Clicks and Giggles | Your Backstage Pass to Digital Marketing Strategies

The Other Side of The Counter

Jordan Rothwell Perry Episode 21

What if seeing your business through your customers' eyes could revolutionize your success? Discover how small changes—like automated welcome emails and refined thank-you pages—can transform satisfied customers into loyal brand advocates. You'll understand how aiming for a perfect 10/10 experience can be a game-changer for your business.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • Viewing your business from the customer's point of view.
  • Strategies for enhancing the customer experience.
  • Importance of going above and beyond to impress customers.
  • Examples of exceptional customer service practices.
  • How excellent customer service can lead to repeat business, full-price payments, and word-of-mouth referrals.


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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Clicks and Giggles podcast. I'm your host, jordan Rothwell-Perry, and I'm here to make your marketing click, connect and convert. My mission is to help good people with great offers make more money through paid digital marketing strategies. I truly believe that one ad can change everything for you and your business. Tune in weekly to unlearn what the bros and insert air quotes agency gurus have led you to believe about advertising, and hear from inspiring women in my network who are making business a little more live, laugh, launch and a little less stuffy suit and tie, because nobody playing the long game is having a terrible time. Whether you're new to business making millions or you're just my mom tuning in for clicks and giggles, you areerry here on the Clicks and Giggles podcast. I am excited to talk about this because you may or may not know this, but I worked for Chick-fil-A for many, many moons.

Speaker 1:

So when I was 20, almost 21, I graduated college a month after I turned 21, I was a baby and I had no idea what I was going to do, because I was a journalism major and in journalism school, one of my professors said their worst day is our best day, meaning they're talking about a family who had lost a loved one or who was struggling or who had a family member who was arrested or whatnot, that their worst day is our best day, because we got the story. And I remember leaving class and calling my mom and being like I cannot do this, this is not for me, my mom, and being like I cannot do this, this is not for me. So I knew I needed to graduate and I was almost done with school when that phrase was said and I was like I'll figure it out. I figured out it this far and I'll figure it out beyond. So, all that to say, then I went almost like door to door, down four street here in St Pete looking and thinking about business owners I knew that I could pitch online marketing services for, and so I went into a Chick-fil-A location owned by David Neely and I said hey, I will build you a Facebook business page and I'll charge you $150. What do you think? He said perfect. And so that was that.

Speaker 1:

And I went over to other businesses and it was back when Facebook pages had 100% reach. So if you posted on your page and you had people who had liked the page, they would see it. Now I think organic reach is probably like three to seven percent, maybe five percent, maybe one percent, I don't even know. I should have looked that up before now. Anywho, that was my beginning of working with Chick-fil-a when I was 21 and I worked with them on and off until I was gosh probably like 19, almost 29 and still have a really, really great relationship with with Dave Neely, who owns Chick-fil-a and 4th Street, and then just people I've met in the Tampa Bay market who had stores or who are marketing directors, and even went up to Atlanta to headquarters a few handful of times and one time got to consult on digital marketing, social media, which was super fun in Tampa Bay and in Atlanta. So all of that to say that background is, I learned from David Neely to go look at the other side of the counter, and so that's why this episode is about going to the other side of the counter.

Speaker 1:

And what does that mean for you? What does that mean for you and your business, or you and a business you want to start or where you work? It is that when you are standing behind a register at Chick-fil-A, you see out and you see the customers and they're ordering and they want sauce and their baby's crying and they need their beverage refresh. We do not say refill, beverage refreshed, or they want to mint or hand wipe for their kids' sticky hands before they go play in the playground, all those things, and you just see it and it becomes just routine. Oh, it's 1130. Kids are getting out of preschool. They're coming in for lunch fresh. Oh, it's 330. Kids are getting out of high school. They want milkshakes. Oh, it's 8 PM. Moms are coming through the drive through families after baseball practice and it just like, if you don't pay attention, it just becomes a routine and it's like that's just what they do and we didn't ever want to stay almost stagnant or complacent or just expect it in that.

Speaker 1:

And so what Dave did once is he said come, come, stand over here. And we walked from behind the counter where we saw the customers or guests of the restaurant and then we were standing like we were ordering and that perspective was so wild, the other side of the counter to look at if I'm a guest, what am I seeing right now? And it was like, oh, the trash cans overflowing over there, let me go grab that. Or oh, that table over there is is dirty. Or oh, that mom, you know, struggling to wrangle her kids and get them ice cream before they leave. Let me, let me help push the high chair. And it was such a reminder of like do not ever have your head so far in the weeds that you forget to look on the other side of the counter, and so I want to challenge you to do that in your business, right?

Speaker 1:

And so what does it look like? Within the first 30 minutes after someone pays you, do they get an email? That's automated. Do they say you don't have automations yet and that's okay? Do they get to a thank you page after they purchase? That just wows them, and maybe you go edit your thank you page today. Do they download a freebie? What happens after that? What are the wow things when you put yourself on the other side of the counter, because we can get.

Speaker 1:

So I think that people cross off marketing projects and different things off their list. It's like, oh, I need a freebie, and then I need five emails after the freebie. Okay, check. Okay, I need a sales page. Check, okay, I need a uh, I need, like a honey book to process payments. Check, it's all set up and now we're making money verse pause and say I need to go back and like what is the process of people working with me? What does this look like? Put yourself it really isn't a chance to put yourself in their shoes and be like all right, I just booked a call with me. What happens now? What does that nurturing look like? Or, okay, I just paid me for my group coaching program and it's an investment for people.

Speaker 1:

What does it look like after they buy? How can I wow people more? How can I really elevate this experience they're having? And that's something that I believe that Chick-fil-A does just such a great job of is elevating the guest experience, and you can do that, too in your business. I'll say I have bought things where it has been a cluster after I purchased and I bought things that I have been like oh my gosh, how do they run this business? This is amazing. I love this portal. How thoughtful of an email to get sent. Or, wow, the CEO of the company sent me a DM after I bought that night saying they were so happy to have me.

Speaker 1:

Just different things like how can we wow people and make it go from maybe a KFC experience to a Chick-fil-A experience, or maybe from a Big Lots experience where you needed to just grab something, and it was there to a Nordstrom level or higher experience of just top notch service, and what could that look like for people. And so I also think about the Ritz-Carlton in this and talking about service and experience, because they're such a great example of just freaking 10 out of 10 service and the best experience. When my dad was traveling for work years ago, he would stay there and so we'd go with him sometimes and, much to my husband Brad's chagrin, I loved it. I had not been back in years, and so that's where we did our honeymoon.

Speaker 1:

Ritz-carlton Lake Oconee is just freaking unreal, and something they do there so well is they anticipate the need before you even have it. So they're like how's your stay? Would you like X, rather than us being like, oh, we need more towels or oh, we need more coffee. And so how can you anticipate the needs of your leads who are lurking or who have booked a call but haven't heard from you in a while and just need like one more touch point before they buy? Or your clients who are like, oh, this program is good, I could renew, I could do this next, and you're just anticipating the needs. Hey, how has the program been. Hey, if it's a six-month program, you put checkpoints at month one, month three, month five, month six, and what does that do for retention and renewal? There's just so many things.

Speaker 1:

And so when I talk about the Ritz-Carlton, their creed and I'm pulling it up as I do this they say that we are ladies and gentlemen, serving ladies and gentlemen. And then the other thing that's so, so cool, and I don't know what the rule is now, but they and their employees are called ladies and gentlemen, by the way, which is just 10 out of 10 they this was in january of 2024 that they're allowed to spend up to two thousand dollars a day per guest without seeking approval from their superiors to resolve any issues. And that is just something that has always stuck with me too. When I was a chick-fil-a, we were like, hey, fix it, unless it seems like something really crazy, or like they're clearly lying or something's wrong. Like just you can fix it, like, oh, I'm so sorry to hear that We'll make you something new right at once. And so what is?

Speaker 1:

If you have a team, how can your team also wow your clients, wow your students, wow your purchasers? And whether that's in the DMs, in email. Surprise and delight is a word we would use. How can you surprise and delight who you're working with? It's just such a reminder of, like there are people on the other side of this Stripe payment and or of this guide download, and how can we love them so well and like, yes, I would love to see them buy from you them so well, and yes, I would love to see them buy from you. And what does it look like to do it with no goal of getting anything in return and then watch what freaking happens when you love your leads list well, when you love your clients well. And so that's just been my thoughts.

Speaker 1:

I've been pondering on this and my encouragement for you is today put yourself on the other side of the counter. Put yourself through the buying experience. You know, in a couple of podcast episodes ago or the one beforehand, it's five things to do today to help your marketing. We talked about check the link in bio, check this, etc. This is different. This is the other side of the counter.

Speaker 1:

What is the experience like for people who work with you? Because I'll tell you what in Chick-fil-A we talk about. We want people to come more often, pay full price and tell other people and that is the same thing in any business Come more often. I want you to get monthly recurring revenue from people. Pay full price. I want people to believe in what you sell and they're like I'll pay oh my gosh, yes.

Speaker 1:

And then tell other people like hey, so-and-so is the person to go for this, and, and that is the motto. And the way you can do that is motto and goal right Is by going on the other side of the counter of your business and being like what does this look like? What is the experience look like? I cannot wait to hear what you uncover as you start kind of combing through that. And this is the perfect time to do it. If you're listening to it later, it's always a perfect time, but right now it's summer and what a good time to take inventory and make sure the people around you feel so special and taken care of.

Speaker 1:

So customer service lesson and it translates to marketing because people will share their bad experiences and people will share their good experiences, and I, for one, want, when people work with me, to be like oh my gosh, they take care of you, you're fine, just get on board and it'll be 10 out of 10.

Speaker 1:

And I want the same for you. So please get on the other side of the counter of your business. Let me know what you uncover, what you tweak, what you make better, and I cannot wait to chat with you soon. Have a good day and that's a wrap. Thank you for listening. If you were inspired by this episode, be sure to check out the show notes for the linked resources and my free guide Three Ways to Know You're Ready for Ads. If weekly episodes aren't enough for you and you want more of your favorite click magnet, you can connect with me over on Instagram at launchwithjordan. I host regular challenges and drop valuable tips that will help make your marketing click, connect and convert. And if you think it would inspire a friend, send it, share it just for clicks and giggles.