Clicks and Giggles | Your Backstage Pass to Digital Marketing Strategies

Renting vs Owning in Your Business

Jordan Rothwell Perry

BONUS EPISODE! Jordan's here for a heart to heart from the car and you're along for the ride. Today's topic: Renting vs. owning in your digital business.  

In this episode, Jordan covers: 

  • Renting verse owning in your business
  • Strategies for dealing with reach changes on social media
  • Building owned assets such as your website and email list
  • Reacting to business changes on rented platforms


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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Clicks and Giggles podcast. I'm your host, jordan Rothwell-Perry, and I'm here to make your marketing click, connect and convert. My mission is to help good people with great offers make more money through paid digital marketing strategies. I truly believe that one ad can change everything for you and your business. Tune in weekly to unlearn what the bros and insert air quotes agency gurus have led you to believe about advertising and hear from inspiring women in my network who are making business a little more live, laugh, launch and a little less stuffy suit and tie, because nobody playing the long game is having a terrible time. Whether you're new to business making millions or you're just my mom tuning in for Clicks and Giggles, you are welcome here in the room. Get ready for a good time. A good time. Welcome to the Clicks and Giggles podcast. Car ride edition.

Speaker 2:

This is pretty timely. I just need to get it out there. It is talking about renting versus owning, because so many things are coming up with that Renting versus owning, shall we? There's a few things that come to mind that have been little current events happening. One is reach on Instagram changing again and talks of a tiered system. Okay, and when you run paid ads you don't have to worry about reach. So I literally do not give reach a second thought ever, but I will because enough people are talking about it and bringing it up.

Speaker 2:

And the freaking beauty counter situation which I have so much. I don't know my part, I don't even know how to say it. My heart hurts for my friends who have had the rug pulled out from underneath them and even if they're speaking in a nice kind way about it and in hopes that it comes back better than ever, they literally got the rug pulled under them, out from under them, to say the least. And yes, it's still sold in Ulta. And do, if I had to guess, do I think that it being sold in stores is potentially what might happen down the road? Cut the middleman out. It's costing more money than ever to produce things, yada, yada, yeah, that's where I think it will go, but I hope for their sake it doesn't. And I just have to say, man, it just freaking stinks.

Speaker 2:

So the whole renting versus owning situation let's paint a little picture. You rent an apartment. They can change the rent price at any time. They can change the the rules we're renting right now. We got an email the other day that was like hey, you cannot wear jeans when swimming in the pool. It's a rule. I'm like, okay, I agree with that. I don't know who that lives near us doesn't agree with that. But something had to be said. Okay, if you own and you have a pool, you can wear jeans in the pool. You can be naked if you want. Love that for you and that is a benefit of owning, right. And so renting versus owning, as it relates to social media and business, is going to be very similar conversations. Right, you have this idea of social media and, honestly, it's like an entitlement, in my opinion, imo. Like how dare they change reach? It's their business. That's like when you change prices, it's a business decision you make. So, yeah, isn't it a bummer Like 110%? It's a bummer, stinks and I don't know all the details, but supposedly they're talking about a tiered system for Instagram verification and that'll determine who sees what yada yada. Brock Johnson did a video on it. So it's not even coming from the mouths of babes from Instagram themselves yet.

Speaker 2:

I don't believe, but it just is what it is and so I'm always like, all right, I'm gonna complain that's a PC term for what I want to say for a minute. About situations like this. I don't. I personally don't care because I know how to run ads, but for other people I know, or other situations, I'm like, all right, I'm going to complain for a minute and then I'm going to get to a solution. So these are my ideas and tips for you to come to a solution with that.

Speaker 2:

I would A I would start running an engagement ad top of funnel, bringing more people to your page, getting people to look at your content, even if it's $5 or $10 a day. I would not boost a post. I would go an ads manager and do a campaign engagement campaign to a good reel for video views and just get eyeballs on the old content. Get people to your page. That's one solution. Next, I would push lead magnets and push people to my list. So, whether it's in stories, whether it's in posts themselves, whether it is when you're actually talking to people, if you're at an event getting their information and saying, hey, can I add you to my list? Like one person, it adds up over time. Just think about ways that you can grow your list. Obviously you can grow them with ads. You can use the lead objective in ads manager and drive people to your list to join. That's my top vote. But if you're not there yet, I would just start pushing people to your list and I would make nurturing your list just top of mind, loving on your people in launching off season, because it's obvious when people show back up when it's time to launch, something like 110%.

Speaker 2:

I'm guilty of it in the past, of being like oh shoot, we're launching this, let's do this. Really be top of mind. Like if you don't I'm recording this in May If you don't have a launch till August or September, start sending two emails a month. Get in their inbox. If one a week is too much for you, just do one every other week. Gosh, do one a month. Like just stay top of mind for people and just be there and nurture them. Give freaking value all day. So that is really how I think about the rent versus own situation.

Speaker 2:

If you don't have a website, I would get a one pager website. I would own a domain with your business name and send traffic to that page. I would not use Flowdesk landing page forms. I would do something I own, because that too can go away. I also would download your list from Flowdesk MailChimp Not a huge fan of MailChimp, but hey, you may have it ConvertKit, et cetera. Whatever platform you use, Kartra Kajabi, and have your list safe and handy. Maybe schedule a reminder once a month to download your current list. And here's why those platforms can go down. Things can happen, things can get deleted, etc. And you just want to have an updated copy. It's not being like neurotic or crazy, it's just literally being smart and proactive. So that's definitely something I would do is get the landing page, get your email list downloaded every once in a while to just have for safekeeping. Start nurturing your email list.

Speaker 2:

Just think about ways you can take people off of social media. Do I think social media is going away? No, not at all. But as things change and evolve, I also want you to think about your long-term strategy for owning in this digital age where we're renting a lot of space. There's talks about TikTok ban going away. You better believe, if you're big on TikTok, you need to be finding a place to funnel people so that you can communicate with them even more. And I cannot speak highly enough about having like at least a one-pager website that you own, because then you'll start building some authority in Google for SEO. You can put the pixel on it and track people to get ads in front of them down the road. The pixel is this piece of code that, once it's on your site, you can get in front of people for 180 days after. You could literally put it on your site today and five months and 30 days from now, reach the same people who hit your website today.

Speaker 2:

Just low hanging fruit. I always want people to maximize their marketing and not have it be this like huge cluster. It's like all right, this change happened, what are we going to do about it? Because we're not going to complain more. So that's what I want to come out here and say it's just, this is what I see. And then, as it relates, and this is what I see, and this is what I want to come out here and say is just, this is what I see and then, as it relates and this is what I see and this is what I would do has really to beauty counter just sucks like there. There really are no words, and that is the risk you run with a business you don't fully own. So when we talk about renting versus owning, you do run the risk of someone saying, nope, not anymore.

Speaker 2:

There's a health and wellness company that is decently well-known that I used to work with, work for coach, for, et cetera, back in the old day, and one day there were talks about oh, we're just going to change compensation, and so that is a risk you run. And same thing with this change here with beauty counter of just like skirt, like that's not personally okay with me and that's why I run my own business and just always have a plan in case something can come up of. What do you do? How do you pivot? I'm cheering my beauty counter girl is on, I can tell you that much. And I know some of them have other businesses. I know someone who has a wellness coaching business. I know other people who are corporate girls and do that as well, and for some it was full income, for some it was supplemental income.

Speaker 2:

But I'll tell you what. If you are someone who is in beauty counter and you're struggling A, take the time to process and honestly like grieve because it is a loss of sorts 110%. And then I just want to tell you, if you've ever been scared of starting your own business, don't be, because you've got what it takes and you've done it. Like, if you've been able to build a successful beauty counter business, you can build your own business if there's a need in the market and you have a solution. So just want to encourage people too but this is my PSA to just freaking work on what you can own. Like, obviously, focus on rented land, like TikTok Instagram stories. Like, obviously, focus on rented land, like TikTok Instagram stories, etc. Do your thing, and I mean put way more stock in what you can own, because that is going to be the solid rock and not building on sand. If we're talking biblical analogies here, this matters because when Instagram goes out, when other things like you have something to go back to. I even think about shoot, I think about in March, when Instagram went down.

Speaker 2:

Like people will use this as a almost like a fear mongering of I wasn't worried because I had an email list or I wasn't whatever and I get it 100%. But now, in a non not as stressful heated time, it is time to think about what's your plan and just add it to the calendar. I freaking love calendar reminders that just say hey, every other Tuesday, top of mind, write an email. Or once a month, write email and send it. It does not have to be complicated. I think a lot of people are making things more complicated than they need to be and I guarantee you I'm hitting my leg as I talk that you can do that and I hope someone's listening and they're like I'm going to send one email this month and I want you to tell me if you do and what it's about and, freaking, send it to me because I want to see it.

Speaker 2:

But I just want to do this PSA and encouragement to build where you own and spend some time where you rent, but really be thinking about what do you own and how can you be strategic there, because if you're in the business game for the long haul, you play in the long game with me.

Speaker 2:

It's worth it to put some time and thought into that.

Speaker 2:

But I'm cheering you on, I'm thinking of you if you are in beauty counter, or if you are in a MLM or other network marketing type business where this has made you think, oh boy, this could happen to me, or this did happen to me. Just to give yourself time to think and process, but also to dream, and then, freaking, get to it and execute. If you decide, hey, a pivot is needed, because the thinking and ruminating and pondering can only take you so far versus freaking. Get her done, take some action, put some things out there, see what spaghetti sticks to the wall. And just know I'm cheering you on and I really am your number one fan. If you're listening to this and you're like, what am I going to do, just know that I know you have what it takes and you actually already have had what it takes and now it's your time to shine. So thanks for listening to my little rent versus own rant in the car. I cannot wait for you to hear the next episode soon.

Speaker 1:

And that's a wrap. Thank you for listening. If you were inspired by this episode, be sure to check out the show notes for the linked resources and my free guide three ways to know you're ready for ads. If weekly episodes aren't enough for you and you want more of your favorite click magnet, you can connect with me over on Instagram at launchwithjordan. I host regular challenges and drop valuable tips that will help make your marketing click, connect and convert. And if you think it would inspire a friend, send it, share it, just for clicks and giggles.