Clicks and Giggles | Your Backstage Pass to Digital Marketing Strategies

Escaping the Grind with Jennifer Sise and Amber Bibelheimer

Jordan Rothwell Perry Episode 27

Ever felt stuck in the daily grind of entrepreneurship, unable to see the forest for the trees? Jennifer Sise and Amber Bibelheimer join me to reveal their transformative approach to business growth. They share their secrets on "closing loops" and creating "pulls"—strategies that help entrepreneurs escape overwhelm and achieve success. By stepping away from your business to work on it, you’ll find a blueprint for turning ideas into action and dreams into reality.

Jennifer and Amber, productivity powerhouses and business growth experts, have developed a unique retreat-based coaching method. Their proven techniques have helped clients triple their income, rediscover their passion, and achieve work-life balance. Whether you're launching a new product or scaling your business, their insights will inspire you to take the crucial first step toward transforming your entrepreneurial journey.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • The concept of "closing loops" in decision-making
  • Using "pulls" to motivate action and follow-through
  • Benefits of getting away from daily distractions for business growth
  • How to balance work and personal life as an entrepreneur
  • The long-term impact of business coaching and retreats
  • Setting apart time for creative thinking and planning




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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Clicks and Giggles podcast. I'm your host, jordan Rothwell-Perry, and I'm here to make your marketing click, connect and convert. My mission is to help good people with great offers make more money through paid digital marketing strategies. I truly believe that one ad can change everything for you and your business. Tune in weekly to unlearn what the bros and insert air quotes agency gurus have led you to believe about advertising and hear from inspiring women in my network who are making business a little more live laugh, launch and a little less stuffy suit and tie, because nobody playing the long game is having a terrible time. Whether you're new to business making millions or you're just my mom tuning in for clicks and giggles, you are welcome and Giggles podcast Jordan Perry. Here and I have some fun guests today, some friends of mine, business colleagues I have Jennifer Seiss and Amber B Bulheimer. Did I say it right?

Speaker 2:

You did. I've learned finally.

Speaker 1:

Coach Amber B, as I like to call her and people call her. Welcome guys.

Speaker 2:

Hi, we're so excited to be here. Thanks for having us.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yay, and we'll talk about something fun we're doing soon, in September. If you're listening now, it's August, closer to the end, but I'm so excited to see y'all now on the screen and see y'all in person next month. It's gonna be great, can't wait. We're turning the days screen and see y'all in person next month. It's going to be great, can't wait. We're turning the days. I know, I know I'm freaking psyched. Okay, so y'all. There's just so many good things about y'all, but when I think about you guys as a duo, I think about there's a lot, but I think about like productivity queens, but also like getting it done. And so, jennifer, when we were chatting earlier about it's more than just an idea in a notebook, which is like a mic drop moment, which how many of us have, you know, things written down that we need to take action on? What? How did y'all working together come to be? I would love to talk about that. And then we're going to obviously get more tactical too. So how did how, how did this come to be?

Speaker 2:

It's really fun because we we had a lot of like parallel clients, and what happened is is we kept having people. I kept having people say, oh, amber told me that she said it a little bit differently. And Amber had people saying, oh, jennifer said something like that Would you guys ever consider being in the same room. And we were like, hmm, and we had done a couple of collaborations together, but then we had a client who said Will you come to New York and be in the same room? And you know, help us, help me get some things done. And so we, while we were there, we're kind of building the plane as we were flying it, because we'd never done an intensive before and it was life-changing, and we literally changed the trajectory of that client's business in 72 hours.

Speaker 2:

And we just have this way of. We have, deep down at the root of things, our values and the core of who we are is so similar, but we have different ways of helping people get to where they need to go, and so it was just this really, really fun experience. We were fired up about it, but what we saw is that people have all of these ideas and all of these things that they want to do, but they don't know how to set apart time to do it. They don't know how to set apart that time, they don't realize the value of taking immediate action and they don't realize the value of making decisions. So that's where the closing the loops comes in. I'm always like let's just make a decision, let's close the loop, let's make a decision, and if that decision isn't right, you'll know soon enough, and then we can make a different one.

Speaker 1:

Better, better to have made it than to sit on it. No, truly, brad and I in our household this is such a silly example, but it's a big one because it's health insurance and we've been figuring out when we're switching, what we're doing, and we have this amazing, she'll actually be on here soon. She's a guide culture graduate too. Hannah Skillman, who lives locally here in St Pete now, is a client of mine for her insurance agency and she's been walking us through it. But it's funny because, like he and I still have to decide and we'll be in bed like, but wait, should we switch now? Or but you've already hit the deductible.

Speaker 1:

It's just this whole thing and I'm like we have to just decide. Like it's just funny because you don't even understand the ruminating loop you're in and I'm like this is nuts, like in any other world or business or situation that it would be done. But it's just funny. Like you need an outsider sometimes to be like this is crazy. You know, like pick, pick and so, and then be like proud of the decision or, you know, confident in it. So no, I love. I love how you very much help people close the loop and then move forward and then Amber with your polls which we could talk. I would love to talk more about that. Brad and I use polls all the time, like literally all the time, so it's really fun to pick. You know it's so good Actually, why don't you explain it I?

Speaker 3:

will not do it For sure. Yeah, for sure. I love that you're still using it. That makes me so happy to hear. I love it so much when we're talking about polls something that I've been teaching for years now and I do myself, and I've actually started teaching my kids how to do this. We're trying to finish a summer workbook and it is just ruining all of us, the last 10 days are really hard.

Speaker 3:

So we talked about ways to motivate ourselves, and so a pull is when you put something simple into your routine or on your calendar, in your plan that you know is going to make you excited to do the thing that you know you're supposed to do. But maybe it's hard to follow through on and what we've noticed in. It was wild to remember where we started together, jennifer, because that's already been almost two years. That's amazing. And we've spent the last two years flying all over the country meeting clients face-to-face, organizing these retreats and these helping people close the loop and their decisions. And what's been amazing about it is we've been able to, over these last two years, see the power of putting these polls in place for other women in business, because so many of us have all of us have this.

Speaker 3:

We do too. That's why we understand this. We have all these things we want to do. We have all these ideas. You have all these. There's a new course, you want to put out a new book, a new podcast, or you know that you want your offers to be just a little bit different. But how do we stop in the middle of our crazy days with everything that's going on in a thriving business and things are just going, going, going, and so what we've found is that, by putting a date on the calendar when you're meeting with us, whether it's one, two on one or in a group setting then you're going to follow through, you're going to show up, you're going to get there, and we've set, we've created this space too, so that it is enticing, because all of us want to just feel taken care of for a couple days, not have to make a bunch of decisions.

Speaker 3:

And so we want to be able to make that, provide that for people Right.

Speaker 1:

Well, and also like the people you're working with are, nine times out of 10, moms right, or like have children or stepchildren. They're running around, they're running a business and there's you know how people talk about working in your business, working on your business, like there's something to be said and I just talked about it in a podcast recently and we'll, when we talk more about your next retreat, like I have realized the power in like being creative in one space and planning in another. Like even if you like take a minute and switch your brain, go on a walk, do it the next day, whatever it looks like. And it's so hard to do that when you're in the day to day and you're like, hold on, I have to get so much done that I can't even be creative or move forward in my own business. I'm just like it's the same old, same old, and so, no, I love the idea of getting away. I was even trying to bribe my sister-in-law and I called her and there's this like separate. She's super creative, she's really good with calligraphy and I was like, hey, what if we go get an Airbnb and work on this project? Or what if we go get a hotel and work on the project for a couple hours and then like, do a staycation and she's like, oh, that, like this, is enticing.

Speaker 1:

And I'm like, yes, I feel like a pull is like, um, like a positive bribery of yourself, like, hey, if you do this and so I was talking on a podcast, mentioned you recently about the pull to plan when we, when we finally know what we're going to execute. But how are we going to get into the world? Like, go to a coffee shop for 90 minutes, like if planning out a marketing campaign sounds terrible to you find, find that pull like you talk about, to make it more fun or bring someone in. Be like, hey, if you do, you know the initial legwork in a fun coffee shop, then you know an even more fun pull is going to be like let's go work with Jennifer and Amber in a fun place and get it done. But it's funny, there's, there's coaches that I've been like studying, like what is a coach? What is a mentor? What is a consultant? All these things right, and at the end of the day, like you want someone to come in your business who has an outside view and can help make it better, and you all help people get it done. So there's some coaches out there who are like I would do this, this and this.

Speaker 1:

I guess, really, with coaching, they're asking questions and you're coming up with what should I do next, right, but a mentor or whatnot could be like I would do this or whatnot, and y'all are like, hey, what makes sense for your family, for your life? There's so much more that goes into it and we're going to help you tackle this and I think that is like the huge difference. Rather than being like, oh, you have these ideas, like go do it. You know. You're like here's how we're going to do it and here's when we're going to do it. So, speaking of what is your next retreat that we're here to talk about and get people excited about?

Speaker 2:

It's going to be so much fun. We're really excited about it. It's in September, it's on 30A, and one of the things I wanted to piggyback on something you were saying is that you know the idea of getting away. We know that when you get out of the day-to-day grind, you will experience exponential growth. You have to get out of the day to day. You have to get away from whether it's the laundry, whether it is the constant interruptions, because we get interrupted 50 to 100%, a hundred times a day. It takes 23 and a half minutes to get back to your level of focus that you were in.

Speaker 2:

When you get distracted and we know that sometimes you need people and this is one of the things that Amber and I love to do when we help people get away from the grind to experience growth is we kind of redirect them. We say, okay, remember, this is what we're going to get done. Before you leave, you know like, hey, this is really important, How's this going? How can we help you? And we have this proven process. It's like a signature process that we have that we walk people through from the beginning to the end so that we know that they will get started. If you get that ball rolling, you're more likely to continue to roll that ball. And we set things. They don't just leave a retreat and go oh I got these things done, I don't know what to do next. They know exactly what to do next, what the next steps are and how to take that action in a way that feels good, Like you said, for their whole life. Their whole life is very important to us.

Speaker 1:

I think about that too, when, even like I, like I would say, okay, I'm a marketing expert, okay, cool, and it's freaking hard to do that in your own business. Sometimes, like I'm like, oh, I would just rather do it for someone else. Can someone with an outside? What do they say? Like you can't see the label from inside the jar. Like someone to come alongside and be like have you, have you ever thought about this? How does does this feel? And you're it's like the whole person approach of like, how does this fit in your family? What? How does this fit for? Like, what do you want to be doing? I remember Amber. You know I've worked with both of y'all and Amber. You know, when we were doing a 90-day plan, you're like, what do you? What do you want the next 90 days to feel like? Like, oh my, oh, my gosh, I don't even know.

Speaker 1:

You know like before like, uh, beats me, and you figure it out, because you can have all these ideas in your head and it's like, okay, let's do them over the next year, but for the next six months, what about what if you do this, this and this and so.

Speaker 1:

I love the idea of, because you know you're bringing these high achievers to you, these people who are helping other people find success. They have successful businesses. You know they're not helpless and they're so busy serving other people that you have to bring someone else in, or else you're just going to keep doing the same thing over and over. No, I'm, I'm excited, uh. So so let's talk more about 30A and what, what to expect.

Speaker 3:

We. Something we're really excited about on 30A is we have, you know, over the last two years we've really seen what works and what helps people move the needle in their business and what helps them go home feeling refreshed. We've all been to a conference or something where we leave and we're just like what just happened and we feel like we've been in a whirlwind and now I have a list of 1000 things I was told to do, and so we have really worked really hard over the last couple of years and worked to really understand how to pinpoint what it is that you want in your life, like you mentioned, and how much time you need each day to actually get the work done, how much time you need one-on-one. That's something that we provide in our group retreats. We have three full days where there is ample time to actually get your work done, and time each day with Jennifer and I where it's just you you sitting with us in a room, we've got our great big post-it and we start asking you questions, like you mentioned, like what do you want in your business? What is, what is your ultimate goal for your, your particular life, your family, what do you want your day-to-day to look like. And that's where the personalization comes into place, because this really is challenging and wonderfully challenging for us because we love it. We get so fired up with these back-to-back personal two-on-one meetings with these women because everyone's different.

Speaker 3:

Not one of those conversations were the same. One woman in our retreat in Nashville last year one of them came in and she was transitioning in her business. She was closing one business and opening a new one. Should she move somewhere else? Should she start a new business? All these loops were open and so we literally drew open loops on a paper, talked about every single one of them and each day we worked through how to close them. And we had another woman come in who has a thriving business and she's also thinking but I think I want to tweak these offers or add this new thing. That's been on my heart, like, okay, let's map it out. And we mapped that out for her.

Speaker 3:

And you just never know what you're going to walk into and you might not know. You might show up to the retreat thinking I need something, and you get there and you get in the room and you have a chance finally to pause and really consider what do I actually really want in my life and my business and we're going to ask you questions. Like you said, we're not going to just tell you what to do. We're going to ask you questions and help you really listen to yourself and what it is that you really want, and then we're going to help guide you. So we have one-on-one time with us each day, ample time to get the things done and a really special time with you, jordan, you can share about that too.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I'm so excited because I am going and I'm thrilled. I'm excited to go and be there, and you also. I'll share more about me being there in a second. But you also get to go to such a cool yeah and explore and have just a change of pace that opens up creativity too right as soon as you're flying on an airplane all of a sudden ideas come pouring in because we're not in

Speaker 1:

our house anymore yes, the airplane is my favorite office because I can't leave, can't get off of it, I'm stuck and I like I, I freaking love a flight too, because you can just leave, can't get off of it, I'm stuck and I like I freaking love a flight too, because you can just get your mind right.

Speaker 2:

And when you're in a beautiful environment and you aren't tending to anyone but yourself, you're not going to be able to get out of it.

Speaker 2:

So much can happen. And one of the other things that we do I love this part of our two on one is we help people edit things out Like what do you need to stop doing in order to move forward? Or even I mean there, these women are doing great things and everything they're doing is great. But we help them kind of order it in a way so that they can take some things off their plate and take some things off the table for a little while. So they're like oh, I can pull up a chair, I can enjoy this, I can do this, and no one is going to pay the price for me doing it. My family is not going to pay the price. My husband's not going to pay the price. In fact, they're going to be unrecognizable because they get back and they're like oh, they have this renewed sense of where they're going and they've already taken action towards it and I love that you're gonna be there to help them get it out in the world.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm thrilled and I think about how sometimes, when you are being coached, consulted, mentored, people are piling on more stuff or like, oh, so-and-so is doing this or you could do this, when really that sometimes it really is eliminating Like it's so, and I think, with me going there, cause I will be participating too, I'm so excited for that. I think some of my stuff, as I've been pondering, is, it's actually for me less about adding, more and more about eliminating, like what doesn't make sense, you know, and so I'm so excited. So well, and that's a whole other thing. But I will say, like you know, working with y'all because I feel like I'm a double whammy here. I will be serving people there and I have participated in working with y'all, so I can vouch for this they're just the transformation and what you can take in your life years later, Like we're not actively working together now. But I mean I even have talked about, like Jennifer, like your timer in nine minutes, my mom and I have talked about it and my mom's like I set a timer, Like I just did this, like yeah, like just clearing the breakfast bar off nine minutes a day, or gosh you know what, I am still snoozing and that's something for that's a story for another day. But I uh, you know, I think about you. I think about you. I think about you sometimes when I snooze. We're working on that. But it's so true, Like what can you do in those nine minutes? And then, like, you will take what you learn, People will take what they learn from y'all in person and carry it on forever.

Speaker 1:

I think that people are like what's the ROI, what's this, what's the payoff, what's it going to be Transformation? It's like, yeah, not only will you have days of that, but it's like what you learn you can carry with you literally forever. And I think, too, Amber, when we worked together, I was trying to figure out this work schedule and what works for me and all this stuff and I still Tuesday night is my late work night and I don't feel bad about it anymore Like I'll literally work till like 10, 11, sometimes midnight, and I just, like Brad knows, and like well, in between work, I'll like come hang out and talk to him and then go back and do things. But it's like the empowerment of like why fight when you're creative, Like I'm not my best early in the morning, so like why, why would I fight that verse for years, and especially in, like the traditional nine to five setting. I think about like how they could have gotten even more out of me had had I been, you know, working in that zone of genius when it makes sense. So I just think about the.

Speaker 1:

The benefit and payoff too for people is what they'll take away, even after what they learn about themselves. And like the freedom to be like hey, I'm not, you know, and I'm in. Some people are like I only want to work 20 hours a week, I only want to do this. And now I'm like I love working. I'm down to work more in this season, for when we have a family to work less, and it's like great, go do it then, but do it in a way that makes sense. And so I love like I've definitely carried that with me.

Speaker 1:

I work late on Tuesdays and I sometimes work late on Wednesdays just because I have clients on the other coast. So I'm like, by knowing that it doesn't throw it off, Like a client was like oh, could we meet at eight tonight? And I'm like, yeah, actually we can, you know, because I've given myself that permission. And it's like I think people compare themselves to other entrepreneurs and they're like, oh, they're up at this time, they're doing this, and it's like great for them, Like what, what's going to work for you so that you can you know, we don't go into business to to do it for six months. We ideally go into it for a long season of serving people, so what's going to give you that longevity? So I love that too. With working with both of y'all, it's like it's not just in the, in the container of which you work together, after you've learned so much, like even. I mean truly.

Speaker 2:

I've mentioned polls on this podcast all the time and I'm always like.

Speaker 1:

Amber B's polls. But these things will stick with you. Like, how, how can I pair something? And I love that. I feel like the retreat is just a giant pull to be like. What have you had on your heart? Let's get away some more fun and freaking.

Speaker 3:

Take action on it and it's really ultimately, like you said, the ROI is in every area of your life. So every client that we've had meet with us, either one-on-one or in a group setting, has gotten so much clarity on what they actually want to do and what they don't want to do, gone home feeling relieved and motivated. Some people coming in are saying they're just burnt out and then they leave excited about their job again and they've three times their income in just a few months by putting their plan into place. So that's an ROI. And some of them have gone on vacations for the first time ever since starting their business and not felt guilty. So it's all different areas of your life that you're going to have ROI when you're going home, which is important to us.

Speaker 1:

And I think about the one story, too y'all had told me back in the day of, like someone who was able to raise their rates with their clients while away at the retreat with you. So it was like the emails are sent or scheduled and I just think about that and like, what, what a gift there to be, like, okay, I made the decision, let's go, and like, let's do this. So no, I love the fact that the return on investment of this it's not only while you're there which, like that time away, is priceless and you, you know, for years to come, what does this, how, what is the ripple effect of taking the time to put it in your business? Because, like, even when I see people have CEO days and I don't know your thoughts on this like you're still distracted, like, like, when I try to do a CEO day cause I don't take as many meetings on Mondays or Fridays, I really don't take meetings actually now on on those days and I'm still like doing target pickup Like it turns into like an errand day.

Speaker 1:

That doesn't. That's not a day where I'm like, oh, let's dig into the numbers, let's look at your leads, like what has made sense? Like, no, these days away. I'm I'm excited because I know some of the theme of it is also if you, if there's something you've been wanting to create that you haven't. That was something y'all have talked about too. So, really, people can come well and I like I like what you were saying earlier. It's like you may have an idea of what you think you're coming in with, but through conversation it's like hold the phone, what about this? And going from there.

Speaker 2:

I think one of the things, too, is that we really try to make it about each person. So we we have a plan and we have like we set a signature process and we go through these things and it's effective with every person and we don't have a preconceived notion of what we want somebody to do. We might have some ideas, because we get to know people before the retreat and things like that, but we really work hard to dig deep and help figure out exactly what's best for them and what they need to do. And Amber and I, when we meet in between these sessions that we do we are really like our heart is to help people just get where they need to go.

Speaker 2:

And we've had people come, like Amber mentioned, thinking they were going to do one thing and they leave doing something completely different and they feel equipped and ready to do it. Because they've we've walked them through this process and because we're there to support them and encourage them and also coach them. I mean that's a big, huge part of it. And as far as the creating something, I mean we've had people come and they leave with a full-blown course, ready to go. All of it's loaded. They've recorded the videos there. I mean the amount of action that they can take when we just say, hey, here's the quiet room, hop over there and record that video. It's a game changer.

Speaker 3:

We're going to challenge you because we see, we understand that when you're going to start something new or or maybe you want to raise your prices Like we talked about the other client we've had a lot of clients who've helped raise their prices they can get paid well for the great work they're doing. And we have this new thing we're going to start doing or creating, and then doubts and fears pop up. That's just a normal human response. So what if those doubts and fears popped up while we're right there? We can walk you through.

Speaker 3:

Why is this fear popping up? That's not we understand. Let's talk through it, let's work through it and now let's take action. And we're going to encourage you to take action right there so that you don't go home and then not take action because we're scared to do it. Instead, knowing that you want this, let's make it happen now, and that you're saving yourselves months of that nine feeling in the back of your head of I should do this or I should start this or I should create this, we just get it done, yeah, someone to help you fight the imposter syndrome.

Speaker 1:

And I love that. Not only will y'all be there coaching them through it, helping them make the plan, helping them get it done, but you also will be, I know, shooting B-roll so that they have different collateral to then promote it with later. So it's like the biggest no-brainer of like oh, because I mean, that's also what holds people back so much from promoting is like well, how am I going to do it? And so that's why I'm excited to be there and be like okay, what did you come up with? Whether or not someone decides to eliminate things, like how do you want to market your business? What does this look like? And then, if someone's there and they're like I want to put something new into the world, it's like okay, sweet, what can we? How are we going to get the word out? What does it look like? And what does it look like to promote this in a sustainable way? So you're not, you know, tired before you even bring it out into the world. So it's gonna, it's gonna be so good.

Speaker 3:

We're so excited to have you there and to help, because to help share with these women I know, for those of you listening, jordan's going to be sharing a training one day on helping you plan out your marketing, and then we're going to have a Q and a session with her too. So, as you're creating, you're also going to be leaving with a marketing plan. You're going to know how to get it out into the world, into the right hands, and also just multiply your impact so that when you're promoting and getting things out there, it's like you're cloning yourself and you're doing it in a way where you can do one day's work, but it shows up in a thousand different ways, because we want you to be able to go home and have time with the people that are important to you and know that your product is getting out there in the right hands too. So we're really excited to learn from you, too, and to have you there and also to have you on the other side as well.

Speaker 1:

It's going to be awesome, it's going to be so good. No, I'm super excited we're going to put in the show notes your Instagram handles. If people are interested in learning more, they can DM you the word retreat or just reach out to get more information. But I mean, this is the event that the gift that keeps giving right. And so I will say this if people are listening and they're like, okay, I'm interested, you know I'm going to learn more. And today, what would you say? Something they can do today to start, like, in their daily life, being more productive closing loops, maybe, pull, for example. What would you say Like if someone's like okay, great, I'm intrigued by this and I need to start today to get ready for the future. What would you encourage them with? I know I'm throwing that curve ball. Question future what would you encourage them with I know I'm throwing that curveball question.

Speaker 3:

I think something we've asked people to do, and I think something you could do, is take a break, go on a walk and consider what is working and what isn't, and consider your life down the road. This is something we talk about a lot face to face, and it's so good to start dreaming about it now. But thinking of your life five years from now, 10 years from now, what do you want it to look like? Not just your business, but your day-to-day life? Do you still want to be doing X, y, z, whatever it is in your day? Is there something where you're like, well, I hope I'm not doing this thing 10 years from now, or I hope I'm able to do X, y, z 10 years from now. Start dreaming, and that's gonna help set you up to create a plan together when we're in Florida together in September. That actually moves you in that trajectory.

Speaker 2:

Yeah and I would say take one action, step towards that. So for us it'd be register for the retreat, save your spot. But when you think about what you really want, it's great to think about it, it's great to dream about it, but take make one decision, take one action towards it as quickly as you possibly can. And it might be that you know in five years you want to be doing writing a book. Okay, well, why not? First of all, you can start writing the book today, but, like if five years from now is when you want to write the book, then put a date on your calendar once a month and start taking action towards it, like journaling about it.

Speaker 2:

What do you want your book to be about? And give yourself the time and space to do it. If you don't set apart the time to do it, it won't happen. You can't make time or find time. You have to set it apart, and that is one of the things that that's why we have our retreats like set apart for you. It is time set apart for you, and Amber and I pour into you, we coach you, we help you see things that you might not see for yourself because, like you said, you can't read the label from inside the jar and but I would say, take one action like, think about what you want it to be like and then take one action towards it.

Speaker 1:

I love that and I will piggyback off of this Because, amber, when we had worked together a while ago on a, on a plan, it was like what do the next five years look like? Or what does this look like? And so for anyone who feels like they have been so in the weeds that they can't even dream that they can't even go there, that is like even more reason why you should fight so hard to carve away time to do that. Like I remember like almost like sitting looking at like the blinking cursor on the screen, like what do I want? Because when you are so far in the weeds, you can't even go there.

Speaker 1:

And so, really, the encouragement and permission to get away short, do a pull up, go to the coffee shop and do this. Especially, I feel like tactical people are like dream the future. I don't know, I'm in the weeds, I've got to get this done for people and you don't want to look back on your life and be like like how did I get here? Because I was just so far in the weeds and didn't pause to to figure out where I'm even going. And so definitely the encouragement of like that's what I had to do. I'm like I don't know what I want. Like I know I want a family or I want this. And really to like back up and be like the only way you're going to get there is if you start working on a plan now to do that, you know.

Speaker 1:

So encouragement for the person who's like I want to dream, but I I feel like I can't. You can you just have to fight. You have to like you say, jennifer, you have to set apart the time to do it. Um, and maybe it's even before you've done your work for the day, so that your brain's not even there there yet in the weeds of your business. It's like, at the end of the day, we started these businesses to accomplish our goals, to accomplish our dreams, as a means to an end.

Speaker 1:

And so my husband always reminds me of that when I'm like oh sorry, I have to do this or have to do that, and he's like I mean, at a certain point there have been seasons where he's like you might as well just go work for someone. Then and I'm like, yeah, you're right. Like wait a minute, let's refocus. So I'm thankful for y'all and the good work that y'all do to help people be able to refocus, but also get a lot of stuff done and be proud of the direction they're heading at the end of the day. So I'm excited for the retreat they're heading at the end of the day, so I'm excited for the retreat. If you're listening and this has a tug on your heart, message them and just find out ways y'all can work together and hopefully we'll see you in September in 30-day Woohoo.

Speaker 2:

Can't wait, thank y'all for being here. We are so excited. Thanks for having us. Jordan, yes.

Speaker 1:

All right, until we meet next time. I am Jordan Rothwell-Perry, and thanks for listening to Clicks and Giggles, and that's a wrap. Thank you for listening. If you were inspired by this episode, be sure to check out the show notes for the linked resources and my free guide Three Ways to Know You're Ready for Ads. If weekly episodes aren't enough for you and you want more of your favorite click magnet, you can connect with me over on Instagram. At launch, with Jordan, I host regular challenges and drop valuable tips that will help make your marketing click, connect and convert. And if you think it would inspire a friend, send it, share it, just for clicks and giggles.