City After Dark: Rediscovering Sex and the City

City After Dark Season 2 Epiosde 2 - The Awful Truth

July 09, 2024 francene & coryne Season 2 Episode 2
City After Dark Season 2 Epiosde 2 - The Awful Truth
City After Dark: Rediscovering Sex and the City
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City After Dark: Rediscovering Sex and the City
City After Dark Season 2 Epiosde 2 - The Awful Truth
Jul 09, 2024 Season 2 Episode 2
francene & coryne

Coryne & Francene are back with episode 2 of the second season of sex and the city! 

Three of the girls wrestle with the delicate question of what to tell or discreetly leave unmentioned with loved ones. For Miranda, this means overcoming her aversion to explicit encouragement and dirty talk in bed; Carrie's blabbermouth causes a friend to divorce, then she invites Mr. Big to her birthday party; Samantha finally tells her sweet lover, after he talked her into couples counseling (which she hates), that she finds his manhood too small. Meanwhile, Charlotte tries a pedigree dog as a temporary substitute for the unfindable perfect fiancé. All find out the downsides of their choices

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Coryne & Francene are back with episode 2 of the second season of sex and the city! 

Three of the girls wrestle with the delicate question of what to tell or discreetly leave unmentioned with loved ones. For Miranda, this means overcoming her aversion to explicit encouragement and dirty talk in bed; Carrie's blabbermouth causes a friend to divorce, then she invites Mr. Big to her birthday party; Samantha finally tells her sweet lover, after he talked her into couples counseling (which she hates), that she finds his manhood too small. Meanwhile, Charlotte tries a pedigree dog as a temporary substitute for the unfindable perfect fiancé. All find out the downsides of their choices

MacBook Air Microphone:

I digress. I know. Partly also me. He's into episode two, the awful truth. City after dark. Now that you say the title? I don't, I don't know exactly. Oh, okay. I'm thinking I'm like, where did they pull that from now? I'm thinking of, I know where I know where they got it from now. Whereas for once I made all the connections. Oh, you did. Season one, I felt very dumb after the end of like everyone that you would piece it together. And then I'm like, oh, Yeah. Like the turtle and the Hare. Yeah. Honestly. So now I'm priding myself to joining those dots, getting it together. So this episode is based around Carrie's birthday. I wonder how. I know they never mentioned. Birthdate is. 36 35. I don't know. Darn it, I don't know. It's annoying. Because isn't there one episode where Samantha is like, welcome to my box, honey. And isn't that the 35 to 45. That's there in a doctor's office. I think when they do that. Don't they. She's only 34 then I don't know. We'll have to. See what that is. Yeah. But it opens with her friend. She's going out with her friend Susan's Sharon, which by the, by worst name ever. And sickest like new. Is it a New York accent? Yeah, I think so. And New Jersey Jersey. Maybe. Aggressive. And she's a very, typically that kind of look to. Dark hair in the nose. She, and she's a she works for a east coast rap for an Italian brand. Potentially yeah. Cashmere brands. So she's got like a fashion job. Yeah. Yeah. Which is cool. And they're out on the street. They've had drinks. And I love the, I love the part where Carrie smoking and her friend Susan is just yammering on about whatever, about a flight that she was on. And she reaches over and takes, carry cigarettes to like take a dragon and doesn't give it back. And you see Carrie, like with your fingers. She's like, wait, wait. It's hilarious. Susan sheer. It's obviously like a big personality. Yeah. And then they're like on the street and she's like, come to my apartment. I have something for you. And so they're going up, but don't they show, oh, she starts the episode by saying that she married a mean, man. Oh, that's right. Yeah. She describes him as a mean, mean, mean guy and they show a scene, right. And the scene is, which made me laugh. Cause originally when I was watching this, I had a little bit of empathy for him. Maybe not his delivery, but he gets annoyed because she doesn't put the rights to be back. And he's like, Natalie, Imbruglia. Not be here. And belong in the unit. First of all, I feel like that would be me. That they pulled Natty, Natalie and brulee up that dates, this thing. I love that fawn torn. Yeah. I don't actually don't know any of her other songs. Did she have any other, she has a whole TV apparently. Oh one I'll buy kids. Think of it the other way. So I was like, I mean, I understand cause I like everything in the same spot. I just don't deliver in the same message he does that. He said. Yeah, he was super angry about it. I I don't, I haven't had a CD collection and so long ago. I was very. Yeah, I don't. All of my reports out of their case. And they were in that like slip thing that went into your power. Yeah. I remember having him in the house. Mine were always like just in the car so you can listen to them. Isn't it crazy like people that had like VHS tapes or DVDs and then CDs. We've asked to have so much more space in their houses. Right. We used to have them like. Displayed. I remember that terrible CD tower. Oh, yeah. It was so terrible. I used to have that. Yes. And I had the one that turned around. Yeah. Where you have like multiple. I remember those two friends of mine had those. I know you'd be so cool with like the amount of CDs you had. So one of my good friends. She still has the whole huge, she's an older car. Like she just, she has a Jeep Cherokee she's had forever and she still drives it. Loves it. She has the freaking CDKs. And she'll like pull them out and like play. We're together and I'm like such a throwback. It is cheap. It has like mixed CDs. She made herself. Yeah, we all just love that. You're so good at that. And now we get to make playlists on apple music. So yeah, she says like, come back to my apartment. I want to give you your present. And she gives her a cashmere scarf. Yeah. When they walk in the door. I was like, oh my God, the person like. Oh, he's sleeping. And so then they go in the other room and she gives her this beautiful scarf that, and she tells her that it's like worth$900 at Barnard. Obviously she didn't. It's from her brand. So she didn't pay that for it. And Carrie, I thought she was joking, but I guess she really wasn't. She was like, do you mind if I return, it actually could really use the money. And say, I told, love that about carrying. We saw a little bit of that in like season one. Yeah. Probably like I don't, I just don't know if I would, even if you were going to do it. I want to tell her. Yeah, for sure to say it. And she also like Carrie, again, like we were talking about in the last episode, like it's clear, you're always broke, stopped shopping at Dolce and Gabbana. It's not maxing out your credit card. Yeah, pretty sure. Especially like your friend has just given you something. Yes. I couldn't. I personally couldn't do that. I feel way too bad. I would never say that out loud. I mean. How are you going to get the cash without a receipt? Okay. That's not how that works. No. I know. But what's funny is wait, what did what did Susan say? She's like, oh yeah. You probably could, but then she was like, oh, that's funny. Cause it's cash mere that they call it. Th there's, there's a reason they call it cash. She was cracking. They start laughing loudly and it wakes the husband who comes through and she's like, oh my God, I was just carrying, tearing, carry. We were laughing about this. And he's like, what the fuck? He like loses it. And he's like screaming at her, berating her like screaming at Karen QC. I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go. She's. That's fine. It's fine. And she like tries to make way out and on the way out the door. He liked yells and get the fuck out of here to carry like holy shit. Yeah. He's like a little word that's bad. And then they start like big crane problem. Like he's like, you know, like short manner, like angry. He's just like so mad and like Penn top, that is a level of like, ah, Macquarie's better than me. I would have turned around and got right back in his fucking face. Like you don't talk to me like that motherfucker. Like I'm not married to you. Now I struggle with like, people they're like angry like that. We at the world, like everything is like annoying. Yeah. Yeah, I hear you for sure. It's definitely a tr I limit my time, spent around people like that at all costs. So he gets annoyed and then when Carrie gets back to her apartment, Susan then calls her. But what's funny is like, she's obviously sitting in the hallway, whispering into the phone, try and I think she hears him like cough or something. She's. Oh, I just want to say, I'm sorry. Once she asked Carrie, she calls to apologize and then she's like, you know, Happens all the time, all the time. That's like exactly who he is. W would you stay. And Carrie's like caught in this weird position of like, you know what, she's making excuses for the guy at first, which. I love that we've gotten away from that as women. Like why do we make excuses for. Terrible clearly it's a deck. Yeah. I, yeah, I don't think I could be around someone like that or sit back, but. When like, and I appreciate Kerry's answer because I think she say something like, Hey, if you're not happy, like life's too short. Honestly, I feel like that's something I would say for sure. It's up to the person. Right. I feel like. If I'm sorry. So I'm treats you that way and chase your friends that way. When she, she does say before, she says that she says like two or three things where she's like, maybe he was just tired. Maybe it was just a bad night or, and even she's like, would you stay? And she's like, I mean, if he didn't change. She's still giving, you know, and so she's trying to not make like a definitive, like here's what I would do. Answer, which, you know, I, I get that. If people constantly say like you shouldn't you, you know, if you'd say that and then they work it out. Yeah, the asshole who told him. Don't ask me if you don't want to know the child. Yeah, but also I think Susan wanted to hear someone else so she could have the excuse of being like, well, you told me to do this. You were. Versus like you're taking decision out like your own hands kind of thing. Yeah. But then they're having a discussion. So the girls that meet other usual spot where they're basically talking about it, and they're saying like, should you be honest in that situation? But what's interesting is like, they're all honest with each other. Yeah. So what makes the difference if Len Carrie's being honest? That's what I was like, laughing about. It's like, well, they would all tell the truth. Right? Call each other out on it. Yeah. But yeah, this is where then Samantha is like, well, Hey, like I clearly pretend that James doesn't have a small deck and he is, you know, ignoring the fact that we haven't had sex in like three weeks, which what I know. Like the last time she didn't have sex for three weeks is when she was in that tantric relationship with her yoga instructor, who was. But she was dying, but then we did here. Oh, no, we didn't. What have they gone, therapist? So yeah, so that's obviously not ideal. And then Miranda then starts talking about the guy that heat she's dating and they refer to him as spring roll guy. Yeah, I think she met him at that the truck in front of, she said she met him in front of her building at a, like a. Food truck of some sort. And he's a dermatologist, I think so maybe. And then he likes to talk dirty and she's like, I don't want to talk. This is sexist and one place where you can shut up. And then my favorite part about this is they're all like chiming in, on like that you should talk dirty and like, why don't you like it? And it's easy to do. And they're all giving you advice. And the one who goes in on it the most is of course. Charlotte. And she's like fully like giving her. She's like, you just say this and then you just tell, like, she's like, it's like, come on fucker. And they're like, whoa. And their faces, all their faces looking at Charlotte is collapsing. And then she's yeah, she's got the dirtiest mouth at the table. Which I love. I bet you, Samantha was so proud of that moment. Yeah. Charlotte. Good for you girl. Does she have to say no. The verandas, obviously, like not comfortable with it and like, can not, she's just like, I don't know. I'm in Charlotte says which this, again, it's it's so Charlotte she's like, well, if you really liked this guy, you're obviously going to have to figure it out. Yeah, talk dirty. Like you're going to have to talk to him about it. I know. But yeah, I mean, to be fair, like the clip where they are like talking dirty, that he is in depth. Yeah. He's very much. He's very comfortable. Every which the too much. Too much, like, you know, I, I know what you're I can, I. I'm here to, I know what's happening. I know the fucking mix. Not phone sex. I feel that. I mean. I think that that is something that definitely. Like adds to the encounter and you have to have a level of comfort. Like that's not something that comes out like in the first several times that you have sex with somebody, like you got to get there. Like give it a minute. This is what I love is like, all these situations are always like extreme. Yeah. It was just normal dairy top. Right. Oh, I love this. You love. You're like, yes. Yeah. Versus him being like, oh, I love like licking your neck. Do you like me looking at your nails? And he's like talking it through, like, as he's like, I'm kissing up your stomach and into your chest. Like. Let's see right now. We're not texting. And he gives me Miranda the whole time. She's just like, Yep. Yeah. And then Carrie is back at her apartment and she's writing her article. And what she's focusing on is, are there certain things in a relationship that you shouldn't say? Yeah. The things that you avoid saying? Yeah. Yeah. Which then Carrie then goes to meet Susan. And then that's when Susan was saying, oh, we had a very honest conversation, but I mean, like her and her husband were very honest. Like he was saying things like, oh, Jessica. Got married. Mr hateful. I know. I was like, I'm sorry, like, there are times where you can be. Honest and yeah, there were times that. You're just being unkind. Yeah. Yeah. I obviously Susan took Kerry's. Attempted sidestepping it as a complete, you know, like I should get out of my marriage. She's out. Like she. And she's got that. Like, I feel so free. I feel like, you know, I'm finally done with that, blah, blah, blah. And they're like in some like market of some sort, it's like, yeah, I, she was talking yeah. Nonstop and she's like, super endage. Carrie's like, well, what are you going to do? And she's like, actually, can I stay in your place? Which I mean, we all know Carrie's apartment. Where does she stay? I know. Basically couldn't say bed. She said something like, oh yeah, she can like sleep on the sofa, but my shouldn't even have one. No, she doesn't have a sofa. She has. Literally like a bed and a desk and a chair. There's one chair in there. I think, I don't know. It is a crappy chair. Yeah. It's not the chair. No. Not yet. So then, then we cut to Charlotte who goes and gets herself a dog she's given up on men. Yeah, she obviously needs more control than that. She's going to get a dog. Don Henry. She comes into her house and she's like calling for him and she opens the bedroom door and it's this little Jack Russell terrier, like perfectly laying on the bed waiting. The sheets, white sheets, white dog. Honestly, Charlotte. The fact that the dog was even like, just left in that room and the room looked immaculate. First of all, it's a terrier. Second of all. Yeah. You just got the dog. And first of all, why is he closed in a room and you're calling for. He didn't close that door. I know. And he stays on the back. Yeah. My dog would be jumping all over the door or my dog. Yeah. But talk would be first don't you never close a dog at a room? No. Ever, ever, because they're going to freak out and like tear the room down. That's a bad idea. It would look very different. Yeah. Unrealistic again. So then we see Charlotte obviously building the relationship with the new man in her life. And then it cuts to James and Samantha and they're in bed. And he's obviously trying to get it on. And what's hilarious is she says all the classic things. No, I'm just tired and I'm just not feeling it. And then she says, it's not you it's me. And he's like, I think we should go see someone therapist. He's obviously like very sweet and concerned and like trying to be like, honey, like what's going on. And they're having this very out of character conversation for Samantha because she's doing it right back. Like she's being very gentle. And loving. Yeah. And she w he's like, you know, You can tell me anything and he's like, we should see a therapist. And she says. Well, if you think. I keep her how she words it, but she basically agrees to it. Yeah, even though she totally doesn't want to and knows what the problem. But you obviously like, again, Like not to. She obviously loves me. Yeah. She's really into him for sure. I mean, there's something she doesn't want to. Good conversation. I have something. So he does, he's doing something for, but it's just not in the bedroom. And then she's like, okay, goodnight. Please down in the monologue is like Samantha. The simpler times of. One night stands. But I'm like saying. Yeah. I miss hearing like the. The extra page. Yeah. Yeah. And then meanwhile, across town, the Rhonda was fucking her guy who was, again, very descriptive on everything he was doing. And then her replies back were like, do you like that? What about this? And then he's like, He really like pushes her into like, okay, you tell me, so then she starts kind of going into it and she's like, Ooh. I like kissing your chest and he's like, oh yeah. Really into it. Yeah. And then she say something like, he's like, tell me more. And she's like, your chest is hairy. And he's like, oh my God. He was like, keep going. And then she's like, oh, your, your big. Hard. Yeah. And then she's like rock hard, hard rock. And then she's like your rock heart's sausage. He about loses. He's like loving it. Oh, yeah. So then she's like, I know of all. I'm like Christ Miranda. That's what I mean, though. I'm like, come on. Awkward. I know. It was so awkward, but he did that. He was Stevens a hundred percent and he was all good. All good. But yeah, this then she's like, it is unleashed the beast and she can say anything she wants. And she's like very much like. Matching him for the over-talking it. Yes. Yeah. It's like a full debate. Well, Exactly. Oh my gosh, but he's very excited. He's very happy. He's like he's finally turned her out. He is here for it and get it for her. She's not comfortable with it. Just try something new. I just can't help it feel if that was any other guy, they'd be like sausage, but clearly you. Yeah. He was into it. So then we caught to Carrie, she wakes up it's her birthday. Someone comes to the door and it's interesting. They actually came to her door. It's an apartment building. Yeah, maybe she might've passed them through to the door maybe, but yeah, he's at her actual door. And she goes to open it as Brad roses and it's from big. Don't done. I know. Can I also say the robe kimono situation that she has on is seen as fabulous, beautiful love. It's of course she's bringing her like lounge, anyone else in like lounge very that we know Korea is not like lounge wear. Lagging. But of course, Kerry Perry. That's lounges. Yeah. Yeah. Cause. I mean, honestly, you could walk out the freaking door and you look like. Ready to go to a ball. Gorgeous gorgeous outfit. All this looks great. Do you know, that's, what's interesting is like that burst scene in season two, that last episode. Where she did look like true. Yeah, it's very rare. Well, and they obviously were styling that to play. How bad a spot. Right. Yeah. So we spend a whole episode. Of Carrie's not over like that. She's struggling with big. And then the school sends her flowers. I know it's such a guy. And now we must be like five weeks past, right though. Six weeks. Yeah. So, yeah, not ideal. So then she decides to call him no, first she goes to lunch with the girls. Oh, That's right. Cause then Charlotte has the dog, the dogs. I brunch. And she's talking to them, of course, about the faculty sent flowers and Charlotte, of course, Madam romantic is like, this is the big gesture. This is Bob he's realized the error of his ways while she's simultaneously scolding her dog for trying to chew on it. Was that her personal life. I think so, too. Yeah. Then she's trying to chew on. And then Miranda and Samantha are on the polar opposite. End of like, fuck that guy. Like, how dare he sends you? Flowers, send you flowers for your birthday. And like, you know, that's it's and I, I agree with them. Like, I feel like it's a shit, move it. Well it's. Do you know what? Yes, you're right.'cause the last time he saw her. She was with the Yankee. Yeah, exactly. So he doesn't know if they're still together, like how dare you send a woman flowers if she's dating someone else like that could cause a rift between her and her new person. And even if you knew she wasn't dating anyone, you couldn't give her what she needed. Why keep going? Why. Why. Y like, try to pull her back in. If you're not going to give her what she wants. Which to be fair. And I think certainly for me throughout season one, I saw Carrie as being more of the kind of toxic craziness agreed. Whereas this, I think is the first time like that typical, you're getting over a guy. And he just can't help themselves, but throw himself into trialing. If you on the hook. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And so after brunch, Carrie. Obviously LinkedIn listens to Charlotte and she decides to call him to say, thank you. We're playing into his toxic bullshit. A hundred percent. Sounds like surprised to hear from her. Yeah. But then he immediately she's like, oh, thank you so much for the flowers. And he's like, oh, my secretary had it on her calendar. And she's like, oh. And then he's like, well, no, no, no, no. Like I told her to get them. She just reminded me that it was your birthday. But still then you're like, oh, what another burn? Like he didn't know it was my birthday. Like, why don't you say that again? With the cashmere sweater. Why would you say that? I know, I know just don't. Yeah, of course. Yeah. You're welcome. I was thinking of you or, you know yeah. Yeah. Lean into it. Like act like you really thought of it. So then she's like, ah, You know, and then he says like, oh, what have you got planned for the big day? And she's like, oh, you know, we're just going to go to that Bubba that can Moroccan restaurant or stay in pain, planned this dinner. And then she's like, like an impulse is like, oh, you should come. And he that's the first time I've seen him a little bit like lost. And how to deal with it. Because I think it was so unexpected. Yeah. It's like, oh, oh, Well, you know, I think. And she's like, oh, okay. Don't worry about it. And he's like, well, no, no, no, no, no. We can drop by later. He's like, but I might, I might have someone with me, which is interesting. His choice of words. Absolutely. And then she's like, oh, okay, well now I've committed to telling him, so sure. Go bring your other person, whoever. Yeah. Very awkward conversation. She's. And then she like lays on the bed and I'll my God. I can imagine, like, I feel that's something I would do. And then of all. And then you have to feel like, holy shit, what did I just do? I've done. And she says that she's like, I just invited my ex and hit the girl he's dating to my birthday party. Like I'm an idiot. Yeah, I totally get it. Yeah, that's sucks. But even big, like it's also interesting. That he wasn't just like all, thank you so much. Yeah. I know. But again, it's that. It's the back and forth and the, you know, So then that afternoon, Samantha and James, they go and see. Therapist. And what Larry is, is like on the wall. The therapist wrote a big and it was called into me. See, Intimacy. Yeah. Honestly. And Samantha man, that chick is trying try. Probably she's there. They show the conversation between the therapist and the two of them. And basically she's like, you know, Many women. I can achieve orgasm through sex and Samantha's like, that's not it. But I know she must be like HIV. He's like, honey, whatever. I mean, you can tell me anything and she's like, no, honey, it's just, haven't been, just been feeling sexual lately. And they're like, obviously trying to pull it out of her and she's not going there. Like she won't do it. And the therapist is like giving all these, like, you know, Avenues and all the things that could be wrong and she's holding on to it. She's not saying that she's not saying it. And then they're like, well, that's all the time we have for today. But then James was like, but I saw you masturbate. Came out the shop. Yes. You're like Samantha, at least be like satellite. If you'll let him not beat the house, what. Oh my God. So then the therapist goes to try to book them for the next week and that's it for Samantha. That's it like, oh fuck. No. She's all done. Your penis is too small. Blurts it out and there is something she can't say to him. After he just said, you know, there's nothing you can't tell me. I know. And he says to her, he's like, have you ever thought maybe your vagina is just too big? Oh, my God. It's so hilarious. Samantha takes, it was such poise that he basically storms out. Then she turns to the therapist and she's like, what can I say? I need a big cock and a fair. The therapist is like, I get it. Or when she says it funny, she's like, I hear that. I hear that. So then I actually don't know what happens to this next episode because I haven't seen it, but I'm presuming that's then it, for that. I, I don't know either, but I would think the same. Yeah. Does it kinda end it that way? Yeah. The two of them, she's finally told the truth, the awful truth. Awful truth. Pallet all links in. Yes. So then Miranda's now I'm in bad talking and she's talking about. The dirty talk and being like, oh my God, I can't believe I was so uncomfortable saying cock. And she's like KA, KA cock. Yeah, but again, I'm like, oh, Miranda, you sound so unsexy. What's going on with her hair in this scene, it looks like a fricking Brewster. Like it's so bad and it's like Finn. Like I was styling her. Like, I'm so glad they fired that person because poor Miranda, like they're not doing her any freaking favors on that. And actually, what did I find out as a fun fact? So I think during this particular season, this is where Patricia field. Is more involved. So I, I expect us to continue to see a change when it comes to the fashion for all of them. I think. Yeah. So that was one of the things I'm like, oh, okay. I'll I'll need to look out for that. Yeah, for sure. But so Miranda and the guy are talking. And basically. He's there. They obviously have just had sex. And so they're talking about like the things they like. Yeah. And it's obviously like getting them back in the mood. Right. He's like, what else do you like, what else? Or what else? Yeah, it's what she's telling him. Like the things that he likes that she does. And it's like, she's like, oh, when I bet your nipples. Yeah. And it's like, yeah. And then she's like, or when I lick your balls, Yeah. Yeah. And then she's like, or you like it when I slip a finger up your ass. And he's like, what? And she's like, oh, you know, you like me slip a finger. And he's obviously like, Fuck. No. He like, he turns his face and it's like, she's like, she's just farted. It was so interesting. The drink, how descriptive he is and obviously very dirty. Like it's so crazy that that's his line of the, say it clearly. The fact that he enjoyed the word sausage. Maybe he likes that, like, Not so much dirty. Yeah. Maybe that was too direct. I don't know. But obviously that, that was his boundary and she's massively crossed it and he is like, Shut down. It's just so interesting. And then Miranda, like literally it cuts to like, Oh, yeah. Carrie's birthday. And obviously she tells everyone, I love that Miranda, like has no care to like tell these types of stories. Right. But it's just the fact she's like, who knew that would be, you know, like a mood killer. But. Yeah, it just, I don't know. It just cracks me up the way she it's like she can't read the rules sometimes. For sure. She carries her. It goes so far. I don't know that I would have known that. Like, if you let me do it. And you enjoyed it and you talk about literally every second of what we're doing. I don't think that I would have to stay in the obvious. Yeah. Like why would I have known that that was your limit? Like, that's weird, but do you guys have a, like a thing about that guy? Yeah, I think guys, straight guys have a thing about. They're like, what do you mean? You're putting something out there. Yeah. I mean, I don't earn the moment. They don't realize it. No. Sure they realize it. Maybe I really do think it's kind of what the, the birthday parties. Consensus was it's like, they like it and they don't want anyone to know and they don't want to talk about it. They, they don't want to admit to themselves that they like it because it's probably a homophobia. I'm sure. Yeah. I'm sure that's what it is, but yeah, and I love it. That birthday dinner, when they're having this conversation saved first, like, well, I don't like anything out my butt and everyone. I know that sounds surprising. Everyone dies. Laughing. That's hilarious. And then Carrie goes to order like a double vodka on the rocks for each other, another. I feel like a little sick to me. I can't drink pure alcohol like that, unless it's like whiskey, but like, oh, vodka. That's a series. That's some serious drinking right there. And she was like, Downing it to like, And I'm talking to lie. Yeah, it didn't make me feel good. I'm curious, definitely a much heavy drinker in this. She's hard core. Yeah. Well, to be fair. Post breakup. Yeah. And I mean, maybe that's all I'm big is coming right. That's why that's why she's getting hammered because, well, the other thing is you can see her the whole time, like keeping an eye out. Yes. And she's got that anxious energy of like, he's going to show up at any moment, which I hate that she, again, I know. Accidental, but like, why'd you do that to your friends, right? Like they planned this party for you and you could even be present because you're like constantly. Yeah. And I don't even think from the reactions. She truly told them because then she turns. Big isn't there and I love the way he's like happy birthday, baby. You're like, oh, Yeah. But then it turns out he brings his friend Jack, who was the same one who was going through a divorce. He brought them their first date. Oh, Yes. That's right. Well, their first attempt in a real date. Yeah, and she leaves that's super cool. That's my favorite scenes. And she just looks. You can tell how the elite overlay delight she is. She's like, oh my God. Jasmine jumps into his arms. Like what. You don't know this guy. I don't think you like, cause she was mad about it before. So then then Miranda like turns and is like, what is your ex doing here? So that's why me and I don't think Carrie had truly told everyone she's like, oh, I just invited them. No, it was, he sits down at the table. And then Miranda says something she's like, well, I just thought he would stay for a drink. I didn't know he was going to stay. Yeah. Roskin height, belly dancers are dancing and they're paying a lots of attention to big, and he's like putting dollars into their little, you know, pants. And he's living his best life. He is. He's thoroughly. He has no cares. No. Which again, I kind of loved the fact that like, maybe he was just so oblivious to it. You know, sometimes like if any other person you'd be like, oh shit, I'm going to have, you know, birthday dinner with my ex. And all these girls are all over me. Whereas he was just so oblivious. He was giving them money and. I don't think he thought that the flip of that and like he had to see her with the new Yankee. And now he's like, oh, I'm going to let his girls pay attention to me in front of you. Yeah. Maybe that's what it was. Yeah. That's the thing is I feel like I, again, I would love a monologue from his angle because I do feel like big Scott feelings too. About Carrie. Like he misses her, like he's, you know, Yeah, you're right. Season one, he was always with like the models or she was the one that felt inferior. Now she had the new Yankee. Yeah. And he doesn't know they're not dating and he's not there tonight, but he wouldn't have known that until he got there. Which even more ballsy move to show up and show up with a friend and not bring a date. Yeah. We have potentially shaped. Right. She could have been there with her own date and LCE. I feel bad for big again. So then Oh, yeah. And then Susan is then sitting, chatting to Jack and Christ. She talks like it is a law. Again, read the room like he is zoning out and he's like, oh my God. Again. She's talking while she's eating like closely in his face and trying to like feed him food. Thanks. And then he's like, do you ever just shut the fuck up? And it obviously brings it back what she had with her husband. She's like, and then they say like, she suddenly really missed her husband. Yeah. They clearly had that relationship though. When it happens when he yells at Carrie and she's like getting home she's monologuing. And she says like, you know, is there a relationship bad or is that. There foreplay. Yeah. And was I like the catalyst of that foreplay? I could see that with them. I could too. I mean, especially two people with two, like really high powered jobs. I guess some people have relationships like that, but I would hate that. And turned to me, he was like, shut the fuck up. I would punch him directly. The nose. I'd be so upset. Yeah, I would not tolerate that for sure. So then, then it cuts to Charlotte goes home to her loving dog, Henry. And of course he's like shit on the floor, shit in that room. Like. Yeah. And then she's like, and literally they say like, he shit all over her perfect world and she's like, Nope, can't do this. So then it cuts to Susan then has the dog and she's back together with her husband and they say that they never wanted to admit it, but the dog saved their marriage. I could see that cause the dog is yappy. It's like shut the fuck up. He's yelling at the dog now. Instead of her. Yeah. It's getting his anger out or something and they they're all does suit them. Just as annoying and angry. So then Carrie is leaving her birthday. And what's interesting is how that would have happened. That it. They were the last two left and I can't imagine. Charlotte. Samantha leaving her. Alone with him. But then I could imagine Carrie setting. Oh, I got bill. You guys are good. You're good. Don't. I'll stay. And they're like walking out of the restaurant together and she has on the cashmere scarf. I noticed that. Susan gave her. Which is cute. And yeah, they're walking together like, you know, Having like, I would say a chit chat conversation. It feels very comfortable. Yeah. And he's like, what does the asker. Like are, do you want. Do you want to ride? Of course. And where did Jack go by the way? That's what I mean. Yeah. That's what I'm. They both must have wanted that. Yeah. So then he says like, do you want to lift? And she's like, no. And then it's such a. She said, well, I'm gonna get a cab. And he's like, would you want cab fare? Which. Which I'm surprised she doesn't take them. The. But she obviously has principles when it comes to big. Yeah. And I mean, that's the thing I will say is like, I feel like, yeah, because he would have given more. There's a hundred bucks. Yeah, she I'm proud of her that she didn't take the ride. Yeah. That would have been so easy and it would have given you more private time just to like talk on the way home. Good for her there. And so kind of him for offering cab fare. That's so nice, you know, and then there's like a moment where they go to say goodbye and I feel it more on his side. That I think he wanted to kiss her. Yeah, for sure. And there was like a quiet moment after she said, well, goodnight. And he just, and then he walks to his car and then he turns back and looks at her. That's what I love about him. Like, he's very like, Old fashioned. He just does all the right things that you would want a guy today. Yeah. You want him to turn? Yes. I know. And then she say, it says, I watched him go. The one thing she couldn't say to him was I'm not over you. And when she said that, I said, spoiler alert, Carrie, you never know. We'll be never. We'll get that city. It lingers. I feel like if I was her and you gave up the new Yankee. I would have kissed him. I know, I feel like, I don't know if I could have not. I know for sure. I would have taken the ride home in the car. I would have been that stupid for sure. And I feel like she, what would happen? Yes. I feel like she's never going to be the one to initiate the kiss at this point. You know what I mean? She would have let him kiss her right back. Yeah, but she, because of the way that it ended. Like, she's not going to be the one to initiate it. Yeah. But it's that's a tough ending scene on your birthday too. Like, oh, I mean, that's an also. I think pick myself in that situation. Especially if I'd been drinking. Oh, for sure. Aye. Decision-making ability. Yeah. You know what I mean? I don't think I would have had the little person. It might have been like. Don't do it. This is bad. I'm surprised at her seeing that she was clearly on her way. That she didn't do something. I agreed. And I mean that, I think that that is yeah, that was some major self-control and also like what she says as he walks away. I also know that like, you know, that is like, when you break up with someone and it hurts, like it hurts really, really badly. It's like you have to get away from the. The chemical addiction. Yeah. Like any little thing that inserts that back, it's like you're starting all over. And like that one was a lot, like you spent an evening together. You had, you know, All the things like that. She's like reset on the, getting over him, which she never does, but whatever. I ever, ever. But yeah, that was a good, good episode. And interestingly, like, even though they're broken up the second episode, that bigs Benin. Yeah. I'd have to, if I don't know if, when he's not in, I can't think of one off hand. I know there are ones, but. I wonder how many more episodes before they're back to dating? I know, I can't remember too. I don't know. The next episode is the freak show. Well, we're going to have some amp is going to be single again. So she's definitely going to be getting laid as often as possible because it's been a minute. And now they're all single. They all four will be single. Yeah, well that, I mean, who knows, but at it, except so Charlotte, Charlotte would be dating. Sure it'll be new. Well, we are looking forward to the next episode that will come to you soon. So thanks for listening. Thank you.