The Daniel And Jordan Show

Chasing Dreams and White Squirrels: Finding Meaning in the Everyday

April 25, 2024 Daniel and Jordan Season 1 Episode 14
Chasing Dreams and White Squirrels: Finding Meaning in the Everyday
The Daniel And Jordan Show
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The Daniel And Jordan Show
Chasing Dreams and White Squirrels: Finding Meaning in the Everyday
Apr 25, 2024 Season 1 Episode 14
Daniel and Jordan

Laugh along with us as we kick things off reminiscing about that lovable extraterrestrial E.T., before the charismatic Eric Thomas takes us on a tour through the landscapes of motivation and success. It's a rollicking ride that swerves from the nostalgia of movie magic to the heartfelt terrain of personal growth and the true meaning of prosperity. We'll explore why sprinting after success might actually leave us out of breath and why pausing to savor the value of time can be more rewarding than any financial win. 

Our episode weaves through tales of family and joy, like the proud moment at Cadence's first softball game, to the trials of navigating winter on a moped. We're sharing these slices of life to keep it real and relatable, giving you a front-row seat to our world outside the studio. Plus, with talk of rebranding our podcast, we're toeing the line between thrill-seeking ambition and the humble pursuit of balance. It's not just about elevating the "Daniel and Jordan Show"; it's about ensuring that our evolution resonates with you, our dear listeners.

Finally, we reflect on the fragility of life, prompted by the poignant tale of a white squirrel's untimely end—an accidental backyard tragedy that brings both humor and a somber reminder of our environmental impact. From here, we pivot to musings on mortality, the careless disposal of chewing gum, and the small actions that ripple outward. As we wrap up this season, we're sending out a heartfelt thank you and the promise of more stories, more laughs, and the unmistakable Daniel and Jordan essence when we return for the next round of episodes.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Laugh along with us as we kick things off reminiscing about that lovable extraterrestrial E.T., before the charismatic Eric Thomas takes us on a tour through the landscapes of motivation and success. It's a rollicking ride that swerves from the nostalgia of movie magic to the heartfelt terrain of personal growth and the true meaning of prosperity. We'll explore why sprinting after success might actually leave us out of breath and why pausing to savor the value of time can be more rewarding than any financial win. 

Our episode weaves through tales of family and joy, like the proud moment at Cadence's first softball game, to the trials of navigating winter on a moped. We're sharing these slices of life to keep it real and relatable, giving you a front-row seat to our world outside the studio. Plus, with talk of rebranding our podcast, we're toeing the line between thrill-seeking ambition and the humble pursuit of balance. It's not just about elevating the "Daniel and Jordan Show"; it's about ensuring that our evolution resonates with you, our dear listeners.

Finally, we reflect on the fragility of life, prompted by the poignant tale of a white squirrel's untimely end—an accidental backyard tragedy that brings both humor and a somber reminder of our environmental impact. From here, we pivot to musings on mortality, the careless disposal of chewing gum, and the small actions that ripple outward. As we wrap up this season, we're sending out a heartfelt thank you and the promise of more stories, more laughs, and the unmistakable Daniel and Jordan essence when we return for the next round of episodes.

Daniel Lawson
Good morning everybody. I'm Daniel and I'm Jordan, and we're Daniel and Jordan. Welcome back to the greatest show on the Internet, the greatest one you've tuned into all week and the greatest one that you'll possibly ever see. Good morning Jordan. Good morning Daniel. How are you? I'm good for the second time today. You know I started my day off right. I started it off with a little bit of motivation. 

Jordan Hunter
Motivation on what, what's got you motivated, oh, et. 

Daniel Lawson
And when I say ET, I don't mean the little red man finger, which is an ugly character, by the way. Whoever designed that thing? 

Jordan Hunter
what is he? Kind of reminds me of my brother. What is he? I can see it. Can I have a little picture of John? 

Daniel Lawson
right up here. What is ET? Anyway, brother, what is? I could see it. Can I have a little picture of john right up here? What is, uh? What is et anyway? Extraterrestrial is an alien okay, so you're supposed to be an alien. 

Jordan Hunter
I don't actually remember. I think I might have seen it as a child. I don't remember the story, but yeah, he was an alien yeah, it was a weird, weird movie. 

Daniel Lawson
It was kind of creepy, like scary, a little bit kind of like the little furby creatures. What was that one? Yeah, uh, are you talking about gremlins? Yeah, gremlins was creepy too, it was good. I was checking all the doors after that movie, like every closet. It was like check all the dark spaces. Sure did uh what'd you find? 

nothing, just house yeah, yeah, just house, no, uh, no, gremlin, uh. But yeah, I listened to a little bit of et. His name's eric thomas. He is a uh, travels around, does a lot of motivational speaking work and just you know I listened this morning was about like not going in reverse and just focusing on what's in front of you. You know he does a great job of explaining it. He talks about success and fearless and how to just be a successful person and have that hunger mentality and, just you know, understanding that you got to be putting in some sweat equity, uh, sacrifices to be successful and, um, he and he I listened to another one too. 

So a lot of his older stuff's about making money. You want to be successful. If that's what you want to do, here's what you need to do to do it. But then his a lot of the recent stuff talks about how a lot of people you know it's one thing to make money, but there's another thing to like worship it, um, and give so much power to the paper when papers printed every day but time ends, uh, a very powerful message and, and it and I'm like ends. Uh, a very powerful message and and it and I'm like, but you told me in here down the road like being successful and and like how to make this money, but then it's understanding, like the the difference of worshiping all these great things and and the money you have and almost like I don't know, basking in it, abusing it or almost in a sense, or just like being obsessed with money and buying stuff and having things. That is, I think, is what he's trying to explain. 

Jordan Hunter
It makes sense that, like, money buys you freedom in a sense, right, like what I don't have, or I have to think about money at this point in my life, right, but it'd be helpful for me to have a little bit of that mindset, yeah, but then there's a balance of like. Once you get to that level of it's giving you freedom, yeah, does it become your, your master, right? Or is it just like another thing you use to have your time and your freedom? 

Daniel Lawson
yeah. So it causes me, like when I heard that it was like it caused me to think more about it. Because I'm like et you told me years ago, to be successful, I got to wake up early, I got to sacrifice sleep, I got to put in the work. To get what I want, you know, I got to put in the work to reap the benefit, reap the reward. And being successful is, I guess, what defines success. I think for everybody that's a little different. For some people it may be money. I think for everybody that's a little different. For some people it may be money, for some people it may be, you know, just being happy. That's again on an individual bias. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, you know that's why it's like nice that you do what you like to do and it makes money in turn. That's like you know. That's a recipe for success of all sorts. 

Daniel Lawson

Jordan Hunter
If you can find that mix and you do that a lot because you love editing, you love production, you love acting, you love all those things being me, being you, yeah, exactly, and so that's nice, that you find that level of success in that. And, yeah, the money becomes a whole other thing and stuff, but you actually enjoy growing things and so that is really what you want to do is to grow things. So that kind of is like it kind of goes hand in hand for you. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, If I could only grow what's between my legs you need help, um. 

But yeah, just hearing that message just caused me to think outside the box. And then I'm, like you know, to not worship money, which I don't think I do, um, but just to make sure I never get to that point, like staying humble and just like being grateful and understanding where I was and where I'm at now. It's like, you know, it's just understanding it and knowing that there's an issue there, that I don't want to go down that way. I don't want to give paper power, because time is something we can't get back. You know what I mean. 

Jordan Hunter
Being conscious of it, though, is like you're already on the path right being conscious of it and thinking about it as the first step, and it's really the main step. Once you start thinking about it, you can find out when to balance it, because it'll enter into your mind when it's out of balance, exactly. 

Daniel Lawson
Um, so yeah, that's how I started off my morning. Uh, yesterday was great, great weather. We've had a lot of rain the past four or five days, it seems like, and the weather's so bipolar, you know, it don't know if it wants to be hot or cold. It's kind of in that weird stage right now and, uh, today is a high in the 80s. 

Jordan Hunter
So, if you haven't noticed, I've got my. Uh, you know, cany thinks that my legs are the sexiest part about me. Why is that? Just manly athletic legs? She rubs on them. 

Daniel Lawson
Hey, at least the bottom half of you is athletic and manly Balance like we say, yeah, if we could just take a little bit off of those legs and put it up top on that facial hair, we'll be on to something. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I think there's some surgery about that. 

Daniel Lawson
God hates me. Hey doc, don't take it off my ass, Just take it off my legs. And some of those muscles. Can you put them in my? 

Jordan Hunter
arms. You do have some major calves, yeah. You always have, though I think it's because as a child I walked around on my tippy toes a lot Like a bird. They say that I'm also pigeon-toed, Very bird-like in the bottom half, and actually Kanie thinks I look like an eagle, so mostly bird on the top half too. I could see it. I could, yeah, Soar high, I guess. 

Daniel Lawson
Hey, as long as you're soaring high above the eagles, you ain't got nothing to worry about. I'm not Because the eagle is the highest flying bird there is. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, because the eagle is the highest flying bird there is. Yeah, I'm not soaring above a buddy, I'm on ground level Science by Daniel. 

Daniel Lawson
Wait, what'd you say? Eagles are the highest flying altitude bird there is. 

Jordan Hunter
I actually think you might be right this time. I am correct, but your history tells me you're wrong. 

Daniel Lawson
Again. Can I get a check mark? 

Jordan Hunter
That's why they say don't fly with the eagles, fly above them who says that I've never heard someone et says that eric thomas, eric thomas and if you guys haven't listened to eric thomas great guy I highly recommend it. 

Daniel Lawson
Um, he is one that really just makes you want to do it, you know and for me personally, I like listening to a guy named Robert Green. 

Jordan Hunter
He writes a lot of books. He writes a book on mastery mastering like an art. 

Daniel Lawson
Mastering the craft. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, a craft, and he's also got a whole book about like, the laws of power and a lot of people look at that and think it's really bad because, like, the perspective he talks about is like, literally how you gain power and use it. 

But his idea is the more people who genuinely like, don't go towards wanting to gain power, the more we understand how people get power, the more we can take more power in our lives and, yes, the bad actors can take that and use it you, you know in a bad way of manipulation. But his idea is to raise this awareness of how power works so that everyone can know how things work, instead of just the people who want to know how power works, knowing how it works. So, like a lot of things in there. It'll come off as like, like a bad idea, but it teaches you how to actually gain and manipulate things and I think it's important for people to know how the world works, to know when people are trying to manipulate you maybe, yeah, but he talks a lot about that. So, robert Green, I suggest him as well, Nice, nice. 

Daniel Lawson
So you got two people to search up, other than Daniel and Jordan, you know. But besides listening to that, Caden started softball first day opening game. It was great to get the family out. It was great to get outside, soak up some sun, Like I needed that. I work a lot. I'm up at night so I almost feel like I see more dark than day. So it was just so good to and when I say that I'm up during the day too, but I'm just like I'm working. I got my head down and I'm busy, but it was so good to just get out with layton in the dirt and throw the ball back and forth with layton and watch cadence play. 

Jordan Hunter
She got a hit um, how are you and whitney in the stands? Are y'all, uh, y'all, yellers? What are y'all doing? 

Daniel Lawson
well, I'm usually so I take an approach like the first game. I'm like, cool, because we haven't been to the practice, because coach forgot to call us and you know this was the first time she met the team, so I didn't want to come off as that dad, yeah, yeah, yeah, you know. So I was like playing it cool. And I'm like, oh, yeah, you know, they knew I was vocal, so I cheered, for I always cheer for everybody. I'm like, hey, good hustle, even if they swing, good, swing, whatever. But yeah, cadence, get your shit together. You know, um, maybe not to that extent, but this time Whitney was that mom, I see, that's what I was. Um, she's usually not. Now Whitney is very vocal and loud and cheery, but she was like Cadence swung at the first one and just half-ass swung, you know, and I told her right before I was like Cadence, if you're gonna swing, swing all the way through. 

Jordan Hunter
Whitney goes, cadence if you're gonna to swing, swing all the way through. 

Daniel Lawson
Whitney goes. Cadence, if you're going to swing, you better swing all the way through. Sure enough, I guess Cadence heard it and was like oh okay, and swung and she hit the ball the second time or on the second pitch, so she got to. First. It was close, she lobbed it and she outran the throw, which was great, and then they overthrew, so she went to second. 

Jordan Hunter
Oh nice. 

Daniel Lawson
So she got a double off of a little blooper, you know, a little air. So, yeah, it was good to just enjoy the day, and I'm going to do that today as well. It's beautiful outside. I've got a little things to work to do, but I'm sitting aside a time to ride my motorcycle today. 

Jordan Hunter
Hell yeah, Like 10 a time to ride my motorcycle today like 10 minutes. Nice, yeah, you know, just go and drive and enjoy the wind yeah, that's today's a perfect day for that I don't sure, I've never ridden a motorcycle, but uh, would you ever let me get on that thing? 

Daniel Lawson
yeah I don't care, you can you can do. 

Jordan Hunter
It's a one-seater but we can figure it out I've been two-seaters on mopeds before in my life, so I don't have any problem with that, buddy you look like a moped driver like a dumb and dumber I mean you don't look like them, but you just look like a guy who would own a moped. Oh yeah, my motorcycle's too fast for me, mopeds perfect speed for me? 

Daniel Lawson
yeah, they pissed me off getting behind. Do you remember we were going to track something? Or remember that guy who did drum lessons and we went over to their house to record something? It was over by karyaukus. You knew a guy over there, wendell, probably my friend were you taking drum lessons? Yeah, we went over there to do something and there was a guy on a moped. It was in the winter time I can't believe you remember this yeah, listen to this y'all, wintertime, wintertime. 

He was tailing me like close and I brake checked his ass and it was snowing and he slid on his, he hit his brake and completely lost it. The wreck, oh yeah yeah, he did In front of Wendy's and then he got up and then he walked his little moped over to the in Wendy's. But he learned his lesson. 

Jordan Hunter
Oh I up, and then he walked his little moped over to the in Wendy's. But he learned his lesson. 

Daniel Lawson
Oh, I put that in the back of my mind somewhere buried that crime. 

Deep in my core, if anybody was at fault, it was the moped driver. That's one way to look at it, sure, but yeah, that was my week. A lot going on with the studio. We're thinking about rebranding the awesome lawson's podcast, awesome, um. So I'm just looking forward to the new brand of after school with the lawson's, as well as here with the daniel and jordan show, and just to feel that vibe. We, we need a vibe. We've been missing a vibe. We've had a great space. Yeah, you know, better than your average podcast. It can be better. I'm next level. I'm not content with average. Amen, brother, you know I want to. 

I want to see my full potential. I want to see our full potential and I'm not okay with average. I'm not. I want the best, I want to look the best, I want to be the best and that's why I say thank you for tuning in to the greatest show on the internet. 

Jordan Hunter
And I'm the humble one, and so, yeah, average is not so bad. I'm pretty cool with average. 

Daniel Lawson
Balance. Right, I'm humble too. Yeah, I'm humble too. 

Jordan Hunter
No, yeah, that's why I love having you around, because you know, having someone who pushes you is what my fiancé is. It's what you are my other fiancé. It's nice. I need people to push me. 

Daniel Lawson
So it's nice to have someone pushing in that direction. And it's good to have someone to say hey, think a little different, slow down a little bit. You know, to have to, to just have it in my conscience, like you said about, you know, listening to those messages, you know, cause I don't, I don't want to work myself to death and miss out on time. 

Jordan Hunter
So it's good to have a balance of the hunger and the humble, yeah, and it's in your core to be productive and knock things out, so ultimately, it's never going to leave you and I would never want to change that about you. That's a beautiful thing that you have and I'm jealous of that. 

But yeah obviously I want you to be happy. Beautiful thing that you have and I'm jealous of that. Yeah, um, but yeah, obviously there's, there's. I want you to be happy and you know, I think that there's other things that you know us playing guitar in a room together wasn't necessarily productive, but I love that. 

Daniel Lawson
I love it and I do want to do that before you leave today. I pulled them out already, um, but yeah, so what about your week, dude? 

Jordan Hunter
um, who, I went through a whole mental thing. 

I'll get a little bit into it, I guess. 

So, like with this, we've been really stressed right, I was trying to help you out with editing your podcast, your other podcasts and all that, and I found myself in this thing of like a lot of work to do and this trying to push through, feeling like a lot of work to do and this trying to push through feeling. And the thing is like when we do shorts and I do our episode, I try to. I want to be in that mindset of just like I'm being creative, I'm making something that's funny and fun and I'm thinking about all the little details that goes into it to make it fun and all that. And it's like when I, when all that work is piled up and this is a bad side of me also, but I also think it's a good thing but I find myself wanting to just push through the work right, like let's grind, get it out of the way and get done with it so I can relax and get my mind in like a better state. And you've been stressed, you've been up a lot working, like you've been editing a lot late. 

This week. 

And I know that you can function on that, um, but you know, I I don't feel like that is like manageable long term or anything like that yeah, and so I felt like the idea had felt, like it fell into this realm of like we want to do what we love, which is this, and we want to make a living doing that, because that's what the dream is right doing what you love and making a living at it and I feel like we're losing a bit of the love for it, for the fact that we wanted to make a living and and this threw me hold down a whole rabbit hole of of what it means to be an entertainer right jordan loves rabbits, as you could tell by the last episode. 

No, nothing about them, but. 

Daniel Lawson
I'll go down a rabbit hole, trust me. 

Jordan Hunter
And so I started thinking about just like what is it to be an entertainer, to be a YouTuber, to be in the business of show business, right? And ultimately, I'm a big Bo Burnham fan. If you don't know who Bo Burnham is, I suggest watching his latest special called Inside it's on Netflix. Um, it came out during COVID. He uh, to me he's a genius. He's exact same age as me, so I share a lot of things in common with him. To me. 

I kind of came to the conclusion I was like dang Bo Burnham's already said everything that I think and he's like, always he's a step ahead of me, so it's like you should have fucking spoke up. 

And so, uh, I've watched a lot of his stuff and he he always painted this picture of like what an artist is, is like the kid at a birthday party who's running around screaming, and that is a person who. 

That's how they learn to get attention. And then we grow up as entertainers and we're rewarded by the audience, who loves having someone to entertain them, and that entertainer has an inner child looking for that attention and they're being fed it through the audience and they're never have to mature from that child that they were and and I kind of felt like I kind of an ingredients and I could see my own life, the inner child that I have, that like. I think I want to be big, influential, because my father I admired so much, who did that himself, and I haven't completely separated myself as a person from that. I have, I've always admired that and that's not a bad thing, but that is an inner child of me and, being the youngest as well, I had older brothers that had more responsibilities than me. What I brought to the table was the morality or the moral or the, the what? 

Daniel Lawson
am I trying to speak the morale? 

Jordan Hunter
guy. Right, I'm the guy who lightens the mood. Yeah, for sure, and I think that's really clear the more I look at my life, how I've acted is that's what I bring to the table is a morale booster which is a wonderful thing to have, I mean, you know, in this time and age it feels like it's. 

The morale part is very important. Now here's the other thing that separates it though. An entertainer was meant in the day, back in the day, to be a distraction from all the awful things that people had to deal with in their lives, and that was a beautiful, beautiful thing. And then now we're in the age of distraction, because we are obsessed with entertainment, and at times I sit back and I think or in times I mean this past week and say is now the time for distraction? And it worries me to, for my own benefit, to keep pushing my own entertainment for my own gain. 

Daniel Lawson

Jordan Hunter
And that's just not where I want to be. I don't think, I think, and that's when I realized, like art for profit is just not art anymore. It can't be art, it has to be. Art is something I give to you and ask for nothing in return. Um, now, that being said, I think the only difference that needs to happen is is like I need to put my art above the making the money part, making making a living. I think that in some turn that that can give back to me, just from the universe giving back to me. 

But I, I can't allow, like be becoming stressed and all this where I can't think of the content, I can't think of the fun, I can't make the content the best for you all. If I'm in this mind space of like I, if I'm in this mind space of like I got to feed the algorithm or content and it's like a catch 22 for me. It's the paradox of being an artist in the day and age we are in, but, at the end of the day, I love doing this and I want to make it the best you can. So our focus is on making this fun, making it loving, making it a community that you can be a part of. We're not asking anything of you beyond. I'd like to hear your voice eventually on the comments. 

Daniel Lawson
We got a number, all you gotta do is call. 

Jordan Hunter
That's right. We have a phone number. We have comment section. We'd love to hear from you all so we can talk to you all. We wanna talk to other people. We wanna build a community of people who are trying to just get through life and and figure it out, and I want y'all to figure it out with me. Yeah, so it's just kind of that, okay and so, and then last night I got to go to tidballs and my buddy jay did a dj set and I got to. All I did was his volume to his vocals, but I just sat there with my thumb on that volume knob and I I had an absolute blast, just like making sure it sounded perfect that's cool it was an amazing feeling. 

I like to lock in and make sure something sounded good for everyone in the audience. Yeah, and I was around people and I got to talk to people in person for the first time in a while. Man, I miss that. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, and just like, like you said, even having your finger on a volume button, like you're in your realm of doing what you love, whether that's playing music, whether that's editing podcasts, I mean it's all in a realm. So I mean, if, if, of course, you're going to enjoy that volume knob you know what I mean it just makes sense, yeah I love playing with knobs, I can concur. 

Jordan Hunter
Um, yeah, yeah, that was a great experience last night to do, even though it was a small little job. But, like just trying to make sure the art sounded the best it could, I was like this is what I love. 

Daniel Lawson
I love making the art being the best it can and not asking for anything in return from the art, just being able to love it so, with that being said, uh, me and jordan talked this morning for a little bit and what we're gonna do, since we're in the middle of the season of 1.5 of the daniel and jordan podcast. This is the final episode of the season. No, april fools, this is the final episode of season one, daniel and jordan podcast. Uh, and we're gonna take a little break, maybe a week or two, whenever we are ready and and start off full fourths in the studio. And it's not because the studio is being held up, it's because we want to give you the best experience possible. Um, we want to be healthy minded during it, because if we're, if we're not healthy up here, we can't be healthy on here and you're not going to enjoy it that much if we aren't like in loving what we're creating. 

Yeah, so we're going to take a little break, just like the walking dead does, just like full house does, just like all these tv shows because we are now the daniel and jordan show- so we have to have seasons. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, that's really why we called it that so we could take a fucking break, yeah exactly, yeah, but there is something beautiful about having a light at the end of the tunnel. We can focus on 10 to 12 episodes, however many we decide in a season. Yeah, and and then you can be excited because we're going to try new ideas, we're going to make new segments, we're going to do new skits and we have time to think those out and actually put energy into the, the creative process of it, instead of spending our time just keeping up. 

Yeah, and it won't be huge breaks, they're just going to be small breaks, to give us time to live life a little bit, get a little content in our heads about what goes on in life and to be able to come back and give you all something awesome and fun. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, but I will say what will not change is the word of the week, because that's kind of our bread and butter, that's what we benefit from, that's what I feel like a lot of our listeners benefit from. Of course, all the comedy and the jokes and the jokes are staying. Yeah, those are staying, of course. I mean, that's who we always have been. 

Jordan Hunter
Dick and balls. I'm Dick, he's balls. Glad I'm the bigger part. On some people you bring the testosterone at least. 

Daniel Lawson
Uh, but yeah. So those things are never, never going anywhere. And with that being said, I think you have a little story about today's word of the week. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, so, okay, I've had this story. The most insane thing happened to me at this point, like over a month ago, I think, and I was like this story is one of the week. Yeah, so okay, I've had this story. The most insane thing happened to me at this point, like over a month ago, I think, and I was like this story is one of the most insane things. I gotta save it for a big podcast hold on one second. 

Daniel Lawson
I forgot something. Let me introduce my greatest friend, the one with the brains and not the bronze, not the balls but the penis. Mr Jordan Hunter, I'm all shaft. 

Jordan Hunter
Continue. All right, so I am negligent of my chores, right, and you know this about me, right? Clearly, okay. So Kanie asked me to flip this trash can out by our house because it was going to fill with rainwater before the winter came and I obviously forgot. So time passed. 

Full of water, it filled up with rainwater before the winter came and I obviously forgot. So time passed, full of water, it filled up with rainwater. So cany was like, look, we need to go out there and look, it looks like there's something in there. So I went out there and I looked and I was like we were about to walk the dogs. And I looked and I was like that's just a feather. So we walked the dogs and we went and we came back and forgot about it. And so another week passes and can you, like't you go out there and start dumping some of that water out so we don't flood the area, right? And I was like, okay. So I finally went out there. Wait, how big was this trash, can I mean? It's like a like a, like a, like one by my road, like one that you would have like in a store, like a like a, but like when you would like an extra one, like when you have like in the back of windies right where you like a big window, right like the big round ones. 

Yeah big round ones, gray right industrial looking um. And so I went out there and I started I dumped in a little bit of water out and I was like that's not a a feather, that is a rubber football. And so I dumped a little bit more water out and I was like that's not a rubber football, that's a rubber squirrel. And I dumped a bit more out. It that wasn't a rubber squirrel, it was a dead squirrel that had drowned in this water. 

Daniel Lawson
Oh, you've cracked the code to squirrel hunting. 

Jordan Hunter
This is a different take that I had at the time. That's terrible. I go inside and I tell can't swim clearly, clearly. He drowned that one just couldn't swim. I haven't gone back and looked for the, the claw marks oh man, that's a sad story. 

So I went inside I told caney and we were just like sad, deep, deep sadness, and she was like squirrel soup. It wasn't the white squirrel, was it? And so there's this white squirrel that my our landlord told us about. It's the, it's the neighborhood, the white squirrel. Caney's mom would come into town. She'd look at it out the window. My grandfather has asked for a picture of it and I was like I don't think it was. And so we went out and it was that fucking white squirrel. The star of the neighborhood had drowned from my negligence of not flipping that trash can. 

Daniel Lawson
Youj simpson, that squirrel. 

Jordan Hunter
Oh, was it too soon so I went and I dumped the body out back. That's what he did, and so I put it up and right where it's all sad and anyways, I had to go back to editing our stuff, so I'm back to the computer and I'm editing it. 

It and I get a text from Kainey and I open it up and it is a picture of that white squirrel just sitting there with the nut hanging out. I think he had a nut, Maybe he didn't. He was just hanging out five feet from where his eventual drowning happened, the exact five feet from where that trash can ended up. I wonder how happened the exact five feet from where that trash can ended up? 

Daniel Lawson
I wonder how and she said six months ago, before you drowned him, she sent that to you. That's shitty too soon, cany. How dare you? He is a sensitive man. 

Jordan Hunter
You can't just send a squirrel that he just killed with a beautiful nut in his mouth to his cell phone and then so later at night we lay down and cany pulls out her phone and she does voice search and she's like siri uh, how old. How long do squirrels live to be, do you know? 

Daniel Lawson

Jordan Hunter
Yes, daniel, science doesn't know this one my guess was well, I guess it was my hope. I was like six to eight years. Right, it's a rodent of sorts. They live to be like 18 years old, like an adult human. 

Daniel Lawson
They've gone through all of school so a squirrel year is kind of like dog years, you know, because 18 years of a dog is like a old man they were counting in our normal years. I thought I didn't know if there was a little difference maybe what is 18 and squirrel years. 

Jordan Hunter
I will find out why he continues pretty sure 18 is just 18 years in a normal human's life. That's what they were saying and she was like how rare is a white squirrel? Now, to be fair, we live in an area where white squirrels are more common. A white squirrel, though, you know it's one in 100,000. That a white squirrel I have drowned is One in 100,000, are you trying to think of what is percentage better for you? 

Daniel Lawson
No, that's a really low percent. 

Jordan Hunter
Yes exactly so. So then I go to work the next day and I receive another text from Katie and she's cropped out this picture of the squirrel and it says never forget. She's put American flag back behind it. She's went above and beyond. She said she wanted to put the twin towers in the background and put never forget. And then she said the next day she walked outside to get in her car and she looked I had set the trash can back face up again. After I dumped the body, I left the trash can, just how I did the fucking trap. 

Daniel Lawson
I did, I set it back, yeah, so yeah, I buried him Life's about lessons, Jordan. 

Jordan Hunter
We have to learn our lessons. You know, what's funny is, I was talking to my buddy that night on my computer and he was like well, now, you know, anytime Kenny asks you to do something, you think of that poor squirrel that you killed, and then that gets you to do it and, hilariously enough, I set that trash can back up the way. It was already forgotten, completely negligent, hysterical. So I have negligently killed the famous white squirrel in our neighborhood and I buried the body. It was dug up a day later. What'd you name him? 

Daniel Lawson
oh, by what his cousins to say? How dare him bury him? 

Jordan Hunter
in this killing field. I'm hoping it's the time of year where they're like hibernating or something, or they're sleeping underground, because I haven't seen squirrels in a long time. I think I sent the message. 

Daniel Lawson
I sent the body out they're like hey, don't go in his yard. Remember what happened to bruce? I named him rodney. Oh nice, yeah, rodney the white squirrel. Yeah, so probably died a terrible death. Can you imagine? Just let's just take a human, for example, and just jump in the ocean, in the middle of the ocean, and just keep afloat. 

Jordan Hunter
What was he trying to do? You think? What did he like? What did he think? I'm thinking he's jumping from the top. What if he just fell from a limb all the way down in and clunk? 

Daniel Lawson
well, okay. So when did, when did we notice this trash? Can? I never know was it in the? 

Jordan Hunter
fall. You know me, I don't remember, and she like, maybe like late fall. 

Daniel Lawson
She was like flip that oh no, you know what he was doing, I already know whatbernate okay okay, he was gathering food before hibernation and since it's fall, all the acorns and nuts drop. Something could have dropped into it hit him, knocked his little squirrel brain sideways and he plummeted to his death. 

Jordan Hunter
So it was mother nature's fault, clearly. I mean all I picked I'd lay down that night and I could just picture him thrashing in that water he was. 

Daniel Lawson
Honestly I'm gonna be honest with you he was probably knocked out. Tell ease caney's mind. The squirrel was knocked. It's almost like being unconscious while you're on a ventilator and someone pulls the plug. He didn't feel a thing. 

Jordan Hunter
No, no, no, no. I don't think that there was any plug being pulled. I think it was the most horrific death you could face and it was because of my negligence. If there is scratch marks, have you looked? No, no, I can't. I can't bring myself to you. Which brings me to the word of the week. This week is mortality. We're going to die. You and I are going to die Eventually, anytime, anytime, really right, I mean, back in the day, how old did people live to be? We're kind of lucky to be 33 right now. 

Daniel Lawson
I don't know Back in the day. 

Jordan Hunter
I feel like people lived to be older you think older than we are now. My grandfather was 93. I don't think people were ever 93, really right, maybe? 

Daniel Lawson
wealthy people. Wait, I'm thinking back in the day, as in your grandpa or my grandpa. 

Jordan Hunter
I'm thinking of medieval times, when people were getting their heads chopped off in the 20s. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, I mean they were going to war at 13. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, as awful, as things seem now, if you can hold a rifle you so, as awful as things seem now, if you can hold a rifle, you're going to war. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So I've been just a little bit more about my mortality and someday something's going to happen and I'm just going to drown out somewhere. Maybe a shark will eat me, I hope. 

Daniel Lawson
Maybe what happened to Rodney. 

Jordan Hunter
What do I deserve is what I think Can happen to you. 

Daniel Lawson
Oh God, eye for an eye or a nut for a nut. This just in. Check this out. Jordan, according to twitter post by ken penders if that's even how you pronounce, his name could be peters, I don't know. Um, a squirrel is 32 years old in squirrel years if it is 16 in human years, so there is a little difference. So he was old, it was his time to go. 

Jordan Hunter
So it's like every year, human year is two years to them. Huh, yeah, yeah, I mean, I could have killed him in his 20s, killed him at least he's probably younger than I am now. Yeah, I, you know, and I went through a whole thing like should I report this to somebody? 

Daniel Lawson
the, the uh. What are those green people called um the game warden? Hey, I killed the albino squirrel. Get on the fucking ground they arrest you. 

Jordan Hunter
I'm not telling the neighbors, I'm not telling anyone in my neighborhood that I did. You just told the world. Yeah, I know so. Immortality, awesome. Yeah, immortality, rodney, lives on forever in my heart. We love you, rodney sorry, buddy. 

Daniel Lawson
Um, let's see here real quick before we go. I just want to tell you something that just pisses me off, the thing that just makes me want to peel up my toenails and eat them. God, or in other words, like to say what twists our nips Ow. 

What twists your nips, daniel? So it was opening day at the softball field, right, mm-hmm? This happened to me yesterday twice in a matter of literally two minutes. It was a little toasty, outside the sun was shining and guess what? Assholes spit their gum out on the concrete. Yeah, that's disrespectful. 

I hate that. There's nothing that pisses me off more than stepping in some bubble gum and then noticing oh, there's something on my foot, and then you do this, and then it strings out and it just follows you. And not only did I do it once, I did it twice. And uh, cussing gum twice, twice in a matter of two minutes in a different pile of gum. 

I was like, can anybody else spit out some fucking gum? Is what I said? Like that is one thing that I cannot stand is stepping in gum. Spit it in the grass, does it? 

Jordan Hunter
biodegradable, like is it? Does it? What happens with gum? 

Daniel Lawson
do animals try to eat it, so they say you're not supposed to spit it out, because if an animal eat, it's daniel science here I got all these fun facts it can't shit it out. Yeah, it kind of sets in their stomach, kind of like us. 

Jordan Hunter
You know, yeah, solid for us, right? Yeah, um, that is disrespectful. I guess it's a ballpark thing. Everyone's chewing gum probably, if not tobacco. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, I don't think the little 11-year-old girls are out there with chew in their mouth. If they are, we got a problem. Speaking of chew, my dad used to call it worm dirt, worm dirt yeah, when you buy a box of worms or a little jar of worms to go fishing, they're in that dirt. Dad used to call it worm dirt, and I can't get over it. Have you ever dipped? I've tried it one time and about died. That's a story I hear from everyone. 

Jordan Hunter
I've never tried it. It's terrible. 

Daniel Lawson
And it was like grizzly, it was like long cut, or it was Copenhagen, it was the harsh shit, it was the strongest of strong. And my stepbrother was like, hey, daniel, uh, you want to try? He went in that country. I just feel like you have to talk that country when you have dip in. But he's like, hey, daniel, try this dip. And I was like, okay, y'all are doing it, they're all ball players. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, I'm a hockey kid, you know it's like going straight to ipas instead of a light beer. Yeah, you don't. 

Daniel Lawson
You're not gonna enjoy it and I put it in and literally in a matter of seconds, I'm sitting there with my hands on my yeah, I'm nauseated, I'm over the bed and I'm like who the room is spinning at this point. And then, uh, ryan goes, uh, get up and walk to the tv, and it was probably, you know, from here to the kitchen table. It wasn't, it was, it was the room was more rectangle than it was. Probably, you know, from here to the kitchen table. It wasn't, it was, it was the room was more rectangle than it was square yeah. 

And I get up, I walk to the TV. I get literally halfway there, I turn around, I run back, threw it all up. I was so dizzy, I was sick. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, never touched it again. Never touched it again. That's good. Yeah, I can believe people push through that and I'm like, well, I'll try it again. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, I mean, I remember that one time there was that one time I got sick as fuck. But once one more time I get, yeah, I can't do it. I used to know a girl who dipped and I thought she was so badass yeah, she went to warren east. 

Jordan Hunter
That's a yeah. That makes more sense as well. That's a rough gal yeah, dipping. 

Daniel Lawson
If you're a chick and you dip, kudos to you because at this moment you got more balls than me. 

Jordan Hunter
If you dip, I bet you suck dick, I bet you don't. 

Daniel Lawson
I bet you got one Actually. Yeah, Actually, it's the other way. 

Jordan Hunter
She probably has got a dick. You probably suck her dick. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, but yeah, that is this week's thing that just twists my nips. I can't stand the gum on the ground. So if you're a gum chewer, chew your gum. But that moment, when I stepped to that second pile, I told Whitney, I'm about to go around here and tell everybody spit out their gum in my hand, like I wanted to be like you. You spit it out. Now You're not supposed to have gum here. Can you imagine? Yeah, not supposed to have gum here. Can you imagine? Yeah. I was at that point, though, and I cussed loud on accident, but it was twice yeah, in a matter of two minutes. 

You deserve that, like I almost like step in it, and then I moved, and when I moved I stepped in another one. 

Jordan Hunter
Oh, it just made me mad. That is disrespectful of those people. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, so noted don't spit your gum out, don't litter it's like taking your underwear off after you've shit your pants in Walmart and putting it behind the commode, which has also happened to me. You know it's just something you don't do. 

Jordan Hunter
You just covered shit behind it. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, it was the. I was like God. It stinks in here. 

Jordan Hunter
Actually, you know what? As a janitor at a department store, you'd be shocked how many women are taking their panties off it, where they shit in them and putting them in the trash can. Yeah, it's a ton of panties and that's okay. 

Daniel Lawson
That's all right. It's all right to shit your pants. I've shit mine before, okay. It's not okay to take them off and shove them in behind the toilet when there's a trash can in the bathroom. 

Jordan Hunter
That's when you cross that line yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I guess it's okay to shit your pants. I get it right, I guess. I guess people are having girls are shitting their pants way more than I thought I'll tell you that that's disgusting, makes me want to rethink my marriage yeah, they paint themselves out to be all prissy and men are disgusting. I'm telling you, right now I haven't seen any shit in underwear in the men's section and it's constant shit. I'm guessing it's just older ladies and that's fine. I understand it happens. 

Daniel Lawson
Are they big panties, little panties? Are they skimpy panties? Are they lacy? 

Jordan Hunter
They're never sexy panties with shit in them, Otherwise it wouldn't be so bothersome. 

Daniel Lawson
So yeah at Dillard so the crowd's old. Yeah, they're old panties, which is expected yeah. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, yeah, hey, I have a question. The other day I was thinking about this, you know we talked about ball smell last week and I'm sorry to bring this back up. Um, but I was talking to Katie about it. Do you think you prefer ball smell or vagina smell? 

Daniel Lawson
You asking them or me? 

Jordan Hunter
You know my answer. 

Daniel Lawson
I know your answer too. Answer too, which is strange. What do you think? My answer is balls. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, that's for sure, it's balls. Of course it's balls, boys balls feel more homely. 

Daniel Lawson
Well, balls are the same, no matter what that is the thing. 

Jordan Hunter
Well, is that true? 

Daniel Lawson
maybe I haven't smelled everyone's balls you're not smelling mine, I love you. I'll let you know what they probably all smell. 

Jordan Hunter
The same, now the further you get back oh yeah, like to the gooch zone more dirt, yeah, but you can only balls not anymore. 

Daniel Lawson
I've lost a lot of weight oh, you don't have to anymore. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, okay, that makes. No more, makes sense. No more chub rub, less chafing. 

Daniel Lawson
So the further you get back, the worse it gets, but I feel like all balls smell the same. 

Jordan Hunter
Why are we having this conversation? It's not ball smell anymore, it's ass smell yeah. 

Daniel Lawson
Which probably they're all the same. 

Jordan Hunter
But at the end of the day. 

Daniel Lawson
Balls smell the same. Sweaty balls are sweaty balls. 

Jordan Hunter
Damn balls smell the same. Sweaty balls are sweaty balls. Vagina science he's done the research. 

Daniel Lawson
Trust us, google he didn't google it. That's personal experience. Vagina, on the other hand, smell really good. It could not smell at all or could smell really bad really, yeah sure so different. There's definitely different brands, as we've said yeah, you got your high octane and you got your premium, you got your unleaded Best case scenario. It's odorless. Yeah, I'm sorry. 

Jordan Hunter
I'm giving women just an awful insecurity, probably right now. 

Daniel Lawson
But I'm sorry, our balls smell too Well. From my understanding, women are not like men. Men are, and you know just, we're weird creatures. Women don't smell their own stuff. 

Jordan Hunter
I don't think I bet they do, but it's not the same like it's not enjoyment like it is for a man. 

Daniel Lawson
It's pretty, it's more of a need to know what's going on. Hey, what's going on down there? Before I go to to's house, make sure I'm good, make sure I'm, you know Me. 

Jordan Hunter
I don't take any care before I go anywhere. Yeah. 

Daniel Lawson
You get what you get and you don't throw a fit. Well, that sums up today's episode. Guys, in the comments let us know what you prefer. 

Jordan Hunter
B or P? What do you prefer, mom? You just let me know, yeah, what do Wayne smell like Cross the line? Sorry guys. What does ashes smell like? 

Daniel Lawson
We will. Maybe I could use that as chafing powder. Sorry, wayne, I love you, but yeah, until next time, season two we'll start off with the bang guys. We're not going anywhere, we're just taking a little break. You know, maybe for you to experience a different show, maybe check out some of the people we mentioned today. Which was who? Who was it? 

Jordan Hunter
Mine was Eric Robert Green and yours was Eric T. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, Eric Thomas. So experience one of those for a week or two, and maybe you'll find another show that you like. 

Jordan Hunter
Go live life. We're going to go live life and we'll come back and we'll discuss it. Jordan will be living life. I'll be living life. 

Daniel Lawson
He'll be letting me know how it is. 

Jordan Hunter
I'll have more video game stories, I think. 

Daniel Lawson
But we appreciate you, we love you and just remember, whether we are the Daniel and Jordan podcast or the Daniel and Jordan show, just remember I'm Daniel, I'm Jordan and we're Daniel and Jordan. We'll see you next time later. Oh, see you next week. 

Motivation, Success, and Balance
Family, Softball, Rebranding, and Balance
Balancing Art and Profit in Entertainment
Tragic Tale of Drowned White Squirrel
Reflections on Mortality and Chewing Gum
End of Season Announcement