More Clients Less Hustle

Unlock the Secrets to Skyrocketing Sign-ups for Coaches

Caroline Balinska Season 1 Episode 3

The Coach's Guide to Marketing Magic and Client Success

Ever felt like your marketing playbook was borrowed from a game you're not even playing? Join me, Caroline Balinska, for an enlightening journey through the marketing maze, tailored specifically for coaching professionals. Forget the generic, one-size-fits-all advice; we're talking innovative strategies that resonate with your unique business journey. From examining the shortcomings of conventional online marketing for niche service providers like Beck, a fitness coach for moms in Australia, to the power of personalized email automations that turn sign-ups into engaged participants — this episode is a treasure trove for coaches looking to elevate their client interactions and marketing processes. 

Get ready to transform the way you think about your marketing efforts. We'll explore the art of crafting an all-in-one marketing platform, complete with ready-to-use templates and custom Facebook ads landing pages that speak directly to your target audience. And for those who love a good success story, we'll dissect the case of a client with an exceptional product but underwhelming sign-ups, and how the right tweaks to her marketing strategy led to a turnaround. With insights into the magic of free trial offers and email marketing automations that ensure high turnout for initial training sessions, this episode is not just a listen, but a leap towards your business success.

Caroline Balinska:

Each episode will unravel the strategies, tactics and insider secrets to elevate your marketing to new heights From lead generation to automation, to positioning yourself as the expert to client retention. I've spent years in the trenches, learning the ins and outs of the marketing world. Now I'm here to share my knowledge and invite other experts to help you create a thriving and fulfilling business that you're passionate about. This is the More Clients, less Hustle podcast. We'll be turning your business dreams into reality. Are you ready? I'm Caroline Balinska, your host. Let's dive in and transform your coaching business together. Welcome back to the podcast. I'm so excited to have you here today.

Caroline Balinska:

I am going to be going over some really great strategies that I have been implementing into my clients' businesses and I wanted to share them with you today. If you're listening, it's probably a good idea to watch this, because there's going to be a lot of visual things today in this episode, but I'll try to talk through as much of it as possible, and this is all really aimed at people who are probably this is really done for fitness coaches. It's really good for life coaches, for business coaches, service providers who offer some sort of system where they have scheduled meetings each week that can't really be put into a normal calendar system. So I was trying to set this up for my client and found that into a normal calendar system. So I was trying to set this up for my client and found that using a normal calendar booking system just did not work properly for exactly what we were trying to achieve. So you could do this where you use a normal calendar at the front end and then, behind that, use the rest of what I'm going to show you as well. So just keep thinking, if you've got anything that needs a calendar sort of booking system, then this is going to give you a lot of really great advice. I'm doing really amazing things with my client and I wanted to share that with you today on this podcast episode. So what is this all about?

Caroline Balinska:

I've been working with quite a few fitness coaches recently, and this one in particular. I've been working with a lot. I'm helping her with the whole backend of her marketing, and I was also talking to another client of mine recently and she was telling me about we did a coaching call actually, and I've actually done the recording and it's been on the podcast before. I was talking to her and she actually employed a guy as her coach, as her mentor, and he mentors fitness coaches and she was really disappointed. He's making somewhere like a million dollars a year from his business and he coaches people on how to do that too. And she started telling me about what he was mentoring her on. It was one-on-one mentoring and as she was telling me, I was like, oh, I don't want to say anything, but that's not going to work. And she just straight up said to me it doesn't work. What he's teaching me just doesn't work. I said, yeah, I knew that I could tell, by the way, you were telling me that it wasn't going to actually be very helpful for you. And she was like a little bit thinking it was her fault. Well, not a little bit. She thought it was her fault and I said it's not your fault. It's actually just not a good strategy to teach people when they're at your level. That's working for him. And I said he's probably got around a million followers. She said, yeah, 600,000. And I said, yeah, it works for him because of where he is at this stage of his business. So you need to understand that not all strategies work at all times, all stages of your business. You need to take that on board.

Caroline Balinska:

This client, for example, beck, that I'm working with her business is in a situation where she works with at the moment. We're looking, we're expanding her business more at the moment into something different, extended, but the part of her main part of her business at the moment is that she helps moms in a small area of Australia. If you know anything about Australia, it's got a very sparse community anyway and where she lives she's in one of the places that's probably got smaller not the smallest, but it's a smaller population and then she's working within a 5k, which is like a two mile radius, and she's working with only moms in which is like a two mile radius, and she's working with only mums in those areas. So we're talking a really, really small amount of people. So for her she's never going to get to a million followers. It's just not possible trying to target those people.

Caroline Balinska:

So also understand who you're targeting. Sometimes it's great you can target all people in all different areas, but if you're targeting a very small market, then trying to get everyone across the board and trying to get a million followers is going to be hard. So when you've got a smaller follower, count whether you're starting out or whether that's just your niche, then you have to do things a little bit differently. So what this client had told me was that she was told by this mentor to have a program for I think it was $8,000 and just get on Instagram and put up a video every day and just say hey guys, here's my fitness tip for today. And, you know, do 10 burpees to show them and then buy my package. Get into, you know, get on discovery call and buy my package, and while that is really good for him because he's got a large amount of followers, she doesn't and it just doesn't work because she's got a very small amount of people to target. And then trying to say it's a 6,000 or $8,000 package off the back end of that, from nothing, it doesn't work when you're at that level. Sorry, it just doesn't.

Caroline Balinska:

It's a really, really hard slog. A lot of people are selling this, but it's not how it actually works. There's so many more steps that you have to think about in between. And then the problem is on top of that, if you're doing an online fitness coaching course compared to an in-person one, and then you're telling someone who is looking at fitness to take just your advice from online. It makes it very difficult, difficult. It's not like a life coach, it's not like a business coach, it's fitness coaching. It's a different area to be doing online training. So all of these things come into play.

Caroline Balinska:

Anyway, then I've got another client that I've started working with, or I'm just about to start working with. We've done a couple of consults together and she's got this most amazing website. She's amazing, amazing, amazing. Everything about her is amazing. And I started talking to her and I said how many sales are you getting? She's got like a $14 a month program that she goes to a hundred dollar a month and she goes to a $400 a month and she's like no one. She and I said my gosh, you should have hundreds of people in your program. It's really niche, it's really good, she's fantastic. And she said, yeah, that's what I thought as well, but she's just not getting the sign-ups. So why is she not getting the sign-ups? We're still going through that process to find out where the actual missing link is in her process, but something's not working. So, with my strategies, what I'm all about is finding those missing links and working out how to fix them.

Caroline Balinska:

Now, beck this is the one I'm talking about today. Beck is in a position where, like I said, she's in a small area. She can only work with women. She's not online, she's in person. So she's got a small amount of people to work with and she needs to get people over the line. So we've been doing a few things and I've been saying to her let's try out a free seven day pass. She was hesitant, but now we're going to do it. So I've been putting this together for her and I'm really excited to make this happen.

Caroline Balinska:

I couldn't do a normal calendar booking because of the way it was structured that we've got the days of the week, but we've also got different sessions in between and we've got different locations. So I went two different colors for the different locations in person and then she does, once a week, an online session and that's all here. Once you click on one of these um, so this is a landing page from her for her Facebook ads. Once you click on one of these so this is a landing page for her Facebook ads. Once you click on one of these links here, it takes you through to a form and that form, once you fill it out, you choose which one of the sessions, you put your name and your information in there, and then you go through to a thank you page. It's got a video on there and we send people into a funnel. Now I want to show you that funnel because I think that is the most interesting part I'm going to say to you right now.

Caroline Balinska:

If you're watching this, you've seen what I can, what I'm showing you. If you're listening, then listen on in. I've got something really exciting to share as well is that I do a marketing platform. It's all in one, everything's included, and in that platform, I do a 14 day free trial. I'm telling you about that now. The reason why is because, while you're watching this, what I think you should do is go and sign up for the 14 day free trial and check out what is possible, because I will give you all of these templates completely for free when you sign up for the 14 day trial. You don't have to wait to pay. You get it straight away and you can implement it. I will give you exactly what you see on the screen, and then you can put your own information and you might only have three events you might want to link it to.

Caroline Balinska:

We've got a calendar system as well a normal calendar system. You might want to link it to that first, and then the backend. You might want to use just the templates that I have there. You might want to use my forms that I've got created. I created this for Beck because I couldn't use a calendar system in this situation. It took me to create this whole thing over a day of work Me, that's me doing it. I'm very fast. I've been doing this for over 20 years. It's taken me over a day to do this and put it together. So if you were to try to do this yourself, it's probably going to take you I don't know maybe a week, maybe two weeks to get all of this together. I haven't even shown you the backend yet. You'll see what I mean once you see the backend as well. I'm going to give you the templates a hundred percent for free, and you can just plug in your information and make it your own.

Caroline Balinska:

And the other thing that is really interesting about the marketing hub is that it's not only this, it's forms, it's surveys. You can do quizzes. You can do if this, then that. So if they answer on a quiz, which one is your favorite food avocado, carrots or peas If they click on avocado, they go to one question and the next question. If they click on carrot, they go to a different question. So we can create proper quizzes in here. We've got calendar bookings. We've got a full email marketing system. It is amazing, the email marketing system. You can do. Split testing is amazing, the email marketing system. You can do split testing. Beck used to be with HubSpot and with HubSpot she was already paying a ridiculous amount of money on HubSpot but she didn't even get the Abley. It'd be split testing for emails in the package that she was on and she was already paying a fortune.

Caroline Balinska:

We include all of that inside our packages as well. Try it out for 14 days for free. We also offer the. There's a social media planner that you can automate your posts. You can do all your automated DMs through the system. You do SMS, you can do auto call back on phone calls. There is so much in there. There's nothing else that you need when it comes to marketing. Once you have this system 14 days for free to try it out you can get all access to all of these templates to see what it's like. And I also include the Ignite program, and that program is an implementation coaching program and I've put it in with the marketing hub because I know that if I can get you because I charge you only for how many email subscribers you have how many subscribers.

Caroline Balinska:

So in my case, the more subscribers you get, the more people that are signing up, the more money you're going to pay and you don't pay a daily fee or per email. It's you know. You're on the smallest package If you have less than 50 people signed up, because I wanted to make that small package attainable for people when they're starting out. And then, once you get a hundred people on your list, you pay a bit more. Once you get two or 300 people, you pay more and more. I want to get you up to the biggest package. It's in my benefit, it's in your benefit. The more people you've got on your list, the more people you're converting. The more people you're converting, the more money you're making and you're happy. I'm happy. That's all I'm here for.

Caroline Balinska:

And what I'm finding is that I create these trainings for people and then people don't actually implement it. So inside of you signing up for that monthly marketing platform, you also get implementation coaching included. You also get 24 seven support when it comes to setting things up. You also get an onboarding call as well, which is worth like over $400 of just getting the onboarding set up stuff done. You get the at all times. You get live support, not like if you sign up for something like MailChimp, where you sign up and then you are sort of left to Google it or find a YouTube video for it. We do it all in there, but I also do the Ignite program on top of that. You won't find this sort of program anywhere else. You won't find these prices anywhere else.

Caroline Balinska:

I've created this purely because I know that you can get amazing results by signing up, and I am here to support people who want to move to the next level in their business, and the Ignite program will help you. So what we do is, for instance, if you sign up and for the 14 days, you can come on two of the calls. For instance, if you sign up and for the 14 days, you can come on two of the calls for free, you can sign up and I will take you through how to set this up, and you can ask me questions like hey, caroline, what, what should I have there? Or, caroline, what should I do here? Or hey, I'm stuck on this thing. What should I do? I will help you implement all of the different aspects of your business in your marketing. So not just setting up how to you know how to set up an email, how where to put the um the button, but actually how to implement the strategies into your business. So I had to tell you that then, because now I'm going to go into the training and I want you to think about that of hey, now I can probably do that myself quite easily, because everything I'm going to show you, I'm going to give you the templates. If you sign up for the 14 days for free, you're going to get all of this and all you have to do is plug your information into wherever you see something that's not your information, you just plug in your own information there and you're going to have a fully functioning funnel, a fully functioning sales funnel, within half an hour an hour depending on how long you need to put your information in.

Caroline Balinska:

So I'm doing this with Beck, because what we've got going on now, we've got an ad on Facebook and from Facebook they come to this page. They'll land here on this page, and on this page there's a bit at the top. There's a little video down here at the bottom where she goes into details about what you can get. The ad actually gives you information and then they land here and they can choose one of the sessions. Because the system that Beck actually has for the fitness stuff is a little bit difficult. When you're trying to give away one free session, they have to sign up and go through this whole ordeal of downloading stuff and blah, blah, blah.

Caroline Balinska:

So we said why don't we do it this way? We want to make it as easy for the person to sign up as possible. We just need to get them to that first session, because Bec's amazing, her trainers are amazing and she gets 100% success if people show up to her training. So she wants to get people into that first day of training. We wanted to make it easy. They click, they get onto a form, they choose a day and then this is what's happening in the back end. So let me show you. So in here you can see a lot of stuff that I've got going on and I've got this zoomed.

Caroline Balinska:

Now this is only the basics of people signing up and going into the first part. So once they get down to this last part here. Then they're going to go into another funnel and they'll get daily, weekly emails. They'll be reminded to come back to the other trainings, but this is literally just to get them into the first initial training. And yes, it looks like a lot, and that's what I'm saying. I'm going to give you all of this for free If you sign up for the 14 day trial and you will get access to this a hundred percent, this template, and you just have to add your information in.

Caroline Balinska:

Okay, so what is this? You're probably wondering what this is. This is the automated part of sending out emails. So people come along to your website. They choose when they want to come to a session. Now, it might be a online training day, it might be some sort of group session, it might be that you're doing a one-on-one session, it can be anything like that, it doesn't really matter.

Caroline Balinska:

Then they're going to fill out a form. In Beck's case, they've got six different forms. I've created six different forms for different reasons, because they're different types of sessions. There could be one form there. That's not a problem. You can change that for yourself, and so your first form triggers, and I've got a special way, especially when you want to have lots of forms, how to actually set this up in a way that it keeps everything together. So it's all in there, it's all included. So someone fills out the form and it triggers them to go down into this funnel.

Caroline Balinska:

The first thing that will happen is that Beck will be notified that someone it can be Beck, it can be someone else in her team gets notified. Hey, someone signed up for the free trial. They've chosen a day. Then the next thing that happens, a condition goes off and the condition is based on the day of the week. So in Beck's case there's six days of the week and we had to make sure that we could put in a condition that if someone signs up on a Monday class, or if they sign up on a Thursday class, or if they sign up on a Thursday class and they both signed up on the Sunday, that they're not going to both get the information at the same time. They're going to get information based on the day that they actually are going to the class. So they all get the first email straight away. As soon as they sign up, they get the first email. Hey, thanks, we've got in there. We can put their name in this title of the subject of the email. We can do anything. You can make beautiful emails, you can create templates, you can have basic text emails doesn't matter, the emails are gorgeous.

Caroline Balinska:

And then what happens is that then what I've got is a trigger. The next trigger is on that day. So in this case case, on the Tuesday they're going to. You'll see there's a special trigger that will say Tuesday, 8.30 AM. One day before that event there's going to be an email that goes out. So every single list. Now we've got another section that's going in here as well.

Caroline Balinska:

The other condition that we've got going in here is based on the location, because in her case she's got three different locations. So I wanted to show you this before I set everything up because you can take out the locations. That's not necessary. This part's got no locations yet and this part's got locations. So you can see that it doesn't really matter what type of business you have. You can make it work for you and if you do the implementation coaching with me the Ignite program that's included in the plan then you actually talk this through with me. Hey, carolyn, this is my situation. What should I do here so they can go in and they get the first email, then they get triggered. One day before their event They'll get another email that says tomorrow morning you've got your.

Caroline Balinska:

Tomorrow you've got your training. Don't forget to bring water and a towel. Whatever else is in there, I can actually show you. Oh, not that email. So there's the email that goes in. I'm not going to go through all the email, but you can see that there's the email in there as well, and you can test the email in there. You can also see the statistics. So we're going live on this in less than 24 hours and you can see that there's a person sitting there at that stage. When people are in there. You'll see people at different stages, you'll know how many people are there, you can see the settings, you can see the workflow, you can see what's going on, and then, in this case, everyone stops here at the moment and then it says wait a thousand days because we don't want them to set it to 200 days, it doesn't matter, and then people don't actually fall off, so you can still then move them onto something else. Those are a few of the tricks that we actually use to make sure that we actually get the best results from our email marketing campaigns. So that was something I really wanted to share with you today, because I think that there's so many people that are not doing this properly and they're finding that they're not getting the results.

Caroline Balinska:

If you're not getting people into your funnel, then you can do something like this yourself in your business. This is going to be run mainly through Facebook ads in the case for Beck, but it doesn't need to be. You could do this where it triggers through a Instagram comment. So, for instance, you could have a situation where you say you could do the like I was telling you about the other client. You could do a video where you do you know, a set of 10 minute exercises and then you have at the end of it, um, leave the comment, um burpee below and I'm going to send you through a free session with me, and then they leave the word um burpee. We set it up in the funnel where the DM automatically shoots them off the link to this page, so they'll get access to this page and then they go through the funnel from there. In Beck's situation, this link is going to be in a Facebook ad, but you can do it from a DM. You can also do it from Facebook, of course. If you wanted to do the same sort of DMs in Facebook, you could do this on LinkedIn If you wanted to have a link in your LinkedIn profile, if you wanted to do a post in LinkedIn. It can work in lots of different places, it doesn't just need to be through ads. But this is something that's going to be a game changer when it comes to Beck getting an automation funnel in that actually gets people into a trial. Beck getting an automation funnel in that actually gets people into a trial and then from there, once they're in the trial, that's when she starts making the big bucks, because she knows what she sells is fantastic, she knows she gets results and then the rest of it is just a really easy way to get people into making the money that she wants to be making.

Caroline Balinska:

So if you've got questions, please let me know. I'm really glad that you joined me today on this podcast. I have got so many more things to share in the coming weeks. I actually want to give you a little bit of a sneak preview into something I've got coming up in a few weeks. I've got a 14 day challenge coming up, and that 14 day challenge is for anyone who wants to create a business where a lot of it's automated and is also getting in leads, getting in sales. I'm all about more clients, less hustle. So if there's ways that you can actually get more clients with less hustle, then I'm going to be sharing them with you on this podcast. So I've got a 12 part series that will come out over a 14 day period and in that 14 days I'm going to have a lot of great guests.

Caroline Balinska:

I've got some amazing people lined up. I am starting to work with a couple of guys. They'll be on the podcast talking all about it, about video and how video is so powerful for your business. I do a lot of video, but they're actually creating for me at the moment a series of videos that are going to be super cool. You're going to see them coming out soon. We're going to be talking about them on that 14-day challenge. They also talk about using video for lead generation. They also talk about it through your funnel as well. I love that I actually do recommend that.

Caroline Balinska:

I do this a lot and Jan, who I've known for probably seven years. Him and I have done a lot of work together in the past and this is where we we really collaborate well together because we both have the same passion for how important touch points are with people and how important that is to your business. So we'll be talking to Jan and we'll be also discussing things like LinkedIn. Jan's actually just gone through. If you want to go and check out my LinkedIn profile, jan did an audit with me about two weeks ago and helped me do my LinkedIn profile and I have completely changed it. It's fantastic. I'm already getting a lot of new leads through my LinkedIn because of it. We will be going into details on the podcast on that 14-day challenge telling you about how to up-level your Instagram things that you can do. Jan is amazing when it comes to LinkedIn as well, so he's going to give us a lot of great advice there as well.

Caroline Balinska:

I've got other guests coming on as well. We're going to be talking about AI. We're going to be talking about calendars. We're going to be talking about different aspects of automation. We're going to be talking about emails. There is going to be so much there. It's going to be a full 14 days jam packed of information and by the end of that 14 days, if you implement something from every single day, you are going to have all the aspects of your business covered, all the main aspects, ready for you to get more leads and to get more sales, get more customers, get more clients with less hustle. So keep listening out for that. That comes out in a few weeks Next week.

Caroline Balinska:

I've got another good episode coming out as well. I've got lots of great guests coming up on this podcast, so I'm very happy to have you here. It's been fantastic today. If you have questions about this episode, please leave them in my YouTube, under my YouTube video. I can answer questions there. If you're listening to this, then please send me an email. You can send an email to hello at boutiqueautomationscom and I will answer it, or jump on my Instagram and ask me questions on one of my posts there. I always answer to everyone, so I look forward to hearing from you. If you have questions, sign up for my 14 day trial. You've got nothing to lose. There is a link underneath this audio or this video with the information and sign up for the marketing hub a hundred percent for free, and you'll get all these templates and you'll get to implement these things into your own business immediately and start seeing results straight away. So until next week, have a great day. See you soon.

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