Steps to Story

23. Summer Boost: 3 Ways to Stay in the Writing Flow Right Now

• Nicole Meier • Season 1 • Episode 23

Small but consistent efforts will keep you connected to your work this summer. Tune into today's short but sweet episode to learn three quick ways to keep your writing flow moving in the right direction this summer. 
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STEPS TO STORY EP 23 - Summer Boost: Three Ways to Stay in the Flow Right Now

[00:00:00] Nicole Meier: All too often, taking time away from writing can cause us to feel paralyzed when we return to the page. That good momentum we build can slip away if we don't touch on our work with regularity. If your summer season is throwing a wrench into your writing, stick around.

[00:00:24] Nicole Meier: Welcome to Steps to Story, the show that helps aspiring authors turn their ideas into action and transform their dream of writing a book into a reality. I'm your host, Nicole Meier, multi published author and certified book coach. I spent the first part of my fiction writing career desperate for guidance that was unavailable to me.

[00:00:45] Nicole Meier: I wrote draft after draft, flying by the seat of my pants, with lots of passion, but little guidance. Thankfully, there was a writing community that opened its arms and welcomed me. This community sustained me. But when it came to strengthening my novel writing process, I was determined to find a better way.

[00:01:06] Nicole Meier: One that didn't involve piecemeal strategies. and confusing courses. Now, more than a decade later, I'm serving my younger self, who yearned for support while writing a book. If you're an emerging author seeking guidance, this podcast is for you. Are you on the list to get my novel writing guide? I designed this workbook to take you through five essential strategies that will level up your novel writing process.

[00:01:36] Nicole Meier: Grab your free copy at nicolemeier. com forward slash crafting greatness. That's nicolemeier. com forward slash crafting greatness or at the link in the show notes.

[00:01:57] Nicole Meier: Hey there, writers. Welcome back to another episode of Steps to Story. Is anyone listening to this while they're outside right now? I'm asking because today we're tackling a challenge many of us face. Keeping the writing momentum going during the summer season. How's that writing flow going this summer?

[00:02:16] Nicole Meier: If it's been constantly interrupted, I hear you. Because right about now, the weather is warm, the hiking trails, beaches, time on the patio with friends and family are calling our name, am I right? And if you're anything like me, you're telling yourself you deserve a break. Why not kick off your shoes and kick up your feet?

[00:02:37] Nicole Meier: But how does this affect our writing work? If you've got big goals of developing that novel manuscript, maybe even so you can pitch it to agents or publishers in the fall, or perhaps publish it yourself. Then ignoring the writing all summer long isn't exactly feasible, is it? Plus, all too often, taking time away from writing can cause us to feel paralyzed when we return to the page.

[00:03:02] Nicole Meier: That good momentum we build can slip away if we don't touch on our work with regularity. So, if your summer season is throwing a wrench into your writing, stick around. I've got three practical tips to help you stay in the flow. Tip number one, stay regular. Plan to touch your work at least once a week. I would say mark a specific time in your calendar and treat it like a real appointment.

[00:03:29] Nicole Meier: This isn't just a suggestion, it's a commitment to yourself and your writing. Let's hover on that word commitment for a minute. Identifying something as a commitment means you're also giving it weight. You're making a kind of promise to your writer self that you'll show up because the work means something to you.

[00:03:48] Nicole Meier: You're taking it seriously, and you're giving your efforts something that you're taking to heart. Mark. Mark. By doing this, you ensure that your project remains part of your weekly routine, even amidst the summertime chaos. Okay, we're going to move on to tip number two, and that is stay realistic. Make it attainable.

[00:04:09] Nicole Meier: Make this writing appointment a small but attainable task. It doesn't have to be a marathon session such as an eight hour sprint of uninterrupted work and thousands of words on the page. Instead, consider shifting how you approach your working sessions. This can be as simple as opening a Word doc and revising a handful of sentences.

[00:04:31] Nicole Meier: Or, free writing for as long as it takes you to finish your morning coffee. Maybe you sit outside and allow yourself 45 minutes of writing at a picnic table, followed by a healthy nature break. Who says your summer writing sessions need to look like your typical creative time? This is summer. Mix it up a bit.

[00:04:50] Nicole Meier: Keep it easy. Because these small, consistent efforts can keep you connected to your work and maintain your writing momentum. Momentum is momentum, no matter the size. All right, we're going to move on to tip number three here, and that is stay warm. Keep your creative muscles warm. In this regard, I'm being metaphorical, but keep your creative muscles warm even when you're not working directly on your main project.

[00:05:19] Nicole Meier: I always like to say, when in doubt, journal it out. Write your goals or intentions for your story, muse about your book's trajectory, or jot down a plan of action for the season ahead. This keeps your mind engaged and ready to dive back into your project when you have more time. So there you have it. Stay regular, stay realistic, and stay warm.

[00:05:44] Nicole Meier: These three strategies can help you keep the writing momentum going even during the busy summertime season. Remember every bit of effort counts, and maintaining a connection to your writing, no matter how small, is key. And I have a bonus tip. Don't forget that readers make the best writers. In this regard, summer is an awesome TBR.

[00:06:09] Nicole Meier: That's 2B Red Pile for any newbies out there. I would say luxuriate in the warm summer sunshine with a good book. To me reading is three things, self care, entertainment, and education. What about you? Do you feel the same? Okay, everyone, that's it for this short and sweet summertime episode of Steps to Story.

[00:06:31] Nicole Meier: Thank you for tuning in. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, leave a review, and share it with your fellow writers. Okay, everyone, keep writing, stay inspired, and we'll see you next time. You've got this. I'm cheering for you.

[00:06:48] Nicole Meier: If you want to check out my coaching programs for fiction writers, visit NicoleMeier. com. That's M E I E R. And, if you liked this episode, I'd love you to take a minute to leave a rating and review for this podcast. This will help more writers like you to discover the show and to get going on their writing journey.

[00:07:08] Nicole Meier: Thanks so much for listening. Until next time, happy writing, everyone.

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