Inspire Me Forward

Inspire Me Forward #24 Years Together with Rosanne Morphy & Phoenix Berry

Lynda Season 3 Episode 25

Inspire Me Forward, Episode #24 is the first of our Years Together conversations. My guests, Rosanne Morphy of Saskatchewan and Phoenix Berry of Ontario joined in a tender discussion from each of their generational perspectives. Rosanne is from the Baby Boomer generation and Phoenix is from Gen Z. 


We have moved into Season 3 of Inspire Me Forward with the title: Share YOUR Story. Staying open to receiving the stories that wish to be told.  Sharing journeys of life, love, and everything in between. 


Years Together offers a deep sense of connection, profound wisdom of the past, and a promise for the future in the here and now.  Instead of the common phrase of people being years apart, we wanted to bring generations together and have an intergenerational shared discussion. To talk about that which we have in common and that which is different. How we were brought up and how we grew up. What we know and what we have yet to learn. And the wisdom we have found along the way. 


We have entitled this episode: Generations Weaving Reflections


Rosanne (65) and Phoenix (22) shared their journeys through life thus far and each expressed the joys and the trials they went through growing up. This led us into a discussion of how they both found ways to cope with any challenges they faced. We spoke of family traditions steeped in generations past and how those evolved with the passage of time. Each finding their own way to make changes in those traditions while always honouring those we hold close. 


Both of my guests brought a question for each other. 

Phoenix posed the question: If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be and why?

Rosanne posed the question: What was one thing as a child/teen that you wanted to hear that would have made a significant impact on you?

Their answers will touch your heart and certainly have you asking yourself those same questions.


I added the question: What would you say to each other’s collective generation? Once again, check out their answers. Profound. 


Our time went so quickly and it is my hope we can continue to bring generations together to talk, learn, and grow in this ever-changing world.  To bring years together instead of experiencing years apart. 


Thank you, ladies, for a most powerful and heart-expanding discussion. Thank you for joining me in our Inspire Me Forward circle and offering your wisdom from your perspective. With the utmost of gratitude for your sharing and openness to offer your wisdom to the world.