Pizza King Podcast

Episode 9 - The Super Bowl of Pizza Sales

February 09, 2024 Tyrell Reed
Episode 9 - The Super Bowl of Pizza Sales
Pizza King Podcast
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Pizza King Podcast
Episode 9 - The Super Bowl of Pizza Sales
Feb 09, 2024
Tyrell Reed

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Get a front-row seat to the Super Bowl frenzy as we whip up something special in the kitchen—a Buffalo chicken Philly pizza burrito that's sure to tackle your taste buds! We're not just tossing dough and calling plays; we're also diving into the shifts in pizza sales during the big game, revealing why Halloween might just be the new Super Bowl for pizzerias. Join me for insights on peak sales times so you can strategize your snack game like a pro. Plus, I'll give you a sneak peek into a heartwarming project mentoring the bright young minds of Hillsborough High School—a touchdown for the future we're crafting together.

This episode is extra cheesy with the presence of our very first guests from the Reed Boys clan, Dallas Tyrell and Adrian Reed, who stir up a delicious mix of family banter and sibling rivalry. Discover Adrian's controversial topping choice and Dallas's Papa John's proclamation—blasts in our family's pizzeria universe! And when the oven's hot, and the orders are flying, learn how we keep our team's spirits as bubbly as a fresh pizza crust. From board games to a well-timed donut, these are the secret ingredients to a work environment that's as enjoyable as a slice on game day. Don't miss these slices of life and laughter in an episode that's sure to leave you hungry for more.

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Get a front-row seat to the Super Bowl frenzy as we whip up something special in the kitchen—a Buffalo chicken Philly pizza burrito that's sure to tackle your taste buds! We're not just tossing dough and calling plays; we're also diving into the shifts in pizza sales during the big game, revealing why Halloween might just be the new Super Bowl for pizzerias. Join me for insights on peak sales times so you can strategize your snack game like a pro. Plus, I'll give you a sneak peek into a heartwarming project mentoring the bright young minds of Hillsborough High School—a touchdown for the future we're crafting together.

This episode is extra cheesy with the presence of our very first guests from the Reed Boys clan, Dallas Tyrell and Adrian Reed, who stir up a delicious mix of family banter and sibling rivalry. Discover Adrian's controversial topping choice and Dallas's Papa John's proclamation—blasts in our family's pizzeria universe! And when the oven's hot, and the orders are flying, learn how we keep our team's spirits as bubbly as a fresh pizza crust. From board games to a well-timed donut, these are the secret ingredients to a work environment that's as enjoyable as a slice on game day. Don't miss these slices of life and laughter in an episode that's sure to leave you hungry for more.

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Speaker 1:

We go. It's Super Bowl week. Who you got? Who you picking? Are you ready at the shop like is it gonna be crazy for you? You know this is always a fun week in a pizza business because, you know, pizza is like the the quintessential party food, right, quentin Central Party food. We've been, you know, fortunate enough to have a few Super Bowl Super Bowl games played here in Tampa, which always amps up the excitement, and I know, this year the game Where's the Super Bowl is it? I think it's in Vegas. So that's gonna present a whole Added level of craziness for the folks out there in Vegas. So, you know, I hope y'all are well prepared and ready for Just a hell of a week of events.

Speaker 1:

When it comes down to Super Bowl, this week is fun, though. I had a, I had a good chance last week To spend some time with some high schoolers Over at Hillsborough High School, and we had we just had a good fun time talking through their project and, you know, just doing some coaching with with the team over there. I'll dig more into that Next week, but it was just know that it was a lot of fun and I'm excited to come back and talk about what, what I learned, what I was able to share, what we, what we talked about in the problem, the big problem that they're trying to solve as a group. So very exciting stuff. Pizza the week this week actually is going to be something I'm gonna make on Super Bowl Sunday. I don't know, I may try to do it live. I've never really gone live before, so I don't know how that's gonna work for me. But either way, this is something that we're gonna make on Sunday in the shop because you know we'll be all hands on deck for Super Bowl.

Speaker 1:

I'm sure at this point you've probably seen the Philly Pizza burrito, where we take the Philly cheese. They can wrap it in, you know, wrap it up in a pepperoni pizza or whatever kind of pizza they want, making a Philly pizza burrito. But Alan said man, let's, let's do the Buffalo chicken Philly and Do it like on a on a buffalo chicken pizza. So we're gonna do like the chicken Philly, buffalo chicken Philly will do a Buffalo. You know, maybe wrap it with a Buffalo chicken pizza To do the Buffalo chicken Philly pizza burrito. But I want to take it one step further and Roll it up strong bully style and drop that boy in the deep fryer. That's what I want to do. I don't know if that's crazy. It may be my wife's like. You know you don't got to worry about saving me any of that, but I don't even know if I'm gonna eat any, but it just sounds crazy and I can't wait to see what it looks like. So, tapping with me, follow me on Instagram. If I do it live, if I can figure out how to do it live, it'll be live on Instagram. So Check me out over there. Tyra Reese, senior or pizza king podcast. I don't know if you can go live on two pages at one time. I'm sure I have to pick one of them, but one of those pages will be live and We'll spend a few minutes making that, making that monstrosity.

Speaker 1:

Super Bowl. That was the really. The show is all about Super Bowl how we're preparing. You know what our expectations are for sales. There used to be this time in the pizza game where like, like Super Bowl was, and, to be clear, it could still be like this for other folks, but for us, super Bowl used to be like our biggest day of the year, right and all hands on deck, ready to just blow through with sales. We're going to get killed. We got wings, wings, wings galore, pizza like crazy In recent years. It's not as Crazy as it used to be. It's still busy, it's a. It's a busier than average Sunday for us, but it's not. It's not our busiest day of the year anymore. Now, at this point where we are, our busier days are Halloween, thanksgiving Eve, day after Christmas, new Year's, new Year's Day, new Year's Eve. Those, those holidays have gotten a lot busier than Super Bowl for us. But our busiest days always come post hurricane or post storm days. If, granted, you have power. If you have power after a hurricane, you're going to kill it.

Speaker 1:

So those, those become our busiest days. But that doesn't mean that we're still not preparing for a busy Super Bowl Sunday, just that our preparations are a little bit different now than they used to be before. Where we would, you know, we'd be watching wing prices, ordering in advance, you know, getting wings stored up, stocked up in the freezer, making sure we catch the best prices ready to blow out. You know the the amount of cases we would sell in a month, or you know, five or six weeks in just one day. Realistically, it's just not that. It's just not the same anymore. Post COVID, folks got a lot of options. There's a, there's a. You know there's a lot of competition out there and you know we just it's a good day but it's not, it's not the best day of the year.

Speaker 2:

I think that's the best way for you to say it's a good day, but it's not the best day of the year anymore.

Speaker 1:

So you know, god bless you to anybody who is preparing to have their busiest day of the year. You know, go have some fun, it's going to be a good one and hopefully you get a chance to enjoy some of the game as well. Sales on Super Bowl has always been Whatever we are going to get, we get early Meaning before the game starts, because once the game starts that's typically where you see the big drop off in, in in traffic. Everybody's kind of tuned in, tapped into the game, a little bit of a push for halftime, but for the most part Most part once the game starts is pretty much, is pretty much a wrap. So I guess we could that could have been, really could have used that as Q&A what to expect for Super Bowl Sunday.

Speaker 1:

If this is your first year, your first Super Bowl, I would tell you just be ready for a busier than average Sunday. Make sure that you got your prep ready. Make sure you got your staff and your team ready for higher volumes. Is it going to knock your socks off? I hope it does. I seriously hope it does. I hope you get crazy busy lines out the door, deliveries that you can't even handle, because you know that's what we do it for. We want to. We want to serve. We want to serve the largest possible audience. So that's the luck to all of my operators out there. It's going to be a good Super Bowl game and I hope that translates to good Super Bowl business for all of us pizza folks in the game.

Speaker 1:

This week was a was a good episode actually pre recorded a segment With our very first guest Actually, I should say guest set of guests are very first guests here on Pizza King podcast. I'm going to cut it over to that to that and come back to you right after, but check out this couple of minutes segment with Dallas Tyrell and Adrian re, also known as the.

Speaker 1:

Reboys. Welcome to the podcast. Fellas, all right, and we are back. Like I said before, got something real special for you this week. I would like to introduce, for the very first time, having guests on our show. I'm going to welcome in our special guests. Oh, we got to move that. We got that camera in a way. Okay, that's cool, let's get it. Let's get it like right, we'll just get it down a little bit so we can see your faces. We got Tyrell Dallas and Adrian re, also known as the Reboys. Somebody yawning a little bit tired over there. What's going on, boys? How y'all doing. All right, introduce yourselves who we got. Who are you?

Speaker 2:

I'm Dallas. I like the 49 because of that.

Speaker 1:

Well, we go, we go, we go. Get to that. Hold on Whoa, whoa, whoa. Bro, calm down, dallas, and you love sports. Who's who's next to you, dallas, this man named Adrian. Who are Adrian? Tell us something about yourself.

Speaker 2:

I'm Adrian and I love the color orange.

Speaker 1:

Adrian loves the color orange. I love the color orange too. It's a happy color. Who else do we have? Last but not least, oh.

Speaker 2:

I'm Tyrell and I feel like I'll dominate him in any sports. That is the cap. No, I got this. Yeah, I got this.

Speaker 1:

Tyrell is here to dominate, so he says All right, reboys. Well, welcome to the show. Happy to have y'all here. This is the first time I've had a guest on a Pizza King podcast, so I am honored to have my three favorite people on the planet joining me. Who's? Quick question before we go. Who's? Who's my favorite son?

Speaker 2:

Me, obviously him. You said it three times.

Speaker 1:

Who which one Adrian.

Speaker 2:

It's me, I'm here. Can you hear me?

Speaker 1:

What. I don't know, I don't know it's. It's always a tough race, though I love all of you. You're my favorite son.

Speaker 2:

Hmm, I don't know about that either.

Speaker 1:

It's obviously Adrian. We said it three times. I don't know Adrian you are my guy.

Speaker 2:

Hey, sir you are my guy.

Speaker 1:

That was stolen, that Ava Tyrell, named after your father. What? Who could be mad at that? Who could be mad at that? All right, so, all right, guys. So this show we come on and we talk about we talk about pizza every week. We talk about things that we do in the pizza business. Obviously, you guys know that we are, family, are in the pizza business, we own pizzerias, do you guys are you? Would you consider yourselves to be pizza eaters, pizza lovers? Do y'all love pizza? Yes, not really, not really in the pizza, all right, okay, well, that was kind of going to go into my question. What is your favorite pizza, dallas?

Speaker 2:

I say the thing called Papa John.

Speaker 1:

Papa, really the disrespect on my own show For me. No, no, no, no.

Speaker 2:

What's your pizza? Pepero and pizza.

Speaker 1:

That's why he's the favor son. Now we know why he's the favor son. We got a, we got a Marcos pizza, papa John's and and and what's sure. I mean it's hard to argue when he, when he shows up with answers like that. I mean come on, it's on show to all. My own show on my own show. So pepperoni pizza from West Shore is your favorite. Dallas, do you have any particular toppings that you enjoy from Papa John's? Well, first of all, hold on, let's go back Dallas. Where did you have Papa John's? I?

Speaker 2:

have Papa John's in? Uh, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Cause we have never brought Papa John's in this house.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but we've been to Papa John's.

Speaker 1:

When did we go to Papa John's?

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, We've passed by it. I've never I have been to Papa John's. It's not a job, when, when?

Speaker 1:

And that's what we're asking you. When did you have Papa John's In Brandon and Brandon With who Take care? Okay, so all right. At the daycare he had Papa John's. So one time in your life and now that's your favorite pizza. No loyalty.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

No, no, no, we don't need you to switch your answers up. I just thought that was interesting. It's also interesting is that you guys have all gone to the same daycare your whole lives and he's the only one that had Papa John's.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, cause y'all weren't there that year?

Speaker 1:

No, he's just with this.

Speaker 2:

He's trying to tell us to show it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, yeah, it sounds like there's some some, some cap going on in there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, those cap I was watching what's your? Definitely my favorite pizza was. Secretary beach is a school beats and avenue to town. When they have pineapple tickets and I can make a wine beats on it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's interesting. So you are a fan of pineapple on pizza. So you, you were one of those cats that are putting. You know, I'm not a fan of pineapple pizza. I myself am a fan of pineapple on pizza as well. My favorite toppings? Okay, we didn't, we didn't finish. So, dallas, no favorite toppings. You just like cheese pizza, tyrell. Any favorite toppings? Adrian is a big fan of pepperoni, but also will opt for a nice Hawaiian pie and, given the option, okay, all right. Well, I appreciate that, guys. That was, that was good.

Speaker 1:

All right, I brought you here for a specific reason. Obviously, we know that this is the week of the NFL's biggest game. I know we have a couple of football fans in the building. I want to talk. I got a couple of NFL questions for you. Okay, I think someone's excited about their pick. We're going to say we're saving pigs for last. We're going to say pigs for last, if that's all right with you. Soccer fan, all right. Okay, so we're. I got three quick questions for you, adrian, you first. I got a question for you first. We know that you're not a huge football fan, but let's see if you're really the favorite child. Do you know who my favorite football team is?

Speaker 2:

That was easy bro.

Speaker 1:

How, how, why is that so easy?

Speaker 2:

Because you always talk about Sanders, he Smith, who doesn't Okay.

Speaker 1:

And Ms Smith. Okay, all right, all right. So valid point. No, never mind the child that is named Alice. What? Okay, all right. Second second question goes to Tyrell, who is the greatest quarterback of all time In your opinion in my opinion.

Speaker 2:

Why is Bm no no?

Speaker 1:

Baker may feel no. Patrick Mahon's. Okay, I I asked Tyrell. What's Tyrell's answer? Patrick Mahon's Dallas, you have a differing opinion, I'm assuming. Yeah, who?

Speaker 2:

Aaron Rogers.

Speaker 1:

Aaron Rogers okay, all right. So we got two votes for Mahon's and one vote for Josh Allen. Okay, all right. I was. I was leaning more along the lines of Tom Brady, but hey, that's okay Because I'm Floridian. No thanks, it could have something to do with that. It's a retirement state. He's retired, all right. And this, this last question goes to the guy in the middle over there, dallas re. Who's the best receiver in the NFL?

Speaker 2:

Oh, you know who it is. It's the thing called Jay Jettus, justin Jefferson.

Speaker 1:

Justin Jefferson is the best. It but who? But who's your favorite? So so, jay Jett is the best, but digs is your favorite.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

DK Metcalf. The Kailin Metcalf is your. That's your favorite. Why you, why you like DK so much?

Speaker 2:

Because he's just like okay, well, he is.

Speaker 1:

He is diesel, yeah, for sure. I guess that's a good reason to like somebody if they he can't. I mean, who doesn't want that life right?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

My goodness, All right. Last last question before we let you guys get out of here who are you picking for Super Bowl winner this year?

Speaker 1:

So, we got chiefs. Adrian picks the chiefs, tyrell picks San Francisco and Dallas is going with San Francisco. I'm gonna have to Mmm Me see which kid am I going to side with on this one. Oh, oh, listen, listen, not not because I want to choose with him, but because I know better than to go against the ones who have done it in the greats. It's gonna be really hard to be Patrick Mahomes in that situation. So I'm going with Kansas City for the win. You all go, all right, kansas City for the win. Okay, okay, all right.

Speaker 1:

So one one last thing before before I wrap it up and I know I said I will let you go after that question, but this also is a podcast that we use to Educate people, to help them get into the business, to help them navigate how to be better Pizzeria owners, or leaders or or managers, or whatever that is. Obviously, you guys have, have been with me throughout all of this. If there was one piece of advice you can give someone who was starting a pizza business and you wanted, they wanted to be successful, what kind of advice would you give them?

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean, besides that we know if they're here, they see this, they're already on the podcast some some real advice? No, not about me, come on man, really vice.

Speaker 2:

Keep on your dreams of pizza and then keep working hard to get the pizza, because that's really the opposite of what you do keep working on your dreams, keep working hard.

Speaker 1:

All right, adrian, do you got any real advice, any leadership advice? All right, this is also. I'm also a leadership development coach. What is okay? Believe in yourself, also known as what Close? What was that Confidence always leaving Tyrell? What kind of advice can you give to the people out there looking to be better leaders or better Pizzeria owners? Or to kids? Okay, what about there? What about kids out there who have parents who are working? What are you about for Tyrell?

Speaker 2:

like if they're not on the pizza.

Speaker 1:

Okay, but anyone that hears this is probably already listening, but I'm talking about something real. You want to come back to that one? Yeah, all right, so let me ask you this then what has been your favorite part, tyrell, of being the kid of someone who owns a pizza shop other than free pizza?

Speaker 2:

I have no answer.

Speaker 1:

You got no free pizza. You love, you get a lot of free pizza, right.

Speaker 2:

I get to make it all the time too.

Speaker 1:

Do you like making pizza in the shop? Yes, dallas, what do you got? I forgot. Wait, you had your hand up. I'm assuming you wanted to say something.

Speaker 2:

I had a friend forgot.

Speaker 1:

All right, well, I appreciate you guys coming out. Thanks for joining the show. It's always fun to talk with you guys. I think this was cool to have you a part of this. Say what's up. You guys are on YouTube, right? You all got YouTube channels. This is your chance. You got our audience, my audience, right here. Tell them where to find you. What's your YouTube channel?

Speaker 2:

Kindness at Kid Gamer Robloxia.

Speaker 1:

Kid Gamer Robloxia. We'll put that in the show notes. Tyrell, you got a channel. What's your channel? Shifty K Eddys YT. What about you, my man? It is wait.

Speaker 2:

Oh come on.

Speaker 1:

This is your channel Cypet Adventures on YouTube. Go, follow these guys. Reboys there's also a Reboys channel as well. What's that? One called Raising Reeds Raising Reeds when you can find all of their stuff Our last video was last year, my favorite guys. Thanks again for coming on the show. I have to bring y'all back to see how those Super Bowl picks went and let the people know how you're progressing.

Speaker 2:

Next Monday, I'm the Super Bowl after this. Again, bring us every Monday. How about that?

Speaker 1:

I don't know about all that. Wow, all right, thanks guys. Bye All right.

Speaker 1:

That was fun. I love those kids because they are always so fun, so ready, so just so happy and just joyful. I bring a lot of fun into this house and into my life. So appreciate them joining me and looking forward to them coming back and go check out their content too. They're fun and they are really on their journey to becoming young creators. They really help me out a lot too when it comes to some of the templates and the songs and the music that we choose for some of those things. They help me out more than you believe when it comes to creating a content. So appreciate the Reboys for joining me.

Speaker 1:

If you want to be a guest on the show, reach out to me at info at TyrellReedcom If you have questions that you want answered on the show pizzakingpodcastcom, tyrellreedcom that's where you submit those emails. Come directly to me. You can see I'm wearing a nice Pizza King pullover. We do have merch available soon on the website pizzakingpodcastcom, so please go check that out, put in your orders and get those items shipped out to you.

Speaker 1:

I want to close with a quick team building tip as we talk this episode about Super Bowl Sunday and preparing for what could possibly be your busiest day of the year. I just want to remind my leaders out there to try to make those days fun. Everyone's out of routine. If you're planning for your busiest day of the year, that means you're prepping more than you normally prep, you're coming in earlier than you normally come in, you're scheduling more people than you normally schedule. All everyone's out of routine.

Speaker 1:

So, as a leader, you want to make sure that you get yourself out of routine to make it fun. Do something fun for them. Go get those donuts. Go get some board games, go above and beyond, put a TV in the kitchen or radio or something. Make it fun. This is going to be a crazy day for everybody. Folks are going to be barely standing by the end of the night if you get the sales that you think you're going to get. So do what you can to make it fun for them. And that's all I got for you. Thanks for checking out another episode. I'll see you next week. Peace, king, pac-ass Peace.

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