The Beautiful and Banned

S1, E10: Sold by Patricia McCormick

Christine Renee Miller and Jessica Goudeau

Jessica tells Christine about Sold by Patricia McCormick, a 2006 National Book Award finalist about a young girl who was sex trafficked from Nepal to India. The book, which is told through a series of lyrical vignettes, is beautifully written, and builds empathy in its young readers for children who are forced into difficult situations. And yet, according to the American Library Association, it is currently one of the top ten banned books in the country--and you'll never believe the reason why.

BONUS: Next week, with episode 11, we're excited to launch the Banned Geeks Book Club! Every few episodes, we'll feature the author of a banned book talking about another banned book which has influenced them. Full episodes are available exclusively for Patreon subscribers (but you can hear a teaser first, and then sign up to listen to the rest!). Next week, Patricia McCormick joins us to discussThis Boy’s Life by Tobias Wolff, a banned book which has influenced her; the conversation was so  meaningful to us and we're excited to share it with you!

If you haven’t yet become a Patreon subscriber, you can join now for just $3 a month. In addition to joining the Banned Geeks Book Club, your $3 helps us stay the course by highlighting banned works and bringing you these conversations each week. Thank you for your support! The success of this podcast depends on you

"The Beautiful and Banned" is produced by Jessica Goudeau and Christine Renee Miller. Follow us on social media: @beautifulandbannedpod, @christinereneemiller, and @jessica_goudeau.

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Our co-producer, Rob Heath, wrote and performed our theme music. Kalin Siegwald designed our logo. Jackson Rodriguez is our amazing podcast assistant. This is A Sisters By Different Misters Production.

Tune in next week for our discussion with special guest, Patricia McCormick, about This Boy's Life by Tobias Wolff!

Episode 10 links: 

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