The Sexy and Sacred Show! With Sage and Steve

Sacred Partnership and Divine Relationship

February 13, 2024 Sage Taylor Kingsley and Steve Gibbs Season 1 Episode 2
Sacred Partnership and Divine Relationship
The Sexy and Sacred Show! With Sage and Steve
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The Sexy and Sacred Show! With Sage and Steve
Sacred Partnership and Divine Relationship
Feb 13, 2024 Season 1 Episode 2
Sage Taylor Kingsley and Steve Gibbs

Welcome to Show 2! Let's dive in more deeply into what it takes to align with, attract, recognize, magnetize, and harmonize a loving relationship that is truly divine, in every way. Here's what you'll discover and EXPERIENCE in this episode:

0:17 The 3 Elements of Sacred Partnership
01:40 Entering a Divine Relationship
04:24 Advice for Singles Dating and for Couples on Creating Love at this Level
12:02 The Super-Cute Exact Message Steve Sent Sage that Made Her Rise in Love with Him Instantly :)
13:07 When You're with the Right Person for You ...
15:33 If You're on a Rapid Spiritual Path of Evolution ...
17:20 A Very Personal Sharing: The Sacred Union Vision and Divine Assignment (How This Podcast Came to Be)
22:13 A Channeled LOVE ACTIVATION from Mary Magdalene—Uplevel Your Love Vibration with this Beautiful Healing!
(also includes channeling of Love Affirmations)
30:44 "Live Your Life As If You Are Sacred" Message from Steve
34:25 On Our Next Show: Sex Magic Tips that Will Astound You.

Please remember to download the show so you can listen to it as often as you like on your device.... Share the link and the love! Thank you!

We look forward to hearing from you what resonates most for you so please be sure to leave us a comment on our Facebook group or the YouTube channel. 

Bright Blessings & Blissings, Sage & Steve xo

The Sexy and Sacred Show is for SINGLES, COUPLES and everyone in between who desires to attract and create lasting soulmate love in a deeply connected love relationship that is passionate and compassionate and that supports your path of spiritual awakening.

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"Sexy and Sacred Community" (not a matchmaking site)


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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Welcome to Show 2! Let's dive in more deeply into what it takes to align with, attract, recognize, magnetize, and harmonize a loving relationship that is truly divine, in every way. Here's what you'll discover and EXPERIENCE in this episode:

0:17 The 3 Elements of Sacred Partnership
01:40 Entering a Divine Relationship
04:24 Advice for Singles Dating and for Couples on Creating Love at this Level
12:02 The Super-Cute Exact Message Steve Sent Sage that Made Her Rise in Love with Him Instantly :)
13:07 When You're with the Right Person for You ...
15:33 If You're on a Rapid Spiritual Path of Evolution ...
17:20 A Very Personal Sharing: The Sacred Union Vision and Divine Assignment (How This Podcast Came to Be)
22:13 A Channeled LOVE ACTIVATION from Mary Magdalene—Uplevel Your Love Vibration with this Beautiful Healing!
(also includes channeling of Love Affirmations)
30:44 "Live Your Life As If You Are Sacred" Message from Steve
34:25 On Our Next Show: Sex Magic Tips that Will Astound You.

Please remember to download the show so you can listen to it as often as you like on your device.... Share the link and the love! Thank you!

We look forward to hearing from you what resonates most for you so please be sure to leave us a comment on our Facebook group or the YouTube channel. 

Bright Blessings & Blissings, Sage & Steve xo

The Sexy and Sacred Show is for SINGLES, COUPLES and everyone in between who desires to attract and create lasting soulmate love in a deeply connected love relationship that is passionate and compassionate and that supports your path of spiritual awakening.

Support the Show.


"Sexy and Sacred Community" (not a matchmaking site)


today on the sacred and Sexy Show we'll be talking about sacred partnership I'm Steve Gibbs and I'm here with my sacred partner Sage Taylor Kingsley so sage I know what we have is a sacred partnership but given how rare this is how would you define that great question Steve so for me there are a few components to a sacred partnership or it's an intimate divinely inspired relationship in which both partners honor their spiritual as well as their physical mental and emotional connection and their growth in those ways individually and as a couple and a sacred partnership the relationship enhances and is enhanced by their path of awakening as individuals and often times the partners may consider god or spirit whatever word they use for that to be an invisible yet central part of their bond and maybe even like god helps bring them together and that they share a sense of higher purpose and kind of a mission on earth together so all of that is a sacred partnership a divine relationship and I'm so grateful and blessed beyond words to be co creating this with you that's pretty important to me that's for sure so how does that resonate for you what what does it mean for you sacred partnership or divine relationship well I have to say that before meeting you I have talked to people who have said that they had uh you a sacred partnership or something I can't remember the other words that they'd used but and I and I thought to myself yeah okay well that's interesting but I really didn't have a concept of it I just know for me feeling what I felt when I first met you there was something there that felt very it just felt very comfortable we felt extremely connected just talking on the phone we hadn't even met yet so when it came to us talking and we knew that it was pretty unlikely that the relationship wasn't gonna work before we even met I mean just talking and feeling into things I mean we were already I think we were even starting to complete each other's sentences through that sort of thing early you know right at the very beginning so I know a lot of this for me is something that is developed that I didn't really realize initially that we had a sacred partnership I just knew it was very comfortable it was beautiful I knew that I wanted to do special things with you like for example when we had our first date and you had a poem and you said yeah I'd like someone nobody's ever read me one of my class you suggested that you suggested that you read them to me that was so sweet you're like hey what if I read these poems to you or one of your poems to you you asked me to bring my poems that was incredible I didn't even remember that part wow so oh I I remember you were standing at the top of these stairs in front of a restaurant and I took the paper from you and I read through it and I liked it thought it was lovely so I said hey can I stand behind you and read it to you so I took the palm and I stood behind you and I read it and I felt it coming from my heart I felt like I was connecting to you through my my heart and it was it was really beautiful thing to do and the first time we were together at that moment I believe we stood in front of you and I looked into your eyes and we just did this beautiful eyegazing which is a you know a technique I had Learned but it's something I felt inspired to do and I asked if I could put my hand on your heart so we both did that and looked deeply into each other's eyes and I just felt like I melted I can I can do this this is just lovely um I I felt like I knew you and just like this is home yeah it was really wonderful thank you thank you so much for sharing that so yeah I know what you mean it feels like an incredible sense of alignment and harmony ease and flow and and yes the passion is there like the chemistry is there just because it felt comfortable and in my case safe it didn't mean that the passion and the intensity was was lacking you know so it looks like yes you can have it all in one person you can you know you really can so that's awesome and I feel like once someone knows that this is possible for them either conceptually because they're hearing about it you know they're hearing shows like this or they're reading books they're going to workshops or they they know someone else who's had a relationship like this rare as it may be we're not the only people on the planet or this blessed thank goodness right and we are part of our mission to hope you know millions more people have a level of relationship like this but once you know it's actually possible to have this kind of connection body mind heart and soul with one person and an incredible alignment and harmony and flow you just don't want any other type of relationship it's like why would you go backwards why would you settle for less when you know that this is potentially yours you know so and I think there's a few takeaways for all of you here you might be single right now or you might be in a relationship that you think has the potential for this or maybe it already has this to some degree you wanna go higher and deeper with it or you might be in a relationship where you're like hmm I don't really sense you know if I'm really honest with myself I don't really sense that my current partner can go to these places with me so I wanna just give a couple of words of advice for those three different situations you might be in if you're single you need to do the inner work and alignment on yourself which we're gonna be talking more about in other shows and other ways you can work with us and play with us but you need to keep your standards high don't let anyone tell you or you're being too fussy you know you need to you know just get out there and randomly date 1,000 people hahaha it's not a numbers game you know you need to be clear about what you want and trust your intuition if you know something is right or it isn't right your intuition is gonna steer you correctly yes absolutely I I must say the flip side of that that I have seen is a lot of people tend to be they tend to get shut down after having x amount of relationships over many many years especially the older you get you get up into like your 50s um I have run into women that that are like oh I'm very clear that you know I don't wanna be married and I don't wanna be uh living with a man I need my own space and I need this and I need that I need this and this and so much of that so many times comes from fear it's often times we close ourselves off to protect ourselves from what we have had happened in the past the projection and to come from a space of expectation of preparing yourself and expecting better than you've had in the past expecting real wonderful deep deep love you know physical relationship sexual relationship that's really powerful and is exactly what you want you have to obviously have your boundaries you have to be clear on what you what you want where you wanna live you have to paint a full picture of it but you need to not in my opinion you need to not be coming from a place of fear or Gee I Learned in the past that men can be this way or men can be that way well we're women for that way yeah we're men exactly yes yes it goes goes both ways but for me because I opened myself up to a point of knowing what I wanted but being who I am I work through a lot of things for many many many many years and many relationships and I made a lot of mistakes in relationships I look back now and I think boy I can't believe how stupid I was when I was like 20 years old yeah I mean at 20 years old I didn't know how to be in a relationship I didn't know very well anything hardly anything about sex um I just and I was also trying to avoid being injured or or hurt right right so now I've Learned how to be vulnerable I've taken lots and lots of different workshops and different types of trainings over the years that have helped prepare me and I am thankful for all that inner work that you've done and also for all the partners you've been with along the way because that's all part of your journey and you wouldn't be the man that you are today that I love and adore and I'm loved and adored by if you hadn't been through all that and there could be exceptions you know I don't wanna say all people in their 20s or unconscious or you know that kind of thing but but I think that there is a level of maturity that happens with life experience especially if we reflect upon it and I would just disagree with one wording that you have there my love which is I'm not sure anything is a mistake I think it's only a mistake if you keep repeating the same thing over and over you keep stupidly sort of doing the same thing over and over you know different excuse my language different shit different face you know same shit different faces like why am I constantly with you know people who cheat or lie or are emotionally unavailable or you know have different attachment style than me or you know addiction issues or violent or you know whatever the thing might be or sexually shut off or you know whatever people can have these patterns and we need to pay attention to the patterns but when we pay attention to our patterns then we go okay well maybe that has something to do with me haha you know if I keep finding myself in these situations so as we develop and we become more conscious and we learn to use law of attraction and we learn about energy and alignment and intention and we're gonna be getting more into that and today and also in other shows we empower ourselves to become more clear about what we really desire and deserve in life and in love and we don't settle for less than that but we have to kind of find a balance and what you're saying is really important a balance between keeping our heart open and keeping that flame of hope alive because there's a reason that you know you want to be partnered there's a reason that part of you feels part of your life isn't quite complete without that wonderful person by your side to share that sunset with to share you know all these little moments in life with there is a natural longing in us humans to be partnered for most people you know and keeping that hope alive not giving up on it not shutting yourself off not just that you know I don't need that you know but but also not just staying in relationships that don't fulfill you with someone who is not your match and so I wanna give the example and sometimes we need to do that because we're learning or we're gaining something from that but it's not the long term safe place for our heart you know so like the the person I was with before you uh we were very sexually compatible which was important to me after coming out of a very long decades long relationship with not the sexual compatibility and lacking the sexual fulfillment and as a highly passionate woman I wanted that part of me to become alive again and so he served as a sexual reawakener after I did a lot of the reawakening on my own too which we'll talk more about and I mentioned that already but there wasn't the spiritual connection and I didn't feel he was on his spiritual path nearly as much as as I am and when I would talk about spiritual stuff like his eyes would glaze over and he would change the subject you know and it's like he's not holding the space let alone entering the space with me you know no pun intended but you know what I mean so there was always this hmm I don't think this is my spiritual match you know and I also love to be I'm a very creative person I love to be with a partner who's creative who has some kind of outlet for creativity and you know look at you you're a master photographer you're a drummer you're a carpenter like you exude creativity not to mention what you do in bed and he's mine ladies and gentlemen sorry he's mine you have to find your own version haha but like I'm a super creative person and you know that individual I was with just you know didn't do that like it was always sort of watching Netflix you know kind of smoking a lot of substances and it just there wasn't that same level of like being inspired by life you know I wanna tell you something so cool when you you and I were messaging before we met and one of the things you wrote me this was so cute I just love it so much I think it just I probably rose into love with you in this moment you wrote to me something about your love of nature and you were like sometimes this is you literally type typing this in a message sometimes I just wanna run out there you know at the beach and just throw my arms up and and dance and be like oh my God this planet is so beautiful I'm so lucky to be alive you type that to me and then you typed do I sound crazy yet and I was like oh my God this is my person you know this is my man this is a person who guess it you know who is in love with life and who's in love with Mother Earth and we're both tearing up over here guys um you know and I wrote back something like crazy good like crazy in all the best ways like you know and I think that's what we need we need to be authentic we need to be our full selves we need to be in love with life and love ourselves and you know be grateful being mostly mean of course we're gonna have our shadow stuff come off we're gonna have our crappy moments you know but to be in that state of positivity and trust that there is a right partner for you they're not a perfect human being because everyone has their stuff but the way that their stuff in your stuff kind of fits and I don't just mean physically the way that the stuff fits you don't trigger the f out of each other just by being yourself you don't have a lot of triggering and there's this concept that people have that oh every relationship is a lot of work not true a relationship does require work and nurturing like a garden it does but it doesn't have to be like oh we're constantly working on the relationship and just to give you an example again that person I was with before Steve um I was in therapy at the time and I probably spent 80% of my therapy sessions analyzing that relationship and yet kind of an avoidant attachment style and I was feeling anxious it was making me feel anxious even though I'm usually quite secure in my attachment style we can talk more about that some of you might know a lot about that already but I was like why am I constantly feeling unmet here something is just missing and my heart knew you know it wasn't the safe long term heart space whereas with you Steve I knew the opposite immediately was like this is my safe heart space a man who's saying to me immediately can I place my hand over your heart and gaze at you can I read to you the love poems that you've written that no one's ever read to you before so that you can receive I'm like this is the embodiment of a divine masculine human here like wow you know I hit the Jackpot but I had to do the inner work and you know and Steve feels the same way I'm sure you don't like that we each feel that we had the jug that's how it should be you know so that's my recommendation for you know for singles and we're gonna be talking more um on our future shows about the 4 steps of higher love the difference between soulmates and heartmates and you know all kinds of important things for for manifesting that kind of loving creating that kind of love and you know if you're in a relationship you need to really be honest with yourself and with your partner if you are a person who is evolving spiritually and is on a rapid path of enlightenment and consciousness and heartfulness as well as mindfulness and your partner is not on that path if they're not on that path at all and you just keep having resistance and you keep feeling like that part of yourself and your life is not embraced in the relationship you may really need to make the hard but necessary choice of letting go and there's a great book by the way that I recommend called Conscious Uncoupling by Catherine Woodward and if you're in that situation I highly encourage you to check out that book on the other hand if you're in a relationship where you're like well you know there's a lot of good pieces here we we love each other most of the time we get along really well you know hopefully there's still some sexual spark you know going on or at least some openness to that but it's not quite to the level that you want then you're in a great position to talk to your partner about sacred partnership about a divine relationship about conscious loving another great book Conscious Loving by gay and Kathleen Hendrix so you know there are resources for you and we encourage you to really look at that and that's why we're here doing this podcast because we want to demonstrate for you what is possible for you absolutely and I was thinking as you were talking I don't even know if we wanna get in into this portion of it but for me I'm thinking back on when we started this journey and in over a period of time we had things happen that to me was unbelievable and miraculous so when we're talking about us having a sacred partnership this came out of actually a divine inspiration and we literally had you know made love we'd gone to bed we were asleep woke up and I was lying there awake and suddenly I was breathing and we had our hands in kind of this figure 8 holding holding hands so we were awake but we were very much in this deep you know meditate space into the I would say theta space and all of a sudden I was seeing this bright light coming into me had my eyes closed but I felt my energy rays and this brightness come to me this was super powerful for me and as that happened I'm not as visual everything for me is a is more feeling it's a different type of seeing Sage on the other hand who does channeling and you know she has had so many things happen so this is so so deep so beyond anything that I have ever personally experienced so sage at about that point what happened for you right and this is a really precious and sacred thing to share with all of you most people would hear this and would think that we are crazy which is okay because it doesn't really matter to me when other people think in that sense we know what we know and we've experienced what we experienced so I I'm very blessed since 1994 I had three near death experiences in 18 hours that blasted open my third eye and my inner ear and I've been very very blessed now for all these decades to have that kind of consistent level of connection I believe all of us have that connection but for me it's something I can tap into and these magical things happen to me much more often than the average person um so while the same thing was happening for Steve with this feeling of like bliss and love and light and you know wow something amazing is happening here I actually saw Jesus Christ and Joshua Joshua Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene the two divine partners and they were smiling at us I didn't know what was happening and I kind of looked at them and sort of asked you know wordlessly like what's happening here you know and I was feeling a lot of the same there was a lot of pink going on and then Mary Magdalene threw confetti up in the air and she did this like throwing her arms up and throwing confetti on us and and I was in awe like what is happening and she said something I'd have to look back at the notes that I wrote after that happened to try to remember every single detail but essentially she said you are in a divine union and you have been brought together for a holy purpose and you will go forth and you will share as this sacred couple you know one of however many thousands she said there were on the earth there's a certain number of like couples that are like at this level and what a blessing to be given that assignment to stand in that space of love not in a place of bragging like oh look at us lucky us what we have but in a state of Grace and gratitude with our hearts overflowing to all of you you right here right now there are no limitations of time space we are here with you and we are embracing you and we are saying to you and showing to you higher love is your birthright this level of love is who you are and that is our message to you and we're going to keep showing that to you and showering that upon you with every word of love that we get to drip into your gorgeous ears so that is why we are here and that's what sacred Partnership that's part of our sacred partnership everyone's experience will be different of course and we just have so much love not only for each other but for life and for god and goddess and for all of you in our planet and our world absolutely so thank you for allowing us to share something really precious to us yes absolutely beautiful beloved this is sage and I'm being guided right now to go straight into a channeled meditative healing so if you can give yourself the opportunity to receive this fully perhaps not while you're driving we want you to be safe of course so give it this to yourself receive this as a healing and a beautiful blessing and treat for you for your day for your evening so let yourself just relax and become comfortable and we invite you to sit or lie down with your palms facing upward this is a posture of receptivity and you will be able to receive all that is for your highest good in the ways that are perfect for you and after this healing meditation you will remember whatever you need to remember an awakened feeling refreshed uplifted revitalized and wonderful in every way allowing your awareness to come to your breath and breathing in peace good and breathing out a release whatever you need to let go of and you might envision that as breathing in a beautiful pink or perhaps white or gold or even a rainbow whatever color or colors you see are perfect for you and breathing out anything that feels dark or heavy whatever year no longer serves you whatever energies do not belong to you and with your outbreath all that you release dissolves and dissipates and turns into sparkly light this is Mary Magdalene I come to you now beloveds side by side with my beloved who many of you know as Jesus Christ Jesus the Christ did or Yeshua as he was known during his earth walk I am here to help you remember that your body is sacred and holy and good and lush and luscious and glorious as some of you may know I worked as a prostitute although you don't know all of the story it was not of my will or intent I was forced into that situation which happens even to this day in your time now for far too many mostly females but some males as well I am here to help you set yourself free from the sexual slavery of limiting beliefs that keep you locked in chains of shame that shame is not your energy it was given to you by someone who themselves was forced into the sexual slavery of shame and that was given to them by someone before them and on and on and on back it goes on the ancestral lineage and the past life lineage on the energetic lineage and there are levels to this feeling beyond what you can even understand right now dear one and that is all right and it is all light you are worthy simply because you are a child of God you are a creature of the earth you are physical and you are divine you are metaphysical and you are cherished say to yourself I am cherished I am cherished I am cherished how does that feel you may have some strong emotions coming through you perhaps even tears of release relief joy you may have scenes from your past flooding into awareness just let it all flow dear one you are not that you never were you are love and light divine your body is a sacred temple when you can say this to yourself or loud my body is a sacred temple and I share my temple with those who treat me with reverence kindness and compassion know that this is so name it and claim it when I evolved or transitioned my lifestyle from being used and treated as less than garbage to being the sacred consort for an ascended master embodied into the form whose very name evokes and invokes healing from millions and millions and millions and my beautiful Yeshuas light touches not just this earth for uses Starchild and so are you and as he said as I have done so to you shall do know that this is so know that you are holy and you are good and you are loved embodied and say to yourself were allowed allowing it I am love embodied I am love embodied feel this in every cell feel it in your toes feel it in your fingers feel it in your hair feel it in your bones in your blood in your breath I am love embodied and with this knowingness imbued into and radiating from every part of who you ever have been of who you are and who you ever shall be give yourself a caress right now and feel my love and feel the love of Yeshua and feel the love of God Goddess and whatever forms are perfect for you to attune with right now for you are all of this and more and when you are ready open your eyes and smile so beautiful well thank you very much sage for your part in channeling through Mary Magdalen it brought up tears for me hearing this because I feel so connected and so grateful for having this type of information available sages is a lot more advanced than I am and that probably most of us are when it comes to this sacred connection I see her poetry is coming out multiple poems one after another in this just huge amount of you know information that flows through her but I just want all of us who are listening to this to realize that we're all connected we're all connected very deeply to so many possibilities so many realities so much information and it's extremely complex we won't get into this here but I just want everyone to realize that that you should be listening to your heart listening to your intuitions and set intentions and live your life as if you also are sacred because we all are so thank you very much for being with us I wanna give a special thank you also to Mary Magdalene for coming through so beautifully with words of love that are more than words and to Yeshua and also to my beautiful beloved Steve Gibbs for being my divine compliment sacred partner and I want to give thanks to all of you for listening to your highest self and that voice of love that guided you and I like to say God did you connected you with your God self to be here today and to give yourself this space and this Grace to receive these teachings that really are gentle and powerful reminders and rehearters of that which we all already knew before we were born but somehow forgot quite a bit of it and that's what we're here to do is to remember the love we are and to help one another to remember that as well and to be the love we are so thank you for that and thank you for spending some time with us today ah please join us over at our Facebook community if you haven't already which is sexy and secret community ah we'd also love to hear from you so the way to do that is you can leave comments on our Facebook group you can also leave comments if you're catching this on YouTube we have a Gmail sexy and sacred show at Gmail com you can draw us a notice there as well and we look forward to sharing more with you Steve do you wanna tell us about the next show yes thank you for being with us again and join us next time this will be our third show The Magic of sex and Sex Magic that is going to be very yummy indeed

The 3 Elements of Sacred Partnership
Entering a Divine Relationship
Advice for Singles Dating and for Couples on Creating Love at this Level
The Super-Cute Exact Message Steve Sent Sage that Made Her Rise in Love with Him Instantly :)
When You're with the Right Person for You ...
If You're on a Rapid Spiritual Path of Evolution ...
A Very Personal Sharing: The Sacred Union Vision and Divine Assignment (How This Podcast Came to Be)
A Channeled LOVE ACTIVATION from Mary Magdalene—Uplevel Your Love Vibration with this Beautiful Healing! (also includes channeling of Love Affirmations)
"Live Your Life As If You Are Sacred" Message from Steve
Next Show: Sex Magic Tips that Will Astound You!