More Clients Less Hustle

Engage & Grow: Crafting Captivating Content and Supercharging Your Business with Special Event Days

Caroline Balinska Season 1 Episode 7

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Unlock the secrets to creating captivating content that resonates with your audience! In this episode, I, Caroline Balinska, reveal effective strategies for producing engaging emails and social media posts. Learn how interactive "this or that" posts and celebrating quirky events like National Donut Day can breathe life into your brand and showcase its unique personality and core values. Plus, meet an innovative bot that will revolutionize your content creation process, making it effortless to craft compelling ad copy, emails, and social media posts.

But that's not all! Get ready for an exclusive announcement about our exciting 14-day challenge, featuring a stellar lineup of guest speakers. These industry experts will share transformative insights designed to grow your business step-by-step. Mark your calendars for these must-attend sessions and subscribe for notifications and access to these invaluable resources. Visit for additional tips, support, and to stay updated on your journey to gaining more clients with less hustle. Don't miss out on this opportunity to supercharge your business growth!

Caroline Balinska:

Welcome to More Clients, less Hustle, the podcast where we break barriers, defy labels and empower busy entrepreneurs like you to sort new heights. Get ready to shatter the glass ceiling as we dive deep with experts and transformative coaching calls, unveiling secrets to success and unlocking your true potential. Join us on this journey of growth, empowerment and limitless possibilities. Let's pave the way for more clients, less hustle. I'm your host, caroline Balinska. Hi, welcome back to the podcast. This is going to be a very quick one. Today, I just wanted to talk to you about something that I find is really important to every entrepreneur that they keep on bringing this particular topic up to me all the time. So I wanted to share with you just some quick advice that will really help you grow your business. Now, a lot of people say to me that they don't know what to write in emails. They don't know what to write on their social media posts. They don't know what they can actually do to engage with people. So there's a couple of things that I highly recommend, and today I just want to give you a couple of tips of things that I highly recommend. And today I just want to give you a couple of tips, and this episode is going to be short, as I said, because from next week, I actually have my 14 day challenge coming up, and that 14 day challenge I've put together with an amazing lineup of guests. They're bringing you the most incredible advice. I've been setting up all the interviews over the last few days and the advice that they have been leaving has been unbelievable, even for me. I'm learning a lot of things as well, so if I'm learning things, then you're definitely going to learn a few new things along the way of these 14 days in this challenge. The challenge has been put together where I'm helping you grow your business, and each episode has been put together in a certain order to help you step-by-step work through your business. They're short episodes they're under 30 minutes each or around 30 minutes each and they're there to help you think hang on a second, I can take action and do something about that, and I think 99% of the episodes will be relevant to everyone. So please listen to it starting next week, make sure you subscribe to this podcast so you can get notifications once it comes out, because that is going to be an incredible 14 days of amazing information that is going to make a big difference to you.

Caroline Balinska:

So today, what I wanted to talk about was how you can actually get in front of your audience in a slightly different way. Now we write our normal emails and I've got a bot. I've created a new bot. It sounds really scary, but it's not. It's actually makes it super easy. You don't need to worry about prompts anymore. You literally just answer the questions that I've got in the system and it will give you the content. It is amazing. I'll put the link underneath this video.

Caroline Balinska:

If you haven't signed up for free, I highly recommend you sign up, because it is a game changer in your business. That will help you write your ad copy, it will help you write emails and it will help you write your social media posts. But then the question is what are you going to write about? And this is something that a lot of people ask me. I love at the moment the this or that, so putting like a picture of donuts or a picture of fruit, this or that people have to answer. Maybe you can do a quick question, a poll, abc.

Caroline Balinska:

There's lots of great interactions that you can do to get people engaged. Another thing that a lot of people forget about that works really well is actually knowing the special event days of the year and these can really help you really show your core values as a business, show who you are, your ethics. It also can show you know what you're passionate about and it can be fun. It doesn't have to be so serious and it can be fun. It doesn't have to be so serious and it can be more about your personality, of your business rather than just talking about you know. Bye, bye, bye, bye, bye from me. So I really love using special event days as part of my business how I actually get in front of people and how I message people.

Caroline Balinska:

What do I mean by this? So I put together a calendar a while ago and it's there's no exact um. I found out the hard way many years ago when I put this together. There's no exact um date for a lot of these events. However, there is sort of like a consensus. So, um, if you type in some of these events, then you can find out the actual data associated with it. Countries also have different dates. What am I talking about? I'm talking about special events such as Donut Day, national Donut Day, national, hot Dog Day, national Take your Children to Work Day you name it. There's going to be a day for it. It's actually crazy the types of event days that there are. I'm actually going to put a list down below of all the event days.

Caroline Balinska:

This calendar hasn't I haven't updated it this year, so the dates, the actual dates, are not exactly right. So you might need to look at what the actual dates are. But why I'm going to give you a copy of this now is because updating it takes quite a few hours to do. But if you look through and you find a specific event that sounds interesting, then you can just double check the date and it's around the same time. So if I've got it there on the 14th of, say, valentine's day, valentine's day is on the 14th of Feb. It's always on the 14th of Feb. A lot of these dates are either going to be the same date so the you know the 10th of May or it's going to be the 10th of May because that year it was a Sunday. So it's going to be on the first Sunday of the month, the next year, for example. But it's not going to be from May to suddenly November.

Caroline Balinska:

So I'll give you access to the calendar down below as your guide to start you on your journey and I want you to look through it and have a look at what days there are. There's national waffle day. There's national flag day. There's national um, oh gosh. There's everything beauty day, and there's days for gosh. There's everything Beauty Day. And there's days for certain foods I think pretty much every food you can. I'm sure there's an avocado day. There's days for National Photography Day. There's Animal Day. There's all sorts of special events days during the year. Different animals have different days of the year as well.

Caroline Balinska:

But if you go through, then you'll start to pick up on a few things. First of all, you'll find dates that actually work really well for your business, um, like so, if you are a um, a life coach, national, uh, mental health week would be a really good one as a life coach, because mental health is really important around life coaching. But then there's also going to be other days that you go hey, I just love donuts, so I'm going to actually do something around national donut day. Um, yeah, I want you to look at it from both sides. I want you to look at it from the point of view of your business, but I also want you to look at it from the point of view of what you're actually interested in and what makes you excited, and understand that these days are something that you can promote to your audience.

Caroline Balinska:

What can you do? You can do all sorts of things. You can run a competition on that day, so you can do like national jelly bean day. You can have a jar of jelly beans, count the jelly beans and win. That's just the simplest one and it's like the oldest one in the book, but you can do that with anything. You could have, um, a national donut day. Give me a list of your, you know, tell me your favorite donut and I'm going to choose someone from that list. The person that guesses my donut will actually win, you know, a prize of something. There's all different ways you can play this um, national animal day. Send in a um, tag me in a picture of you and your dog and you go into the draw to win something. Or they don't even have to win anything. You might just say, hey, tag you and your dog because it's National Animal Day and I'm going to make a comment or something like that, so it doesn't even have to be that you give something away.

Caroline Balinska:

The same goes with email. So now you can create an email. People get stuck like, oh, I send out an email every single monday of the week of the month and every monday I send out the same email and I'm seeing my open rate drop. I'm seeing that people are dropping off or people are just not that interested, or they're opening the email and then they're not taking action.

Caroline Balinska:

Wouldn't it be nice if, just randomly on some Wednesday, they got an email about national donut day from you, with your perspective about donuts, because when you were a child, donuts were the thing that you used to do with your grandmother and your favorite donut is this like really unusual donut that no one's ever heard of in this shop in blah blah, blah, blah, blah. And you've got this whole backstory behind it and it's just a way for you to engage from a completely different standpoint. And now you've thrown in, you know, an email that makes someone it just it breaks that norm that you're used to having with your audience. So think about it, play on it. What can you do? Maybe you can actually decide that you look through.

Caroline Balinska:

You know I used to work with a charity in australia called tlc for kids and they have a day of the year in uh, I've got to remember now july or june or july, and it's national tracky duck day and it's the day of the year that they want everyone to wear tracksuit pants and then that day you actually donate money towards children in hospitals in aust. That would be a really good cause. That you know. If I had a big audience in Australia, then that would be what I would actually make sure this one of my emails and I would do something. Okay, it's tracksuit day, so I'd put on a pair of tracksuit and I'd be like, okay, this is my tracksuit for the day and really engage with people from that angle so you can send out emails, I can do it on social media and sort of really stop that norm of what people are used to seeing from you, because suddenly they see something unusual that you don't normally do National donut day. Waffle day maybe it's pecan day there's all sorts of things. Pie day maybe it's not around food, maybe it's around something else.

Caroline Balinska:

Like there's different types of health days. There's so many different cancer days. You will be shocked with how many cancer days there are that you can actually see. Maybe there's something that you know someone close to you has had a particular cancer and you find that there's a national cancer day for that, and then that can be somewhere that you know you come out and say, hey, today I actually donated $500 to this cause because you know I had a family member sick from it and I just wanted to let you know. I just wanted to make everyone aware that this day is really important. So think about the different national days of the year that you can actually use.

Caroline Balinska:

I'll put a link underneath this video, underneath this audio, wherever you're listening to this or watching this, there will be a link to my old calendar. Like I said, that I had created that. You just need to go through and just update the dates and see that there's a day that you are interested in. There's literally hundreds of days on here. So this is not just a calendar of like 20 things. There's literally hundreds of things on there. So go through, have a look through, find some days that actually work and mean something to you personally and add them into your communication, the way you communicate with your audience. So thank you for listening.

Caroline Balinska:

Sign up for my email list and I'm sure that once you sign up, you'll see some of these coming from me as well. Sign up for my free AI bot that will help you create better emails, will help you create better social media posts, completely free. There's a link underneath. You can sign up there and learn how to write your own emails in a really, really game changing way. It's going to change the way you run your business. It's all about creating your content 30 days of content in five minutes. So go and download that and try it out. It's really it's going to be a game changer for you.

Caroline Balinska:

And until next week, please come next week to our 14 day challenge. I promise you you are going to love the people that I've got as guests and they'll be sharing the most incredible information with you that's going to help you grow your business. So until next week, have a great day. Bye, thank you for joining me on this episode. For more tips and resources, visit more clients, less hustlecom, and leave a review or comment so I can continue to help you on your journey to more clients with less hustle. Till next time.

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