Millionaire Mompreneur Project

5 Common Marketing Mistakes Keeping You and 98% of All Online Marketers From Making Money With Your Digital Products

Season 1 Episode 8

Did you know that only 2% of all online marketers will every become financially free making over 6-figures?

In this episode, we'll cover the 5 most common marketing mistakes (and how to avoid making them yourself) that are keeping 98% of hopeful entrepreneurs stuck so YOU can cross over the 6-figure mark.

Spoiler alert - this episode is like a full blown marketing training!

In this episode, we cover:

- which is better, marketing to the solution or problem your dream customer/client has...
- the 2 main things you must be doing to stand out online as a leader (even if you're just beginning)...
- what the human brain needs to hear to consider someone or something as worth investing in...
- a misleading niche strategy a well known online "expert" says is ok to do but statistics prove is really bad advice...
- the Instagram algorithm stat that you'll be so glad you finally know even though it annoys you...
- why copy and paste marketing templates from an "expert" won't get you more sales...
- the type of content responsible for over 80% of all online sales...
- the type of marketing content that alienates customers/clients...

Resources & Links:

- 200+ Profitable-Purpose Digital Product Ideas (FREE)
- 7 Days Viral Content Prompts (FREE)
- Digital Product Kickstarter
- IG Growth & Sales
- RUSH Revolution Book
- WIN Circle Software Trial

Be sure to hit follow and subscribe so you never miss an episode!

Connect with Jessie on Instagram @jessiebouton