Your Bounce Back Life

08 Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking + Extra Tips with Expert Keith Strunk!

April 30, 2024 Donna Galanti Season 1 Episode 8
08 Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking + Extra Tips with Expert Keith Strunk!
Your Bounce Back Life
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Your Bounce Back Life
08 Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking + Extra Tips with Expert Keith Strunk!
Apr 30, 2024 Season 1 Episode 8
Donna Galanti

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Public Speaking: Prepare to Present with Confidence (in any situation!)

Today on Your Bounce Back Life we’re talking about how to bounce back, recover, and reset from the fear of public speaking.  Yes, we are tackling a topic that can strike paralysis in the hearts of many—PUBLIC SPEAKING! 

I know public speaking is the #1 fear of many people, but I’ll help you tackle it in baby steps so it’s not so scary. 

In today’s episode you’ll learn 6 steps that you can follow to ensure a successful public event:

1. Pre-planning

2. Create your presentation

3. Visual aids

4. Set the stage

5. Combat anxiety

6. Go the extra mile!
7. PLUS,
I also interview author, actor, and teacher Keith Strunk on his expert advice on how to effectively speak to an audience with his own presentation tips, techniques, AND pitfalls to watch out for!


Interlude Group LLC
Keith Strunk, along with his partner Laura Swanson, manage Interlude Group, LLC, a creative services firm that specializes in design and delivery of customized programs and materials for training, organizational and marketing initiatives in a variety of industries. 

Visit: Interlude Group LLC

Watch the full uncut video version of my interview with Keith Strunk on YouTube

Download my PDF on 6 Steps to Present with Confidence




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I hope today’s show helped you or touched you in some way! If it did, please consider following Your Bounce Back Life Podcast, rating it, leaving a review, and sharing this episode with friends and family. I truly appreciate it. And I’m wishing you a bounce back life full of passion, purpose, and peace in the pursuit of joy. Thanks so much listening and see you next week!

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Your Bounce Back Life website.

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Public Speaking: Prepare to Present with Confidence (in any situation!)

Today on Your Bounce Back Life we’re talking about how to bounce back, recover, and reset from the fear of public speaking.  Yes, we are tackling a topic that can strike paralysis in the hearts of many—PUBLIC SPEAKING! 

I know public speaking is the #1 fear of many people, but I’ll help you tackle it in baby steps so it’s not so scary. 

In today’s episode you’ll learn 6 steps that you can follow to ensure a successful public event:

1. Pre-planning

2. Create your presentation

3. Visual aids

4. Set the stage

5. Combat anxiety

6. Go the extra mile!
7. PLUS,
I also interview author, actor, and teacher Keith Strunk on his expert advice on how to effectively speak to an audience with his own presentation tips, techniques, AND pitfalls to watch out for!


Interlude Group LLC
Keith Strunk, along with his partner Laura Swanson, manage Interlude Group, LLC, a creative services firm that specializes in design and delivery of customized programs and materials for training, organizational and marketing initiatives in a variety of industries. 

Visit: Interlude Group LLC

Watch the full uncut video version of my interview with Keith Strunk on YouTube

Download my PDF on 6 Steps to Present with Confidence




Support the Show.

I hope today’s show helped you or touched you in some way! If it did, please consider following Your Bounce Back Life Podcast, rating it, leaving a review, and sharing this episode with friends and family. I truly appreciate it. And I’m wishing you a bounce back life full of passion, purpose, and peace in the pursuit of joy. Thanks so much listening and see you next week!

Visit me at
Your Bounce Back Life website.

Public Speaking: Prepare to Present with Confidence (in any situation!)


Today we’re talking about public speaking and how to present with confidence in any situation. And we’re so lucky to have public speaking specialist Keith Strunk with us to share his expertise. Keith is an actor, teacher, author, co-founder and Managing Director of River Union Stage, and a partner in a creative services firm, Interlude Group LLC, a company specializing in training and development. 

With Interlude Group, Keith and his partner, Laura Swanson, specialize in design and delivery of customized programs and materials for training, organizational and marketing initiatives in a variety of industries.

Together, Keith and Laura lead a team of professionals whose expertise includes performance, stage and video production, facilitation, curriculum design, and creative and business writing for the corporate, academic and artistic sectors. Email Keith at for more information and be sure to visit to find out about his multitude of fantastic services. That’s spelled i-n-t-e-r-l-u-d-e

Be sure to check out Keith and his company Interlude Group about his many specialized creative services that include design and delivery of customized programs and materials for training, organizational and marketing initiatives in a variety of industries. Email Keith at for more information and be sure to visit to find out more about what Keith and his skilled team can do for you. That’s That’s spelled i-n-t-e-r-l-u-d-e

Hi Friends,

Today on Your Bounce Back Life we’re talking about how to bounce back, recover, and reset from the fear of public speaking.  Yes, we are tackling a topic that can strike paralysis in the hearts of many—PUBLIC SPEAKING! 

Today you’re in for a treat. Because not only am I sharing my six techniques to help you have a successful presentation, but I also interview my friend, author, actor, and teacher Keith Strunk on his expert advice on how to effectively speak to an audience. 

Now, one of the biggest sticking points when it comes to creating any kind of platform whether it’s for your business, marketing, lecturing, or teaching is knowing how to put yourself out there, especially in public situations. Scary, I know. But it doesn’t have to be! 

I was so nervous the first time I had to give a public talk that I didn’t sleep well the night before. I felt nauseous all the way to the event as my stomach was so tight, and my heart raced as I thought, “What if I make a fool of myself?” That was my biggest fear. 

I’ve since come to realize that when all those people are staring at me as I speak that they are there because they WANT to be there—and are interested in what I have to share. They WANT me to do well. Don’t you feel that way when you go to hear someone speak? You are cheering them on the inside and want them to be successful in their presentation.

I’ve come a long way since that first talk to a small group of 35 people at a monthly writer’s group meeting and have since given dozens of presentations to groups of 50 to 350 people—and from children to adults. 

Doing a public speaking event is now one of my favorite things to do (yes, I NEVER thought I would say that!). Not only to share helpful information and hopefully inspire the audience to take action but to connect and network with others who are as passionate as me about the same topics. 

And if you told me a few years ago I would be talking to 350 sixth grader students in a school auditorium I would have said “No way, will I EVER do that!” and then I would have completely passed out. 

Especially when my son was in the audience for my first author school visit and begged me with this statement: “Whatever you do, Mom, DO NOT be boring!” Thankfully I passed the test. Phew! 

And now one of my favorite author things to do is to present as a guest author at schools to hundreds of kids! I mean it, really. And if I can fall in love with presenting WITHOUT FEAR, so can you! 

Doing public events can open so many new opportunities for you in business or as an entrepreneur with paid speaking gigs. And starting out with presenting for free can help you promote a product or service while also enhancing your public speaking skills through practice. 

I know public speaking is the #1 fear of many people, but I’ll help you tackle it in baby steps so it’s not so scary. I’ll help you overcome the scary by sharing techniques on how to Prepare to Present with Confidence (in any situation!). 

I’m going to cover 6 steps today that you can follow to ensure a successful public event:

1. Pre-planning

2. Create your presentation

3. Visual aids

4. Setting the stage

5. Combat anxiety

6. Go the extra mile!

Saying YES to public speaking opportunities will force you to get over your public speaking fear and open many new opportunities for you in your business.

The more you present publicly, the more confident you become in speaking to an audience, and the more doors will open for you to build your platform. We are all experts on our own path, and you have much valuable wisdom to share with others. 

Now … You may be saying, “I’m no expert,” but you are! 


You know more than you think you know! Remember what Plato said, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” Saying “yes” to speaking inquiries will force you to learn. 

Sure, you can talk direct to your readership on your blog or similar blogs as a guest BUT giving a talk in-person instantly positions you as an expert.

Reach out to your local business organizations or industry groups you belong to and ask to speak at a meeting where potential clients might have interest in your information.

Let’s start by covering the first step of pre-planning for your talk.


To prepare for an in-person audience before you even create one, take notes on other presentations attended. Did they have a handout, a PowerPoint, or exercise? Was it quality information in a manageable chunk?

Mimic what worked for you as an attendee to deliver your own passionate, quality presentation. You can provide a survey to your audience, gather emails for your newsletter, and follow up with positive responses to request a testimonial.

Also, people love handouts! You can distribute yours after the presentation so they must stay but do let them know up front you will be giving one out at the end, so they don’t have to take so many notes. Or you can hand one out in the beginning as some people like to use it as a reference and take notes on it. It’s your presentation and your choice!


·         Know your audience and the event.

·         Select an appropriate topic based on your audience and the event venue.

·         Imagine that you are a member of your own audience. What might engage you, inspire you, help you understand something better?

·         Define your presentation objective. Is it to be inspirational, informational, etc.).

·         Write the main content of the presentation. This will be your script or bullet points to reference during your talk.

·         Write the introduction and conclusion. This can help you bring your content together full circle.

·         How can you engage the audience more? Ask them to share throughout, have a quiz, do a short workshop, or get them in groups to create something fun.

·         Practice delivering the presentation so it seems second nature.

·         Time your practice for the event time allowed, factoring 10 minutes for Q&A if allowed.

·         Practice in the mirror and/or record a portion of it to play back and see how you can improve your delivery.

·         From your final presentation script create a handout with your bulleted main points and some resources. Be sure to include your website and contact information on each page.

·         Create notecards to reference during the presentation or a script. I like to hold a script or bullet points and glance at it occasionally to keep on track. If using a PowerPoint slide show, the bulleted slides are enough to guide me through without a script or notecards.


Visual aids should provide an engaging addition to your spoken word and a powerful tool to enhance your presentation’s impact.

Here are some types of visual aids:

·         White or black board

·         PowerPoint slide show

·         Flip chart

·         Handouts for exercises

·         Charts and diagrams

·         Photographs and graphics

·         Video

·         Props

·         Characters from your audience

How to use video, slideshows, and other interactive aids:

·         Use during key moments in your presentation for deeper impact and meaning.

·         Use big enough font that an audience can read in the back of the room. Size 18-point works well.

·         Keep the background clean without busy images.

·         Don’t read slides word-by-word but use brief words and images as a way to expand on your talking point.

·         Don’t overdo animation as it can be distracting. Simple is better.

·         Check the layout of the room to ensure the entire audience can see.

·         Practice ahead of time so you know all visual aids work as you deliver your presentation.

·         Have multiple files of your presentation in case one fails: like on your laptop, a portable flash drive with your file for use on another computer, stored online in the cloud such as with Google Docs.



·         Any tech equipment you may need.

·         Business cards. Remind the audience at the end to take one to connect with you and follow up with any questions.

·         A sign-up sheet for the audience to receive your newsletter. Promote in the beginning

·         and end.

·         A survey for the audience to fill out before they leave. Can hand out in the beginning and remind them at the end to fill out and leave.

·         Props you may use.

·         Water bottle.

·         Comfortable outfit to wear.

·         Your smile!


·         Speak slowly and with pauses, especially after questions (this also helps when you blank on your next words).

·         Take deep breaths or a drink of water.

·         If you flub up laugh it off, engage the audience, and then get back on track. People like to know you are human too.

·         Use language to include the audience when asking questions or referring to a point in your slides. For example, asking questions such as “What can we figure out from this?” or “How did we arrive at this notion?”

·         Hold your script or notecards as a prop if you need to but have practiced so you only glance at it now and then. Holding something makes me feel more secure and may help you too.

·         Be sure to make contact with the audience around the room. People staring at you is unnerving but remember they are there because they CHOOSE TO BE and ARE INTERESTED IN YOUR TOPIC! They are soaking up all your excellent information. You can make contact through eye contact or look at foreheads if nervous but never the floor or ceiling, through gestures with your hands, and through asking rhetorical questions (and then answering).

·         Think of it as a conversation and be your true self.

·         Project your voice and practice volume, pace, and pitch to make the presentation livelier. You will sound more commanding and confident – and feel it. Remember, you are in charge of the room and energy. Be energetic!

·         Project confidence with your posture and presence. Standing behind a lectern can put a wall between you and the audience. As you speak, practice walking across the front, standing on the side, or going down the aisles to engage people. Don’t be afraid to wait until people settle down to continue and move things along if running out of time. People will understand.

·         Practice ahead of time to know your timing so you can be sure to finish on time, or even a bit earlier, to allow for the next presenter. If you don’t get through all your content, then refer people to the handout and to contact you via email with any questions, or to connect with you at the conference another time. 

·         Smile often! People want to know you are enjoying yourself.


Follow up with those in email who filled out your survey or signed up for your news. Have an email template to copy and paste but be sure to write a personal note as well.

For those who had positive things to say in your survey, ask them if you can use their words as a testimonial. 

For those who didn’t fill out a survey but signed up for your news, email them and thank them for attending and include the survey again in case they missed it.


NOW, I have a special treat coming up next with my guest interview! I’ll be talking with actor, teacher, and public speaking expert, Keith Strunk! You won’t want to miss the next part of this episode. So, stay tuned! You can also view the extended video version on my YouTube channel in the link in my show notes. Or visit me on YouTube under @donnagalanti5925.


Full extended video of me in conversation with public speaking expert, Keith Strunk, on his tips and techniques for preparing to do your best with presenting in public.

Watch the full uncut video version of my interview with Keith Strunk on YouTube

Download my PDF on 6 Steps to Present with Confidence

Visit: Interlude Group LLC



My 1st experience
6 steps to overcome your fear
Getting started: Pre-Planning
Tips to creating your presentation
Using visual aids
Setting the stage
Tips to combat anxiety
Go the extra mile
Interview with public speaking expert Keith Strunk

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