The Sexy and Sacred Show! With Sage and Steve

Sex Magic and the Magic of Sex

February 21, 2024 Sage Taylor Kingsley and Steve Gibbs Season 1 Episode 3
Sex Magic and the Magic of Sex
The Sexy and Sacred Show! With Sage and Steve
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The Sexy and Sacred Show! With Sage and Steve
Sex Magic and the Magic of Sex
Feb 21, 2024 Season 1 Episode 3
Sage Taylor Kingsley and Steve Gibbs

Welcome to Show 3! In this episode, you will discover:

*Phenomenal benefits of a healthy, active sex life: sociologically, chemically, physiologically, energetically, emotionally and more
*How many orgasms per year will add how many years to your life? (the answer may surprise you!)
* What the chakras are and how the 2nd chakra governs not only sexuality but creativity, playfulness, humor, and aliveness
*14 Juicy Embodied Aliveness Affirmations for Your Sexual and Creative Self
* The definitions of MAGIC and SEX MAGIC and how to use them to manifest the love and the life you desire
[See chapter markers below for timestamp deets!]

Let's dive in to how to tap into the creative life force energy of sex to create more magic in your life!

The Sexy and Sacred Show! is the world's premier podcast where awakening women and men can deepen awareness of spirituality, sexuality, and sensuality to create a more passionate, joyous life of love. 

Stream and download all the Sexy & Sacred shows at: 

Please remember to download the show so you can listen to it as often as you like on your device.... Share the link and the love! Thank you! 

The Sexy and Sacred Show is for SINGLES, COUPLES and everyone in between who desires to attract and create lasting soulmate love in a deeply connected love relationship that is passionate and compassionate and that supports your path of spiritual awakening. 

Leave us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts and you'll automatically be entered into a drawing to win a $20 Amazon gift card, a love meditation MP3, or other delicious gifts from us! 

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On the path of conscious loving? You are warmly welcome to join our free Facebook group about spiritual relationships, heart-centered soulful intimacy, and creating higher love. JOIN THE FREE SEXY & SACRED FACEBOOK GROUP~Come connect with us! (not a matchmaking site but it could happen) See link below.

Copyright 2024 Sage Taylor Kingsley and Steve Gibbs 

Be sure to FOLLOW for notifications for new shows! 

Bright Blessings and Blissings to You! xoxo Sage & Steve



Sage and Steve's Dating Journey (You name it, we've been there, done that!)




Sacred Sex Is--Mystic Poem by Sage




THE MAGIC OF SEX: 21 Benefits of an Active Sex Life!




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"Sexy and Sacred Community" (not a matchmaking site)


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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Welcome to Show 3! In this episode, you will discover:

*Phenomenal benefits of a healthy, active sex life: sociologically, chemically, physiologically, energetically, emotionally and more
*How many orgasms per year will add how many years to your life? (the answer may surprise you!)
* What the chakras are and how the 2nd chakra governs not only sexuality but creativity, playfulness, humor, and aliveness
*14 Juicy Embodied Aliveness Affirmations for Your Sexual and Creative Self
* The definitions of MAGIC and SEX MAGIC and how to use them to manifest the love and the life you desire
[See chapter markers below for timestamp deets!]

Let's dive in to how to tap into the creative life force energy of sex to create more magic in your life!

The Sexy and Sacred Show! is the world's premier podcast where awakening women and men can deepen awareness of spirituality, sexuality, and sensuality to create a more passionate, joyous life of love. 

Stream and download all the Sexy & Sacred shows at: 

Please remember to download the show so you can listen to it as often as you like on your device.... Share the link and the love! Thank you! 

The Sexy and Sacred Show is for SINGLES, COUPLES and everyone in between who desires to attract and create lasting soulmate love in a deeply connected love relationship that is passionate and compassionate and that supports your path of spiritual awakening. 

Leave us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts and you'll automatically be entered into a drawing to win a $20 Amazon gift card, a love meditation MP3, or other delicious gifts from us! 

Email to let us know you reviewed so we can enter you in the drawing: 

Thank you so much! 

On the path of conscious loving? You are warmly welcome to join our free Facebook group about spiritual relationships, heart-centered soulful intimacy, and creating higher love. JOIN THE FREE SEXY & SACRED FACEBOOK GROUP~Come connect with us! (not a matchmaking site but it could happen) See link below.

Copyright 2024 Sage Taylor Kingsley and Steve Gibbs 

Be sure to FOLLOW for notifications for new shows! 

Bright Blessings and Blissings to You! xoxo Sage & Steve



Sage and Steve's Dating Journey (You name it, we've been there, done that!)




Sacred Sex Is--Mystic Poem by Sage




THE MAGIC OF SEX: 21 Benefits of an Active Sex Life!




Support the Show.


"Sexy and Sacred Community" (not a matchmaking site)


welcome to the sexy and Sacred Show with Sage and Steve where sexuality sensuality and spirituality meet to help you create a blissful relationship that enhances your spiritual path and raises your love vibration for personal and planetary transformation welcome to the premiere episode of the sexy and Sacred Show I'm Steve Gibbs and I'm Sage Taylor Kingsley we're very excited to be sharing with you tips tools and teachings designed to help you create your best relationship ever and to live a more heartful spiritual life full of more love and more pleasure and more joy so who is this program for this is for you if you're single partnered or anywhere in between especially if you want to experience your intimate relationship as a pathway to spiritual awakening and personal growth as well as dial up your sex life to a level 10 yeah beyond level 10 that's true we're like I don't know we can't count that high and I just want to add that neither of us are spring chickens or Steve likes to say this isn't our first Rodeo so we're not here to just brag about like oh how lucky we are and how often and how well we're getting laid you know there's plenty of people doing that kind out there these days but you might hear some juicy details about that um but the point is we didn't just look into love at this level manifesting love like this requires a certain degree of work inner healing alignment discernment communication and much much more really sexual is not the opposite of spiritual by the way what if you could have a relationship and a life where you joyfully experience pleasure and enlightenment this is sexy and sacred and this is what this show is all about exactly so we're gonna be talking about sex you guys we're gonna be talking about spirituality we might use some F bombs we make it really graphic yum if you're super prudish maybe this isn't the show for you or I don't know maybe maybe they really and we're gonna be talking about love attraction manifestation and woman of festation and how you can really honor and express and celebrate masculine feminine energy in yourself and and your partner we're gonna be talking about Divine Union and soulmates and twin Flames and all of that good stuff chakras meditation tantra sex magic and really how you can open your heart so you can live as love that you truly are and that you came here to be I guess ultimately you could say we're here to be sharing with you about conscious dating mating and relating I'm a little bit of a poet and I know it so I like to rhyme a lot that's understate um yeah I write a lot of erotic as well as mystic poetry well I'll share some with you um but I like to think of a conscious sacred relationship as really an elation ship which means that it's a vessel for incredible bliss unhappiness and ecstasy so welcome to your relationship you guys this is what you're here for amen that this lady next to me here her wisdom and her ability to create massive amounts of poetry massive amounts of love and joy that flow through her just had to be shared with the world thank you so I wanna jump in here you guys cause I want to introduce you to one of the most wonderful men on the planet it's also pretty he's also pretty humble so I'm gonna have the opportunity to read about Steve my life partner and the sexy and sacred show co host Steve Gibbs Yay thank you oh my god and Steve is such an embodiment of healthy masculinity he's incredibly hard centered creative and compassionate and a really compassionate and and passionate being and I get to be the beneficiary of some of that fashion but you know so what else about Steve's background might be hopeful for you know he is an award winning master photographer he's a sound healer a drummer a drum maker a drum teacher I don't know about you but I love a man with good rhythm don't you ladies this man has rhythm you know I'm saying haha and the man's hands too um he can do anything I mean anything with his hands I think of him as a sexy Macgyver if you remember the TV show so we're kind of dating ourselves here that we know Macgyver and Steve is trained he's got a lot of you know different trainings you know silver method science of mind energy field massage Reiki money Reiki and one of the things I love is that he's attended the Human Awareness Institute workshops on sexuality and intimacy since it was it like 1999 1999 yeah that's that has grown more than a couple weeks ago you guys um he's also been a really active practitioner of law of attraction as I have and particularly the teachings of Abraham Hicks and he used those methods to manifest me and I used my own methods to manifest him so Steve I just want to thank you for all the healing that you facilitated for so many women I know you're going to share a little bit more with us about that and I want to thank you for all the beauty that you create in the world and in my life thank you thank you very much boy what am I supposed to say here I tell you it makes me cry just share your car he's crying you guys for so strong for me hearing your say that the first thing that I come to is like oh but I haven't done that much blah blah blah but yet when we get talking and sharing there is deep wisdom that comes out of me that kind of is surprising to me I know some of this is a lot of it comes beyond me this is my higher self for me it's a minor thing for Sage it's way beyond where I'm at I'm just completely minor off you live it you just embody it and much more like inherent way you know like you you live spirituality and like everything that you do you just might not be like as like verbal or like extroverted about it as me but it's very real for you that's that's just one point that out oh oh oh that good good for you I want to introduce to you the love of my life Sage Taylor Kingsley to say that Sage is an embodiment of the goddess of love may sound like an exaggeration but you'll see why I say that Sage has been teaching healing coaching creating courses leading retreats about spirituality self love intuitive development conscious relationships to tens of thousands of people since 1994 she co created a sexy board game for couples that Playboy called the best romantic board game ever made and I've seen it it's pretty amazing I still can't believe she actually did that it's like a four play game Whoo she was voted No. 1 Law of attraction teacher worldwide by people in 18 countries and she's also a clinical hypnotherapist ordained interfaith minister Reiki master and teacher and money Reiki Grandmaster Sage experienced a shamonic initiation in 1994 with three near death experiences that blasted open her third eye and inner ear and serves as a channel of Archangel Michael and the Divine Mother she's also a best selling author professional book editor and mystic poet and erotic poet well in erotic everything but lucky us we're going to hear some of her sexy poems here as well thank you Steve you help inspire a lot of these sexy poems so we gotta give some partial credit to you um I was looking through literally hundreds of poems I've received over 12 I think poems in the last like three years and this is the one that jumped out as perfect to share with all of you so here comes a poem and what I want to invite you all to do is if you can maybe even like pause and give yourself the opportunity to really receive this as not just words but as an energetic and vibrational alignment this is going to help reset your mindset and really open your mind and your heart and attune your energy to the energy of higher love and sacred partnership here is a poem called The Divine Union the sacred masculine holds the feminine provides preserves protects uses his strength and might for good for god for partnership purpose and planet he is her son the sacred feminine inspires the masculine feels reveals heals uses her sensual power for good for goddess for creation relation and elation she is his moon if you have done and are willing to keep doing the inner work and if the gods and goddesses of love smile brightly upon you you may find a love like this perhaps once in a lifetime and when you do part of you will feel terrified the remedy to fear is to love more love harder love softer love deeper love wider the medicine to your feelings of unworthiness is to let yourself receive holy adoration from your beloved for she or he is the embodiment of God Goddess the divine union is the greatest accelerator for your soul's evolution for your heart's expansion for your earthly enrichment for your mind's empowerment there is no room here for hiding or hesitation or halfway there is only desire and delight discovery and devotion wow we invite you to take a moment to really breathe that in really feel this level of love is not only possible for you it's already here it's what you attract because it's who you are together thank you for allowing us to share that with you so you might be wondering about our love story a little bit I know I always love to hear a good love story especially true love story that's better than Hollywood could ever come up with and you might be wondering like why does the world need another podcast on love sex and relationship so and this first episode we really want to give you a good broad picture of what this is about Steve and I are committed to living and to serving as an example of hot monogamy and this is the thing is commitment and being with one person in exclusivity is not a prison it's not limiting you it's actually enabling you to go deeper and higher and no offense to the people who are in the polyamorous community that's fine you know teach their own but for us we believe that monogamy and exclusivity and really committing and being devoted to one person allows you to go deeper and higher rather than just wider if that makes sense and this is true at any age in any stage relationship so we're in our 50s late 50s and sixties and so this is not gonna be the same podcast that you would experience for the same wisdom from someone in their 20s or 30s so we are wanting to really inspire you and show you that you can have passion no matter what age you're at no matter how many experiences you've had or what they have been like so we're here to really present to you sacred partnership conscious loving and living how relationship and how life can be experienced more more mindfully more heartfully more gratefully and I know that Steve wants to really bring and I do too but he's like a super super strong advocate for this entire experience and all that we do together individually and collectively and here with all of you across time and space because there are no limitations of time and space right that we are here to raise the love vibration of the planet and that's done it starts with you it starts within you it starts in your home and in your relationships um whether that's your your marriage your friendships your family relationships and from there it it radiates outward like concentric circles and spheres of ever expanding love and light and truth and beauty and bliss and that is what we're here about so we are a community of love and for that's one reason that we also created a Facebook group recently by the way those of you who are Facebook e haha I'm pretty Facebook e still is moderately Facebook I'm pretty Facebook e so you guys might know um and it's called sexy and sacred community so that's a place where you can also connect with us and with other people on this path of sacred partnership so I'd like to take a moment to share with you my side so to speak of our amazing true love story I know that throughout my life whether I've been partnered or single I'm kind of a romantic I think you are too Steve and I'm someone to whom love matters and I the my first poem I wrote was 9 years old and my first song was about love when I was also 9 years old so I'm kind of a love focused person and Steve is gonna share his side of the story too and I am really really grateful for all the relationships that I've had for everything that I've Learned from various partners and my sexuality and my romantic life started kind of in my mid teens and um I had a marriage in my 20s I'm still friends with that ex husband as well very cool guy uh but we you know grew a part of the reasons that that it completed um and then when I was going through kind of an experimental stage I've been with women as well as men I've been I've had group sex I've was once with a man who is twice my age I was 28 he was 56 the time 56 seemed really old it doesn't seem old now haha but I was open to just exploring my sexuality in all sorts of ways and then at some point I had the spiritual awakening that Steve mentioned in the Mexican desert with an unexpected shamonic initiation complete with three near death experiences and miracles and an angel encounter and that itself would be the subject of you know several podcasts so just mention it now and then at that about the same time um I realized that I had a very clear consistent direct connection to source God spirit whatever word you wanna use there and the first thing I asked once I realized hey somebody's actually listening actually cares and I can hear to some degrees some answers here the first thing I asked was how can I find my soulmate and 400 pages came out 400 pages came out it took about three weeks and I was like non stop writing writing writing writing and the first of the words that I wrote were the four steps to manifest higher love and then there were four steps listed if you're curious what those four steps are that I've successfully used not once but twice to manifest an incredible soulmate into my life I will be happy to share this with you in a later show um and that first time that I applied that I manifested a partner who became my husband of 23 years and we're still really really good friends and the father of my two children and he was absolutely a soul mate and a mind mate and a heart mate but not really a body mate so be careful what you ask for because the universe will bring it to you right I was asking for a soulmate but I forgot to mention the body mate part so we parted ways we with conscious uncoupling and I'm grateful for everything that we experienced but what happened as a result of sexual incompatibility is that my sexual self and this is the woman who had created the passion play game this is the woman who had a lot of passion and and sex sexual explorations for in my 20s and 30s I basically my sexual self in that marriage went into a coma and she almost died and it was really a stage of grief where I felt less alive I felt less juicy I felt less feminine and I was even crying on the phone to one of my girlfriends that I felt like that sexual self was dead and she said Sage honey she's not dead when you find the right partner she can come back to life and maybe you can help her come back to life on your own as well which I did with tontric exercises that I'm gonna be sharing with you about how to heal your Yoni that's the soundscrew word for Volvo by the way more on that later but reach this point where I went into a deep grief about having lost a very important part of me my sexual self which is not only about my sexuality but also creativity playfulness aliveness juiciness all of that felt very quiet and far away so I made an intentional choice to revitalize that part of me and um and there literally came a day where I was like okay I'm ready for a hot new lover I wasn't sure at that point because it was about two years after going through divorce from my recent husband I wasn't sure if I really was ready for a long term partnership or if I wanted kind of an interim relationship that was really more about sexual healing and revival so I just sort of left that up to the universe but I called this man into my orbit who was a sexual reawakener was not Steve was owned before Steve but he wasn't someone that I could really be with compatibility wise for the long term and there were significant things missing in that relationship before my heart especially and there were some avoidant behaviors and didn't share the same concepts of long term vision for relationship or nor will be on a similar spiritual path at wavelength so that relationship ran its course and I had broken up with that I don't even like that phrase you know Bree I'd completed the arc of relationship with that particular partner and I was going through some sadness processing that right I was actually in on a family trip with my ex husband who is still my good friend and Mike and our kids I was literally saying to my ex who is a friend of mine can hold space for this kind of stuff I said you know it's weird but I feel like I should reactivate my online profile which is very bizarre because like I'm literally fresh from this breakup and usually people need time you know to process that but I just get this really strong intuitive feeling that there was like an incredible exactly right for me exactly right for who I am now man like in my aura or something you know like kind of like there's a destiny going on here I'm I'm supposed to reactivate my profile because it has to do with divine timing and just as I was saying that to him I looked out the window and there was a huge billboard that literally said find your perfect match get the app and the thing that was incredible is that it wasn't an ad it was not an ad for any kind of dating app it was actually an ad for a real estate company that helps you find your perfect home and had like a picture of a house but the words were clearly in my mind and soul God speaking to me I was just saying I feel like this crazy thing if I should reactivate my profile in and move quickly to because the next person this wonderful amazing man's waiting for me and just then talk about a sign from the universe it's like God hit me over the head or over the car haha with this billboard it was amazing so my ex husband and I cracked up laughing or like oh my god talk about a sign so I reactivated my profile and very soon after I manifested Steve and we both knew who we were to each other literally even before we met and we'll talk about that part in just a minute but I wanted to give Steve a chance to share what it was like for him his relationship journey and how you know he called me and what that was like hearing you talk about your path and the long road and so much time with a really truly wonderful partner who was not physically your match that's like I understand to be with someone that you feel so many amazing things about and it's really high quality wonderful person I have a lot of respect for him he's a good man so to have you who had such incredibly high energy sexually um not have that and have to put that down and put everything into your relationship and your your kids and making money and so much that you had to do I have to take my hat off to you cause that's that's a big accomplishment number one but it makes me feel sad knowing that there was so much of that that was left unfulfilled yet you put it on the back burner and to be able to make it a priority before even having a partner consciously made decisions and physically took action and started doing things to open yourself up realizing exactly what you needed to do you went from being someone that was just shut down physically sexually to someone who was so open with that to become multi orgasmic and you know just complete exact opposite and to do that by yourself that says a lot about how much self love you have for yourself yeah thank you um thank you yeah and it really does say something about your knowing that your health required that as well not just having fun the spiritual person that you are the woman that that you are in all these other ways that was just something missing and you filled it in on your own which is amazing to me so uh for me today I'm in the best relationship I've ever been in and and I will say just to qualify especially in case any of my exes happen to hear any of this believe me I have been really fortunate I have had some amazing women in my life I've had some great sex in my life I've had a lot of fun I've had wonderful friendships but I've made some mistakes I have made some serious mistakes that I really feel bad that I didn't figured out earlier but the beauty of all this is both sage and I went through a lot of things where we had to learn what wouldn't work for us it's like Abraham talks about step 1 moments well those relationships were all step 1 moments which just basically means how we're learning our lessons to learn what we want from our life and learn to get everything in in alignment to become the people we wanna be and to have the relationships that we want to have in the future so it defined who we were what was missing what we wanted in relationships and we were both very clear we we definitely were both very clear on many things about our relationship and you know they say be careful about what you ask for for me I know many times I can look back in relationships and say boy I really wanted really good sex in this relationship and that was what I was focusing on because it was what was missing before that I mean I had some incredible sex but there were other things missing that I did not focus on I got a lot of what I asked for but at the same time I did not fully realize with like the law of attraction that I was attracting exactly what I wanted I was not being clear on enough things to make it happen in the way that it should have I mean you have you have to be clear about what you want in your life and in your heart I'm thinking back was really important to me and to us on our first date this is something really incredible to me we chatted back and forth and it was a pretty good period of time before we actually met Sage had been traveling I have a cat and it's probably not ideal for her but you know yeah I think it's worth there something that I feel really strongly about her seeing her picture that it brought out something very deep in me I was not trying to put too much into it I was just figured yeah it's probably not gonna happen but deep down I knew there was something there I my soul and my spirit felt something there was something very strong there when we finally talked on the phone we both agreed that we were checking off boxes in our literally we were talking about I'm putting a check Mark up here check that off cause I wanted that in a relationship we're both saying the same same thing basically we're both feeling like it's just amazing how many things we had in common things that we didn't really think we wanted or asked for didn't know to ask we didn't know to ask for we're showing up it's like how in the hell are we getting this many things that we like in common that are really important to us and even things that were pretty subtle we kept coming up yep we like this we like this we like this we like this it's just this the same thing it's like this the fact that we're both drummers the fact that we're both trackies we're both love Star Trek like we wouldn't even like ask for that necessarily but we knew to ask for what was truly our best relationship and then we had to listen to our intuition and have the courage to go for it and trust that you know so yeah yeah exactly love long and prosper I'm holding up the fingers the fingers yes so on our first date when we finally got around yeah let's get to that to meeting oh and by the way we made a comment said you know if we meet in person and it's anything like what we're feeling here I think we just found the person we're gonna spend the rest of our lives together I don't think we were dating anybody before we even it's literally the day before we met we were messaging that to each other yeah yeah I really said something about a smile being surgically removed from your face remember that yeah I said if if that's the case I think they're gonna have to surgically remove the smile from my face and I'm very that was literally the day before we met and I was at a music festival with two of my closest girlfriends that I've known for 30 years and I was showing them the messages that we were messaging to each other and showing them your photography website and just sharing so much about our conversations and one of my best friends literally just sort of like pushed my shoulder and her like kind of like in shock like like what you know she just like push my shoulder and she was like sage you just found your person I was like I know I know right I'm not overreacting here right like this is my person she's like yeah he's totally your person this was literally the day before we met so but then you wanna talk about our first date right yeah cause it was like I was still reliving that that first date like I will relive that I know it brings tears to my eyes thinking about it still yeah so on our first date we met in front of a restaurant actually turned out to be a closed restaurant we were up on the stairs and one of the things we done is we took a walk and we got to this restaurant we went up to the top of the stairs in this restaurant and Sage had said well I brought some poetry with me I stood in front of her in the stairs a little bit lower than she was and I asked if I could put my hand on her heart I I thought I died and went to heaven I swear I thought I was like what first let me say to like you woke up that morning with the thought it's like spirit had whispered in your ear and if it's in a dream or you just woke up with the thought of you reading to me love poetry that I had written because and this is what he said you guys he said I want to be the one to stand behind you or sit behind you and read words of love that you've shared with others but no one has ever shared them with you you've never had the opportunity to receive these words of love this was this was before our first date you were given that and I was like this is astounding and then you did that you you read the poem which I'll share with you guys on the podcast in another episode what poem that was cause I know exactly what poem it was and then that's when you said may I place my hand over your heart and just gaze into your eyes and that's when I thought oh my God he already knows this kind of tantric spiritual deep like I'm I'm just in heaven he already like on the first date he was going to this place of depth that no one had ever been capable of a willing to go that far that deep with me let alone that fast he was like already at this advanced level and anyway I'll let you finish the rest of us yeah that was truly amazing um and it brought me to tears it literally I stood there looking into her eyes and the thought that went through my mind is I think this is it I just felt like yeah I can I can do this it's almost like looking in the mirror when I'm feeling particularly good about myself and just smiling I'm looking into her eyes and it's like I've done that 1,000 times before a million times before felt like completely like home strong sense of familiarity so we were completely comfortable with each other I had a tear that came down my face and Sage leaned over to me and kissed the tear stretch my face right yeah the drum right side of my cheek it was a single tear and she kissed that and looked up at me loving when it was just beautiful beautiful what I said as I kissed the tear oh you are apologizing to your like I'm sorry I'm crying I've just never felt this way about anyone before and I'm just astounded I'm in awe I'm just I'm sorry and I said you don't ever have to apologize for your feelings please have all your feelings that I love that you have your emotions and then the tear came down your eye and then I said let us always remember that this was our first kiss me kissing this tear of our joy that was our first kiss was that kiss of joy and astonished all rolling down your face yeah it's gonna make us both cry just think so so happy here thanks for listening to our mushy crap the reality is we're sharing this not to brag about it but just to say this is what's possible we both Learned huge amounts earlier on had a lot of hard lessons did a lot of good work had some wonderful relationships that LED us to the growth in and knowing what we really want to do with our lives as well we we Learned within a short period of time that we both wanted to share and grow and do workshops with each other there were so many different things that we really felt strongly about that's really good point about when sacred partners are united or reunited that often it accelerates personal growth and the sense of purpose you know living our mission because God or the universe whatever words you wanna use for that you know it's bringing us together for a holy purpose or something that's greater than the two of us put together there's this energy we're gonna talk more about that in some future shows about how your sacred partner can help you fulfill your purpose and the teamwork that happens with that and how you inspire each other and it's really really beautiful but you've had Steve you've had like a lot of relationships where you were like the healer right where you have played this role for women as as a conscious compassionate man yep tell us a little bit more about that thank you actually when I was working with a woman who was very psychic she was someone who did healing work for me it was absolutely incredible I remember one of the sessions I had brought in an instrument that I made a drum that I made and she saw this and she says you know this is tuned to the heart chakra and she commented she says she says I see how you are and I normally don't share things I've Learned not to share things about past lives unless it's something that's stopping or blocking someone from moving forward so her comment to me was she saw that I had been a shaman in a past life but I abused my powers I had done something there that was traumatic to other people and in this life I have shunted myself made myself wrong at times but primarily I was not allowing myself to shine I I would did not play music in front of people I couldn't speak in front of people I couldn't speak on the radio kind of like a playing small yeah I think very small and and and anything when my anything ego came up I just always pushed it down to oh no I just you know no big deal whatever that sort of thing and I got involved in working with shaman and doing other healing work and working with other people that were healers so I helped other people but a lot of what LED up to that before I started doing more of that was the fact that I'd been married to a woman who had been severely abused stuff that's so horrible you can hardly believe it ever happened can't even believe that humans can do that to other humans exactly it doesn't even seem it seemed she her mind had completely blocked it out but in any case so I had a lot of practice helping her when in some of her healing primarily just for holding space for her and believing her that was one of the main things and you know we'd be making love and she go out of her body you are helping her to literally her stay in her body yeah until safe to be in a body as a woman and to be safe to be touched by a man yeah too exactly and she was she was someone that I love very dearly we had a lot of love but when it came down to what was going on with that it was something that I Learned by necessity to be compassionate and to keep my sexual needs I would realize when there was a little shift that happened and I'd ask hey are you here she literally go out of her body and so that I I would shift into this caregiver mode and a sister with that we were able to get through a lot of that it took a long long time took many years I'd been in that helping women more than once so I believe through my past life my abusive power I believe in this lifetime I spent more than one a few relationships being with women that had issues I mean rape and you know some severe issues were not having healthy sex orgasms were kind of or even just receiving pleasure even receiving pleasure yeah pretty blocked off and but it it showed me that I really was a not only sensitive person and compassionate person but I Learned empathy I Learned that I had a deep empathy because I could feel the feeling that they were having so I have I've had that as something that I have done in my life over many many many many many years where I felt empathic I could feel when my partner had an upset stomach for example or you know just all kinds of things would come out so that's a blessing and a curse but that is something that has assisted me to be become the man I I am and I'm very fortunate that I have a partner now that I don't have to practice all kinds of the skills I've had in the past but they have served me into now I appreciate her way more deeply than probably anybody else ever had or or ever will be that I I feel less gratitude that's just unbelievably deep thank you and I wanna thank you again too for being the kind of man with whom women probably all the women who've been partners to you and and even friends and family members you know a lot of women in your life that I think a lot of the awakening men a lot of the heart centered kind hearted men um they find themselves in in roles like that serving as a healer or they might even sometimes have situations where women are so wounded that they're projecting that and that they're you know thinking that it's present when it's not and we're gonna get more into those sorts of dynamics and and how you can heal you know different patterns as as a man and as a woman in relationships and I think I've had relationships too not not exactly the same thing but similar in this sense where I felt like I was the healer or I was the teacher I was always the one kind of like a step or 10 steps ahead of them the one who had to be the rock the one who had to be holding space and I wasn't allowed to fall apart or have any weakness or be vulnerable because I was busy holding them together you know kind of trying to show our love on them but the fact is no one can heal us but ourselves we can have a great partner who holds that space who provides that safe trust environment but we also have to do the work ourselves and and no matter how much someone else loves us just showering love when someone can't can't heal them if they don't love themselves if they aren't able to allow themselves to receive love it won't really reach that level so I think both you and I as light workers as healers as awakened but awakening you know souls got to a certain point of evolution where we kind of chose consciously and subconsciously like I don't want to serve as the role of the healer anymore I don't want to be attracting sort of wounded puppies you know who are sweet people and we can see good in everyone but I want to be with a partner who's kind of on my level who's done a lot of the work and who's capable of joyously giving and receiving love at a level that that I'm able to give and receive love at and I have you here now not only a soul mate but a body and mind and heart mate and we want to just really convey this not not just as a couple who's living it and loving it but to help show some of you guys on on the path like if we can make your path a little easier a little smoother you know um because we sometimes learn things the hard way and you know we're later in life it took us this long get to this level of connection and compassion and consciousness yes uh but you don't have to wait till your 50s or 60s or you know could be at any age really but it's about the level of healing and development and intention and your energy and your alignment and these things are so essential it's not just like oh I'm gonna manifest my mate you know there's so much more to it than that and I just wanna give a thanks and a shout out again to all of all of you who are on this path who are looking at love and looking at your lives and saying I deserve less I deserve peace I deserve harmony it's not too much to ask that you have harmony and compassion and really being with someone who sees you and hears you and cherishes you and respects you and really adores you you can absolutely have that and they're not gonna be a perfect human being because none of us are even though we're all perfectly lovable we're perfectly imperfect and imperfectly perfect hahaha but someone who is a right match for you instead of triggering each other you actually bring out the best in each other you elevate and enhance each other and this is sacred partnership and it is real and it is yours for the having if you and when you do what you need to do and you just really become all of who you really are and shine that beautiful light that you are in the world and that's one of the things I love so much about co creating with you Steve and with all of our community your that were really developing now which is so wonderful is that we are committed with all of you collectively in raising the level of love and compassion and the vibration on the whole planet that helps us bring together this intention and this energy as the love that we are so that we can really live as compassion driven human beings with open hearts and you know paying attention to the energy and the intention is so important and I know that brings us back to love attraction which we're gonna be talking about as well as a lot of the other spiritual laws that people don't talk about very much but Steve one of the things that really drew me when I read your profile is that you specifically said in there that you wanted a partner who actively practices love attraction and I was like oh pick me you know that's like hello you know I think a lot of times people think they're gonna be happy when they're in a better relationship or when the relationship improves or when they find their right soulmate or when they fill in the blank and we can choose to feel that joy and do a quite a lot toward raising our vibration now and thank you so much everyone for being with us today this evening and spending this time with us on the sexy and sacred show and please come connect with us more at our growing Facebook community your sexy and Sacred Community on Facebook and by the way thank you to everyone too for leaving us reviews what we're gonna be doing is especially during our launch period but even after that periodically intuitively selecting people who wrote from their own heart you know any kind of like beautiful glowing five story view whatever you wanna say from your heart we're gonna be picking people and just giving you an Amazon 20 dollar gift card thank you for the opportunity to share some abundance with you um in a way of thanking you for thanking us and it's just this positive spiral that just kind of keeps going more love and gratitude and our next shows we're gonna be getting even juicier we're gonna be diving next time into sex magic and the magic of sex and that might not be exactly what you think it is because no cauldrons or potions are required we're also going to be exploring how to magnetize and nurture higher love and we're going to be discussing some myths and truths about soulmates Sage and I are sending love vibes across time and space right here right now ah you get to receive beautiful energy of love in all the ways that you need to breathe that in and often in our shows we're gonna have a hot tip or an experiential exercise or hot experiential exercise hahaha so this is for everybody for singles for couples and don't just think about it take a moment to actually do it do it in your own way and today's hot tip is to do conscious love breathing throughout the day in the morning and the evening can start your day with a few conscious breaths of love gratitude if you like you can place your hand over your heart you can place your hand over your beloved's heart to or if your beloved isn't here yet or is in another room or sleeping still or whatever you can work with your highest self wow more about that coming soon so breathe that love into your heart beam it out radiate love and gratitude of really turn your breath into a portal for love and gratitude so let's do a little bit more of this love breathing together go ahead and breathe love in and breathe gratitude out and breathe joy in and breathe compassion out and smile give yourself a hug knowing all is well and remember love is who you are thanks for being part of our growing community at the sexy and Sacred Joe please share the love subscribe leave us a 5 star review and catch us next time at your favorite podcast platform until then remember you are sexy and you are sacred

Sage and Steve's Dating Journey (You name it, we've been there, done that!)
Sacred Sex Is--Mystic Poem by Sage
THE MAGIC OF SEX: 21 Benefits of an Active Sex Life!
Treating Your Body as a Sacred Temple=Discernment
The Chakra Energy Centers
A Vibrant 2nd Chakra Is the Key to a Blissful, Ecstatic, Creative Life
How Many Orgasms/Year = How Many More Years to Your Life??!
The BS = Beliefs to Shift about Sexuality and Intimacy
The Red, Yellow, Green Light KINK System
15 AFFIRMATIONS for Embodied Aliveness and Healthy Sexuality
From Sexually Comatose to Endless Multiple Orgasms and Squirting
Definitions of Magic and Sex Magic
Is Tantra Eastern Sex Magic?