Home Is Where The Truth Is

9 - Kind Christian Karens Unite!

February 28, 2024 Maeve and Mat Jemison Episode 9
9 - Kind Christian Karens Unite!
Home Is Where The Truth Is
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Home Is Where The Truth Is
9 - Kind Christian Karens Unite!
Feb 28, 2024 Episode 9
Maeve and Mat Jemison

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This episode isn't safe for the little ears, as Mat and Maeve discuss the blatant sexualization of children in government and private schools. This content will make any Christian parent see the dire need to bring their children home, to stand up for their beliefs, and to be a Karen. A kind, Christian Karen, but still, we must be ready to fiercely protect our kids and make sure they know the truth. 




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This episode isn't safe for the little ears, as Mat and Maeve discuss the blatant sexualization of children in government and private schools. This content will make any Christian parent see the dire need to bring their children home, to stand up for their beliefs, and to be a Karen. A kind, Christian Karen, but still, we must be ready to fiercely protect our kids and make sure they know the truth. 




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  Welcome to Home is Where the Truth Is. I'm Matt. And I'm Maeve. We've got five kids that we're trying to raise in the ways of the Lord. We want them to understand the truth of our Catholic faith and how to defend it. This is an everyday job and a lifelong commitment, and it's so important before they leave our house and go out into today's culture.

Which is why we've chosen to bubble wrap our kids, or homeschool our kids. And whether you homeschool already, or perhaps you're praying about it for the future, we want to share our adventures with you. Because let me tell you, it's an amazing life when you let the Lord guide your kids educations and your family's adventures.

So listen in for some relatable stories, because we sin, we struggle, and we get burnout just like everybody else. But we do get some things right, thanks be to God. So we invite you to laugh with us, or at us, whichever, and glean some parenting wisdom and tips for deepening your family bond and creating a family culture that's centered on the Lord. 

And if you are wondering  if you should listen to this podcast, I  definitely think you should because you're talking to, or listening to right now,  the Family of the Month.   It's official, we're the very first ones that are parish  to earn this prestigious designation. 

Yes, given by the Knights of Columbus chapter 6254 out of DeLand. Oh yeah. They recognize our family, the Jemisons,  as the Family of the Month because They see us every week  Yeah, front and center very first row. You can't miss us . First pew We've got a couple of altar servers. We're in ministries in the church.

We're active, but you know what? It's nice to get the recognition that hey  Good job parents. Good job guys Did it get us that parking spot that we wanted up front? It's just not even close, we still parked in the back, we like gotta walk half a mile to get to church. But, if you wanna look at our,  Instagram for pictures of them presenting us with this , certificate, if you will.

Oh yeah, that gives us a little bit of street cred right there. We are setting the bar high for everybody else in our church. Yeah. And I just feel bad for the next couple. I don't know what we're gonna do. The next family. Yeah. Yeah, so , you are at the right place.

Today we're going to talk about the Sunday experience as usual, taking your family to mass. And we're also going to tell you guys about the terrible, horrible things that they're teaching your children in government schools. And yes, it's seeped into private schools. So we'll talk about that in the later half of the show.  

 Don't let people tell you don't be a Karen. Okay, we need Karens  My family tells me this at least once a week don't be a Karen   I Didn't know what they were talking about  but you can look up videos of Karens and these are women that are apparently going off on somebody in public.

For no reason. Yeah, there should be no reason you should even be talking to 

Right, and  I'm not talking about going off on people, but here's the problem. Because of this moniker of don't be a Karen or you're being a Karen, there's such a stigma that now nobody cares enough. to give feedback or constructive criticism.

And this goes a little bit deep with me because my mom's name, God rest her soul is Karen  and she was a Karening pioneer  in a Christian sense. I never saw her go smack off on somebody, but let me give you some examples of what she did. , one time we were playing basketball, I was in fifth grade and we had traveled to the school,  and when our team ran out on the court, we were the visitors, the whole gymnasium booed us.

Now, this is fifth and sixth 

 My mom... Yeah. I mean, Nick, you shouldn't be booing the visiting team. My mom wrote the newspaper. She wrote an op ed  about why you should not be booing. And in fact, my coach, I didn't know she did it until my coach came up to me. She said, Hey Maeve, I read your mom's letter in the newspaper.

And she's right. She's right on.  My mom,  she made a difference with her Karen esque ness. Okay, , one time. Brahms, that was the ice cream shop in Oklahoma, where we're from,  they didn't carry her Death by Chocolate. Oh, how dare they. It's the best flavor. Did they have it just discontinued or they just like, behind the times?

And they kept requesting it and , we would go in there the next week and they still didn't have Death by Chocolate. They're like, that's not our flavor, that's Baskin Robbins. We can't carry that. Well, she wrote a letter to corporate. saying, where is my flavor?  I do like Baskin Robbins. Next time we went in there, guess what was there?

Our flavor was back. So I'm sure there's like a couple of tubs with her name on it. Exactly. So this whole thing of don't be a Karen, it's unfortunate because now Karen's gave Karen a bad name. 

So as I'm going up to the screen turner at our church after mass  My family, what are they saying? Don't be a Karen. Don't Know  I went up and I told him because he was slow to turn the screens now You it was like a word to like  two words. You've got it on that last sentence  And I went up to him. I was kind to him.

I,  asked is he, new there and I told him, , you should  actually turn the screen at this point. And he, he's like, okay, all right. Yeah. Okay.  I go out, my family's  rolling their eyes and running to the car as fast as they can. . Well, fast forward to , this time, Recently, I've been recording my audio book and  my step mom had used this guy to record an audio book.

She knew him through church. So I go  to his studio to start recording my audio book.   , I at first thought he used to be her student because she taught for years and years and I said, Oh, did you have,    Ms. Alford for,  class? And he's like, no, no, I just know her through church.

I, I used to work at St. Peter's in audio visual. You're like, oh, hey, I will see you later, sir.  Right then, the light bulb of recognition went off in my brain like,  Oh, this is the dude. months. And it's been a couple of years since I've 

because he doesn't, we don't do screens anymore.  And I said, Oh, and I, in my brain, I'm thinking, Oh my gosh, does he recognize me?

I recognize him. , as he's rolling his eyes, Oh, this lady, I swear.  So no. , after a few hours of working with him, I did say, Hey. Do you remember me? And he's like, Oh yeah, I've been holding back this whole time. I'm waiting for you to tell me how to do my job here.  No, you know what he said? He said it was actually very helpful because he's not even Catholic.

So to come to a Catholic mass and you're working in the mass as the audio visual guy, he's trying, he's got a learning curve already. He doesn't know , how the mass progresses and all of us, we do. He said it was so nerve wracking. He felt like 500 pairs of eyes were constantly on him the whole time.

Because they were. Because we don't know what the next word is, dude. Because you're waiting too long to flip the screen on the PowerPoint. Just hit the space bar. It's that easy.  It's like literally the song stops for about a second and a half. And then everyone's like, oh, as soon as they see the word, okay, now I know it.

, he said  that that is a dying art form Constructive criticism because somebody can either be  too harsh or whatever  But no, I was kind about it. Isn't it art  to be constructively criticizing people?  Because you know what people like to do they're gonna they're gonna leave a one star review why don't they just go to the manager and kindly tell them their concerns?

That's where it's dying. And so now, nobody will say anything because they're too scared of being labeled a Karen. And it's the same thing as like,  sometimes, and especially as parents,  we have to talk. We have to step in. We have to say, Hey, this little thing is off. If you just change it, it could be much better.

Or, I see this kid acting a fool, wilding out. Honey, where's your mom? This is not okay behavior.  You have to do that in life. Oh. Tell 'em, tell 'em your caring story. This last weekend. This weekend. Okay. 

gonna come up, but I mean, might as well throw it out there. Okay. We're at a big swim meet.

. And, , we go inside at A Y M C A, so we go inside. , 'cause it's so flipping hot. Oh gosh. We had to go in the AC for at least 10 minutes just to, it is so hot. Listen, you know how. The rich man and Lazarus and the rich man said, if you could, he went to hell and he said, if you could just dip your finger in water and touch it on my 

this is how we feel as parents.

When a swimmer splashes us,  we're watching the meat and we're like, Oh, thank the Lord. I got a splash of water on me.  So we're inside playing foosball and there was a couple over there. Now, the girl is in her bathing suit and a hoodie So she's obviously a high school swimmer and nothing else and the boyfriend is sitting there with her and he is literally Groping her.

His hand is so high up on her thigh And it's going on for a while. And so my back is to them playing foosball and I keep seeing her look up like 

she looking at?  Oh, I knew something was gonna happen. I knew it. Well, and, you know what? This girl. I know where she's at right now, because this is one of Matt's moves.

I'm sorry, this might be a little personal, but this is what he does on date nights. He will get his hand as high up there as he can. No, I mean, I know, okay. I know I'm handsy. I know I'm like,  but I'm not like, come on. But, but we're married 18 years, okay? And this is a young high school couple.  until finally I could take it no more.

The ball bounced off the table. Matt went to get it and I'm like, this is 

And I just look up at this little couple 


excuse me, that's making me really uncomfortable the way you're groping her thigh like that. do  your parents or coach know that you're in here and you know, the government school kids, 

yes, they just smile.

And , I was like, okay, well  let's keep it respectful here and quit groping her like that. So, yeah, I mean, let's, let's stop that madness. It was the broad daylight in a YMCA and she's in a bathing suit and he's literally  edging his fingers as high up as he can go.

Dirty dog. I know. So I was like, girl I feel you because get a couple drinks in that and I'm fighting that battle too.   Anyways, let's  get back to the a little tangent,  So yes, okay,  he was appreciative of that constructive criticism and it's just awesome all the way around about how the Lord guided me to Josh.

He's the sound engineer. . He built his whole entire studio by hand. He had a microphone and he calls it the Neumann M49. it's a 1969 microphone, but he's modernized it. He's literally built it from other parts saying that you can pick up a Nat's fart. That's how good this is.

So  yeah, this studio is amazing He's affordable. He's close. And yeah, I already have had interactions. When my whole family is saying, don't be a Karen. No, I had been over there and that's how we have a little bit of history. So, Oh yeah, I'm sure this guy's on his,  Ps and Q's the whole time.

Wait for her to can you  you know, do that better? Or he's like, 

No, but ? He's awesome. And oh, and also he bakes bread. Yeah, he bakes his own sourdough. , not only does he bake his own sourdough, he makes his own yeast from fermenting fruit wouldn't know how to do it, so, so literally.

 He's a Jewish kid and we had sourdough bread last time. I went and recorded literally two ingredients, flour and water.   It's an awesome relationship. I'm so glad the Lord blessed me to, make that connection to go and be a Karen to him. That was many months, many months ago.

High five to Karens in the world, I guess. They're good ones. Yes. You know, this whole don't be a Karen thing is kind of like, but you still shouldn't be a Karen unless you're  really out for  better.  Good of mankind not just because it annoys you and you just want to say something and be rude , no never being rude be a Christian Karen.

Okay. Yeah care like a Christian care Okay, because you're gonna improve their business. You're gonna improve their art, , but but go up there in love, okay  and also  Don't be a Karen has bled over until we're now parents. They're not even barely parenting as much 

 Because parents, if you knew  what they're teaching kids today in school  with the literal goal of sexualizing children, you would snatch your kids out of government and it's seeping into private schools as well. So quick. That's what Matt and I want to talk about today.

It's a serious situation. So, at this point, if you have little ears  where you're listening, this is a time where you better pause it because  it's gonna get rated R. Okay? , for my book, I researched and I will say, before I started writing my book, I didn't realize All this was going on,  so I know there's millions of people out there who are blind to this.

,  I have a, a huge chapter on the sexualization of children through the government schools, in my book, but,  recently we have also watched the movie, mind Polluters,  mind Polluters is Done,  by Fearless Features. So if you. If you do want to look up this movie, it's on fearlessfeatures.

com, and folks, there's an agenda to sexualize children and teach them everything about every sexual deviation from a very young age, and the framework for this happening has been going on for decades. This is not new.  You know, parents are just getting privy to it. And it's really all just about desensitizing kids to the fact that, you know, this isn't that faux pas subject that's so bad you should stay away.

It's like trying to make it a  mainstream talking point to where, yeah, it's okay to talk about sex. It's not a bad thing, you know, no matter what age. And homosexuality. Everybody. Mm hmm. They're trying to mainstream it. , tell me something that kind of surprised you with the movie Mind Polluters.

 Mind Polluters, what they did is they interviewed a bunch of people who actually were the ones teaching this curriculum. They were the ones trained by the curriculum companies that have made sex education, comprehensive sex education. Was there something that surprised you?  Well, I think what stuck out to me was what was named the gentleman that, , it was based on his book. Okay. Alfred Kinsey. Kinsey. Yeah. So, so much was predicated off his writing of two different books.

But in essence basically it's just saying, I mean, he said, essentially there's no minimal age that you should  start bringing this up. I'm bringing this to children's attention now. Interesting for me, obviously I grew up in a public school, but I didn't have any type of sex ed class until I want to say at least high school.

I was probably a sophomore, junior. Where they separated the boys and the girls to watch their own film, and  they had the boys watch I barely remember what it was. How it happens, basically. Yeah, . Or the anatomy. Yeah, anatomy and stuff like that. Of course, you know, stupid boys. I 

know, get one through it because you're seeing some dude's stuff, On a screen, it's like, okay, it's like.  What are the girls watching? You know, that's all we can think about. But at the end of the day it wasn't, and this was ,  30 years ago.  Okay, Alfred Kinsey  is the guy  it was sexual behavior in a human male.

That came out in 1948. Okay. And he said sexuality is not an appetite 

Right. Right. It's almost like embrace sexuality. You know, talk about it, discuss it. This is what happens. , nothing is left to the imagination, 

Mm hmm. And it's just like, wow. And they want to indoctrinate this in schools.

And it's kind of like been seeping in over all these years. . Yeah. America gobbled it up kind of. But here's the thing. This guy was a complete perv. He said that literally no sex act is off limits. He said, quote, pedophiles are misunderstood and their punishments were 

Disgusting.  He was bisexual. He was S and M and you know how this guy died. It's so freaky. He died from.  Like blunt trauma to the, like, balls.  It's like some kind of aggressive, , he, He wrapped a rope around his scrotum. 

and jumped off a high thing with it. Oh wow. That's like bungee jumping. And that is how he died. That killed him. He got an infection there. This guy was a complete,  and in his research, which was grossly skewed, he conduct, Oh, it's terrible. He conducted experiments on children, babies.  And his research was so flawed because he was using felons in prison and  taking numbers from that.

 Once this let loose on society , it was Donahue was even backing this guy back in the day. Yeah. He's like, yeah, you know, they, they're  upset that what was the lady's name that came out against this? And she was Bringing everything to light. Like why are you putting these kids to these kind of Right.

I can't remember her name, but Ru Ruth Gin. Ruth Zer, she is the one person that was like, look at this horrible research. Look what this horrible is doing, and yet we're gobbling this up and we're feeding it.

 This is where. sex ed came from is this idea , let's just completely sexualize children because he thought, , children are sexual beings and because he had a problem, major psychological. Yeah. So now the school systems today, they start in kindergarten or even even preschool and they start with transgender ideology.

 There's all kinds of stages of  how they're gonna get this stuff into schools and get this stuff into kids And there's nothing about abstinence. There's nothing About moral, it's just about  Yeah  one of the things that struck me from the movie Mind Polluters, the lady , that used to be a facilitator of this information. She said, we would go in there and if the kids, you know, the kids don't want to talk about this. There's an aversion that God put in our, our souls and hearts, kids are averse to this kind of stuff.

She said, this was the exercise we would do. We would say, what are some names of body parts that you've heard? And it's okay to say them. Just yell it out right now. Because everyone's, all the kids are so clammed up and they would have these kids yelling out the curse words, the body parts, what you refer to sex as, and everyone's, and the adults are going to laugh with them.

So that they have the comfort so that they can break the ice. Is that disgusting and horrible? , and you might be thinking, Oh, this kind of stuff is not in my school. This, this stuff is, I have great principals. , I'm here to tell you that that is naive. It's everywhere. And we live in Florida and we are blessed to have Governor Ron DeSantis, who is a warrior against this stuff. You guys might remember the Don't Say Gay Bill, which is a very misleading moniker because it should have been called the  the Anti Grooming Bill.  The bill was that you can't teach gender ideology  or sex education to students, third grader or less.

And  the bill passed. And we're lauding this , Oh, what a great victory. But y'all, third graders are eight. Okay. Eight year olds should not be learning about it either.

And one of the people, one of the experts in the film talked about the latency phase that Dr. Sigmund Freud, which is up until puberty.  These kids who are in the latency phase, why it's, it's child abuse to be teaching them 

  If you look at the 2023 2024 school year calendar for the state of Maryland,  

they have 23 different sexual ideology celebrations. Let me,  list some of them.

 Here  are what's on the school calendars. Chock full of events to hypersexualize our children and drive home the complete acceptance of transgenderism. kick off the school year, you got bisexual week in September, October has coming out day, international pronouns day, LGBTQ history month.

And yet another thing to confuse children, Asexual or Ace Awareness Week.  Now here's the thing about Asexual, that means you're not attracted.  That is gonna be any normal child up until age 14 or 15. They're not gonna have...  I mean I started liking girls in 6th grade. Okay, but, some kids, but you know what I'm saying.

Yeah. This could be any normal child.  Asexual. Okay.  So it's confusing, and maybe someone's not boy crazy, so now all of a sudden they're like, Oh, what am I? Oh, what am I? Okay, so November has Transgender Awareness Week, Transgender Day of Remembrance, December has Pansexual  Pride Day, in February  it's Welcoming Schools National Day of Recognition, which is  an afternoon that they're gonna read books that promote Transgender ideology.

March is transgender visibility. April boasts the silenced day of action to raise  awareness of bullying and harassment of LGBTQ students.  And in May you got international day of homophobia, transphobia. It goes on and on. Wow. Where's like a normal month. And then, yeah. And then June, Hey, hope you're not tired of celebrating.

You got the whole month of June is pride month.  Why are we subjecting our kids to this? And as far as transgenderism  goes, I want to give you guys some facts, okay?

Because 70 percent of children will outgrow gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria is the thought that...  I'm stuck in the opposite sex's 


In fact, Kenneth Zucker, , he literally wrote the book on gender dysphoria treatment. , he's got years of experience in treating transgender patients. 

When  they studied a hundred of his patients,  88 percent of 

grew out of gender dysphoria. And that's what they find,

If you don't socially transition a child, change their pronouns, change their name, allow them to sleep on overnights with the, in school trips.

They can sleep overnight with the opposite sex, and this is happening in schools across America. We never had overnights when I was a kid. Well, like camping trips,  like going to Washington D. C. in 8th grade. That's a big thing that we do in Florida.  So,  it, yeah, so that's happening.

But,   kids can grow out of this.  If they're not socially transitioned. . So we don't need to push this on our kids.  We need to teach our kids the truth. And, I don't care if you homeschool or you send your kids to school. This is going to come up and your kids are going to be confronted with it.

So we as parents, we need to teach the truth. We need to teach that there are two genders. That God only made two genders.  And you're completely normal. If you're a girl that loves your sport, that you're not into makeup, that you're not boy crazy, it doesn't mean you're a boy. It doesn't mean you should have been born a boy.

It doesn't mean you need hormones. It doesn't mean that you should transition and get a double mastectomy. It means you're an athlete. It's okay to be a tomboy. Yeah, I have plenty of those growing up , right?  And if you're a boy who likes to sing and do artwork 

Okay, that doesn't mean you should you're a girl, but just don't play with dolls  All right, don't put makeup on well and and you know,  dads teach our boys how to be manly men , yeah go out there  dig up earthworms and Go fishing and,, throw rocks at each other. I don't care.

Toughen these kids up. Don't let them, , cry because somebody said something that hurt their feelings. And next thing you know, , these kids are sobbing in a corner over in the,  safe room because they need a couple minutes to get themselves back together.

Hey, that's life. Toughen up, ? Mm hmm. Teach these boys how to be men. Yeah. .  , , one of our girls came and said,  this is what she said to us. , I'm so glad I live in a Catholic home where the truth is taught because if I didn't, and I listened to what society says, I might think I should be a boy.

Because, why? Because she's an awesome athlete. She is not boy crazy.  And so, oh, whoa, that, you know.  Why are you so weird? No, that's completely normal. And it's the government schools and , society that's trying to sexualize our children and normalize any sexual deviant behavior.  And our kids,  they need to see us telling the truth.

They need to see us standing up for the truth and standing up for them. And this is where Karen comes in. 

Take it back to ,  late 2020 and the federal mask mandate was going,  but  you're talking to a couple of Patriots right here who didn't wear masks.  And  we were at, Jamestown, Virginia,  Williamsburg and Jamestown. We went up there for educational field trip  we're at a federal state with a federal national, okay, Jamestown the Jamestown settlement And it's technically you're supposed to wear it on any national property federal property. 

Yeah, even open air Yeah,  So we're walking, we get into the park 

, they were making glass and they're showing how they were blowing glass to make these little trinkets and whatnot. Pitchers and glass. Yeah, all this stuff. So, obviously, it's outdoors. I mean, it's under a roof, but it's not enclosed.

So, we're walking around it looking at the different things and they had an open air little gift shop. So, of course, our kids are going to be attracted to that. So, they walk in there. And I remember this kid, he was probably in his, , mid, late twenties. And he had said to the girls or the kids just in general, Hey, you need to wear your mask in here.

 Cause we were not compliant. We're bucking this system. And we took our masks off until someone made, made us put them on. , again, we're not indoors. It's an open air. I mean, there's a roof over it, but it's still open to the outdoors. Kid's going to ignore this guy.

So we keep walking around and I'm like, I don't know, I'm probably like 15 feet behind him.  And then this kid comes back out again. And this time he's raising his voice at our kids. He's like, Y'all need to be wearing a mask when you're in here or something like that.  I'm like, that's it. Papa Bear. Come out, Papa Bear.

I'm like, don't you ever yell at my kids like that. Do you hear me? , I don't care if you've got a problem, you need to talk to me. Oh, you shut him down. I saw him trembling in his boots. Exactly. .  I'm not letting this dude, , think he's going to just start bullying us around and think we've got to wear a mask outside.

This is ridiculous. And eventually he came to his senses and apologized, which I appreciated.  And Did we put our mask on? No , but we just walked away . So it's like your kids need to see mm-hmm.

that, hey, if you got a strong enough belief in something, not only stand for yourself, stand up for each other. Right. And just don't let these people, , walk all over you and demand that you gotta do something when you don't think it's right. Mm-hmm. , 

and, , that came up again fast forward.  This was this year, so 2023. We took our kids, we just got it so good in 

Florida, I tell you what, as homeschoolers, we took our kids to the Clearwater Aquarium Marine Biology Summer 

Now if you don't know what Clearwater Aquarium is, this is the aquarium that had Winter the Dolphin, God rest her soul.

Winter the Dolphin. Who is the star of Dolphin Tale movie 1, 2, and 3, starring, who's the, Vin Diesel? No. Oh, that was Fast and Furious 7. , 


 Starring Morgan Freeman 


Where they found this dolphin who had been entangled in a fishing line for a few days, a fishing net, that her tail had to be


and she actually got a prosthetic tail. This is the aquarium that housed her.  And my kids did get to see her before she died.

It's  a two hour drive from our place. And they have a marine biology camp and we're like, that is a win in.  We get a little Airbnb over there. Oh my gosh.  Clearwater Beach. Hey, it is awesome. If you get a chance to come to Clearwater Beach, we saw Hulk Hogan. He lives there.

All kinds of stuff. Great beach. Beautiful


Yes.  We take them to the marine biology camp, which fills up  in two days. as soon as registration opened, this homeschool mom was on it. I had it on my calendar with. Just a reminder.  We take our kids there and  we have a daughter in  the high school group.  And so she comes to me after the first day.

It was awesome. I love my leaders. I love my

What you're being taught by like college

Yeah. All the counselors are college interns. Yeah. They are all  seeking their marine biology degree or some aspect like that.  She had a great time , but she came to us. And she's like, but you know what,  , mommy,  they asked our pronouns,  record scratch.

What?  No. They had on the board written,  what's your favorite thing? What's your favorite marine animal? What's your pronouns? Okay.  Now, and

which one of these doesn't fit?

Exactly.   Here's the thing. College kids are indoctrinated.

They think there's nothing wrong with this. Let's just ask people their pronouns.

want to offend

 Of course my daughter didn't answer her pronouns. Good for her. She knew enough to just ignore that part. And they didn't literally say , Well, what are your pronouns? But if a kid was going to say it, And yeah, three or four kids in there were like, I'm she, her, 


Yeah, thank you.

Yes, we know that. , why are you telling us this? You obviously are she, her. Okay, so,  she told me that, and She knew what I was going to do. Matt,


What did I do Matt?

So as we go to the pickup line and we're waiting for her,  we're

it was the next morning.

morning? Okay. You're like talking to a little girl behind the counter. She's like. Hey, you know, brought this up, blah, blah, blah, blah. She's like, okay, well, you're going to have to talk to the HR lady of the whole place.

well, hold on. I told you, first of all, , Matt, you need to

Well, hold on. I was standing there the whole

you were standing there because I feel like it's so much more effective if a dad stands

Yeah, and every time you said something, I'm like, yeah, what she said. Yeah.

Oh, you were behind me like making that symbol where

Okay, I rolled my eyes a couple times. Yeah.  Yeah, the whole cuckoo, cuckoo thing. Yeah.  I'm just like, sorry. I'm , lip syncing.

Sorry, I don't know her.

you weren't. We can laugh. You, you knew you backed me and I, that felt good having you to back me because  the girl at the counter who was probably  over the whole camp, she was probably  24, the oldest. And I told her the stats. I said, , 70 percent of kids are going to outgrow this.

I'm not comfortable with you pushing this on my child. We, and I did bring up like, we live in Florida. There are laws on the books that you're not supposed to indoctrinate kids with this. Now,

Yeah, I mean,

they're not an educational. Yeah, they could, you know, I'm just trying to throw everything

yeah,  gonna stick and she's gonna be like, okay, this lady knows what she's talking about, but half of it ain't true. .

well, she was like, I understand. She kind of agreed with me. And she's like, well, I can,

nothing I can

I can have you call, I can call HR. And I was like, yep, call HR. I'm gonna, I'll, I'll talk to whomever I, y'all are gonna hear that this is not okay with me. Oh, here's the clincher. Here's the crazy part, y'all. 

You could not bring peanut butter into the facility because of peanut allergies. Literally, if you had a granola bar that had a layer of peanut butter dipped within chocolate, you had to go home and get something else. There was no peanuts on campus. And so it's like, Wow, you care about children. You care that nobody dies, that nobody gets sick.

You care about peanut allergies. So  why are you allowing a poisonous indoctrination that leads kids down a life of being on hormones? And having surgeries, barbaric surgeries, for the rest of their

just confusion. They're just like confusing these kids. They don't know what to think. So if you, you hear it enough times, it just becomes second nature. And it's no big deal. That's the thing. , if you hear it enough and it becomes mainstream, like it's always going to be part of the conversation, then you just become accustomed to it and you're comfortable with

But you guys, we can win this war and everybody doesn't wanna do the pronoun thing.

So we can win this battle. And that's what it takes, is standing up. And when that lady from HR came, she smiled and nodded. She heard me out. She heard me out. And you know what she said?  Oh, well, we just want everybody to be comfortable.

Well, not everyone's comfortable,

Yeah, except, you know what that means? Except Christians, except those of us who stand on the word of God, who know that there are two genders and God doesn't make mistakes. 

Gender dysphoria is a. Contagion at this point. It's groups of friends who get it. It's exploding like a contagion because it's being forced on our Children. And if you want to protect your Children from it, you got to bring them home out of the out of the school system. Not only bring them home, you have to teach them the truth.

Parents. It's so important. And  you and your spouse need to be on the same page and you need to go in there as a strong unit of two and speak the truth and , our daughter knew we were going to do it. Our daughter knew we were going to go in there and speak the truth on her behalf. And I'm proud of her for telling me that.

And I'm proud of being a kind Christian Karen in this situation.

Karens.  The only time I'll ever say that. Okay,

Okay, so parenting  is hard, yeah, stand up for the truth and be a kind Christian Karen.

True  that    We  


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