Inspire Me Forward

Inspire Me Forward Episode 32 Panel Discussion The Life of Death

Lynda Season 4 Episode 32

This was the first of two panel discussion we are hosting on Inspire Me Forward entitled: The Life of Death

Life and Death, A Celebration of Life, A Living Funeral, The Cycle of Life, Transitioning or Crossing Over. They all include two things. The living and those that have passed or are passing. Yet, we tend to only speak of the living part. The dying part has been put in a corner for far too long. So, WE are going to talk about it all. The Life of Death. What space do each hold in that cycle of life? How do we hold space for the living and the dying? How do we process it all? 

I offer such deep gratitude for our panel: Pat Hutchinson, Tina Turner, and Pamela L. Maynard, PhD. 

So much wisdom and heart in the stories told and the experience shared.

I will leave you, dear ones, to find your own inspiration within the words and the heart of all that was said.

Here is contact information for our panelists:

Pamela L. Maynard, PhD: Sacred End of Life Care for Horses, Cats, Dogs, and other SoulMate Animals

Pat Hutchinson: 

Tina Turner:

I shared a piece at the beginning of the episode and leave it here for you.

The Life of Death

Similar to our lived experience, dying is different for all.
Some travel quickly with goodbyes having to be shared across realms.  
Some are afforded time. Moments to embrace loved ones and travel slowly to that new world.
The idea of leaving this world holds as many different levels of emotion in it as humans that face it.
The continuum of emotion from fear to love is vast and well-travelled.

With all that variance, there is one constant. The living.
Whether the moment one crosses over is spent alone or with loved ones around there is always an element of living involved in dying.
For them the continuum of emotions is vast and infinite as well. 
From fear to sadness to shame to anger to love. And every feeling in between. 
Each has a possibility of standing in the space of the loss of a loved one. 

For those who have passed and those who live on, and for the feelings that find space for expression, 
At the bottom of that experience, love is found. 
Rooted in our deepest hearts and waiting in our patient souls. 
We find the bond that connects us to our dear one.
We send them on their journeys across time and space with a loving heart. 
The life of death is a sacred road. 
Travel well sweet souls. 

Lynda J Watson