The Q&A Files

11. Owning the Stages of Life, The Four Levels of Consciousness, Part 2

April 22, 2024 Trisha Jamison

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Have you ever sensed that life could be something you flow with, rather than something that just happens to you? Trisha Jamison here, inviting you on a voyage through the transformative seas of consciousness where we uncover the secrets to living a 'through me' life. In my quest to bake the most delightful rolls in town, I let go of the recipe book and leaned into intuition – a decision that shaped not just my baking, but also how I embrace life’s sweet and savory moments. And if you think that's intriguing, wait until you hear about Jim Carrey's visualization of success before fame came knocking. These stories are just the tip of the iceberg, as we chart the course towards aligning with our deepest desires and the universe's grand design.

Then, prepare to elevate your perspective with our dive into 'as-me' consciousness, where feeling at one with the universe isn't just a lofty ideal but a lived experience. Imagine a life where each day is imbued with a sense of magic, where intuition is your compass, and inspiration outshines perspiration. We're not just talking theory here; we bring concrete examples, like how Thomas Edison’s mastery of different states of mind unlocked levels of creativity and innovation that continue to light up our world. And finally, we'll wrap things up with our Q&A Files, where your burning questions spark enlightening discussions. Remember to keep the questions coming. Together, let's chart a course through these waters of wellness, and may your journey be as thrilling as the destinations we're heading towards.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Q&A Files, the ultimate health and wellness playground. I'm your host, tricia Jamieson, a board-certified functional nutritionist and lifestyle practitioner, ready to lead you through a world of health discoveries. Here we dive into a tapestry of disease prevention, to nutrition, exercise, mental health and building strong relationships, all spiced with diverse perspectives. It's not just a podcast, it's a celebration of health, packed with insights and a twist of fun. Welcome aboard the Q&A Files, where your questions ignite our vibrant discussions and lead to a brighter you. Welcome back, wellness warriors. I'm Trisha Jamieson and I am flying solo once again as we reach the halfway point of our destination, with Dr Jeff and Tony pressing on with their vital work. I'm here with you, basking in the glow of our collective quest for consciousness. Today, we're not merely testing the waters. We're launching ourselves with a cannonball splash into the through me phase. We'll then navigate to the final and most profound leg of our adventure, entering the as me phase. Together, we'll uncover the what, how and why of living through me, setting the stage for our deep dive into the as me phase. This journey promises to challenge and expand our understanding of connection and purpose. Get ready for an exhilarating leap into new realms of awareness, where the discoveries we make will forever change how we view ourselves and our place in the world. But first let me gently remind you, if you haven't yet explored the foundational levels of consciousness, the to me and by me stages, I encourage you to visit that episode before proceeding further. It lays the groundwork for everything we're about to dive into, ensuring you have a full grasp of the journey ahead. Now, with the vital piece shared, let's fasten your seatbelts, do away your trade tables once again and get ready for takeoff belts. Do away your trade tables once again and get ready for takeoff. The move from by me to through me transforms us from map readers to compasses, intuitively guiding us towards our true north. This significant shift fosters personal, spiritual and community growth driven by our innermost desires. Intuition, visualization and intention become our guides, pushing us towards authentic goals and ensuring our journey aligns with our core aspirations. Picture this navigating life with a compass that doesn't just point north but guide you straight to an ice cream parlor on a scorching day or a drinking fountain after a hard run. This is the kind of guidance. Living through me offers A life of fortuitousness and opportunities don't just knock, they flow through you, creating a path filled with delightful surprises and perfectly tailored moments. In the through me phase of consciousness, you're not merely following the map. You're letting the map reveal itself and veiling shortcuts to enjoy the hidden alleyways of personal growth. Consciousness, you're not merely following the map. You're letting the map reveal itself and veiling shortcuts to enjoy the hidden alleyways of personal growth. It's like discovering an innate ability to play the piano by ear, a gift our kids actually have, except let's not test them with actual sheet music, shall we?

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Early in our marriage, I set a rather ambitious goal for myself. Early in our marriage, I set a rather ambitious goal for myself to make the best rolls in town. What began as a simple aspiration quickly turned into an adventure filled with more trials and errors than I cared to admit. I encountered dough that stubbornly refused to rise and batches that seemed better suited for a pickup game of hockey than a spot on our dinner table. Through all this, I learned a valuable lesson in perseverance. However, my love for cooking, combined with a somewhat unique talent for tasting flavors in my head, led me to often disregard recipes altogether. Instead, I chose to rely on my intuition and creativity, feeling my way through the dough's texture, to achieve that perfect stickiness. It was a journey of letting go and allowing my culinary instincts to take the lead. My husband, bless his heart, took on the role of taste tester with a level of seriousness that would rival any food critic. His feedback journeyed from the lowly scores of threes and fours to an impressive average of tens. Nearly all the time, his mixture of honest criticism and constant encouragement was exactly what I needed to keep pushing forward. But this story isn't just about mastering a roll recipe. It turned into something much more. It was about blending intention, intuition and the joy I imagined lighting up my family's faces with every successful batch. Today, these roles have become a cherished symbol of home, so much so that the idea of sharing them with others is always met with great opposition, a testament to their special place in our family that invariably brings a great smile to my face.

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Diving into another story that encapsulates these principles of intuition, intention and visualization is Jim Carrey's ascent from a hopeful comedian to a Hollywood star which stands out. It's a story that starts with a skinny wallet and a check nestled among old receipts and probably an expired old gym membership in his wallet and an unyielding dream, despite early setbacks and living in a van down by the river. Okay, well, maybe not really living down by the river, but that was for my son-in-law's, russell and Corey. They love that song A Van Down by the River. However, cary and his family actually did live in a Volkswagen van, but that did not deter him from pursuing his dreams.

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Cary's beginnings were humble, to say the least. In the midst of his uncertainties in 1985, and among doubts about his career, and while still far from the success he dreamed of, kerry made a bold move. He famously wrote himself a $10 million check for acting services rendered. This wasn't him putting the cart before the horse. It was putting the spaceship before the launch pad a bold declaration of his confidence in his future success and a physical manifestation of his belief in the power of intention and aspirations. He carried this check in his wallet, letting it marinate there for 10 years, almost disintegrating Despite a career that initially seemed to have more no's than a two-year-old in a toy store. He had so many rejections and doubts about his career, but Carey's belief in his path never dimmed. His trips to Mulholland Drive weren't just for the view, but were exercises in visualization, where he saw himself shaking hands with directors and earning the admiration and accolades of peers, planting the seeds of his future success in the fertile ground of his imagination. It was an exercise in solidifying his intentions and aligning his energy with his great desires. This act of faith was not in vain. By the end of 1994, carey had achieved remarkable success, starring in hit films like Ace Ventura, pet Detective, the Mask and Dumb and Dumber. Notably, his role in Dumb and Dumber brought him a paycheck of $10 million, mirroring the amount on the check he had written to himself nearly a decade earlier, coincidentally not only matched the ambitious figure he had written on that visionary check, but also arrived almost precisely on the prophesied date.

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Jim Carrey's narrative is more than just an inspiring success story. It's a testament to the power of visualization, intuition and intention in turning dreams into reality. He didn't just hope for success. He believed in it with such intensity that it became a non-negotiable outcome. His journey, marked by a start with nothing but a skinny wallet and a van not quite down by the river, to becoming the funny and entertaining figure we all adore, underscores the impact of aligning our inner compass with our true north. Kerry teaches us that with commitment and a readiness to share our talents, even amid opposition, we can transform our lives. His relentless dedication to his craft can inspire us to pursue our passions from the kitchen to the stage and beyond, reminding us that the universe is indeed listening and ready to respond when we align our deepest beliefs with our actions. So how do we step into through me and how do we start living in vivid detail, allowing life's currents to guide us towards our dreams? It's easier than assembling furniture without the instructions and significantly less frustrating.

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Number one is cultivate your intuition. Cultivating your intuition is like nurturing a garden it requires patience, attention and the right conditions to thrive. Here are some steps to help you cultivate your intuition and enhance your ability to listen to your inner voice. Embrace silence. Carve out quiet moments daily to let your inner voice surface. Trust your gut. Start small trusting your instincts. Voice surface Trust your gut. Start small trusting your instincts on minor decisions to build confidence. Intuition journal Document when you follow your gut and the outcomes, spotting patterns over time. Practice mindfulness. Stay present. Mindfulness clears mental clutter, amplifying your inner voice. Sleep on it For big decisions. Give it a night. Clarity often comes with rest. Explore creativity. Creative activities can unlock intuitive insights. Seek synchronicities, notice coincidences. They can be nudges from your intuition. Learn to let go. Release the need to control everything. Sometimes intuition leads best when you're not forcing the direction.

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Number two practice visualization by engaging in all five senses Tasting success, smelling new beginnings, feeling achievement, seeing your goals completed and hearing recognition can significantly transform your mindset. This method effectively narrows the gap between dreams and reality, as the brain treats vividly imaged scenarios like actual experiences. Immersing yourself in these sensory-rich visualizations makes your aspirations feel attainable and real, turning them into tangible goals. Jim Carrey's story, where he envisioned receiving a $10 million check, serves as a perfect example. He didn't just think about the check, he felt the weight of it in his hands, saw it in his wallet and heard the words of congratulations, which made the experience real to his mind. This practice of engaging taste, smell, touch, sight and hearing and visualization not only makes your goals feel attainable, but also activates your brain's capacity to work towards making these imagined scenarios a true reality.

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Number three set intentions, not just goals. Intention setting is like goal setting with a personal touch. It focuses on nurturing your values and how you want to feel, rather than checking off items on a daily list. It's less about the destination and more about the journey, ensuring your actions resonate with your true self and not someone else's goals for you. Imagine setting your life's GPS not just to the fastest route, but to the one with the best views.

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Embrace coding is number four In my coaching practice. Recoding reality is key. It's about transforming your mindset and life from the ground up, identifying and removing limiting beliefs, then adopting empowering ones. We dive deep into what holds you back, turning obstacles into launch pads for growth. This shift isn't merely about changing thoughts. It's a profound transformation in how you view yourself and the world, fostering significant life changes. Here's a condensed guide to reshaping your reality.

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Spot old beliefs. To reshaping your reality. Spot old beliefs. Identify limiting beliefs holding you back, ready to be replaced. Switch them out. Replace negative beliefs with empowering ones, like upgrading from worn out flip-flops to sturdy shoes. Update habits. Align daily routines with your new positive mindset, refreshing your day like a new ringtone. Align thoughts and actions. Ensure your beliefs and actions match, integrating kindness into your daily life. Build resilience. Use setbacks as fuel for growth, strengthening your resolve. Find your support. Build a network of encouragement surrounding yourself with positivity. Embrace gratitude, daily appreciation and mindfulness reminds you of life's joys.

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In summary, the through me phase emphasizes your intuition, intention and visualization as key elements guiding you to allow life's opportunities to flow through you. Aligning with your inner compass, this stage deepens the connection with your inner guidance system, utilizes focus, intention setting and employs a vivid imagination of your desires, fostering personal and spiritual growth towards your true north. As we step into the as me phase, it's time to fully live our journey. After aligning with life's rhythm, we're not just moving through life now, we're becoming one with it. This is where actions and experiences unite, showcasing our true potential. So, wellness warriors, let's embrace this final leg of our journey, diving deep into the asthmie phase with all we've got.

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Here we go In the grand tapestry of existence, where stars collide and galaxies embrace in a swirling tangle of celestial wonder. There lies a tiny speck we call Earth, and on this speck there exists a peculiar species known as humans who, in their quest for meaning, have stumbled upon a profound realization the fourth level of consciousness, called as me. This isn't just an epiphany that strikes you while you're trying to decipher the mysteries of your burnt toast. It's the awakening to the intricate associations of life, where everything and everyone is a thread, interwoven with vibrant colors and textures. It's as if you've been invited to the universe's VIP party, mingling with stars, planets and galaxies as old friends. You find gentle musings in every situation, cherishing the interconnectedness of all things.

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Urquhart-tully encapsulates this beautifully, saying you are the universe, expressing itself as a human for a little while. This perspective invites us to see ourselves not just as spectators, but as integral parts of the universe's ongoing story. So why do we need as-me consciousness in our lives? It's the essential seasoning that enriches our existence, transforming the mundane into the magical. Imagine going through life like it's a bland soup and suddenly discover the as-me consciousness, the spice that turns every sip into the burst of flavors. This consciousness isn't just about singing kumbaya while holding hands around a campfire though that's nice too but understanding that your neighbor's joy is your joy, their sorrow your sorrow. It's the realization that treating others with respect and kindness isn't just an act of charity but an act of self-preservation. After all, let's face it, we're all on this floating rock together.

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Living with as me consciousness infuses life with meaning and connection. It means you're not just passing through life like a ghost in a crowded room. You're engaging, connecting, serving and recognizing the shared essence in it all. It acknowledges that a butterfly's wing beat in Brazil can stir breezes in Tokyo and our actions create ripple effects that extend far beyond our immediate perception. It's the recognition that we are actors on a stage far grander than our own personal stories, where every line delivered and every step taken contributes to the unfolding actions of existence on this earth. What does that even mean and how do we infuse our everyday living with the as me consciousness? It begins with transforming our perceptive and actions in tangible, heartfelt ways In this as me phase. 1% of the population can identify in this phase.

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This is at a level where you are guided through life by deep sense of unity. You understand a deep level of connectedness. Your intuition flows effortlessly, your inspired action and your goals become one. They don't come from the person but from the universe. They report to a higher boss. Whether you believe in God, the universe or another higher power, the idea is there is a greater boss, a higher force supporting you, transcending specific beliefs and providing comfort and guidance in life's journey. This consciousness invites you to see life through a lens of unity, where your actions, thoughts and feelings are deeply connected to the broader web of life. You get to live life like magic, with a sense of connectedness and luck on your side. As those four-leaf clovers begin to show up more frequently in your life, they serve as reminders of the four key principles that guide you toward a life of deeper meaning and joy. The first key principle is a sense of connectedness. Imagine a world where empathy, gratitude and forgiveness aren't just ideals but the very essence of your interactions. This key unlocks a profound bond with those around you, acknowledging our shared voyage through life's ups and downs.

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Number two tap into intuition. Intuition in the as-me phase becomes a constant, much different and deeper than the through-me phase. You get to delve beyond the surface into the realm where intuition reigns supreme. Honoring that inner voice or gut feeling becomes a consistent, powerful compass. More often than not, it's your subconscious processing information faster than your conscious mind can, leading to insights that might seem to come from nowhere but are grounded in your experiences and knowledge come from nowhere but are grounded in your experiences and knowledge.

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Number three inspiration over perspiration. Replace that monotony of taking off tasks with the thrill of following your passion. When inspiration is your muse, your work just doesn't fulfill. It resonates, sparkling a contagious cycle of creativity and connection. Four fortune favors. The bold Luck isn't just found, it's forged by those daring enough to embrace the unknown. Openness to opportunities and readiness to face challenges transform serendipity from a rare guest into a constant companion. Embracing these four principles transforms life, making rare four-leaf clovers a common find.

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It's about connecting deeply, trusting your intuition, pursuing passions and courageously embracing opportunities, turning life's magic into an everyday embrace and experience. You are no longer visualizing life. You are living and embracing it with joy and anticipation. Trusting that deep inner voice, your intuition can lead to making decisions that are not only right but also bring about a faster route to true success and fulfillment. This process is significantly influenced by the state of our minds, especially when we transition from a beta state, characterized by wakefulness and active thinking, to the more relaxed alpha state, and then to the theta state, where the by wakefulness and active thinking, to the more relaxed alpha state, and then to the theta state, where the magic of creativity and deep insight happens.

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Let's take a deeper look. The beta state is our everyday consciousness, alert and focused on the tasks at hand. The alpha state, a more relaxed state, is where we start to daydream and begin to access our subconscious. The theta state is even deeper, often associated with REM sleep, meditation and deep creativity. It's in this state that our minds can make surprising connections leading to breakthrough ideas and innovations.

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Enter the story of Thomas Edison, a pioneer not just in inventing but also in using his own mind's potential. Edison, with nearly 2,000 patents to his name, including the light bulb and early motion picture technology, had a unique approach to problem solving. He would take naps holding a metal ball in his hand, positioned over a metal plate. As he drifted off and his hand relaxed, the ball would drop, clinging against the plate and waking him up. This wasn't just a quirky habit. It was a deliberate technique to capture ideas at the brink of sleep, the moment when entering the theta state, where intuitive insights and creative ideas can surface from the depths of the subconscious. This practice highlights the powerful role of intuition and how accessing different states of mind, especially the theta state, can unlock extraordinary levels of creativity and problem-solving capabilities.

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Imagine holding a magic wand, a conduit of your deepest desires and highest aspirations. As you embark on a journey illuminated by the four key principles which we just talked about. This wand becomes your trusted ally, guiding you to unlock seven enchanting qualities of magic in your life. Each quality invites a new dimension of wonder and fulfillment, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary. Number one unbridled joy and blessings. With a flick of your wand, every moment transforms into a cascade of blessings. Your heart, bursting with unparalleled joy, transforms into a cascade of blessings. Your heart bursting with unparalleled joy. Life is navigated with laughter and a perpetual smile that radiates warmth to those around you.

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Number two imperviousness to overwhelm. The magic at your command shields you from life's storms. Stress and anxiety attempt to breach your defenses, but fall away powerless against the serene calm enveloping you. Three harmony in relationships. Your newfound magic weaves threads of forgiveness and understanding, strengthening bonds. With the softness of compassion, hard feelings and anger dissolve, leaving only peace and connection.

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Number four instant inspiration. Suddenly, creativity flows as freely as a river. Ideas, melodies and visions flood your mind, eager to be brought into the world through your own unique expression. Five limitless abundance. Each day awakens you to a rich life of abundance. Prosperity, happiness and success are not just within reach. They're your new reality, as natural and endless as the air you breathe.

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Six fluidity and effortlessness. Your path is smooth and your actions effortless. Obstacles turn into opportunities, challenges into moments of growth as you navigate life's course with the grace of a leaf on the wind. And seven manifesting dreams. The most profound magic lies in its power to bring dreams to life. Your deepest desires, once whispered into the night, now stand before you as real and tangible, woven from the fabric of your will and desire. After weaving the four key principles into the fabric of our being and unlocking the seven qualities of magic in our lives, we're perfectly primed for a deeper transformation. This journey from principles to magic prepares us for the ultimate adventure becoming the current.

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Embracing becoming the current within the as-meet-consciousness paradigm is like harnessing the power of a mighty river beneath a sleek kayak. It's about synchronizing your personal rhythm with the relentless flow of life, transforming your journey into an exhilarating escapade. Let's dive into this concept much further. Imagine you're an Olympic kayaker, masterfully navigating the river's flow. Rather than fighting against the current or dictating your course, you lean into the river's wisdom, letting it guide you through whirlpools and rapids with grace and poise of a champion. This is becoming the current in full swing, merging your path with the river's undulating rhythms, wearing a grin of exhilarating confidence as you carve your way through life's challenges. It's fascinating that I chose this water theme, as I shared in an earlier episode about my near drowning experience while river rafting down the Snake River when I was 18 years old. This experience, although harrowing, strangely draws me back to the river as a metaphor for navigating the currents of life. Let's see how you can ride the wave of life and plunge deeper into the current.

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Number one keep deep alignment. Like the river that knows its destination and carves its path through the landscape, keep your goals and values in clear view, just as a river adjusts its course around obstacles without losing its essence. Stay true to yourself amid life's changes, whether it's pursuing a career that resonates with your soul or standing by your principles in the face of adversity. Let your deep inner alignment guide your journey. 2. Graceful Movement Life, much like a river, flows around rocks and finds its way through the tightest gaps with elegance, adapt to life shifts and turns with grace of water, flexible, resilient and always moving forward. This can mean gracefully transitioning between jobs, smoothly navigating personal relationships or finding calm in the midst of chaos, all while maintaining your flow. Three empowered action Harness the power of the river's current to propel you forward. When you align your actions with your core values and the natural flow of life, you move with purpose and power. Take inspiration from the river's relentless force. Let your efforts in education, career or personal growth be as determined and impactful, creating ripples that inspire change.

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Four purposeful existence. Every river has its source and its mouth, a beginning and an end, giving it purpose and direction. Infuse your life with purpose by setting meaningful goals and contributing positively to the world around you, whether it's through nurturing relationships, making a difference in your community or pursuing a passion that adds value to the world. Let your life flow towards fulfilling these purposes. Five mindfulness and meditation. Use mindfulness and meditation as your paddle to navigate the river of life. They allow you to stay present amidst the rapids, to navigate the stream stretches with appreciation and to face the turbulent waters with calm. Mindfulness in daily life can look like fully enjoying moments with loved ones, savoring the beauty of nature or simply being present in the mundane tasks, bringing a sense of peace and clarity.

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Six letting go of resistance. Just as water flows around obstacles naturally and effortlessly. Let go of the need to control every aspect of your life. Embrace life's uncertainties and learn from them, whether it's accepting a sudden career shift, dealing with unexpected personal changes or facing unanticipated challenges. Learn to flow with life, trusting that you will reach where you need to be. Riding life's waves involve embracing each moment with confidence, whether facing challenges or celebrating growth. Becoming the current is about trusting and aligning with life's flow, infusing our daily experiences with grace, purpose and joy. Living magically means connecting deeply, trusting intuition and pursuing our passions, turning extraordinary moments into common treasures, akin to finding four-leaf clovers with ease. Embracing varied mental states, inspired by Edison's creative naps, demonstrates how mindset shifts can unveil insights, enriching our journey with solutions and wonders.

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Thank you, our dedicated wellness warriors, for tuning into today's episode of the Q&A Files. It's been a privilege to be your solo pilot on this journey, exploring the depths of consciousness and how we can navigate life with a sense of magic and purpose. I eagerly await and anticipate Dr Jeff and Tony's return when we'll dive even deeper into the four levels of consciousness, the to me, by me, through me and as me. Phases, as we will share enriching discussions that I hope will inspire and illuminate your path. Keep those questions coming, stay endlessly curious and continue living your best life Until we meet again. May you find joy in the journey and magic in the everyday moments. See you next week.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for tuning in to the Q&A Files, delighted to share today's gems of wisdom with you. Your questions light up our show, fueling the engaging dialogues that make our community extra special. Keep sending your questions to trishajamesoncoaching at gmailcom. Your curiosity is our compass. Please hit, subscribe, spread the word and let's grow the circle of insight and community together. I'm Trisha Jameson, signing off. Stay curious, keep thriving and keep smiling, and I'll catch you on the next episode.

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