Confident Bombshells

Heed The Call To Lead

February 21, 2024 Angie Lyngso and Emily Mitchell
Heed The Call To Lead
Confident Bombshells
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Confident Bombshells
Heed The Call To Lead
Feb 21, 2024
Angie Lyngso and Emily Mitchell

Regaining control over our health and fitness isn't just about physical vitality. It's about taking the lead, reclaiming our identity, and empowering ourselves to shape our destinies. When we take the lead in our lives, we are investing in our physical, emotional, and mental health. Taking the lead in our health and fitness offers a roadmap to regaining our identity and planning our lives with intention, enabling us to reconnect with our authentic selves and shape our existence according to our deepest aspirations. It’s all about breaking free from old patterns, exploring new avenues for growth, doing things differently, and igniting our transformation and empowerment. Heeding the call from within to lead your life is the key to unlocking the door to rediscovering your true identity and crafting a life guided by intention and purpose in any area, whether that is in health, fitness, meditation, or nutrition.

Join us in this episode with Justin as he shares his journey of resilience and reinvention, from the adrenaline-fueled skies of combat to the tranquil realms of holistic health and mindfulness. Justin is an experienced leadership coach committed to making a difference in the world, beginning with influential leaders in positions to effect change. His diverse professional background includes co-founding several startups in the non-profit and security sectors and leading in various marketing, operations, and analytic roles. Additionally, he is a 24-year United States Marine Corps veteran, formerly an A -H -1 whiskey or Zulu, an upgraded model TAC helicopter pilot. With a combination of 1,100 combat fight hours, Justin has traded his love for the skies for the passion to support transformational change for those who heed the call to lead.

Tune in!

Key Highlights from the Show

[00:01] Intro and a quick bio of our guest, Justin

[03:12] Justin's backstory and how he got to where he is today 

[12:42] How combat affected Justin's emotional life and relationships 

[14:27] Loss of identity and the neural science part of our bodies  

[18:36] Justin’s health journey and what changed for him 

[26:28] Investing in your nutrition, emotional and mental health

[27:52] Regaining your identity by taking back control of your health 

[30:47] Meditation and why Yoga Nidra has been a game changer for Justin

[32:06] Justin’s routine that keeps him in a state of calmness, focus, and intentionality

[34:00] Rediscovering your identity and Justin's pivot to leadership 

[38:30] Adaptability and flexibility in identity and planning 

[44:07] Key takeaway from Justin on self-reflection for the listener 

[46:43] What fills Justin's cups every single day

[49:04] How to reach out and learn more about Justin

[49:46] Wrap-up and end of the show 

Notable Quotes 

  • You can have the most performing aircraft out there, your body, but if you are not maintaining it very well, not treating it right, and doing the maintenance required to keep it running, eventually, it will break down. - (18:43)
  • No plan survives first contact, but we plan because it’s the active planning that makes the difference, not the actual plan. - (38:55)
  • Change from outcome-based habits to identity habits; identity is long-lasting. - (45:05)

Let’s Connect

Learn the Angie Method Here -

Show Notes

Regaining control over our health and fitness isn't just about physical vitality. It's about taking the lead, reclaiming our identity, and empowering ourselves to shape our destinies. When we take the lead in our lives, we are investing in our physical, emotional, and mental health. Taking the lead in our health and fitness offers a roadmap to regaining our identity and planning our lives with intention, enabling us to reconnect with our authentic selves and shape our existence according to our deepest aspirations. It’s all about breaking free from old patterns, exploring new avenues for growth, doing things differently, and igniting our transformation and empowerment. Heeding the call from within to lead your life is the key to unlocking the door to rediscovering your true identity and crafting a life guided by intention and purpose in any area, whether that is in health, fitness, meditation, or nutrition.

Join us in this episode with Justin as he shares his journey of resilience and reinvention, from the adrenaline-fueled skies of combat to the tranquil realms of holistic health and mindfulness. Justin is an experienced leadership coach committed to making a difference in the world, beginning with influential leaders in positions to effect change. His diverse professional background includes co-founding several startups in the non-profit and security sectors and leading in various marketing, operations, and analytic roles. Additionally, he is a 24-year United States Marine Corps veteran, formerly an A -H -1 whiskey or Zulu, an upgraded model TAC helicopter pilot. With a combination of 1,100 combat fight hours, Justin has traded his love for the skies for the passion to support transformational change for those who heed the call to lead.

Tune in!

Key Highlights from the Show

[00:01] Intro and a quick bio of our guest, Justin

[03:12] Justin's backstory and how he got to where he is today 

[12:42] How combat affected Justin's emotional life and relationships 

[14:27] Loss of identity and the neural science part of our bodies  

[18:36] Justin’s health journey and what changed for him 

[26:28] Investing in your nutrition, emotional and mental health

[27:52] Regaining your identity by taking back control of your health 

[30:47] Meditation and why Yoga Nidra has been a game changer for Justin

[32:06] Justin’s routine that keeps him in a state of calmness, focus, and intentionality

[34:00] Rediscovering your identity and Justin's pivot to leadership 

[38:30] Adaptability and flexibility in identity and planning 

[44:07] Key takeaway from Justin on self-reflection for the listener 

[46:43] What fills Justin's cups every single day

[49:04] How to reach out and learn more about Justin

[49:46] Wrap-up and end of the show 

Notable Quotes 

  • You can have the most performing aircraft out there, your body, but if you are not maintaining it very well, not treating it right, and doing the maintenance required to keep it running, eventually, it will break down. - (18:43)
  • No plan survives first contact, but we plan because it’s the active planning that makes the difference, not the actual plan. - (38:55)
  • Change from outcome-based habits to identity habits; identity is long-lasting. - (45:05)

Let’s Connect

Learn the Angie Method Here -