The Daniel And Jordan Show

Birthday Laughs and Life Lessons: Nostalgia, Movie Mix-Ups, and the Pursuit of TV Dreams

March 28, 2024 Daniel and Jordan Season 1 Episode 10
Birthday Laughs and Life Lessons: Nostalgia, Movie Mix-Ups, and the Pursuit of TV Dreams
The Daniel And Jordan Show
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The Daniel And Jordan Show
Birthday Laughs and Life Lessons: Nostalgia, Movie Mix-Ups, and the Pursuit of TV Dreams
Mar 28, 2024 Season 1 Episode 10
Daniel and Jordan

Ever received a birthday gift that turned chores into a celebration? I sure did, and it's just one of the quirky tales I, Jordan, and my co-host Daniel share in this laughter-filled episode. We dive into personal stories of birthdays and house cleaning with a twist, the nostalgia of Kaney approaching her 30s, and my escapades within the immersive world of Final Fantasy VII. We'll even tease your memory with our mix-up on who directed Avatar, making for a playful debate you won't want to miss.

Struggling to achieve that Brad Pitt hair flair or remember your favorite movie on the spot? You're not alone. Join us as we recount the highs and lows of personal style transformations and venture through film favorites like 'War Dogs' and 'Fight Club'. Our delightful friend Jordan hops in, offering a 'word of the week' that perfectly encapsulates our emotional rollercoaster. It's a conversation that's as much about hairdos as it is about the heartfelt emotions tied to the actors and scenes that move us.

But it's not all fun and games—we also ponder what it really means to succeed in today's world. Does the applause of social media trump the quiet satisfaction of personal growth and meaningful connections? We dig into the heart of gratitude, dissect deodorant myths, and, in a fit of ambition, muse over the dream of bringing our podcast antics to television. With a nudge to any TV network execs listening, we wrap up this episode full of laughs, life lessons, and a promise to keep the good times rolling, on screen or off.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ever received a birthday gift that turned chores into a celebration? I sure did, and it's just one of the quirky tales I, Jordan, and my co-host Daniel share in this laughter-filled episode. We dive into personal stories of birthdays and house cleaning with a twist, the nostalgia of Kaney approaching her 30s, and my escapades within the immersive world of Final Fantasy VII. We'll even tease your memory with our mix-up on who directed Avatar, making for a playful debate you won't want to miss.

Struggling to achieve that Brad Pitt hair flair or remember your favorite movie on the spot? You're not alone. Join us as we recount the highs and lows of personal style transformations and venture through film favorites like 'War Dogs' and 'Fight Club'. Our delightful friend Jordan hops in, offering a 'word of the week' that perfectly encapsulates our emotional rollercoaster. It's a conversation that's as much about hairdos as it is about the heartfelt emotions tied to the actors and scenes that move us.

But it's not all fun and games—we also ponder what it really means to succeed in today's world. Does the applause of social media trump the quiet satisfaction of personal growth and meaningful connections? We dig into the heart of gratitude, dissect deodorant myths, and, in a fit of ambition, muse over the dream of bringing our podcast antics to television. With a nudge to any TV network execs listening, we wrap up this episode full of laughs, life lessons, and a promise to keep the good times rolling, on screen or off.

Daniel Lawson
Good morning, everybody, and welcome back to the greatest show on the internet and the greatest one you've seen so far. But before we get started, just remember I'm Daniel, I'm Jordan and we're Daniel and Jordan. What's going on, everybody? And welcome back to, like I said, the greatest show on the internet, jordan good morning. 

Jordan Hunter
Good morning Daniel. Yeah, I'm real high energy today I'm on fire. 

Daniel Lawson
You know why? Did you see those ladies we just saw? 

Jordan Hunter
Oh yeah, buddy, Something's on fire. You know why? Did you see those ladies we just saw? Oh yeah, buddy, something's on fire in me, baby. 

Daniel Lawson
I tell you after this I'm going to get their number. 

Jordan Hunter
I've got a flare up down there. 

Daniel Lawson
You pitching tents? 

Jordan Hunter
already huh, and it's daylight out you know. 

Daniel Lawson
But seriously, good morning and welcome back to yet another amazing show. I'm ready to learn, I'm excited for today. 

Jordan Hunter
I'm ready to learn too. Well, who's teaching? 

Daniel Lawson
Not this guy, but yeah. So tell me a little bit what you've been up to this past week. 

Jordan Hunter
Well, today is Kaney's birthday. Happy birthday, Kane. Happy birthday to you. 

Daniel Lawson
All right, that's enough because we don't want to get copyright. 

Jordan Hunter
It's Kenny's birthday, so, since I have no money, I haven't bought her anything, and I know that's a no-no, so I have offered my body up for today. So after this, I have to go home and what she has asked of me is to clean the house and she is going to stand over my shoulder and direct me. 

Daniel Lawson
Oh, you were serious about that. 

Jordan Hunter
Oh, that's really what I'm giving her for her birthday. Dang, she's intense. She asked me last night. She's like do you know that you're supposed to go into the corners of the room when you vacuum? You haven't learned that yet. At work, you vacuum every day. That's what I said. I have the most experience in the house. I Every day. That's what I said. 

I have the most experience in the house I'm like well you do it so much you got to get shortcuts right, oh my God. So, yeah, I'm going to go home and she's going to stand over me while I. I guess she's just going to want me to wear an apron naked. And so how old is she now? Be a piece of meat. She is 29 years old. Nice, she's 30. She is 29, going to be 30. Yeah, well, you know, when I turned 29, my first thought was I'm 30, basically, right, yeah, you're 30, and so your whole 29. You just accept, like the horrific part, that you're 30 and then, when you turn 30, it's like it's not that bad, it's not that bad, yeah because, all the horror happens in your last year of your 20s to make everything happen. 

Yeah, so, uh, she's gonna have a crazy year probably the. 

Daniel Lawson
The sad thing is is I feel like she's a lot faster than we did. Oh yeah, oh jesus white privilege. 

Jordan Hunter
She's got her life together. 

Daniel Lawson
She knows her career, she's got a good looking man. 

Jordan Hunter
We don't, that's true, well, I do, yeah, you do, uh. So yeah, can Kanye's birthday? We're going to do that. And then I started a new video game this week. 

Daniel Lawson
Oh nice. 

Jordan Hunter
It's not a new game, though. It's called Final Fantasy VII, as you can tell by the T-shirt here. Great, now, this is an old game, but they made a remake, so I started playing the remake and we won't go too deep into this. I know that the fantasy world word is just not really for you, right? Definitely not, yeah, so I won't go too deep. 

Daniel Lawson
I have some fantasies, but I don't think any would be my final fantasy. You know, there's always something after that, yeah. 

Jordan Hunter
Maybe with a belt around your neck like cranking down. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, so explain, so I've've never honestly I've never played final fantasy. I've heard about it, I know. You know, I talked to ryan miller about it, um, how he's got like some yeah, classics yeah, I mean probably worth hefty money yeah just give me a brief rundown because, honestly, five minutes of it I'm probably gonna be ready to blow up it's there's your cloud strife, all right, and he's a stud, stoic, emotionless. 

Jordan Hunter
He used to be part of soldier, which is basically like being part of Navy seals now, right, sweet. So, and he's, he's this stud, and he's got chicks, chicks hanging all over him. 

So you know it's a great game and a great fantasy and uh, and basically there's like this big corporation, shinra, who's sucking out the mako out of the earth, which is like the life force of the earth. So it's kind of probably a playoff of how, how we industrialize the world and basically killed mother nature. So it's playing off of that and, like at the start of it, you're like rebelling against them and trying to destroy the city, basically. 

Daniel Lawson
And it's kind of like how avatar is a little bit like that. Yeah, they were like going for that rock or something and they had a war. 

Jordan Hunter
I think, yeah, yeah, I mean, that's all I know too, don't know. They're blue. The pictures are beautiful about it. 

Daniel Lawson
Dude. I'm telling yeah, that's probably my favorite part. Now, who was that dude who did Avatar? Is that the same dude who did Michael Bay? Is that his name? Is it Michael? 

Jordan Hunter
Bay. No, Michael Bay did like Transformers and he's like in the Ninja Turtles Maybe it was James Cameron. 

Daniel Lawson
It's the dude who did Titanic, right? 

Jordan Hunter
I think so, or is people are like losing their minds on here. Well, you know what? I'll know the answer last last time. Last episode, we were talking about the nickelodeon scandal yeah every show that I named off was disney, and I watched it back and I thought the same, like why would I not interject, thinking that's so? 

Daniel Lawson
raven lizzie. Mcguire brie calls me and she's like daniel. Do you know? Every single one of those shows are disney yeah we know, we know we're just baiting you all. 

Jordan Hunter
We know I made you listen, didn't I? 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, yeah, we're pretty dumb, we're pretty dumb, but yeah, cool, I mean, it sounds fun. I was really convincing. The only thing that sounds fun about it is he's a stud and there's lots of women around him. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, that was good enough for me. That was a selling point for me how was your week, my week was good. 

Daniel Lawson
I mean nothing that stands out. I did start streaming again on PlayStation, so it was fun to just play some Fortnite and kill people, so you play straight Fortnite right? Yeah, I haven't really ventured out and it's honestly because I just don't have time. I guess If I had a little bit more time I would definitely venture out and plan something new or try on something out. 

Jordan Hunter
But what kind of game do you think you would want to do? Like a single player adventure, or would you want to play like competitive against other people? 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, probably not. Like, if I had to pick, probably not a sports game it would have to be like I don't know, shooter, shooter, blowing up people, or like you know something to take on his personnel. You know dropping bombs on him and places. I would like strategic, though with shooter. 

Jordan Hunter
I feel like yeah, I've got some games for you, buddy, don't worry about that. The problem is you can't play the fast-paced games because the kids have all the reaction time. So, as old people, we've got to have a game where we're sneaking around corners. 

Daniel Lawson
I'm all about sneaking and then firing off one. You know what I'm saying. 

Jordan Hunter
Sometimes you have to sneak it in and fire off one. 

Daniel Lawson
But yeah, so I started streaming a little bit. Oh, I did shave my cat's ass yesterday. 

Jordan Hunter
How did that? 

Daniel Lawson
go. It was a little strange, but he enjoyed it, to be honest with you. I mean, he enjoyed it way more than I did. You shaved it, yeah. So a little back story. He went to poop one day, like normal cats do, and humans and everyone else on this planet. We all take sh shifts, you know. And well, he comes out of his litter box and he sits on my clothes, my underwear that I just took off, and I'm in the shower, you know, wait, he's cuddled up in your underwear. Yeah, he's weird. So I shower at night, and I don't know if all men are like this. I'm all about being vulnerable. I don't really care at this point what people think, you know. So what I do is I shower at night and I put a brand new pair of underwear on right For the night, for the night. Then, when I wake up, I shower, take my underwear off, but I put those same underwear on for that day For the night before but I put those same underwear on for that night before. 

Yeah, because, yeah, yeah, yeah, I shower and I just go to bed. You didn't shit yourself in the night, right? I hope not, not yet. Anyway, give me 30 years. But so I take my underwear off and it's in the morning and I'm in the shower. I start to smell shit. Zeus has shit. I'm like, oh great, and now he's laying on my clothes. I'm like you motherfucker, like I can't take a shit without you here. Yeah, honestly, I mean, he was in my pants. The other day I sent you a picture. He was like down in my pants. Well, he gets up and there's a shit stain on my underwear and I'm like I know, that's not mine, wait, he put his shit yes, come clean. 

Jordan Hunter
I told, told Whitney I said. 

Daniel Lawson
I said, honey, when you do laundry later, you're going to see a shit stain on my underwear. 

Jordan Hunter
I swear it's not mine, daniel, and so that seems really rare that that would happen and more likely that the underwear that's been touching your bottom was in the front. 

Daniel Lawson
I don't shit out my wee wee. Okay, that's, it's in the front. I may, I may be could have put your underwear on backwards that's true it was dark on par for you. 

So he gets up and I'm like, ew, well, not only did it happen then. And then it's like on the floor, like he'll'll go sit in a corner. And then when he gets up, it's on the floor. I'm like where's this shit coming from? Like so it's. He's, he's a Maine Coon, so he's got tons of hair back there and I guess it was like gathering up like in a basket of fur, but he's supposed to clean it, yeah, and that's probably why his breath. 

That's the weird part, okay does anybody else like the way cat's breath smell, do you like? 

Jordan Hunter
not the cat moritz breath is horrific it's because he cleans his asshole but dogs. I love a dog's breath like especially a puppy's breath do you like any dogs any? Dog. Well, maybe not a big dog, but my dogs. I let them lick my mouth every morning yeah, I like the way your dog's breath smells. Yeah, yeah, this every single morning. 

Daniel Lawson
The terrier climbs onto my body and then she just licks my mouth profusely well, zeus, uh, so we had to shave his butt because I was like I'm tired of getting shit everywhere and whitney's like we got to shave his butt. So she holds him, you know, in her lap. His back is here and his belly's up and his legs are, just like you know, enjoying every second of it. And, um, of course I had to use my facial trimmer because I don't have a cat trimmer. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, I mean, that's what I would have done to you, so I don't really blame you. 

Daniel Lawson
Maybe I might use a little alcohol to clean it off, I mean. But you know what's crazy and what sucks is. That was probably the highlight of my week Shaving my cat's ass. That's pretty good. 

Jordan Hunter
You know late and sick again. 

Daniel Lawson
We can't catch a break from that. 

Jordan Hunter
So you have to give me a second after you zip my pants up. I've left my zipper down for the show. 

Daniel Lawson
We are really brainless. Next time we got to remember to put it back up. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, you suppose that was your job, sorry. 

Daniel Lawson
A little pre-show warm up. 

Jordan Hunter
Consider me fluffed. 

Daniel Lawson
But you know, can't catch a break from Leighton. She's sick again. I feel like I'm starting to get a little sick now and it's like dang, we just can't catch a break. You get allergies? I don't think so. 

Jordan Hunter
I mean, I don't take any kind of allergy pills. 

Daniel Lawson
Now I'll go through like a seasonal allergy, Like I'll get sick. I used to get sick, I felt like once or twice a year, but now I feel like it's four times a year. That's probably kids. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, yeah, allergies have been. I've already been sneezing the past couple of weeks. This is earlier than normal. I don weeks this is earlier than normal, I don't know why. If it's just been warm lately, well, a lot of the trees are starting to bloom now. I mean you drive down scottsville road all those trees are like white dogwoods. 

Daniel Lawson
Yes, see, I knew it, I knew it, I knew they'll be white, for, like it's crazy how quick they turn green. Yeah, um, but yeah, dogwood trees are beautiful when they bloom and, uh, sound so homo right now, just you just sound absolutely beautiful. But before we even go into my favorite part of this show and yours as well, your hair. 

Jordan Hunter
How has it been? Well, I got a haircut yesterday, so I got rid of a little length which means I couldn't get as much fluff. I don't really get how you do in the whole like I get it, but I don't like it's a there's a technique to this that I kind of feel like it's going to take me a year to get down a proper fluffing technique to my hair what we'll do is maybe after the show or one day this week. 

Daniel Lawson
We'll just, we'll do it, I'll show you okay, yeah, maybe we can film that. 

Jordan Hunter
can film that and put it on. Yeah, make a short out of it. Make a short out of it. 

Daniel Lawson
But yeah, I mean your hair looks good, Thank you. 

Jordan Hunter
I feel like you're just being nice, though I don't feel like it's. I'm always nice it looks the same as it always does, doesn't it? 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah Well thank you guys. That's why I'm doing a lot of hats here just to hide it, because I don't want it to piss me off, because I am not one to have long hair. The medium. Yeah, you're going to struggle with that medium. Going through that like mid-stage sucks, oh yeah. So this time, like I'm letting it grow out up top and then my next cut we're going to cut down some of the back. 

Jordan Hunter
So we didn't touch nothing up here. 

Daniel Lawson
Oh, you're just getting the front to be long, so I want to eventually. Guys, what I want to do is do the Brad Pitt thing. Oh yeah, who doesn't want to do that? You know, especially after I heard Whitney say Brad Pitt's her like man crush. I'm coming for you, boy. 

Jordan Hunter
I'm not my hair's too thin already. 

Daniel Lawson
I want to like sit on the bed or in the corner of the living room and stare. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, you need a cigarette hanging out, your mouth Not lit. 

Daniel Lawson
Like in that movie where he's in the war War Dogs, oh yeah. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, I know what you're talking about. You get a jacket like in. It just left my mind what's my favorite movie of all time With Brad Pitt? Yeah, edward Norton, it's got the cool twist at the end. I don't know that. 

Daniel Lawson
Oh. You know it no, that's not brad pitt. Brad pitt's on the island oh, no, no, you're thinking of oh, you're thinking, yeah, maybe that's who's here, maybe that's the hair I want. It's leonardo, I'm coming for you, brad pitt, I'm coming for you too, boy oh, my god, it's gonna. 

Jordan Hunter
I forgot my favorite movie. Yeah, how dumb is that. That is pretty stupid. Freaky friday comes to mind, but that's definitely not it we were talking about freaky friday last night really yeah, with tony. 

Daniel Lawson
He said it's actually pretty good. 

Jordan Hunter
That's the movie like the new one. 

Daniel Lawson
Oh, the new one yeah, the new one's good. Well, he said freaky friday. I'm pretty sure that was tony. He said freaky friday is like his favorite movie of all time, which was weird, but I was like dude, I love Freaky Friday. No Mean Girls, the Mean Girls movie. 

Jordan Hunter
Which Mean Girls is the? 

Daniel Lawson
classic, but Tony enjoyed Mean Girls and he's seen the newest one and he said it's actually pretty good. 

Jordan Hunter
Well, this is all over the place. Movie-wise When's? The last time you watched a movie all the way through. Me, no, I mean it's been a long time. 

Daniel Lawson
It's been a long time. It usually takes a couple days just because I'll either fall asleep or get bored or have something to do, and it sucks because that used to be the cool thing to do when you're young, yeah, or even like with your family, you know, and it's it's just weird. 

Jordan Hunter
I keep what's your favorite movie all time. If you had to say, you have to say one, just one movie it would have to involve some kind of blowing up or shooting people. 

Daniel Lawson
I know that's we probably sound a little strange on this episode, but I don't care what the movie's about. 

Jordan Hunter
As long as there's an explosion, there's got to be some death. 

Daniel Lawson
Tora Tora Tora was pretty good. I hadn't seen it. It's the Japanese in Pearl Harbor Documentary, but no, you know, I don't know, I don't have like one I can't like. If someone was to ask me what's your favorite movie of all time, I can't like. If someone was to ask me what's your favorite movie of all time, I wouldn't be able to tell you. I have a lot of like actors I really like. Who name one? Brad Pitt? Yeah, me too. Leonardo DiCaprio is a heck of an actor and what sucks is on. The Revenant was his first like award he's ever won. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that was a big thing and I'm thinking like the Revenant great, but there's so many titanic he didn't win an award on titanic. 

Yeah, you'd think it's still around like they're remaking it dude. Yeah, wolf of wall street uh, shutter island didn't win an award, are you crazy? Yeah, like there's so many good movies, I feel like he's an underrated actor, um, and yeah, but just by rewards. 

Jordan Hunter
Everyone else gives him his uh props. Everyone else thinks he's you know what's the one where he's like uh oh yeah, which is that is that special? 

Daniel Lawson
yes, yeah, that was pretty good. Yeah, I don't, I don't know, it just doesn't have a favorite movie yeah, that's kind of sad yeah, well, now you know what time it is, I know what time it is it's the favorite time of the episode, or my favorite time of the episode, as you could say. Today, I give you my best friend. He's got the greatest looks. I mean, he's got eyesight of Cyclops with his four eyes instead of one, mr Jordan Hunter. 

Jordan Hunter
Hey, put your dick up, Alright? This word of the week this week is emotional. 

Daniel Lawson
Oh nice, this is going to suck for me. I'm an emotional man. Oh, you are Extremely emotional. 

Jordan Hunter
I am too as well, buddy. Especially now, like in the past two months, two months emotional huh, I don't know what's going on? Like what you crying? Are you angry? No, no, no. How are you feeling not? 

Daniel Lawson
not, um, not not a bad emotional, it's a really good emotional ah, yeah, I I agree, same here. 

Jordan Hunter
It's like, um, I don't know how do you describe that, I'm sorry. 

Daniel Lawson
I cut you off at the beginning because you normally kind of go into the spill of emotional, but I just I think it's uh important for me to like I've been extremely emotional and it's almost like a humbling emotional or grateful emotional. It could be just I'm getting old, I'm 33 years old, so like stuff that I didn't really care about. Maybe I'm just now caring about it more and, yeah, I've just been very emotional the past two, three months. 

Jordan Hunter
Honestly, yeah, same here. You know the other. Uh, I sat at the computer editing our stuff, did you cry? 

and I it was like I was like proud of what we were making at that moment and I did like a happy cry. It was like I, I was finally doing something that I loved. It was like that feeling of like this, maybe, is what I've been working towards for 33 years. All the everything I went through in the past 33 years, or nothing made sense. It was like, finally, this is what I want to be doing and I, and it made sense finally. 

Daniel Lawson

Jordan Hunter
And it was just like a happy cry. It was just like it was unbelievable. Never had that kind of feeling before. 

Daniel Lawson
It wasn't the leprechaun skit, you were editing right skit you were editing right, that's true, I'm so proud. 

Those little green fuckers, my bulge was perfect, they're not jeans, but uh, no, I seriously, um, I get, I get it a hundred percent and I I think it's because we're getting older and we're appreciating the small stuff. We're kind of unplugging when necessary. Maybe this is the unplugging time, or when you're practicing with your buddies at the band, and maybe this is your guys' unplugging time. That's watching the show or listening, and it's. You know, I don't know there is something special and I can't put my thumb on just the exact thing. I just think it's a form of. I don't put my thumb on just the exact thing, I just think it's, it's a form of, I don't know it's, it's good energy and it's makes you emotional sometimes. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, it's weird. I think it starts with introspection Once you start like looking inside yourself and kind of figuring things out. Once things start making sense, life becomes a bit more beautiful. Yeah it's when it's all the chaos and you don't know what's going on and you don't know how you feel and all these things are happening. It's hard to feel happy because you don't know what to be happy about. 

Daniel Lawson
You just feel anxious we just need like one good cry. Yeah, because us as men, it's's like we try to hold back as much of that as possible. Maybe it's because we're 33-year-old men and we're just supposed to be this tough guy, and maybe it's well one. It's okay to cry because you're cleansing the body of whatever. That emotion is right, and maybe it's maybe the next time Zeus is on the light again. Maybe the next time Zeus is on the light again, maybe the next time I start to get emotional, I just fucking let it out because, you know, I was talking to my aunt Sarah about her, her doing that and she's like you know, grinds, okay, and she's never felt better, you know. 

And maybe maybe that's what I need and maybe I just won't be emotional all the time because it's just so many emotions. Maybe I get emotional over helping somebody or seeing somebody that's going through something and me trying to think of ways to help them. Or maybe it's emotional. Maybe it's emotions from ways I felt when I was a kid and I'm like, dude, how stupid was I? Why didn't I do this? Maybe it's emotions from our friendship, like like I'm so thankful for this dude. Maybe it's like everything compiling on one another and it's like I just need to let it out and. 

I don't know, maybe I won't be as emotional, but I feel like maybe it's my testosterone, I don't know, but these past two months have like on a drop of a dime, I felt like I just need to just bust out crying. 

Jordan Hunter
It's weird yeah, I think us men get and everybody's, not just men, but our like heroes are like stoic and fearless people that we, I think, when our brains connect that as these people are unbothered by all this, and that's how I want to be. But the way to become fearless is to face fear. It's not to ignore fear. It's to confront fear, it's to understand it and to deal with it the way it's supposed to be dealt with. 

It's not to ignore the fact that there's you're there's fear there and to just let that bottle up somewhere, because eventually, once that bottles up too much, it spews out and you start your behavior changes. You start acting out in fear because you've bottled it up for so long and you hit a limit yeah that you can hold in and it you confront that fear right when it happens. 

You, you think it's okay to fear. Feel. We all feel fear, even the greatest heroes that's a lot of the greatest ones that are written in. They write in people who have shown fear and then overcome it. That is the greatest hero, not someone who never felt it. That's not a reality. We're human. That's a God. We feel fear, we feel sadness, we feel anger, we feel happiness. Those are like the main ones and sometimes, if you're feeling angry, maybe it's good to look at, well, what is making me angry? Maybe it's something I fear that's making me angry. So they kind of uncover those emotions, be aware of what you feel and then kind of uncover things underneath it and you might learn something about yourself, do you think? 

Daniel Lawson
that there's like one fear that everybody kind of has the same fear. Like what do you think the main fear is amongst people? 

Jordan Hunter
Being successful failure. Yeah, I think everyone is horrified of being a failure. I think all of our dreams equals being a successful person. 

Daniel Lawson
I think at the root of everything. 

Jordan Hunter
We want to be a successful person in some form. Yeah, root of everything. We want to be a successful person in some form. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, cause we grow up and it's like the American dream. You know, you live in the land of the free home of the brave, and it's like there's no, there's no excuse right To be successful. Well then you're in your head, it's like well now, how do I do that? And I think, do you know, doing it is making the mistakes, learning from your mistakes, um and and just doing it and getting over the fear, just like you said. You know, if you don't, if you don't start the process and cross those fear thresholds, uh, along the way, then you're just never gonna move forward, having goals that are like, not materialistic things that are like I want to be a good person, that's success. 

Jordan Hunter
Being a good person is success. Being like a good friend that's success. And I think the american dream paints all. None of that is ever included, is it no? None of that's ever included. None of it. No, none of that's ever included. None of it. Is a normal person who goes and does their job, comes home and takes care of their family and all that. No one looks at that person as success. No one wants to be that person. We all want to be the person with an audience, which is sad, because that's how I feel with this. At times, it's like who am I to ever think I need an audience or want an audience or deserve an audience? It doesn't make any sense that, like all like I feel like I'm just like part of this machine that we're all wanting to have people looking at us. 

That's what success is. And, uh, that's not true. Someone who can go and do their job is actually and be content is more mature than I am. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, I mean, how do you feel at the end of the day? It's like, do you feel successful? Are you like you said, are you content at what you do? Or, you know, are you happy with where you are in your life? I'd say, if you are and you're pretty damn successful, you know what I mean. You set your bars, you know you can set them this high or you can set them this high. But whenever you reach that point of successfulness or content, you know. But if you're anything like me, it's like once I get to that, I'm like okay, what's next? 

Jordan Hunter
You know, um, but that's fine, it's different. You can always be a better friend. You can always be a better anything, um, and that's it's good to have. Drive right. We don't want to be stagnant, but, um, yeah, I, I agree that, um, we do need, I think, just like defining what success is to you and and be conscious of of how. Where does this come from? What are you trying to achieve? Are you trying to achieve like glory? It's not a it's. You're not going to ever really hit that moment where you feel like you're the most glorious person, unless, I mean, I don't know what could happen that you could possibly feel that way, but everyone I've heard it does. 

It's not. The top of the mountain is not what you think it is. There's nowhere to go and it's just like like. I've heard Will Smith talk about it. I've brought this up before. That's not. We're all striving for what he has achieved in his life and he's telling all of us that's not what makes you happy. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, I'm trying to smack somebody and get away with it. 

It's pretty achievable, okay, actually yeah, no, but you said it before too like how do you measure your success? Do you measure it by the amount of cars you have in your driveway, the the size of your home or the followers you have on your socials? You know, I think, how you measure that success is what defines you as a success. You know, not having those cars doesn't make you successful. Having those followers don't make you successful. Honestly, deep down, I think it is who you are as a person, your personality, your. You know who you are. It's not the followers. You know. You may think that, but people on camera and people off camera are two totally different people. Yeah, you know, and um, you can't measure you. 

Jordan Hunter
You as an individual listening or watching, can't measure your success off of that social world so hard now with, uh, social media, because that's what everything is built around literal analytics, literal numbers to show how quote-unquote successful you are, and everything revolves around it right now, like even music, everything revolves around your social media. And I mean it's hard not to fall into that trap because, especially when it comes your job or if that's what you're wanting to, do which is what I want to do. 

it's hard not to fall into that trap because, especially when it comes to your job or if that's what you're wanting to do, which is what I want to do it's hard not to not really care about those analytics. Even as a guy who's not even that analytical about numbers, I still find myself caring a lot. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, and what's really humbled me through this process, I think is is our analytics for this podcast and this and that, and it's like I see growth, which is great, but it's like I want to see growth. So, if you're listening, share this right now. Okay, show me a share, like it, heart it. Leave some comments on our stuff. We need comments. We need to know if what we're doing is making any sense. We need to know if it's funny. I don't know where I was going with that. I think I was saying something about leave a comment. Yeah, what was you saying right before? 

Jordan Hunter
say something negative, say say it, criticize us yeah I'd love to know what we could do better yeah I don't know where we were going shit, it was something so important. It was about, uh, success, um so important sorry, we had the gold ticket for you, but we've lost it um what is the word, the word of the day? 

Daniel Lawson
is it success or emotional? Have we went over emotional yet? Yeah, I know, oh, I know exactly where I was going now. Um, it was uh. This experience has been a humbling experience because, regardless how successful we are with the numbers, it's I was telling Whitney last night I have learned and grew so much from this. 

From what is this episode 10 that we're filming? It's like the, the, just the knowledge alone and just the self-reflecting on those words of the of the week and trying to implement them and just thinking about them. You know you, like I said on the last episode, you don't think about it until someone brings it up. It's out of sight, out of mind who's who's bringing up words of the week. You know you're not me. I haven't thought of a word of the week because we're so in tune with daily life and the internet and life and kids and this and that. But when someone brings up focus and we talk about focus, it's like I'm focusing on focus. When we talk about gratitude, it gets you in your mind and you're thinking about what am I grateful for? And it's like I'm emotional now. It's just regardless of the analytics. This alone is special to me. 

Jordan Hunter
Good. Yeah, it's very special to me too, being able to be vulnerable and to talk about things in our lives that we need to improve instead of just like ignoring it and acting like we've got it all together. Is it's nice to know that someone out there is also thinking about the same things? You know, because for me, like when we talk about these different things like focus and gratitude, the places I see it show up in my life is where I used to get into like a loop of negative emotions. Now I find myself being able to break the cycle of these things. 

Sometimes, like, if I start like really thinking about like negative comments I've had about things and I'll fall into that hole and then, like I can't get it out of my head, I'm waking up in the middle of the night. I'm waking up in the morning with that first thought is like a negative thought about like what about this situation? And I can't stop thinking about those negative situations. Well, now, with like gratitude or focus it, like it snaps into my mind that that's not what I want to focus on and that's not what I'm thankful for, and I can snap back into what I actually am thankful for and what I need to focus on, and it actually is allowing me to focus, yeah, and allowing me to be more thankful than ever. 

Daniel Lawson
Could be a little bit of anxiety. 

Jordan Hunter
Okay, it is anxiety for sure. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, definitely. If you're going to bed thinking about it and the first thing you are thinking about it when you wake up, it's a little bit of anxiety. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, yeah, yeah. What do you think it means? That I have nightmares of dudes banging caney. 

Daniel Lawson
Do you really Sometimes that could be a fantasy, could be not a nightmare Could be your final fantasy I know it would be mine Before I blow my head off? Yeah, you never know, man, that's interesting. What are you doing later? I know a guy, I know. 

Jordan Hunter
Well, that was a roller coaster for you all, huh see that, that that's why I love this. 

Daniel Lawson
I love it, um, but there's there's one thing that I don't love jordan. You know what just makes me want to kick a cane out from a blind man? You know what just makes me want to purchase a cat from the Humane Society? Buy it, take it to the car, make it think it's going home with me, but it's not, and I go return it. What, daniel, or in other words, we like to say, what twists? 

Jordan Hunter
our nips. What twists your nips, Daniel? 

Daniel Lawson
Deodorant, deodorantips, daniel, deodorant, deodorant, not just any deodorant. Okay, let me elaborate. Go on Gillette, to be exact, and not just any Gillette. Honestly, any deodorant. How do you pick out your deodorant? 

Jordan Hunter
Let's just start there. How do I pick mine out? I get the same one my grandfather used okay, yeah, just generations of no thinking. No, yeah, hold spice original fresh bam um. 

Daniel Lawson
Does that burn your armpits ever? 

Jordan Hunter
occasionally can you brings it up when she notices yeah, he has a little red ring around it. Yeah, you may, it's not that often I would look into something else. 

Daniel Lawson
Could have something to do with your hair thinning problem. I don't know, I'm not a. It could be daniel science, but it could be real science well, that's really, that's thinning and I get red spots. But at the end of the day, daniel science is real science well, yeah, it's real to some people in the room uh, so deodorant, the way I pick it out is one. 

It's got to smell nice, right? Yes, of course, number two. The next thing you look for is how long is this shit gonna keep me dry? Oh, you know, so, of course, right. 

Jordan Hunter
Well, okay this is more specific to you because you have a wet issue. Yeah, I'm pretty wet. Yeah, you get soaking pretty fast. Swampy yeah, I don't have that. 

Daniel Lawson
Oh, okay. Well, so like I've always sweated real easy in high school and a lot of it could be just brain because there was a time period where I didn't even think about it and somebody told me if you don't think about your armpit sweating, they won't sweat. If you don't think about your armpits sweating, they won't sweat. 

Jordan Hunter
That is the dumbest thing I might have ever heard. It worked. It worked for me. If you don't think about it, okay, it's a mind thing. It's a mind thing, sweat's a mind thing. 

Daniel Lawson
I'm going to be cold the rest of my life. 

Jordan Hunter
I would enjoy that. 

Daniel Lawson
Your nipples start getting hard. It's smell nice, it's gotta smell nice. And then I the next thing I look for is okay, how long is this gonna keep me dry? So of course, you know gillette, very well-known brand amongst the deodorant and bathroom hygiene world. You know they got razors, shaving gel, shower gel, they got. They got hair products. Now, which is crazy. Well, I saw a thing of Gillette and it's the gel. You know the twist kind. 

And it comes out the holes. It comes out the holes. I like how that feels. But what I liked about it was it said 72-hour sweat protection. You know how long, you know how many days that is? 

Jordan Hunter
I don't Three days. They're saying basically you don't have to put it on for every three days. Is that what that basically would be saying? 

Daniel Lawson
You know what, mate, now that I'm thinking about it, that might be why I'm sweating with it. So should you put it on every three days, because it's? 

Jordan Hunter
not a very big bottle. I would be putting it on every day, buddy. Yeah, that's what I do, that's what? Yeah, that's what you should do I might do some experimentations what do you mean? It lasts 72 hours. That has to be false advertising. At what point? 

Daniel Lawson
oh, it fucking is it is because I'm thinking maybe 27, flip the 72 hours and turn it into 27 seconds, because literally within an hour and a half, I'm like damn because it's. 

Jordan Hunter
It's wet, though, right, so your wetness is mixing with the sweat. 

Daniel Lawson
I let it dry before I even put my shirt on. So what am I doing wrong? 

Jordan Hunter
Did you just do this, as if you fan your armpits? I do, I think I've seen you do that. 

Daniel Lawson
Or I do this have you ever done that? 

Jordan Hunter
No, I don't need to do this. I don't have a sweat issue. 

Daniel Lawson
I no, I don't need to do this. I don't have a sweat issue. I uh, I do that, or sometimes I'll hug a fan. Um, I gotta. I got many ways to dry these pits, baby. I've learned a lot in 33 years what about dry uh deodorant? 

Jordan Hunter
does that bother you? 

Daniel Lawson
uh, I feel like it makes me sweat worse, like the the white bar like the white stuff that. 

Jordan Hunter
That makes me sweat worse. 

Daniel Lawson
Axe works pretty good on me, but I haven't just found that one deodorant. All I'm saying is it pisses me off. Just tell us the truth. If it's sweat protection for 72 hours, make it last for 72 hours, yeah false advertising, maybe leave in the comments. 

Jordan Hunter
A suggestion for Daniel. Maybe someone else has the solution. Yeah, is there anything out there advertising? Uh, maybe leave in the comments a suggestion for daniel. Maybe you, maybe someone else has the solution yeah, is there anything out there? 

Daniel Lawson
and this deodorant was not cheap. Yeah, if you're. If you're getting 72 hour sweat protection, you're paying high end cost. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, yeah, what about those? What about natural like uh I? 

Daniel Lawson
haven't tried that hippie deodorant. 

Jordan Hunter
I mean, they smell the worst, so that doesn't make much sense. 

Daniel Lawson
Well, I have heard if you don't wash your hair it gets really greasy. Right, it gets oily and greasy, but eventually it goes away. 

Jordan Hunter
And it's clean. Okay, daniel, you can't think your sweat away and your hair doesn't just clean itself magically. 

Daniel Lawson
Hey, if you know what I'm talking about which I know you do guys leave it in the comments and prove me wrong. 

Jordan Hunter
It does probably turn into a point where it's got so much dirt in it that it's like gritty. It soaks it up. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, it's so wet that it dries up also. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, that's not clean. I wouldn't use that word, I don't think, but yeah it dries up also yeah that's not clean I wouldn't use that word. 

Daniel Lawson
I don't think, but but yeah, that's, that's one thing. 

Jordan Hunter
One thing, one of many things that twists my nips well, I imagine the next one will also be with a bathroom uh item. So it seems like daniel is on a streak here yeah, first it was the dove conditioner, then it's the. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah fuck my bathroom okay, I'm picking something else next week, but I couldn't help it because literally that's one thing that sticks out week to week. Um, I think I told you that at the very beginning. It was one of those things that just pisses me off. Yeah, makes me want to kick a blind man's cane. You know, I'm sorry that's happening to you. Buddy, buy a cat and drop it right back off. 

Jordan Hunter
I mean, I can. I can lick your armpits. Huh, you think that'll do anything for you Besides turn? 

Daniel Lawson
me on? Probably not. 

Jordan Hunter
You get me sweating more. 

Daniel Lawson
Well, what are we doing going into the week? Did we cover emotional pretty well for everybody? Did you go over everything that you wanted to? 

Jordan Hunter
I think I got a couple points in there. You know, our heroes are stoic and fearless and it's good to confront fear and to not. That's kind of was my whole point was uh, yeah, making sure you're not bottling things up, because then eventually it changes your behaviors, because you're, those emotions spill out and your behaviors become more erratic. So, yeah, just confront your emotions and understand them. Yeah, that is true? 

Daniel Lawson
um, I'm glad you said spill them out, because I I've experienced, you know, emotions that may be saddening emotions. 

Uh, one was my really good friend when I was in high school shot herself yeah and you know, on top of that, my parents were divorced, going in from middle school to high school and I didn't really shed a bunch of emotions from that. I was supposed to be the strong guy. You know my dad left. You know I'm supposed to be like the man of the house, which I definitely was when I was a little boy, but I was trying to figure it out because my mom was not eating, she wasn't drinking, you know she went to the hospital for like dehydration. She was having severe cramps because she couldn't eat or drink. 

I have a little sister who's three years younger, so those emotions I had to bottle up when my grandfather died. I had to bottle it up when my best friend shot himself. I think is the one thing that just made me just go absolutely crazy. Talking about it, I would just be so mad at everything and not just that thing. It was like everything in the past that I've ever had emotions for, whether it's the divorce, my girlfriend breaking up with me, my buddy that shot himself, and it's like I was literally angry, punching pillows or cussing my dad for leaving my mom, and everything happened at once. 

And I think it's important that we do what you say and in that moment we deal with those emotions, whether it's to cry or to talk to somebody. Do not bottle it up, because it can lead to disaster, not just for you but for someone else. I mean, if you're in a marriage or something, and you have all these emotions and she's like what the hell is wrong with this guy? This dude is crazy, you know. But I'm not crazy, I'm just releasing everything at once, which is not healthy. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, uh, because everything comes through. Uh, uh, it's like a, it's like a filter where it's like you have all of this anger that's over here and then the little things turn all this energy behind it and you're like way over the top angry over your wife asking you to vacuum the house. 

Daniel Lawson
maybe, maybe I was a little emotional when I sent you that picture. I'm like Whitney asked me to take out the trash. The other night I sent you a video. I'm like who the fuck does she think I am Scott's waist? Take out the trash. I was joking, of course, but yeah, stuff like that really happens. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, for sure, yeah, you get in arguments with your relationships is probably like the biggest for everyone, probably number one. 

Right, where it's just like something bothers you and you don't want to say something because it starts a bigger fight. Well, down the road, all of this is going to turn into an even bigger fight. Sometimes it's good to say that you should fight, that's to say, you should find a healthy way to communicate your feelings. This isn't about expressing your emotions, crying and all that's great, but there also is a mature way to express your emotions. Anger is not yelling. No one's going to hear your point. You're going to upset other people If you're angry. You need to calmly talk about what makes you angry and learn to be in control of some of that, but also to let things be known of how you feel, and that is in your rights to feel that way and it's validated or whatever people use nowadays. But act maturely in your emotions, but understand them and validate them. 

Um, and then face them, confront them yeah take control over them. Fuck fear. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, that was pretty good right in the ass. That was better. Um well, just a heads up too. We want to bring this up and I want to bring this up. Uh, we're thinking about kind of going to like a rename kind of thing, but nothing crazy. Nothing crazy Instead of the Daniel and Jordan podcast we're going to do. 

Jordan Hunter
Jordan and Daniel, I think my name should go first now. I like you on top. 

Daniel Lawson
We're going to do the Daniel and Jordan show because I feel like and we've talked off camera like it's more like a TV show. We have like a little segments, we do like little skits and it's a podcast setting. But at the end of the day, we want to. We're here to entertain, we're here to teach, we're here to coach. I guess, if anybody calls, we got a new number, I'll let Jordan tell you about, and I just think we're going to eventually, here in the next little bit, just transform into the Daniel Jordan show because we are entertaining yep, I think visuals will be a bigger thing. 

Jordan Hunter
We'll be doing a lot more edit like cool editing things that I think we want you to tune in and watch. The show and the podcast is great to listen to if that's what you are into. 

Daniel Lawson
But uh, eventually it'll be more theatrical and we'll be having a lot more fun yeah, we don't put a lot of the uh, we don't put any of the skits on the audio version, we just cut to the chase and start the podcast and maybe that's why we got kind of like, oh, it's a podcast, but the more we dive into it, the more ideas we come up with. And you know filming opportunities and skits and role plays and I love playing dress up. You know me too, buddy, and you know I think it's more of a TV show and I think you guys will enjoy it. And if you don't, let us know. If you guys have any suggestions, let us know. We'll listen to them. Probably won't do them, but we'll listen. Yeah, because I'm having fun. 

Jordan Hunter
You know what I'm saying? Me too, dude. I like the show idea. It's cool. It's like you know I'm a big fan of like Conan O'Brien late night and like this is like a dream of mine to have like a TV show where I could basically just do any dumb idea that comes to my brain and that's, and then we just do it and make it happen. 

Daniel Lawson
So if anybody is listening, that is part of a television network, just remember, I'm Daniel, I'm Jordan and we're daniel and jordan I think I messed up the whole looking thing. 

Jordan Hunter
I was looking everywhere. If you're part of a tv thing, do not check out that last part. All right, I'll hit my marks, I promise you. 

Daniel and Jordan's Birthday Shenanigans
Movie Madness and Emotional State
Exploring Emotions and Overcoming Fears
Reevaluating Success and Gratitude
Deodorant False Advertising and Emotional Health
TV Show Dream and Idea Sharing