Politically High-Tech

225- Transforming Spirituality and Emotional Growth: Gao Motsomme on Presence, Sexual Energy, and Healing Connections

Elias Marty Season 6 Episode 15

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Are you ready to transform your understanding of spirituality and emotional growth in today's complex society? This episode features the insightful Gao Motsomme, a spiritualist renowned for her teachings on presence and intentionality. Together, we explore the profound impact of consuming information mindfully and the importance of connecting deeply with our bodies and minds to lead a more fulfilling life. Gao’s wisdom will challenge your perceptions and guide you towards a more mindful approach to daily life and self-expression.

Discover the intricacies of human sexuality and emotional vulnerability as we address the disconnect many experience with their sexual energy. We scrutinize societal conditioning and beauty standards, revealing the emotional triggers that arise from these pressures. The conversation encourages a balance between emotions, intelligence, and instincts, emphasizing the value of self-acceptance and inherent magnetism. Both men and women will find valuable insights on how to foster deeper, more intimate connections by embracing their true selves.

We also delve into the healing journey of the inner child and the necessity of integrating all aspects of oneself for authentic relationships. The importance of non-judgmental communication and emotional honesty is highlighted, with practical advice on how to listen and express oneself effectively. By addressing past emotional ties and the sacredness of sexual energy, we provide a roadmap for emotional healing and personal growth. Close the episode with actionable steps to enrich your relationships and lead a more connected, intentional life.

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Speaker 2:

Welcome everyone to Politically High Tech with your host, elias. I know some of you may be annoyed with the reoccurring guests, but you know what the guests I'm getting are better, know what the guests I'm getting are better, and I'm getting some new, spicier guests as well, trying to diversify it in a great way possible, not to please the stupid woke brownie points. I don't care for that. I want people because they bring value or interesting perspectives and I'm trying to do that in my effort because if I let it go it's going to be too many white Indian people. Nothing wrong with them. I'm trying to bring different kind of people and you don't have to be white or Indian to be successful. I don't want my podcast to subconsciously project that I want to bring different people who got you know different colors of skin beige skin, black skin. I'm trying not to use the word minority because I think it's offensive and I'm trying to drop that word as well. And I'm trying to bring different people here, different types of spirituality, because you know we were talking off air about I think that's the third type of spirituality Pray with your hands, just walk funny, do namaste and be calm, even when things are blowing up, good shots are shooting and fights and knives and all that good stuff. Namaste, I will look at that person crazy. I said what the hell is wrong with that spirituality? Look, I'm about being alert and try to maintain a cool head, but if you're going to be so tone deaf to chaos, I think you're mental. Okay, I think you're mental. Well, before I go on this rant, this is going to be a spiritual kind of episode. Some of them I'm very excited for, sometimes even more than the political stuff. I'm just going to be honest, because of politics in America, I'm sure even some of Europe is a bit crazy too, and I know the UK the Labour Party has just been. They dominated, they wiped out the Conservative Party over there, but we're not going to talk about that. I'm going to zip it and I'm going to introduce a guest here. She's a new one and, yes, I'm bringing different kind of people and I definitely want to continue doing that Because they have something valuable to offer. Okay, I don't want this to turn into Some indirect racist podcast. I'm against that. I am, you know, I am multiracial. I have some Latino in my background, so I think I'll be hypocritical. So I have a guest here who is Going to teach Us and or expose Us to the kind of spirituality that we're not used to and just FYI, it does include sex.

Speaker 2:

Since I said that, make sure your minors are not listening to this podcast. If they do, it's your fault. Parents, this is probably the 20th time I've yelled at you for this. Not my fault, not the guest's fault your fault. I'm going to take responsibility. Parents, especially Americans, because that's the vast majority of my listeners, especially you. No, you need to get your kid away from my podcast, not cancel my podcast. Provide value to adults and, hopefully, around the world. Okay, you want to ban me just because you can't do your job? No, shame on you. All right, let me be quiet before this rant could go on, and it may be through her teaching I will get better. Look, I'm a work in progress. Okay, sometimes I'm a mess, I'm a crazy person and I can say we're proud.

Speaker 2:

So the guest going to introduce you here is her name is Hao Matsume, and I will be surprised if I butcher her. Feel free to correct me. She's put it simply. I'm going to have her introduce herself in length. She's a spiritualist and she helps men and women, not just women. And if there's more men than women, I think this would be great, because more men need to be exposed to spirituality instead of just women. If there's more men than women, I think this would be great, because more men need to be exposed to spirituality, instead of just women which is good for women, by the way, but men need to play catch up. So go ahead, go introduce yourself to my audience.

Speaker 1:

Dumelang, dumelang, dumelang, lokai. And that's just my greetings in my native language, and Dumelang means I agree. Lokai is where you locate yourself. And as we are here showing up at this political high tech podcast, my question to you is what are you agreeing to? What is it that you are open to receive? You know, the truth is, we are being penetrated by something each and every single day. Penetration is not only sexual, even information. So what are you opening yourself to? Are you being intentional every day with what you are allowing within you? And where are you? And when I'm saying where are you? The question is are you here with us fully? Body and mind or part of you is still stuck in something not done, heartbreaks and all that that is not sorted out. And, with that said, I'm just inviting you to connect to your body and be present, because it's quite interesting. The throat is just coming through so strongly I work with energy. Throat is just coming through so strongly I work with energy. So at times, at times, I'll just react to things, but it's just because there is an energy of the throat. That means there is a level of an expressing of the self and speaking the truth. You know that needs to be shifted here. So at times we are showing up, but our mind is somewhere else, our body's here, and we may be talking about things here that sometimes you react, they will trigger you, or your body will just show some twitch or sensations, you know. But when you are aware of that, you are just present and allowing your body to communicate with you, rather than you communicating with your body, because we are used to telling our body what it feels. When the pain shows up somewhere, when there is some heaviness somewhere, we interpret it oh, that's grief. And then it's kind of like this is how I have to respond to that. The word is coming through and eventually, immediately, you just get triggered and instead of allowing yourself to sit with it and see what that is bringing through, you either run away or shut off, you know. So I'm just inviting you to not interpret anything, because when you do that, you are tapping into the history of what you've always known. And the truth is, if we go with what we know, our life would have transformed a lot. But information is not enough to transform our life. Transformation is in beingness. So I'm coming with a man.

Speaker 1:

I held Men and women break free from generational patterns and imprints so that they can tap into their unwavering self-love and embody their confidence and thrive in the bedroom and boardroom. So I am from Botswana and I live in Germany. I've been here in Germany for 10 plus years, where I would say I started this work while I got here, although I've always known about it. But for some time I held into an identity of what I was doing, which is I was an accountant, so I didn't like it, but I somehow liked the money or just like the identity that it gave me in the society. So I wore that mask until I lost my job. That's when a lot of things started spiraling down and I was just like who the fuck I am and I was brought into this work that I'm doing right now. So thanks for having me.

Speaker 2:

No problem, and I, of course, I thank you for agreeing, because you could have just said, eh, forget this podcast, eh, irrelevant, you know, I don't want to be sad, I'll just be. Eh, I've been sad, so I understand, but I've been a little sad. But I'm happy that we are actually both here and I'm trying to expose my audience to different angles, not just of politics, even spirituality, because there's no one way. I mean I create that funny stereotype especially those who are listening, you miss out on me walking my prayer hands and walking really stiff, like a Japanese woman during feudal times, being all docile and obedient and subservient to a man just taking a cup and saying, oh, namaste, and all that. But spirituality is much more than that and that's just more of a stereotypical construct that some of us have been. How can I put it? The stereotype has been printed to our subconscious and that's why we just call it what we think spirituality is, even though spirituality is much more than just stupid stereotypical example that I just presented.

Speaker 2:

So, and not just that, you know, and so of us that are so disgusted with sex? Sex is part of the human experience, okay, and we don't have to make it nasty, it doesn't always have to be, you know. You know, know prostitutes and I don't know, or pimps or Like that, but it's how Humanity maintains its Existence. You know that's a part of that. Instead of just trying to be grossed out, we need to. You know. We got to accept that's part of a human. If you want to be an asexual and not be a B celibate, that's entirely up to you. But just know that for most humans, that's part of their life. And we got to stop being shameful talking about this.

Speaker 2:

This is an adult podcast, after all. We need to talk about some of the stuff that's uncomfortable, controversial, even sometimes, on the surface level, gross, and this is why this is an adult podcast. This is why I don't want minors here. Okay, this is probably the 20th warning I have set. Now I'm going to keep doing these warnings, but, to the credit of the data, I have seen a lot less minors on my podcast. The average age is like 30 at this point, which is good. That's only someone with the 21s to, I don't know to their dead, the 100, 200 years old, whatever, you're alive, you can listen, you're welcome. You're alive, you can listen to function. You're welcome to be in this podcast. So with that out of the way, before I drive this, before I derail this, what common problems do you see with people that it can't I don't know connect to the pleasure energy, the joyous energy that will make them successful in their personal and professional lives? What the most common issues you see?

Speaker 1:

I mean, I love, I love what you say. Even just going back to what you said about, for instance, even when it comes to, I would say, children 15, 16, 17, 18 you know the question, the question that comes through first. It's kind of like what was your, what was your experience, your first experience with the sexual energy? Right, because even when you're talking about that, I still remember. I don't I can't remember how old my children were, but just like still very young, two years or whatever. But they're just kind of like curious. They start touching themselves and as parents, the first thing is kind of like don't touch yourself there and all that. They fear that they like everything. Actually, we're just making everything sexual, even when it comes to the touch. But we all need the touch and even our genitals is part of our body, you know. But it's something that we, we are ashamed of. And even when it comes to our children, it's kind of like don't instead of like having a conversation, even getting to know, because at times we can actually even learn from, from our children, you know. So one of the things that is very common is the disconnection from this energy. There are people who, who are very, I would say angry. They get very triggered, especially when I talk about embracing that sexuality and even just the sexiness, the magnetism that comes with it. Either some people shy away, as in like they contract and they don't want to talk about it. It's kind of like you're flipping crazy and for some it brings a lot of sadness, a lot of it kind of like triggers that wound that is within and at times people don't even know why that is happening. You know, and there are some people.

Speaker 1:

I remember the other lady who, just out of the blue, she just I felt attacked, but I didn't take it personal because she was just like what about? What about us who men do not even look at twice? And we've got other things that are great as well. Our intelligence is valuable and we know that we are more than our genitals, and I was like, ooh, that's a heavy one. But first thing, I held her in compassion because we have been conditioned, especially women, to believe that our energy is used to serve men or for procreation. So if I believe that I'm ugly, I'm not attractive enough, men don't look at me twice, like she said, then that means I have to suppress my energy and fully disconnect from it and just focus on the mind, on the intelligence, and it's kind of like now I'm just going to compete and show my intelligence everywhere. But the thing is, with that intelligence is a very big part of who we are.

Speaker 1:

And, as you said in the beginning about whether you're just too spiritual, even when things are happening around you, you kind of like not, you are not present enough to notice, or you're just in your own world. It's more like you are disconnected. On the other hand, because what we need is a balance, we need a balance of our emotions, we need a balance of that intelligence. That's how we're able to operate here. Even when you're talking about our instincts, it's always knowing, that is, that there's a danger here, so I get to act. But if a lion is showing up and it's angry and you're just like, then you're gonna be eaten alive, you know.

Speaker 1:

So it's the disconnection to our energy and it's also like one of the things that I truly I say it's women who, it's kind of like we value ourselves based on a third person's perspective, but on the other hand, working men, I've realized that it's something that they do not voice, but they're equally affected by this whole beauty that is being yeah, wherever that we go, it's all about oh, you get to look like this, be this tall, have this six pack, or whatever that the society tells us. So, at the core of our being, we may tell ourselves that, oh, I don't care, but there is a part of us that feels somehow uncomfortable. When you get into a room and there's women who are sexy, there's men with six pack, it's kind of like I'm not sure if I'm at the right place. So we are not embodying that. Because even when I'm talking about that sexual energy and radiating that inner magnetism, it's who we are and I believe we've all been, whether it's in a relationship. I know as women we talk about this way If someone cheated you or left you for somebody, you can look at a woman and this woman is not even beautiful or anything. I don't know what he saw in her or something like that.

Speaker 1:

At times we say things like that. But here's the thing that is something that we can. This is the energy that it's just attractive. You know, when somebody owns it, embodies it. When they walk, it doesn't matter the shape of their body, it doesn't matter how small, big, tall, whatever they are, they will just walk body, it doesn't matter how small, big, tall, whatever they are, they will just walk. And even as as you can watch a woman walk or taking a place and you just turn around and pay attention, you just look at that and just admire god's creation. You know, it's just how it is.

Speaker 1:

So people are disconnected from this and there's a lot of meaning around it and, most of most importantly, it's more like we connect with it based on who I can, what I can use it for, especially with women. We use it to attract men. Actually, we use it to when it comes to sex. It's kind of like I'm going to sleep with him, then I'll get love right. And for men as well, because of the disconnection from the heart, even if they didn't get the love that they need, often it's kind of like they're looking for the love that they needed from their caretaker or their parent in between a woman. You know so, because of the void, they just continue sleeping with other people, sleeping with other people, but at the end of the day it doesn't fill the void that is within. But the big thing is we don't want to go there, we don't want to talk about it.

Speaker 1:

I've had men who at the same time came through and they had sometimes sexual dysfunction and sometimes either ejaculating early or something like that. And the first session when we talk, because the body talks to me. So if that comes through and I mentioned, tell me what is happening, because this is what I'm experiencing in your body, whatever that is showing up is kind of like I don't know, I don't know what you're talking about, and then they just let it slide down and then, like one guy, after that I guess he went and slept with his girlfriend and then he came back and like I don't want to say anything last, last time, but hey, I want to give it a try to see what has happened after we work together. And boy oh boy, now I feel like I'm a young man, you know, the fire in me is awakened, like because now it's rectified. It's kind of like now I'm comfortable to talk about it.

Speaker 1:

But at that time he just contracted and now you can imagine, if you're in a relationship, that is, whether the woman is not satisfied and the woman is sharing something like what is happening Because you just came before we could, even because women will take longer, and then it's kind of like they're just going to be defensive and already the communication is broken down. The relationship is going to suffer instead of just communicating and going through it together, instead of just communicating and going through it together. So we just shy away, and even as women, when you don't, I always say the trauma that women most experience even it's being penetrated when their body's not ready, just because I want to satisfy him. But we're just doing it and then you get penetrated when you are numb, when you don't feel that heart connection, and that causes more trauma in the body because the body is contracting, you know it's not ready and that's how you go through life numb. And the biggest part with this is getting to receive when it comes to your business, when it comes to your career, when it comes to your relationship, if your body does not feel safe, no matter what you do. Even you can be making lots of money because you are pushing through, you are operating from that high functioning anxiety, that burnout, but at the end of the day you don't get to enjoy it because you are disconnected from the body. But when your body is open to bring in this abundance, that's when magic happens. You can even have money and use it to. You know better your life, and all that Because I'm one person who, like I said, I was an accountant. I was earning a lot of money but I was not using the money. I had the money comes and I borrow it to other people and all that, and that was just a sign that somehow you are disconnected from who you are and it feels like I have money but I don't know where the money goes. Yeah, because you don't even, but I don't know where the money goes. Yeah, because you don't hold the capacity to carry that flow. It's kind of like I'm going to pass it as quickly as it comes. So those are the things that affect us.

Speaker 1:

And also, even if I mentioned, presence is key when it comes to this energy, for you to be fully turned on, you've got to be present. And even when it comes to men, for you to hold space, for your woman to feel safe. Actually, it affects both men and women, because for a woman, when it comes to having that orgasmic beast, for you to take a woman there, it needs a man who is present and well attuned to understand what is going on with a partner. And even when it comes to because for the sexual part. We need a man who can hold space to make us feel safe, open up, trusting and fully being vulnerable. Because when you're talking about that sexual energy, even that orgasmic part, you experience temporary. We don't even know what the fuck is happening with our eyes, with our body. It's kind of like you are having that temporary death, you know. So you need to be with somebody who you kind of like. You are not afraid of them seeing you screaming or whatever.

Speaker 1:

And I always say at times it can happen that when you're having that orgasm, your heart opens and you start crying and you don't even know why the fuck. You're crying because you are experiencing a level that you have not, you have not experienced before. And for men, because women we complain about men not opening up. Still, it requires us, as women, to have the capacity to hold space for a king in our life so that if those tears come, whatever that gets to happen, we are not afraid like, oh my God, this man is crying. You know. So people say I want an emotionally available man. Do you have the capacity to hold space for a man who's open at that level?

Speaker 2:

You hear that capacity to hold space for a man who's open at that level. You hear that. I want to make sure you are listening to this, both men and women, because we both have contributed to making relationships much more complicated than what it needs to be. Don't get me wrong. Not all of them is going to work out right. I mean, that's just the way it is. I certainly have relationships with girlfriends that didn't work out for lots of reasons. Yeah, of course, some of that I played a role in. Well, even though I like to play, oh no, it's all her fault, all her fault, all her fault. But no, come on, I also played a role into ruining that relationship. We both just lost commitment. We didn't bother, we just ended. So I'll be listening here because, you know, I do hear a lot of places where women say men are not emotionally available, they are too cold, like robotic, they close off the box.

Speaker 2:

I get a man as well. She felt was oh my God, I don't want another woman who's going to cry and wail man up. This was me. A man got a penis out of a giant man up. He's strong, you know, of course, course, I have my flair to it and that's the problem for men. They're just simply possessed. Feel free to chime in there if I say something that sounds off. You know men, they're more attracted to the physical beauty than what the woman had. You know the big I'm going to be very uncensored big ass, I don't want to say back engine, big front airbags, the breasts, and they just want to ejaculate themselves into someone that is beautiful. And they look at superficial things. They're more enslaved by their sexual urges and that's why I think, in my opinion, men have more pornographic addiction problems.

Speaker 2:

Women, generally speaking, you know so. You know we both got to work at our discomfort, whereas our shortcomings to make future relationships work better. And it's comfort someone went through. You know it doesn't have to be, you know, sexual, so it could even be just, even in form of communication, which you're going to get to a little bit later. And you already answered my other question about leaning to this comfort that gives you, to this spiritual breakthrough. I'm going to call it because we've been so contracted not receiving it, and now we're receiving it, we're not so used to it. So it makes perfect sense and I have some ideas we talk about.

Speaker 2:

Thanks to the internet, I could see images of someone. Just, I don't like the eyes. It's all like that because they receive so much. And for those of you who are listening to audio, you're missing out and I'll just roll my eyes back as if I'm dead or something for a second. And for the wrestling fans, I'm going to use the on the ticket reference. He rolls his eyes like this you know, all white. No pupil iris, anything like that. It's all white, Okay. So I just hope we really pay attention to this, especially for those who have relationship problems. I'm not a relationship expert. That's why I have a guest here who I could definitely learn from. I messed up on some of them and some of them have definitely improved because I became aware to deal with my shortcomings and discomfort. Oh no, I don't want to talk about it, Don't want to deal with it. Don't want to deal with it. Both men and women do that. I think it's human nature, unfortunately, that we avoid this come because we don't like it.

Speaker 2:

We like it to be comfortable and easy.

Speaker 1:

You know, you know humans are lazy by nature. Like I said, absolutely, and I just love what you said about, about the I call it that in the world there's a lot of sexual activity. You know, because you know I'm talking about like embracing this energy. There's a lot of sexual activity, you know, because even when you're talking about like embracing this energy, I get a lot of people telling me that oh, I've been married for 20 years, I've got a girlfriend, so I'm good, you know. But my question is not about how many sexual activity are you having. The question is, how connected are you to this energy on an individual level? Even? It's not about being in a relationship, it's about your connection and your honoring of this energy, because when you're talking about making love, when you are fully connected to this energy because it's the energy of beauty, you know, and when you are connected to it, you can connect to the beauty in the world, you can connect it to, like I said, it's an energy that accelerates, first thing, even your creation. When it comes to your true, authentic soul desires. They are here. You know, when something is pulling you, you'll feel it by that energy turning you on. And it's quite interesting because at times when you. When there is something that you're, you are called to create, you may feel that holiness, you know, and for people who do not know how to use this energy, the thing is kind of like ooh, I need a man, I need a woman who can I sleep with right now, but it needs to be channeled to something. What is it that you need to create? What is it that you desire to create? Are you connected to your true desires or you are living your life based on what is there? And even when it comes to your partner, what is it? How connected are you as in like that intimate connection, not just a sexual activity, which is there is a lot of that, but what is missing is that sensuality, like I said, holding space for each other, being with each other, being with yourself. Because when you are connected and attuned at that level this is also why it's even connected to the leadership, because I say the level that you are able to be present in the boardroom and notice some subtle changes and all that is the level that you are also able to lead, because when you are leading in the boardroom, in the office or wherever that you're at, there may be some people who are more loud? Are you able to be aware of those who are quiet? Are you able to be aware of what is happening without what's being said? So it still applies to the bedroom.

Speaker 1:

When you are making love with somebody, it's not only about what they are saying. You know, because someone may be expressing. Maybe they want you to slow down, but if you are fully attuned, you are connected. You can read what is happening just through the body language. It's a dance that is happening between you and your partner. When something happens, the energy shifts in your partner. You are aware that they are not fully reciprocating this energy. They're not dancing with me the way we normally dance. Something is not right.

Speaker 1:

You check in with your partner, but if you are off and you are all about the sexual activity, this is the man who it doesn't matter whether the woman is just lying there as a log you just want to penetrate that woman and then from there you turn around and sleep and you don't even care how they're feeling and someone is left there feeling like I am unworthy or anything. And here's the thing as well, because there are women who also I would say both men and women who exude this energy, naturally, but instead of connecting with it for themselves, it's more like men love me or women are just falling for me. So you go around sleeping with everybody else. But when you look at the sacredness of it, at the same time, like I said, when you meet with somebody, you merge at a deeper level and that means when somebody has penetrated you or you penetrated somebody, there is a connection that is deeper than oh, I'm not with my partner anymore. We parted 15 years ago, 10 years ago, six months ago.

Speaker 1:

When that particular person on the other side is angry with you because of the things, the way things went, and it's quite interesting because, as I'm speaking about it, I'm feeling energy just coming through on there, on the left side, like left pelvic area. So back to what I was saying if somebody is angry and cussing you on the other side, you feel the energy in your body and it feels like you are the one who kind of like you are angry with yourself, you hate yourself. All this is coming through. It's coming through because you are tethered with the other person. You know you have not disconnected. So the question is, how many people are you allowing in your energetic folds and what are they carrying as well? Because when I look at the spiritual part as well, this is the energy that I would say.

Speaker 1:

When I look at the dark energies, it attracts even those dark energies. So when the vibrations are lower and all that is happening, you can attract entities, entities that are just coming through because they want to feed from this energy. Hence what we see, what is happening when it comes to sexual trafficking and all that. Why do you think it's happening? Why that is happening? Because of the power of this energy and those who want to hold that control over other people. The only way that they can do that is to basically like they're vampires on all these children and all these women who are being used in sexual trafficking and all that. So this is a powerful energy.

Speaker 1:

Even when I look at the, I'll say, ceremonies that are, at times, are prepared, um, it's still using this energy, you know. So it can be used for dark purposes. It can also liberate you. It just depends on you. Because for me, even when I got to got connected to this energy and its powerfulness, it started happening while I was on meditation and most people don't say I was meditating and I had an orgasm, but that was my experience and it was quite interesting because it was more like it's. It's.

Speaker 1:

I don't think it's anything that can be compared to the physical orgasm, even though the physical orgasm has its own thing because it's more physical. There is two bodies at the same time, that is, you know, but that one is on a on another, another level. So it's also the energy that elevates our connection when you are able to connect, and it's kind of like that life force energy that flows through us, which many call different names, that key, that kundalini energy. So it's, it's there in our, in our sacral space, in our pelvic area, you know. So when all this heart energy centers are open, it flows through you and the question is, where do you direct it?

Speaker 1:

Some people are open here, like women often, even though now, because of women trying to prove a point hey, I can also do that they're more like push through and kind of like competing with men rather than embracing that energy. But mostly they are open from the heart. It's kind of like they are just fast forward, like forward open, like I'm just gonna give, give, give, give, and they don't know how to fully anchor it. But men is more in the pelvic area and that's how, actually, when we look at men and women, when it comes to taking action, men can take action towards what they desire, compared to men, you know, I mean compared to women. But for women it's kind of like I'm just going to love openly, because they have not anchored that energy and connected it with their sacral area.

Speaker 1:

And for men, they're not able to lead from that which I call the future leadership, which is being embodying all your soft skills, soft power, being empathetic and all that, even intuition. Intuition is one of the things that, when I look at the future leaders, it's going to be one of the necessities, as much as emotional intelligence, even though emotional intelligence now it's a big topic, but it has been done from I want to know how women think and their behavior so that I can manipulate them. It's not from the embodiment. People do not have the capacity to go through life-changing, big, major shifts and just go through it without the ban out. You know they don't have the emotional resilience.

Speaker 1:

And that is happening because people have this illusion of like I'm in control of my emotion, meaning I'm suppressing my emotions. They are not fully feeling and when you look at the desires, it's still connected to our emotion, right? You get to be led by that when it comes to accelerating our manifestation. It's feeling. What is it that you want? When you connect with you being on that trip, when you connect you being having whatever that you want you get to feel it in your body. You get to experience it now for you to be able to create it, and all that is happening through the body, even though we run away from it.

Speaker 2:

All right, you said so much stuff, but I think it all boils down to one thing, right. I think one thing let's go even to the level of self self-love you got to fix from within, right, just to even experience that, and that's that's like so many people, it's like, oh, because, oh, I could blame how, how made me feel uncomfortable? Instead of looking what's triggering me to be uncomfortable, dig deep into what's making me uncomfortable. Why am I contracting it's something I was taught as a child, or it's sometimes even genetic, genetic traumas from ancestral lines, in which which now scientific studies has proven that's true you could pass trauma in a biological, genetic level to future offsprings and all of that. So that's we got to fix ourselves before we can experience being fully embraced.

Speaker 2:

Control emotions, which I love, is really suppressing emotions, especially in men. We are more pressured to do that because if you cry and all that, it's especially in America, and I'm not too sure how Europe does it, but in America, you know, we are slowly, slowly accepting that, but there's still some that say, ah, man up, stop crying, the hell's wrong with you. That's not appropriate. Men have emotions too. We're not robots. We're not a robotic penis. I'm just saying that doesn't mean so. There's a lot of value here. People, I hope you're. If you're uncomfortable, that's good. You should be uncomfortable because she's definitely touching somewhere subconsciously where you are not aligned.

Speaker 2:

And I'm actually working on that myself too, because there were things I was uncomfortable with. One example was trusting people. Oh, I think a lot of it was just an enemy. Ah, new enemy. What does this person want from me?

Speaker 2:

I was raised so that a lot of people take advantage, and especially raised in New York City. I'd seen some of that myself. Nope, closed myself off from a lot of people. Close off opportunities. Close off opportunity makes more money. Now it's close off sexual relations and you're closing off opportunities to grow within self. It's just closed, you're so I'm just squeezing myself. For those who are audio, you know, like that, ah, it's so uncomfortable. You can't maintain that position forever. That's why me, I felt so stiff, so tired, older than what I am. I'm in my mid-30s. I feel like I was in my 50s, leading towards 60s sometime, because holding all of that really drains you. It really does. I hope I'm not derailing this conversation. I only have a few quick questions, though. Can this be applied to same sex or, I don't know, threesome relationships or any relationship that's not traditional man or woman.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. That's why I even started with the self when I say it starts with an individual connection to that energy, because for you to give pleasure, for you to receive pleasure, you've got to know pleasure. When somebody asks you what is it, what is your sensitive area, what is it that, your sensitive area, what is it that? A part that when I touch, like immediately it just turns you on, what are you going to say? Most people do not know because they are not, they're not using, used to touching their body. So it's not only, it's not only connected to like the traditional couples or whatever. Like the traditional couples or whatever. Because here's the thing even when you fully connect and release all the conditioning and programming that have been, you realize that even when it comes to attraction this is what I'm talking about when I'm talking about beauty you know you can see a woman. You know you can see a woman. I'm a woman, but I see women and that is just me that falls in love with this woman. You know and I'm not making it wrong, it's not like we don't have that as women. You know we have that. You see, you can even be in a relationship. I was just saying that. You know what, if I get to be with somebody who's jealous, they won't have a problem, because for me, if I see god's creation, I'm just gonna appreciate, like, look at that, do you see what is? If I get to be with somebody who is jealous, they won't have a problem, because for me, if I see God's creation, I'm just going to appreciate, like, look at that, do you see what is happening?

Speaker 1:

I hear a lot of people where it's kind of like, oh, why did you look at that person's butt or whatever. Come on, if you are secure in your own sexuality, if you, flipping, know who you are, because at the end of the day, we are all unique and what somebody gets from you, they can only get from you, baby, you know. So why would you be bothered by a woman who is walking there in that sexiness? And you see them when they walk you feel like even the earth worships them. You know, because there are people who just walk with that energy and, instead of like at times, even when you feel that you can, either, when you have connected with that energy, you can either appreciate it, see the beauty, admire it in that moment, but when you have not fully integrated it you'll feel jealousy, and I feel jealousy is an invite to say this is possible for you too, babe, you know.

Speaker 1:

But you can make it about the other person and be or be like hmm, what is this telling me? You know, like we spoke in the beginning about trigger Sometimes, when something triggers you, it's an opportunity for you to grow, it's an opportunity for you to heal. There is something that is happening that calls you. But if you are making it about that other person or even blaming your partner, for I mean, what should we do? Should we go with our eyes closed Because we don't want to see the beauty in the world, you know?

Speaker 1:

So for me it's kind of even if I'm in that relationship, for me it's kind of like I love a partner who appreciates the beauty. Don't be here like a log here to see that when you see what you see, I'll actually be happy with us talking about it as in like just appreciating what it is. You know, and I want to feel free as well to just embrace that. You know what they're just people who are just amazing, you know. So it starts with us connecting with this energy at an individual level, for us to even embrace it in another woman, embrace it in another man. It doesn't take away from what we have. That is when you are fully integrated and you are the important man of that, because you are flipping, unique and what you offer, even when it comes to that in bed, that sexual activity or whatever that is it's different. The way you love is different, the way you express yourself is different, the way you move is different. So enjoy the beauty and appreciate what is, and I also love people. I just love what you said.

Speaker 1:

I'm just gonna chip on that because this is a very important part of healing and it's quite interesting because I work like somehow sexual energy is like one of the first thing that lights up in somebody's body, but at the same time, another thing that often lights up is the inner child, when there is something, because the person will show up and it's kind of like yeah, you know I'm, I'm all good and all stuff. You know we've got all this makeup, we're wearing all this thing, but for me, no matter if you're a man wearing a suit, there's always a child who show up in deep pain. And it's quite interesting because, as you're speaking about that, I just felt some heaviness on the right side. It's kind of like grief, you know, and at times it's grieving the parent who was absent, grieving the love that you didn't get. So for me, the inner child comes through, and when it comes to a lot of sexual experiences that happened, a child always takes me to the wounds that either the parent has suppressed or have forgotten about. Is the child who's going to lead me to say, see what happened, or have forgotten about? Is the child who's going to lead me to say, see what happened? And I'm just going to share something here with me, because I grew up in a dysfunction of his own? You know, I love my father. My father loved me. I love my mom, my mother loved me, but they loved me at the level of that capacity.

Speaker 1:

Right, I'm the one person who, just because of who I was, it was kind of like you're not like my other children, you know, and that, as much as I fought to be myself, a part of me felt like I'm not accepted. So at some point it's kind of like I don't care, you know. But we do care. We do care. Whether we are aware of it or not, our inner child cares, you know. So there was this anger that I grew up with and especially that I lost my father when I was 14, this anger that I grew up with. So when I was doing the healing and connecting with my father from the other side and realizing that, oh shit, so all this men that I'm attracting with this alcoholic addiction parents, I'm actually looking for my father. I'm attracting the broken people because an inner child is still wishing to save its father right. And until I heal that aspect and become that pattern for my inner child, I'm still going to go ahead attracting the same patterns.

Speaker 1:

And the second thing as well that comes through, like, for instance, even in my case, the other time I had my inner child come through and she said do you want to know why I'm angry? And I'm like, yeah, and I waited and nothing came through. I'm like, whatever, I'm going to sleep. So as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was basically taken to the other side another lifetime. Whether you believe in other lifetimes or not, it's my experience, it's what I go through and many of my patients go through, and in that lifetime this little girl was molested by her father and those imprints were flipping alive in my body and at times you may be going through something. Maybe it was talking about sexual abuse and your body's feeling a certain way but it's kind of like I don't have a memory of that happening in this lifetime. Either it's in your ancestral lineage or it's something that happened in other lifetimes, because we've lived many lifetimes, many lifetimes, you know. So it's just like that.

Speaker 1:

When you're talking about the inner child, maybe in this lifetime, it's kind of like everything was fine. Or even when you're talking about trauma, people think it's like bad things. Probably your parents were working so hard I'm working for your ass, so just shush and eat, because if I was not working hard, you wouldn't be eating this food and deep down it's kind of like oh, this work is more important than you flipping hate that work. And even now it could be the reason why you self-sabotage, you procrastinate, because a part of you is like this is the thing that took the love that I needed from me. Yeah, so I just wanted to bring in the inner child, because it's a very important part when it comes to us feeling safe in our body and connecting to this magical energy.

Speaker 1:

If it's not integrated, you're not gonna feel safe, and if your inner child does not feel safe. It's gonna sabotage your relationship because some of you you are in relationship but your child, your inner child, is the one who is at the forefront of the relationship. You just giving this big part of having sex, of doing this to your inner child. You know so and then you are not. You are surprised that things are not working out. You don't even think properly from an adult that you are, but your inner child is thinking for you, throwing a tantrum instead of having a proper conversation.

Speaker 1:

Um, refusing to have sex because somebody did not do something. I'm going to withhold sex and get back to you. You are not behaving like an adult, that's just an inner child. That is like I'm going to punish you for something. Have a proper conversation and if it's not happening, then there is some things that needs to be looked at. But when you parent your inner child, your partner gets to have a partner, and I believe we all need a partner that's going to help us grow. When we have integrated these aspects and we are whole, we can look for a partner who is whole and is two adults coming together in a partnership, rather than another child and another child. With this whole core dependency. We don't feel safe and and all that nonsense that is going on, and we blame it on the love, because I love too much, but you don't fucking love yourself.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, it really starts with the self and that you know it may sound crazy to some of the listeners. All the past lifetimes, remember prior earlier I just said that we could pass the trauma genetically to future offspring. So it's not crazy. Science is catching up to this, Thank goodness, I say. Jesus the spiritualist people already knew this a long time ago. The science is catching up to the paranormal spiritual realm of things and actually making, actually documenting it in a scientific way. For people that think we're crazy, that we were right all this time we read the Bible, we read something else, but we already had some foundational understanding of these things. And one more thing I want to say, because you brought a lot of valuable stuff. I really hope you're getting this listeners, especially those who are emotionally damaged, or you may be okay, but there's always that little thing that always bothers you, that holds you back. You probably just brush it off the side for years or decades. Look into that. It can unlock a breakthrough in your life. So, with that saying, I noticed a lot of it and I'm going to break down the percentages that you have.

Speaker 2:

The most dominant thing of all of this is nonverbal, because it's connections and even physical touch. To a lot of extent, nonverbal is dominant. You said 55%, which is the bare majority. 38% is on tonality and sometimes my tone could come off that I'm working on that and that's pretty significant. 38% was just close to 40, so some people are going to pick that up and some people might not.

Speaker 2:

The 7% is the one I used to pay attention to the most, which people don't care about as much. Now I understand why I get pissed off. When my message wasn't coming through. I was paying attention to only that insignificant 7%, the words I said. No, pay attention to my words, forget my damn nonverbal cues and my tone. See what I just did there. I'm telling you to forget it. But the tonality came out angry, even my nonverbal. My hand Was about to just Bang, bang, bang this table. No, you ain't gonna see me as a crazy person. Forget that word. You're gonna ignore that 7% and pay attention to the vast majority of it and say, yeah, yeah, elias is crazy. I'm not gonna pay attention to forget the anger and all of that, because he's losing it. He's angry right now. I don't know why, but I don't want to talk to him right now.

Speaker 2:

I don't feel safe and, of course, I'm contracting myself and the other person is contracting as well. I mean, it makes a lot of sense. It makes a lot of sense If you start removing your stupid biases, thinking that oh no, this is all gobbledygook, this is all craziness, this is all mental illness. You're mentally ill if you deny it. You denying this is breeding Depression, erectile dysfunction, all these other issues that we are having, lack of love and all this other stuff. That's what it is. I'm fine for the spiritual people. I don't care if I seem aggressive. Feel my anger if you need to, I don't care, alright, but I just think that Feel my anger if you need to, I don't care, alright, but I just think that I need to emphasize that because that's important. That's something that I'm currently Working on.

Speaker 2:

Make sure that my Nonverbal cues and my Tonality matches the words, so it could be a one coherent Message. You know I like this podcast. I really do. It's okay Now it makes sense because my nonverbal, my smile, the tonality, all of that matches and my arms are moving more freely, saying you know, I like how, piss me off today. I'm a crazy person. I broke it down like I'm a robot. I'm banging the table. You know you're going to do something and life is crazy. That's the main takeaway. Forget the words. This is minus a certain percent. They already got the gist of it. I just want to emphasize that because nonverbal cues are very important and being attuned. You can pick up the nonverbal cues if you need to adjust it exactly at the right time.

Speaker 2:

It's, like you said, being attuned. You can pick up, your tonality is going to match naturally if you need to speak, and the nonverbal is going to naturally recalibrate exactly by second, by second, by second, and that's why everything's going to flow so magically, so mystically. That's all I just want to say about that. Anything else you want to add?

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, I just love that, because let's talk about communication. One thing that you don't hear about communication is, for me, what I felt is vital when it comes to communication. It's non-judgmental. You can't hear what is being said if your beliefs and bias are getting in the way. But for you to hear somebody properly is when you are on a clean slate and listening. But if I'm coming through like okay, fine and immediately and actually it's quite interesting, but all you're observing and this is like your homework when you start having a conversation with someone, it's quite interesting, but all you're observing, and this is like your homework. When you start having a conversation with someone, it doesn't matter how somebody is going to say something at the end, but as you are speaking, there's just going to be like the nonverbal, the face is just going to give it all, like you know all these things, and then it's kind of like oh, you know, they're trying to sort of like tone it down and say whatever, but they've given away everything you know. They're trying to sort of like tone it down and say whatever, but they've given away everything you know, because the body can't lie, you know, and at times we listen from this judgmental space. How many times have you been doing affirmations and what has happened? You know, because it's just like noise and it's not about negative or positive in the sense of sometimes a positive word can trigger something and when you're saying something just because it's positive and you are not connected, how it makes you feel you're going to miss on the message that is coming through.

Speaker 1:

I still remember there was a moment where I did something and all of a sudden, every single person who commented was like oh, I'm proud of you, I'm proud of you. I responded like the first two people with oh, thank you, oh, thank you. Then I felt this resistance. I was not taking it in. This is what I talk about when I'm talking about being open to receive. So I stopped and I was like, and then I started just tearing up and I realized that at the core of my being, the person that I wanted to hear this from was my mother. I wanted to hear this voice from more than anything. So people saying that they just triggered that wound, you know. But that was me taking my step back to realize that I'm not taking this. I'm proud of you.

Speaker 1:

So at times, whether you're saying I'm beautiful or whatever, or people are saying it, you can't receive the love, the compliments that you do not have the capacity for. It may be something positive and this is why, at times, people will be like I don't know why I ended up with this person. I didn't see the red flag. You can't see the red flags because you are in alignment with that. Your nervous system is craving that toxicity. So, no matter what you've learned the information that you know somebody's coming through. They truly love you.

Speaker 1:

They say in the west that they mean, but because you can't take it, it's not, it's not, it's not in alignment with your nervous system, it's kind of like rejecting it. Oh, my god, that's too nice to be good. Oh, this playboy. You know what this person said. Is it really true or is because you are used to? Because when you're talking about us wanting love, we want the love that we are used to. So when it comes to that non-verbal and verbal, it's also us knowing ourselves, because I have a lot of people who actually approach me at times with some business deals and all that, and and for me, when someone is coming through, they can come through and eventually I can.

Speaker 1:

I'm reading what they're, but all I'm feeling is the heartache that is dripping in every single word that they are writing. That's why people can't hear what you're saying, because who you being is getting in the way, your energy is getting in the way and the flipping thing is, like the other guy that at the time he was just like commenting something in my message. I can't remember what it is and immediately I connected to this pain in his body. But what was interesting is the smell of his aura, like smelling like shit, and I was like, oh, this is quite interesting because I, I'm, I work with this thing so I can descend that. But for someone who can't smell that shit energy, they're just gonna reject this pen. It's kind of like there is something when you have in this business deal, then it seems like they're working, they're going to go through and eventually people just change. You know it's because of this energy. You are not aware of it, but that's what you're operating from. So it's bigger than just whatever that we're thinking or talking about. You know, at times we can say something and actually I think we both know it when you say something and you don't mean it.

Speaker 1:

And another thing where it comes through a lot is when you imagine, when you are pissed off because somebody did something or maybe your ex-girlfriend or girlfriend and somebody's like oh, just forgive that person and move on. Yeah, I've forgiven that person, I've forgiven that person, I've forgiven that person. And you say you're forgiven, but your body and everything is just saying you're flipping angry. And I always say we use forgiveness as if it's something that we can use to manipulate the universe. But we can't, you know, because if you have not forgiven, you have not forgiven.

Speaker 1:

And the most important thing, which I felt is much easier, is accepting how you feeling, because if you don't honor the one who is hurting right now, you are doing to yourself what they did to you. So the magic starts with I'm hurting, I don't even want to forgive this person because you are giving this inner child a voice. And then, from there, how you're going to go through it, it's up to you whether you're going from there, how you're going to go through it. It's up to you whether you're going to seek help or you're going to try and do it by yourself. But most of the times it doesn't work because our perception and we are so attached to the outcome that when you're trying to do it, we don't really make it. You know, like I said, even when it comes to healing, healing is also being able to be in that non-judgmental space.

Speaker 1:

When you're talking about the shadows, if you're coming through, it's kind of like oh, there is this negative energy, we're gonna cut the cause. Actually, everybody's talking about just cut the fucking cause and all that. What if you fell in love with that other person? Because there is a part of you that you saw in that, like I said, I've fell in love with people that I wanted my father in them, and what I'm just gonna cut? I'm cutting out the other part of me that's still, once for once, its father, and the only way that I can do that is through love. But I'll be kind of like oh, fuck it, cut the fucking cause. Oh, just forgive. And you can't cheat the universe, you can't, you can't manipulate it.

Speaker 2:

You said a lot of wonderful things. Listeners, don't play the ADHD card with me. I got it too and I can pay attention. I use that as an excuse card. Okay, it's not going to serve you well, you're going to miss out Such gold you listen to, okay, and you picked up things that you see, I'm diagnosed about someone doing all this.

Speaker 2:

I didn't receive compliments because I don't trust people. That's all that person's full of shit. Because I trust people, that's all that person's full of shit. Liar, reject the compliment and some of them may mean well, they may mean well, they may be authentic about it, but I reject a lot of compliments because, ah, that person's full of shit, fake. Especially if you race new york, you do a lot of bullcrap. You know, not just internet ads are a problem, people ads are also a problem. To it it's like oh, you want the water candy, also getting chocolate. Yes, I'm speaking a little bit. Especially what chocolate? Let me just say, right there, you know all all that you deal with bombardment of bullshit. Now I understand why I've eventually developed that closest, because you just be bombarded with bullcrap, not saying it's right, but you have to recognize it and you know that's. That's the thing I picked Up on. So no, I gotta be, I gotta pay attention, you know, have some skepticism. You know, not just be Open to every single thing. I love you. With a man with a gun, he just blows my brain. So I'm Not speaking about that at all. That's that. That's just mental. You gotta use your discernment to know if this person you Know, detect, decode the shit aura or the angelic aura. But it's more positive Enter that spectrum, decipher, decode, before you make your decision. You know and you know, and that's not.

Speaker 2:

Another thing I picked up is accept the feeling. That was my big problem. I embraced that. Oh no, as a man, you can't accept your feeling. Yeah, tough it out, suppress your emotion, just move on, which is very unhealthy, obviously. I mean, I'm learning that. I'm sure you've been aware of that.

Speaker 2:

For some reason, with society, they allow women to act out on almost every emotion possible for men. So now you could be stoic, you could be angry, you could be happy. Occasionally they allow anger for men for some reason, but not sadness, which is a big contradiction. If you're going to be against all emotion or no emotion, that's a contradiction. Those are the things I picked up on. You see, you know that's a contradiction. You know those are things I picked up on. You see, I'm learning here. I'm not the, I'm not the expert. I'm more like the guider, you know, the one who the greeter in, the facilitator is conversation. That's really my role here in exposure to different points of view.

Speaker 2:

Ok, and because I think it's wonderful that there's these things that we talked about more often. This is why society is falling apart. Tribalism is increasing, I'll say all over the world. America's not immune to it. We got our own nonsense. I'm not going to talk about the politics in here.

Speaker 2:

This is a spiritual episode. I want to keep it spiritually pure. I want to keep it spiritually pure as possible. This is foundation. We get this right. A lot of problems will correct. That's possible. So this is foundation. This is foundation. We get this right. A lot of problems will correct itself and me. I like to find a root cause and this is one of them.

Speaker 2:

Even though this is a spiritual episode, I'm just going to help you politically understand. All of that is interconnected. We all start from the foundation, foundation and these are the things she's so like. Yeah, maybe spiritual May sound crazy to you, but we're spiritual beings. If you want to reject that, that's you. You go to the loony bin all you want. Just don't spread your shit aura With me, because I'm just going to reject you, just like she says. I'm going to act, just reject you. I have enough shit aura In New York City. Okay, we don't need any more. All right, we got an abundant amount of shit aura. I think the New Yorkers are going to hate me. That's fine. We got an abundant amount of shit aura. Okay, you know, and I'm starting to get used to what a decent aura is like, which to me.

Speaker 2:

Just to another point you said we like the love that we're familiar with, no matter how dysfunctional it is, because to us, that's our normal. When we experience our childhood, that's normal, even if it means a guy that beats the crap out of you with a broken bottle of alcohol or a whip, whatever. You're going to think that's love, whether you're here or she, whatever, because that's what you're used to. And even the unknown that could be better. You're afraid of it because you don't know. We are afraid of the unknown and that's what got leaked to the scuffer. We could potentially discover what is better or, sadly, something crappier, and we just got to get out of it. So that's all I'm going to say. Anything else you want to add before I wrap this up? This could go on, for this is valuable stuff. This could go on for hours.

Speaker 1:

I mean, the only thing that I can just share is just to wrap this up. It's just you know, the level that you are not fully free is the level that you are not fully joyful, and that is the level that you are not fully loving. So at times, when you are making excuses, just look at how free you are, because whatever that you desire to do, you can't do it in that unhappy space when you are not fully expressing who you are and your emotions are the evidence of life. When you're not in alignment, you will feel like shit, but when you are, you will feel great, even when it comes to your cycle, your relationships, who do you feel yourself mostly with? That's what I would leave you with.

Speaker 2:

That's a great way to wrap it up Be aligned, be in tune with the universe. God, muhammad, whatever you believe in, you know, just fill in the blank with that, because they're all connected to it somehow. Rather, we disagree with it. Now, that's for a whole other conversation. We don't got that kind of time, so just do your fill in the blank. Universe, god, moses, buddha, vishna Krishna, whoever okay, you connect to that and they will guide you to do better. And I'm still a work in progress. I don't have all the answers. We all are still a work in progress. I don't have all the answers. We all are still a work in progress while we're in this lovely but sometimes crazy earth.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so let's do this shameless plug in. So I advertise her site right now because, yep, she's the freedom illuminator. Should have said that at the beginning. How watsume is the freedom illuminator? She has many other titles as well. That's not the only one and she gets your blueprint. Her site has a 60-minute video. She'll send services as well.

Speaker 2:

She has a magnetic confidence accelerator boot camp so you can be more in tune with the universe. Contact her. She's friendly. She's a bit raw to some of you, but she's friendly. Unless you want to trigger her shit, that's more on you. You want to intentionally do that. That's your problem from there. If you're coming in with pure intent, want to grow or face your discomfort, your shortcomings, go to her. She's great. I'm going to put the link in the description her website and also her social medias as well. And yes, I do share TikTok. And remember, my opinion of TikTok has changed. Before I used to hate it. I think it was the factory for mental illness, but more people use it for good and I see the help that it's done so see my mind could be changed.

Speaker 2:

So you know, even though I still have some security concerns, but it has its benefits.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I'm going to be like a real American. We got to allow more options into the market instead of just being a fake American, being a communist. It's just. Oh, we don't like it because it's just Chinese. It's Chinese or Russian or anything that American doesn't like. Okay, so my mind's changed. Okay, so you won. Haters that one, you won, you was right. You was right. You was right. The libertarians you were right. So, all right. Another Derek question, anything else? I'm triggering that you want to say before I really end this.

Speaker 1:

Nothing really is coming through. Like you said, there's a link that I'll share with you as an intro to African Asian quantum medicine. So if you feel called, just jump in and we'll see what you're holding into in your body. Because, so if you feel called, just jump in and we'll see what you're holding into in your body, because I don't work with like information and all that. I let your body communicate and see what is it that is holding you and what is interfering with your success and freedom. So if you are really curious, and yeah, let's do it, and what you want to do with it afterwards, it's up to you. For me, I'm just going to let you know as it is, you know, just jump in and tell it as it is. And it's up to you, you know, because we have a choice at all times. You can choose to live in your story, in your drama, or you can choose to align with your magnificence, and no one can make you do anything that you don't want to do yeah.

Speaker 2:

So for all you crybabies just say oh, he made me do it, I got no option, option, none, none, stop, stop.

Speaker 1:

That's why.

Speaker 2:

I'm turned off by that statement.

Speaker 2:

That's why you always have a choice. You know, don't get me wrong I recall myself saying no, stop it, liza. You know better. You know you always got an option Stop it. You know the victim. It creeps up from time to time. You know Sally's habits. They, they gotta be changed. So I even called myself out on it. So, all righty, this has been a great conversation. I know it was gonna be great, but, my goodness, this was. This doesn't feel like work. This is like enjoyment. I love it. I love it and I'm not surprised. It's going to be an amazing guest. That's why I went to you, that's why you know, and I had a great time and we'll see.

Speaker 1:

Maybe, maybe again in the future. Oh yeah, no.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, all right. Yeah, yeah, that'd be. Yeah, I'm ready to hold you up so you could go now I could do the outro independently. Yeah, I don't want to hold you up anymore Okay.

Speaker 1:

Thanks up anymore, okay, thanks for having me.

Speaker 2:

hey, we'll keep in touch. Yes, yes, we will definitely keep in touch, all right. All right, take care bye, all right. So if you enjoy this podcast, subscribe, follow. If you're feeling generous, leave a you know, pay for a subscription fee, that's. If you're feeling generous, okay. And and if you want to do just a one-time payout, that's fine as well. I have a link to that as well. You got to go to my BrussBout account to access, not account. You have to go to my BrussBout link for those options the reoccurring subscription or just a one-time tip, okay, and I'll greatly appreciate that, as if you can donate no force, it's entirely up to you and share this. Share this with someone who have this problem or problems that you heard in this episode. Okay, just share it to someone who could gain value, or share it with someone else who has this problem, you know. So it's like you spread the word. You'd be surprised how many people are getting helped, okay, so, from wherever you're listening to this podcast, you're blessed day, afternoon or night. Thank you.

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