Inspire Me Forward

Inspire Me Forward Episode 29 An Introduction to The Book of Realizations

Lynda Season 4 Episode 29

And just like that Episode #29 of Inspire Me Forward is in the books. With myself as host and guest I took some time to reflect on what The Book of Realizations is and what it holds. Thank you to to those that shared questions to assist in this episode having form and function. 

This book is:
A collection of thirty personal realizations gathered and supported by wisdom from the equine herd, nature and her intelligence, my fellow human travelers, and my own inner well of wisdom. They are articulated from the heart with a sense of raw authenticity and from a space of genuine positivity. One might say it is a set of authentic tools that will offer support on the journey forward and into the present moment. This book is about nature and her intelligence that is within and around us all. We have a reciprocal connection to everything and everyone. That is our nature. That is our home. This collection of guiding insights is a handbook to humanity's journey home. 

One of my favourite passages:

"There is space within each change we make and each realization we come to. It is like the pause between breaths or the moment between ebb and flow. We find a space in the presence of transformation and change, as well as between a yes and a no. Those are the spaces of possibilities where creative ideas are just out of sight and realizations are waiting to be found. I wish for you to invite curiousity into those moments, an inquisitiveness that calls in your own knowing and wisdom. Each realization you come to is there for you to navigate this journey through life with greater ease and deeper understanding. All that you need to know is within you. You simply need to offer that knowing a door to walk through and a gentle spot to land. This human journey can be filled with the greatest love and the brightest beacons to carry us along our path. We are offered this space with every breath and heartbeat, with every moment of movement and every minute of stillness. This is the magical space in between. All one needs to do is breathe in ~ hold ~ breathe out ~ hold, to find it. It is there, between the in and the out. Make that space sacred as well. That is what I wish for you, for all of us."

From Realization #30 Make it ALL Sacred

Here you can find details on the book and card deck including how to order them as well as full articles and editions of Equine Leadership magazine.
Details on ordering Short Stories for a Long Life and World Sanctuary

Erin Morgenstern's The Starless Sea and The Night Circus

My first favourite book:  Hailstones and Halibut Bones