The Daniel And Jordan Show

Navigating Seasons of Change: Embracing Life, Love, and Creative Collaboration

February 22, 2024 Daniel & Jordan Season 1 Episode 2
Navigating Seasons of Change: Embracing Life, Love, and Creative Collaboration
The Daniel And Jordan Show
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The Daniel And Jordan Show
Navigating Seasons of Change: Embracing Life, Love, and Creative Collaboration
Feb 22, 2024 Season 1 Episode 2
Daniel & Jordan

As the seasons weave their ever-changing patterns, I often find myself caught between the nostalgia of snow-frosted memories and a yearning for the energetic embrace of summer. Join us for a heartfelt conversation about how seasonal shifts and climate change intertwine with our lives, where we reminisce about youthful snowball fights and debate the allure of autumn's crispness against the zest of summer. We'll also ponder the deeper implications of these changes on our environment and personal perspectives, inviting you to reflect on your own connections to the world around you.

Embarking on the path to financial stability and adult responsibilities can feel like a daunting trek, but with a pinch of planning and a dash of dedication, the view from the summit is extraordinary. I'm excited to share my own quest for order, from the humble beginnings of budgeting to the grand dream of a destination wedding. Together with my fiancée, we navigate the delicate dance of savoring the joys of life while juggling the demands that come with growing up. We'll discuss how shared goals can strengthen relationships and how personal accountability can lead to a more fulfilling existence.

Every creative journey comes with its peaks and valleys, and in this episode, we explore the power of collaboration and the importance of maintaining momentum in life's endeavors. Whether it's overcoming the creative block in songwriting or finding inspiration through networking, we examine how connecting with others can ignite a spark that fuels success. Plus, I'll offer a sneak peek into the art of crafting a show outro that leaves a lasting impact, ensuring that each episode ends on a note that resonates with you, our listeners. Join us as we share stories and strategies that aim to inspire your own journey towards growth and creativity.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

As the seasons weave their ever-changing patterns, I often find myself caught between the nostalgia of snow-frosted memories and a yearning for the energetic embrace of summer. Join us for a heartfelt conversation about how seasonal shifts and climate change intertwine with our lives, where we reminisce about youthful snowball fights and debate the allure of autumn's crispness against the zest of summer. We'll also ponder the deeper implications of these changes on our environment and personal perspectives, inviting you to reflect on your own connections to the world around you.

Embarking on the path to financial stability and adult responsibilities can feel like a daunting trek, but with a pinch of planning and a dash of dedication, the view from the summit is extraordinary. I'm excited to share my own quest for order, from the humble beginnings of budgeting to the grand dream of a destination wedding. Together with my fiancée, we navigate the delicate dance of savoring the joys of life while juggling the demands that come with growing up. We'll discuss how shared goals can strengthen relationships and how personal accountability can lead to a more fulfilling existence.

Every creative journey comes with its peaks and valleys, and in this episode, we explore the power of collaboration and the importance of maintaining momentum in life's endeavors. Whether it's overcoming the creative block in songwriting or finding inspiration through networking, we examine how connecting with others can ignite a spark that fuels success. Plus, I'll offer a sneak peek into the art of crafting a show outro that leaves a lasting impact, ensuring that each episode ends on a note that resonates with you, our listeners. Join us as we share stories and strategies that aim to inspire your own journey towards growth and creativity.

Daniel Lawson
Hey everybody, I'm Daniel and I'm Jordan, and we're Daniel and. 

Jordan and this is the next episode. We'll call this the second episode. Second episode yeah, and my voice. I'm just gonna be straight up honest with you. My voice sounds a little funny. It's not like you've been working hard. You know. This is the strange thing, like whenever my voice goes as deep as it goes. I wish that I talked like this all the time. Yeah, you know, I could see that, because it's only when I'm sick is that's the deepest my voice has ever been, and I'm 33 years old. You know, it's never like oh, you know, even talking on the phone, they're like yes, ma'am. Now they're gonna be like yes, sir, you know, that's a dream for me. 

Jordan Hunter
You know I go through drive-thrus order food McDonald's. Do they still call you? They still call me ma'am. 

Daniel Lawson
yeah, dude every single time. And see, that's why I was always trained to just say thank you, not thank you sir, thank you, ma'am. And then a woman pulls up with biceps and tattoos. 

Jordan Hunter
In your case it's a little different. 

Daniel Lawson
They still think I'm a chick when I pull up to the window usually, but this is episode two of Daniel and Jordan. And yeah, man, it's been good. It's been real cold, though, you know it's freezing and boiling green Dude. I think. Do you feel like the seasons are changing? 

Jordan Hunter
a little bit. They're getting, they're one way and one the other way. Huh, I mean, it's like in the single digits today, I think. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, my buddy messaged me. He was like motocrossing or something and he like In this weather. Yes, like four-wheel driving, four-wheeler, oh okay, like it was a race, though like there was a ton of kids, but that was fun and negative. Three is what it was when they started this morning. 

Jordan Hunter
Gee, I guess with the wind, chill and stuff, oh my God, but they're on ice or something like that. Do they get to slide around? 

Daniel Lawson
or something like that I mean they're on a four-wheeler On the snow, I guess. 

Jordan Hunter
That would suck. That's fine in a way, yeah, but I'm not doing it. 

Daniel Lawson
I can't like, once my toes get cold and my hands get cold, I'm like I maintenance, I can't do it. I'm like give me the fire, give me some toe warmers or something, because I can't do it. But yeah, I feel like the seasons are changing like you know, kind of like how we change, you know tornadoes, dude it's weird in December. 

Jordan Hunter
Tornadoes and we're freezing. Cold Winners are brutal now, and then you get to the summer and it's just. 

Daniel Lawson
And the winners usually hit, like usually, february. Like I remember, february was like the coldest part of the year for us. It was predictable, yeah. 

Jordan Hunter
And now it's. I don't know when it's going to be cold. I don't know when it's like I think later this week it turns back up into the fifties. It's so weird, it's hard to manage. 

Daniel Lawson
What causes that? What do you think causes that? Is it global warming? 

Jordan Hunter
I mean, I would assume it's some type of climate change thing that's happening. People say though I guess it's always been kind of like this, so like it just happens to be like that, but you think it's just because we're older, we're paying it like we're paying more attention to the weather now. 

I think a little bit, because we had that really bad tornado a couple years back that everyone's a little bit more on the edge to where anytime anything happens, I think we're much more just prone to be a little more scared and think that this might be really bad, because this snow like as bad as it was, it wasn't anything bad, really at all. 

Daniel Lawson
I mean, I remember in nine, I think it was 98. Yeah, we had a severe ice storm here. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, like power outages everywhere. Yeah, and there wasn't many power outages here lately. Yeah, we all were out. It was only for like a night and it came back on like two hours later. 

Daniel Lawson
So did you like playing the snow when you was a kid? Playing the snow? Yeah, I had brothers. 

Jordan Hunter
So you know, brothers, I could bully, so I had a little sister and we were both like little girls. 

Daniel Lawson
So you know, we just We'll stay in. What's the stance side today? 

Jordan Hunter
and drink my cocoa, you big snow fan. 

Daniel Lawson
I do like it if I dress the part. I guess. Yeah it's like I said once my feet get cold, dude it's, it's a wrap. I'm packing it up. 

Jordan Hunter
There is way worse than hot weather in that sense. 

Daniel Lawson
Yes, like. 

Jordan Hunter
I can get on the heat and drip some sweat and just think, at least I'm losing some weight. Yeah, the cold, yeah it's just cold. 

Daniel Lawson
It's just cold. Stop moving Like there's no point. 

Jordan Hunter
I just curl up and die. 

Daniel Lawson
Do you prefer cold or warm, like what's your favorite time of year? 

Jordan Hunter
Favorite time of the year, I mean the one summer first hits. But I hate summer by the time. 

Daniel Lawson
I just think I don't like too much of anything, I just want to find that happy medium and just, I love fall, but I love the, the sun of summer, so if we could take falls aesthetic feel. Yeah you know, but the summer looks, yeah, like keep, keep the trees green. 

Jordan Hunter
Oh, you like the feel like the cool breeze yeah. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, the temperature fall, temperature mixed with summer yeah, perfect. 

Jordan Hunter
The look of, like the promise. I think falls become like so short, like it's just like a couple weeks where it's like that's what fall looks like, and then it's just like dead of winter. Yeah next couple weeks after that. 

Daniel Lawson
That's how it is, dude. It's correct and I think it's cause, like you said, some kind of climate change, global warming, the polar bear pissed on the iceberg, or something. 

Jordan Hunter
I don't know what's going on, but something is definitely going on at north. Yeah, we're not smart enough to figure that out, so I guess we're just here until we get destroyed, elon. 

Daniel Lawson
I need you to give us some answers, brother. What else you got going on this week? 

Jordan Hunter
Well, I had a big week of it's time for some changes. I believe in my life. Like well, girl friends, switching to boyfriends. 

Daniel Lawson
I mean, what kind of changes? We talking Jordan? 

Jordan Hunter
I'm coming out to the world at this point as an irresponsible adult, gotcha, and I think that it's time for me to become a responsible person and realize the things in my life that I have been irresponsible about. And yeah, where do you? Where do you start, though? Well, it helped that I had my fiance helped me. 

Daniel Lawson
Usually that's what it's always a woman, right? Whitney was like Daniel, you need to straighten your shit up. 

Jordan Hunter
And you don't realize all this stuff that you are. And I don't know if that's being a man, I don't know if that's just who I am as a person, but I can, all I'm a one track mind and out of sight, out of mind, and responsibilities aren't fun and it's easy to turn a blind eye to all of those things like your health and all these things can pile up to just a ton of things that stress you out so much that you don't want to do anything. You just feel, not hopeless necessarily, but, just like you know, not energetic to get things done, yeah, and but ultimately you know, I think, that through the struggle that you, there is a lot of good in doing things that you don't want to do. I think that the more you do things you don't want to do, the easier they become and the easier it is to have a life that you actually want in the future. 

And that is, sacrificing the now. 

Daniel Lawson

Jordan Hunter
The later. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, I feel like there's time, I guess it's there's times where people will say or Whitney, when I say people, I mean my wife, is like I'm irresponsible. It's not that I'm irresponsible, it's just I'm really not focusing on the responsiveness, I guess. Or it's just like I'm just so go with the flow kind of guy. Life is too short. 

Jordan Hunter
So there is a portion of that that you have to have, that you have to have. Do you have to enjoy life? It's not all like I'm just here to pay bills until I die. 

Daniel Lawson
And which is a worry People. So yeah, yeah. 

Jordan Hunter
You have to have joy, and then there's a but, there's a balance, yeah, and that I think it's really hard to honestly be an extremely hard working person and also just truly enjoy doing the things you're doing in that moment. 

Daniel Lawson
Mm, hmm, so you were talking about before we started the show. You was telling me that one of the things you did is start a budget. We started a budget. That's awesome Congratulations, thank you, this is great. 

Jordan Hunter
My first budget, I mean, and how old are we? I'm 33. 

Daniel Lawson
It's never too late. 

Jordan Hunter
I don't know We'll find out in a couple of years, and I'll tell you right now. Looking at that budget, it felt like it's pretty late Darn. So have. 

We have a plan now, you know and Katie and I, we've decided we're going to get married now. It is later than we want, but at least we have had a conversation about when in 2026, I think we're going to actually go to Thailand and do that, and we think we've given us enough time frame to save up the money. It just is much more realistic. We've visualized, we planned out what we're going to do, and now we can adjust those plans how we want. 

But at least now we don't have expectations of well, we should have got married this year, we should have got then we actually have a plan set in place to get that stuff done and to buy a house at some point and all these other goals that we actually do want to hit. And there are things that maybe I didn't think about that much because I, you know, I think about my music stuff so much, but those are things she wants to do and in a partnership that's what you have to do. I think you have to make that sacrifice, you know, I have to think about those things for her so she can achieve things in her life and she can be happy, and then I can be happy, and then you know, yeah, the circuit, the wheel just keeps spinning. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, yeah, I think that's important. You know, a lot of people do rush into certain things, especially men. You know, what I mean. Like we're the first to say, like I'll marry you tomorrow. Yeah, or at least I am. You know what I mean I'll date you tomorrow? 

It's like, hey, you dump you the next, but we're dating now. Hey, go get your stuff, come on, move on in. You know, and you know people and couples, just do rush Things, whether that's that first stage of getting together or, like you said, marriage, and not fully thinking about the cost of stuff, cause, dude, it's 2024 now. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, stuff is expensive, yeah, and it not only that like. It's just, I think more and more there's so many things that are popping up that we pay for that we think are necessity. It's just like, like all the subscriptions, oh I mean that piles up into. It's pretty crazy how much you're spending on just subscriptions on the, and some of them are like needs to like for your job or something like that. But a lot of the times we just feel like we need to have Hulu and Netflix, Right you? 

Daniel Lawson
know we're really like we have both and I'm trying to like when's the last time I've watched anything? Yeah Right, you know we have kids, so I mean they got to have it, but I can't think of anything that. I mean I don't have enough time to just be like didn't have phones. 

Jordan Hunter
They didn't have TVs, they didn't have all these things that we feel like is a need that, simultaneously, isn't giving us anything back in return more than just pleasure. Yeah, but pleasure is easy to come by nowadays. Yeah, it is. I mean, you can stick me in a room by myself and I'll figure it out. Oh, I'll be pleasure at some point. 

Daniel Lawson
So what's the next steps? Like as far as your budget goes, how was that? Like what was y'all's process? Because you said it does take two. Like was y'all pretty compliant on certain things? 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, you got inner strengths right and mine is not. I don't even know where to really get started with all that, because it kind of is all too overwhelming. That's like oh yeah, for me to like straighten all that out in my mind, I feel like it would take me a full week of focus. Just focusing for a week sounds hard for me, and so she's just really that's. 

Daniel Lawson
She's good, that's what she's good at. Yeah, that's how Whitney is, because if you told me to pay my electric bill today, I'd be like OK, who do I pay? Yeah like, when's the last time I paid a bill with? I've? Never, probably when I was single. Yeah, yeah. When I only had two or three. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, right, and in and us. It's like you tell us to pay it. It's like, well, ok, right now you told me to do that, I'll go do it. Right now I'll knock it out. 

Daniel Lawson

Jordan Hunter
But if anything is like in the way right now, I can't do it right now. In 30 minutes I might. My mind might be on something else that I'm working on in my head. I was never good at that, yeah. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, it's, it's hard. 

Jordan Hunter
No budgets, not I mean my bills got paid, but they was probably late a day or two, you know, yeah, um, but you also need to accept, like the fees, right You're? 

Daniel Lawson
like I'll pay the fee. Yeah, just a little bit, Two bucks. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, for me to not have to think about it, I'll pay the two bucks. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, I'm glad I you know women. Women are a different breed when it comes to that, because I could not do it. I'm glad she can. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, there's men out there who can do it, not us, but definitely not us. There are people out there who have strengths and people have weaknesses, and you can somehow figure the combination of the two people who don't do it, though, get together. 

Daniel Lawson
Oh, dude, it's automatic failure and they're married at that point. Dude, buckle up. We'll say a short prayer after this oh yeah, yeah. Do you know anybody like that? 

Jordan Hunter
I feel like I've seen on TV constantly. Oh man. 

Daniel Lawson
I know people I could name off a couple in Kentucky yeah. 

Jordan Hunter
Kentucky, it's everywhere. Honestly it's a majority. I don't most argue that and I mean I could argue I could fall into that category without Kani. I could have easily. I could have easily fall into one of those if I got with the wrong person. 

Daniel Lawson
And here's the advice of the day Ask your mom. Mom's always know Seriously, if your mom says that's a good one, that's a keeper. For some reason, I don't know, they have a special power. But my mom said it about Whitney, I'm sure your mom said it about Kani like so just put a ring on it. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, but yeah, your parents know you and they know what you need it's so weird. They know you need management in a certain area of your life and if someone can bring that stability to you, they can point that out for you. Oh, 100%. 

Daniel Lawson
My mom's been right about 99% of the time with my relationships, even in the past. She's like she's Daniel, you better watch out. Or Daniel, that's a keeper, or Daniel, don't break her heart. And sure enough, she's exactly right. Yeah, what else is changing? So we're making grown up decisions now. 

Jordan Hunter

Daniel Lawson
How about just feeling 30,? Dude Like, how do you feel now that I mean, we're the same age, we're 33. Right, are we the same? 

Jordan Hunter
age 30, yeah, 33. Yeah, 33. Yeah 34. 

Daniel Lawson
Yours is May, right yeah? May 10th, june, june 10th yeah, that's right, that's how I only remember your birthday. It's the same day, just different month. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, it seems like you just blinked and it was like I was 28, and I blinked and I'm 33. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, I just wished you happy birthday and now you're. Now we're it's January. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, yeah, I can't believe people keep up with everyone's birthdays and wish your birthday. 

Daniel Lawson
Thank God for Facebook reminding your ass. Like, hey, it's Jordan's birthday today. Like, honestly, I don't remember hardly anybody's birthday. There's very select few. One witness cause hers is four days before mine. Cause she'll be mad if you don't, and she'll be pissed. Yeah, years, cause it's the same day, just a different month. Yeah. My sisters cause it's the same month but we're like three or four days apart, or no hers is the 14th, mine's the 10th. 

Jordan Hunter
I had to ask K&E to be my girlfriend on. I was wanting to ask for a certain day and I it was in January and I was like you know what I'll wait till the 23rd, because the 23rd is Michael Jordan's number and he's the number. He's the goat number one. I can always remember 123. That is true, or 123.? 

Daniel Lawson
Well, I got a key chain on my keys that tells me mine. So, whitney's like, here I'll, just I'll get you something that way, you know Cause I'm like when did we start dating? When did we get married? People ask I'm like I don't know, it's been a little bit ago. 

Jordan Hunter
I mean people have to be geniuses to have all that information in their head. 

Daniel Lawson
I mean you gotta know birthdays, phone numbers, social security code, a password, password at work. I mean there's so much stuff that you gotta remember there's no way. 

Jordan Hunter
The only number I can remember is my dead dads. Really that's a little strange Only because it's kinda close to my number. 

Daniel Lawson
Just 9-1-1. 

Jordan Hunter
I mean, that's imprinted in my skull, but Sometimes my numbers are close to my dads and you know like those, like scammers are tagging a big group message. Oh yeah, it's me and my dad. 

Daniel Lawson
Get a message from him in there. That's so funny. So y'all is the same number, just one separate. It's like a couple numbers separate. 

Jordan Hunter
That's so funny. You've had the same number for years? Yeah, my change maybe Isn't it like seven, nine something. I don't have stalkers. 

Daniel Lawson
I would have had to change mine by now. I've had a couple stalkers in my life but on top of change, like just even being 33, what I was saying is like I just wore down. I feel like I'm more down. I'm on testosterone pellets, you know, in the hip, but I'm due and I can definitely tell, because at a certain age your testosterone drops. 

Jordan Hunter
Do you think you're what? Do you think you think you're like getting burnt out? 

Daniel Lawson
or something. 

Jordan Hunter
So, um physically burnt out, or is it? 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, it's just like my energy level, you know, not mentally, just physically. I feel like I just harder to get up in the morning, yeah, a little harder to get up, um, don't last as long at night. Like staying you know, staying up is what I'm talking about no, like staying awake I should have said that, not staying up, right. But uh, no, seriously, um, just like just the fatigue, like just, and maybe just because I'm thinking about it more now and I've been sick for this past week or so, but I just feel just less energy. I'm not sleeping as good, and that's how I can tell like I'm I'm overdue one because I missed my appointment last month, so I have to go um in February because they're all out, but I just feel like so you miss the month? 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, that might. I mean that plays a role, right yeah? 

Daniel Lawson
And you just, I mean, it's not like you just get the superhuman ability, but you just feel good, like, but if you're used to, it, you miss it, you can tell. Yeah, you know, you can just like missing your coffee the next day, exactly, you get a headache because you don't have the caffeine. Yeah, your body just knows, man, your body's crazy. And um, yeah, I'm ready to go get inserted because, uh, I'm lacking and I feel it. 

Jordan Hunter
You know I've got a new burst of energy since I've uh started the wake up call. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, that's good, yeah, it's a good, yeah, it's you know. 

Jordan Hunter
I've been listening to like some podcasts about just like kind of keeping your motivation going, and one thing that's kind of helped me in my mind is is you have to be more afraid of let me get this right, no, no, I feel like I'm going to mess it up you got to be more afraid of what happens if you don't do something than if you do do something. And you know and this in this case it was more music, so it's talking about like you need to be more afraid of what happens if you never release a song than if you do release it and it's not as good as you thought it would be, and people think something like that, and that you can apply that to a lot of things in life where what's holding you back from getting something done. You got to be more afraid of if you don't do that, what? 

Daniel Lawson
what it's going to happen, and I think it's almost like self doubt. Yeah, you know what I mean. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, Well, we're just being too hard on yourself for perfectionists, all those things can hold you back or you know, just being scared of like trying that can be. It is hard to try, is scary to think that like I could try all this effort and it not be worth it. But if you think about not doing things, is that really worth it too? I mean because that's a predictable outcome If you don't do things you can really know you'll be exactly where you're at right now If you don't do something. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah it's called I think I'm starting called it insanity, like if you keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result, yeah, it's never going to happen. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, exactly the more you have to. 

Daniel Lawson
you got to change it and you got to just do it. Nike says it just do it you know what I mean. Yeah, you just have to take that jump, whether it's with a job, with a relationship. I mean, if you don't do it, you don't know. Yeah, you know, and that's why I'm pushing my podcast. I'm pushing it because I'm like I don't know if it's going to be the next thing for me, unless I just focus all my attention and energy on it. You know what I mean. 

Jordan Hunter
And you would never know, unless you actually really do it. 

Daniel Lawson
And we would have never known if this would be a good podcast, if we just didn't. You know what Jordan messaged me this week? He was like I'm feeling in grind mode, baby, let's do it. 

Jordan Hunter
Let's record I've never been in grind mode. 

Daniel Lawson
Yes, daddy. 

Jordan Hunter
Well, that's me. The word of the week is trajectory and I think if you can look at your trajectory, where are you headed? And that's a little bit of like planning for the future, right, but you need to look at where are you headed if you keep doing what you're doing today and if that is a if you're going you went to the gym today well, you could look at that as a trajectory that well, in three months I'm going to look better, I'm going to feel healthier. If you didn't go to the gym today and you were wanting that, it's a pretty easy trajectory to look at and say, well, you're not going to be in shape in three months because you're not going to the gym. And you can apply that to all things in life. What are you wanting to achieve? And look at the trajectory of what you're doing and stop thinking about the outcome of it, because it's not going to be exactly how you picture it anyways whatever it is where you want to be but it will be more than what you have now. 

regardless, It'll be at least knowledge of what to do next time. 

Daniel Lawson
Yep, 100% agree with that. Yeah, it's always about looking ahead. Don't look in the rear view mirror until you've already passed that point and then you can look back and say what can I change to do better? Yeah, you know what I mean. That I feel like I've done a lot of that within this past year is constantly looking ahead to seeing what I could do different. Yeah, and as far as taking the jump was to even just starting a podcast, because I was like what do I say? You know, what do I talk about this and that? And it's like you just don't know until you physically do it that it just kind of certain things just come natural. 

Jordan Hunter
You know what I mean it doesn't have to be your best idea. 

You don't have to start like, for example, like a podcast. Let's do in this. Eventually we were just like you know what. Let's just do. Daniel and Jordan, it doesn't have to be a genius idea for you to get you moving. You can start on an idea like this and then we can develop it, and that's how ideas happen. Ideas don't come genius and then you just have to make that into a genius thing sometimes, but a lot of the times it's just an idea of what you want to do. You start doing it and it develops into over time. It becomes genius because you put all that work into it. 

Daniel Lawson
You just did that with some music you just got put out to right. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, yeah and work. You know it's a lot of. I've made music for a long time and I used to always think it was always about the music. But it's not. It's also about doing the work and it's also about finding a workflow that just works for you, to where you can do it consistently and for a long period of time, have longevity with your work, because you know, a lot of people are in grind mode and they sit there and they grind as hard as they can for a week and they're burnt out Because they're just banging their head against the wall trying to get something done. And it's not necessarily about banging your head against the wall. It's about I don't know, there's a little bit of banging your head against the wall, but it's not supposed to be extremely hard to do the things you want. It's hard to do stuff, but it's not hard to you know. 

Daniel Lawson
It's all about the balance. You got to find a balance. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, yeah, 100%. It's not grind mode until you go insane. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah. But it is doing stuff that you want and really doing it and you can get wrapped up in that easily because you could be so passionate about something and it's not like you're intentionally grinding and just working yourself to death. You could be doing that, but you enjoy that, but the people around you may not enjoy that you know what I mean. 

Jordan Hunter
Honestly, that's the biggest thing to me. Yeah, is that working with others? If that's how you're going about it, yeah, it's going to be really off-putting. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, because we're not all built like that. You may be more passionate about this project versus you know Jimmy down the street. You know what I mean. So us as people have to understand that there it's not just us, unless it is just you doing that specific thing, but just know the people you're around. You got to have a balance, whether that be with a wife or people that live in your house, roommates. I mean you just got to have a healthy balance, not just for yourself but for the people that are around you, so that way they can kind of adapt to that situation. You know what I mean. 

Jordan Hunter
And maybe the things you're doing is work and all of it is work, but at the end of the day, you have to be a pleasurable person to be around and to be able to interact with people in a positive way. You can't be. You're too lazy, you're not working hard enough. 

Daniel Lawson

Jordan Hunter
Like it's just an energy that people aren't going to want to work harder in it and all that stuff's already decided anyways how hard they're going to work. Maybe you should move on to working with other people, if that's what you're wanting to do Maybe you should find like-minded people instead of trying to drag other people down with you. 

Daniel Lawson
Have you ever ran across an experience where you've been so passionate about something and, like you, just you almost get so frustrated that you're to that point where you're just like I got to figure something else out with a different crowd, like how did you handle that? If you've ever done that, yeah, I mean, I've had a. 

Jordan Hunter
I find myself getting really passionate about pretty dumb ideas that are probably mostly in my head, genius and other people around me just don't really. Maybe they just like, don't see the, or maybe I've twisted around my mind so much that I can see how it could happen and they haven't. 

Daniel Lawson
Where you can see the trajectory. Yeah, you know what I mean. I could see how it could happen. 

Jordan Hunter
I could see the. You know, I think it's like Arnold Schwarzenegger, who's big on visualizing right your future. 

And as much as like all that stuff always seemed like you know mumbo jumbo. I at one point when this past year I was just like you know what, what if I just sat here and believed in manifestation and all this, and I just just believe it for a little while and I'll be honest, there was some. There is some truths in that stuff. I don't think it's all this like you just do that and then it all happens. I think there's a lot of weird spiritual stuff that people are kind of bsing about. But there, all that stuff it, how are you going to do something if you don't know what it's going to take to do it? 

You have to visualize it. You have to know what it. What is it that I have to do? To do that and then think about that and then do that. Otherwise it's probably not going to happen. What was your question before? Oh, people working with people. Yeah, working with people. So I've had these ideas and I've always wanted to do them. I've always been very passionate about doing my, my silly little ideas. That's where I've got Saint Jay, all that stuff. 

Daniel Lawson
I love it. 

Jordan Hunter
Those things are just like ideas that come to mind. I'm like I want to do this. 

Daniel Lawson
We got to have Saint Jay on the show I need I'll make some more Saint Jay music and we'll we'll do some collabs. 

Jordan Hunter
I think it'd be great Glabby stuff. But these ideas come in my mind and I get why people are like as passionate about it as I am, that you realize eventually, for this to be a thing, like a thing, a thing that you do that's been over years you have to have people around you who are also willing to do like. They see what you see in it and they have a vision as well about it. And it's constant. You are running into people who like the idea but they don't know what to do more with it. 

Daniel Lawson

Jordan Hunter
I'm just waiting for you to lead them too much. You need collaborators. You can't do everything by yourself. Oh, a hundred percent. Some people can, I guess, but a lot of the times collaborating with people on what you want to do and finding people like minded is the easiest way to get yourself actually going and motivated and being held accountable and actually getting the wheels turning. When you can't get your wheels turning, you have someone else who can help you spin your wheels. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, for sure I found that. Um, that's why I like recording with Whitney, because there's some days where I'm just like you know, I may have like an idea or a concept in my head, but then whenever we get together, she spins off of it or comes up with something a little bit more funnier. You know what I mean. So pairing yourself up, I mean two, two brains to work better than one. 

Jordan Hunter
We're writing songs. We've had three in their writing lyrics and not me. You know I was telling you earlier I tapped out of like the singing. My whole life have basically just been taught. I can't sing. 

Daniel Lawson
I've been trying, I've been trying. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, it's hard work for me and it's really hard work and not really enjoyable work. 

Daniel Lawson
What is hard about it, like actually hitting the notes or singing, because I feel like, with you being able to play guitar and I may be going off topic, but, um, you can hear the melodies. That needs to be there, you know, um yeah, it's, it's. It's bringing that out of my mind and into so it's not necessarily the words, because you have really good lyrics, I feel like I've always hated my lyrics. 

Jordan Hunter
I think I'm extremely hard on myself and I think I don't know if it was. I think I have an extreme lack of uh compliments about a lot of stuff like that. I don't think and it's not that I'm writing genius anyways, but I I'm really hard on lyrics. I really don't like that lyrics and I think that I'm not. I've never been great with words. I was horrible in English class, right. 

Daniel Lawson
Right the way to go, baby yeah. 

Jordan Hunter
That's true. I mean honest. There was a but. It's simple yeah, but not being ashamed of it either, and being and not and not trying too hard to be because she you just yeah yeah, everyone feels this way. This is how it is. Um, what were we saying? 

Daniel Lawson
I don't even remember. I do that with throw us off. I'm so sorry. I think it was about we're talking about oh wait, music. 

Jordan Hunter
Okay, we were us collaborating. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, yeah so. 

Jordan Hunter
I don't like working on lyrics at all, right, and so I'm working with two guys who are singing, right. They're doing the vocals. We're doing a dual vocal thing, right. 

Daniel Lawson
Oh, that's so. 

Jordan Hunter
I was kind of just like let. I want is like y'all Just do it. Y'all do whatever you all want. I'm cool with it. I trust both y'all's taste. Just do what you want. And I realized like I think we were hitting like a big. It was like it was becoming really hard to get things done and out of them. And I realized last time, if I just stopped sitting on the couch and waiting to see if they get it done, if I hop in and I just Start giving what ifs, start giving an idea like what if it goes like this? Vast majority of the time they're like no, that's dumb, but it gives them a reason to like, like actually. 

I don't want to do right what do I want to do and it gets their wheels spinning and we're kind of feeding off of each other Idea that makes sense. 

It's where you're no one's Installed and and and like and writer's block Mm-hmm. You're helping someone get past writer's block constantly, and without that I mean there's a musical geniuses out there who can just don't ever get writer's block, I guess. But yeah, and Collaborating and this gets applies to anything, it's not just music. Anything that you have to be creative in really having other people to bounce it off of is it's. You have to know yeah, you have to to get things actually done and you'll like it more, because it's not all you and all judging yourself. You can. You can sit back and say I trust this person's taste. They think this is good. I can hear why it's good. Now, I would never have came up with that and that makes you Enjoy your own music more, because you're actually enjoying other people's music in your music. 

Daniel Lawson
How much have y'all put, pumped out, like how many songs are y'all complete now? 

Jordan Hunter
We have finished four tracks completely instrumentally and all that. We have all that's done and we figured out a great way to make it fast. That was the biggest thing for this project, with me and Jay like workflow, mm-hmm, workflow. We had worked together in the past but Jay and I would bang our heads against the wall trying to get a perfect song and he would. You know he was learning mixing at the time. 

So it was like this whole thing, and this time I just one day he has a hardcore band. I was like you know what, I just won't be around music. Can I come over for y'all's practice? Afterwards he was like you know what, let's just go to the studio and let's write a song. Whatever it is was posted on Spotify tonight. So we went, we recorded the song. I just played guitar, he opt on drums. He doesn't even play drums a whole lot, he just that was and we just wrote a simple structure song turn out to be, in my opinion, one of my favorite songs I've written musically. It's on Spotify right now and suggestive themes is the name of the band. It's no vocals or anything like that. Just do it, baby yeah and so we did seriously that night one song. 

We just wrote a song and why, it wasn't perfect. We just we didn't play to a click track, we just played a song, we wrote it, as you know. Try to get through it. Yeah, so we got through it, kept that, take, layered it, whatever it's all done. 

And then we just went in and all of our songs. That took one day to record the whole thing Because we weren't perfectionist about it and we're just gonna learning to love the flaws about it, I guess. And is it worth spending the next month trying to get a perfect take of these songs, like, who cares if it's per, especially in music and art, the flaws half the time are the things I love about bands. Yeah, that's true, especially like if, like in the future, we write songs and get new fans and they go back and listen to our old stuff, I think that they could Fall in love with those imperfections even more my song true loves, first kiss yeah not out yet. 

But, are you gonna release that? What's your plans with it? 

Daniel Lawson
I don't know. You know, lenny, I want to do a music video first. I want to release it with a music video because now I know how to like, film and Edit like I feel like I can, is it? 

Jordan Hunter
do a pretty cool we're based or you're gonna do like just serious. 

Daniel Lawson
Probably serious? 

Jordan Hunter
Yes, I'd be, I'd be just as it's a. 

Daniel Lawson
It's a lot like. It's a love story, like, and I want to kind of, I want to have Whitney in it because I wrote it about her, or should I just do a random girl? That sounds good. She'd be pissed, but that sounds like a great idea. You know, you want me to dress up as a girl. I'm gonna start messaging people. She'd be like Dana. Why are all these messages coming through? What about? 

Jordan Hunter
you have, just like a chick, the back, ever back of a girl, chicks hair and at the very end turns around, you turn around. It's you. 

Daniel Lawson
I have a wig. I got a couple of those. We should wear them next episode. That'd be great. I'll bring them, but the yeah, I'll release it eventually. 

Jordan Hunter
Have you got any concepts for the music video? Like any like. 

Daniel Lawson
I think it'll just be cliche, like driving around town or walking across the bridge holding hands, or I can lip-sync in it yeah, yeah, certain, certain parts and then certain parts like maybe Kids playing or like I want to do like family footage stuff to. 

I have an idea. It's just executing that idea, finding the time to do it. The songs finished and recorded, but what I was saying is just playing it live now. When I say live, I mean me in my living room, because I don't play in front of millions of people, but just playing it like I change a little bit here and there, even though it's finished. You know what I mean. Yeah, I can perfect it later on if someone else wants to buy it in the future. You know it's a finished song. I think it could be radio worthy in my opinion. You know, it's simple, it's catchy, it's a little cliche, but it wasn't intended to be cliche. You get it out. Yeah, you should post it. I don't know how to do that. I guess, if you wanted to do it for me, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's easy. Yeah, we'll go into that later, but yeah, yeah, you should. 

Jordan Hunter
You should write more. I know You're good at writing songs. You have a good voice. Yeah, I appreciate it. Not right now, I don't. 

Daniel Lawson
Could you imagine a song? Now, I don't know, I could get real up. 

I started happy birthday the at Haley's birthday party my sister's stepdaughter I started. I was like y'all want Barry white to start the Happy birthday to you. It's good. Yeah, yeah, it sounds great. But I literally I do enjoy music, I love playing music. I felt like when we wrote music, like it was just fun and it was just simple, and you know, during the time I think and I think it's like one of my greatest benefits and it sucks that I just can't sing very well but like harmony, like when we learned like harmony together. 

Jordan Hunter
That was before puberty, so that's why we sound great, but we were. 

I remember that was like the only thing I remember people Like I remember one time went one time people, one time a band hit me up Because they were like I know you're good at like harmonies and stuff and a hundred percent is because you're a good person Stuff, and a hundred percent is because they heard what you and I used to do together and some of those harmonies were sick, they're nasty. I mean honestly a two person to that's not, yeah, not even really just changing tones. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, during the singing process. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, and just having that harmony hit the emotion of that moment and it's like intuitive now and I think that was because of blink 182. Oh, yeah, like marks. Yeah, harmonies were always very like, perfectly like, yeah, if you were just gonna have one person harmony there, that's the harmony to hit, that's the note. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, based off the lead singers vocal matched with the harmony of the backup singer, match with the tone of the bass. The tone of the guitar is just like In the moment? 

Jordan Hunter
What's that moment? Yeah, yeah, what's that moment. Is this moment supposed to be big you? Can hit a harmony that makes just two voices Massive. 

Daniel Lawson
Oh yeah turn a three piece into damn orchestra. Play the octave guitar. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, no, yeah, it's seriously not that hard. 

Daniel Lawson
But yeah, that was fun stuff. Yeah, I'll probably release it, but I was just mainly talking about that music, you know, getting it out there, just completing that thing and Perfecting it later on and the next one could be better, yeah, or worse, but the one after that could be even better. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, and that's just the way it is. Every artist is like that. We only are seeing the best of everyone. 

Daniel Lawson
What else we got for him, jay, what else do we got for him? We're about 40 minutes in, I think. I think this is went pretty good yeah. 

Jordan Hunter
I think there's a lot of little pieces of. 

Daniel Lawson
We've discussed the weather. We discussed what was today's word trajectory trajectory, don't ask how to spell it, not me anyway. We could talk to Siri all day, but I'm not your guy. We could talk about traveling, so I just got back from California real quick and then I guess, if you cut, have anything, we can just end it, but do traveling sucks. I got to leave back out on Wednesday to go to Sarasota, a little bit of a warmer place. But California was beautiful but the traveling aspect of it was terrible. 

Jordan Hunter
So how do you think you would do if your job was, I mean, like you were actually traveling every week? 

Daniel Lawson
every week. 

Jordan Hunter
Do you think you could get into like a, just like a habit of it, that it would be easy? I feel like, yeah, it's just because you're like knew it, because you're you haven't done this for yeah. 

Daniel Lawson
I've never flew by myself before either, so like I've always had Whitney there to be. Like, we got to go to gate 21, let's hurry up, we're on time. I had to be the adult, you know, for a week, you know, and that's so just having to like, oh, my flight leaves in this, what time should I? And honestly, I was still calling Whitney like, hey, my flight's scheduled at 530, what time do I need to be at the airport? You know, but I feel like if I do it more, I just get into that groove of it. But just Traveling in general, it's great because you see different things. Like I've never been to California, you know, I saw a wolf while I was over there. The craziest thing. I step out to take a selfie of the mountains behind me and I was gonna FaceTime my mom. So I pull out my phone, do like this, and I see something in the screen. I turn around dude, swear to God, probably from me to the the wall right here, this wall, there's a wolf. He killed you a wolf, and I was like. The first instinct was like, dude, I got back in my car and I'm like what was that? I'm trying to pet a wolf. And so I got in. 

This is before I even met with Nick, and I was, you know, while I was meeting with him. We were hanging out that evening. I'm like, do y'all have wolves here? I just my mom you know she was. I called mom after. I'm like you won't believe it I just saw a wolf. He was right behind me and she was like, are you sure it went to coyote? I'm like, mom, we have coyotes in Kentucky. This was not a guy one, this was way bigger, just, and it looked like a wall from the movies, you know, I mean, I've seen Twilight before and um, so I was like, nick, is this, was this a wolf? And he was like, yeah, dude, they released a couple packs. Way further up north, they released a couple. Yeah, they like brought him there and released him to kill like some type of people. 

I have no idea To take care of the goats, I guess I have no idea, but they dropped him off, you know, I guess to like just make them populate in that area. Maybe they're thinning out some other population. It's the mountains, but anyways They've migrated down between Reno and Susanville and I was just like dude. That is great. He's like. We seen it in the papers. He said he's lived in California's whole. I've never seen a wolf. I go visit for three days and experience a wolf Wolf. Two deer fight probably 15 feet. 

Jordan Hunter
Two deer fighting. 

Daniel Lawson
Oh yeah, massive. I got it on my phone. I'll show you two huge deers like locked in antlers fight. I'm. You know stuff you see on the Cabela's channel by flipping through on accident, you know, and it was just the craziest thing. But the flight process sucked. Seeing people was great, meeting new people was great. Everybody's got a different story. Yeah, and that's what I, that's what I'm enjoying about it, because I love people in general. So just being able to meet, like you know, nick, who's a influencer the Comedians that I'm planning to meet soon, you know, it's just Everybody's got a different story and it's different stuff, like even if it's the influencer who makes the different content Versus the comedian, which I know nothing about. Yeah, you know, just hearing the stories and their process of thinking or their experiences of when they're at work, you know, it's just, it's just different stories. Yeah, enjoy it. 

Jordan Hunter
No, yeah, you're seeing the world. Yeah, that's exciting. Well, not a lot of people get to go and see the world outside of where they're from. 

Daniel Lawson
I don't know where I'm going next I think it may be Texas to meet up with this drummer, guy killer. Drummer, yeah, and he's a full-time musician, but just anybody and everybody. I just want to know more about you. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, you know, I mean interesting about you. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, to talk about yeah, I mean, if you're just like Weird, like me, I don't want to know nothing about you, but if you're a normal human being, hit me up, you know. 

Jordan Hunter
yeah, but yeah it'd be interesting to see, once you talk to all these different types of people who have talents of it, whatever it is to sing with, what's the common thing that they have they all have in common. 

Daniel Lawson
That's true, right. 

Jordan Hunter
And I bet there are a lot of things that they'll. I'm sure yeah what we're talking about today, with Hard work and making their dreams come true. 

Daniel Lawson

Jordan Hunter
I'm sure there's a lot of things you can pull from those people. Yeah, would inspire, motivate. 

Daniel Lawson
Just being around him, it's like, and you know, I could help with that process too, because there's certain things he didn't know About social media. Yeah, you know, and I'm like dude, I'm an open butt, like I will. Hell, I'm not one of those people that is gonna hold you back just because I want to be on top. 

Jordan Hunter
I was all the state. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, yeah, plenty. And you know the same applies for a work. You know, I've always trained people under me to take my job, because I'm trying to move up and if I don't have anybody to take my job, I don't know if it's anywhere. If you've worked, yeah, but if no one's there to take a job, you ain't going no way. You're stuck, yeah. So always trying to help people up the ladder I feel like is important and it's like they remember that. Yeah, what if he gets up here one day and he's like you know, hey, daniel, come on my show you know that I mean yeah exactly as part of just the whole process, and this doesn't. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, all this doesn't apply to just art. It applies or entertainment, or whatever. Yeah, your real job. You Collaborate people with people properly. Yeah, and you will be much more successful. Oh, yeah, yeah, you can like those wolves dividing conquer baby or you limb to live. 

Daniel Lawson
Surprisingly, there wasn't a pack there Thank God, because there was just one. And dude, when he disappeared in the weeds like and it, it looked like a scene from from Yellowstone. I mean he just weaved in and out, was like this dumb ass. He's over here just whistling at me to come up. 

Jordan Hunter
I won't even eat you right now. 

Daniel Lawson
You just look dumb dumb ass. 

Jordan Hunter
I need to eat you. 

Daniel Lawson
So he just moved on to the deer or the antelope or whatever. 

Jordan Hunter
Whatever they got over there With more meat on the bone. Yeah, he saw me. 

Daniel Lawson
It was like I don't want no little Debbie cake right now, I want some beef. But yeah, man, today's been good. Dude, you want to send them off with anything. 

Jordan Hunter
I think, I think we nailed it. Think about where you want to be in the future. 

Daniel Lawson
Yep, and then again, we always enjoy Trying to help people talk about absolutely you know there are issues or problems, or if you need help trying to decide on what to do. 

Jordan Hunter
Well, look, we've got a Instagram now, yes, and a YouTube. Technically, nothing's on there yet. Well, actually, I guess it will be, if you this will be on there. But you're welcome to message us. Yeah, on Instagram is Daniel and Jordan podcast. Send us some advice or ask for advice. What do you need advice on? We will happily give you our worst answers. 

Daniel Lawson
Yep, we're definitely not professionals, but we are great at, you know, giving other people great advice, because we just don't take the great advice ourselves Not professionals, but we're friends, exactly, and that's what this whole podcast is really about, I guess that's right, guys, so we'll see you next time here on the Daniel and Jordan. Podcasts how do we, how do we start that last time? 

Jordan Hunter
How do we start the ending? 

Daniel Lawson
How do we do? 

Jordan Hunter
the intro. The intro, you say this Hi, I'm Daniel. 

Daniel Lawson
Hi, I'm Daniel, oh, and I'm Jordan, yes, so we gotta figure out an outro. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, we'll figure out that's later, so you don't have to have the idea done to start, that's right, but this episode's posted baby, hi hi we'll see you next time Later, guys. 

Seasonal Weather and Climate Change
Planning for Responsibility and Financial Stability
Overcoming Burnout and Finding Balance
Collaborating for Creativity and Success
Music Video and Traveling Discussions
Encounters With Wolves and Inspiring Conversations
Starting and Ending Podcast Episodes