Clicks and Giggles | Your Backstage Pass to Digital Marketing Strategies

It Is a Guess Until You Test!

Jordan Rothwell Perry Episode 22

I once heard the phrase 'it's a guess until you test,' and it's stuck with me ever since! Today we uncover the impact of testing on your marketing strategies. We delve into actionable tips for experimenting with every element of your marketing, from email subject lines to landing page designs. You'll learn how to isolate variables (no lab coat required!), iterate effectively, and maintain a change log to keep track of your results. Through real-world examples, I’ll show you how minor adjustments can lead to major improvements in your conversion rates!

Topics covered in this episode:

  • Importance of testing in marketing and business.
  • Different types of testing (e.g., email subject lines, ad copy, landing pages).
  • The value of tracking changes and maintaining a change log.
  • Testing new offers and products before full launches.
  • Importance of solving customer problems and talking to clients.


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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Clicks and Giggles podcast. I'm your host, jordan Rothwell-Perry, and I'm here to make your marketing click, connect and convert. My mission is to help good people with great offers make more money through paid digital marketing strategies. I truly believe that one ad can change everything for you and your business. Tune in weekly to unlearn what the bros and insert air quotes agency gurus have led you to believe about advertising and hear from inspiring women in my network who are making business a little more live, laugh, launch and a little less stuffy suit and tie, because nobody playing the long game is having a terrible time, whether you're new to business making millions or you're just my mom tuning in for clicks and giggles podcast.

Speaker 2:

This is Jordan Rockwell Perry here checking in and I wanted to talk about a phrase that I heard someone say a while ago and I love it and it's something that may get you out of your comfort zone, and it is the phrase it is a guess until you test. So I think it was, I think I heard it from Myron Golden and maybe then it was Kat and Macy from Guide Culture Sales Girls who talked about it, and then actually a client of mine, emily, who works with them, mentioned it the other day when we were talking about something she was putting out into the world and how really it's a guess until you test it. And so I want to help you get comfortable with testing things and what that means and kind of like the different spectrum of testing. So if you're like, what are you talking about testing? So testing can be as simple as testing two different subject lines if your email provider lets you do that, and then testing can also be testing a couple different kinds of messaging posting one kind of messaging and see what resonates. Posting another hook and seeing what resonates. And then you can take it even further and test two different landing pages, hey, what is performing better? And kind of isolate variables there and change them.

Speaker 2:

And then, when it comes to like the paid ad side of things, when you're at the point running paid ads, we test all sorts of things. We test does an image work better? Does a video work better? Okay, once we know which image works, what copy works and I always say like you don't wake a sleeping baby, baby, you don't mess with an ad that's working you just kind of iterate around it until the ad breaks, as I like to call it, and you can also buy other ad campaigns, right. And so I'll give you an example right now for a client of mine. We know these reviews are doing well. So now we took the review that's doing well and put it with a bunch of different images and we're like let's see which image hits. And then, once we know what's really resonating, we're like all right, let's make that better. Let's do that same image with a couple different hooks at the beginning of the copy. So we know this image stops to scroll, what does the copy do? And so you can test with all sorts of things in marketing.

Speaker 2:

Just do not change too many things at once. That is like such such a big thing that people want to do is like I'm going to test, I'm going to change this, I'm going to do that, and it's like you have to iterate and take time to see if that test worked. What did, did you learn from it? And also please, please, please, make what I like to call a change log where, if you do make changes on something, put a note of what day you did so you can know if it does better. So let me give you an example.

Speaker 2:

I'm recording this in July, if this inspires you I hope it does and your sales page has not been converting like you want it to and you make some changes Say you make them August 1st and so September 1st. You review the numbers and you look at August 1st to September 1st and you compare to July 1st to July, end of July and you're like oh my gosh, like a hundred people went to my site of July and you're like oh my gosh, like 100 people went to my site in July and three bought Well, that's a 3% conversion rate. But then you look at it in August and you're like oh my gosh, 100 people went to my site and seven bought. Well, that's a 7% conversion rate and it went up 4% and so you can see is this working? So just start to track things. But make that change log so you know like, oh, we made the change this day. That's like one of the biggest things I run into working with teams is they move fast. Love that for you. And if you have no recollection of when you made a change, it's like, oh, skirt, what are we going to do? So get a change log, just a little like Google sheet, google doc, and be like hey, here are the three things we changed the buttons, we added a video or we removed the video. All that good stuff. Because, really, like, I love that for you.

Speaker 2:

If you haven't had to test and change in your business, you're lucky and your time will come that you have to. So just even now, if you're like okay, I know my conversion rate of my sales page is X and I want to make it better. Let's look at some things we can change. There's definitely within different email software ways you can test subject lines. I know that Kartra has some capability ConvertKit I don't think Flowdesk is there yet. And then let's see. I don't know about Kajabi, I would have to look. But just think about ways you can. Quick little changes would be try testing a PS in your email again if you haven't yet. Try looking at that sales page. What can we do to make it better? Put ourselves in our customer client's shoes and then make note of what you changed it.

Speaker 2:

But really remembering that phrase I said at the beginning, like it's a guess until you test and then spend time to review the data. So I think my biggest action piece of advice here is like let's look at what you have going, let's figure out something new you can test and then go from there. So that's more on the marketing side of things. Then, especially if you're running ads, go find what's been a winner and even if nothing is converted yet let's say you're running ads yourself what's getting the most link clicks? Let's start there and then find what's resonating and just make it 10% better. I want to say make it 100% better, but just start making it a little bit better. So that's on the marketing side. Now let's talk about the offers and testing, because I find people get really scared to make a different move from what they're doing.

Speaker 2:

But I'll tell you this I was on a sales call yesterday and she was asking me about Google ads. She was asking me about all these other things. But I'll tell you this I was on a sales call yesterday and she was asking me about Google ads. She was asking me about all these other things and I was like, oh, we do Google ads. And then we were talking about design and branding. And I was like we do branding too. As long as you're a client of ours whether you're in clicks that count or have done a one-off strategy call with me or on a retainer you get our exclusive agency rate rather than like the general public rate. And she's like oh my gosh, I had no idea. I'm like, no, I know. It's like a best kept secret right now, as we're unveiling it to the world, and here's why you can test offers and no one has to know publicly. You can sell on a sales call or in the DMs or try something new.

Speaker 2:

So if there's been something you've been wanting to try, it doesn't have to be this like wild launch. That's like three months of planning and execution and websites and funnels and all this stuff. It's like no pause. I want you to figure out if this works, if people need this. It's like when people make a course without people actually wanting it. For example, made this program called the Launchpad a couple years ago and one person bought it. No one wanted it, but I thought they needed it. And now Click Set Count is a program that is going to walk you through marketing, setting up your funnels, setting up different ads, just troubleshooting anything where you're stuck. And I know people need that because they're asking for it. And now that's why it makes sense. So same for you.

Speaker 2:

Back to testing another offer. Please, for the love, do not go make this huge big thing if you don't know if someone needs it. I have been on the side of really great wild launches, like launches of a few thousand dollars to $200,000, $500,000. Clients of mine had a million dollar day a couple of weeks ago and I've been on the side of launches where people are like this product slaps, it's so good, 10 out of 10. And and people didn't want it. People were confused. People were like like, oh, does it have this? And it's like, oh, had this been beta tested under the table, this could be refined really well and then launched super publicly. So I want to encourage you in that, if there's something you're like I really want to do this, like go freaking play and do it.

Speaker 2:

I was talking to my husband about it at dinner last night, just with some offers and things he's working on. I'm like this does not have to be perfect, like what do you enjoy doing? Talk to three people you know could benefit from it and see what they think. And that's kind of how different offers have worked out for me, especially even my CMO offer a fractional CMO for a couple people, so fun helping them in their marketing and it came up from a need. It's something I was like ooh, this would be so fun and I know I can serve people in that way. So don't be afraid to test and kind of test the waters and especially if you have an offer or service product that's doing really well, like keep growing that side of the business and add something new in if you want to. But I think that's another way you can test. It doesn't have to have to be this wild huge launch. It can just be like slap a Calendly link up there where they could pay you a little money for a call and get to it, or put together a little package they can buy, send them a proposal and honey book and let's freaking go. So that is kind of the thoughts on. It is a guess. Until you test, you can guess and hope and think something's going to go to the freaking moon and it may not.

Speaker 2:

And I think the sidebar on this too is like do not underestimate the power of talking to your ideal client, your current clients and past clients. Go to a past client and be like, hey, how can I serve you? Also, your current clients, what other problems do they need you to solve? Alex Ramosi talks about solving rich people's problems, which I love, and I just have been pondering and I told my husband, brad, the other day. I was like I don't know if I'm really solving rich people's problems yet. I'm definitely solving a big need in the marketing, paid ads, that consulting business space. But that is just something to think about too is like how can I solve rich people's problems? Because that's a whole podcast on itself, right? Brad's here in the car with me as we're talking about this, so I'm just excited for you.

Speaker 2:

Go test some things. Let me know what you test. I mean, the world is your oyster. It's not life or death. This is not. This is not like brain surgery here I do. I do giggle when that Olivia Miller also says there are no marketing emergencies. I agree 100% with her.

Speaker 2:

When I worked with Chick-fil-A in marketing like it, it would get stressful at times and it's QSR quick service restaurant and it would be, you know, we'd be reminded like hey, we're not, this is not like brain surgery. And then I went to work for a children's hospital of Johns Hopkins medicine All Children's in St Pete and they literally were doing brain surgery, which was ironic. But now we're not doing brain surgery. It's going to be okay If something gets goofy and messed up, that's fine.

Speaker 2:

But give yourself permission to test something new, try something out. And that is the beauty of being a business owner is you get to choose. You are not tied to this. And then, if you're listening to this and you are an entrepreneur working with someone else, the beauty of what you get to do is you get to suggest new tests and say, hey, here's what I think we should do. But you do not have to be married to something just because you've always done it. It's time to iterate, grow and let's freaking test. So let me know what you test. I cannot wait to hear and I'll be back soon with another episode. Thanks for listening.

Speaker 1:

And that's a wrap. Thank you for listening. If you were inspired by this episode, be sure to check out the show notes for the linked resources and my free guide three ways to know you're ready for ads. If weekly episodes aren't enough for you and you want more of your favorite click magnet, you can connect with me over on Instagram. At launch with Jordan, I host regular challenges and drop valuable tips that will help make your marketing click, connect and convert. And if you think it would inspire a friend, send it, share it, just for clicks and giggles.