Politically High-Tech

240- Revitalizing Aging: Adrianne Simmons on Rediscovering Energy and Purpose

Elias Marty Season 6 Episode 30

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Is it possible to reignite the spark of youthful energy as you age? Join us in an illuminating episode of Politically High Tech, where we welcome the energetic Adrianne Simmons. Adrianne shares her compelling journey from boundless vitality to energy depletion in her 50s, revealing the critical mistake of not adapting lifestyle choices to match changing biology. Discover her transformative insights on how to sustain energy and live a vibrant, purposeful life by truly embodying authenticity. This episode challenges common misconceptions about aging, urging listeners to reclaim their energy through conscious, healthy choices.

Are societal beliefs about aging draining your vitality? This powerful discussion with Adrianne uncovers how cultural messages impact our health decisions and how proper nutrition, physical activity, emotional management, and spiritual connections can revitalize energy at any age. Adrianne introduces "The Energy Edge" program, designed to help others rebuild their energy and combat fatigue. Listen to her personal triumphs and struggles, offering hope and practical steps for anyone looking to boost their energy levels and defy age-related decline.

Ever wondered why your energy levels are low despite your best efforts? This episode emphasizes the importance of understanding your motivations for wanting more energy and how this can influence daily habits. We explore how low energy affects work, relationships, and personal responsibilities, providing insights to create personalized plans for improving energy. Adrianne and I also discuss the role of self-care, practical tips for maintaining high energy amidst stress, and the significance of making conscious lifestyle choices. Tune in for a journey toward a vibrant, energetic life, even if chronic fatigue has been a longtime companion.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome everyone to Politically High Tech with your host, elias. I have a woman here. We're going to tackle something at the more spiritual area again. Yes, I know some of you can't stand it, but I got a newsflash for you. I don't care. You want to know why I don't care? Because we don't talk about this enough. We don't.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we talk about the medical, the psychological, the emotional, the physical aspects of health. That's great, but that's like an incomplete puzzle. Logical, the emotional, the physical aspects of health that's great, but that's like an incomplete puzzle. We got almost all the pieces, but we're missing that one that completes the whole puzzle, that makes a world of difference, and that is spirit. You don't talk about the spirit enough.

Speaker 1:

I, you know it's great, we do drugs and all of that, but to me those are temporary, emergency solutions. They shouldn't be long-term solutions, and this is why we get more illnesses. That's just my opinion. That's my nuanced opinion of it. They all got their purpose. However, if we get addicted to legal drugs or drugs supposed to help us, it's an addiction and it could kill us. But here we go to a more spirit, energy, and this is not the first time I've talked about it. This one here is going to teach you how to optimize it. Okay, keep it at a very high level.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and guess what? You don't need to be a spring chicken to have high energy, okay, you don't have to be 25 or I don't know 10-year-olds to just jump and bounce all over the place. You can be at a quote unquote advanced age. It's how you take care of yourself. This is why there's a difference between an active 30-year-old and an unhealthy 30-year-old. It's those choices that we keep making. It's good or bad habits that have eventually shaped us. And you know, I think I'm feeling some of the consequences, and so I'm just trying to mitigate it right now Eating junk food, not exercising enough, that kind of thing. Look, I call my own. I'm lazy, I'm a junk person. Okay, but enough of me talking, enough of me talking. Let's introduce the guest here. Okay, he is going to make you, or revive your energizer bunny within. They keep going and going and going. You could be 50. You could be 100. You could be freaking, 200 years old. You somehow go get the energy because it's coming from the spirit. So let's welcome Adrian Simmons. What do you want?

Speaker 2:

our listeners and audience to know about you. Thank you, elias, for inviting me as a guest speaker on your show. I do appreciate that and I thank you for that. What do I want your audience to know? I really would love for your audience to know. I really would love for your audience to know that I am an advocate, I am a champion, I am a steward, I'm a motivator, and the reason why I can speak to it with such authenticity is because I was born with boundless energy.

Speaker 2:

Right up until my late 40s, they used to call me the Energizer Bunny. As you mentioned, I was on the go all the time. I don't know where my energy came from, but I just had enough energy and I did what I wanted to do, whenever I wanted to do, for as long as I wanted to do it, and it didn't matter the lifestyle choices I made. I just had enough energy. And then, when I crossed over my 50-year line, I lost my energy.

Speaker 2:

I know now it was because of the lifestyle choices that I continued to make in my 50s, as I had made in my 20s, 30s and 40s, and not realizing that our biology changes as we get older and, as a result, we have to change our lifestyle choices to match our biology changes as well, too, and, as a result, I have made my life's purpose educating and coaching and informing anybody that wants to live a more fulfilling life, a life with purpose, a life that's active, a life that's vibrant, a life that's energetic, a life that's full of excitement. If they want to live such a life, I'm here to let them know you can, no matter what your age may be, and that's who Adrian is, and that's what I wanted To share with your audience this afternoon.

Speaker 1:

Do you catch that vitality Most people have introduced. Let's just be honest, some were dry. Even at times I was dry and tired. They invited her. She introduced herself with such passion, such life, such vigor, but not aggressive either. Let's be mindful of that.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to use you, for example. I'm a liar, as I'm a host of politically high tech, that angry energy. There was none of that. There was passion, there was definitely authenticity. If you didn't even need to mention I would be able to recognize that, just fine.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to be brutally honest and this is going to be me taking a jab for everyone, not everyone, most people that use this authenticity. I think it's overused. A lot of people that crave authenticity. When they get it, they hate it. I said, listen, I love my Gen Z. I will say you want authenticity.

Speaker 1:

Once you get it, you get defensive, you get antagonistic. I said, hey, listen, the data says you want authenticity, yet you're going against it. You don't want authenticity. That's how I started calling them out. But Paul's not lying, the people who are answering are lying. And listen, this could go off the tangent a little bit.

Speaker 1:

My point is when you're going to claim that you want or be authentic, you need to walk it, you need to practice it. Or be authentic, you need to walk it, you need to practice it. I'll just say it and then move on to the next talking point and then be fake phony, do face, be self-contradicting. People who pay attention, who are alert, who have high energy obviously they'll detect that instantly. It's like smelling dung from a mile away. They don't want to detect it, but it's so obvious and strong they recognize it. So you've been warned. Agent real authenticity. You social media people, you news people Don't use authenticity. Yeah, I don't have it, most of you don't have it, and I can say that Me, at times, I'm not even authentic, just being honest, not all the time. I try to be, I strive to be, but that's something I'm working on, because I used to be probably authentic as a young man.

Speaker 1:

When I mean ABC, I mean ABC. So I have to say that because a lot of people use authenticity, authenticity, and a lot of people don't live authentically. Ok, and let's just use a priest, for example, right, a priest preaches the word of God. A priest, for example, right, a priest preaches the word of God, but ooh, the news you hear they doing such sinful things, affairs having inappropriate relations, and I'm just going to end it right there, just to keep it clean. When you get the idea, okay, and then the church institution covers it up Okay, and then the church institution covers it up Okay, why?

Speaker 1:

Churches have lost influence too? Because they're not authentic and they're even outdated in a lot of ways Not the core messages, but just how they preach and all that. They make it seem like it's still BC. No, you got to convert it into the modern language. That's how you're going to get the younger people in. And if you have to add creative slang, you got to be creative about it. You got to refresh it. You know, rather than believing God or not, or spirituality, whatever the heck it is, it never gets outdated. It's a message. It's an institution that gets outdated. It's the message. It's institutions that get outdated.

Speaker 1:

But let me stop yammering. Let's be authentic and really focus on the topic about spiritual energy, and it connects to so much. It connects to the emotion aspect, the psychological, physical, all of that. It's interconnected. It's not just a separate box. It should be the top thing that overarches everything. But no, we got it buried, even thrown away, right, sylvie. But I think people are waking up on that and thank God there's more people like you speaking up on this, because I can't be alone. Also, I'm going to be just considered a crazy person. It's just fine. People call me crazy enough times. It would be an uphill battle. So what are some actually? Let's introduce the Energy Edge, unlocked Energy Potential. Let's start from there. What is that all about?

Speaker 2:

I created the Energy Edge Unlock your Body's Energy Potential Coaching Program as a result of my own lived experience of lost and found, and I prefaced it when I first introduced myself. But I will continue so I can kind of tie in how I came about creating this particular program. So, as I crossed over my 50-year line, because I was making the same lifestyle choices, and back then my lifestyle choices looked like I worked all day, I would go out after work, I would go out after work and sometimes I would come home. Now I forgot to mention that my daughter and I were always a duo. It was always her and I.

Speaker 2:

I was a single mother from the time she turned three. So when I turned 50, she now went away to university. I've always had her in my life, so I've always had a reason to come home, even as she was moving into her teens. I always came home because I felt and I knew that I had a responsibility. She's now gone away to university. I'm in my 50s. I'm coming home to an empty home.

Speaker 2:

After a while I realized I felt like a lion in the cage. I didn't know what to do with myself, and so what I started doing is I started not coming home just to avoid not coming home to an empty home. Fast forward, it morphed into going to work, going out for dinner after that, then maybe going to a club after that. Then I was introduced to after hours. I had no idea what they were, but I learned after a while that you could keep on going throughout the whole night if you wanted to find something to do to keep yourself busy. And with that environment came a lot of alcohol and a lot of party drugs. So my life became working all day, going out at night, going out into the wee hours of the morning and indulging everything that my body did not need and the icing on the cake, a lot of processed food. Because at three, four o'clock in the morning I'm not looking for a salad, I'm looking for the quickest drive-through. I'm not looking for a salad, I'm looking for the quickest drive-through.

Speaker 2:

What I'm trying to say, elias, is because of that, my energy levels plummeted. I never realized, because I was not fueling my body with what my body needed, but instead I was ingesting what I wanted. Slowly but surely, I was depleting my body's capacity to generate the energy that we need every day to move through our lives. So I like to tell people on a scale from one to 10, and 10 being boundless energy at my worst. I was lucky if I was a two or three at my energy levels. I dragged myself throughout my day, fatigued. I learned what coffee could do to you. So then I became a coffee junkie, because it gave me that jolt, especially when I was at work, especially if I had been out all night and then going to work that same morning. Coffee became my friend. So I was just kind of surviving on coffee, but again, over a period of time, it took a bad toll on my body and my life just kind of spiraled downward.

Speaker 2:

It's only when I went in for a medical checkup I was maybe 55 at that point. My doctor had known me for years, so he knew the vibrant Adrian, and at that particular checkup, when I walked in, he just said my God, adrian, what the hell happened to you? You look like you've gained weight. You have dark circles under your eyes and you have no energy at all. You're just your whole appearance is just tired looking. Now I got to be honest, though. Remember you and I went through the same things growing up. You hear your parents talking in the background. Ah, he's 50 years old, he should be slowing down. Ah, she's in her 60s. She should be feeling aches and pains. Ah, he's in his 60s, he should be balding and experiencing an increase in gray hair. So I said, doc, why are you getting on my case? I'm 55. I should be gaining weight. This is the messages that I heard growing up. He goes not at all. Not at all. It has everything to do with the lifestyle choices one chooses to make. Fast forward.

Speaker 2:

A couple of months later, it was January, and that particular January, elias. It was bitterly cold. I live in Canada. It was bitterly cold. It was minus 30 degrees and I was a smoker. I never smoked in my home, but I would smoke. I have a garage attached to my home, so I 10 minutes that's how cold it was it took me 10 minutes just to layer up, just to go and sit in my garage. I'm sitting there smoking, my cigarette in one hand, got a joint in the other hand, and I broke down. I broke down, I broke down and I remember, and I will never forget. I remember saying you know what, god, I can't do this anymore. I can't do this anymore. I have dug myself into a hole so deep. I am so tired, I am so disgusted with the life that I have created for myself.

Speaker 2:

Daughter comes home in a couple of months. I could ever allow her to see me in that condition, but I don't know how to get off of this hell For me. I called it like a wheel of hell because I was a circle. Monday I would get up and say you know what? It's Monday, I'm going to start fresh? Not at all. You know, I'm going to eat proper bam bam, bam. By Thursday and Friday that itch is there. It's like you know what I'm bored. It's Thursday, it's Friday. You know what? I'm just going to go out for a few hours and then a few hours long story short obviously turns into after hours, turns into three, four, five o'clock in the morning because I'm hyped up at that point. I'm hyped up at that point and I'm just kind of long story short. I still say that divine intervention.

Speaker 2:

A few weeks later I just started noticing just some changes in how I was thinking. Like you know what, I don't feel like going out. I just I want to go home. I want to go home and I want to spend the time instead maybe researching some of the changes to a woman's body as she goes into her 50s and 60s. I was more interested in learning okay, what's actually going on in my body? Why am I feeling so fatigued? I didn't still connect. It was because of my lifestyle choices. I hadn't made that connection until I did all the research.

Speaker 2:

Long story short, as I continued with my research, I started to learn and realize it has everything to do with your nutrition. It has everything to do with physical movement. It has everything to do with emotional management. It has everything to do with what you're thinking. It has everything to do with your connection to nature. It has everything to do with your spiritual connection to other living organisms. I learned and I educated myself over a 12-month period on what I needed to do to clean up my life Because, for me, I just wanted my energy back. I just wanted my energy back because I realized there was so much I was not doing, because I was just damn tired all the time, because my body was not able to generate the energy that I needed, because I wasn't fueling her with what she needed.

Speaker 2:

Long story short, over the year, as I am building up my energy levels, people are starting to notice, adrian, you just seem to be a little bit more energetic. Like, what's going on? What are you doing, adrian? You just seem to have more energy. Fast forward to, by the end of that year, my energy levels again, with 10 being super superwoman, I was consistently up to an 8 or 9, some days even a 10 out of 10. And that's when people really started saying, you know what? Oh, I love your energy. I love your energy. Oh my God, I wish I had your energy. If I had your energy, you know how much more I could get done every day. Can I touch you? If I touch you, can I get some of your energy?

Speaker 2:

Elias, as that continued to happen, that light bulb comes on. It's like you know what Energy seems to be a commodity for people who don't have it. Adrian, you have a lot of energy. You figured out how to rebuild your energy from a fatigued stage of two to three out of 10,. Why don't we help others rebuild their energy? And that's when I decided to create the Energy Edge, unlock your body's energy potential, because I was, and I still am, a health and wellness coach, but I did not have a focus on energy in particular until that light bulb came on and it's like I'm still in the health and wellness realm, but my niche is, my focus is people living with fatigue who are ready to kick their fatigue out the door. I can teach you how to rebuild your energy and finally kick your fatigue out the door, and that's how I came about with the Energy Edge.

Speaker 1:

And that's how I came about with the Energy Edge. Audience watchers, listeners, whoever the heck you are, you know who you are, depending what medium you use. This is an authentic story and I can tell you why. It includes triumph. It includes a mild level of embarrassment. That's an authentic story.

Speaker 1:

She didn't have to share about the club and the drugs and the alcohol, but she did it anyways as a lesson To help others, and I can relate too. But to some extent I'm kind of more of a bear and a couch potato. If I don't need to move, I am not going to move. I'm kind of more of a bear and a couch potato. If I don't need to move, I am not going to move, I'm just happy. But this is the weird thing, and I'm going to just confess here my lowest level of energy.

Speaker 1:

Actually, I suffered chronic fatigue when I was a teenager, teenager, from 14 through 18 years old, because, adrian, I was so into junk food, I just wanted to eat whatever was convenient, whatever was quick. That's why people consume these things. We know it's bad, but it's just so convenient. Convenience is such a bait, it's such a drug, it's such a trap, because it's just easy to get. And now we got all this, especially with the uber eats door dash. I've used them, okay, that this is this is counter to energy edge, and the worst part is you're hurting yourself and eventually the loved ones. Okay, and I could relate to some extent. I mean, I did my club and all of that, but I just stopped doing it because to me the risk was much greater than the entertainment and reward.

Speaker 1:

I'm a logical person. I use mostly logic. You see, I just use an energizing bunny Me. I'm kind of more of a strategic couch potato. If I don't need to move, if I don't need to do it, I'm not going to do it. That's just who I am. But look at the consequences of me, even though I've lost some weight. I've lost some weight, but I'm still a work in progress, because now the strategic move is, instead of being such a lazy, you know A-double-S, it'll be the wise thing for me to start moving.

Speaker 1:

So let me, if I could, steal some of that Adrian energy, because I'm just strategic and I don't feel like exercising half the time. I'm just being really honest, okay. Well, I want you to take a lesson from it, besides the comedy and all that. It's great, you picked that up or call it corny, I don't really care, it's going to hurt you if you choose to ignore it. Listen, I know I've been through there. I'm definitely exercising more often, I definitely enjoy moving around and people have said, wow, you're in your 30s, this is when you're supposed to slow down and stuff.

Speaker 1:

And to your point, which I want to emphasize, we normalize and rationalize the breakdown as you get older. And that's so true and sadly that's even more prevalent today, even more prevalent. I said, oh, you know well my mom, she's more of an energizer Bunny in a sense, but you know, she's not as big as she used to be, but she still Moves, but sometimes she even rationalizes. Oh, you know, I'm old and all that just bring that point we rationalize the breakdown, we rationalize the breakdown. That's not good, that's not good. We got to catch Ourselves and when I told my friend, who's, either you're younger me, oh I'm old I said I don't want to hear it shut up. Shut up because I know when you allow things to come in. This is a spiritual part. When you absorb it in, you absorb it and rather you realize or not.

Speaker 1:

Awareness. Awareness is key. If you have no awareness, none oh man. You're being dominated in so many ways and also consuming television, social media, whatever entertainment you have. You watch violence, you know multiple affairs, trying to keep it clean. That's the difference between new Eli and old Eli. What me cursing and all that. You go to the older episodes where I really didn't care because I just thought being raw and controversial was the only way I could be effective. Now I realize I could be a little more effective. Just change how I approach the message, but keep the core intact. There's more than one ways to do a message. I don't have to be controversial or shocking and just say crazy stuff just to get your attention, even though I like to do it sometimes. Don't get me wrong. Let's look at that urge from time to time. But compared to old and new now and I'm going to be quick, I want to hear her age in speak and especially on how to optimize the energy, some of them are very obvious. I bet someone's going to generate a light bulb that you didn't know you have.

Speaker 1:

So me, I'm a work in progress and, to be honest, I do look better than I was in my 20s. In my 20s I was more tired out, definitely chunkier. My skin was glowing. No, no, my skin would look like it was like a desert Dry cracks, all of that. Some people said I was 40.

Speaker 1:

I wanted to punch that person in the face but there was, sadly, truth to it. Instead of being offended, wanted to punch that person, I look in the mirror and said, yeah, I'm not looking so good. Truth hurts but it can set you free. I mean, you can live with lies all you want. It's up to you at the end of the day. But I prefer you take the right path. So we cannot rationalize breaking down Unless we get over it. Yeah, it happens, but we could slow it so much that we probably won't realize it Until maybe in our late 80s, 90s, heck, maybe 100. And let's be extra ambitious with medicine and all that. Let's go 120. There's 120, there's people alive and there are hundreds that can still walk, that can see sharp minds and all that. So it's possible, but we need to change our habits. Our habits will lead us there and make it natural Eat better food.

Speaker 1:

Does it cost more money, especially in America? I don't know about Canada on that one, but in America all it costs is money to be healthy. But you know what it's worth it. You get more energy, more clarity, you get more things done. And guess what? Going to a hospital is a lot more expensive, much more expensive, exponentially more expensive. Okay, so pick your heart the disciplined hard or the regretful hard. At the end of the day, discipline versus regret what kind of hard do you want? They're both hard. The one's more beneficial than the other. Okay, let me shut up. I want people to hear you more, adrian. So what are some tips people can do Just to Pick up their energy from being frowning and fatigued, because we all know it's a lot more Prevalent than before, especially with the pandemic I think it's at its peak. We're slowly getting better, but I don't trust them, especially Americans. We're very unhealthy, so especially Americans Need to hear this message. What can we do Just to start regaining at least some energy back?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, you alluded to it a few times. We all know, because we've been hearing it from the time that we were in kindergarten. You know it's what you're eating, you're exercising. You're hearing more and more about the effects of sleep. We're hearing more and more about stress management. But I like to take it a step further. There's a reason why we know something, like you said. We know it, but we still choose to make lifestyle choices that are counterintuitive to us living a better quality of life.

Speaker 2:

So I start off with anybody that I'm interacting with. Why do you want more energy? You know as soon as they start with I wish I had more energy. Oh, I wish I had your energy. Oh, can I meet with you? Can we have a consultation? Can you touch me? Fantastic, thank you.

Speaker 2:

So let me ask you something. Why do you want more energy? You have to know why you want more energy. You have to know why you want more energy. If you had more energy, what would you do with it? What would your day look like tomorrow if you all of a sudden woke up and you had my levels of energy versus what your day looked like yesterday? So, until you can, within yourself, say, yeah, this is why and this is what my life would look like. It doesn't matter that.

Speaker 2:

You know that I should eat better, I should exercise, but you know when it's convenient. Let me just kind of call it Uber Eats, because I've just come home. I've been in traffic for an hour and a half. I've worked all day. I'm exercise, but you know what it's convenient. Let me just kind of call it Uber Eats, because I've just come home. I've been in traffic for an hour and a half. I've worked all day. I'm tired. Do I stand up now and peel the tomatoes and cut up the celery and bam, bam, bam, because I know that I really should be eating a salad, or you know what? A couple of seconds Uber Eats. I don't even have to speak to anybody. Let me just kind of text it so it really boils down to do you really want more energy? And until you know why you want more energy, then don't even bother. Don't even bother. But I'm going to continue.

Speaker 2:

For the individuals that say you know what? I know I need to show up more alert at work. I know I have not been showing up for my team at work and I feel that you know what. I'm tired, but I can't continue in this manner. You know what? I'm ready for that promotion, I'm ready for that position. But you know what? I'm just but just the thought of I got to get pull my resume out and I got to redo it again and maybe I might have to get another certification. I'm just, I'm just. I'm tired. Maybe maybe next week you know what, my parents are getting older and they're counting on me. I'm just but I'm tired. But I know I have to drive over to their place and I know they're going to need this, but I know they need me. I wish I had more energy to be there for my parents.

Speaker 2:

My partner, he keeps on saying you know, honey, come on, let's go out for a walk, or I want to take you on a date night, or let's do this. I know, honey, I'm just a little. I'm just tired today. I'm just, I'm just tired. Today, let me. I just had a hard day at work. And that's the same thing you tell your partner week after week after week. So your partner's not asking you anymore. I wish I had more energy, because I know my partner wants to develop a better relationship with me.

Speaker 2:

Your child mom you know what you played volleyball when you were in high school. We need a coach, mom. We would love for you to be a volunteer coach. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You know what I'm tired, I know, but the commitment is twice a week. I would have to be there. Son, son, yeah, but you know what, son? I'm tired, son, but if I had more energy, I could say yes to my son and I could be there and spend more quality time with my son. Mom, you know what? Can you look over my homework? I'm working on this project. Can you help me? Let me just chill on the sofa. I just came home from work and I'm just mom. I really need your help on this project. Mom, can you help? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll be there. Nevermind, mom, it's okay, I'll do it on my own. If I had more energy, I could help my child with their homework. I could continue.

Speaker 2:

So, when individuals know their why, you see, if I had more energy, I could show up more for myself, for my family at work, for my team, and so when I believe you that you know, your why is cemented, let's take a look at what are you eating. Give me an idea of what you ate all day yesterday. Give me an idea of what you do all day and I'm listening for how many times you tell me you get up and move, especially if you're working from a home office, as you're describing what your day looks like. I'm listening for how many times you tell me you get up from that chair. If you're working on site, I'm listening for how many times you tell me you get up and maybe you walk up and down the stairs. I'm listening for how many times you get outside in nature.

Speaker 2:

I'm looking for listening for you telling me about you see, the people I socialize with. They're more positive as opposed to. It's always negative, negative. When I finish with them, I feel drained because it's always what they're talking about. It's not uplifting, it's draining. I'm listening for you know what? I'm not tired, so I exist on, I don't know, maybe four or five hours of sleep at night. I'm listening for that. So I listen for what's going on in your dimensions of wellness and I listen for the ones that potentially are draining, like I knew the ones.

Speaker 2:

Eventually, when I did my research, I realized the dimensions in my own life that were draining my energy and those are the dimensions I focused on. So when I am working with an individual, I need to understand what does a typical day like you look like? And then I need to figure out okay, that's where your energy. You're sitting down in that chair all day. The most you're doing is getting up to maybe go to the bathroom, maybe go to the kitchen, but otherwise you're sitting in that chair all day. Bam, I know it's your physical energy that's draining you. You're telling me you see all of my friends that I hang out with negative, negative. Okay, I know already, it's your social network. You tell me what you're eating. It's like I know it's your nutrients. So, once I know what is sucking your precious energy, those are the dimensions that I create my Energy Edge program around, because those are the dimensions that we need to start teaching you how to refuel with the fuel that your body needs, not what you want.

Speaker 1:

You hear that people You're going to have to introspect. Be really honest with yourself. You see me, based on what she's saying, I was introspecting myself. See my issues.

Speaker 1:

I tend to sit down, do too much work Virtually Big problem. Just that alone. I tend to sit down, do too much work virtually Big problem. Right, just that alone. Very, very big problem.

Speaker 1:

The type very productive, yeah, but not physically. Not physically. That's why getting up, even just to walk for a few seconds, feels like hell, because you're just training your body. I don't need to move and the body's going to Act accordingly. And me, you know, I love to go to the park. I haven't put enough time for that.

Speaker 1:

I used to do that. Oh, I was getting energy, even after a hectic day. Just like she said oh, I came from work, can't do this right now, give me five minutes. No, you need. You should Do that even when you have a hard day, because, oh, that will actually reset you even after having a hard day. You cannot live in a hard day. You gotta treat it as moments, because once you come with that negative energy, take it out on your loved ones. They're the ones that are going to deal with that wrath every once in a while the boss I think the boss kind of deserves it sometimes, but that's a whole other story for another day and some of the coworkers.

Speaker 1:

But and I know because I had to learn this almost the hard way when I lost my job, you know I was truthful, I was right, but I went about it very aggressive. I really didn't care about what feelings were hurt. I'd say you know, I'm done, I don't even care. You fired me. I even talked to them. Shockingly, they didn't. I was expecting to be fired. They did because they saw me as a viable worker. I really did that. I'm not going to get into that, it's not important. The point is you have to find a way To recalibrate, reset, take a step back, because we absorb so much stressors, it's so hard for us to let go and I had to learn that. I went to South Street Seaport I'm in New York City. I went there South Street Seaport, I'm in New York City. I went there, saw the water and as I had that water image in my mind, even I walked away. It was cleaning, the stress was washing away.

Speaker 1:

So my point is you need, when you do self-care, you can actually help others. Self-care is far from selfish. If anything, it is selfish to be careless. Let me repeat that it is selfish to be careless. So do a little self-diagnosis, oh, and check your soul. You know people around you. They do impact you. You say, oh, no, I can handle it, even a bunch of negative people. I'm positive. No, eventually, it's eventually going to get you, eventually going to get you, especially when you're tired and vulnerable for a second. No, you're absorbing it. Okay, you're absorbing it. So that's all I'm going to add to that. I mean, I could go on for a while, but you get the point. So, introspect, know your why, know your priorities, why you want more energy. So as if I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish. Okay, say the same thing I wish I had more energy. How the heck you got that energy? They're asking, reframing the question how can I get this energy, why I need this energy, why do I want it so yeah, can I add something?

Speaker 2:

Oh, sure, oh, thank you so much. I'd like to make oh sure, oh, thank you so much. I like to make it as simple as possible for people to understand the depths of what our bodies can do for us. So I equate it to the Disney movie Aladdin. Now I'm going to assume that you and most people in your audience have seen that Disney cartoon and the premises. Aladdin comes into Aladdin's attention without even realizing it. He happens to rub it and a genie pops out and the genie grants him three wishes. Our bodies, we all have our own genies.

Speaker 2:

People have never thought about it this way and I know I never did when I was going through what I was going through. But you come to learn as you come to really start learning who your body is, who you are, your physical body, your mental capacity, your emotional capacity and your spirit, when you look at all of them separately. If you were to look at all of them separately and say, okay, body, what can I do for you? Okay, mind, you know what you seem to be unsettled. There's a lot of chatter going on. Okay, you know what you probably want to silence right now, because you're probably not happy because you're just busy right now. And I know you're not happy, mind, when you're feeling away, when you're feeling negative emotions, you know you're saying to your emotional side emotions I know you're not feeling right now, sweetheart, I know you're not feeling right. What can I do to make you feel better? We need to start looking at our physical body, our emotional body, our mental and our spiritual body as our friends and say you know what? What can I do to make you feel better? So, going back to the genie, we have our own genie inside.

Speaker 2:

Once we realize that, only once you realize that, you will realize your genie wants the best for you. There is no way you can ever convince me that your body wants the worst for you. Your body and your mind and your spirit only want the best for you. You choose, based on your lifestyle choices, what goes counterintuitive. But you see, if your body was able to, if your physical body didn't need you to tell it yes or no, your body would be up every day exercising. If it had a mind of its own, if your emotions were able to kind of operate on their own, they would never allow themselves to stay in low negative energy.

Speaker 2:

So we need to start tapping into our internal genie and say okay, genie, you know what, you can grant me endless energy. Our genies can grant us endless energy. And all our genies say is you know what? Just do a couple of things for me. Just make sure I get some deep, restorative sleep. Just make sure you give me more root-based foods. Just get up and move a little bit more. I'm not asking you to run a marathon, but I'm just saying you know what? Can you move a little bit more? I'm not asking you to run a marathon, but I'm just saying you know what? Can you move a little bit more? I'm just saying you know what I notice?

Speaker 2:

You're keeping those negative thoughts. They were with you last night and you woke up this morning and it's now this afternoon. Can we find a way to lessen those negative thoughts? You know what You're feeling. You're still mad at that person that cut you off in traffic. Why are you still feeling tight inside? Can you maybe find a way to release it? You see, that's all our genies ask for.

Speaker 2:

You see, if we do that for our genie Elias, boundless energy. From the time you wake up to the time you go to bed, your genie goes. Your wish is my command. Elias, you got this to do today, this to do today, this to do today, this to do today, this to do today. That means you're going to need a whole lot of energy. You know what? Let's start off with some good nutrients. Let's get out in the sun first thing in the morning and walk around a little bit. Let's maybe look at a video that's going to make you laugh, maybe look at listen to something that's going to motivate you. Fuel yourself. And you know what, elias? You see, everything you got to do today Crush it, crush it. You're going to crush it because you are going to be optimizing anything you do with peak performance, because your genie said your wish is my command.

Speaker 2:

Elias, you told me you needed to do all this. I'm asking you, just give me those couple of things. Let's work together. I like to say you scratch my back and your body says I'll scratch your back. You need to do this, elias. Just do this for me. Just do this for me, buddy, work with me. It's as simple as that. It's simple, but we make it difficult, and that's what I wanted to say. Your genie is waiting to do all your command. Anything you want energy-wise, your genie is there to grant your wishes.

Speaker 1:

You know, that's the most creative way of saying self-care, just like I was living too. Self-care. That's the most creative way of putting it Because if you ignore the body, after a while it's going to rebel, it's going to shut down. You're going to wonder why it shut down. Because you just keep pushing it, ignoring its pleas With the mind Muscles Birth, go haywire. We're so used to doing that Because we gotta do all our pieces of family. Just go, go, go, go go. We are just on autopilot mode All the time. I can recharge. How can you let go? Yes, so Now that's wonderful and feel free to speak. This is about you. They hear my voice a lot, my listeners.

Speaker 2:

They will hear mine Sure.

Speaker 1:

Go right ahead, it'll only happen.

Speaker 2:

It'll only happen. It'll only happen once we decide if we have, if we need, if we need energy to get through our day, if we need more energy to get through our day. I just want people to know that our bodies do have that capacity. If you don't need more energy, then that's fine. But if you ever feel that you know what, I wish I had more energy, because you see my garage for three years I have not been able to put my car inside that garage because it is just packed with stuff. But I'm just tired. You know how much. Just even thinking about where to even start to clean out that garage, that's kind of that's causing me tiredness mental what do they call that? Brain fog, and then physically having to deal with it. But when you're ready to say you know what? Hey, my car belongs inside the garage. But yeah, I've been lazy, I'm ready now to do it. When you're ready to move forward and if that movement requires more energy than your body has been generating, I want people to know our bodies are able to rebuild our energy capacity from a cellular level.

Speaker 2:

I had no idea Before I did my research. I didn't even think about where our body's energy came from. I didn't even give it any thought. I don't know where. I don't know you. Just some people have energy and some people don't. If you ask 10 people where does your body's energy come from? I guarantee you eight out of 10 people. I don't know Cause we don't think about it. But I now know from my research, as I was building my own energy capacity. Okay, so our energy comes from our mitochondria. I'm not going to get too scientific now, but it comes from something called our mitochondria, which is our cells, our generator. If we are not taking care and fueling our mitochondria with the fuel that it needs, how is it going to generate the energy we need?

Speaker 2:

So my message is only for people who feel you know what I need more energy. If you don't need more energy, then my message isn't for you. But if you need more energy for anything that you want to do, don't give up hope. I don't care how long you've been living with chronic fatigue. How long you've been living with chronic fatigue, you can slowly, very slowly, very slowly. With the right lifestyle interventions and changes.

Speaker 2:

Bodies have the capacity for self-healing if we are working together with our bodies. If we're working against our bodies, putting stuff in it that it doesn't belong. I mean, we already have to deal with what's happening in the environment. We already have to deal with all the stuff that's in the products that we are consuming, that we are cleaning our bodies with, that we're putting our foods in. We really don't have much control over that, but we do have control over the lifestyle choices we make individually. You know what. I could go on and on, and I just realized. You know what. You're right. This is a whole topic.

Speaker 2:

I'm just really passionate about this. I'm really passionate about, you know, when I see people just slugging through life, sometimes I just think to myself you know what, when you were younger, did you really aspire to be living like this 20 years down the road? Do you want a better quality of life? Do you ever envision, you know what, if my quality of life was a little bit, what would I be doing? What would I be doing differently? I want to inspire people who have a vision, because when you have a vision, it's like you know what. I still want to do this, but I got to get rid of this fatigue and once I do, I can get back on track with my vision. But right now I'm just tired. I'm just tired all the time. I can't even think about what I want to do tomorrow.

Speaker 2:

Anyways, I'm going on and on, I'm going on and on, I'm going on and on.

Speaker 1:

No, it's okay, it's okay. It's okay. You know, the passion is fine. If you want to hang out with lazy, you got to hang out with the old me. I'll just sit there and not give a rat's behind About life and all that other stuff. But you know, if you don't want it, that's up to you. I'm really up to you at the end of the day, and that's all I'm going to say. I'm not going to have much to add Because I think I already said Everything that I think needed to say. I'm not going to have much to add because I think I already said everything that I think needed to be said.

Speaker 1:

So you know the passion is fine and you know that just shows vitality right there. If you would have spoke like Ben said, you know this is how you get energy you must feed your body. Country. Ooh, you don't want to hear that You're going to feel tired. He's spreading that Lack of energy Even through the screen and me. I was just mocking. This used to be me, so I make it fun of old me. Just out, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, dragon, that's how I was too. That's how I was, as well. Yeah, yeah, dragon, that's how I was too. That's how I was as well.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, at first I was able to put a facade, but even that drains your energy. Yep, yep, yep. You're so young. Why don't you just leave me alone? I don't care about it. Why are you so tired? You're so young. Why don't you just leave me alone? I don't care about it.

Speaker 1:

Listen if you want to do better in your life, if you really want more energy, go, follow Adrian, go to her program. All right, let's do that Shameless plug-in. I believe she touched a lot. I know she could go on for another five hours without trying. That would be very ironic and honestly hypocritical if we're talking about high energy and yet the host is all knocked out. No, no, no, no, no.

Speaker 1:

And besides and we've been sitting here for too long too another level of hypocrisy. Alright, you gotta make the conversations meaningful, not drag on like Like a long Boring TV series, a soap opera or whatever. I find a lot of them boring. I'm a typical guy on that. So Don't drag it on. Just all that talk, talk, talk, talk, just waste time. You don't get time back. You can get your money back, but not time. Let's just take it. Just take it, that's it.

Speaker 1:

And that's why I get upset when my time is wasted and I'm still working on that. I think that's the native New Yorker in me. I get frustrated. I even flipped out on a couple of custom service reps for wasting my time. I said you don't know what you're doing, just say so. I just hang up and find an alternative. So that's another thing. You know, being angry I had it angry All the time. That drains your energy as well. That's the emotional aspect of it. I'm not going to go Much deeper. I'm not going to take her thunder. So whenever you're ready, if you want to add more before I do a shameless, plug in.

Speaker 2:

You know I just want to, before I say you know so long and everybody, enjoy the rest of your day. You know I just want to, before I say you know so long, and everybody, enjoy the rest of your day. You know, think about with the life you have left, because you can't do anything about the life that's passed. But with the life that you have left and because we have no idea how long it's for, and because we have no idea how long it's for, the more and more that I hear on the news every day there was an accident on the road, so-and-so didn't make it. This happened and so-and-so didn't make it. The war that's going on. We already all know where the wars are going on. Life is so fleeting, life is so. You never know those individuals who unfortunately faced an accident. They did not think about that when they woke up that morning. They woke up that morning like any other day. No problem, I'm going to going to head out. I got to do this, I got to do this when we get home tonight. Little did they know that it was going to be their last day. So what I'm saying is because we never know with the life you have left, never know. With the life you have left, why continue living it to the min?

Speaker 2:

You can rebuild your energy. You can rebuild your body, can rebuild your body, has the capacity. Your genie can grant your wish of endless energy. Because my Jeannie every day, she grants me energy Every single day, every single day. I will no longer take advantage of her like I did when I was in my early 50s. I will never, ever, disrespect her like that again, because she had no choice. I only give her what she wants and she gives what.

Speaker 2:

And I get beautiful compliments, like I do from Elias. I get beautiful compliments from people all the time. I bound out of bed every day. Okay, all right, because I am purposeful, I have a growth mindset and I know that I am purposeful. I have a growth mindset and I know that I am here to change the world. When it comes to letting you know that you can rebuild your energy, you too can have boundless energy and bound out of bed and say world, I'm coming, I'm coming, you can do it, you can do it, you can do it, and I would love to be the one to walk on your journey with you, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. Well, with that beautiful transition, let's plug that in. Where can you go? What is your next steps? Listeners and viewers Okay.

Speaker 2:

Subscribers, listeners and viewers. Okay, if you want to just start a conversation, just kind of talk about you know what Agent. This is my vision, you know, and you know I've been thinking about it for a while and you know, if I had more energy, email me. My website is being rebuilt right now, so there's no point in giving you that address, so email me at Simmons, s-i-m-m-o-n-s, s-i-m-m-o-n-s, s-i-m-m-o-n-s, s-i-m-m-o-n-s, s-i-m-m-o-n-s, s-i-m-m-o-n-s, s-i-m-m. Simmons2020a. At gmailcom.

Speaker 1:

And the social medias. Let's not forget that as well.

Speaker 2:

Oh, absolutely. They can reach me on Facebook. I have my own private Facebook group and every single week I am sharing energy boosting tips, Because you can boost your energy quickly, Because sometimes you just need that quick boost and I'm okay to provide you with those quick tips, but I also would rather teach you how to build sustainable. You don't always want to be just kind of a band-aid. I want to teach you how to build sustainable energy within your beautiful temple. So, again, I share tips like that on Facebook and you can find me on LinkedIn as well, too. Adrian Simmons. So, Adrian, my name, Adrian A-D-R-I. It's right there, Adrian Simmons. Just type in my name and there I am the Energy Edge. Unlock your body's energy potential with both of my socials.

Speaker 1:

Yep, the link will be in the description, so you just click it. It'll send you there. Because I believe, try to get my followers to better stuff. Before this used to be a random, but random is kind of aimless. It's like shooting at the dark just hoping to hit something. Now it's clear there is a clearer vision. It's to help humanity because, like she said, it's war. I'm going to add even political turmoil. America here's some crazy stuff of Canada Around the world. Really it's crazy. You check into the Asian continent, african continent, european continent, the Americas Craziness it's easy to find Good stuff. The news is draining. If you alluded to it, you hear about death. You know Affairs. If you alluded to it, you hear about death. You know affairs, anything that plagues you, mm-hmm.

Speaker 2:

Fines, robbery, famine drought, forest fires, fires. It's just, there's just. There's so much going on every single day that bombards our mind with oh my gosh, oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh no. And then you know your energy just kind of it, just kind of it's lowered and it's lowered. And you know, and that's why we have to find and have tools prepared in advance, so that if you are feeling that drain and you have to go into a meeting at work at 2 o'clock, but you know what you've been on your phone and it's negativity and negativity, have something prepared. Have something prepared, so maybe it's a clip of your favorite songs. You know, sometimes when you hear your favorite song, you just get up and dance. You can't help but get up and dance. Have that prepared. For some people it's their favorite motivational quotes and every time you read it it's like yeah, and you feel your energy lifting you up again, up again.

Speaker 2:

I tell people have tools, easy tools prepared, so that if you are feeling a drain, you already have something. You pull it out and it's like your phone. You plug it into the wall, you plug it into the outlet and you see the energy rising. You see the battery display rise. Do the same thing for your body as well, too. For me, I call them. Have energy boosters ready Because, like you said, everywhere you look around, negativity, negativity, sorrow, sadness, homelessness. You know people shouting on road rage. I got to be honest, though. You know what brother. We could go on.

Speaker 1:

But this is valuable stuff here. This is not just oh hi, here's the news. No, this is some actionable stuff, gets you thinking, gets you to at least re-evaluate your life. Okay, more than one way, I mean. I think something. I'm going to add just a little bit. I think music is great, but me, what I do if I'm not going to be working for a while and this ironically helps me if I'm stressed out you put like a calming thing on TV. It's like you know, like it could be mountains or aquarium or something. Just set the ambiance, set the mood. It actually does work. I've done it myself. Or if you're a Christian, whatever religion you follow, you put on something. Or if you want something practical, like Adrian said Simmons has said, excuse me, going too fast now Put on your favorite playlist, create one, play it, do a loop. Just keep adding more and more and more. Evaluate how you react, because that gives you an indicator You're happy, you're sad, or you're angry, or you're just yeah. I think those are the main three.

Speaker 1:

Then you do that. But if something Makes you angry, that's not good, not good. But if it gets you happy, energized, you put that, you play that because this is going to help you. And my advice for you people who love news if I was, you just get the weather report and get out, because all the traffic reports, just get the report, because if you just stay gluing there, that's when it starts bombarding you. A, b, c, d, e, f, g. Before you know it, after 20 minutes you're already bombarded. You already set the tone for the rest of the day. I don't care if you wake up in the morning, afternoon, whatever it sets the tone.

Speaker 1:

That's why it's important to try to get it right, rebuild those habits. I know we're so familiar, we're afraid of change. But guess what? I think you should be even more afraid if you keep repeating these bad habits, because the consequences are dire. They're going to come sooner or later. That's all I'm going to say. Let me be quiet and see if you want to add anything. It's a daring question. You want to add anything?

Speaker 2:

else. Nope, I just want to say everybody, enjoy the rest of your day. Thank you so much for, you know, inviting me into your homes, your kitchen, your living rooms and, I hope that, anything that I had to share. You know what. I never thought about it that way. Let me give it a minute, let me think about it that way and see how it makes me feel inside, and if it causes just an inch of a movement towards, hey, you know what, it might be fun to have a little bit more energy, because I could.

Speaker 2:

Maybe you want to have a conversation with Adrian, because once you start with that first imagination, hey, you know what that might be interesting. And then, if I could do that, if I had a little bit more energy, I could do that, and if I had more energy. And then you start kind of adding on all the things that you put on the back burner because I'm too tired now. I'm too tired now. So allow your imagination to just go wild around. If I had more energy, wow, look what I can do. And then you decide you know, is it worth simple lifestyle choices to start experiencing some of those things that you're envisioning? I'll leave it like that. Have a great afternoon.

Speaker 1:

Well, oh, the final thing I'll tell you. You added so much, so much, and this is just scratching the surface. This is just scratching the surface. The power of imagination is very important. It's not just a child thing, just daydream and go, ah, toot out the world. No, you could actually bring reality into it, especially if you intend to do so.

Speaker 1:

See what if this could be a good thing Instead of oh what if it messes up? We are quick to go into that. We come up with a thousand reasons why it's not going to work. It's stupid, it's silly. Oh, agent's crazy, Eli needs to take a reality pill. Drink the coffee. Smell the reality, you know. Drink. Drink the coffee. Smell the reality. Drink the coffee. Smell the coffee, eli, you're crazy. You're not living reality. No, we are. We just want to live the better parts of reality, the positive parts of reality.

Speaker 1:

You know a lot of people think reality has negative limiting in. I'm going to steal ages' worth Men minimum. No, but there's other sides to reality. Reality is much broader than that. And Sam, we've both been conditioned to think that way. Before she was conditioned, I was conditioned. I'll be lying to you and say oh no, no, we was born with energy. We just sprang right, right over the mother's womb, hurting the mom and just saying I'm happy to be here. I mean, some babies Are not happy, but that's jumping out like that. I mean, I think that would be hard for her. I feel sorry for the mother right there, but that's looking a little too graphic. But Change is possible. Just do the work and magic, the genie will come. That's all I'm going to say. So let me really wrap this up, because we could go on for hours. This could be a verbal podcast Olympics, but I've got to cut this off. So, from wherever, ever, or even whenever you listen to this podcast, you have a blessed day, afternoon or night.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, thank you, bye.

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