Inspire Me Forward

Inspire Me Forward Episode 26 Creating Joy Daily with Pamela L. Maynard PhD

Lynda Season 3 Episode 26

Inspire Me Forward, Episode #26 Creating Joy Daily. My guest, Pamela L. Maynard, PhD from North Dakota joined me for an evolving conversation full of life’s realities and wisdom for a healthy future. Nuggets of insight were brought forward that we would all do well to sit with. 

Pamela shared her journey through life and her path to a diagnosis of complex PTSD. This came as a relief as she had been searching for an answer all her life, where she belonged. Now she had something to work with and heal from. We spoke of her journey through healing thus far in her life. How she worked at breaking old patterns and moved away from generational expectations. She found her own prayer and is living a full life sharing her wisdom with others. Pamela spoke so fondly of how the horses have been her support and her community. We wrapped it all up with a discussion on joy and how we create it in our lives. There is so much wisdom in this hour we had together. I know you will find your nuggets of wisdom in the conversation. Here are a few that rang true for me:

·        Instead of looking for the grandiose we should be looking for the ‘glimpses’. The little moments that make your heart smile.

·        Faith and fear cannot co-exist. We spoke of joy and that ties into the space in faith. Joy and fear cannot co-exist in the same space at the same time. 

·        Take time to pick the berries. 


In the end we left you with a few reflective questions:

How are you finding your prayer?

What makes your heart smile?

How do we choose faith over fear?


Thank you Pamela for sharing your journey and your prayer with us all. _________________________________

Resources and Contact info:

Beyond Horse Training-Discover a New Path with Purpose for You & Your Horse

Facebook business page: Conscious Hoofbeat

Pamela’s email: 

Judith Roche Poetry

Pamela’s book recommendation:

The Heart of the Horse by Shelley Groom Trevor