotte's rule it takes half the duration of a relationship to get over it, she lets true fan Miranda take her and Sam to the Yankees stadium, where she accidentally catches a ball and thus meets and invites, to everyone's surprise with success, charming baseball star Joe Starr to a party but bumps into Big there. Samantha is still miserable and tries to physically coach her James in bed, to no avail. Charlotte finds a lover with only one drawback, instinctive reaching for his balls, and buys him boxer shorts - which he finds too possessive.

AudioPro X5 Microphone:

all right, we are back. Season two. After a unexpectedly longer pause than we intended. Great things have happened. Yes. We both are traveling and doing fun, amazing things, and yes, that we're back in the swing. You're back. I'm bringing my Taylor swift amazingness from going to see her in Scotland. I'm so, so jealous and so happy for you that you got to do. What an amazing. Terrific. Like all the way around a kid. Believe it. Where are you pissed though? That she brought Travis on like a week after you. No. And then ever since that I'd be manifesting in my head. I'm like if they were going to get engaged. Yeah. He would propose to her on the stage. Would you think so? I don't know if you think there'll be that public. Yes. And I also think he went on the stage to make it like a normal thing. Oh, so many. Doesn't she won't expect it. Maybe he's going to wait until they're back in the states though in like October. He starts. Oh football season. That's true. Maybe he'll do it in London. I thought, well, you know, there's all these people that I follow on ticktock who obsess about all the things Taylor. And there was so many people who were there because so much of their family came to London. Like his whole family was there. Whole her family was there a whole bunch of their friends were there. Yes. And they were all convinced that like they were going to have an engagement party there because so many people think they're already engaged. And they're just not telling people and you know, Taylor's like, Notorious for throwing these unbelievable July 4th parties. So then there's been speculation about that, that like are all atrophy, the wedding. No, I hadn't thought about that. That would be crazy. But know that there's like that they're already engaged and the July 4th party is going to be their big engagement party. And that's why like all the family was there. Oh, maybe. But then I saw, I heard Travis and Jason on their podcast this week. I saw a clip of it and I think Jason's home. Yeah, back in the states. I don't know. I don't know. There's always fun. I know I'm trying not to be as obsessed with that. But we're going to do another quick introduction. For those new listeners and for those existing, and we are super excited to be here in person to kick off season two. You see, after dark. So cringe. You want to go first? Yes. So I'm, if you guys listen to us in our first season, a thank you and be so excited to get into season two for you guys. I am a entrepreneur mom. He Houstonian native Texan who has been obsessed with sex in the cities since. The early two thousands, I'd say I didn't get on board right away. And it was one of the things that bonded me and Francine in our friendship sex and the city is absolutely Had a massive impact on my fashion obsessions and I'll even say fashion sense as well as my expectation of what my circle of friends should look like as I became an adult and I will forever. Love it and appreciate it and quote it. And. Let it permeate into my life. Forever. I love that. Yes for sure. And same. So friends seen I am originally from Scotland, although my accent will continue to deceive people. But I've been living in Houston for about 10 years. And I've known Kevin for nine and a half years. Is that true? Yeah, it must've been because it was pretty soon after I came here. Did I have cross on yet? Was she? No, she wasn't born yet. So she was, was she okay, well, she'll be 10 in September, so we're probably right. Yeah. Yeah. She. Yeah. Which is crazy. And then, yeah, same like I've loved sex and say for years ever since I was about. 15 probably. And similar to Kerryn, like it's really kind of set the tone for me with regards to fashion. And that kind of quality that I'm looking for with that kind of friendships. And also, I appreciate seeing the craziness and other women, knowing that it's okay to be like that too. And also the fact that they made it okay to talk about certain conversations that I love. So we are going to continue to dive in to season two and go through each episode. And this season there's 18 episodes. Oh, compared to the 12th and the first. We have even more, a longer season of podcasting. So excited. And then now we're, this was released in June, 1999. Okay. Whereas the first one was 98. Yeah. So that was a year apart. It was a year apart. Well, they, I think they did that where they, it was like a once a year drop. And that's why it's getting longer 18 episodes versus 12. Yeah. Because I think it was once a year that they came out. Then versus like, remember before we streamed everything and it was like you had a spring season and a fall season. Yeah, I wonder I could be wrong, but I think they did a once a year thing for sex in the city. No, I think you're right. Way back when. Yeah. Which is crazy to think we would have waited that long for it. However, I don't know. Now a days I feel like the streaming platforms are also trying to do that same split. I think they are too. Cause I definitely like what. It was crazy now because we used to have to, like, it took you 18 weeks to watch it. At least. Yeah. Yeah, it was only coming out once a week. If you were watching it, like, you know, live when they were dropping or whatever now it's like you binge something. Like the bear is when I recently got into and I've binged like two seasons in like three weeks. And then it's like, and now it'll be a year. That's the word. Oh, my God, like I just finished, we were talking about bridges and because of course I have the soap in my house. And. I literally watched this so quickly now I'm like, God damn. We need to wait. Yeah. You got to wait though. I mean like three days I'm like, come on. Same as like, if you watched the morning show. Oh, I love that. Love the morning show. But it's literally another year. I'm like you guys need to be, but you gotta think. It's crazy too. I wonder sometimes if producers and actors and all the people involved in that they get pissed off at how much we, how impatient we are probably. Think of what goes into it takes them a year to do it. You know what I mean? And we're just like, I'm like, come on guys. And then we're like, this script is not good enough. As a rushing at home. We're such critics. I mean, God. That's hilarious. Okay. So the first episode of season two is take me out to the ball game. So we're going to scene set and do a summary. So the end of season one big and Carrie broke up. I know crazy crazy. Carrie came out. She wanted him to say he loved her. He couldn't come in. He wanted to go on vacation instead. I'm going to go on vacation in Mexico, right? Yeah. Travel is my love language. So that's as good as saying they would have gone it. It wouldn't be my make or break. I would a hundred percent would have gone. He would have then said, I love you during that holiday. Like come on, get. A little drunk carry, like. Maybe this is when Carrie's like, she never goes outside of like New York. Yeah. I know. It was not until like season six. Do they ever leave New York? They go to LA. I think it is. I could be wrong. It might be earlier than that, but yeah. LA the Hamptons. I love the alley I'm in the movies. They finally travel. That's taken what? 20 years since season one, they couldn't afford a set. Okay. So they had to break up. Yeah, they were like, right. We're going to have to break. Down the plane. We can't afford a plane set. We can't afford. So now we're back and I believe it's been a month since they broke up. Yeah. And like the opening scene, Carrie is like walking down the street and I will say she does not look her Bastille. But she's wearing her fabulous fur coat. And yeah, she just looks very disheveled and last yeah. And she speaks about going through a breakup and like rule one is like, don't bump into your acts unless you look fabulous. And she keeps on looking around thinking that she sees big. But obviously it's just her imagination. The interesting dynamic in New York. And we talked about this in season one to like the running into each other. I wonder how realistic that is, because I mean, in New York, like, do you really run into people that frequent because there's so many people there also, I just like, she mentions in that opening scene that there are certain areas are out of bounds, but I'm like, did they truly run in the same circle? But no, they bumped into you. Each other at like parties and stuff, but yeah, one, maybe I wonder if it's like a neighborhood thing. Like if he, she knows where he lives and like, I could imagine that in New York, like you frequent similar, like little, you know, eateries or. Where you get groceries or drinks or things like that. So maybe that's like, she knows like his usual spots. Yeah, that would make sense that like you could stay away from those things. But I mean, I know in Houston, like Houston is a big city, but it's nowhere compared to like the amount of people in that. Small of a spot. Yeah, and I never fucking. Also, I feel I'm never observant enough. To know is like the way she was looking. She's obviously she. Looking for him. Yes. Man. I feel even sometimes, like when I bumped into people, I'm like, oh shit, like you were saying, like right there, never. Because I'm so engrossed in like, whatever I'm doing. Oh, whoever I'm talking to you that like, I don't know. Oh, I feel my, like ADHD is like off the chart today. Do you know where I went to the other day or. Wild. Have you been there? Yeah, it's right down the street from my house. Yeah. Can we go there for happy hour? Of course, you want to know why. So when you were in London, did you have a porn star martini? No. Why did you. I've heard about it. No. It's this amazing, like passion, fruit. Like martini and they make it very like the presentation just looks great. Huh, but they give you a shot champagne. Yeah. Anyway, I was there for a matcha yesterday. Yeah. Yeah. I looked at the menu. So I've never been before and they had something called I can't remember. It's something martini. But it sounded like it. And I was like, is that anything like, and she was like a porn star martini. And I was like, wait, do you have, and she was like the shop champagne. Yes. And I was like, oh my God, I'm coming straight. Okay. Yes, we have to go. So pre. the whole vibe of it is great. I I've only, I've never had a cocktail there. I've had coffees there. I mean, the CA. Good matchup. Delish and we've had Jason I've been there and we've had some of their like baked goods too. Delicious. Yeah. Anyway I did on the lives in Houston, please pile. It also, so y'all know it's all like Dispensary. Yeah. To dispensary with like all Delta products and CBD. So you can actually get. Those things infused into your drinks, but they also had buds. Is it liberal here also that the the, I know this because of, while that had a long conversation with the owner, Once about this. But that's all Delta bud. So it see me D bud. Oh, yeah. But it has like the Delta effects in it and it, yeah. And it's apparently like the same as, I mean, I love a good Delta gummy. I'm not much of like an actual, you know, like the smokier person, but I, I know people who are, and it is like apparently as good as like quality. Real bud. So I, sorry to interrupt. I just really want to go cause I. Yeah. I've, I've been here 10 years. I've never found a bar. I've heard of that. The fact that they have it here. I was like, oh my gosh, I should've gotten that recommendation before I went to. You know what I got to go back. Okay, so Kerry looks like shit. Not going well. The second scene is Charlotte and Miranda come to Carrie's apartment. They were like, right. We're going to go out. We have some things. Planned planned. And Carrie gets very dressed up. I didn't say, and they obviously didn't tell her. And Miranda when they're leaving the apartment, she's like, you're really overdressed for where we're about to go. I mean, she's wearing like the most fabulous, like floral dress her for co high heel. I at first, I don't think you could ever be overdressed. And that's just my, I, I have been overdressed and so, and I love it. I love to be the person that people are like, why she have on. Yes. Yes, we are at McDonald's and I'm wearing stilettos. What? We're in a ballgown. That's the only way to do McDonald's. I mean, I don't, I'm not going, unless I'm in a ballgown. So as they go in the cab, they go to pick up Samantha and what cracks me up in some of these scenes. And they did it in season one member and they were talking about like up the back conversations. How do they all fit in that back seat? It's got to be. I know. It's obvious. Obviously they're doing that for the staging. Yeah, and that it has to be. That's not normal. Got a regulation size cap. It's like three. I know. Yeah. They they're obviously. I mean, Carrie is like the size of that. But they look. Comfortable. And they're all turning. No. I have is not regulation. That's a state tab. It's got to be, so they go and pick up Samantha who's canoodling with James. So she is still with James. And if you remember. Penis tiny peanut. So I'm also surprised knowing that that's been a couple of months. That she has continued to be with Jane. Yeah. That is shocking. I mean? Yeah. Cause she, they had been together like a month into, when we met him in the last, like couple of episodes and there's and it's been another month. Yeah. Samantha, what are we doing here, girl? What are we doing? Actually knowing like how big, like sex is to her. Yeah. It's wa that's. Yeah. Anyway. I have a lot of pent up frustration. Okay. She's not cheating on him yet. Openly. Yeah. I know. Yeah. So then one of the things she says that cracks me up is when she's saying goodbye to James and she's waving out the window and everyone's like, oh, and she's like me, James and his tiny penis. We're one big family. So we already get the vibe. Yeah. She is not. It has not gotten better. She feels no better about it somehow. She's still in a relationship with him. So then they're at the baseball game. And that's what we mean about her being overdressed. And I say that because her feet must be for. Killing her. Cause they're all the way up to the nosebleed. Yes. And it's also obviously cold, cause they're all wearing significant outer aware up in the nosebleeds in heels. Listen. The truth of Carrie Carrie's entire shoe collection and the reality of her lifestyle. They don't actually mesh, but what's not. I want to believe that they do. It all looks so cool though. Like, I did take like a screenshot when I was watching it yesterday and just like, seeing like Carrie has like. And Charlotte smoke. Yeah. Yeah, Charlotte obviously is like prim and proper, like Miranda is so into the game. And what the fuck. What are we doing here? So, yeah. So one of the things that happens is the bulk is a foul ball and Carrie catches it, which is hilarious in so many. Weighs in and of itself, but Carrie catches the ball. Miranda is wildly into the statistics of the game is like massive. Yeah. Every hit every rock, everything she's like, he's got, she's like naming off all the Yankee stats. And there's a lot. Yeah. So Joe star. Great name by the way for a baseball player. She's like, oh my God, he's a new Yankee, this, this, and this I'm surprised. I don't think we hear Miranda. Speak about sports again. She does it. I remember she does it in a, in a future season. She there's a boyfriend that she's dating. I remember her a couple of times. And I remember her and oh, the M the doctor? Yes. Yes. For the Ellie Laker. Yes. Oh, I loved him. I loved him, but her in. Steve have like he's in a basketball. There's that connection too, where she's like a little bit into it. Yeah. Yeah. Not even funnier knowing that. I know we've digressed. We do that, man, that must have rubbed Steven. There's a whole. There's a whole episode about it where she's like, yeah, we'll get to that. Yes. It's beside himself. That doctor. Oh, yeah, he should have married that one. I agree. Yeah. Great Steve cutter bag. I would love to know what life would have been like, had she stayed with what we need? We need like, yeah. Well, Would it happen? The, what would have been like if Carrie ended up with Aiden and she ended up with the doctor and Samantha stayed with, let's say, James. What is Charlotte was still married to the tray. Yeah. We need the, what would have been. So much. Oh, Anyway, she catches the ball. Yeah. And then cut to, she uses her press pass and gets them down to like the Yankees, the. Locker room. Cause she's Miranda's idea to get the ball signed. Yeah. So they're all like hovering outside, which cracked me up because S. Carrie at this point clearly has like two beers. It's just like no care. Not give a single fucking Miranda even said, she's like your direction. Like whatever, I'm having fun. Like. And Charlotte, the Fiddler and she's like, she's going through a breakup. She's allowed to be drunk. Lovely. Charlotte's little support. She's supporting her. So then the new Yankee comes out and verandas like bang girl. She's like, oh my God is the new Yankee. She's like, I'm a big fan. I think she sees that like three times. And she's like fully like nerding out. Being so awkward and just get rid, did she not remember her name? And then she's like, I have a liar. It's like what? So if I don't sign the ball, you're going to like, she's so funny. Like Miranda has like moments of like, it's weird. I've all the women. She has moments of. Like, sometimes you're like, man, she looks hot other times. You're like, what. I heard. I know. And then other times she comes across as so sophisticated and. And then I feel she's the one that embarrasses her self the most. And she owns it. She's got you know, she's not the you don't fall in love with her immediately. Like even in this season, like she. Kind of like the awkward dude. Number of seasons. Yeah. But then as her character continues to grow her character is, has so much depth. You know, like she definitely. I appreciate where they took that character a lot, but it's a rough start. I know, I still, I cannot wait and I'm sure the listeners who have continued on to, and just like that, we all can't wait to get. We actually have never seen a guys have not watched a single episode. I'm saving it. Saving it for the pod. We're going to do it. I gather. We're going to pause it and do it. Okay. So then Carrie's like, will you sign this ball? And he's like, yeah, sure. And I can tell he's like, thinks she's hot. And she's completely playing it, like cool. And I love that about. Oh, by the way, he is hot. Honestly to this point, one of the best looking guys. In the whole show. Very good looking parents have big, yeah. In a much, I mean, big as that older, sophisticated. Man. Yes. And this is like hot athlete, young, good looking guy. Like very rarely like comes across as like a nice genuine person. He does amazingly, considering that you're meeting him in the locker room of janky stadium, which gives him a lot of cloud, but yeah. And he's got to be younger than her. That's a good question because how old is she? 35. Yeah. If he's a baseball player. Ooh. Yeah. He would be younger anyway. He's very good looking is. They're vibing. He signs her ball. And then That's something else. And she's like, she caught your ball. I mean, she liked blasts. It's such a girly. Oh, my God. So then he like says goodbye and begins to walk off, like down the hallway and carry in a rare moment. It's like, I'm going to go ask them to the Dolce and Gabbana party and Miranda is immediately like, no, no. You can't do that. She's like upset that Gary's about to go shoot your shot with the new Yankee. And she does well and he get, and that's her it's official. They're going on a date. So she invites him to the daunting Abana party thing. And honestly, for me, this is where, cause I know we had it in like season one, but the more she'd speaks about like Dalton amounted, that's always been my favorite, like. Designer and it's because of caring. It's like she wears a lot of Dolce. Yeah. Love it. The whole series. Yeah. Yeah. She's yeah, you're right. I think they'll chase her. Go to as. And then Chloe Manolo, Jimmy and Jimmy, Jimmy. I think that sex in the city launched Jimmy choo. I agree. And that's how I knew about it. They were a hundred percent. Yeah. Probably still have a linkage to this. Me too same. And I mean, to be fair, I don't want to, I don't want to take anything away from Jimmy choo if that's not the case. Cause I know they were really big. Like in Europe before they came here. I think you're right. To be honest, I think it'd be it. It took Jimmy choo from being like a high end New York European. That society that was wearing them to it being something where mainstream people like me and you knew what they were. Yeah, for sure. And, you know like crane is going to die with this next statement. I was talking to some of our interns. The other day and like, I, we have like this thing where, you know, you do like an about me thing, but I always like to know like a fun factor or whatever. And a lot of them know about my podcast, but then I'm like, oh God, They've listened. You know what I mean? It's so different. I'm the editor. I was saying to them that I had the something blue shoes and that's like a big deal for me. And they were like, what? Oh, Oh like Manolo Blahniks. They were like, what? And I was like, oh my God. They don't even know who. Yeah. I don't know the significance of something blue. And then I was like sex and say, and listen to this statement. I died a thousand deaths. One of the guy interns went, oh, my mum loves that. Oh, no. I was like, oh, okay. I like this podcast. Tell your mom. Oh, that's sad. I. I know, I was like, oh my God. Okay, cool. It was a conversation ender. Let me tell you about. Okay. So she invited them out to Dalton Gabbana. So as she's getting ready in her apartment, and she's obviously wearing the most beautiful like passed out like blue daunting and banner. Slip dress. Jazz. She then picks up a picture of like her and Mr. She's running late and she's like tripping over things and she, it falls and she picks it up and she's like, beautiful picture. I can't imagine them taking it though. It's so interesting too, that they pull that into this. I don't ever remember a moment where they would've taken. Cause they're like in bed together. And she says in the monologue, when she's looking at the picture that they took it with a disposable camera. Before I knew that we were disposable. I love those, like, Can't be. It's so awkward. But yeah, so there's, it's a picture and she's obviously being very nostalgic about it and like, you know, I guess for four weeks out of the breakup, Yeah, she's obviously going through it, like she's going through it. No, I'm not doing well. So then they go to the Delta Gabbana party and then Charlotte is dating a guy and I've forgotten his name, but he is the classical music. Director or something at label. Interesting. Yeah. We meet these people, but I think that that feeds into her art world. Like that seems like kind of people that would run in. Similar circles. Yeah. And then as he's talking to Carrie, the new Yankee and Charlotte, he keeps on like fiddling with his ball. He can't leave as just tell you. Isn't it, but not like he does it very dramatically, obviously. And consistently. Oh, yeah. Cannot stop doing it. Yeah. And at one point when he goes to do it again, Charlotte grabs his hand to like, you know, hold hands. And Carrie like looks down and like looks away and I'm like, oh, she obviously like saw it. And it seems like cracks me up. It's like what's going on down Charlotte, Trav. It's obviously conscious of it and embarrassed by it at the same moment. Like. She's like, why are you doing. So then after it seems like a good day carrying the Yankees then kind of going for walks she's in the fur jacket again. And then he goes to like kisser. And it, and she say's, it's talking about like the campus stuff, like she's like, oh, and I just got first faced with like the new young. Love that. Some of their wines are hilarious. Cue for you, Terry. Yeah, great rebound. Oh my God. Well, that's the thing too, that Miranda says. Yeah. When they're, after she gets his number and it comes back and her red just like fully, she's obviously like jealous and she's like, you don't get to. You don't get to rebound with the new Yankee. You need like a bolding accountant or something like this is not how this works. Like she's seeing. Super jealous. The carry is weighted the new geeky as her rebound in the midst of like to, I mean, to this point, that worst breakup, you know, We've seen her go through like she's suffering and then, you know, Listen, right. Rebound regrettable. I would have gotten over big, so fast. Yeah. Yeah. Especially knowing how nice he was. Yeah. He was so nice and like into her and I mean, he seemed great. I know, I kind of wish we got like more from, from that, but so the next day they meet for breakfast together at like their coffee place. Yeah. And they're looking through the paper and Charlotte's like, oh my God, Carrie you're on page six. Yeah. She's on page six with the new Yankee at the Dolce and Gabbana party. Looking fab and Mo. Samantha immediately is like, oh my God, honey. Biggest gonna see that and die. You couldn't look better. Blah, blah, blah. I mean, that is a great position to. Be an active breakup. 106. A hundred percent. Yes. Like you couldn't have, you couldn't have orchestrated that. That was well done. And so they immediately dive into like the big conversation and Miranda, like pissed. Yeah. Wants to shut it down. Like, can we talk about something out? Like not in hype about it at all. And she does say, she's like, you know, he hurt her. Can we not talk about him? And I do kind of appreciate that, but like, she doesn't want to give a lot of air time. Yeah. Yeah. And she doesn't want to, she, she wants. Kari to not focus on someone who treated her poorly. Yeah. I appreciate that. Yeah. Also we're girls and like, I need to talk it to death. I know. I know, I feel like it's a way to like, process. Yes. But what's funny as well, like about the scene is like Miranda to Karin's point is like, okay, I'm done. I'm going to go like, get the check or something. So she then leaves. And then Charlotte, my. That's why she leaves because Charlotte leans over after they're like, okay, we won't talk about big. And there's like this low of silence of. Oh, I have a problem with my boyfriend. Oh, I'm going to get the check by. And I love. Paul pilot. Oh, wait. We're going to rewind. So they were talking about big and then Miranda's like, oh my God guys, do you want to see like my new, like Palm pilot? I'm trying to change the subject, which okay. If you're not our age, do you know what a Pombo. Okay. You're not my age. I also didn't know, Paul. Paul pilot was like pre Blackberry. Stop. It was like one of the first cell phone devices that was light. And I think Motorola made it, I think it was a Motorola Palm pilot, and it was like the, you know, where it actually had like a screen on it instead of it being like our flip phones. So it was like one of the first ones. Yeah. That's Miranda obviously had it. Cause she's an attorney. Yeah. So. It was like one of the first, like four rays into where smartphones are today. Good for her for being ahead of the trail. She. Well, her friends are using payphone. Yeah. Curious. You have a cell phone at this point? That's crazy. Okay. I never knew. I thought it was like an organizer. I was like, oh my God. Yeah. Now I have a bit more of an appreciation. Wasn't an organizer. Oh, I don't know. It might've been, we need to Google this. I remember them, but a Palm pilot, it might've been that first organizer where you could put your notes and stuff, but. It wasn't a cell phone. Because I literally just Googled it and it came up with Pam pilot versus Blackberry. Okay. You're right. It's a personal. What is it? The old school Palm pilot. I can't. That might get that. That's what it was. That was what it was. No you're right. So now that I see it, yes, it was a personal organizer. But it wasn't a cell phone and that, but Motorola made it. And then the Blackberry was where they like married. Yes. Okay. It was a cell phone and all that. In 1996. So she didn't get one till 99. Well, this is because they were, we were operating on like current dates with them. Yeah. So it's because this season was released in 99. Yeah. Yeah. Oh my God. That's crazy. Yeah. Hilarious. Plug for you. Do you think Motorola paid for that plug? I mean, potentially, yeah, probably. I bet they did. They're probably like, oh guys, you could have spoken about a little bit. She's like, oh my God. Look at that. No, we're going to actually say the word. That's all. We're going to say. But that was her first. Atisha. Yeah. Tim to like redirect the conversation off big. It doesn't work. Then she gets pissed and just says, can we stop talking about it? They all agreed to. 3, 2, 1 roll in the conversation and then. It's like I have a problem. My boyfriend. Did she get stuff to go get the check? And then Charlotte tells us. I thought like my boyfriend keeps on touching his balls and Samantha cracks me up. She's like, so like serious about these conversations. He's like, well, does he have low high balls? Maybe they're getting in the way I love. Charlotte's like, I don't know. I've not seen him. And Smith is like, oh honey. It's been three weeks. What do you mean? You've not seen them? Get it together, starlet. I was a little too, as soon as Charlotte brings it up, Samantha's like, yeah, Carrie told me. Yeah. Absolutely. We were at this party. So, yeah, he would have done it all night. Like we just see that one little conversation and he did it like three times. Oh. And I'm sure like, I, if it's that big of a problem, but Charlotte's bringing it up. It's. It's never not happening. Like, you know what though? Like, I'm obviously not like a male, but when I think about like guys wearing like boxers, how does that even hold them in? I don't think it, you know what I mean? Yeah. Why did they were boxers? What's the point. I've been in or seen a conversation about this once between guys. I can't remember if it was real or if I'm watching. And up here. Like, look, we need a mint. But it isn't like, what's the point. And also like, you know, so like the new, new generation of like briefs that they are finally like constructed to actually support men. Yeah. But boxers had like, I mean, they're just wide open and. I've heard him say to that, like, can I have to like pick a side where you're going to pack your stuff? And like, that sounds uncomfortable. Yeah. Especially like now I'm like thinking about it in. Like if you're wearing like jeans or some of your sites. That must be so uncomfortable. Yeah. You would say are low-hanging. I don't know. They definitely did. Older, right. I feel like the Tommy John's of the world, like the newer boxer brands, like finally have tried to like, create something that offsets that. Yeah, for sure. I don't know. Yes. I know. Maybe it's one of the things that we have better than. I know our clothing is more designed for our bodies. Yeah. Interesting. Okay. Then Miranda comes back and she's very optimistically. Like, what are we all talking about? What's happening. And then they say like, oh, we're talking about like, Charlotte's. Boyfriends balls. And then she just goes into a big ramp being like, oh my God, ladies. Really, this is all we can talk about is like Mr. Big, like men. She's like, we have nothing else to save for a sauce. And then she goes, what about us? And then she leaves. Yeah. Well, and she, Miranda of the four of them is definitely the one I feel like you is without a love interest. Most frequently throughout the show. Yeah, that could be why. Yeah. And so she, like, she doesn't have anything to contribute to that conversation currently, you. And I hear her too. Like she's not wrong. That like, you know, for intelligent put together women, like, can we talk about other stuff? Yeah. And also like, you know, I was in the throws of breakup. Like, you need to talk about it, you know, Charlotte is. Very sick and to Samantha's credit, she doesn't bring up the small penis at all. Like, you know what I mean? Like she's talked through that and made her peace with it and like, she doesn't need to talk about it. It's like your girlfriends, you need to talk. And the other thing too, marina is like, did you have something specific you wanted to discuss? Pilot. Pilot, let's talk about that. Guys I've been saving up for this. Probably why she was annoyed. It wasn't the conversation. I'm really excited about this new device and y'all, aren't listening to me. But so afterwards when like the, the kind of voice overview, which made me laugh is Carrie say it's Miranda, Hobbes versus silly women everywhere. Yeah. She wins. So then Carrie naturally goes shopping to get it all at her sister. I'm sure she maxes out her credit card, like even more, which I'd love to know her credit card. I know. Does she ever pay that thing down? She must, but I mean, like when you see the bag, she comes back with them like, seriously, what was your limit? Not only that, but like there's no constantly just of debt. Yeah, there's no way in hell that. Writer writing a column living in New York. It could have afforded. I know, like to sh I can't afford to go shop like that. I know I make probably four times the money. She was making them like that's. Yeah. I can't imagine that this is why it's best as a viewer. I never to Google. Was it possible for her to treat. Live that life wasn't it was. I saw something on like Instagram the other day. And it like made me laugh and it was like growing up, watching like Carrie Bradshaw thinking at this age, you're going to have like your own apartment. Yeah. You're gonna be able to buy all this designer stuff off of writing an article once a week. And then it's like, look at us bitches and like corporate nine to five working our butts off and not even being able to show. We were at target, right. I'm like, cause I remember being. Oh, my God, I can't wait to like, no. I made that lifestyle. I bought my first pair of designer shoes when I was 32. And like, I, you know, I CA I mean, I couldn't afford them when I did that. Yeah, I know ours was like I say hours. Cause I'm pretty sure Aaron. Bought me me my first, like Jimmy cheese, but I was like 22, maybe. And I remember that being like a big part. You've got your first period. Jimmy's at 22. Nicole's and Edinburgh and they were paying pair and I still have them. Well, so Michael actually bought me my first pair, but mine were loo buttons. Oh yeah. And. I was older. I was 32 and we were at Bergdorf Goodman in New York city. Oh, yeah. I mean, Michael, he's so good at stuff like this. He fully, like, we walked in there and he's like, let's go look at the shoes. And I was like, okay. And so we're just like, you know, perusing and I'm like, touch, like just. I love you. We had like, and he was like, which ones do you want? And I was like, I mean, I would always like, yeah, but which ones today? And I was like, you're hilarious. He's like, no, we're, we're going to buy you a pair of fake. Yeah. And this is like every wall. I know, I say every girl. That's my ultimate. Like I'm not gonna lie. There has been times. And my husband is great when it comes to like these types of presents. Where he's brought it home for me. And a part of me is like, I want to experience. Like I want to go. And like, you know, especially when they give you like champagne. Yes. And then you see them boxing it up and you're like, and then you grab the bag. Whereas like for Aaron, like, I don't think he truly appreciates that. He's just like, oh, hurry up. You know what I mean? Like just give me the bag. Like we're good. Whereas I want that. Fool experience one time. Speaking of experiences. So Christian Lu attend opened an actual like store in the Galleria several years ago. It's like their own. Yeah. And so somehow I made friends with the security guard there randomly. I don't even remember how I did this. Oh, I've got a bag. I bought I bought a bag there and I had to order it and they like it because I saw it online and I wanted it and they didn't have it in the store. And so I went into the store, they ordered it anyway. So I had to go back and get it. And a security, a black bag. Yeah. Yeah. The security guard was really, really nice. And so he ends up saying, he's like, are you on their like VIP list? We're going to have this big sale in a few weeks. And it's like, it's invitation only. You. We come in before the store opens and the big shoes are 50 and 70% off. And I was like, no, I'm not. So he got my number and like fully, like they, they called me and I got to go in there and I got to buy a pair of wedges. Yeah. My spine. Yes. I got those for 60% off retail. Holy shit. And they're not even mine. They would fit you. Like they're not even my size. And I was like, I don't even care. They weren't. This is when you know your actual fans. Right. Like an addict. When I was deciding between that payer. And then there was another pair that was like a platform. They were beautiful too. I can't remember the specifics of those, but they were the right size. Yeah. But the wedges, the way that they fit. I'll go with the Volvo because I didn't have a pair of, of designer wedges. I have like three pairs of like stilettos or like platform. And so I was like, oh, that'd be really cool, but in the way that they fit their straps. So you really can't tell they're not my size. They fit fine. They work fine. It's fine. Anyway. So, yes. I tell you that to tell you this, like, I love the, like that, that right there. Oh, my God. Bad experience. Of like going in. And like, they're all like deeply discounted. Oh my guys, the best. Well, I've always an, oh my God. We, we should do this together is like, you know, Going to New York and you can go to the south. I know that would be my ultimate. We are both the wrong size for sample cells, your feet and my butt. Cause they're all like, they're like what. And where the class five and six. Most of the time, the sample. The night, the shoes are all going to be a seven. I know. Yeah. And I wear it eight and a half. And you. Yeah. So like there's the chance of us getting. Yeah, it'd be so good going though. I know you never know. Maybe there's can we get into like the plus size sample? They'll wear their all the 10. The bigger fish. I know, isn't that sad though. Like I've read some. Or like interviews with like celebrities who are not that sample size and things like. So when you look at those folks, shades, Or, you know, like the magazines, none of the dresses and stuff like that. Well, you know, I see this all the time when I like look on any kind of website where you're shopping, rent the runways. But when I see it on all the time, when their shoes never fit them, they're never the right size. You can see there. Ankle there he'll either hanging off the back or like the back of it is like this far behind there. He'll you'll notice now. But I think too, that like now the girls who are, are like the people that designers want to have their clothes on, like take a Kim Kardashians. She's tiny, but she's in no way sample size like that body is not off the rack at all. And there's so many examples of that now that like, like as India is a sample size, she's that Wayfield. Yeah. And she looks great and you know, the designers love to put their clothes on her, but there's many high end. You know, people on the runways that don't have that wafer look. That's true. Yeah. Although I was talking to my hairdresser about this the other day. You know what? I feel like a little sad versus the last couple of years, it's like that body positivity, like truly appreciating the different sizes. And now with like the SMP. Yeah. I'm like a Reno going back into the two thousands of like Kate Moss. What'd they call it the cocaine skinny. Who was the word for that? Yeah. I saw this thing the other day that said rich people get Olympic and poor people get body positivity. Yep. And I was like, oh, Now it's like, look how accessible. It's for people. Everyone. Yeah. I want to see everyone for the vast majority of people. I know I. I know a lot of people who have like Olympic did write down. Yeah. Honestly saying, yeah, actually. Surprisingly. So many of my friends, is those a big, the thing that turns us all into zombies on accident? It's this way.'cause like what? That's the theater? I mean at Botox to you, like when Botox first came out, I had similar thoughts of like, what's the long-term effect and it's fine. Like. We're all fine. But I wonder if Olympic is going to have some like ne mass negative effects. Long-term. I'm well, I I don't know. I mean, I feel like some people. Are on it for like a little bit, and then others have been on it for like years. And I just, I don't know when there's people too, that I feel like they're on it. They drop weight as soon as they're off, they gain it. So it's like a. Get back on and get off. Yeah. That's hard on your. I don't know how I feel about it. And like I'm all for like Botox and try like doing what's good for you. I just don't love now seeing, oh, like, did you see her? I'm sure. She's probably not on it. And now that she's going to listen to this, but like Katy Perry, have you seen her be she's very thin, you know? Yeah. She was always thin. Oh no. She is like Finn. Hi, the sh the outfit she was wearing. Kelly. Yeah. Yeah, no, it's tough to, like, I feel like, I feel like I'm fine with anyone using it. I feel like you have to be conscious of not overdoing it. And longterm. Yeah. If you can't keep it off, you know, like don't, you can't do it sick quickly. That's gotta be so hard on like your, your gallbladder and your kidneys. Your skin and hair. Yeah. Well, cause the truth is you're anorexic is what's happening. That's. That's what it's actually doing. You're not consuming the nutrition that your body needs. I know that long-term is not healthy. Your teeth, like that's bad for so much of your yeah. I mean, I, yeah, I don't know. It's. It's definitely one of those things. I like that they've kind of cracked the code of weight loss because I do feel like so many people. You know, me included like it's, you're genetically just not predisposition to be super thin. You know, and so it's also, it is healthier to weigh less, but again, moderation. And like there's a point in which now you're too skinny. I know you're not eating enough, you know, like, so I mean, it's, that's the hard part is like, It's a balance when there's so little, a regular, like literally you go get it done, where you get your Botox. Like there's no doctor. Overseeing what you're doing, you know? But see you listened to this podcast, you get it all. Listen and learn. Okay, so back to the pod. So now we zoom in on Samantha and James and they are. Having sex. And I appreciate Samantha is trying everything. We've seen, almost put sex in quotes guys. I'm sorry. She's like you're having. I'm like, oh my God. No, but not even that, are they though? But what like makes me laugh is like, we all know Samantha, like we've gone through season one. But seeing how much she's trying and it just cracks me up the way she's like, okay, lift your ass. Lift your ass and you can see him like thrusting and she's like, oh, And then she's like, okay, we're going to try something else. And she's like, oh, And you can see it just does like nothing. She has no idea if he's. Is it or not? Like she could just basically feel him bumping against the back of her. Especially, like, I can just imagine, like when you're in the throws of it, And like, you're just so turned on. Like you're so ready. I'm just like, fuck the fuck. So then she naturally pulls out her vibrator. And you just hear this, the noise. And he's like, wait, what are you doing? And she's like, oh, I just started to add the vibrator. And he's like, but wouldn't it be nice if it's just us? And she just turns it off. Oh, or face. This is bullshit. I'm honestly surprised that she didn't try and be like, oh, but this would be more. Let's try it this way and you know, but she didn't. Yeah, because she's, I mean, feel, she's honest, they just given up on it. It's such a weird position to see her in. She's such a, she's always been so like my way or the highway. With anyone else that she's very, you know, She's obvi, obviously this dude's special. It makes me feel bad for her too, because it's like, if you're trying that hard. Like you really, really want it to work with him. Like you really he's. He's obviously checking all the other boxes for a guy. And there's no way to dude with a penis that small isn't aware. That his penis is that small, a and B like wouldn't you want her to like, do whatever to have an enjoyable experience too, so that it wasn't the thing she had to break away. No, that's what I would think. I like guys, I dunno, like for women, like we're not necessarily like showing each other our thing. Yeah. But men. Yeah, go to the bathroom and like, surely you can see someone's son next to you holding. But using it. And then you're like, yes. oh my God. Oh, Very early, same with like movies and stuff. I have asked. I'm a man in my life. That question before he's like, yeah, you know, you must, he's like, you know, he's. At a fairly young age, like probably like junior high. You know, like, you know, Does it stop growing? Like when is it? Oh, I don't know either. I would think it would have to be the same as like when there. Like when they stopped growing, I would think. Yeah, I don't know, but I think. And I think you become, he said, if you become aware, like when you're going to lock a room in like junior high and P oh yeah. Or at least in our age group that happened, I don't know. Do they still do that now? I have no idea, but like, Changed in? I mean, I did it. I remember like seventh grade, you changed in a locker room with other girls from like gym clothes back to you. Yeah. And he was like, yeah, at that age, you start to get an awareness. You're like, holy shit. Yeah. Or like, wait a minute. And they were like, oh no. But, you know what we didn't talk about. So when they were at the baseball game and they were outside the locker room, the girl. Yes. And Samantha. Hovers. Because she's trying to catch a glimpse. And what's interesting like me and Kerryn and we're talking about is when that episode. First, well, not even first air was on HBO who knows. On HBO. I'm pretty sure you see full frontal. I remember that because I can see, I can see. I just imagined that he did, but I don't think fully have it in my head of what it looked like. On Netflix. Yeah, we'll have to Google. We'll get back to you on that. I was trying to find it cause I was like, I also, I can literally see it. And I remember they do the thing where he's like walking down and you can tell he's naked, but you can't see, you can't see it. And like the door and a guy moves. Yeah. It's like a second. Yeah. And Samantha obviously is standing there cause she. She just wants to remember what a big one looks like. She just wants to see it. Probably just take even an average one. I mean, whoever the next guy is after James is in a great position. Cause I know. Anything in comparison. It's been great. So then further uptown Charlotte is with her new man and they're in her bedroom and she's like, Ooh, I got you a present, which I have to admit. I don't know if I would necessarily do this. I feel I would just have the conversation. She buys him a present. Which is I'm from Barneys and it's a pair of brace, but what cracks me up is like, it's in this beautifully like delicate box. Yeah. All like rap. It's like the gorgeous presence. One pair. But I mean at Barney's. I'm showing like 50 all I'm sure. But she's like, oh, I heard that this is like top of the range. It has all the support. And he's like, what the hell? See it from that perspective of, because he's been like groping his balls, he has. No consciousness. I can't believe you're shopping for me already. You haven't even had Sachs and lose. Yeah. And I want, he's probably had like girls in the past. I've tried to like dress him or I don't know. But it's interesting. I'll Charlotte. Didn't just be like, Hey, what's going on there? That's what I would do. Yeah. What's what's the deal there. Have you noticed that you do this? Especially when he freaked out about the underwear and what she did try, she tried to be like, no, it's not that, no, it says a monologue. It's like, Couldn't bring herself to say it. Yeah. Cause I feel like the point in which he freaked out, I would've been like actually nothing. I was just trying to be nice, trying. Trying to get you to stop groping yourself in public. That's what I mean? Yeah. But she was like, oh, and he just like storms off and she's like, ma. And then they talk about, okay, then they don't see each other again. Carrie monologues that true to form Charlotte was over it in exactly a week and a half. And then the other thing he saved that like made me laugh and I wrote it down. He's like slow down. Yeah. Calm down guy. Underwear chill out. You can buy him manifest. Especially if, especially if you stayed together after that, like, you'd be like, Christmas is here. I got you. Nothing. And then we seem around, it cuts to her going for like a long walk. And we will post this. I took a screenshot and like, she looks like an eight year old boy whose mama addressed him. They had a fight about how big the code was. Before he walked out the door. It's like dungaree is like denim, very oversized, very unflattering. For those of you, not from the UK, she. Overall. But yes, that, that's what, yes. And then with like a big, like puffer, like Jack and it's all blue, it's all the same shade of like denim blue with the baseball bat, even like, it's not even like a cool baseball candle. It looks oversight. All of it. It's like she wore her big brother's clothes. All she gets is. It's terrible. It's the worst outfit I'm going to say in the history of the show. I truly don't think there's one bad, so bad. And she's out on like this very aggressive walk, because again, she's like super stressed out about, they don't really ever tell us why she's so pissed off. Well, because she wanted. Everyone to see her Palm pilot. I have to go walk. And a terrible outfit. We were talking about that. Obviously before we started the puppet, like Miranda, like she, she gets really fashionable and really it's an attractive. Moments. Yeah. These first two seasons, man. She is just, it's the way they dress her. And her her hair, like, but it's even like, again, like her character sometimes, like it just. Yeah. She just sometimes come, like, if I was the guy, I just don't know. She's either too aggressive or rude when it comes to guys or like you see her with the Yankee. And it's just like sign girl awkward. Yeah. Whereas then you compare that to Carrie and you're like, oh, she's so cool about it. She is very cold here. He does a great job of being real cool in the beginning. And then once she's into you. Yeah. Cyclic all bets are off. Whereas I think Miranda would get better. The more comfortable she has offered that. Yeah. She chills out and does herself because that's the thing is like Miranda is a wonderful person. Once she's comfortable. Yeah. Yeah. But so when she's walking, she bumps into her ex who I believe was her ex like two years ago and he left her for another girl. And he's with that girlfriend. And she just like freaks out, freezing. Hi, and he. He doesn't see her. She sees him. She hides behind a pole and. It says in her monologue part of it that like the. They use the word love of her life. So like obviously a very serious relationship that hurt. And so she in all of her fuck men has this moment of like, all it takes is her seeing him. And she's right back in that, like, We're curious at right now. Yeah. Yeah. And I think that gives her that perspective. Plus, if you guys watch this episode, when she runs off. I'm like she. You know, it reminded me of Phoebe on. He's like running and you're like, oh my God. A five-year-old. In her five-year-old like outfit. It was, yeah, it was, yeah. She fully skedaddles out of there in like a kindergarten way. Got it. Yeah. So then carries with the new Yankee they're meeting for drinks or in this bar. She's wearing her very like hippie vibe. I kind of liked her great. The kind of bird fast. Yeah, she looks cute. She looks good. And then she looks around and she sees big. Yeah. She looks beautiful. Again, in his suit, in a packed bar. Yeah. Yeah. And I know, and they do the whole, like, she catches, like she turns around because she dropped something and he's like, there. Yeah. And of course he sees her, she sees him and it's this whole, like he's coming towards her. Oh, yeah. Or they slow about it. And then when he comes over and they're, they're just, I would say he's kind of less awkward, but he's like, oh, how's. And she's like, oh yeah, Good. Good. Good. Good. Well, she, and she says to herself, ed, before he gets her, she's like, perfect. Like I'm with the new Yankee. I look great. And then as soon as he speaks, she like is just the losers and she's awkward as hell. And he says to her. I saw you in the paper, you looked, you've never looked bad. You've never looked better. Puts his hand on her shoulder and she introduces him to the new Yankee and he's like, oh, I know who you are. Big fan. Nice to meet you. He handles it so well or. I like appreciate his sophistic because I really don't think that was as big a deal to him. The thing is though, is wouldn't you love a big monologue, like. We'd love to know what was going on in his head. Because I feel it'd be very simplified compared to like, Carrie. I also feel like through most of what we've seen with him and Carrie and like every time she freaks out, I feel like we would have so much more of a sense of like, I do think all that stuff really affected him. Yeah. Like I do think that he really did like her so much. We had so many feelings for her. He just wasn't there yet. You know, and I think he has his own. Trauma and bullshit. That's like holding him back. Yeah. You got cheated. Or she cheated on her. Five, right? Yeah. So, I mean, he's had some life experience, it would be an interesting monologue of like what he's going through, you know? Yeah. Good perspective. Yeah. So then it kind of fades out her heart's like being it's very intense. And then the poor Yankee guy's like, Hey, do you want another drink? She's like, sure. Yeah. She's very like, obviously it's completely pulled her focus, like she's right back to where. In the chat. The rest of the evening. Well, and then they cut to the next scene. Like they're leaving. It seems like pretty quickly after, and she's obviously like shut down. And he's like, well, my friends are over here. If you want to go get it to bleed. Nice as well. Yeah. And she's like, sure. Like, And so he leans over to kiss her, like obviously trying to like, get it back. And she. She cries in his mouth. Like he's kissing her and she's like, Or girl, I don't. I understand when you go through a breakup, don't get me wrong, but I feel like I'd be refocused with the. Like, I'm sorry. I in my head, I'd be like, okay, I'm thinking about bank, but like, let me put that aside just for this moment. Like, That man. Right back in. I don't even know if I would've cried. I mean, maybe, I don't know. I feel like if I'm out on a date with somebody and he's that attentive and he's like, you're, you were obviously vibing. I could've pulled it back together. And I'm like, gosh, she missed that moment. Yeah. So then she's like, I'm embarrassed. I just cried in your mouth and he's so nice. He's like, don't worry. It's okay. Like, you know, we can get out of here or whatever, and she's like, no. It's me. I just can't. I'm not a cam right now. Yeah. So she basically like has to beg him to leave her there, which. He doesn't want to cause he's a gentleman. He's not, you're just going to leave you on the street. Just go, just go fine. I'll go. She walks away. Drama. And then this is the best seat. Like I love the way HBO does this. So she's on a payphone. And she calls you don't know who, and she has this very obscure conversation where she's like, it's me. I know we're in a really weird place right now, but I really need to talk. Can we meet? And of course, Yeah, your assumption of course, is it's big. You of course think. It's big, but then she ends up in the diner where they go all the time and it's Miranda. Yeah. It Miranda's there to talk to her. Eating little chips. So then when she sits down, she's like, I need to, I just saw big and I just crumbled. And I know you don't want to hear this. I know you want me to be over him? Yeah. And Miranda says, I just ran into Eric today. And I hit and I hit and she's like, so I get it. I get it. And they have like this like moment of like, you know, continue talking about guys. And then the scene ends and one of the voiceovers is you can never get through it without your friends, which I, again, The way we introduced ourselves. It's like, we always appreciate that friendship, that these are the greatest lessons from the show as a whole. Grades. Yeah. So that was the end of season two episode one. And the next episode is the awful truth which is a great mom. So yeah. People. So excited. Tell your friends. All right.


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