Clicks and Giggles | Your Backstage Pass to Digital Marketing Strategies

Finding Joy in Productivity with Amber Bibelheimer

Jordan Rothwell Perry Episode 13

Join us to delve into the world of productivity and personal development. Today I welcome Coach Amber B to discuss the power of setting up "pulls" to make tasks more enjoyable and motivating, balancing work and family life, and overcoming challenges on the journey to achieving goals. From meal planning and healthy eating habits to time management techniques and finding joy in daily tasks, this episode offers practical insights and strategies for enhancing productivity and well-being in both personal and professional life.

Amber is a Productivity, Business, and Mindset Growth Coach who helps working women and mom CEOs transform from overwhelmed & overworked to thriving in both business and motherhood. In addition to being a mom of 2 - she is also the host of the Momentum Restart Podcast, co-founder of the Restart Collective experiences, & the creator of the Momentum Restart framework, a transformative 90-day program that elevates productivity, joy & profits. 

Topics covered in this episode:

  • Setting up "pulls" to make tasks more enjoyable and motivating.
  • Balancing work and family life.
  • Overcoming challenges and adjusting strategies to meet goals.
  • Creating routines and habits to enhance productivity and well-being.
  • Meal planning and healthy eating habits.
  • Finding enjoyment and fulfillment in daily tasks.

Instagram @coachamberb


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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Clicks and Giggles podcast. I'm your host, jordan Rothwell-Perry, and I'm here to make your marketing click, connect and convert. My mission is to help good people with great offers make more money through paid digital marketing strategies. I truly believe that one ad can change everything for you and your business. Tune in weekly to unlearn what the bros and insert air quotes agency gurus have led you to believe about advertising and hear from inspiring women in my network who are making business a little more live, laugh, launch and a little less stuffy suit and tie, because nobody playing the long game is having a terrible time, whether you're new to business making millions or you're just my mom.

Speaker 1:

Tuning in for clicks and giggles podcast. Today I have, as I like to call her coach, amber B, because I cannot for the life of me say her last name correctly, and I'm sure she is used to hearing that and so when she does her introduction she can teach me how to say it correctly. But Amber is amazing. She's an incredible coach, wife, mother, friend to me, and she has actually coached me in the past as well as done 90 day plans for Brad and myself. I'm so happy to have you here today, amber.

Speaker 2:

I am so excited. As soon as I woke up this morning, Jordan, I was thinking about this podcast. I couldn't wait to get the chance to talk with you.

Speaker 1:

It's always so much fun, so thank you for having me. Oh my gosh, it's my pleasure. So, number one, how do you pronounce your last name?

Speaker 2:

It is Beebleheimer.

Speaker 1:

And when you put that with Amber Beebleheimer.

Speaker 2:

Try to say that without laughing. It's a tricky one. Right A few times fast. That's how much I love my husband.

Speaker 1:

Took his name. Yes, that, hey, no, that is love. Amber B Wilheimer. Now I don't know how to say it for the future, but I always refer to you as Coach Amber B Yep. And so, amber, can you tell everyone listening just a little bit about you and how you got to this journey of coaching, and just a little bit about what you do as well?

Speaker 2:

Yes, I'd love to. I love helping women be more productive, not so that you can do more, but so that you can have more time for what your purpose is and more time for what you want to do. And it all stemmed from I was working, starting one of my many businesses as entrepreneurs do and I was my son's seventh birthday and I had a work call that night. I was going to meet with a client and I kept saying it's just going to take 20 minutes. It's just going to take 20 minutes. And it was during my son's seventh birthday. So I excused myself from the birthday party, went on the phone. It didn't take 20 minutes, because nothing ever does and the word just can be so dangerous. It was not just 20 minutes. And I missed it.

Speaker 2:

And I'll never forget that feeling when I came back downstairs after the work call and realized that's not what I want, that's not what success is for me, and I became on this mission to help every woman see that you can have it all, but we don't have to do it all all the time. And I really ultimately decided I wanted to prove that I can own a business, I can work hard, I can love what I do and I can have a family. Who, in the future, wants to be with me, wants to spend time with me, and we've cultivated this beautiful relationship, which is Mike and I's goal, with our kids too. And that's been my mission over these past few years helping women in many different ways, through coaching and journaling and 90 day plans, all the different things, but ultimately teaching them how to be more productive and effective in their life so that they can enjoy it.

Speaker 1:

I love that. How convicting too right.

Speaker 1:

Like you have that moment and you're like oh yeah, this can never happen again, right, and so, no, I love that so much and it's something I think about as I say, like gearing up for motherhood in the future is, like I always say, like second to my relationship with God, like Brad and I's relationship is the most important to me.

Speaker 1:

And then, of course, these little people and and if you're a high achiever or you love like the hustle and the grind and it's fun, like if you love what you do, it's funny they always say, like you'll never work a day in your life, like that's not true, you will work and you will work hard, but it's kind of like, oh my gosh, I have to shut my computer because I love them and I want to spend time with them and I love what I do, but it will be here tomorrow and like what will continue to come because of that. And something you taught me and I would love for you to talk more about, just even like us, before we have kids, people listening who are single or don't even have kids yet can learn from this too is about your polls. I was actually talking. I was hosting a baby shower recently and someone was like I cannot for the life of me, go get an oil change and I was like oh my gosh.

Speaker 2:

I understand.

Speaker 1:

They're like I'm so behind on it and I just said, well, a coach once taught me about these pulls and pairing things, and so my suggestion to her was like go get your oil changed and go to a place that has like obviously good reviews, but like a target nearby or a coffee shop to have a book and a cup of coffee. And she was like, oh my gosh, and so I'll share one of my favorite polls after. But can you explain polls and how that came to me, cause I know people listening will be like oh, I need to do this.

Speaker 2:

Oh I'd love to. It's one of my favorite things, it's. I need to do this. Oh I'd love to. It's one of my favorite things, it's. I think we too often think that if we are going to do all the things or we're high achievers that we have that it has to just not be fun or we just have to push through. But we can have so much fun in what we're doing and I know that's how you live your business and your life too, and I love that and it's so it helps to bring in some fun. And just remember that we're humans living life. We're humans running a business. We're humans living life. We're not robots. We're not always going to be excited to do the things that are hard, and I love the oil change Right.

Speaker 1:

I was like, oh yeah, I never want to do that.

Speaker 2:

And what's funny is we actually my husband and I have a poll in place for oil changes. Is that we actually take it to? To give you an example, and then I'll explain the background of them A poll P-U-L-L-S is our poll for oil changes. We choose the place. We've always gone there, for 15 years that we've lived in the city, and it's across the street from Lifetime Fitness, which we both love to do, which is the ultimate pull for all things for us in many ways it's so good.

Speaker 2:

So we park the car there and we drop it off and then we go across the street to Lifetime Fitness and we enjoy our time and we have ample time to just do whatever we need to do. But a pull really helps you, pull you forward to do the thing that you know you need to do, without necessarily relying on willpower, because we all have a certain amount of willpower and I know motivation is not always going to be there and it's all about discipline. But at the same time, we're humans. Let's give ourselves a break and throw ourselves a bone and make it some of these things that we know we need to do, we know is going to help us in life.

Speaker 2:

I hear a lot of business owners talk about how they don't look at their budget I was just listening to your episode with Marley and Becca too, and how not avoiding your budget and opening the numbers and a lot of business owners do that, and so a lot of my clients. I've said why don't you do your budget each month while you get a pedicure? So it's something that you look forward to? Or have a celebratory glass of champagne afterwards and celebrate your hard work this past month and let's, instead of just pushing through all the time. Let's set up some polls, which are things that you like to do, and they're really specific to each person, things that motivate you, because we're all motivated by different things. Some people are motivated by people, some people are motivated by a checklist, some people are motivated by being by themselves, and so whatever that is you've got to find what motivates you, what lights you up, and then pair that with a thing you're not wanting to do.

Speaker 2:

And it really does work. It really does.

Speaker 1:

I love it. So let me tell you one of my favorite polls that I have and I guess with my accent I was telling my mom about she's like poll, I'm like no poll, p-u-l-l. It polls you to do. What you need to do Is okay. We have joined Lifetime, so that's fun.

Speaker 2:

So we do that. I'll go Welcome to.

Speaker 1:

Lifetime world. It's a game changer. I'm obsessed with it so much Like I text Olivia Miller and was like, uh sorry that for years you have been telling me to join and I have not, and I get it now. But I just can't go back now. No, truly Like I'm ruined. We, you know what's funny is in St? No, truly, I'm ruined. You know what's funny is in St Pete, where I'm from?

Speaker 2:

they just got a brand new YMCA and it is incredible and also it's all people can talk about and I say it's their new personality.

Speaker 1:

Everyone at St Pete's personality is like the Y, the Y, the splash pad, and that is ours with Lifetime. And so I was like, oh my gosh, I am a hypocrite Because whenever I get the chance to talk about lifetime, I'm like, oh my gosh, there's hot tubs, there's this, I mean, and you can go, you can go work out that's if you want, yeah. And so my biggest pull, um, is I realized how, like right now, I've given myself, just as my business goes, freedom, like if dishes need to be in the sink for a little longer, like it is what it is, and I am the type that, with ADHD, if I stop to go do something, I'll find 500 other things to do. So it's like, yeah, it's. If I'm interrupted during the day to do the dishes, like it's not the most, it's not the best use of my time, so, but what I do is I love tea and you had encouraged me. You were like you love to drink tea, start drinking again.

Speaker 1:

So I would say, since December of 2022, I've been like drinking tea, like nonstop again, which I love, and I I make it in the kettle so, like it has to like boil and all that, and so while it's boiling and while it's steeping for like five minutes. That's when I do the dishes. So it's been this perfect like seven or so minutes where I'm just like kind of like down to the wire and I need that, like I need a little challenge. Yes, and so I love it, cause I tell Jennifer with her challenge, you know, when talking about nine minutes, I'm like that's, that's kind of how I do my polls, kind of combining it. The time aspect too, cause I'm like okay, while my tea is making itself, let's get something done. And so that has been so nice, cause then I go to bed with the clean sink and all that good stuff.

Speaker 2:

But yes, I love that, and I love that. You too. You also knew, in order for you to find yours and for it to work, is you had to think of what is it that I'm missing? What do I wish I had more of? And it was that time, drinking tea.

Speaker 2:

And that might be totally different for someone else, but you took the time to really think through what is it that makes me feel comforted or excited about something, and you needed to know that before you added that pull in, yes, and I'm like it's as close to being free as you can get, because it's water and it's a little bit of tea, and so it's nice to know that I'm not going out and spending tons of money on different things.

Speaker 1:

You really can motivate yourself with things you have at home. It doesn't have to be this extravagant thing, right.

Speaker 2:

And so.

Speaker 1:

I know we did talk about too. You'll get your hair blown out. I mean same I did too like you'll get your hair blown out. I mean same I did today. You'll get your hair blown out. And then do do some content filming. And so I love I do that as well, where I'm like okay, let's plan a bunch of videos.

Speaker 1:

It was funny Riz, who I love to death, had like all these different tasks in my asana, like record this, record that, and I was not doing it like for six weeks and I didn, and it was all stuff for me, it wasn't for clients, so of course I didn't do it. And so I was like what do I have to do to get this done? And not only did I have to do which I love your phrase adjust, don't quit I was like you really do have to pause and say why am I not doing this? And so you know what it came down to I needed it in a list form. So I pulled up Asana here and on this screen, I put it in a list and I went and got my hair done and I knocked them out in like 45 minutes and I said, oh, in the future I need these in a Google doc, please? And she was like what the heck Like you like done and please. And she was like what the heck Like you like done.

Speaker 1:

And so it was just funny, because sometimes you also have to pause, a to figure out what you want and B to be like why is this not working? Because, absolutely, I mean in so many aspects of life, Right, Right, and so that that's been. My new hack is like even today, while my hair's done, I'm like, okay, what list can I make of things to film? Not like keeping it in my head? And so, yeah, I know you're a batch.

Speaker 1:

That's so good yeah, a batch creation girly too. And it helps so much because you're like and you can literally make that list while you're getting your hair done. I didn't today, I worked, but it's just funny because pairing these different things, it could be as simple as like tea, which is almost free, or getting your hair done, knowing for two or three days you'll have your hair done, your time freed up and can just get after it. So I I know mutual friend and past client of yours will do like a healthy takeout night, which I love that as a whole to like. Maybe after a day of a ton of calls they still want to eat healthy, but they want the you know, convenience of takeout. They have that, that picked. I'm trying to think what are some other polls people have done that you love.

Speaker 2:

I love all of those and you're right, they don't have to cost a lot of money. They can be something you do at home. It could be just having a special glass that you pour.

Speaker 2:

There's a client that still pours her probiotic soda at night. That signifies the end of the workday, and what you said before is so important for creating those productivity pulls is pausing to adjust and not quit, because we all have things on our list that stay on our list or move from list to list for months or years and we think, oh, that thing is still there, we all have them, I have them too and we have to pause. And when we adjust and don't quit, that means we pause and we really evaluate why is this happening? And sometimes it's circumstances out of our control that are keeping us from doing it, and that allows us a chance to let go of it, maybe take it off of our list for a while, but a lot of times it's because we need to change our expectations or we need to ask for help. Or, like you said, I need these to be in a list form. You know, you recognized I need help in this area. It's just a different format 100%.

Speaker 1:

And like oh my gosh, riz would tell you this and she'll be on here soon, which I think is going to be a hilarious episode, Like. It's basically like what is it like to wrangle me on a daily basis and she does it well but.

Speaker 1:

but it's like I would you know. Now I have a list on my phone called what's annoying me. This is like this could be a podcast on its own, so it's called what's annoying me and most recently, what I've checked off is my under underwear drawer is ratchet is like what I said, and so I went through it the other day.

Speaker 1:

So that was like easy, check it off, toss a bunch. Like I'm like no, and then I also had mixed in. It's just so, so funny. Like these things annoy us and we do not deal with them because we have other things going on. But I, um, my pull was I really wanted to watch Grant Cardone's event and listen to it, and so I put it on my bed to watch it, because I'm so visual like I can't just listen, so I'm like watching it going through things, and that was my pull. It's like, oh, I really want to do this. And hey, you said your underwear was annoying you, because I have like bathing suits mixed in. So I go to like get underwear and it's a bathing suit, but I don't know and like yeah, it's just wasting your time and frustrating.

Speaker 2:

I don't need that.

Speaker 1:

We're newlyweds and so like there was like lingerie, we got, we got.

Speaker 1:

I have that. I'm like this is not a daily occurrence, this needs to go in a different drawer. So, like now, my like that is all in a drawer. Like I'm like, no, we need to like organize this and so it's just funny and like. Another thing I put was socks, like so I got six more pairs of socks, or just things that, like we know bother us, oh my gosh. So I got six more pairs of socks, or just things that we know bother us, oh my gosh. If I had a dollar for every time Brad asked me where are my joggers, I could retire, and so that's on my list. It's like he always asks that and I also am like, oh my gosh, god forbid anything ever happened to him. I would love to be asked where his joggers are every day.

Speaker 1:

I love him and I'm like where I don't know yeah and so no, I'm like yes that's on my list.

Speaker 1:

I'm like I'm gonna order him four more pairs of job like target, not like lulu, yeah, and. But it's just funny assessing like what is me, what is driving me crazy. But talking about taking it off the list, I had like I don't like which I actually have, like my makeup bag here, I get ready in my office, I get ready in the guest bathroom, and so I had I had on my list I want a vanity area and this weekend I took it off, like I was like this is just, this is not life or death here, you know, and like I'm, I'm, we're fine, and so I can do that later, or maybe for my birthday this summer, christmas, be like hey, I really want to like build a little vanity area, like spend a couple hundred dollars.

Speaker 1:

But, it's like that doesn't matter, and so I love the permission to be like what actually matters in my life, which I know is a lot of what you coach around, and so, yeah, it's just been funny looking at that list and then also getting the polls to get it done. Or do you need help to get it done?

Speaker 2:

Right yeah, and adjusting your expectation that you don't have to do everything yourself or they don't have to do everything. I love that you took something off your list, because I think so often we just feel like we have to do everything or that everything has to be done now, and that can feel so overwhelming just to look at the list of all the things we need to do in our day or our week or expectations. But when you're right, when you pair it up against what's really important to you right now and what's going to help you feel your best, or what are the relationships that are important to you right now, or the things are important in your business, your work right now does it help you do those things? And if not, then you shelf it. I always like to say put it on a shelf and come back to it later.

Speaker 2:

Because it doesn't mean that it's not forever. Like your vanity could come around next year, but right now you've got other things that you're doing 100% and I moved the money I kind of had in my mind.

Speaker 1:

Brad was like, oh my, I was hilarious. I ordered this huge egg chair and I'm like, just trust me, Give me like 10 days.

Speaker 2:

I'll have someone put it together.

Speaker 1:

I have a plan, and now I was out of town this weekend but Brad texts me every day from the egg chair, like with a LaCroix and his book, and so I think that was money better spent. Because I was like, okay, this gets us outside and so 100% like adjusting it to be like, hey, I know that that would be nice, but also do this instead and, like you said, put it on a future list. So, yeah, there's been fun different polls that we do Like he and I will go to a coffee shop and have like not like discussions, but like we'll look at the budget or we'll look at like the next couple months and I'll be like here are my business projections, what does work like and kind of go, it's a lot of like planning which is not fun, and so it's like, hey, it's not fun for him. I could plan all day.

Speaker 2:

Not everybody loves to plan.

Speaker 1:

I get that Yep, someone the other day was like, how many Google Calendar invites does she send a week? And he was like, probably 50. I was like, oh, 100%, I sent him 50 a week, yeah and so. But for him it's like, oh, you can get your coffee and enjoy a different environment. So we definitely I mean gosh, we use polls all the time. Are there any others you can think of that clients have used that you like.

Speaker 2:

Yes, you've hit a lot of them that clients have used that you like. Yes, you've hit a lot of them and one. I have a client who has to do a lot of paperwork for her business and she every month has a ton of paperwork. And it's when you have a job, kind of like cleaning out your underwear drawer, where you don't really need a lot of creative mind with you and you can just put on she puts on her favorite podcast or she puts on a movie and just enjoy the time, instead of it being something that you really put off. I think that has been really beneficial, and a lot of the momentum restart started initially to help women follow through on their goals that they set to take care of their bodies, bodies and so a lot of them, and still that is woven through everything that I'm doing helping women show up as a mom and work on their business. But it all starts with how we take care of our bodies, and so there's so many things that we know that we're supposed to do or know that we should do, and so making those things fun, like lifetime fitness that was a big one, for a client was finding a place where she wanted to go, and so that was really important. Sometimes moving our body can be really and I get in ruts like this probably two or three times a year, where I'm like I just don't want to move my body right now, and so then it's a mindset shift that has to happen. Instead of I'm just going to make myself do it, I find okay, what's the way that I'm going to do it. So sometimes it's just um, there's a client that just moved her body for five minutes every day and it didn't matter how, what it was, but it was. She wrote a list of all the ways that she enjoys moving her body and doesn't have to. Sometimes we think that the things we're supposed to do have to be a certain way or it has to be like this person's talking about on Instagram, but it doesn't necessarily. In order to get started and get that wheel moving, we just have to do the thing, and we can always evolve and change and do more later, but let's do the thing.

Speaker 2:

So that one was big as well as, like you mentioned, the dinners and people trying to eat healthy. We try to eat healthy, but usually by Wednesday night we that's like out the window. So that's when that idea of changing the mindset around Wednesday night's going to be a healthy takeout night, so I don't have to cook, or now we actually make pasta every Wednesday night, so I have something to look forward to. So I know Monday and Tuesday I can make all the vegetables and all the protein, but Wednesday night's going to be the bonza pasta night. It helps me look forward to it.

Speaker 2:

I teach Mondays with a ton of kids at school and I teach them piano and voice lessons every Monday, and at the end of the day I am exhausted in the best way, because I love them so much. But I'm so exhausted because I've been talking all day and my kids wait with me after school too, so it's usually about five when we're heading home and we're all done for, and so every Monday we go to Jimmy John's or my Burger and it's become just this like, instead of grinding it out or pushing it through and I have to do things a certain way, we just make things more fun.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, 100%, like if it has to get done and it's not something you can put. I mean you have to eat or you at least have to feed your kids right.

Speaker 2:

So it's like, what can we do?

Speaker 1:

100%. I actually I'll report back. I just ordered factor meals for next week. I did 10 meals. Oh yeah, yep, I'll report back. I just ordered factor meals for next week. I did 10 meals and so I'm super excited to try them and I'm going to do the keto high protein one. So it's like super like it. It just looked good and like I know for my body and just like testing my blood sugar in the past and being insulin resistant, I'm like I need a ton of protein so I need to bring in the big guns to make this happen.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, when there's a thing that you know you want to do and it's really important to you and you want to follow through. So that's the beginning. Before you have a pull, you have a goal right, you have. You know, this is a goal of what I want, this is what I want my life to look like, my day to look like, or this goal that I'm setting for myself, whether it's in business or for our health, and we have that goal and then we start working towards that goal and then we realize, oh, I keep hitting the wall in this one area, like this one thing I just can't get myself to do. That's when we adjust, evaluate it and then add a pull to that thing.

Speaker 2:

So anyone listening wanting to think of where, where would I use this pull? It can be anywhere, but really it's. You have a big goal for yourself. What's the thing that you keep being so frustrated Like? I? Just I know I need to do this one thing to help me reach this goal, but I can't get myself to do it. That's when a pole is going to really put a lot of gas on the fire.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's fun. It's just so interesting, like once you evaluate it and put it through that lens of, like your goals, what you've been struggling with, and then also like what is something that matters to me, you can really, like you say, adjust and don't quit, cause, like two times flying home, I got kava. I had it on the doorstep when I was there I was so happy, and all the rice I get with it like it. Just, I don't sleep well after messes my blood sugar. It's not good for me, like good in nourishing me, right and so for how I want to feel. And so this time, flying home last night, I had an Instacart order ready to go on the doorstep. I've been like it sounds so weird because I I'm obsessed with bag salad right now.

Speaker 2:

It's the weirdest craving Me, too, every night, and it's ridiculous.

Speaker 1:

Like really.

Speaker 2:

I could chop lettuce and put dressing on something, but I have the bags. It made everything better.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I get the chopped Caesar, and even when I go to restaurants, I get that's hilarious. A girl I follow on Instagram eats it out of the bag, which is killing me. She posted it last night and I was like, honestly, this is genius. But I've been doing that because it's like, oh, this saves me time, it's easy, it's healthy, but I've been putting half a rotisserie chicken on it and I was like, oh my gosh, I was nourished, I slept well, I woke up today ready to roll.

Speaker 1:

I have another one for after we get off this interview, to have for late lunch, and it's like it's that adjustment of like hey, I know Kava is easier, but so is Instacart and carving the time out to do it, and now I can rinse and repeat, and so that really is my pull, to say, is like from the plane, or like from my Uber home, um, getting that order in so that I can feel my best. And so it might not be like the most fun pull, but it's like, hey, it's a lot easier than figuring out what's for dinner when you get home, or like going through the drive-thru and so no, I love great night's sleep and then you can show up for work the next day and you feel so good and cause.

Speaker 2:

Those are your goals and that's what's important to you, so it makes sense to figure out how to make that happen. Those are your goals and that's what's important to you, so it makes sense to figure out how to make that happen 100%.

Speaker 1:

And so, and also I'm sure you've noticed this too in coaching, I will run, not physically in business, so fast.

Speaker 2:

We have the same love of running, which is no running, yeah no, put me in Zumba.

Speaker 1:

A walk, some weights, I like that Yoga, maybe a pool. Your husband does it for us, right?

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, he's got it all covered, he has all the miles. Yep, I went to dance jam this morning. That's how I get my steps in and it's so good Listen to all sorts of music that I didn't realize had all sorts of terrible lyrics. I just sing along and move and it's amazing and work on time.

Speaker 1:

Yes, no, I'm the same. I'm the same way. But what I do like to run in is my business, and run so hard that I feel like I'm having out of body experiences, just living my life, letting in seasons, my business, control me. And so I have been pairing uh trips with like trying to get away which segues into what we're gonna talk about next to get things, get out of my environment, to get things done.

Speaker 1:

Because when we talked about what what you and Jennifer do to get away to get it done, my initial reaction not having kids, which I love, what you do I'm like I love that and like I don't have kids, like I'm around, right, and now that I've been doing my air pod, uh, now that I've been doing that to get away, I'm like, oh yeah, it's a different vibe and feeling and environment to knock things out, and so A we have a really exciting announcement of what y'all are announcing soon, but I would love to hear more about getting a way to get it done, how that came together. And then, of course, we'll talk more about how ways people can work with just you. But what have you noticed about you know you have pulls, you have ways in your home to adjust, not quit, do things on a daily. But then there's times, especially working moms, where they're like I have this dream but I cannot for the life of me seem to get it done. So tell, tell more about that and kind of what that looks like.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and getting away to get it done. So tell more about that and kind of what that looks like. Yes, and getting a way to get it done is the ultimate pull. It really is the ultimate pull that helps you follow through on the things that you really want, and all of us need this for sure. We absolutely all need this. And Jennifer and I came together a couple years ago. We kept hearing different clients say, oh, jennifer said that, or she'd hear, oh, amber said that. And we kept hearing like clients would hear similar things. We taught in really similar ways. We coached in similar ways. We wanted the same things for our clients. We valued a lot of the similar things, but we had a different perspective and a different way to go about it. So we came together and we started a couple years ago now a year and a half for our first retreat. We've already done gosh over maybe 20.

Speaker 2:

It's been so many personal one-on-one intensives and group retreats to help women get away from the daily grind so that you can get what you want done, and so what that looks like. We actually have a process that we take clients through to help them really figure out what it is they really want, and this could be a lot of times. Some women come and they've got a thriving business and they're running on all cylinders and they had to step away because we all know I think you mentioned this at the very beginning too of, like, we have these lists of things we want to do for ourselves, but we mostly get the things done for our clients. It's so easy to get all the things done for our clients, but what about this dream that we have over here, or this new thing we want to launch, or this book we want to write, or podcasts we want to create, or just any of those things? And then we have some women, too, who show up to these events, who have want a career shift, a whole shift. At our last retreat in Nashville, we have an amazing woman who is a woman in the clergy and she's shifting to now start her speaking business and her podcast and her brand, and um there's.

Speaker 2:

So there's things that all women want to do, and a lot of times we need to be able to get away from that daily grind, so that what happens is, when we get away, is you know that feeling when you even just get on an airplane or you get to the airport and it's just like your laundry piles are gone and your dishes are gone and the everyday is gone.

Speaker 2:

All of a sudden, you feel more creative and you feel a little bit more excited about things and it really stir. It gets us out of the mundane, it gets us out of routine, and it's proven that when we are in a different place, where we are able to create new neural pathways, and when we are in a different place where we are able to create new narrow pathways, and when we're in a different place, our creativity opens up too. So we utilize that and we've really created this beautiful process and a really beautiful space for women where we take all the decisions away from you, because you have so many decisions to make every day. So we have all your decisions of we're going to make sure you're well fed, we're going to make sure that you get sunshine, we're going to make sure you have downtime and you have creative time and getting stuff done time and talking time. So all you have to do is show up and then you leave knowing you got all this done. It's amazing, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I love it. No, so I'm so excited. And one of your bigger retreats this year can we talk about?

Speaker 2:

it now, Absolutely. I'm so excited. I can't wait. I wish it was right now I well, I freaking do too.

Speaker 1:

So Jennifer and Amber are hosting retreat in 30A in September and it's going to be awesome. I will actually be there and we'll be doing a session on marketing and looking at everyone's marketing strategies. And especially in September, it's such a good time to regroup before Q4 and then looking at what January and the new year looks like and then doing some Q&A too, as well as participating in it, because when I was talking to them, they're like you need to do, what are you going to focus on? I'm like, oh my gosh, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I think maybe something with writing a book, I just don't know which is kind of exciting, and you don't have to, because we're going to help you find it out.

Speaker 1:

It's going to be so good. Yes, and so if anyone listening is like, okay, I want to learn more, we're going to link any, you know, waitlist form information in the show notes, but then you can also dm amber. Uh, what do you want to say?

Speaker 1:

just like the word retreat, or 30a, 30a would be great yes, yeah, 30a, and she can give you the details to get you signed up. But it's going to be great I mean just everything you've been saying and it's in freaking 30A. And that's what I love is you guys are it's get away to get it done in such a neat place, and I love that you do have downtime so people can enjoy where they're at. It's going to be so good. Any other details you want to share?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's, and we are. We both love the beach and who doesn't? But we both love the beach and know that. Something we've seen over the past year and a half is the need for women to have space to be creative and a space to go inward and a space to bounce ideas off of people, and that is a big piece that's needed, and so we have chosen this space, and in 30A, so that we can have.

Speaker 2:

So we're going to be staying at a beautiful beach house all together and we make sure you have all sorts of good food and we take you through the process. It's from September 25th through 29th and we have limited spots and you get to be there and you're going to share your expertise. It's going to be so good. We can't wait to learn from you, too, and how to take our creative things that we're putting together and then put them out there and make sure they're seen, because we're not just doing this for the fun of it. We're doing it because we have a purpose in this. We want people to see it. So we're really excited to combine our efforts with you and have you there too, and also for you to have a chance to fully experience it and to be able to leave with your time feeling like you were able to create something, recharge and you've got so much done. So you can just go home and you know what your action steps are when you get home too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what I love, too is it's not just about that chunk of time together. It's like you don't just make something and you're like, okay, what next? Like you come up with the plan of hey, as you're leaving and when you go home, here's what you're doing next with this. And then, of course, I'm excited to partner with y'all to then say, hey, you are creating this, you want to put this out in the world. Here's the best way to do it.

Speaker 1:

Also, customizing it to each person because that's something that's come up a lot recently is like everyone pushes a masterclass or a challenge or this or that, and it's like, hey, if you're more shy and the thought of doing a challenge or a masterclass freaks you out, why don't you make the coolest PDF ever? Or why don't you pre-record a video that they could watch? There's just so many ways to adjust to the type of person. So I'm excited to work with y'all on that. And so then, yeah, everyone, look in the show notes or message Amber30A for more details, because it's going to be incredible. And then another thing speaking of challenges and speaking of masterclasses and just upcoming things, can you share what kind of you're working on? And I know you do a lot with working moms, as you are a working mom yourself of little ones wanting to steward, work well, but also put your family first. So what does that look like now with your current offers and what you're doing?

Speaker 2:

and what you're doing. Yeah, so I am a working mom and I'd never realized how much brain space, the lists, the ongoing lists of things that we have to do and things that we have to remember that are always there, and that just takes up so much space. And pair that with an entrepreneur who, or a woman working in corporate or a leader, and you have so many things that you're wanting to do to grow that area too. So there's constant lists and constant pushing and what I've noticed is there's so much.

Speaker 2:

I asked this question actually to a group of my close friends from high school. They're all working moms and I asked them what's the number one thing that stresses you out? And they said the running list. And I asked them what do you number one thing that stresses you out? And they said the running list. And I asked them what do you wish you had time for? And everyone has something different, but they all knew what it was right away. They all had something. We all have something where I just wish a lot of it was. I wish I had time to see my friends more. I wish I had time to pause and really think about my career and what I actually want to do, or for me, a long time it was getting my podcast out there or something like that.

Speaker 2:

So it's, we have something that's really dear to us that we want to get out there, but we're we can't even start because our so our plate's so full. So I've created the 21 day restart for working moms. It's called mom mode activated. It's a challenge starting on May 1st for 21 days Now. I've made this for working moms, so it is a three to five minute private podcast that you listen to in your car or on a walk, so on your way in the car line or when you're heading to pick up your kids, or you're on your walk or taking a daily reset. And it's going to have 21 days helping you to clear your environment, clear your schedule and put some boundaries in place so that you can free up your time to be able to do more of what you want.

Speaker 2:

It's going to be so fun. And that starts on May 1st and it is available as of tonight as after this recording actually, so you can find me on Instagram at Coach Amber B, and on my website as well, coachamberbcom, and I'll hook you up there.

Speaker 1:

Good. No, I'll have it linked in the show notes too, for anyone listening. And then what we were talking about earlier, before we started recording. You'll be doing this every few months, so if someone's listening to the replay later, just click and head to her site and see when the next you know you're. It's a challenge per se, right.

Speaker 2:

Or kind of like guided Absolutely Yep A 21 day challenge. You got it.

Speaker 1:

Perfect, no, and what an amazing time to start doing it before school gets out and just kind of regroup reset, because I know summer brings its own set of challenges. Yeah, that's exactly it. No, for sure it really does.

Speaker 2:

That's totally it and we all I think all of us, whether we're moms or not we want our summers to look a certain way, and this is what I do a lot with clients who like planning 90 days. And we think through okay, how do you want to feel at the end of 90 days, how do you want to feel this summer? And a lot of people are thinking free, or I want to feel relaxed, or all these things, and we say, okay, let's look at your schedule and your calendar and your life. If we keep doing X, y, z, are you going to be able to feel that?

Speaker 2:

Probably, not so let's make some adjustments, let's prepare over these next 90 days or for this challenge it's 21 days so that when you get to summer, you can feel the way you want to feel and do the things that you want to do too. Yeah 100%.

Speaker 1:

Yes. If you're listening and that seems right up your alley, head to the show notes and get your spot, or just message her because I know it's going to be good. We've done 90 day plans before and they've been so great, so I know to do a 21 day challenge will be just what people need. So before we wrap up and go to the fun giggles part of clicks and giggles I wanted to ask you a question that I ask everyone, and it's kind of something everyone ponders when they come on is what is a way that you see women leaving money on the table, just in general and in your, in your coaching practice?

Speaker 2:

I love this question so much because I get so fired up. I see so many women leaving money on the table by not taking action by because there's so afraid, and I totally get it and I know it's scary, but so many women have everyone I talk to has an amazing idea or something that they're thinking could I do this? And they're either start working on it and then stop and they're like I can't, I can't, and they walk away from it because they're afraid of what other people think, or they're afraid if they're going to fail, and so they just leave it on the table and I see so if it's, I really believe it's us. I think ourselves, we keep ourselves from experiencing what's really possible when we're keeping ourselves from stepping out and to do the scary thing, the scary exciting thing, the new territory.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oof, I've heard all different answers. I love, love, love getting to hear the answers to that question. And yeah, sometimes we can be like our own worst enemy, right? Because we let our thoughts control the actions versus knowing. Hey, there's actually someone who needs what I have to offer so much and I'm going to put myself out there and try to help them and see how I can help them. And it doesn't mean that once you launch something, there aren't pivots and figuring things out and learning from it.

Speaker 1:

But you literally will not know unless you do it Right. And I'm sure you feel the same way. You don't want to look back one day and wonder like what if I had done that, or who could.

Speaker 1:

I have helped and and so I was actually on a challenge today and she was talking about validating your offer, and it's like the only way you can validate your offer and that people want it is to put whatever you're selling your service or product or coaching package in front of people. So you can't even validate it to tweak it without going there. So I love, I love that and I hope it encourages someone to take, you know, a step in the right direction. Do you feel like people? Sometimes it's fear, but also you see it being perfectionism too, where people want it to be perfect before?

Speaker 2:

it's put out into the world. Yeah, you said it perfectly just now. It can be where we think just the reminder of that we might not put it out there, and then everything is perfect. Actually, we're going to put it out there and then we're going to learn from it, and then we're going to do something again and then we're going to learn from that. But if we never actually do the thing the first place to learn from, we're not going to get to where we ultimately want to go, and you never know unless you try.

Speaker 2:

I had, I was working with a coach the other day and I was talking to her about some this new thing I'm putting together, and I was like I, even my perfectionism was coming up and I was saying, okay, but I'm going to have this ready and this ready, I'm going to do this and this and everything's going to be just perfect. And she's like but really, you're just going to put it out there and then people are going to buy or they're not going to buy, and then you're going to know, and then you're gonna be able to do the next step. Right, that's it. Right there, that's all.

Speaker 1:

People can't buy what they don't know. If they don't know, it exists.

Speaker 2:

Right, right.

Speaker 1:

So 100 percent I think about and I was just talking about on stories.

Speaker 1:

I'm going gonna record a little short podcast on it. But I did a launch and I called the program the launchpad and like I still have the amazing logo it's beautiful, the branding and one person bought right and I was bummed at the time I don't even know if I was bummed honestly, because I had been moving so fast and I like put it on stories like twice, right, like I may be sent an email. And so I got one person and I said, hey, instead of doing this like weekly, like this, I will give you the amount of calls as coaching calls. And I ended up becoming friends with them, ended up helping them work through some different things, and it's like, oh, I was supposed to do this and this is how it was supposed to go, because now, coaching people in marketing outside of my done for you services, that was an experience I needed.

Speaker 1:

I didn't know what the market needed for one-on-one. I needed experience that to then do a group one day. And so it's just funny like there's so many different ways you could think about it. Also, promote what you're going to launch more than like twice on stories because you learn when we do that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Right, but when you're working so much for other people, you're like, oh crap, I got to put that up there. But yeah, that's so true of like, stop the perfectionism and just get it out there so you can refine it, so you can figure out what does the market want? So, no, I love that. Okay, now switching to the fun clicks and giggles. What are some things you're loving right now, making you laugh, enjoying? How do you unwind and kind of break away from work.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I love that question for sure.

Speaker 2:

The number one thing that pops in my head about what makes me laugh are my kids are so freaking funny.

Speaker 2:

They're just at a really funny age right now and my little one is a handful and wonderful and every he's constantly in his underwear and he's constantly has a messy face and just the things that come out of his mouth are so hilarious and I just love this little age right now. And but to break away from work and mom life cause we have to, um, I really cherish time with people and so having valuing and prioritizing time for me to get away myself, get away to get it done Like spending time with friends, is really important. On trips like that, my husband and I tried it. Mike and I tried to do a date even if we can't go out or couldn't do a babysitter. Then we have what we call. We started this during COVID, when we couldn't hire babysitters, and so we had a brother date where we would tell the boys that they were going to have a brother date, and it's still something we do every week where we set up a table in the basement.

Speaker 2:

They have pizza or hot chocolate or whatever we make them, and they get to pick out a movie and they have a date with each other, while we have a date upstairs having our own dinner and that is. We all look forward to that and it's become really fun, is something good that came out of 2020 for sure yes, and just having that time and time with friends.

Speaker 2:

Next week I'm going to a Taylor Swift listening party with some friends and so just doing, enjoying music and friendship, and I just have to be around people and I have to be around grownups sometimes to have grownup conversations Right.

Speaker 1:

Well, I know that you and your sister go on trips sometimes too which looks fun.

Speaker 2:

And then some girlfriends, but I'm the same way, it's just funny People.

Speaker 1:

Refresh and recharge different ways, but do you find with your group of friends or with your sister you still have your alone time when you're on a trip, like those are my favorite people to travel with.

Speaker 2:

Those are the people to travel with.

Speaker 1:

We don't take offense, like Brad's, like we've I've had friends who are like oh, you should like let's go on a trip, let's travel. And Brad is like so apprehensive Like he would admit this, because he's like do they know?

Speaker 2:

Like we're going to take a nap.

Speaker 1:

We're going to go read books at coffee shops, like, and then we can totally do dinner with them, but we're not like all day and conversations you know what I mean, like. There are people like that, brad, there are.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's having those people that you love to travel with. It is my sister and I travel a lot together. We're getting ready to go to Sedona for Mother's Day with my mom and we are planning the trip too. But we also plan what we all want to do. We have a working document that we are all putting ideas in, and my sister and I are going to go do sunrise yoga one morning, but my mom's like, nope, I'm going to just have my coffee and be by myself that day. So, knowing what we each want, it's the best part you got to have people like that.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I told Brad, I'm like no, it's setting expectations before you go up. Here's what the trip is like to us, what looks good for you, and then making it happen. Everyone doesn't have to be doing everything together every second, right.

Speaker 2:

That's actually the worst. Nobody wants that together. Every second Right, that's actually the worst.

Speaker 1:

Nobody wants that, so you can recharge, you know? So, no, I love that and your boys when they did that restaurant recently.

Speaker 2:

You posted about it. Oh my goodness, that was hilarious, so sweet. I think they named yeah, they're seven and nine. They decided out of the blue, I think they saw it on TV show and they wanted to make a restaurant for Mike and I. Meanwhile, mike and I are exhausted this evening, like we this one night. We were not in the mood to pretend that this is awesome, so we really had to pull like all the gumption to make this happen.

Speaker 2:

Like we really just wanted to zone out and not talk to anyone, but we did it because they were so excited. They made menus and they named their restaurant Beef and Cheese, which I thought was very practical.

Speaker 1:

Yes, you know what you're going to get Very niche, but it works and that's what I told Brad. I was like Amber's kids made a restaurant called Beef and Cheese and Brad's like 90% carnivore and he's like that's amazing.

Speaker 2:

He's like yes, where can I get a reservation?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he would eat there. No, I love it so much. You really are setting the example of how to mom, wife, work and adjust amidst just life, and so I'm glad everyone could learn from you today. If anything's resonated with you as you're listening, please head to the show notes and connect with Amber. I want to see some of y'all at the 30A retreat in September, and then I can't wait to hear what the challenge is like in May. Thanks so much for being on here today.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, jordan, it was so fun talking with you and that's a wrap. Thank you for listening. If you were inspired by this episode, be sure to check out the show notes for the linked resources and my free guide Three Ways to Know You're Ready for Ads. If weekly episodes aren't enough for you and you want more of your favorite click magnet, you can connect with me over on Instagram at launchwithjordan. I host regular challenges and drop valuable tips that will help make your marketing click, connect and convert. And if you think it would inspire a friend, send it, share it just for clicks and giggles.