Winning Edge
#3 Poverty or Partnership Mindset
May 10, 2023
Commonwealth Partners
- Mother Teresa, despite working with the poor, didn't have a poverty mindset when fundraising
- She would sit in first class to raise thousands more than the ticket cost
- The poverty mindset involves negative thoughts about fundraising, such as:
- Feeling unworthy of donations
- Thinking you're interrupting donors
- Believing donors won't give if asked
- Effective fundraisers adopt the Partnership Mindset instead
- In the Partnership Mindset, both the donor and candidate are equal partners working together for change
- Identify where you might have the Poverty Mindset and reframe it through the Partnership Mindset
- Remember, donors want to see you succeed and make a difference
- Embrace the Partnership Mindset, make the ask, and give yourself the winning edge
For more insights, check out the accompanying one-page PDF.
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