Home Is Where The Truth Is


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Life without internet, scheduling conflicts, gulags, and inoculating your kids against the trans movement. We fit all that into one pithy conversation that seemed to flow rather nicely.

Show Notes
Episode 38
Published Oct. 05, 2024

Highlights of Alabama dethroning Georgia. (The whole video is awesome, but forward it to 19:15 to see miraculous catch.)

Alabama's Ryan Williams' amazing game-winning catch

Episode 24 Talking about timing at Swim meets

Episode 8 Chatting about Survival Mode 

Turning Point Academy National Day of Prayer and Fasting

Turning Point Academy PDF Urgent Prayer For the Nation

Live Not By Lies, A Manual for Christian Dissidents By Rod Dreher

Lost In Trans Nation, A Child Psychiatrist's Guide Out of The Madness
By Dr. Miriam Grossmann, MD




Purchase Home Is Where The Truth Is:

 Welcome to home is where the truth is you found it  it wasn't hard to find was it?

if you got Google Maps. Uh, 

Or a Rand McNally 

Grand McNally you should okay. That is a good point. You should have those laying around somewhere

A physical map

Physical map because we're gonna start out the top of this show with would you rather?  Would you rather? Lose power and still have internet, or  keep power and lose all internet?

Well, if you had internet, the only thing that's going to be useful is your phone because you can't play the TV or radio or anything else.  So I'm going to say power over internet. Right.

any damage  and it didn't really hit us at all, but we did get a  flicker of power, which must have surged our modem and we lost.

internet. And I do want to say, our hearts go out because there was a lot of destruction in the Panhandle in Georgia and North Carolina. So, our hearts and prayers go out to those people.

It's awful.

But down here in Central Florida, we lost our internet. And we lost it for five days. It took for AT& T to get out here to fix it.

So what all do you lose when you lose the internet? Not only the ability to play Wordle. 


Obviously zoom meetings, podcast editing and, and recording because we use an online platform for that. So it was a miracle that we got the podcast uploaded last week. I had to go to my dad's house , right.

things we do to make stuff like this happen. Right. It's


We're not missing a week

missing a week here. 

Other things, my grocery list, because I say Alexa, add cinnamon to grocery, right? It's so much easier than going and finding a pen and walking over to the fridge to the magnetic list, right? But, here's where it got a little scary.  Dosing my child with Tylenol.


Because we had one, we had a kid down with a nasty virus and going on  seven or eight days. He's battling this.

this. And

And so I'm looking at it, the Tylenol, and it says 10 milliliters. And I'm like, Alexa, what's the conversion of milliliters to teaspoons? It's like, Uh, uh oh, so,


and we don't have any of those little cups that come on the top of the Tylenol bottle because our kids aren't babies anymore, , or they're not that little that we haven't used it in so many years. 


we winged it, basically.

luckily I went to the dredges of the boys bathroom in that second drawer that no one, no one ever opens,

no one ever opens. No telling what you're going to find in there.

Well, the only reason they opened that is to throw all their little tchotchkes from the dentist's visit in there, , their new little toothbrushes and stuff. Luckily, there was a little cup in

a little cup. Good

Whew! So,

hey. There's something to be said about hoarding, I guess.

I guess. It was good we had it, because we could not have looked up the dosage on the internet. Matt, what are some other things we lost without the internet?  complete

communication with the rest of the world.  I think I felt lost, detached from everything and everybody.


totally. Uh, we miss a lot of good college football

Oh my gosh, because our TVs don't work , , we're on ATTU verse. So we miss one of the most pivotal college football games, probably of the millennia. They will be showing highlights of this game until the footage looks grainy.

looks grainy.  

Yeah,  when they're watching footage of these highlights from this game, it's going to be like HD technology is an old black and white photo.

So Alabama

white photo. So

and Georgia, Alabama ended Georgia's 42 win streak. , Georgia had not lost a regular season football game in four years. And so during this game.

this game,

Alabama scored four times in the first 19 minutes. So, wow, what an already awesome game. But then Georgia fights their way back to take the lead in the fourth quarter.

in the fourth quarter. Now,

the first play after that, when Alabama got the ball,

threw it

they threw it to a freshman. It's the first play of their drive. They throw it to this freshman


and this young man's catch and subsequent spin move

described as

can only be described as miraculous.

spun off like two or

He spun off like three different, two or three tackles. It was as if he had a legion of guardian angels and the Lord himself had intervened in that football game.

 In fact, I'm going to link back to a highlight clip in the show notes, so you can go and see. I mean, even the catch, you're like, how did he catch this ball? But then the way they won it was, and then, okay, do you hear about Jared Goff? What he did?

 he had no,  he had no incompletions. 

Set while our internet is out, Jared Goff of the Detroit Lions, he's the quarterback, set an NFL record, as Matt said.  No incompletions. That means every single pass he threw

Connected.  Yeah.

18 for 18. And so then it's like, wow, are the Jemisons like the ultimate jinxes? Because  we're not watching and suddenly records are set and crushed like it's a run rule in the NCAA  softball game.

Well, we did finally just suck it up because our 11 year old had to watch the Bucs play on Saturday.  So, he drug us down to the local sports


Only kid in the joint, but he was glued to that

We had to, yeah. And that was good. The, the, Bucs did, he's a Bucs fan and they did play good. They won. That was good. But that's crazy. Thank you so much. football with three football games going on at the same time.

That was like full

I mean, there are probably like eight football games in that place going on at the same time.


Okay, but here's what we did figure out because when you are without internet for five days, for one, you can see how your teens feel when they don't have their phones,

or TV. Or tablets and

And it's like you're isolated and you can't really get anything done in a, in an efficient manner because you're so used to the ease of the internet.

Now my daughter asked me, Hey, I need a

synonym for a charmed. She was writing a little paper. So then I'm like, okay, here's my like, this is my live wordle. I'm throwing out all these words. And one of my words I threw out was a swage. And I'm like, wait, does that work? So I go up to try to find a dictionary. 

Now, could I find a hard copy dictionary in this house where we homeschool four children? What do you guys think? I

I would hope

No, I couldn't find it.

find it! What kind of teacher are

I know, but I did have an ACT and SAT word book that a few of those that I did find the word assuaged kind of fit. It's more like mitigate.

It's like, Oh, if you get a sunburn put on aloe to assuage the pain. So,  that's an enlightenment that, , that's what, this is what our teens would go through. And then the other thing is like, this is a foreshadowing of the end times, Armageddon, the fall of America. And I don't want, I'm not trying to bring the mood down people, but all those things are going to happen

all  internet and power? During our vacation

during Armageddon , and the fall of the U S of A.

happens, yeah, I guess that's the least of our worries.

Right , because

mean, we're in Dubai,

I mean, read the Bible, we know what happens, okay? And there's no eagle or America mentioned in the Bible in time. So, so it's going to happen. But so when I, when I mentioned Alexa,

I'm even embarrassed to admit that I have that device because. Because I have friends whom I respect very much who would say, Oh, I'm not letting that device in my house that listens to you, you know? 

And so there's this book called  Live Not by Lies, a manual for Christian dissidents by Rod Dreher. And I'm going to link back to it because it's a fascinating book. Very heady to read. In fact, I listened to it because I probably wouldn't have been able to read it myself to get through it.

Because what he does is he focuses on communist totalitarianism. Communist totalitarianism in Eastern Europe, Soviet Union, USSR, Czechoslovakia. And what he does is he tells stories of people who survived. communist totalitarian regimes.  And he's in this book is arguing that it's already happening. Signs of soft totalitarianism are already happening in America.


, meaning that, soft

because we're not going to see armed revolution executions in the streets and gulags,

gulags. But, we're going

We're going to see people de platformed, cancelled, um, blacklisted from their industry, right? Unable to get fired.  We're already seeing that, because if you disagree with a certain thing.

So this, this soft totalitarianism, you'll be rewarded, if you comply, you'll be rewarded with social esteem. So we're already seeing that, right? , because the problem with Americans are, is that,

too afraid

We're too afraid of suffering because we're so comfortable. Hence, I don't want to go pick up a pen to write down my grocery list and just, I want to tell it to Alexa, who's always listening.


And the one thing I remember from this book, and I do recommend it, in fact, Andrew Poudawa.

is who recommended it. I went to one of his talks. So if you are, if you're in the homeschool world, you go to a homeschool convention or you teach your kids writing. Andrew Poudawaw, you know who he is. He's a great speaker and he's the one that suggested this book.

 So go to any of Andrew Poudawaw's talks, he's a great speaker, so much homeschooling knowledge, but. Uh, the author of the book, one of the things I remember is he was interviewing this woman who she had an underground resistance in her home. I think she held church in her  living room,  and  she probably did serve time in prison because of that. 

 When he told this lady.  There are Americans who willingly purchase devices that listen to what they talk about.


She just says, like, she shakes her head and she's like, Why? What are they thinking? Because she lived through it.  So, I do have to say, I'm kind of embarrassed to admit I have an Alexa.

embarrassed to admit I have an Alexa. Right, and

Right. And you can mute her, 

know what? Okay. And I ask her so

And I ask her so many questions throughout the day. Okay, Some other things that were halted in our life because of the lack of internet


is the marketing of my book. I'm always trying to, reach, market the book to get to, to get the message out there more. So I seriously, that the morning that we, Lost internet. I woke up and I said, today I'm going to send those follow up emails.

I'm going to email Heidi St. John, Jenny Urich, Zan Tyler, Andrew Poudawa.

these are

You guys, these are all the names, you know, these names, right, Matt?

How can I not? That's like all you talk about.  I'm surprised you don't have posters on your wall.  Of these people, crying out loud. They 

the big, speakers. podcasters of home, of the homeschooling realm. And I have had personal conversations with each one of them. Okay. And I've given my books to, I've handed my book to a few of them. Okay. So I said, this is the day

I'm going to follow up with them.

And then it's like, okay, no internet.  

And think about it like this, , maybe they haven't gotten back with me. That's, that's true. Okay. But


now I don't know if it's like this with men, but with my friends whom I know and love, let's say we want to have a coffee date. It takes at least four or five follow up texts to even meet up with a friend. 

Right. Is that how it is for men?

No, we say, hey, you want to go out sometime, whatever, make a day, boom, you're there.

Okay. Well, we have all kinds of scheduling

Oh, we'll drop a schedule like a bad habit. We don't care.  Nothing's that important. 

Right. That's good. Good. That's good for you guys. But that was my thinking is I got to follow up with my own friend down the street, Laurel, who we have coffee on a regular basis. We have, we send like 16 texts to get one coffee date. So I'm thinking I got to follow up with these people. Well,

Nope, the Lord said, er, no internet, you're not doing that.

And  that's one thing I'm really good at anyways, is like pushing the Lord's hand or trying to go out before the Lord is going to work. So I took that, you know, I took that hint. Okay. It's not the right time. And

There was a lot of other things actually that is, you know, that scripture that says,

it's not,

I think it's Psalm 139, or Psalm, it's not 139.

It's a Psalm and it says,  he maketh me to lie down in green pastures.  That's what he did because not only did our internet go out,  so I couldn't write, couldn't podcast, couldn't email, couldn't follow up, couldn't zoom meeting with anybody,  then our kid was sick. So of course I'm staying home. Then,  what happened to my car battery? 

Oh, battery

So he was telling me on every front,  just, just stop. Just relax. Don't do anything.

just stop and have your husband fix it all  and have him run around all hours of the night after work, make sure everything's okay.

Yes, he did. He came to the gym to give me a jump, jumper cables. He got my battery.

it a rant, 

I'm going to go off on a little,

 a rant or a tirade or a,

Tangent! That was the word I

what is it called when you go off? Tangent. Tangent. That was the word I was

trad wife, or trad 

All this stuff about, oh, don't be a trad wife or trad husbands, meaning a traditional husband, traditional wife.  Yeah, this, that is the biggest bunch of hogwash ever because ladies, if you are a trad wife, there are so many things that you're never going to have to do again. You're never going to have to fix your tire pressure or even check it. You're never going to have to take out the trash, kill a bug. You're Change your oil, make sure your car works.

I mean, you, it

because then everything blows up and then your husband's like, what happened? Um, Oh, I was supposed to do that. I don't do that. That's not my thing. I'm not supposed to get my hands dirty  When were you gonna tell me this needed to be done? I don't know. You're supposed to know these things. That's the conversation

no, we never had that conversation because you're this is trad hubs are on top of it. Trad hubs know when the oil needs to be changed. Trad hubs see that little alert that says your tire pressure is low. They, you see it. We never had that

And you're so lucky I have OCD, otherwise I'd let it see how long this light's going to be on until you actually do something about it. But because I can only last for a day to see it before it drives me nuts, I had to fix

Yes, so ladies,  being a trad wife is so amazing. Get yourself a good trad hubs. He might have a little OCD and you never have to do any of that crud. That's just sucks your energy dry. He'll take care of it. So hashtag trad wives for real.

drag lives. Okay? Yeah, okay. Okay, so, the

Okay. So the Lord had maketh me, had madeth me to lie down in green pastures.

say, and I told you this,  had made you a more calm person. Because you didn't have all these deadlines and this big To do list of things. I'm like, this is kind of nice to not see you parked in front of your computer hours on end all day long 

I agree. And the other thing is that we were so, because it's the start of our school year. And so we're still  getting into a rhythm of co op school every day.  And, uh, Matt is right the Lord is it gave me a chance to just focus on the home front school And this is what I realized came to the realization.

I look at my calendar and We have we're gonna host the high school here.  Are daughters swim team Is having a pasta party because they have a big swim meet. So traditionally they always, before this big swim meet, we have a pasta party so they can car blow, not we, but they do well.

folks, I

Folks, I have mentioned on here many a times where I am not the person who should time at swim meets.

Uh, I'll link back to one of the episodes we talked about it. I can't do the detail. There are parents that sign up and they're going to time every single race with a hand. Handheld stopwatch. I cannot do that. It's torture. I'll miss, I'm not going to get the times right. I'm going to miss the race and I'm standing right there.

That's how hard it is for me. So what, here's another would you rather. Would you rather time a rate about 20 races or would you rather host 50 high school kids in your home for a pasta party?

a pasta party? Well, I would rather host this,

Well, I would rather host. And so that's what, that's how I get out of timing. Okay, bring 'em on. Y'all can come here. So we're gonna have 50, 50 high schoolers, voracious swimmers, that, and.

Um, then

Then I look on the calendar and guess what is that same day? And now we've talked about survival mode on here, and I will say we're in survival mode.

We are in the thick of swim season, just started school, hurricane season, you name it.

you name it.

Two in basketball, one in swim. So this is a survival mode season for us. Well, one little thing slipped between the cracks that Matt, Matt Jemison has a colonoscopy the same day as the pasta party.

pasta party. Well, it's, listen, this is a

Well, it's, listen, this is a public service announcement. They're saying you need to do it by 45

Okay, Matt

Okay, Matt is 51. So

 If you want to know one thing about Maeve, I will say I'm dependable. And that is what I look for in my friends. You say, if you say you're going to do it, do it.

And I do too. I, if I say I'm going to do it, I'm going to

do it,

So I had to call the team mom and say, Hey, listen,  I did agree to this date and I'm still going to do it if, if it can't be moved, but I just have to let you know that.  Matt has a colonoscopy that same morning. So we do run the risk of Matt walking out in in a stupor in his underwear and saying, what are all these teenagers doing in my house?

Why does my butt hurt right now?

butthurt burn?

Yeah. Well, I'm hopefully going to be more aware at that point.

no, let me tell you this story. So my good friend, she's in the medical industry. She's the one that told me, , now it's 45. You got to get your colonoscopy because they're, they're finding cancer more and more early.  So she, not this friend of mine.  One of my best friends, she's so fit, she's a pescatarian and has been for at least

has been for at least 25 years.

She had her colonoscopy and so I texted her to say, Hey girl, , how you doing? How you feeling? To check in on her. We're texting back and forth.

a day later

 A day later or a week later, we're talking and she's like, Hey, oh my colonoscopy went good. I'm like, I know we were texting that whole time.

She's like, what?  She had no recollection of it.  Remember I told you she's a pescetarian. She asked her husband and she's a fit pescetarian. She asked her husband after her colonoscopy, take her through McDonald's drive thru to get a filet of fish combo meal, which she doesn't remember that or either.


that, is that even fish?

who knows what it is and who, right. And that same week she became an omnivore and started eating meat. Every kind of meat you can imagine all in that same colonoscopy.

in that same colonoscopy. Some

the light.

certain things to bring the light.  that you've been missing out on red meat this whole time and how great it is.


Ruth's Chris.  Now, I don't know if all our listeners know what Ruth's Chris is. It's this high end steakhouse, best steak you can get anywhere. And it's a chain. She was like, Oh my gosh, I never knew. Like, she's like, wow.

So, and this is all due to, She said, yeah, that colonoscopy has something to do with it. I ended up like, okay, I'm, I'm, I can't do this anymore. So

like, okay, I can't do this anymore. 

So the pasta party,


we pushed it a day back. 


now it's the night before Matt's colonoscopy.

Which is probably even worse.  Because that's when I had to start the prep work.  And apparently the prep is worse than the actual operation, from what I hear. So, I'm gonna be barred behind our door. 

Oh yeah, we're going to put up caution tape. It's like, do not enter.

for your own benefit.  And for my own humility

And if you hear screaming and the sewage pipes  blowing.

yeah  It's because the stuff works and apparently I heard it works pretty good. So  We shall see 

my gosh. So.  We don't know if that's a bullet dodged or not. Yeah,

Yeah, it still could be


it's bad it's gonna be bad

Yeah, it's going to be bad. So, so pray for Matt. Okay.  And while we're, while we're talking about praying, I want to ask you Turning Point Academy is a spinoff of turning point USA who we probably most of us know who Charlie Kirk is He's the CEO.

want to 

 Want to get you guys in on turning at point academies prayer and fasting about the election So if you're listening to this before  the election of 2024


I'm going to put a link because point Academy is calling for prayer on Monday, November 3rd and fasting.

We need to pray and fast as a nation about  the election, about the leaders that are going to lead this country. And so I'm going to put a link to  it's a PDF of prayer and please pray and fast with us on November 3rd.

November 3rd. Yeah, we're going to need plenty of

Yeah, for sure. , because just the craziness, the insanity just doesn't seem to stop.

We're going to talk about, , something I saw in the news lately, and we like to encourage you guys, but there's some things we need to talk about.  And there's some things we want to educate you guys on that might not be the most fun but it's a serious topic.

And what I'm talking about is that I recently saw in the news that four NCAA teams have forfeited matches against a NCAA women's volleyball team with a male athlete. So, San Jose State

Has a male volleyball player with a full ride scholarship  on their team on the women's team. Now, you guys might not know this, but the women's volleyball net is seven and a half inches lower than a man's volleyball net.

Okay, so right there that tells you. And

don't believe anything you hear about. I know you guys know that men are stronger, their bones are denser, their skull is bigger, their lungs are bigger, they're faster, they're stronger, there's no question about the science that this is unfair.

this is unfair. So

big props to Boise State, Utah State, and the University of Wyoming for saying, we're going to forfeit.

We're not playing this. ,  Yeah, good for them. But here's the thing though. Utah State, here's their, 

statement. It says

It says Utah State University will not participate in its schedule October 23rd volleyball match at San Jose State University.

The university will abide by Mountain West conference policy regarding how the match is recorded. So they don't say why,

why. But

but come on use this as an opportunity as why we're not going to play our girls. We're not going to endanger our team to play against a man. And here's another good thing is that the teammate, a teammate  of that man, Brooke Susser, she joined the lawsuit against NCAA for, there's a lawsuit right now against the NCAA,  Riley Gaines and about 15 or 16 other women. 

are suing them because they are forced to change and share a locker room with a male without their consent or permission.

that his

So that's another good thing that his own teammate joined that lawsuit. And what we want to talk to you about this because if you have a daughter this is very pertinent to you. And,

 first I want to say this.

Uh, there are truly gender dysphoric people out there and it's a very sad situation. And I'm not, judgmental of that. There is that problem that people suffer from gender dysphoria


and our hearts not only go out to the, the kids that have been indoctrinated to believe it, but 

I'm talking about  someone who really suffers from this, not someone who's been indoctrinated through tick talk to believe it.

believe it. But you guys,

you guys, you're a parent and our hearts go out to the parents because

what some parents

what some parents say


These are some of the things that are triggers for a parent who has a trans kid. 

Okay. Your kid comes to you and they say, I'm going to live as the opposite sex.  So 

put yourself in these parents. They say,

here are some of the things that trigger them  when they see the clothing department.


their kid's biological sex. So they're walking through the store and they see the little girl's clothing department.

It's a trauma trigger.



Any word that starts with trans.

Seeing rainbows. One parent said, when I see his name on mail we receive and they print the kid's old name, it triggers her, it's trauma to her. seeing young couples with children and they say, my heart just aches to return to those innocent years before my kid was hijacked by a trans ideology.



Other triggers, grocery stores, Christmas cards, DEI training, the clothes I was wearing when he made the announcement.

Another mom said,


photos of myself when I was happy, before all this nightmare began.

And then one mom says, you can't even call them triggers, instead you should call them trauma induced terror moments.

another parent said, every holiday and every fun time has a cloud over it.  So,  you guys,  as parents, we want to tell you some things that you can do to inoculate your kids against the trans movement., I re recently read a book called 

Lost in Transnation, A Child  Psychiatrist's Guide Out of the Madness by Miriam Grossman. And she's been a child psychiatrist for 40 years,  , this book is a huge help to parents and anyone going through it, and so I'm going to pull  some of the wisdom from her.

let me tell you about a whistleblower Jamie Reed . She was at Washington Pediatric St. Louis Children's Hospital in 2023. She basically blew the whistle because she was working there and saw that they were just pushing every time a kid came comorbidities were. The kids could have had,

autism, ADHD, depression, anxiety, OCD, PTSD, eating disorder, bipolar, schizophrenia, trauma. Doctors are still automatically transitioning them, putting them on puberty blockers, 

kid who identified

case, there was a kid who identified as blind.

gave the kid

But they gave the kid a seeing test and saw that the kid can see.


That same kid who identified as blind identified as the opposite sex.

They gave that kid the gender, the puberty blockers. Didn't

Care about the mental health of the child who identified as blind. Still pushed them through on these blockers.

there's something wrong upstairs.

much wrong and that the whistleblower, she said, she's a queer,  liberal left of Bernie Sanders.  So she, it's not like some, Christian person,  she realized these things were profoundly troubling to her.

So she ended up giving a testimony and becoming a quote, traitor to the trans community because the stuff she said that she saw this gender clinic doing was morally and medically appalling. And in fact, one of the doctors said that she worked with,  we're building the plane as we fly it with the medical treatment of trans kids.

So this movement. , it's not like, oh, we care about the kids so much, let's help them. It's get them on puberty blockers, make a bunch of money off of them.


so there's plenty of studies and, and I know you might hear, oh well.

kids who aren't transitioned,

Kids who aren't transitioned, they're going to commit suicide.

Well, no, there's no studies to confirm that suicidality goes up if they're not transitioned. In fact, this author cites plenty of studies that show the opposite. And

show the opposite

basically if you don't ever transition your kid, if you don't let them change their name, change their pronouns, anything like that.


They have anywhere from a 75 to  98 percent to grow out of it and , be completely fine. Don't need, you don't need all this medical care for the rest of your life.

the rest of

you socially transition them, you're just basically condemning them to that life of

hormones and 

cross sex hormones and surgeries for the rest of their life.

Do not do that. So I'm gonna tell you guys  some things dr Miriam Grossman said to build in your kid a belief system and try to inoculate them from this ideology because the ideology seeks to

Turn your kid out so

number one,

one, discuss gender with your child early.

. Number two, get out of public schools.


Three, keep your kids off the internet. And four, know who your child's talking to. Know who they're talking to at school, home, and internet.

Number five,

, don't let your kids do social media.

no gay

give them smartphones, no gay straight alliance, and no gender clinics.

Six, do not change their names or pronouns or give them binders or anything to that social transition.

Don't, don't do anything for that.

that. Seven. 

You can validate their feelings, but don't validate their beliefs. So if they come to you saying, Oh, I, this is what I think you're not validating that. Yeah, that's true. You're validating that. I see this as really hard for you. So validate feelings, not beliefs.

Eight, be vigilant.

nine, don't think it's not

Don't think it's not happening where you are because it is.

realize that your child

ten, realize that your child is a sponge. They're ready to absorb whatever comes their way. Your child is a work in progress. And us parents, we're the scaffolding. We should be the support in their structure. So this is , one of the most important things, I think, is


give them a belief system.

know how to

them something to

know how to tell the truth from a lie.  Give them a belief system. And it's basically a biblical worldview. Let them know how to detect,  to tell right from wrong, because if we don't, the world will, and, it's so unfortunate that kids are being turned into these little foot soldiers.

In this ideology. And then  parents turn out to be the toxic ones that their home's not safe. And she documented so many cases where the kids were taken from the home because the parents would not affirm them. So we have to teach them young and early that


made male and female.  You have to inoculate them with the truth that you can't turn into the other sex, no matter what.

but I think, especially depending on how

what I want

strong willed the parents are,

don't know,

they don't want that conflict. Because at that point, depending on how old the child is, when they're saying that this is how I feel, and this is what I want to do, I mean,  we haven't been in that discussion with anybody, but I can imagine it probably gets pretty heated when the child is like, you're not listening to me you don't care how I feel, and all of a sudden, now the parent's the evil person so they're going to go along with it because they don't want their child to feel rejected, right?

So, I guess that's the easy way to go is to submit to the child's whim,  no matter how demented the idea is and what it costs, because they don't want to ruin the relationship. Yeah.

And that's what some parents do end up doing is I can't speak my truth because I don't want to

completely alienate my kid. And it's even harder when the whole, their whole entire school, their whole entire social system is backing the child and,  parents feel trapped, like , they're in this crazy world where and people are telling them, just accept it, you know, just accept your daughter.

If it used to be a son, just, just accept it. It's, yeah, it's a heart riching thing all around. So we got to teach our kids early

our kids early.

there is a truth. There is an absolute truth.  And you cannot be. , the opposite sex, that will never happen and if you have a daughter that's an athlete we gotta prepare them that well if you're looking at NCAA colleges we don't know right now you might have to go up against a man and , I do know NAIA

a man.

did make a policy that there will not be any biological males.

competing against women. NAIA are typically smaller, private, more expensive colleges. So that's, sad that everyone's not going to be able to send their kid to that. When you're, when you're looking at colleges, you need to ask the coach, what are your policies on, a male athlete, , what if my daughter has to swim against a male?

Will you let her scratch? Will you let her forfeit that match? Like you have to have those conversations or you have to teach your child. At that age, the coach might only want to talk to his athlete. So you need to tell your athlete, you got to have those conversations. ,

Yeah. It's a crazy

It's a crazy world we live in and to think that we're going to send our kid off to college and she might be changing in a locker room with a man.

room with

actually I would say I'm not sending, I'm not going to pay for NCAA college. It's not worth the risk, but we'll see. We don't know what the future holds with the lawsuit and stuff, so.

It could change something. , 

I'm gonna link back to a few books, Heavy Reads, Lost in Transnation, Live Not by Lies, , Pray for Our Country, Pray for

 to Prevail.

up in North Carolina Tennessee and Georgia who

  Unfortunately for us, internet is nothing.

first world problems, right? There's some people who lost everything. So,

Yeah, very sad. It's,

it's definitely tragic. And, our  📍 hearts go out to them for sure.

hmm. Thanks for listening.  ​



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