Uncut Demeanor Podcast

INTRO | Welcome to the Uncut Demeanor Podcast

February 01, 2024 Steven Long
INTRO | Welcome to the Uncut Demeanor Podcast
Uncut Demeanor Podcast
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Uncut Demeanor Podcast
INTRO | Welcome to the Uncut Demeanor Podcast
Feb 01, 2024
Steven Long

Welcome to Uncut Demeanor podcast!! Where we will be discussing adversity on all levels and different perspectives. Thank you for listening! And hey, don’t miss out on our official launch of the very first episode! On February 5th! 








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Show Notes Transcript

Welcome to Uncut Demeanor podcast!! Where we will be discussing adversity on all levels and different perspectives. Thank you for listening! And hey, don’t miss out on our official launch of the very first episode! On February 5th! 








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Uncut Demeanor Intro - 2-1-24.wav


Welcome to uncut demeanor. The podcast my name is Stephen Long and I have the pleasure and the honor of being the host and the Co founder of this podcast.  We are going to be talking about a lot of different things, but one of the main things that we will be discussing on this podcast. Is going to be adversity. 

In the Bible, there's an amazing verse that I absolutely love in the book of James is chapter one, verses 2 through 8 and it says consider it pure joy.

 My brothers and sisters, when you face trials of many kinds for the testing of your faith produces perseverance that you may be complete. And lacking nothing. And that is just an amazing verse, especially when we're talking about adversity, because adversity comes to knock you down. Adversity comes to really put you on your behind and just be like, hey, look, I can't do it right. But when you start to consider it pure joy when you start to. Confess gratitude in every situation, right? Things start to change.

 You can't be grateful and miserable at the same time. It's just impossible. You can't do it, right? So we're going to discuss on how we go through adversity. How we withstand the storms and face them head on with the strength of God through the power of prayer through the power of worship and just really getting into everything that God has for us. Because everything that we go through is building our testimony. 

And it's building the strength, the discipline and the endurance that we will need to run this marathon. I was going to say race, but no, it's a marathon. When we are with God, we are on a marathon. It is a journey and that does not stop. Right. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you for coming and joining me on this journey. And it is going to be amazing, a little bit about me. I'm 33 years old. I currently reside in Baltimore, MD.

I have a six year old son and I've been through. Many, many different trials and tribulations throughout my life. I have been through being homeless on and off since I was 12 years old. My parents were hooked on drugs. 

I just there was a lot of things that I went through that I should have never went through right, but I had to go through and that was God building my testimony. That was God's building. The strength inside of me that I could not do by myself, but each and every trial and tribulation that I faced literally has built me into the man that he has called me to be to. 

Day and I am still on a journey, still chasing purpose, still chasing the destiny that he has for me. So look, I just want to see you at your best and at your best is going to be and the purpose and the plan that God has for you. That's why in Jeremiah 2911 he says. For I know the plans I have for your life, declares the Lord plans to prosper. You not to harm you, but to give you hope in the future.

 So all those little pieces of adversity that you went through, all those trials and tribulations, you went through, that wasn't to harm you. That was to build you for the future, that he has already promised you because he knew you before you were even formed in your mother's. Womb. Right before you would even thought about God thought about you first and foremost, and so listen, this is going to be an amazing journey. I I cannot wait. There is going to be different guests that come on here and they're going to speak their perspective on different levels of adversity.

 There's going to be me myself, who is talking about everything that I've been through, right, and how I've came overcame it through the power of God. So I just want to. Thank you for being on here and in this first episode that we're getting ready to jump in soon is going to be about planting the seed, right? And why are we talking about planting the seed? Because what happens during planting the seed? I'll give you a little snippet right when you plant the seed and it goes under the ground. 

What does it first do? The shell brakes and then it starts to expand underneath the ground to build a foundation. Now I'm gonna leave you all right there, because in that episode we going to really break that down and we really going to talk about that. But thank you for coming. Thank you. For being here, this is just the introduction. We are just getting started, not even touching the tip of the iceberg yet. Right. It's about to get. This is uncut demeanor of the podcast.

 We going get raw, we go get uncut and it's going to be like you've never seen it before. So look, I love y'all, and I'm gonna holler at y'all in the next episode. Make sure you come. Get this word peace.

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