The Daniel And Jordan Show

Hot Tub Havoc and Highways of Growth: Embracing Life's Detours and the Symphony of Relationships

May 23, 2024 Daniel and Jordan Season 2 Episode 3
Hot Tub Havoc and Highways of Growth: Embracing Life's Detours and the Symphony of Relationships
The Daniel And Jordan Show
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The Daniel And Jordan Show
Hot Tub Havoc and Highways of Growth: Embracing Life's Detours and the Symphony of Relationships
May 23, 2024 Season 2 Episode 3
Daniel and Jordan

When life hands you a hot tub disaster during your daughter's birthday party, you've got to laugh—or you'll end up crying into the overflow! Join us, Daniel and Jordan, as we navigate through the oceans of life, tackling everything from the bittersweet reality of loss to the unexpected comedy of fatherhood. We'll give you a front-row seat to the chaos that unfolds when celebrations don't go as planned and how these moments can surprisingly lead to a deeper sense of community.

We're pulling back the curtain on the intricate dance of relationships, where the music of communication and gratitude is vital for a harmonious partnership. Listen to our candid stories about learning to express appreciation in the everyday, rather than waiting for grand gestures. Together, we're figuring out that sometimes, it's the small acts of kindness that make the loudest noise in a relationship. And if you've ever found yourself forgetting why you walked into a room, you're in good company—we're right there with you, examining the quirks of our minds and the graceful art of remembering to remember.

Our journey also takes a turn down the road less traveled—literally—as we share tales of traffic tribulations and vehicular vexations that test our patience. Yet, even when faced with the spectacle of road rage or the unexpected thud of a fender bender, we find that every challenge on the asphalt is an opportunity for personal growth and a chance to steer towards the silver lining of tomorrow. So buckle up for an episode that's as much about embracing the ride as it is about reaching the destination.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

When life hands you a hot tub disaster during your daughter's birthday party, you've got to laugh—or you'll end up crying into the overflow! Join us, Daniel and Jordan, as we navigate through the oceans of life, tackling everything from the bittersweet reality of loss to the unexpected comedy of fatherhood. We'll give you a front-row seat to the chaos that unfolds when celebrations don't go as planned and how these moments can surprisingly lead to a deeper sense of community.

We're pulling back the curtain on the intricate dance of relationships, where the music of communication and gratitude is vital for a harmonious partnership. Listen to our candid stories about learning to express appreciation in the everyday, rather than waiting for grand gestures. Together, we're figuring out that sometimes, it's the small acts of kindness that make the loudest noise in a relationship. And if you've ever found yourself forgetting why you walked into a room, you're in good company—we're right there with you, examining the quirks of our minds and the graceful art of remembering to remember.

Our journey also takes a turn down the road less traveled—literally—as we share tales of traffic tribulations and vehicular vexations that test our patience. Yet, even when faced with the spectacle of road rage or the unexpected thud of a fender bender, we find that every challenge on the asphalt is an opportunity for personal growth and a chance to steer towards the silver lining of tomorrow. So buckle up for an episode that's as much about embracing the ride as it is about reaching the destination.

Daniel Lawson
good lord man, what are you doing over there? Are you practicing giving birth? 

Jordan Hunter
I was uh trying to achieve inner peace, but you have uh completely ruined that for me. Speaking of inner peace, check out this little piece, good Lord, son, it's a big one. 

Daniel Lawson
Hey everybody, I'm Daniel. 

Jordan Hunter
And I'm Jordan, and we're Daniel and Jordan, daniel. They couldn't come up with a name, so they went with their own names, but that's not where heroes roll and it's going to be okay, so sit back and enjoy it. Let's welcome daniel and join in what had to rhyme the daniel and jordan show. 

Daniel Lawson
Welcome back to the show, the greatest one on the internet, the greatest one you've seen so far and the greatest one that will ever possibly hit this planet earth. 

Jordan Hunter
Good morning jordan. Good Daniel, how are you today? 

Daniel Lawson
I'm good, I like to, as always, mix things up. I always just like to put a little pizzazz curveball on the intro. You know what I'm saying? What'd? 

Jordan Hunter
you do different. 

Daniel Lawson
I feel like it's important Not much. I just put a little twist in there. I just changed a little word or two, oh nice. 

Jordan Hunter
Just kind of make it my own every time it is your own. 

Daniel Lawson
It is your own, that's true. What's you? What you been doing this week, brother? Well, first off, before we even get started, happy Mother's Day. 

Jordan Hunter
Happy Mother's Day. Now, this is going to come out weeks after, weeks after. I'll probably have my mom's gift by then too. 

Daniel Lawson
You know there's nothing like a procrastinator. But, yeah, happy mother's day to all you moms out there that probably don't watch this show. Um, but seriously, happy mother's day. I don't know what I'd do without mine. Um, mothers are the ones that are, you know, kind of like our biggest cheerleaders through life. I felt like yeah, I agree. 

Jordan Hunter
Um, yeah, my mom deserves a lot more credit than she gets. 

Daniel Lawson
I think all of them do, especially our parents. Yeah, dear God, but yeah so happy Mother's Day. 

Jordan Hunter
Happy Mother's Day. So my mom's father passed away. My granddaddy passed away on Thursday this past week. He was 93 years old, from Alabama. A lot of history dies with him and that's that's part that kind of really sad because all of his stories and all that, it's just lost the time and uh, it's sad to think of all that gone and. And he went peacefully. Um, he was, you know, they gave him morphine so he could be more at peace. At the end he was kind of in poor health, so it was nice to see him go peacefully and you know I got to watch his last breaths and all that. So it was nice to have that moment to kind of reflect and remember him. And then my birthday was Friday so he kind of put a damper on that for me. 

Daniel Lawson
But when did he pass? 

Jordan Hunter
Thursday. So every birthday I get to remember my grandfather's passing. Well, that's the plus side of it. 

Daniel Lawson
I guess, yeah, I'm a lucky man. No, I hate to hear that. I mean, it's never good or a fun experience losing a loved one or anything like that. But hey, it's bound to happen to all of us. You know what I mean? It's the circle of life. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, I've found myself. I have a lot of peace about it. You know even about my own death. I've found a lot more peace. I watched my father's last breath and my grandfather's and it doesn't scare me anymore, like I feel like when you're so distant from it. You don't know about it, but you know it's going to happen. It's horrifying, but it is this circle of life and it is inevitable and the earlier you can accept it, it really is a peaceful thing that life is suffering a lot and at some point you get to be peaceful and that's. 

Daniel Lawson
that's a good thing. Yeah, cause there's a ton of bad stuff that goes on and one one day you get to just turn it off, yeah, yes, or someone gets to turn it off for you, however you go, you know, um, but yeah, as you mentioned on the last episode, if anybody watched that last episode he was in the like nursing home kind of like and he was in hospice care, I think. 

Jordan Hunter
By that point I can't remember exactly timeline, but yeah, so, uh, yeah, so he has passed on. So mom's dealing with that some. So we've been, you know, talking to her more about it and making sure she's comfortable. I think she's more at peace now because she did a ton of the caretaking. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, but it's kind of like a weight lifted off her a little bit too. You know, obviously you don't want your parents passing, but at the same time it's a lot. 

Jordan Hunter
She lost her husband and then now her father, and emotionally it's a lot. And then the physical caretaking of granddaddy was. It was a hefty duty and um yeah, so that's, that's nice to have some peace there in that way and and for him to be at peace too as well. 

Daniel Lawson
So, granddaddy, this episode goes out to you, and that's why we brought our ladies with us. 

Jordan Hunter
I got a little. Uh, I got a shot I can take to them. I brought uh. Katie's got me on these new shots we take in the morning before work before I go in. This flavor is um immunity defense. Shot with turmeric and probiotics Sounds healthy here. I'll take one right now. They're horrific tasting. 

Daniel Lawson
Tumeric. What is turmeric? That's a root. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, yeah. 

Daniel Lawson
Tumeric is a root. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, so it tastes like let's see here sour grass. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, science by Daniel Tumeric is a good source of like anti-inflammatory. It helps with anti-inflammatory and stuff like that. 

Jordan Hunter
I'm right, google it, google it I'm right. Cheers granddaddy, cheers granddaddy. I'm going to take a shot of my Celsius. I see that professional. 

Daniel Lawson
Oh my God, it's actually that. 

Jordan Hunter
I forgot how spicy it is. 

Daniel Lawson
It is a little spicy, so that one's turmeric and what? Let me smell that. Okay, what is this one? 

Jordan Hunter
it's uh. I don't know how legal we can talk about what the brand is and all that. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, uh four, four thousand two hundred milligrams of turmeric. You're about to be shitting out trees for a month. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, it's like if you just poured oh that smells terrible you poured pepper and sriracha on grass oh my god, that's terrible, and ate it in dirt but yeah, love you granddaddy, and actually got a little a short story of uh so caney, my fiance, uh, him and her got real close while we were, uh, while she was caretaking and stuff like that, and how close we talking. I know she likes my bloodline. I'll tell you that she went to go visit him at the ER. He had had a some type of something happened, a spell happened, and she came in and she said he just started singing this song from the forties and it goes. I don't want her, you can have her. She's too fat for me. She's too fat for me. He had a good taste in music. I'll post the link to it. It's hilarious. 

Daniel Lawson
It's a 40s song. Yeah, dang, they were putting out some hits back then. Yeah, some big hits, if you know what I'm saying. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, they were putting out some hits back then. Yeah, yeah, some big hits, if you know what I'm saying. Yeah, so he loved singing songs and telling stories and he loved being a little offensive, and maybe that's where I get a little bit of my own sense of humor. 

Daniel Lawson
Runs in the blood. 

Jordan Hunter
Even in his 90s he was jamming out to some tunes. That's so funny. Yeah, how's your week been? My week's been good man. That's so funny. 

Daniel Lawson
How's your week been? My week's been good. 

Jordan Hunter
Man Cadence's birthday party was this weekend, so we had a lot of and I wasn't invited right Because it is my birthday this weekend. 

Daniel Lawson
It was your birthday. It was a bunch of little girls I mean you could have came. 

Jordan Hunter
Sounds like my perfect birthday. 

Daniel Lawson
Just kidding, Sounds like a big gift for him. Huh yeah, because last episode we did say you look like the dude from what? 

Jordan Hunter
was it Waco Texas? 

Daniel Lawson
But yeah, she had her birthday party so she had like a little sleep over. They slept outside. It was like 50 degrees last night. All of them ended up sleeping outside in the tent. 

Jordan Hunter
50 degrees, man, that's crazy. Yeah, it was chilly. 

Daniel Lawson
I mean, for a little 12 year old girl, I mean I would have ran inside. I'm 33 year old man, little man boy, I would have ran right inside, you know. So she's like, hey, can we get a tent? Sure, you know. And I'm like, oh, while you're out there, y'all could use the hot tub. She's like just want to be that cool dad who lets you know a little slumber party. Have the patio, we'll set a fire out there and roast some marshmallows. 

Get in the hot tub. Well, before you get in the hot tub, let me know, guess what they didn't do. They didn't let me know. So the hot tub's full. You ever gotten a bath? That's like full, a full bath. You get in it and the water level rises right. Imagine like five of you getting in there when it's full. The water level will probably overflow. Well, that's what happened. That's what happened. 

So the hot tub is. I don't know if they thought it was cool, but when they turned on jet one, you know it's going. Jet two, it's a stew, and it's going jet too, it's. It's a stew, and it's like there look like a bunch of crabs just cooking in a big bowl and water, you know water's like volcanoing out. It drips down the control panel inside of the the cover and it shuts off. At this point I don't know this happens. So I'm in here working. Whitney comes in here. Hey babe. Hey babe, can you come look at the hot tub? I think something's wrong with it. I think something's wrong with it. Yeah, it's not moving oh no so the breaker's tripped. 

So I go out there and I, you know, reset the breaker. It pops immediately. Reset the breaker again, it pops immediately. And I'm like great, fucking $8,000 hot tubs broke, you know, or something's. So I take off the faceplate and Cadence has only been in here one other time. We've had this for about a year. She's in there pushing all kinds of I'm like, what buttons did you push? She started listing every button on the panel. 

This one, this one, this one, every button on the panel this one, this one, this one and she's like I'll turn this dial, I'll turn that dial. I'm like, honey, you can't do that. This isn't like a jump playhouse. Okay, this is an $8,000 hot tub. It's just not a blow-up hot tub. It's more than your life, I mean Jesus. And so she overflows it. It's dripping down, the thing pops. I take the front plate off, then I open the control panel. Water's soaked, it's all kinds of water. I'm like okay, here's the problem. It keeps shorting out. So I dried it all out with paper towel and I said put the thing back on. It ended up turning back on. Oh, thank God. Yeah, no kidding, I was going to be childless. I would have sold her for eight thousand dollars. 

Jordan Hunter
No, I'm just kidding to buy another one exactly and just put like a little plate on it. 

Daniel Lawson
That said in memory of cadence um, but so get it up and rolling. I'm like, hey, ladies, you know, get in the hot tub, let's scoop some water out. So I I'm paling water like a boat's floating. Okay, I got a pitcher like a Kool-Aid pitcher out there, and I was just over the fence onto some person. 

I'm like, well, that fence has grass on it from where they're going and I'm just like throwing it on the fence. But then so the water level gets lower, okay, but five girls in there it rises back up to about where it should be. I'm like, okay, hey, before you get out, make sure the jets are turned off. Got it, dad, what they not do. They did not turn off the jets when they got out. Yeah, I look, I look up because I hear something. I look up, it is water on the window. I'm like, oh fuck. So I run outside and I turn the thing. I'm like, katis, you forgot to turn the thing off whenever y'all got out, like, so the water level sunk and so the jets are exposed, but the pumps in the water, so all the water is just being ejected out. 

Jesus Christ, talk about a messy afternoon. Yesterday was. It was rough, it was very stressful. And so, by the you know, six o'clock, whitney texts me. He's like hey, look at your phone, or she'd holler downstairs. Hey, look at your phone. She's like can you run over to Caleb and Ashley's and pick up a pair of leggings? She has her own legging brand and legging company. Very cute, by the way Very soft. Caleb told me he's like fill them and like he's telling me to fill his wife's leggings that are on. So I just did it in the most respectful way possible. I'm like I did her kneecap. 

He was like, yeah, I like how you're doing that respectfully. I'm like I just, you know, yeah, very soft, I love them, they're very soft, and I said I'll test them real good when I get home, you know. So I'm like, yes, I'd love to go pick them up. So I took a bike ride and it was. It was great, cause I last time I took a bike ride was probably when I told you I took a bike ride. So it's been weeks. So it was good to just get on the bike. It was a little cooler, it was perfect. 

Jordan Hunter
So it was a little you were like an old man. Just speed limit, or do you feel the need for speed? 

Daniel Lawson
Now I just do like, I just like I take that moment as like a breath of fresh air. Yeah, so just getting out there and getting on it and just cruising, I'm fine with that's good. Yeah, now look out. Yeah, when I, when I have my gsxr, that little crotch rocket dude. 

Jordan Hunter
I would I get it up pretty high on these back roads. 

Daniel Lawson
I don't even tell what's this. I got it. That's like 156. Oh, my god, I didn't tell whitney. So well sorry, I no longer have that bike. For that reason I'm like I'm gonna kill myself exploded. 

So there's this big straightaway out Plano road out by the fire department. Oh, it's nothing but farmland. I just got on it, dude. But I've never felt like if I get a hundred and something on a Harley I feel a little like a death. It's not a safe. But if you go 150 on a crotch rocket, I don't know if it's the aerodynamic of the bike or what, but it just you just cut through like butter. It's the safest I've. 

Jordan Hunter
Wow, you almost time traveled. I probably did in that moment Like the flash. 

Daniel Lawson
With the fire on the ground. That's so funny. But yeah, that's been my weekend. I was glad to get on the bike, Glad Caden's had her birthday party. Oh, another story. This is what really pissed me off. Before the hot tub, before all that, I go to put the tent together that Whitney bought online. Yeah, you know the little the sticks that, like you, the bungee wire, are inside and you got to like put the, put the things together and they get like a hundred foot long and you got to put them through the thing. Well, I put one together, it was good. The second one, it was a little bit bigger. The third was big. The fourth one the string was broke. So I'm like okay, so I tried to make a knot and tie it. It ended up not going through the little hole and Cadence is crying like I want to sleep outside. I'm like well, honey, I'm doing all. 

Jordan Hunter
I can right now. 

Daniel Lawson
Like. So I went to Tractor Supply to see if they had a tent. Guess what? I went to Tractor Supply to see if they had a tent. 

Jordan Hunter
Guess what. 

Daniel Lawson
They didn't. So note to self next time don't go to Tractor Supply for a tent. Tractor Supply yeah and Cadence was like she knew I was mad and she's like I can't believe they didn't have any tents. I said, cadence, it's a freaking farm store. I was just going out on a limb. 

Maybe, they might have some. Clearly they don't. I mean they sell dog food and chickens. I mean there's more shit in here than tests. Yeah, exactly that's the last thing you're going to see there. That's like going to freaking Ulta and buying a fucking dog. Go to a beauty store to buy an animal, you know it's like there's some animals in there. 

Jordan Hunter
It doesn't happen animal. 

Daniel Lawson
You know it's like animals in there, doesn't happen. Those animals need some makeup too. Yeah, so go to tractor supply. They didn't. So we go to lowe's where we got the tent. But we bought the tent online. Well, guess what? Lowe's was out and cadence's smart ass mouth says again I can't, why didn't we go to walmart? I know walmart has tents. I said I went to lowe's because we got a lowe's card. I'm trying to get points. So finally we go go to Walmart an hour later and find the tent and that's what's up back there. So that's why I was so ready to just yes, I would love to go to Caleb and Ashley's to pick up these leggings. 

Jordan Hunter
So when she said that, I said boom, I was gone. Dad duties, yeah, man Don't know anything about that. 

Daniel Lawson
It's been a weekend, and then today, of course, since Mother's Day, we're going to have a little dinner this afternoon, nice, looking forward to that. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, I think I'm going to go over to mom's and take her some flowers. I might visit your mom too. Make her a mother again. Have a little brother. 

Daniel Lawson
Then we'll really be related, finally. Well now guys, guess what today is? It's the day, it's the moment, it's the time you've all been waiting for. I'd love to introduce my best friend, who just recently lost a loved one, but guess what this episode is, in remembrance of him, my best friend with the greatest looks and the greatest stash, mr jordan hunter, with today's word of the week my word of the week doesn't relate to granddaddy. I feel like he's trying to have a little remembrance here. 

Jordan Hunter
Resiliency was for him last week, remember, yes, yes. This week the Word of the Week is whining or bitch, moaning and complaining. 

Daniel Lawson
I feel like I whine way too much. Do you? 

Jordan Hunter
really. Yeah, you should see me with Katie. Katie, what is it that I do? When she'll ask me, she'll be like Jordan, have you signed up for health insurance yet? Please tell me you have. And that word alone just makes me go. Mm. Health or insurance, or both? Yeah, the combination definitely. Um, yeah, and it's just like anytime those words come into my mind, it's just like a reactionary thing where I just whine, or just like I get, I get down, yeah, somehow, and then like my emotions take over and I just become a baby. And then sometimes, when I've like kind of accepted that I shouldn't be like this, I start talking in a baby voice, do you really? And I talk and I'm like, well, jj doesn't want to sign up for health insurance that's how I. 

That's how I weasel my way out of being a little bitch about it, but ultimately I am just a little bit of a bitch about things that I don't need to be, things that I should be working on, and not complaining about the fact that I have to do it. And I was thinking about, like how we talk about, like being grateful and all that, and whining is just like the most embodied ungratefulness that there is, and I feel like maybe it's me being a little brother, being babied, sucking my mom's tits too long, but I just whine and complain about most anything. That means that I have to put effort into something I don't want to put effort into. 

Daniel Lawson
I'm going to ask the great old Jordan question what does that say about you? 

Jordan Hunter
What does it say about me? I think it says, maybe, that I am a little ungrateful, naturally, deep down, and that's why I like gratefulness, because it's something opposite of what I feel. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, and like recognizing, like understanding our things to be grateful for it's so easily overlooked. You know, it's one of those things like just breathing yeah, so easily overlooked. And just having the things we have or the clothes that we're wearing Everything so small is so easily overlooked. Do you consider like complaining? Yeah, the same as like bitch moaning. 

Jordan Hunter
Bitch moaning. 

Daniel Lawson
Bitch moaning yeah. 

Jordan Hunter
I don't know about that. You know how women get. 

Daniel Lawson
Mine I would say I complain more often than I probably should. Whitney's quick to point that shit out, yeah, but it's it's mainly over stuff like if I get overstimulated and it and it probably is some of the smaller issues that kind of like twist my nips, you know. 

Jordan Hunter
Then it like feels like reactionary, doesn't it? 

Daniel Lawson
it's just like, it's almost like normal. 

Jordan Hunter
It's just like, yeah, almost normal. Like you're used to it. I wonder if that's just like your child child self reoccurring in your adult self. 

Daniel Lawson
I think what it is is. I wouldn't do it with anybody else, right, right, I'd do it with Whitney, because Because I know it's embarrassing. 

Jordan Hunter
I wouldn't do it with a. 

Daniel Lawson
It's not acceptable in society to be that guy yeah, that's true, but I think we do it with our spouses or significant others, like just because you know at first we're trying to like win these, win these women over, right, we are baby, we're doing everything possible. 

Jordan Hunter
And we did, by the way, yeah, hell, yeah, high five, baby, we did that, that one. 

Daniel Lawson
We won them over real good Dumb sluts. 

Jordan Hunter
Oh God, that's funny. I'll have to answer for that. She's going to be like Jordan. Hear her bitch moaning and complaining. 

Daniel Lawson
Did you not learn anything from the episode Katie? Jesus Christ, lighten up. 

Jordan Hunter
Be grateful, you dumb bitch. 

Daniel Lawson
Oh my God, grateful you, dumb bitch. Oh my god. But I, I truly think it's like at first, we're solely trying to win our significant others. Like, take out the trash. Oh yeah, not a problem, I'll take out the trash. I'm hungry. What do you want me to cook? Even though I probably don't know what I'm fucking making or know how to make it, I'm gonna google that shit, go get their stuff and make it like I would do anything and everything, including not complain when she asked me to do something. Or I was trying to impress her. But now, like we're so just, um, we're used to each other so it's easy to come out. 

Jordan Hunter
It's good to express your emotions with people you're close to, so that it's it's fair. Yeah, but I know how annoying it is on the other side to listen to complain, and so I hate that I do that. So I like like Katie's pretty notorious of like when she's in her spot, like she's on the couch in the bed and she has made herself comfortable, immediately she recognizes that there's something she's forgotten. A fucking course, it's a classic right, and I used to complain more about like well, why didn't you just grab that on the way there, like how, why now are you thinking about? 

it and I think it's been good for me. And I haven't gotten completely there. I still do it. I still huff and puff, you know, like my dad used to do this thing where he goes, and I do that a little bit, which yeah, I guess to let her know that I'm a little annoyed, but that's not really rightful for me to be annoyed. 

You know she constantly is making food for me and doing things for me. I shouldn't be grumpy about it at all. I should be grateful that I have her there and I should just go and do that for her, because that's polite and nice and she would do it for me I should just go and do that for her because that's polite and nice and she would do it for me. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, I totally get it, because mine is. This is what I think. It still gets on my nerves, but I shouldn't let it. So when Whitney gets ready to go lay Layton down, she's like, hey, can you help me take Layton upstairs and get her ready for her nap. But you're already on your way upstairs. Can't you just do that yourself is what I want to say Like you're taking her up there to lay her down. 

She's like, can you help me change her diaper? Well, you need help changing a diaper. I can change her diaper, why do you? But like I get so aggravated, especially if I'm in the zone working, and she's like, can you help me bring her upstairs? I'm like you're going upstairs anyway. Yeah, you know and so. But you're exactly right, I overlook all the things that she does, and she does do a lot for this family. She does a lot for me, she does a lot for the kids, she does a lot for Leighton to to be able to allow me to work and take care of the family. Should I let that bother me as much? Probably not, and I don't know why it does, and I think it's because I just I'm ungrateful for those things. 

Jordan Hunter
I mean unfortunately, or it's perspective. It's like you're in the moment of the situation and you're not, like there's like a bigger picture there. That's like, well, how awful would it be if I just took five minutes to 10 minutes to help out, and then I'm back here Like if I was. But I get your perspective too. Don't get me wrong man. 

Daniel Lawson
Dude, totally bro. I get it. Man, go upstairs. You're going upstairs, yeah, dude. But if someone was filming me and seeing my like, if I was to watch my reaction, I probably would be like, at a different day and a different time I would watch that the way I acted. I'd be like what a dick. Yeah, like, why didn't you just fucking go? 

Jordan Hunter
that's how I feel about myself. You know what I mean. So I look back, I'm like what a dick. 

Daniel Lawson
So how do you think we fix that? 

Jordan Hunter
like I'm not really worried about that part. I just wanted to vent. I just want to make myself feel better right now I think we just uh, what do? 

Daniel Lawson
we do. I personally think we just try to recognize the on the other, like how grateful are we for them, and maybe recognize the things that they do for us because we're so quick to ask them for, like hey, honey, come here and check this out, watch what I just did and, honestly, at the drop of a hat, now that I think about it, everything I ask she does Like hey, come here real quick, I may hear a blow in there, but she's in here, yeah. 

Jordan Hunter
You know what I mean. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, and she may hear me huff and puff too, but I end up taking lighten up stairs. But you know, I think it's something we both could work on. Yeah, but at the end of the day I feel like I can work on it a little bit more than she could. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, yeah, because kenny doesn't do that at all and and so when she does do it, I know we're comfortable, yeah, we are comfortable, but yeah, I think you're right, the recognizing, like that feeling when it comes up, it's, you know, like you, almost like your. Your blood pressure rises just a smidge. Mine's not a smidge, mine's like zero. Tough. Yeah, it starts to feel like that hot tub out there yeah, and you just can't let it get to the jets blasting the window. 

Daniel Lawson
That's true. Yeah, exactly, exactly. Yeah, we got to recognize it and I think once we recognize it, we can remember this conversation exactly just fucking go take her upstairs. It takes five minutes, and what is it really? Five minutes could mean so much to her. Yeah, and then we're allowed to be doing our stuff. 

Jordan Hunter
It just makes our life easier, right and like you think of it, like it's like rolling the ball down the hill, where it's like you get upset over this and then you have like a mini fight right over it or something, and then the night can slowly get ruined if it doesn't go perfectly the rest after that, and then it snowballs, yep no sex Exactly. We're really shooting ourselves in the dick because we are bitch moaning and complaining yeah, we could be having way more sex. 

buddy, we need to set ourself up for success for success, success that's a good one, yeah, but yeah, I think that, uh, we, we, it's just like setting the mood for the night and doing that and it starts everything off in that moment of just like her, seeing that you're putting the effort in her feeling maybe grateful for you to be able to do that, and then you're just in a better space later to where you can have more better moments together, more fulfilling moments. 

Daniel Lawson
And I will say at first I was. It would get to me like bad, I would be like pissed, yeah, and then she's like honey, it's five minutes. So have I gotten better from day one of that? Oh, completely Right. But there's still times where I'm like you're on your way upstairs, just take her, or you're walking right past that, just grab it, you know bit, you know, but I'm sitting on my ass. 

Jordan Hunter
I could you know what I'm thinking too, though. If we start just like doing that, maybe over time they'll just start doing that. Maybe they're doing that to kind of get us to kind of be more involved, and the more we get involved, the less we can get involved this is a little like reverse psychology thing. Keep telling yourself that, but I think it's gonna go the complete opposite just more responsibility damn it yeah yeah, just like your, your theory of like not knowing more about stuff. 

Daniel Lawson
You know like I'm not crafty at all, yeah so you're not gonna use me don't ask me to. Yeah, the second. Your ass starts doing more. Oh, buddy, you better get your pen and paper out. 

Jordan Hunter
That's why we drag our feet, that's why we conflate. The harder we make it, the less often it'll happen, but I do. 

Daniel Lawson
I'm definitely start working on that more. 

Jordan Hunter
And I have. 

Daniel Lawson
I've noticed the problem. That's the first thing, right Like you got a problem, what's five minutes? So I've understood that. Now I just got to keep working. 

Jordan Hunter
I got to keep getting better, yeah, yeah, and the fact that we're acknowledging it is way further ahead than a lot of people Like. If you're not noticing it and you're actually just pissed at that other person the whole time and you're not ever taking any responsibility, your relationship's in trouble, I hate to tell you, and your sex life is definitely not there. Well, it could be wild. Ooh makeup sex is. 

Daniel Lawson
It is great, the best yeah it is nice I'm not listening to her any. The rest of the day. Can't wait till later Well something's been on my mind, man. Oh really, I'm sorry, buddy, something that's just really pissed me off, Fuck man. This is something that makes me want to just take one of those foot scrubber things. Do it on my nipples, fuck twisting them. I'm talking about cheese grating my nips, or in other words, we like to say what twists our nips what twists your nips buddy? 

well, this week it's grating them, but it's pretty close, and this happened to me just the other day and I was like, oh man, I got to use this. You know, what pisses me off is people who blow their fucking horn for no reason. Like you see me pulling out. You're a half a mile down the road. Your ass just wants to be stubborn and continue at that speed or go a little faster. No one, I'm pulling out just so you could blow your horn at me. 

Jordan Hunter
What's the point? I bet that person complains to their wife constantly. God, is that half second impatience? I hate the impatience thing. 

Daniel Lawson
I hate the horn blowing. I get the horn Like if someone's stopped out of light and they're on their phone and you're like, hey, the light's green, you know. But if you're coming and you're seeing someone way down the road, literally we went to pick up Cadence's birthday cake. It was a long stretch. I seen the car way down there but the the driveway was like steep. I was like coming out and there was a little dip and I was in the big Yukon so it's heavy. Right, it's a gravel driveway. I don't want to sling gravel in someone's driveway that I don't know. Throw gravel at their house, right. 

Jordan Hunter
Cause I could have got out. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, at a been an asshole and just made it start hailing during the day you know boulders. But so I start to creep up and I'm like I give it a little gas and I'm creeping out and the car is clearly not slowing down. I'm like this dumb ass. And then when he and what's crazy is I'm out on my side of the road before he even passes and he's me. 

Jordan Hunter
Oh, he haunted, and you weren't even in the way. He just wanted to make a point. 

Daniel Lawson
Yeah, like did you not see me coming, buddy, pissed me off. 

Jordan Hunter
Yeah, that is annoying as fuck. Yeah, I hate when people are impatient, driving Like at least to the point of honking at other people. Yeah, like, what are you doing? What does it do for you? You know, what I say blow it out your ass. I mean, I don't get it, I don't understand. 

Daniel Lawson
Why is it just like a? 

Jordan Hunter
self-soothing thing like good anger issues. Probably they probably doesn't make you feel better. Some people, some people you know, I think it is. I've never ran into this issue with a lot of my friends. 

Daniel Lawson
I got to say this real quick. If it makes you feel better, blow me Okay. 

Jordan Hunter
Just make me feel good about it A little less teeth. 

My buddies have some of them not all of them it's like a self-righteous thing where it's like their viewpoint of the world. There's certain ways that things are right and things are wrong, and when other people don't fit this narrative of what's right and wrong in their world, suddenly they have to get a vengeance of making things right. And you pulling out there so happened to cross that guy's his story of himself that this is what the wrong thing to do. I would never do this. 

Daniel Lawson
This person did this. 

Jordan Hunter
This person's asking more patients than I would right now, and then they now have to. They have to let you know. It's like this, like the inner thing. They can't just keep it to themselves and work through it themselves and realize, well, maybe I got a little worked up over this, over nothing. Instead, they have gotten to the point where now they have to let other people know and none of us give a shit. I hate to tell them. 

Daniel Lawson
I don't give a fuck. I don't either. You'd beat the brakes off them. 

Jordan Hunter
Wouldn't you blow me, blow, blow your horn at me. Yeah, you know. Yeah, that is stupid. I've never I don't think I've ever blown my horn at anyone. I think I've like tapped it like if someone's gonna hit me or something like dangerous or backing up dude. 

Daniel Lawson
I've been in two car wrecks. Okay, both of them I was sitting. Still I've been backed up on by this giant truck. 

In the club, big old trunk Backed up on baby yeah her name was Bakwita, but I'm sitting at a gas station and this big ass truck literally cadences in the passenger seat. She's like dad, dad, dad. And by the time I look up the truck's on the roof or not the roof, look up the trucks on the on the roof of the or not the roof, but like the hood of the car giant far up oh yeah, it rolled up on. 

I know he's like had big wheels, so he's high, yeah. And then the next time I was sitting over there on the bypass right in front of that you remember where that gas station was that had to like the ice cream store attached to it, yeah, like going out towards karyakis. Yeah, sitting there, dead stopped and I just got rear and boom and I'm just like dang. 

Jordan Hunter
Both times dead stop, been in car accidents I've had three times that my car rolled and hit something and I wasn't in the car oh yeah, three times. 

Daniel Lawson
I didn't know that happened three times, but I know of one. 

Jordan Hunter
The first one was my beamer and it rolled down the hill and took out that mailbox and it uprooted like concrete that time. Second time I was in caney's car at a gas station and I got out. And I came out and it had rolled back and taken the whole, like mirror, off the wall where it hit a pole. And the third time I, uh was parked at my house and their neighbor came and told me my car rolled down the hill. I went and looked, it rolled pretty far and just hit the back bumper of some kia soul and I went and knocked on the door to tell them. And then some guy opened it in a wife beater and I patch he didn't have interest ex-marine? 

oh, maybe he did, but uh yeah, three car x and that's the. And then I hit an old lady once. 

Daniel Lawson
But what did he say to? 

Jordan Hunter
you. He actually was like, you know, I actually really appreciate that you even said anything. And, uh, you know, I he was kind of like almost like he was like gonna like not do anything and I was like, oh well, it pays to tell the truth. And then, like the next thing I know, he texted me. He was like, hey, I took it to my guy and he said it's gonna be like four or five hundred dollars. And I was like, hey, I took it to my guy and he said it's going to be like $400 or $500. And I was like I'll go through my insurance buddy. Yeah, there's no way I'm not giving you $400 or $500. Yeah, oh no, the eyepatch. I knew that eyepatch wasn't trustworthy. 

Daniel Lawson
He probably put it on right before he answered the door. It was probably fake, can you imagine? 

Jordan Hunter
Oh shit, what's up baby? Oh, did you hit my car? I just got out of the war? Yeah, I got shot, actually right there, right in the eye. 

Daniel Lawson
He's fucking blinking the whole time underneath it. Well, today, today's been good and tomorrow's gonna be better, because I'm gonna get better. I'm gonna be working on me work. 

Jordan Hunter
Take the five minutes that's right, you know, I'm not gonna to complain anymore. Yeah, no bitch moaning. No bitch moaning. 

Daniel Lawson
Unless there's a time and a place for it, and you know where that place is it's upstairs in a bedroom, in a bedroom baby. 

Jordan Hunter
What else do? 

Daniel Lawson
you got Anything, you got for the. 

Jordan Hunter
I think that's about it. I think that's all I've got in me right now. Until the show stops, the strap-on comes out. 

Daniel Lawson
Well, next week we probably should do the personality test. You liar, oh my God. 

Jordan Hunter
I'm so sorry, Dan. Well, I guess you just got to keep watching. 

Daniel Lawson
I knew I didn't text him just for this reason. I knew it because I edited the audio. 

Jordan Hunter
okay, and I haven't heard from him all you know a couple of days I have been so relaxed in a weird way that this is why I can't get too relaxed. I forgot his drive. I forgot my storage drive to come over here that I have to have and I've forgotten completely I mean literally until you just said that he's like oh man, I'm so relaxed I just totally forgot. I've forgotten everything in my life. 

Daniel Lawson
Give him some grace. We talked about grace before and he's lost his granddad. He's had his birthday. Old age may be getting to him, I don't know. He's been bitching a lot at the house apparently, so God dang give him. 

Jordan Hunter
Some grace, don't bitch mode, dan, come on. 

Daniel Lawson
Get moan Dan. Come on, Get what you get and don't throw a fit. But hopefully we get your personality test done within the next year. 

Jordan Hunter
okay, personality brainless, that's right. 

Daniel Lawson
Just remember, I'm Daniel and I'm Jordan and we're. 

Jordan Hunter
Daniel and. 

Daniel Lawson
Jordan no bitch moaning. 

Jordan Hunter

Reflecting on Life and Loss
Hot Tub and Birthday Party Disaster
Improving Communication and Gratitude in Relationships
Road Rage and Car Accidents
Forgotten Drive and Grace