The Uncharted Way Podcast

Trust, Acceptance, and Freedom: A Fertile Breeding Ground for Love with Danny Parizek

Sari Cowsert Season 1 Episode 6

On this episode of The Uncharted Way, Danny Parizek shares his own understanding of acceptance, He has learned to embody the essence of love and has given himself the gift of freedom. By surrendering to what is instead of fighting or resisting what he thought he should be, Danny has found true happiness and fulfillment. We also discuss the importance of tuning in to your childlike essence and inviting in play into your life. Sari talks about how she teaches her daughters how to trust in God, and to build an awareness through reflection when you didn't trust.  Tune in to hear Danny's powerful story and learn how you too can embrace acceptance and find your own path to freedom.

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The Growth Goddess, who intimately understands the constraints of control and fear, and through her own personal transformation, she has garnered the wisdom to lead others on their transformative journey. As a Hypnotherapist, Master Imagery Facilitator, and Essence Curator, Sari's mission is to illuminate the path for every person she encounters, creating a sacred space for you to uniquely radiate in your true authentic essence.

Danny Parizek
I am a conscious bringer of the Love Vibration. I love Love
and know for certain it is fully everywhere. I have been on
a journey in the unknown that sometimes pushed me by
pain and other times pulled me by a vision. I am thrilled to
say I am playing in the generous present moment and I
catch that my life is intentional. I am creating it all and that
feels empowering and I appreciate giving this gift to the
ones curious discover it for themselves.

[00:06:25] Spiritual journey, finding love within self.
[00:12:30] Self-discovery, awakening, love, and growth.
[00:18:35] Trust in the unknown, surrender to faith.
[00:26:03] Acceptance of growth and self-reflection.
[00:32:44] Filtering information for clarity and love.
[00:39:19] Acceptance and love bring freedom and evolution.
[00:45:53] Accepting pain, finding love and healing.
[00:51:57] Accept role in life, embrace growth.
[00:57:57] Empowerment, self-love, and spiritual growth.

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