Inspire Me Forward

Inspire Me Forward #25 The Soft Magic of Stories with Liz Lane

Lynda Season 3 Episode 25

Inspire Me Forward, Episode #25 The Soft Magic of Stories. My guest, Liz Lane from Wales joined me for an organic discussion on stories, softening, and the magic of life. It was chalked full of wit, wonder, and wisdom. And many reflective questions arose that we would all do well to sit with. 

Liz shared her journey and life with her horses on the wild hills of Wales.  She shared her travels and thirst for adventure. Out of that came question 1: What is it that gets me up in the morning? 

We then dove into talking about stories, those we are told and by whom, those that are handed down to us, those we tell ourselves, and those we have within us. We spoke about how all of those stories shape our individual lives. 

Next question: What is your story of softening? (I think this one is my favourite.)
Questions came from that question:
Who are you?
What is it that you are doing with this one precious life?
How do you show up and what do you bring when you do show up?
Where does the story expand from there?

That last question got us exploring the edges of our lives. Being with others and the comfort and safety that provides as well as standing at the edge of our communities and looking into the unknown, the possibilities.  We spoke about the, “co-creation of home beyond a familiar contained life.”

We spoke about “being held by life”. 

We then went to the horses, figuratively, and explored their magic that is most often beyond words. 
Another question then popped in, where is the story of the horse held?  I know I will sit with that one for a while. Liz offered some unique insight into the journey of the horse and the relationship we, humanity, have with them.  Summing it up, we must leave space for magic in our lives. 

So very much wisdom between all of the reflective questions. Get yourself a tea and sit with our conversation for a while. It will definitely have you considering your journey and Who you Are. 

Thank you, Liz, for a most powerful and heart-expanding discussion. Thank you for joining me in our Inspire Me Forward circle and sharing your wit, wisdom, and wonder. With the utmost gratitude for our conversation and your kind and gentle heart that offers the world a field of freedom to roam in. 

Keep sharing stories for, “the only thing you can change the world with is stories.” Anonymous

The Gene Keys by Richard Rudd, 

Liz’s Book Recommendations. Books where you can lose yourself as well as find yourself. 

Erin Morgenstern – The Night Circus and The Starless Sea